#' interfaceplot
#' Creates an interface plot of a modular model using
#' \code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}} and returns the interface information.
#' What modules (=nodes), links (=edges) and items (=what is passed along the
#' edges) are taken into account when creating the plot can be fine-tuned with
#' the "_include", "_exclude" arguments.
#' The "default"- and "highlight_groups" arguments control the formatting (and
#' also the composition through "highlight_group$edges_to_ignore"). Groups in
#' qqgraph are a way of clustering nodes together. The default formatting of the
#' plot is defined with the "default_groups" argument. On top of that additional
#' groups can be defined with the "highlight_groups" argument.
#' The rest of the arguments are pretty self-explanatory. Just remember that
#' \code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}} arguments can be passed on as well! Useful ones
#' include: fade=T/F, legend=T/F, legend.cex (size of the legend font), GLratio
#' (graph/legend size ratio, edge.label.cex (size of the edge label font)).
#' @param x Either an interface list as returned by
#' \code{\link{codeCheck}} or the path to the main folder of the
#' model.
#' @param modules_to_include NULL (default value) or a vector of strings with
#' names of modules to include, e.g. c("core", "macro"). If NULL all modules
#' are included.
#' @param modules_to_exclude NULL (default value) or a vector of strings with
#' names of modules to exclude, e.g. c("core"). If NULL no modules are
#' excluded.
#' @param links_to_include NULL (default value) or list of lists with attributes
#' "to" and "from", that each take a vector of module names, e.g.
#' list(list(to="macro", from="core")). If NULL all links are included.
#' @param links_to_exclude NULL (default value) or list of lists with attributes
#' "to" and "from", that each take a vector of module names, e.g.
#' list(list(to="macro", from="core")). If NULL no links are excluded.
#' @param items_to_include NULL (default value) or a vector of strings with
#' names of items to include, e.g. c("vm_cesIO", "pm_pvp"). Regex patterns can
#' also be passed, e.g. c("(v|p)m_.*"). If NULL all items are included.
#' @param items_to_exclude NULL (default value) or a vector of strings with
#' names of items to exclude, e.g. c("vm_cesIO", "pm_pvp"). Regex patterns can
#' also be passed, e.g. c("sm_.*"). If NULL no items are excluded.
#' @param items_to_display NULL (default value) or a vector of strings with
#' names of items to display, e.g. c("vm_cesIO", "pm_pvp"). Regex patterns can
#' also be passed, e.g. c(.m\\ S+). If NULL no items are displayed.
#' @param default_groups List of lists with default group definitions. Defines
#' the default formatting of the interface plot. By default, there are two
#' groups, see usage, a "core" group made up of only the "core" module and a
#' "modules" group made up of all the rest. If a "core" module doesn't exist,
#' then that group is simply ignored.
#' @param highlight_groups NULL (default value) or a list of lists with
#' highlight-group definitions. By defining highligh groups,
#' additional/specalized formatting can be applied to select modules. A group
#' is defined by a list with the following attributes: \itemize{ \item name: a
#' string with the group name. Will appear in legend. \item nodes: a vector of
#' strings with module names. \item shape: a string with a valid qgraph shape.
#' \item color: a string with a valid qgraph color. \item edges_to_highlight:
#' \itemize{\item NULL = no edges are colored \item "all" = edges starting
#' from and ending at the highlight group's nodes are colored \item "incoming"
#' = edges ending at the highlight group's nodes are colored \item "outgoing"
#' = edges starting from the highlight group's nodes are colored \item
#' "within" = only edges that departed from the highlight group's nodes and
#' end at them as well are colored} \item edges_to_ignore: \itemize{\item NULL
#' = no edges are ignored \item "outside" edges that neither start from or end
#' at any of the group's nodes are ignored \item "incoming" edges that do not
#' depart from one of the group's nodes are ignored \item "outgoing" edges
#' that do not arrive at one of the group's nodes are ignored \item
#' "outgoing_to_no_return" edges that departing from nodes outside of the
#' group and not ending at nodes within the group are ignored }} An example:
#' \code{list(list(name = "highlight", nodes = "welfare", color = "#ff8f00",
#' shape = "ellipse", edges_to_highlight = "outgoing", edges_to_ignore =
#' "outside"))}.
#' @param max_length_node_names NULL (default value) or an integer n giving the
#' maximum number of characters allowed in the node names. If not NULL, node
#' names are truncated after n characters, e.g. n=3: "example" -> "exa.".
#' @param add_nodeName_legend Logical (default FALSE) to add node names in
#' legend, structured by group.
