
#' @title Clip, reproject and warp raster files
#' @description The function applies [gdal_translate] or [gdalwarp]
#'  to clip, reproject and/or warp raster files. The choice of the
#'  algorythm is based on the comparison between input and output
#'  projections ([gdal_translate] if they are equal, [gdalwarp] elsewhere).
#'  If not specified, the output format of each file is the same of the
#'  corresponding source file.
#' @param srcfiles A vector of input file paths (managed by GDAL).
#' @param dstfiles A vector of corresponding output file paths.
#' @param of The output format (use the short format name). Default is
#'  the format of every input filename.
#' @param ref Path of the raster taken as reference: if provided,
#'  parameters regarding the output grid (alignment, resolution and
#'  extent) are taken from this raster. To set differently some of
#'  these values, specify also other values of `mask` and/or `tr`.
#'  `t_srs` parameter value is always ignored when `ref` is provided.
#' @param mask Spatial path or object from which to take the extent
#'  of output files. If it is a polygon, this is used as masking layer;
#'  otherwise, only the bounding box  is considered;. If both `ref`
#'  and `mask` are provided, this parameter will overlay the extent of the
#'  reference raster. In order to take only the grid from `res` and not
#'  to clip on its extent, set `mask=NA`. Notice that the output
#'  projection is never taken from `mask`.
#' @param tr Numeric. (`c(xres,yres)`). set output file resolution
#'  (in target georeferenced units). If bot `ref` and `tr` are provided,
#'  `tr` is rounded in order to match the exact extent.
#' @param t_srs Target spatial reference set (character). The coordinate
#'  systems that can be passed are anything supported by the
#'  OGRSpatialReference.SetFromUserInput() call, which includes EPSG
#'  PCS and GCSes (ie. EPSG:4296), PROJ.4 declarations (as above),
#'  or the name of a .prf file containing well known text.
#' @param r Resampling_method ('near'|'bilinear'|'cubic'|'cubicspline'|
#' 'lanczos'|'average'|'mode'|'max'|'min'|'med'|'q1'|'q3').
#' @param dstnodata Set nodata values for output bands (different values
#'  can be supplied for each band). If more than one value is supplied
#'  all values should be quoted to keep them together as a single
#'  operating system argument. New files will be initialized to this
#'  value and if possible the nodata value will be recorded in the output
#'  file. Use a value of NA to ensure that nodata is not defined.
#'  A vector with the same length of `srcfiles` can be supplied, in order to
#'  specify different nodata values for each input file.
#'  If this argument is not used then nodata values will be copied from
#'  the source datasets. At the moment it is not possible to set different
#'  values for different `srcfiles` (use multiple calls of the functions).
#' @param overwrite Logical value: should existing output files be
#'  overwritten? (default: FALSE)
#' @param tmpdir (optional) Path where intermediate files (maskfile) 
#'  will be created.
#'  Default is a temporary directory.
#' @param rmtmp (optional) Logical: should temporary files be removed?
#'  (Default: TRUE)
#' @param ... Additional parameters of [gdalwarp] or [gdal_translate]
#'  (different from `s_srs`, `t_srs`, `te`, `tr`, `ts` and `of`).
