
Defines functions nrp_download_ctd nrp_upload_ctd nrp_add_sites nrp_download_lakes nrp_download_ctd_basin_arm nrp_download_ctd_visit nrp_download_sites nrp_read_ctd nrp_read_ctd_file

Documented in nrp_add_sites nrp_download_ctd nrp_download_ctd_basin_arm nrp_download_ctd_visit nrp_download_lakes nrp_download_sites nrp_read_ctd nrp_read_ctd_file nrp_upload_ctd

#' Read CTD File
#' @param path A string of the path to the file.
#' @param db_path The SQLite connection object or path to the nrp SQLite database
#' @param lookup The lookup table for assigning site names/dates (used when reading files that cannot be read by oce package).
#' this defaults to a dataset provided with the package that is used for reading historical data
#' @return A tibble
#' @export
nrp_read_ctd_file <- function(path, db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose()),
                              lookup = nrp::site_date_lookup) {
  check_site_date_lookup(data = lookup)

  if(!inherits(db_path, "SQLiteConnection")){
    db_path <- connect_if_valid_path(path = db_path)
    on.exit(readwritesqlite::rws_disconnect(conn = db_path))

  ctd <- try(read.ctd.sbe(path, type = "SBE19plus"), silent = TRUE) %>%

  if(!inherits(ctd, "try-error")){
    data <- as_tibble(ctd@data)

    units_list <- ctd@metadata$units
    meta_units <- extract_units(units_list)
    data %<>% map2_dfc(meta_units, fill_units)

    if(!"frequency" %in% names(data)){
      data$frequency <- NA_real_

    sites <- nrp_download_sites(db_path = db_path)

    siteIDs <- sites$SiteID
    match <- which(sapply(siteIDs, grepl, basename(path), ignore.case = TRUE))

    if(length(match) == 1){
      data$SiteID <- siteIDs[match]
    } else if(basename(path) %in% lookup$File) {
      data$SiteID <- lookup$SiteID[lookup$File == basename(path)]
    } else {
      err("Station name could not be extracted from file name: No matches")

    colnames(data) %<>% str_to_title()
    data$DateTime <- ctd@metadata$startTime
    data$DateTime %<>% dttr2::dtt_set_tz("Etc/GMT+8")

    data %<>% rename("SiteID" = "Siteid") %>%
      select("SiteID", "DateTime", everything())

  } else {

    col_names <- c("Depth","Temperature","Oxygen","Oxygen2",

    data <- utils::read.table(file = path, col.names = col_names, skip = 100)
    data$Pressure <- NA_real_
    data$Frequency <- NA_real_

    lookup <- site_date_lookup
    data$DateTime <- lookup$Date[lookup$File == basename(path)]
    data$SiteID <- lookup$SiteID[lookup$File == basename(path)]

  n_pre_filt <- nrow(data)
  data <- data[as.numeric(data$Depth) >= 0, ]
  n_dups <- n_pre_filt - nrow(data)

  if(n_dups > 0){
    message(paste(n_dups, "negative depths removed from data"))

  data %<>% mutate(
    FileID = 1:nrow(data),
    File = basename(path))

  data$Retain<-if_else(duplicated(data$Depth, fromLast = TRUE), FALSE, TRUE)

  data %<>% select(
    "FileID", "SiteID", "DateTime", "Depth", "Temperature", "Oxygen", "Oxygen2",
    "Conductivity", "Conductivity2", "Salinity", "Backscatter", "Fluorescence",
    "Frequency", "Flag", "Pressure", "Retain", "File"

  default_units <- c(NA, NA, NA, "m", "degC", "mg/l", "percent", "uS/cm",
                     "mu * S/cm", "PSU",
                     "NTU", "ug/L", "Hz", NA, "dbar", NA, NA)
  data %<>% map2_dfc(default_units, fill_units)
  units(data$Temperature) <- NULL
  units(data$Temperature) <- "degC"

  data$DateTime %<>% as.POSIXct(tz = "Etc/GMT+8")
  data$Time <- dttr2::dtt_time(data$DateTime)
  data$Time[data$Time == 00:00:00] <- NA_real_
  data$Date <- dttr2::dtt_date(data$DateTime)

  data %<>% select("FileID", "SiteID", "Date", "Time",
                   everything(), -"DateTime")

#' Read CTD Files
#' @param path A string of the path to the directory.
#' @param db_path The SQLite connection object or path to the SQLite database
#' @param lookup The lookup table for assigning site names/dates
#' (used when reading files that cannot be read by oce package).
#' this defaults to a dataset provided with the package that is used for
#' reading historical data
#' @inheritParams fs::dir_ls
#' @return A tibble.
#' @export
nrp_read_ctd <- function(path = ".", db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose()),
                         recursive = FALSE, regexp = "[.]cnv$",
                         fail = TRUE, lookup = nrp::site_date_lookup) {

  paths <- dir_ls(path, type = "file", recurse = recursive, regexp = regexp,
                  fail = fail)
  if(!length(paths)) return(named_list())

  datas <- suppressWarnings(do.call("rbind", map(paths, ~ nrp_read_ctd_file(., db_path = db_path))))
  rownames(datas) <- NULL


#' Download CTD site table
#' @param db_path The SQLite connection object or path to the SQLite database
#' @return site table
#' @export
nrp_download_sites <- function(db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose())) {
  conn <- db_path

  if(!inherits(conn, "SQLiteConnection")){
    conn <- connect_if_valid_path(path = conn)
    on.exit(readwritesqlite::rws_disconnect(conn = conn))
  readwritesqlite::rws_read_table("Sites", conn = conn)