#' @param max_num_edge_labels NULL (default value), an integer or the string
#' "adjust". If NULL, all edge lables are displayed. If given an integer n, a
#' maximum of n edge labels are shown. If set to "adjust", the number of edge
#' labels displayed decreases with the number of nodes.
#' @param max_num_nodes_for_edge_labels Integer, (default value = 30). The
#' maximum number of nodes after which no edge labels are displayed.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to \code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}}.
#' @return A tibble with the edge list and interface items.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% tibble select pull mutate filter if_else bind_rows
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all str_remove_all str_trunc
#' @importFrom rlang .data is_empty
#' @seealso \code{\link{codeCheck}},\code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}}
#' @author Johannes Koch
#' @export
interfaceplot <- function(x = ".",
modules_to_include = NULL,
modules_to_exclude = NULL,
links_to_include = NULL,
links_to_exclude = NULL,
items_to_include = NULL,
items_to_exclude = NULL,
items_to_display = NULL,
default_groups = list(default1 = list(name = "core",
nodes = "core",
color = "black",
shape = "rectangle"),
default2 = list(name = "modules",
nodes = NULL,
color = "#6c9ebf",
shape = "ellipse")),
highlight_groups = NULL,
max_length_node_names = NULL,
add_nodeName_legend = FALSE,
max_num_edge_labels = NULL,
max_num_nodes_for_edge_labels = 30,
...) {
# STEP 1: Get the interface info of model. At the end, the info will take the shape of an
# edge list for qqgraph
# Perform codeCheck if necessary, to get module interface info
if(is.character(x)) x <- codeCheck(x, "modules")
# Store the interface info in a clear way:
# 1 column = string with start module
# 2 column = string with end module
# 3 column = string with number of interface entites (items) passed from one to the other
# 4 column = string with all the items seperated with " "
interface_info <- tibble()
for(o in names(x)) {
for(i in setdiff(names(x), o)) {
items <- intersect(x[[o]][names(x[[o]])=="out"],
if (length(items) != "0") {
interface_info <- bind_rows(interface_info,
"items"=paste(items, collapse=" ")))
# STEP 2: Filter the interface_info
# Filter by module
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
filter(.data$from %in% modules_to_include | .data$to %in% modules_to_include)
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
filter(!(.data$from %in% modules_to_exclude | .data$to %in% modules_to_exclude))
# Filter by link
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
filter(apply(sapply(links_to_include, function(y) .data$from %in% y$from & .data$to %in% y$to),1,any))
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
filter(apply(sapply(links_to_exclude, function(y) !(.data$from %in% y$from & .data$to %in% y$to)),1,all))
# Filter by item
my_regex <- paste0(items_to_include, collapse ="|")
interface_info$items <- interface_info %>%
select(items) %>%
apply(1, str_extract_all, my_regex, simplify = TRUE) %>%
sapply(paste, collapse=" ")
interface_info <- filter(interface_info, items != "")
my_regex <- paste0(items_to_exclude, collapse ="|")
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
mutate(items = str_remove_all(items, pattern = my_regex)) %>%
filter(items != "")
# Filter in case "highlight_groups$edges_to_ignore" is not NULL for any highlight group
if (any(sapply(highlight_groups, function(y) !is.null(y$edges_to_ignore)))) {
# Add column link_to_keep and set to FALSE for all...
interface_info <- interface_info %>% mutate(link_to_keep = FALSE)
for (hl in highlight_groups) {
# ... and now set to TRUE the links the links we actually want to keep
if (!is.null(hl$edges_to_ignore)) {
if (hl$edges_to_ignore == "outside") {
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
mutate(link_to_keep = if_else(.data$to %in% hl$nodes | .data$from %in% hl$nodes,
if (hl$edges_to_ignore == "incoming") {
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
mutate(link_to_keep = if_else(.data$from %in% hl$nodes, TRUE, .data$link_to_keep))
if (hl$edges_to_ignore == "outgoing") {
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
mutate(link_to_keep = if_else(.data$to %in% hl$nodes, TRUE, .data$link_to_keep))
if (hl$edges_to_ignore == "outgoing_to_noReturn") {
outside_nodes_that_give_input <- interface_info %>%
filter(!.data$from %in% hl$nodes & .data$to %in% hl$nodes) %>%
select('from') %>% unlist() %>% unique()
interface_info <- interface_info %>%
mutate(link_to_keep = if_else(.data$to %in% hl$nodes |
(.data$from %in% hl$nodes & .data$to %in% outside_nodes_that_give_input),
TRUE, .data$link_to_keep))
interface_info <- interface_info %>% filter(.data$link_to_keep==TRUE) %>% select(-'link_to_keep')
# Check that there is something left
if(dim(interface_info)[1]==0) {
warning("Nothing to plot anymore after filters have been applied!")
if(!requireNamespace("qgraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
warning("The package qgraph is required for creating interface plots!")