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgdal GDALinfo
#' @importFrom gdalUtils gdalwarp gdal_translate
#' @importFrom sf st_transform st_geometry st_geometry_type st_write st_cast st_area st_bbox st_sfc st_polygon st_as_sf st_as_sfc st_crs
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @importFrom units ud_units
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2017) \email{ranghetti.l@@irea.cnr.it}
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' srcfiles <- c('/path/of/a/s2/file.tif',
#'               '/path/of/another/s2/file.tif')
#' crop_poly <- c('/path/of/a/polygon/vector.shp')
#' # Simple clip
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test0_clip <- file.path(tempdir(),'test0_clip.tif'),
#'           mask = get_extent(crop_poly))
#' # Clip and mask
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles,
#'           test0_mask <- c(file.path(tempdir(),'test0_mask.tif'),
#'                           tempfile()),
#'           mask = crop_poly)
#' # Warp on a reference raster
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test1 <- file.path(tempdir(),'test1.tif'),
#'           ref = test0_mask[1])
#' # Reproject all the input file
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test2 <- file.path(tempdir(),'test2.tif'),
#'           t_srs = '+init=epsg:32631')
#' # Reproject and clip on a bounding box
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test3a <- file.path(tempdir(),'test3a.tif'),
#'           mask = get_extent(crop_poly),
#'           t_srs = '+init=epsg:32631')
#' # Reproject and clip on polygon (masking outside)
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test3b <- file.path(tempdir(),'test3b.tif'),
#'           mask = crop_poly,
#'           t_srs = '+init=epsg:32631')
#' # Workaround to clip on a bounding box without
#' # enlarging it too much (cause of the reprojection)
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test3c <- file.path(tempdir(),'test3c.tif'),
#'           mask = st_cast(crop_poly,'LINESTRING'),
#'           t_srs = '+init=epsg:32631')
#' # Use a reference raster with a different projection
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test4a <- file.path(tempdir(),'test4a.tif'),
#'           ref = test3b)
#' # Use a reference raster with a different projection
#' # and specify a different bounding box
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test4b <- file.path(tempdir(),'test4b.tif'),
#'           mask = test0_clip,
#'           ref = test3b)
#' # Use a reference raster with a different projection and a mask
#' gdal_warp(srcfiles[1],
#'           test4c <- file.path(tempdir(),'test4c.tif'),
#'           mask = crop_poly,
#'           ref = test3b)
#' }

gdal_warp <- function(srcfiles, dstfiles, of = NULL, ref = NULL, mask = NULL, tr = NULL, t_srs = NULL, r = NULL, dstnodata = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, tmpdir = NA, rmtmp = TRUE, 
    ...) {
    # check consistency between inputs and outputs
    if (length(srcfiles) != length(dstfiles)) {
        print_message(type = "error", "\"srcfiles\" (\"", paste(srcfiles, collapse = "\", \""), "\") and \"dstfiles\" (\"", paste(dstfiles, collapse = "\", \""), "\") must be of the same length.")
    # check the length of dstnodata
    if (!is.null(dstnodata)) {
        if (length(dstnodata) == 1) {
            dstnodata <- rep(dstnodata, length(srcfiles))
        } else if (length(dstnodata) != length(srcfiles)) {
            print_message(type = "error", "\"dstnodata\" must be of length 1", if (length(srcfiles) > 1) {
                paste0(" or ", length(srcfiles))
            }, " (the length of \"srcfiles\").")
    # check t_srs
    if (!is.null(t_srs)) {
        if (is(t_srs, "crs")) {
            t_srs <- t_srs$proj4string
        } else if (!is.na(st_crs(t_srs)$proj4string)) {
            t_srs <- st_crs(t_srs)$proj4string
        } else {
            print_message(type = "error", "The input CRS (", t_srs, ") was not recognised.")
