
Defines functions scenToolMAgPIE

Documented in scenToolMAgPIE

#' @title scenToolMAgPIE
#' @description scenToolMAgPIE allows to explore and visualize time series of modelling results. The app is based on shiny opens in an external web brower. For more details: https://github.com/flohump/scenTool
#' @param file report data. Can be a CSV/MIF file or rds file with a quitte object (saved with saveRDS). file can also be a vector of rds files. NULL by default; in this case the user can upload files directly in the tool
#' @param valfile validation data. Can be a CSV/MIF file or rds file with a quitte object (saved with saveRDS). NULL by default; in this case the user can upload files directly in the tool
#' @author Florian Humpenoeder
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'     scenToolMAgPIE("testdata.mif")
#'   }
#' @importFrom quitte as.quitte read.quitte
#' @importFrom shiny reactiveValues observeEvent updateTextInput observe updateSelectInput reactive hoverOpts uiOutput sliderInput
#' renderPrint renderDataTable downloadHandler fluidPage navbarPage tabPanel sidebarLayout sidebarPanel
#' fileInput tags selectInput mainPanel tabsetPanel wellPanel fluidRow column radioButtons conditionalPanel
#' checkboxInput checkboxGroupInput numericInput textInput downloadButton dataTableOutput h2 verbatimTextOutput
#' shinyApp renderPlot plotOutput renderUI HTML nearPoints updateCheckboxInput updateSliderInput
#' @importFrom plotly as.widget layout plotly plotlyOutput renderPlotly ggplotly
#' @importFrom stats as.formula complete.cases na.omit
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom data.table fread setcolorder as.data.table data.table setnames
#' @importFrom stats median reshape
#' @importFrom tools file_ext file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom trafficlight trafficlight
#' @export
scenToolMAgPIE <- function(file=NULL,valfile=NULL) {
  model <- scenario <- region <- year <- period <- variable <- unit <- NULL

  #limit for file upload set to 300 MB
  options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 300*1024^2)

  #server function
  server <- function(input,output,session,extFile=file) {

    #initialize reactive value
    val <- reactiveValues(rep_full=NULL,rep_sel=NULL,rep_sel_tmp=NULL,val_full=NULL,val_sel=NULL,val_sel_tmp=NULL)

    if(is.null(file)) {
      #create dummy data for testing the tool
      model <- factor(c("Model1","Model2","Model3"))
      scenario <- factor(c("Scen1","Scen2","Scen3"))
      region <- factor(c("Region1","Region2","Region3"))
      period <- c(2005,2050,2100)
      variable <- factor(c("Variable1","Variable2","Variable3"))
      unit <- factor(c("Unit"))
      long <- expand.grid(model,scenario,region,variable,unit,period,1,KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE,stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      names(long) <- c("model","scenario","region","variable","unit","period","value")
      long$value <- 1:length(long$value)
      val$rep_full <- as.data.table(as.quitte(long))
    } else if (all(file_ext(file) == "rds")) {
      readdata <- function(file) {
        if(grepl("http://",file)) {
          out <- readRDS(gzcon(url(file)))
        } else {
          out <- readRDS(file)
        if(!is.null(out$date)) out$date <- as.POSIXct(out$date, origin="1970-01-01")
        if(!is.null(out$revision_date)) out$revision_date <- as.POSIXct(out$revision_date, origin="1970-01-01")
      #read in the data
      tmp <- NULL
      for (f in file) {
        tmp <- rbind(tmp,readdata(f))
      #add time-date stamp in case of duplicate scenario names
      if (length(levels(tmp$scenario)) != length(unique(levels(tmp$scenario)))) {
        suffix <- format(as.POSIXct(as.numeric(file_path_sans_ext(basename(file)))/100000, origin="1970-01-01"))
        levels(tmp$scenario) <- paste(levels(tmp$scenario),suffix)
      # #sort regions
      # tmp$region <- factor(tmp$region, levels = c(setdiff(levels(tmp$region),"GLO"),"GLO"))
      # tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$region,tmp$variable,tmp$period),]
      val$rep_full <- as.data.table(tmp)
    } else val$rep_full <- as.data.table(read.quitte(file))
    if(!is.null(valfile)) {
      if (file_ext(valfile) %in% c("RData","rda","rds")) {
        val$val_full <- as.data.table(readRDS(valfile))
      } else val$val_full <- as.data.table(read.quitte(valfile))

