
#' @title Create RGB images from S2 reflectance products.
#' @description Function to create RGB images from Sentinel-2 reflectances.
#' @param infiles A vector of input filenames. Input files are paths
#'  of products already converted from SAFE format to a
#'  format managed by GDAL (use [s2_translate] to do it);
#'  their names must be in the theia2r naming convention
#'  ([safe_shortname]).
#' @param prod_type (optional) Output product (see [safe_shortname] for the 
#'  list of accepted products). If not provided, it is retrieved from the
#'  file name.
#' @param rgb_bands (optional) 3-length integer vector, which the number of the
#'  bands to be used respectively for red, green and blue. 
#'  Default is 4:2 (true colours).
#'  It is also possible to pass a list of 3-length integer vectors
#'  in order to create multiple RGB types for each input file.
#'  Notice that this is the [actual number name of the bands](
#'  https://earth.esa.int/web/sentinel/user-guides/sentinel-2-msi/resolutions/spatial):
#'  so, to use i.e. BOA band 11 (1610nm) use the number 11, even if band 11 is
#'  the 10th band of a BOA product (because band 10 is missing).
#' @param scaleRange (optional) Range of valid values. If can be a 2-length
#'  integer vector (min-max for all the 3 bands) or a 6-length vector or 
#'  3x2 matrix (min red, min green, min blue, max red, max green, max blue).
#'  Default is to use c(0,2500) for bands 1-5; c(0,7500) bands 6-12.
#' @param outdir (optional) Full name of the existing output directory
#'  where the files should be created. Default is the same directory of 
#'  input reflectance files. # FIXME use a subdir with product name
#' @param subdirs (optional) Logical: if TRUE, different indices are
#'  placed in separated `outfile` subdirectories; if FALSE, they are placed in
#'  `outfile` directory; if NA (default), subdirectories are created only if
#'  more than a single spectral index is required.
#' @param format (optional) Format of the output file (in a
#'  format recognised by GDAL). Default is the same format of input images
#'  (or 'GTiff' in case of VRT input images).
#' @param compress (optional) In the case a GTiff format is
#'  present, the compression indicated with this parameter is used.
#' @param tmpdir (optional) Path where intermediate files (VRT) will be created.
#'  Default is a temporary directory.
#' @param rmtmp (optional) Logical: should temporary files be removed?
#'  (Default: TRUE)
#' @param parallel (optional) Logical: if TRUE, the function is run using parallel
#'  processing, to speed-up the computation for large rasters.
#'  The number of cores is automatically determined; specifying it is also 
#'  possible (e.g. `parallel = 4`).
#'  If FALSE (default), single core processing is used.
#' @param overwrite (optional) Logical value: should existing thumbnails be
#'  overwritten? (default: TRUE)
#' @param .log_message (optional) Internal parameter
#'  (it is used when the function is called by `theia2r()`).
#' @param .log_output (optional) Internal parameter
#'  (it is used when the function is called by `theia2r()`).
#' @return A vector with the names of the created images.
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2018) \email{ranghetti.l@@irea.cnr.it}
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom foreach foreach '%do%' '%dopar%'
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom rgdal GDALinfo
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export

s2_rgb <- function(infiles, prod_type = NA, rgb_bands = 4:2, scaleRange = NA, outdir = NA, subdirs = NA, format = NA, compress = "DEFLATE", tmpdir = NA, rmtmp = TRUE, 
    parallel = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, .log_message = NA, .log_output = NA) {
    # Check that GDAL suports JPEG JFIF format TODO
    # Set tmpdir
    if (is.na(tmpdir)) {
        tmpdir <- tempfile(pattern = "s2rgb_")
    dir.create(tmpdir, recursive = FALSE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    # Load GDAL paths
    binpaths <- load_binpaths("gdal")
    # Compute n_cores
    n_cores <- if (is.numeric(parallel)) {
    } else if (parallel == FALSE) {
    } else {
        min(parallel::detectCores() - 1, length(infiles), 11)  # use at most 11 cores
    if (n_cores <= 1) {
        `%DO%` <- `%do%`
        parallel <- FALSE
        n_cores <- 1
    } else {
        `%DO%` <- `%dopar%`
    # Get files metadata
    if (is.na(prod_type)) {
        infiles_meta <- data.table(theia2r_getElements(infiles, format = "data.frame"))
    # check output format
    gdal_formats <- fromJSON(system.file("extdata", "gdal_formats.json", package = "theia2r"))
    if (!is.na(format)) {
        driver <- gdal_formats[gdal_formats$name == format, ]
        if (nrow(driver) == 0) {
            print_message(type = "error", "Format \"", format, "\" is not recognised; ", "please use one of the formats supported by your GDAL installation.\n\n", "To list them, use the following command:\n", 
                "gdalUtils::gdalinfo(formats=TRUE)\n\n", "To search for a specific format, use:\n", "gdalinfo(formats=TRUE)[grep(\"yourformat\", gdalinfo(formats=TRUE))]")
    # check rgb_bands and scaleRange
    if (!is.list(rgb_bands)) {
        rgb_bands <- list(rgb_bands)
    if (!is.list(scaleRange)) {
        scaleRange <- rep(list(scaleRange), length(rgb_bands))
    if (length(rgb_bands) != length(scaleRange)) {
        print_message(type = "error", "\"rgb_bands\" and \"scaleRange\" must be of the same length.")
