#' @title calcPriceAgriculture
#' @description provides global prices from the IMPACT model projections,
#' World Bank observations, and FAO observations
#' for MAgPIE commodities in $/tDM
#' @param datasource Options of the source of data:
#' `IMPACT3.2.2World_Price`, `FAO`, `FAOp` and `WBGEM`
#' @param unit A string with the unit that should be returned.
#' Options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "current LCU"
#' \item "current Int$PPP"
#' \item "current US$MER"
#' \item "constant YYYY LCU"
#' \item "constant YYYY Int$PPP"
#' \item "constant YYYY US$MER"
#' }
#' @return List with a magpie object with commodity prices
#' @author Mishko Stevanovic, Xiaoxi Wang, Felicitas Beier
#' @seealso
#' [readIMPACT3.2.2World_Price()],
#' [calcWBGEM()],
#' [readWBGEM()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("PriceAgriculture", datasource = "IMPACT3.2.2World_Price", aggregate = FALSE)
#' calcOutput("PriceAgriculture", datasource = "FAO")
#' calcOutput("PriceAgriculture", datasource = "WBGEM", aggregate = FALSE)
#' }
#' @importFrom magpiesets findset reporthelper
#' @importFrom magclass wrap
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% group_by summarise n
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt acast
calcPriceAgriculture <- function(datasource = "IMPACT3.2.2World_Price", unit = "US$17/tDM") {
if (datasource == "IMPACT3.2.2World_Price") {
out <- readSource(type = "IMPACT3.2.2World_Price")
# get the mapping
mapping <- toolGetMapping("impact2magpie.csv", type = "sectoral", where = "mappingfolder")
mapping <- mapping[-which(mapping$MAgPIE == ""), ]
# aggregate to MAgPIE crops
out <- toolAggregate(out, rel = mapping, from = "IMPACT", to = "MAgPIE",
dim = 3.2, partrel = TRUE, verbosity = 2)
# correct the prices for dry matter values
dm <- 1 / readSource("ProductAttributes", "Products")[, , "wm"]
dm <- collapseNames(dm)
commodities <- unique(mapping$MAgPIE)
ktradeSet <- findset("k_trade")
out <- out[, , ] / dm[, , commodities]
out <- add_dimension(out, dim = 3.2, add = "model", nm = "IMPACT")
names(dimnames(out))[3] <- "scenario.model.variable"
description <- paste0("Prices from the IMPACT model projections. There are ",
length(ktradeSet) - length(commodities),
" missing MAgPIE commodities: ",
paste(ktradeSet[!ktradeSet %in% commodities], collapse = " "))
weight <- NULL
isocountries <- FALSE
} else if (datasource == "WBGEM") {
# Prices in US$17/tDM
x <- calcOutput("WBGEM", aggregate = FALSE)
# sectoral mappings
mapping <- toolGetMapping(type = "sectoral", name = "mappingWBGEM2MAgPIEnew.csv", where = "mappingfolder")
mapping <- mapping[mapping$wbgem %in% getNames(x), ]
x <- x[, , mapping$wbgem]
tmp <- mapping %>% group_by(.data$magpie) %>% summarise(V1 = n())
tmp <- base::merge(mapping, tmp, by = "magpie")
weight <- as.magpie(acast(melt(tmp), . ~ wbgem))
getNames(weight) <- gsub("\\..", "", getNames(weight))
x <- toolAggregate(x, mapping, from = "wbgem", to = "magpie", weight = weight, dim = 3)
dm <- 1 / readSource("ProductAttributes", "Products")[, , "wm"]
dm <- collapseNames(dm)
ktradeSet <- findset("k_trade")
out <- NULL
for (i in getNames(x, dim = 1)) {
out <- mbind(out, x[, , i] / setNames(dm[, , i], NULL))
out <- add_dimension(out, dim = 3.1, add = "scenario", nm = "historical")
out <- add_dimension(out, dim = 3.2, add = "model", nm = datasource)
names(dimnames(out))[3] <- gsub("data1", "variable", names(dimnames(out))[3])
description <- paste0("Average prices from the WBGEM-Commodities. There are ",
length(ktradeSet) - length(getNames(out)), " missing MAgPIE commodities: ",
paste(ktradeSet[!ktradeSet %in% getNames(out)], collapse = " "))
weight <- NULL
isocountries <- FALSE
} else if (datasource == "FAOp") {
# calculate prices as a ratio of production value and production quantities
vprod <- calcOutput("AgProductionValue", aggregate = FALSE, datasource = "FAO")
qprod <- calcOutput("FAOharmonized", aggregate = FALSE)
aggregation <- toolGetMapping("FAOitems.csv",
type = "sectoral", where = "mappingfolder")
# aggregate FAO quantities into MAgPIE commodities
qprod <- toolAggregate(qprod[, , "production"], rel = aggregation,
from = "FoodBalanceItem", to = "k",
dim = 3.1, partrel = TRUE, verbosity = 2)
qprod <- collapseNames(qprod)
## convert to DM tonnes
dm <- 1 / readSource("ProductAttributes", "Products")[, , "wm"]
dm <- collapseNames(dm)
comms <- intersect(intersect(getNames(dm), getNames(qprod)), getNames(vprod, dim = 3))
qprod <- qprod[, , comms] * dm[, , comms]
years <- intersect(getYears(qprod), getYears(vprod))
out <- vprod[, years, comms] / qprod[, years, comms]
weight <- qprod
weight[is.na(out) | is.infinite(out)] <- 0
out[is.na(out) | is.infinite(out)] <- 0
description <- "FAO prices Agricultural Value statistics."