    #Upload and read in data file if there is a change in input$datafile
    observeEvent(input$datafile, {
      print("read data")
      #assing to reactive value
      if (file_ext(input$datafile$datapath) %in% c("RData","rda","rds")) {
        val$rep_full <- as.data.table(readRDS(input$datafile$datapath))
      } else val$rep_full <- as.data.table(read.quitte(input$datafile$datapath))

    #Upload and read in data file if there is a change in input$valfile
    observeEvent(input$valfile, {
      print("read val data")
      #assing to reactive value
      if (file_ext(input$valfile$datapath) %in% c("RData","rda","rds")) {
        val$val_full <- as.data.table(readRDS(input$valfile$datapath))
      } else val$val_full <- as.data.table(read.quitte(input$valfile$datapath))
      #setnames(val$val_full,"Model","Validation Source")

    #subsetting the data stepwise is faster than all at once
      if (input$update_plot) {
        # print(!is.null(val$rep_sel))
        # if(!is.null(val$rep_sel)) {
        #   print(levels(val$rep_sel$variable))
        #   if(input$variable == levels(val$rep_sel$variable)) {
        #     print("partial subset model data")
        #     val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,model %in% input$model)
        #     val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,scenario %in% input$scenario)
        #     val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,region %in% input$region)
        #     val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,period %in% input$year)
        #     #        val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,variable %in% input$variable)
        #     val$rep_sel <- droplevels(val$rep_sel)
        #   }
        # } else {
        print("full subset model data")
        val$rep_sel <- val$rep_full[get("model") %in% input$model & get("scenario") %in% input$scenario & get("region") %in% input$region & get("period") >= min(input$year) & get("period") <= max(input$year) & get("variable") %in% input$variable,]
        #val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_full,model %in% input$model)
        # val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,scenario %in% input$scenario)
        # val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,region %in% input$region)
        # val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,period >= min(input$year) & period <= max(input$year))
        # val$rep_sel <- subset(val$rep_sel,variable %in% input$variable)
        val$rep_sel <- droplevels(val$rep_sel)
        #val$rep_sel$scenario <- factor(val$rep_sel$scenario, levels = val$rep_sel$scenario[order(input$scenario)])

        #      }

        if(!is.null(val$val_full) & (input$show_hist | input$show_proj)) {
          #levels(val_full$region) <- sub("World","GLO",levels(val_full$region))
          print("subset validation data")
          val$val_sel <- val$val_full[get("region") %in% input$region & get("period") >= 1950 & get("period") <= max(input$year) & get("variable") %in% input$variable,]
          if (input$show_hist & !input$show_proj) val$val_sel <- val$val_sel[get("scenario") == "historical",]
          if (!input$show_hist & input$show_proj) val$val_sel <- val$val_sel[get("scenario") != "historical",]
          # val$val_sel <- val$val_sel[val$val_full$period > 1950,] #show validation data only for years > 1950
          # val$val_sel <- subset(val$val_sel,scenario == "historical")
          # val$val_sel <- subset(val$val_sel,region %in% input$region)
          # val$val_sel <- subset(val$val_sel,variable %in% input$variable)
          val$val_sel <- droplevels(val$val_sel)
          if(nrow(val$val_sel) == 0) val$val_sel <- NULL
        } else val$val_sel <- NULL

