#' @title calcConservationPriorities
#' @description Function calculates land area in conservation priority areas that was unprotected in 2020 (WDPA).
#' @param consvBaseYear Reference year for land conservation. Chosing "y1750", for instance, means that
#' the reference land use is based on the year 1750 ('pre-industrial') so
#' land use can be restored to the pre-industrial state in conservation priority areas.
#' Any year available in the LUH2v2 data set can be chosen. Historic land use in the LUH2v2 data
#' is based on the HYDE data base.
#' The choice "y2020" provides a special case, in which reference land use is based on the 2020 ESA CCI LULC map,
#' derived at a spatial resolution of 300 x 300 Meter.
#' @param cells number of cells of landmask (select "magpiecell" for 59199 cells or "lpjcell" for 67420 cells)
#' @param nclasses Options are either "seven" or "nine".
#' \itemize{
#' \item "seven" separates primary and secondary forest and includes "crop", "past", "forestry",
#' "primforest", "secdforest", "urban" and "other"
#' \item "nine" adds the separation of pasture and rangelands, as well as a differentiation of
#' primary and secondary non-forest vegetation and therefore returns "crop", "past", "range",
#' "forestry", "primforest", "secdforest", "urban", "primother" and "secdother"
#' }
#' @return magpie object in cellular resolution with different protection options in conservation priority areas
#' @author Patrick v. Jeetze
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("ConservationPriority2", aggregate = FALSE)
#' }
#' @importFrom magpiesets findset addLocation
#' @importFrom magclass collapseDim
#' @importFrom mstools toolCoord2Isocell
calcConservationPriorities <- function(consvBaseYear = "y1750", cells = "lpjcell", nclasses = "seven") {
# ===============================
# Get conservation templates
# ===============================
# ------------------------------
# Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)
# ------------------------------
# KBAs have global value for conservation, due to their
# outstanding ecological integrity, globally important ecosystems
# or significant populations of animals, fungi and plants.
# https://www.iucn.org/resources/conservation-tool/key-biodiversity-areas
kba <- calcOutput("KeyBiodiversityAreas",
maginput = TRUE, unprotected = TRUE, nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, aggregate = FALSE
# ---------------------------
# Global Safety Net (GSN)
# ---------------------------
# Areas of the terrestrial realm where increased
# conservation action is needed to protect biodiversity
# and store carbon (Dinerstein et al. 2020, Science).
gsn <- calcOutput("GlobalSafetyNet",
maginput = TRUE, nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, aggregate = FALSE
# Unprotected Key Biodiversity Areas have been masked at
# high resolution to remove overlaps and can be now
# added up
gsn <- gsn + kba
gsn <- collapseDim(gsn, dim = 3.3)
# ----------------------------------
# Critical Connectivity Areas (CCA)
# ----------------------------------
# Brennan et al. (2022), Science:
# "Areas where the flow of animal movement
# is concentrated are places with the potential to
# disproportionately reduce connectivity if further
# restricted or destroyed [...]"
# Critical Connectivity Areas relate to th upper
# 90th percentile of values of mapped
# mammal movement probabilities
cca <- calcOutput("CriticalConnectivityAreas",
maginput = TRUE, nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, mask = "KBA", aggregate = FALSE
# Unprotected Key Biodiversity Areas have been masked at
# high resolution to remove overlaps and can be now
# combined with KBAs to create a balanced conservation
# template
cca <- cca + kba
cca <- collapseDim(cca, dim = 3.3)
# ------------------------------
# Irrecoverable carbon
# ------------------------------
# Noon et al. (2022), Nature Sustainability:
# "Irrecoverable carbon reserves are [...] manageable, vulnerable to
# disturbance and could not be recovered by 2050 if lost today.
# While irrecoverabilitycan be considered over any timeframe, we
# selected 30 years as the most policy-relevant scenario to align with
# the Paris Agreement goal to reach net-zero emissions by mid-century."
irrC <- calcOutput("IrrecoverableCarbonLand",
maginput = TRUE, nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, aggregate = FALSE
# -------------------------------------------------
# Biodiversity Hotspots & Intact Forest Landscapes
# -------------------------------------------------
# Biodiversity Hotspots have at least 1500 vascular plants as endemics
# and must have 30 % or less of its original natural vegetation.
# https://www.conservation.org/priorities/biodiversity-hotspots
# An intact forest landscape (IFL) is a seamless mosaic of forest and
# naturally treeless ecosystems with no remotely detected signs of
# human activity and a minimum area of 500 km2 (Potapov et al. 2017,
# Science Advances)
bhifl <- calcOutput("BHIFL",
nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, aggregate = FALSE
# -------------------------------------------------
# Half Earth (PBL)
# -------------------------------------------------
# An ecoregion-based approach to protecting half of
# the terrestrial surface. 50 % of land are conserved in
# each to the 867 ecoregions.
pblHalfEarth <- calcOutput("HalfEarth",
nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, aggregate = FALSE
getNames(pblHalfEarth) <- paste0("PBL_", getNames(pblHalfEarth))
# ----------------------------
# 30 % of land surface
# ----------------------------
# A scenario for the 30 by 30 target that is based on
# Key Biodiversity Areas, Distinct Species Assemblages (DSA)
# from the Global Safety Net and Critical Connectivity Areas (CCAs).
gsn30 <- calcOutput("GlobalSafetyNet",
maginput = TRUE, nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, aggregate = FALSE
# Use GSN Distinct Species Assemblages (DSA) for the 30 % target
gsn30 <- gsn30[, , "GSN_DSA"]
# To remove overlaps CCAs have already been masked
# by KBAs and GSN DSAs at high resolution
cca30 <- calcOutput("CriticalConnectivityAreas",
maginput = TRUE, nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, mask = "KBA_GSN", aggregate = FALSE
# combine KBA, GSN & CCA data sets
thirty <- mbind(kba, gsn30, cca30)
thirty <- dimSums(thirty, dim = 3.1)
# Unprotected KBAs, DSAs and CCAs make up 16.13 %
# of the land surface. Together with the WDPA
# protected area in 2020 they make up ~30% of the
# global land surface.
getNames(thirty) <- paste("30by30", getNames(thirty), sep = ".")