# STEP 3: Save edge list now, and define some variables for defining the plot_options
# Save the interface into without items as the weighted edge list to be passed to qgrpah
edge_list <- select(interface_info, -items)
# Define some usefull variables
node_names <- interface_info %>% select('from', 'to') %>% unlist() %>% unique()
num_nodes <- length(node_names)
edge_names <- interface_info %>% select('from') %>% unlist()
num_edges <- length(edge_names)
default_shape <- "ellipse"
default_color <- "#6c9ebf"
# STEP 4: Assign nodes to groups. A node can only be assigned to one group!
my_groups <- list(name=NULL,
nodes_left_to_assign <- node_names
# Start with the highlight groups, if they exist.
if (!is.null(highlight_groups)) {
for (hlgr in highlight_groups) {
if (rlang::is_empty(nodes_left_to_assign)) break
my_groups$name <- c(my_groups$name, hlgr$name)
my_groups$color <- c(my_groups$color, hlgr$color)
my_groups$shape <- c(my_groups$shape, hlgr$shape)
my_groups$nodes[hlgr$name] <- list(nodes_left_to_assign[nodes_left_to_assign%in%hlgr$nodes])
my_groups$assignments[hlgr$name] <- list(which(node_names%in%hlgr$nodes))
nodes_left_to_assign <- nodes_left_to_assign[!nodes_left_to_assign%in%hlgr$nodes]
# Assign modules that are left, to the default groups
for (dfgr in default_groups) {
if (rlang::is_empty(nodes_left_to_assign)) break
if (!is.null(dfgr$nodes) && any(dfgr$nodes %in% nodes_left_to_assign)) {
my_groups$name <- c(my_groups$name, dfgr$name)
my_groups$color <- c(my_groups$color, dfgr$color)
my_groups$shape <- c(my_groups$shape, dfgr$shape)
my_groups$nodes[dfgr$name] <- list(nodes_left_to_assign[nodes_left_to_assign%in%dfgr$nodes])
my_groups$assignments[dfgr$name]<- list(which(node_names%in%dfgr$nodes))
nodes_left_to_assign <- nodes_left_to_assign[!nodes_left_to_assign%in%dfgr$nodes]
if (is.null(dfgr$nodes)) {
my_groups$name <- c(my_groups$name, dfgr$name)
my_groups$color <- c(my_groups$color, dfgr$color)
my_groups$shape <- c(my_groups$shape, dfgr$shape)
my_groups$nodes[dfgr$name] <-list(nodes_left_to_assign)
my_groups$assignments[dfgr$name] <- list(which(node_names%in%nodes_left_to_assign))
# STEP 5: Prepare qgraph parameters: content
# Group assignements
group_assignments <- my_groups$assignments
# Node shape: one shape per node depending on group
shape_nodes <- rep(" ", each=num_nodes)
names(shape_nodes) <- node_names
for (gr in 1:length(my_groups$name)) {
shape_nodes[my_groups$nodes[[gr]]] <- my_groups$shape[gr]
# Node color: one color per group
col_nodes <- my_groups$color
# Edge color: one color per edge
col_edges <- rep(default_groups$default2$color, each=num_edges)
names(col_edges) <- edge_names
# Apply edge color highlights
if (!is.null(highlight_groups)) {
for (hl in highlight_groups) {
if (!is.null(hl$edges_to_highlight)) {
# Highlight DEPARTING and INCOMING edges
if (hl$edges_to_highlight == "all") {
col_edges[interface_info$from %in% hl$nodes | interface_info$to %in% hl$nodes] <- hl$color
