
context('KW/AoV tests on normalization parameters')

test_that('independece tests output correct p-values based on group info', {
  # Load data and prepare omicsData objects ------------------------------------

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Create a pepData object with the reduced data set.
  pdata <- as.pepData(
    e_data = edata,
    f_data = fdata,
    e_meta = emeta,
    edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
    fdata_cname = "SampleID",
    emeta_cname = "Protein"

  # Log the heck out of the data.
  pdata <- edata_transform(pdata, "log")

  # Run the group_designation function on pdata.
  pdata_g <- group_designation(
    omicsData = pdata,
    main_effects = "Condition"

  # Extract the group information from pdata.
  groupDF <- attr(pdata, "group_DF")

  # Normalize the data globally. Don't apply the normalization.
  pdata_n <- normalize_global(pdata_g,
    subset_fn = "all",
    norm_fn = "zscore",
    apply_norm = FALSE,
    backtransform = FALSE

  # Globally normalize the data and apply the normalization
  pdata_an <- normalize_global(pdata_g,
    subset_fn = "all",
    norm_fn = "zscore",
    apply_norm = TRUE,
    backtransform = FALSE

  # Scramble the order of the samples.
  scrambled <- sample(names(edata[, -1]))

  # Scramble the order of the columns in e_data and rows in f_data.
  edata_s <- edata[, c(1, match(scrambled, names(edata)[-1]) + 1)]

  # Create a pepData object with the scrambled data frames.
  pdata_s <- as.pepData(
    e_data = edata_s,
    f_data = fdata,
    edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
    fdata_cname = "SampleID"

  # Log the heck out of the scrambled omicsData object.
  pdata_s <- edata_transform(pdata_s, "log")

  # Run the group_designation function on pdata_s.
  pdata_s <- group_designation(
    omicsData = pdata_s,
    main_effects = "Condition"

  # Fish out the group information from the scrambled pepData object.
  groupDF_s <- attr(pdata_s, "group_DF")

  # Globally normalize the scrambled data and apply the normalization
  pdata_s <- normalize_global(pdata_s,
    subset_fn = "all",
    norm_fn = "median",
    apply_norm = TRUE,
    backtransform = FALSE

  # Calculate p-value standards ------------------------------------------------

  # Compute standard for omicsData object ---------------

  kw_loc_r <- kruskal.test(
    as.numeric(attributes(pdata_an)$data_info$norm_info$params$norm_location) ~
      c(rep("Infection", 9), rep("Mock", 3))

  kw_sca_r <- kruskal.test(
    as.numeric(attributes(pdata_an)$data_info$norm_info$params$norm_scale) ~
      c(rep("Infection", 9), rep("Mock", 3))

  standard_kw_1 <- list(
    p_location = kw_loc_r$p.value,
    p_scale = kw_sca_r$p.value

  aov_loc_r <- aov(
    as.numeric(attributes(pdata_an)$data_info$norm_info$params$norm_location) ~
      c(rep("Infection", 9), rep("Mock", 3))

  aov_sca_r <- aov(
    as.numeric(attributes(pdata_an)$data_info$norm_info$params$norm_scale) ~
      c(rep("Infection", 9), rep("Mock", 3))

  standard_aov_1 <- list(
    p_location = summary(aov_loc_r)[[1]]$`Pr(>F)`[[1]],
    p_scale = summary(aov_sca_r)[[1]]$`Pr(>F)`[[1]]

  # Compute standard for normRes object ---------------

  kw_loc_r <- kruskal.test(
    as.numeric(pdata_n$parameters$normalization$location) ~
      c(rep("Infection", 9), rep("Mock", 3))

  kw_sca_r <- kruskal.test(
    as.numeric(pdata_n$parameters$normalization$scale) ~
      c(rep("Infection", 9), rep("Mock", 3))

  standard_kw_2 <- list(
    p_location = kw_loc_r$p.value,
    p_scale = kw_sca_r$p.value

  aov_loc_r <- aov(
    as.numeric(pdata_n$parameters$normalization$location) ~
      c(rep("Infection", 9), rep("Mock", 3))

  aov_sca_r <- aov(
    as.numeric(pdata_n$parameters$normalization$scale) ~
      c(rep("Infection", 9), rep("Mock", 3))

  standard_aov_2 <- list(
    p_location = summary(aov_loc_r)[[1]]$`Pr(>F)`[[1]],
    p_scale = summary(aov_sca_r)[[1]]$`Pr(>F)`[[1]]

  # Compute standard for scrambled omicsData object ---------------

  kw_loc_r <- kruskal.test(
    as.numeric(attributes(pdata_s)$data_info$norm_info$params$norm_location) ~
        "Infection", "Mock", "Infection", "Mock", "Infection", "Infection",
        "Infection", "Infection", "Infection", "Infection", "Mock",

  standard_kw_3 <- list(
    p_location = kw_loc_r$p.value,
    p_scale = NULL

  aov_loc_r <- aov(
    as.numeric(attributes(pdata_s)$data_info$norm_info$params$norm_location) ~
        "Infection", "Mock", "Infection", "Mock", "Infection", "Infection",
        "Infection", "Infection", "Infection", "Infection", "Mock",

  standard_aov_3 <- list(
    p_location = summary(aov_loc_r)[[1]]$`Pr(>F)`[[1]],
    p_scale = NULL

  # Test the heck out of the normRes tests -------------------------------------

  kw_1 <- normRes_tests(pdata_an, test_fn = "kw")
  expect_equal(kw_1, standard_kw_1)
  aov_1 <- normRes_tests(pdata_an, test_fn = "anova")
  expect_equal(aov_1, standard_aov_1)

  kw_2 <- normRes_tests(pdata_n, test_fn = "kw")
  expect_equal(kw_2, standard_kw_2)
  aov_2 <- normRes_tests(pdata_n, test_fn = "anova")
  expect_equal(aov_2, standard_aov_2)

  kw_3 <- normRes_tests(pdata_s, test_fn = "kw")
  expect_equal(kw_3, standard_kw_3)
  aov_3 <- normRes_tests(pdata_s, test_fn = "anova")
  expect_equal(aov_3, standard_aov_3)

  # Test argument checks ----------------------------------------------------

  # file_coverage("R/normRes_tests.R", "tests/testthat/test_normRes_tests.R")
    "Normalization has not been run on this data"
  # expect_error(normRes_tests(normalize_global(pdata,
  #                                             subset_fn = "all",
  #                                             norm_fn = "median")),
  #              "No grouping structure present in object")

    normRes_tests(5, test_fn = "kw"),
    "This object is not of class 'pepData'"

    normRes_tests(pdata, test_fn = "tiger"),
    "'anova' or 'kw'."

    normRes_tests(pdata, test_fn = "kw"),
    "Normalization has not been run on this data"

      subset_fn = "all",
      norm_fn = "zscore",
      apply_norm = FALSE,
      backtransform = FALSE
    ), test_fn = "kw"),
    "No grouping structure present in object"

      subset_fn = "all",
      norm_fn = "zscore",
      apply_norm = TRUE,
      backtransform = FALSE
    ), test_fn = "kw"),
    "No grouping structure present in object"
pmartR/pmartRqc documentation built on May 10, 2024, 7:32 a.m.