# --------------------------------------------------
# Half Earth (Global Safety Net)
# --------------------------------------------------
# The sum of all conservation clusters of the GSN
# pertains to 50.4 % of the global terrestrial realm
# together with currently protected areas.
gsnHalfEarth <- calcOutput("GlobalSafetyNet",
maginput = TRUE, nclasses = nclasses,
cells = cells, aggregate = FALSE
gsnHalfEarth <- mbind(kba, gsnHalfEarth)
gsnHalfEarth <- dimSums(gsnHalfEarth, dim = 3.1)
getNames(gsnHalfEarth) <- paste("GSN_HalfEarth", getNames(gsnHalfEarth), sep = ".")
# ======================================
# Prepare output
# ======================================
# Combine all templates for the output
consvPrio <- mbind(thirty, kba, gsn, bhifl, irrC, cca, gsnHalfEarth, pblHalfEarth)
# ----------------------------
# Correct data
# ----------------------------
# Due to small mismatches conservation priority land
# in the additive options can be larger than total
# land in a grid cell. This is corrected in the following.
luh2v2 <- readSource("LUH2v2", subtype = paste0("states_", gsub("y", "", consvBaseYear), "to2015"),
convert = "onlycorrect")[, consvBaseYear, ]
if (cells == "magpiecell") {
luh2v2 <- toolCoord2Isocell(luh2v2, cells = cells)
getCells(luh2v2) <- getCells(consvPrio)
getYears(luh2v2) <- NULL
# get total land area
totLand <- dimSums(luh2v2, dim = 3)
# urban land
urbanLand <- calcOutput("UrbanLandFuture",
subtype = "LUH2v2", aggregate = FALSE,
timestep = "5year", cells = cells
# baseline protected area (WDPA)
wdpaLand <- calcOutput("ProtectedAreaBaseline",
aggregate = FALSE, nclasses = "seven",
cells = cells, magpie_input = TRUE,
# make sure that future conservation priority land is not greater
# than total land area minus urban area and currently protected areas
landNoUrban <- setYears(totLand, "y2020") -
setCells(urbanLand[, "y2020", "SSP2"], getCells(totLand)) -
setCells(dimSums(wdpaLand[, "y2020", ], dim = 3), getCells(totLand))
landNoUrban[landNoUrban < 0] <- 0
getYears(landNoUrban) <- getYears(consvPrio)
# compute mismatch factor
landMismatch <- setNames(landNoUrban, NULL) / dimSums(consvPrio, dim = 3.2)
landMismatch <- toolConditionalReplace(landMismatch, c(">1", "is.na()"), 1)
# correct conservation priority data
consvPrio <- consvPrio * landMismatch
# -------------------------------
# Define conservation base year
# -------------------------------
# Historic land use is derived from the LUH2v2 data.
# Based on historic land use, shares of the different
# land types are extracted and applied proportionally
# in conservation priority areas.
if (consvBaseYear != "y2020") {
# Reclassify LUH classes to MAgPIE classes
if (nclasses == "seven") {
consvBaseLand <- mbind(
setNames(dimSums(luh2v2[, , c("c3ann", "c4ann", "c3per", "c4per", "c3nfx")], dim = 3), "crop"),
setNames(dimSums(luh2v2[, , c("pastr", "range")], dim = 3), "past"),
setNames(luh2v2[, , c("primf", "secdf")], c("primforest", "secdforest")),
setNames(new.magpie(getCells(luh2v2), fill = 0), "forestry"),
luh2v2[, , c("urban")],
setNames(dimSums(luh2v2[, , c("primn", "secdn")], dim = 3), "other")
} else if (nclasses == "nine") {
consvBaseLand <- mbind(
setNames(dimSums(luh2v2[, , c("c3ann", "c4ann", "c3per", "c4per", "c3nfx")], dim = 3), "crop"),
setNames(luh2v2[, , "pastr"], "past"),
setNames(luh2v2[, , "range"], "range"),
setNames(luh2v2[, , c("primf", "secdf")], c("primforest", "secdforest")),
setNames(new.magpie(getCells(luh2v2), fill = 0), "forestry"),
luh2v2[, , c("urban")],
setNames(luh2v2[, , "primn"], "primother"),
setNames(luh2v2[, , "secdn"], "secdother")
# calculate share of land types in conservation base year
consvBaseLandShr <- consvBaseLand / totLand
consvBaseLandShr <- toolConditionalReplace(consvBaseLandShr, conditions = "is.na()", 0)
# Multiply total conservation priority land with
# share of land types in conservation base year
consvPrio <- dimSums(consvPrio, dim = 3.2) * consvBaseLandShr
return(list(x = consvPrio,
weight = NULL,
unit = "Mha",
description = paste0("Land conservation priority targets in each land type. ",
"Land use in conservation priority areas is based on the ",
"reference year ", consvBaseYear,
ifelse(gsub("y", "", consvBaseYear) <= 1800, " (pre-industrial)", "")),
isocountries = FALSE))
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