    #subsetting the data stepwise is faster than all at once
      print("subset selected validation data")
      val$val_sel <- val$val_sel[get("model") %in% input$valmodel & get("scenario") %in% input$valscenario,]
      # val$val_sel <- subset(val$val_sel,model %in% input$valmodel)
      # val$val_sel <- subset(val$val_sel,scenario %in% input$valscenario)
      #val$val_sel <- subset(val$val_sel,Region %in% input$valregion)
      #val$val_sel <- subset(val$val_sel,period %in% input$valyear)
      #val$val_sel <- subset(val$val_sel,Variable %in% input$valvariable)

      if(input$normalize) {
        val$rep_sel_tmp <- val$rep_sel
        print("normalize data")
        years <- unique(val$rep_sel$period)
        base_year <- val$rep_sel$value[val$rep_sel$period==years[1]]
        val$rep_sel$value <- val$rep_sel$value/rep(base_year,length(years))
        if(!is.null(val$val_sel)) {
          val$val_sel_tmp <- val$val_sel
          val$val_sel$value <- val$val_sel$value/rep(base_year,length(unique(val$val_sel$period)))
      } else {
        print("restore data")
        if(!is.null(val$rep_sel_tmp)) val$rep_sel <- val$rep_sel_tmp
        if(!is.null(val$val_sel_tmp)) val$val_sel <- val$val_sel_tmp

      print("update choices data")
      updateSelectInput(session, "model", choices = levels(val$rep_full$model),selected = levels(val$rep_full$model)[1])
      updateSelectInput(session, "scenario", choices = levels(val$rep_full$scenario),selected = if (length(levels(val$rep_full$scenario)) > 2) levels(val$rep_full$scenario)[1:2] else levels(val$rep_full$scenario))
      updateSelectInput(session, "region", choices = levels(val$rep_full$region),selected = levels(val$rep_full$region))
      updateSliderInput(session, "year", min = min(val$rep_full$period),max = max(val$rep_full$period), value = range(val$rep_full$period), step = min(diff(unique(val$rep_full$period))))
      updateSelectInput(session, "variable", choices = levels(val$rep_full$variable),selected = levels(val$rep_full$variable)[1])


      print("update choices validation")
      updateSelectInput(session, "valmodel", choices = levels(val$val_sel$model),selected = levels(val$val_sel$model))
      updateSelectInput(session, "valscenario", choices = levels(val$val_sel$scenario),selected = levels(val$val_sel$scenario))
#      updateSelectInput(session, "valregion", choices = levels(val$valtmp$Region),selected = levels(val$valtmp$Region))
#      updateSelectInput(session, "valyear", choices = unique(val$val_sel$period),selected = unique(val$val_sel$period))
#      updateSelectInput(session, "valvariable", choices = levels(val$valtmp$Variable),selected = levels(val$valtmp$Variable)[1])

    tf <- reactive({
      if(is.null(val$val_sel)) stop("Validation file needed for trafficlights!")
      else trafficlight(x=as.magpie(val$rep_sel,spatial="region",temporal="period",tidy=TRUE),xc=as.magpie(val$val_sel,spatial="region",temporal="period",tidy=TRUE),detailed=FALSE)

    lineplot <- debounce(reactive({
      if(input$update_plot) {
        p <- mipLineHistorical(x=val$rep_sel,x_hist=val$val_sel,size = 10,ylab = val$rep_sel$unit,title = val$rep_sel$variable,scales = input$scales,ylim=switch(input$auto_y + 1, 0, NULL))
      } else p <- NULL
    }), 500)

    areaplot <- reactive({
      p <- mipArea(x=if(input$exclude_world) val$rep_sel[val$rep_sel$region!="World",] else val$rep_sel)

    output$lineplot <- renderPlot({
      lineplot()},res = 120)#height = 400, width = 500

    output$areaplot <- renderPlot({
      areaplot()},res = 120)#height = 400, width = 500

    output$tf <- renderPlot({
      tf()},res = 120)#height = 400, width = 500

    output$summary <- renderPrint({
    output$info <- renderPrint({
    output$data <- renderDataTable({
    }, options = list(pageLength = 10))
    output$downloadLinePlotPDF <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() { paste("export", '.pdf', sep='') },
      content = function(file) {
        ggsave(file, plot = lineplot(), device = "pdf",scale=1,width=20,height=18,units="cm",dpi=150, bg = 'white')

    output$downloadLinePlotPNG <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() { paste("export", '.png', sep='') },
      content = function(file) {
        ggsave(file, plot = lineplot(), device = "png",scale=1,width=20,height=18,units="cm",dpi=150, bg = 'white')

    output$downloadLinePlotRDS <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() { paste("export", '.rds', sep='') },
      content = function(file) {