    # check output format
    if (!is.null(of)) {
        gdal_formats <- fromJSON(system.file("extdata", "gdal_formats.json", package = "theia2r"))
        sel_driver <- gdal_formats[gdal_formats$name == of, ]
        if (nrow(sel_driver) == 0) {
            print_message(type = "error", "Format \"", of, "\" is not recognised; ", "please use one of the formats supported by your GDAL installation.\n\n", "To list them, use the following command:\n", 
                "gdalUtils::gdalinfo(formats=TRUE)\n\n", "To search for a specific format, use:\n", "gdalinfo(formats=TRUE)[grep(\"yourformat\", gdalinfo(formats=TRUE))]")
    # if 'ref' is specified, read ref parameters
    if (!is.null(ref)) {
        ref_metadata <- suppressWarnings(GDALinfo(ref))
        ref_res <- ref_metadata[c("res.x", "res.y")]
        ref_ll <- ref_metadata[c("ll.x", "ll.y")]
        ref_size <- ref_metadata[c("columns", "rows")]
        ref_bbox <- matrix(c(ref_ll, ref_ll + ref_size * ref_res), ncol = 2)
        dimnames(ref_bbox) <- list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))
        t_srs <- st_crs(attr(ref_metadata, "projection"))$proj4string
        # round 'tr' to ref grid
        if (is.null(tr)) {
            tr <- ref_res
        } else {
            tr <- ref_size * ref_res/round((ref_size * ref_res)/tr)
    # if 'mask' is specified, take 'mask' and 'te' from it
    if (!is.null(mask)) {
        mask_type <- get_spatype(mask)
        # if it is a vector, set 'te' to the bounding box (in t_srs)
        if (mask_type == "vectfile") {
            mask <- st_read(mask, quiet = TRUE)
        } else if (mask_type == "spobject") {
            mask <- st_as_sf(mask)
        } else if (mask_type == "rastfile") {
            mask <- st_as_sfc(st_bbox(raster(mask)))
        # Check that the polygon is not empty
        if (length(grep("POLYGON", st_geometry_type(mask))) >= 1 & sum(st_area(st_geometry(mask))) <= 0 * units::ud_units$m^2) {
            print_message(type = "error", "The polygon provided as mask cannot be empty.")
        # cast to multipolygon
        if (length(grep("POLYGON", st_geometry_type(mask))) >= 1) 
                if (is.na(tmpdir)) {
                  tmpdir <- tempfile(pattern = "gdalwarp_")
                dir.create(tmpdir, recursive = FALSE, showWarnings = FALSE)
                st_write(st_cast(mask, "MULTIPOLYGON"), mask_file <- file.path(tmpdir, basename(tempfile(pattern = "mask_", fileext = ".shp"))), quiet = TRUE)
            }  # if not, mask_polygon is not created
        # create mask_bbox if t_srs is specified; otherwise, create each time within srcfile cycle
        if (!is.null(t_srs)) {
            mask_bbox <- st_transform(mask, t_srs) %>% st_bbox() %>% matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max")))
            # extent() %>% bbox() get_extent() %>% as('matrix')
    # cycle on each srcfile
    for (i in seq_along(srcfiles)) {
        srcfile <- srcfiles[i]
        dstfile <- dstfiles[i]
        sel_nodata <- if (is.null(dstnodata)) {
        } else {
        # if dstfile already exists and overwrite==FALSE, do not proceed
        if (!file.exists(dstfile) | overwrite == TRUE) 
                # read infile parameters
                sel_metadata <- suppressWarnings(GDALinfo(srcfile))
                sel_res <- sel_metadata[c("res.x", "res.y")]
                sel_ll <- sel_metadata[c("ll.x", "ll.y")]
                sel_size <- sel_metadata[c("columns", "rows")]
                sel_s_srs <- st_crs(attr(sel_metadata, "projection"))$proj4string
                sel_bbox <- c(sel_ll, sel_ll + sel_size * sel_res)
                names(sel_bbox) <- c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")
                sel_bbox <- st_bbox(sel_bbox, crs = sel_s_srs)
                sel_of <- ifelse(is.null(of), attr(sel_metadata, "driver"), of)
                # set default parameter values (if not specified)
                sel_t_srs <- if (is.null(t_srs)) {
                } else {
                sel_tr <- if (is.null(tr)) {
                } else {
                # default method: near if the target resolution is lower than an half of the source, mode elsewhere
                sel_r <- if (is.null(r)) {
                  if (all(2 * tr < sel_res)) {
                  } else {
                } else {
                # get reprojected extent (if already set it was referring to mask; in this case, to srcfile)