isocountries <- TRUE
} else if (datasource == "FAO") {
# Annual producer prices in US$17/tDM
out <- readSource("FAO_online", subtype = "PricesProducerAnnual", convert = TRUE)
aggregation <- toolGetMapping("FAOitems_online.csv",
type = "sectoral", where = "mappingfolder")
# production item for oilpalm exists twice:
# "254|Oil, palm fruit", "254|Oil palm fruit" - in out only the latter exists
aggregation <- aggregation[aggregation$ProductionItem != "254|Oil, palm fruit", ]
qprod <- collapseNames(calcOutput("FAOharmonized", aggregate = FALSE)[, , "production"])
# "2577|Palm Oil", "2576|Palmkernel Oil", "2595|Palmkernel Cake" need to be aggregated to get "oilpalm"
qprod <- add_columns(qprod, addnm = "oilpalm", dim = 3.1)
qprod[, , "oilpalm"] <- dimSums(qprod[, , c("2577|Palm Oil", "2576|Palmkernel Oil", "2595|Palmkernel Cake")])
qprod <- toolAggregate(qprod, rel = aggregation, from = "FoodBalanceItem",
to = "ProductionItem", dim = 3, partrel = TRUE, verbosity = 2)
comms <- intersect(getNames(out), getNames(qprod))
years <- intersect(getYears(out), getYears(qprod))
qprod <- qprod[, years, comms]
out <- out[, years, comms]
# setting weight for missing price data to zero
qprod[out == 0] <- 0
# weighted aggregation of fao prices to magpie commodities
out <- toolAggregate(out, rel = aggregation, weight = qprod + 10^-10, from = "ProductionItem",
to = "k", dim = 3, partrel = TRUE, verbosity = 2)
out <- out[, , -which(getNames(out) %in% c("remaining", "not_clear"), arr.ind = TRUE)]
# correct the prices for dry matter values
dm <- 1 / readSource("ProductAttributes", "Products")[, , "wm"]
dm <- collapseNames(dm)
out <- out / dm[, , getNames(out)]
out <- add_dimension(out, dim = 3.1, add = "scenario", nm = "historical")
out <- add_dimension(out, dim = 3.2, add = "model", nm = datasource)
names(dimnames(out))[3] <- gsub("data1", "variable", names(dimnames(out))[3])
weight <- toolAggregate(qprod, rel = aggregation, from = "ProductionItem",
to = "k", dim = 3.1, partrel = TRUE, verbosity = 2)
weight <- weight[, , -which(getNames(weight) %in% c("remaining", "not_clear"), arr.ind = TRUE)]
description <- "FAO prices based on Annual Produces Prices statistics."
isocountries <- TRUE
if (unit != "US$17/tDM") {
# Transform to selected currency unit
out <- GDPuc::toolConvertGDP(out,
unit_in = "constant 2017 US$MER",
unit_out = unit,
replace_NAs = "no_conversion")
if (!is.null(weight)) {
weight <- weight + 10^-10
return(list(x = out,
weight = weight,
unit = unit,
description = description,
isocountries = isocountries))
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