    output$downloadAreaPlotPDF <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() { paste("export", '.pdf', sep='') },
      content = function(file) {
        ggsave(file, plot = areaplot(), device = "pdf",scale=1,width=20,height=13,units="cm",dpi=150, bg = 'white')

    output$downloadAreaPlotPNG <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() { paste("export", '.png', sep='') },
      content = function(file) {
        ggsave(file, plot = areaplot(), device = "png",scale=1,width=20,height=13,units="cm",dpi=150, bg = 'white')

    output$downloadAreaPlotRDS <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() { paste("export", '.rds', sep='') },
      content = function(file) {

    output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() { paste("export", '.csv', sep='') },
      content = function(file) {
        out <- val$rep_sel
        out <- dcast(out, model + scenario + region + variable + unit ~ period, value.var="value")
        write.csv(out, file ,row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE)


  #client-sided function
  ui <- fluidPage(

                            tabsetPanel(id="side",type = "tabs",
                            tabPanel("Report Data",
                            fileInput('datafile', 'Upload Report File', accept=c('.mif','.csv','.rda','.rds','.RData')),
                            selectInput('model', 'Model', "Pending upload",multiple = TRUE),
                            selectInput('scenario', 'Scenario', "Pending upload",multiple = TRUE),
                            selectInput('region', 'Region', "Pending upload",multiple = TRUE),
                            #selectInput('year', 'Year', "Pending upload",multiple = TRUE),
                            sliderInput("year", "Year", min = 2000, max = 2100, step = 10, value = c(2000,2100)),
                            selectInput('variable', 'Variable', "Pending upload",multiple = FALSE),
                            checkboxInput('update_plot', 'Update Plot', value = TRUE, width = NULL),
                            conditionalPanel(condition = "input.valfile != NULL", checkboxInput('show_hist', 'Show history', value = TRUE, width = NULL)),
                            conditionalPanel(condition = "input.valfile != NULL", checkboxInput('show_proj', 'Show other projections', value = FALSE, width = NULL))
                            tabPanel("Validation Data",
                                     fileInput('valfile', 'Upload Validation File', accept=c('.mif','.csv','.rda','.rds','.RData')),
                                     #checkboxInput('auto_val_sel', 'Automatic matching with Model Data', value = TRUE, width = NULL),
                                     selectInput('valmodel', 'Model', "Pending upload",multiple = TRUE),
                                     selectInput('valscenario', 'Scenario', "Pending upload",multiple = TRUE)
                                     #selectInput('valregion', 'Region', "Pending upload",multiple = TRUE),
                                     #selectInput('valyear', 'Year', "Pending upload",multiple = TRUE)
                                     #sliderInput("year", "Year",min=2000,max=2100,value=c(2000,2100),step=10),
                                     #selectInput('valvariable', 'Variable', "Pending upload",multiple = FALSE)


                            tabsetPanel(id = "main",type = "tabs",
                                                plotOutput("lineplot",height = "800px",width = "auto"),
                                                            selectInput('scales', 'Scales (Multi-Panel)',c("fixed","free_y","free_x","free"),selected="fixed"),
                                                            checkboxInput('normalize', 'Normalize', value = FALSE, width = NULL),
                                                            checkboxInput('auto_y', 'Automatic Y scaling', value = FALSE)
                                                wellPanel(downloadButton('downloadLinePlotPDF', 'PDF'),downloadButton('downloadLinePlotPNG', 'PNG'),downloadButton('downloadLinePlotRDS', 'RDS'))
                                                 plotOutput("areaplot",height = "800px",width = "auto"),
                                                            checkboxInput('exclude_world', 'Exclude Region "World"', value = TRUE, width = NULL)
                                                 wellPanel(downloadButton('downloadAreaPlotPDF', 'PDF'),downloadButton('downloadAreaPlotPNG', 'PNG'),downloadButton('downloadAreaPlotRDS', 'RDS'))
                                                 wellPanel(downloadButton('downloadData', 'CSV'))
                                                 plotOutput("tf",height = "200px",width = "auto")
                                                 h2("General information about the dataset"),

  #start the app
  shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
pik-piam/mip documentation built on April 5, 2024, 12:31 p.m.