                sel_src_bbox <- suppressMessages(matrix(st_bbox(st_transform(st_as_sfc(sel_bbox), sel_t_srs)), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), c("min", 
                # dimnames(sel_src_bbox) <- list(c('x','y'), c('min','max'))
                # set the correct bounding box for srcfile
                if (is.null(ref)) {
                  if (is.null(mask)) {
                    # ref NULL & mask NULL: use bbox of srcfile, reprojected
                    sel_te <- sel_src_bbox
                  } else if (class(mask) == "logical" && is.na(mask)) {
                    # check if mask==NA ref NULL & mask NA: the same (use bbox of srcfile, reprojected)
                    sel_te <- sel_src_bbox
                  } else {
                    # ref NULL & mask provided: use bbox of mask, reprojected and aligned to src grid
                    sel_mask_bbox <- if (exists("mask_bbox")) {
                    } else {
                      st_transform(mask, sel_t_srs) %>% st_bbox() %>% matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max")))
                      # get_extent() %>% as('matrix')
                    if (sel_t_srs == sel_s_srs) {
                      sel_te <- (sel_mask_bbox - sel_ll)/sel_tr
                      sel_te <- cbind(floor(sel_te[, 1]), ceiling(sel_te[, 2]))
                      dimnames(sel_te) <- list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))
                      sel_te <- sel_te * sel_tr + sel_ll
                    } else {
                      sel_te <- sel_mask_bbox
                } else {
                  if (is.null(mask)) {
                    # ref provided & mask NULL: use bbox of ref
                    sel_te <- ref_bbox
                  } else if (class(mask) == "logical" && is.na(mask)) {
                    # ref provided & mask NA: use bbox of srcfile (reprojected and aligned to ref grid)
                    if (sel_t_srs == sel_s_srs) {
                      sel_te <- (sel_src_bbox - ref_ll)/sel_tr
                      sel_te <- cbind(floor(sel_te[, 1]), ceiling(sel_te[, 2]))
                      dimnames(sel_te) <- list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))
                      sel_te <- sel_te * sel_tr + ref_ll
                    } else {
                      sel_te <- sel_mask_bbox
                  } else {
                    # ref provided & mask provided: use bbox of mask (reprojected and aligned to ref grid)
                    sel_mask_bbox <- if (exists("mask_bbox")) {
                    } else {
                      st_transform(mask, sel_t_srs) %>% st_bbox() %>% matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max")))
                      # get_extent() %>% as('matrix')
                    if (sel_t_srs == sel_s_srs) {
                      sel_te <- (sel_mask_bbox - ref_ll)/sel_tr
                      sel_te <- cbind(floor(sel_te[, 1]), ceiling(sel_te[, 2]))
                      dimnames(sel_te) <- list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))
                      sel_te <- sel_te * sel_tr + ref_ll
                    } else {
                      sel_te <- sel_mask_bbox
                # finally, apply gdal_warp or gdal_translate temporary leave only gdal_warp to avoid some problems (e.g., translating a 1001x1001 20m to 10m results in 2002x2002
                # instead of 200[12]x200[12]) if (compareCRS(CRS(sel_t_srs), CRS(sel_s_srs)) & !exists('mask_file')) { gdal_translate(src_dataset = srcfile, dst_dataset = dstfile,
                # projwin = sel_te[c(1,4,3,2)], tr = sel_tr, of = sel_of, r = sel_r, a_nodata = dstnodata, ...)  } else {
                gdalwarp_expr <- paste0("gdalwarp(srcfile = srcfile, dstfile = dstfile, ", "s_srs = sel_s_srs, t_srs = sel_t_srs, ", "te = c(sel_te), ", if (exists("mask_file")) {
                  "cutline = mask_file, "
                }, if (!is.null(tr)) {
                  "tr = sel_tr, "
                }, "of = sel_of, ", "r = sel_r, ", if (!is.null(sel_nodata)) {
                  if (is.na(sel_nodata)) {
                    "dstnodata = NULL, "
                  } else {
                    "dstnodata = sel_nodata, "
                }, "overwrite = ", overwrite, ", ", "...)")
                eval(parse(text = gdalwarp_expr))
                # }
            }  # end of overwrite IF cycle
    # Remove temporary files
    if (rmtmp == TRUE) {
        unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
pobsteta/theia2r documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:21 p.m.