    # create subdirs (if requested) rgb_prodnames <- sapply(rgb_bands, function(x) { paste0('RGB', paste(as.hexmode(x), collapse='')) })
    if (is.na(subdirs)) {
        subdirs <- ifelse(length(rgb_bands) > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
    # if (subdirs) { sapply(file.path(outdir,rgb_prodnames), dir.create, showWarnings=FALSE) }
    if (n_cores > 1) {
        cl <- makeCluster(n_cores, type = if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
        } else {
        print_message(type = "message", date = TRUE, "Starting parallel production of RGB images...")
    out_names <- foreach(i = seq_along(infiles), .packages = c("foreach", "rgdal", "theia2r"), .combine = c, .errorhandling = "remove") %DO% {
        # redirect to log files
        if (n_cores > 1) {
            if (!is.na(.log_output)) {
                sink(.log_output, split = TRUE, type = "output", append = TRUE)
            if (!is.na(.log_message)) {
                logfile_message = file(.log_message, open = "a")
                sink(logfile_message, type = "message")
        sel_infile_path <- infiles[i]
        # set outdir
        sel_outdir <- if (is.na(outdir)) {
        } else {
        # Determine prod_type
        sel_prod_type <- if (is.na(prod_type)) {
            infiles_meta[i, prod_type]
        } else {
        sel_format <- if (!is.na(format)) {
        } else {
            suppressWarnings(attr(GDALinfo(sel_infile_path), "driver"))
        sel_out_ext <- gdal_formats[gdal_formats$name == sel_format, ][1, "ext"]
        # exclude non BOA-TOA products
        out_names <- if (!sel_prod_type %in% c("BOA", "TOA")) {
            print_message(type = "warning", "Product ", basename(sel_infile_path), " was not considered, ", "since this function is only for reflectance files.")
        } else {
            # Cycle on each rgb_bands combination
            foreach(sel_rgb_bands = rgb_bands, sel_scaleRange = scaleRange, .combine = c) %do% {
                sel_rgb_prodname <- paste0("RGB", paste(as.hexmode(sel_rgb_bands), collapse = ""), substr(sel_prod_type, 1, 1))
                # Set output path
                out_subdir <- ifelse(subdirs, file.path(sel_outdir, sel_rgb_prodname), outdir)
                dir.create(out_subdir, recursive = FALSE, showWarnings = FALSE)
                out_path <- file.path(out_subdir, gsub(paste0("\\_", sel_prod_type, "\\_"), paste0("\\_", sel_rgb_prodname, "\\_"), gsub("\\.[^\\.]+$", paste0(".", sel_out_ext), 
                # if output already exists and overwrite==FALSE, do not proceed
                if (!file.exists(out_path) | overwrite == TRUE) 
                    # From Sentinel-2 band number to actual band numbert in the BOA
                    sel_nbands <- if (sel_prod_type == "BOA") {
                      ifelse(sel_rgb_bands > 10, sel_rgb_bands - 1, sel_rgb_bands)
                    } else {
                    # Consider only the required bands
                    filterbands_path <- file.path(tmpdir, gsub("\\..+$", "_filterbands.tif", basename(sel_infile_path)))
                    system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW ", "-b ", paste(sel_nbands, collapse = " -b "), " ", "\"", sel_infile_path, "\" ", 
                      "\"", filterbands_path, "\""), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
                    # define scaleRange
                    sel_scaleRange <- if (anyNA(sel_scaleRange)) {
                      # c(0, switch( sel_rgb_prodname, 'RGB432T' = 2500, 'RGB432B' = 2500, 7500 ))
                      c(rep(0, 3), ifelse(sel_nbands %in% 1:5, 2500, 7500))
                    } else {
                    # convert from vector to matrix
                    sel_scaleRange <- matrix(sel_scaleRange, ncol = 2)
                    # generate RGB basing on prod_type
                    stack2rgb(filterbands_path, out_file = out_path, minval = sel_scaleRange[, 1], maxval = sel_scaleRange[, 2], format = sel_format, compress = "90", 
                      tmpdir = tmpdir)
                  }  # end of overwrite IF cycle
            }  # end of rgb_bands FOREACH cycle
        }  # end of !sel_prod_type %in% c('BOA','TOA') IF cycle
        # stop sinking
        if (n_cores > 1) {
            if (!is.na(.log_output)) {
                sink(type = "output")
            if (!is.na(.log_message)) {
                sink(type = "message")
    }  # end of infiles FOREACH cycle
    if (n_cores > 1) {
        print_message(type = "message", date = TRUE, "Parallel production of RGB images done.")
    # Remove temporary files
    if (rmtmp == TRUE) {
        unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
    print_message(type = "message", length(out_names), " output RGB files were correctly created.")
pobsteta/theia2r documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:21 p.m.