# Highlight DEPARTING edges
if (hl$edges_to_highlight == "outgoing") {
col_edges[interface_info$from %in% hl$nodes] <- hl$color
# Highlight INCOMING edges.
if (hl$edges_to_highlight == "incoming") {
col_edges[interface_info$to %in% hl$nodes] <- hl$color
# Highlight INCOMING edges that departed from modules in highlight group.
if (hl$edges_to_highlight == "within") {
col_edges[interface_info$from %in% hl$nodes & interface_info$to %in% hl$nodes] <- hl$color
# Edge labels
if(is.null(items_to_display)) {
lab_edges <- list()
} else {
my_regex <- paste0(items_to_display, collapse ="|")
lab_edges <- interface_info %>%
pull(items) %>%
as.list() %>%
lapply(str_extract_all, my_regex, simplify=T) %>%
lapply(paste, collapse="\n") %>%
if (all(lab_edges=="")) lab_edges <- list()
# Special case when the groups all consits of single modules!!
if (all(sapply(my_groups$nodes, length)==1)) {
for (i in 1:length(my_groups$assignments)) {
group_assignments[my_groups$assignments[[i]]] <- my_groups$assignments[i]
names(group_assignments) <- node_names
col_nodes <- rep(" ", each=num_nodes)
names(col_nodes) <- node_names
for (gr in 1:length(my_groups$name)) {
col_nodes[my_groups$nodes[[gr]]] <- my_groups$color[gr]
if (add_nodeName_legend) {
message("Groups will not be shown in the legend, since they are all composed of a single node.")
add_nodeName_legend <- FALSE
# STEP 6: Prepare qgraph parameters: graphics
# Shorten module names to max_length_node_names to fit into plot
if (!is.null(max_length_node_names)) {
n <- max_length_node_names
# Make sure that nodes don't have the same name after cut!
check_n <- function(y,n) {
z <- str_trunc(y, n, ellipsis=".")
if (!any(duplicated(z))) {
} else {
message(paste0("Couldn't truncate node names after ", n, " letters (would have resulted in duplicate names)... "))
while (any(duplicated(z))) {
n <- n + 1
z <- str_trunc(y, n, ellipsis=".")
message(paste0("truncating after ", n, " letters instead."))
n <- check_n(node_names, n)
edge_list <- interface_info %>%
mutate(from = stringr::str_trunc(.data$from, n, ellipsis = "."),
to = stringr::str_trunc(.data$to, n, ellipsis = ".")) %>%
names(shape_nodes) <- stringr::str_trunc(names(shape_nodes), n, ellipsis=".")
names(col_edges) <- stringr::str_trunc(names(col_edges), n, ellipsis=".")
# Shorten item lists on edge lables
if (!rlang::is_empty(lab_edges) && !is.null(max_num_edge_labels)) {
if (max_num_edge_labels == "adjust") {
n <- if_else(num_nodes<=3, 15, if_else(num_nodes>8, 1, 9-num_nodes))
} else {
n <- max_num_edge_labels
my_regex1 <- paste0("\\n[^\\n]*", paste0(rep("\\n[^\\n]*", n-1), collapse = ""))
# Are there edges with too many labels?
if (any(!is.na(str_extract(lab_edges, my_regex1)))) {
my_regex2 <- paste0("^.*[^\\n]", paste0(rep("\\n[^\\n]*", n-1), collapse = ""))
lab_edges <- if_else(!is.na(str_extract(lab_edges, my_regex1)),
paste0(str_extract(lab_edges, my_regex2), "\n(...)"),
my_title <- "Long lists of interface items are abbreviated with '(...)'"
# STEP 7: Store all qgraph parameters in the "params" list and create graph
params <- list(...)
params$input <- edge_list
params$edgelist <- TRUE
params$layout <- "spring"
params$mode <- "strength"
params$groups <- group_assignments
params$shape <- shape_nodes
params$color <- col_nodes
params$edge.color <- col_edges
# Add node name legend
if (add_nodeName_legend) params$nodeNames <- node_names
# Set ratio of a and b alxis of the ellipses, if not already given by ...
if (!"vsize2" %in% names(params)) params$vsize2 <- 2/3
# Edge labels, only displayed if the graph isn't to full of nodes!
if (!rlang::is_empty(lab_edges)) {
if (num_nodes <= max_num_nodes_for_edge_labels) {
params$edge.labels <- lab_edges
# Change some default edge.label parameters, if not already given by ...
if (!"edge.label.position" %in% names(params)) params$edge.label.position <- 0.4
if (!"edge.label.margin" %in% names(params)) params$edge.label.margin <- 0.02
if (!"edge.label.cex" %in% names(params)) params$edge.label.cex <- if_else(num_nodes<=9,
# Set fade to false if items edge labels are to be displayed, if not already given by ...
if (!"fade" %in% names(params)) params$fade <- FALSE
} else {
my_title <- "Interface items are not shown due to lack of space..."
if (!"title" %in% names(params) && exists("my_title")) {
params$title <- my_title
params$title.cex <- 0.8
qgraphObject <- do.call(qgraph::qgraph, params)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.