#' Download CTD visit table
#' @param db_path The SQLite connection object or path to the SQLite database
#' @return CTD visit table
#' @export
nrp_download_ctd_visit <- function(db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose())) {
  conn <- db_path

  if(!inherits(conn, "SQLiteConnection")){
    conn <- connect_if_valid_path(path = conn)
    on.exit(readwritesqlite::rws_disconnect(conn = conn))
  readwritesqlite::rws_read_table("VisitCTD", conn = conn)

#' Download BasinArm table
#' @param db_path The SQLite connection object or path to the SQLite database
#' @return CTD BasinArm table
#' @export
nrp_download_ctd_basin_arm <- function(db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose())) {
  conn <- db_path

  if(!inherits(conn, "SQLiteConnection")){
    conn <- connect_if_valid_path(path = conn)
    on.exit(readwritesqlite::rws_disconnect(conn = conn))

  readwritesqlite::rws_read_table("BasinArm", conn = conn)

#' Download Lake table
#' @param db_path The SQLite connection object or path to the SQLite database
#' @return CTD Lakes table
#' @export
nrp_download_lakes <- function(db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose())) {
  conn <- db_path

  if(!inherits(conn, "SQLiteConnection")){
    conn <- connect_if_valid_path(path = conn)
    on.exit(readwritesqlite::rws_disconnect(conn = conn))

  readwritesqlite::rws_read_table("Lake", conn = conn)

#' Add new sites to the 'Sites' table in the database.
#' @param data a tibble or data frame of new site data.
#' Must have columns "SiteID", "SiteNumber", "SiteName", "BasinArm",
#' "Depth", as well as columns
#' "Easting" and "Northing" with coordinates in projection UTM zone 11N.
#' @param db_path The SQLite connection object or path to the SQLite database
#' @export
nrp_add_sites <- function(data, db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose())){
  conn <- db_path
  if(!inherits(conn, "SQLiteConnection")){
    conn <- connect_if_valid_path(path = conn)
    on.exit(readwritesqlite::rws_disconnect(conn = conn))
  data %<>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("Easting", "Northing"), crs = 4326)
  data$MaxDepth <- units::set_units(data$MaxDepth,"m")

  readwritesqlite::rws_write(x = data, commit = TRUE, strict = TRUE, silent = TRUE,
                             x_name = "Sites", conn = conn)

#' Upload CTD data to nrp database
#' @param data the object name of the data to be uploaded
#' @param db_path An Sqlite Database Connection, or path to an SQLite Database
#' @inheritParams readwritesqlite::rws_write
#' @export
nrp_upload_ctd <- function(data, db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose()),
                           commit = TRUE, strict = TRUE, silent = TRUE,
                           replace = FALSE){

  conn <- db_path
  if(!inherits(conn, "SQLiteConnection")){
    conn <- connect_if_valid_path(path = conn)
    on.exit(readwritesqlite::rws_disconnect(conn = conn))

  check_ctd_data(data, exclusive = TRUE, order = TRUE)

  dup <- stats::aggregate(Retain ~ Date + Time + SiteID, data = data, function(x) length(which(x == FALSE)))
  first_file <- data[!duplicated(data[c('Date', 'Time', 'SiteID')]), c('Date', 'Time', 'SiteID', 'File')]
  visit <- left_join(dup, first_file, by = c('Date', 'Time', 'SiteID'))
  names(visit)[names(visit) == "Retain"] <- "DepthDuplicates"
  visit %<>% select("SiteID", "Date", "Time", "DepthDuplicates", "File") %>%

  visit_db <- nrp_download_ctd_visit(db_path = conn)
  visit_upload <- setdiff(visit, visit_db)

  readwritesqlite::rws_write(x = visit_upload, commit = commit,
                             strict = strict, silent = silent,
                             x_name = "visitCTD", conn = conn)

  n_pre_filt <- nrow(data)
  data <- data[data$Retain, ]
  n_dups <- n_pre_filt - nrow(data)
  message(paste(n_dups, "duplicate depths removed from data"))

  data %<>% select(-"File", -"Retain")

  readwritesqlite::rws_write(x = data, commit = commit, strict = strict,
                             silent = silent,
                             x_name = "CTD", conn = conn, replace = replace)

#' Download CTD data table from database
#' @param start_date The start date
#' @param end_date The end date
#' @param sites A character vector of the Site IDs
#' @param parameters A character vector of the parameters to include.
#' Permissable values: "Temperature", "Oxygen", "Oxygen2", "Conductivity",
#' "Conductivity2", "Salinity", "Backscatter", "Fluorescence", "Frequency",
#' "Flag", "Pressure"
#' @param db_path The SQLite connection object or path to the SQLite database
#' @return CTD data table
#' @export
nrp_download_ctd <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
                             sites = NULL, parameters = "all",
                             db_path = getOption("nrp.db_path", file.choose())){

  chk::chk_null_or(sites, vld = chk::vld_character)

  if(!is.null(start_date)) {

  if(!is.null(end_date)) {

  conn <- db_path
  if(!inherits(conn, "SQLiteConnection")){
    conn <- connect_if_valid_path(path = conn)
    on.exit(readwritesqlite::rws_disconnect(conn = conn))

  default_parameters <- c("Depth", "Temperature", "Oxygen", "Oxygen2",
                          "Salinity", "Backscatter", "Fluorescence",
                          "Frequency", "Flag", "Pressure")

  site_table <- nrp_download_sites(db_path = conn)
    sites <- site_table$SiteID
  if(!all(sites %in% site_table$SiteID)){
    err(paste("1 or more invalid site names"))
  if(length(parameters) == 1 && parameters == "all"){
    parameters <- default_parameters
  } else if(!all(parameters %in% default_parameters)){
    err(paste("1 or more invalid parameter names"))

  dates <- fill_date_query(table = "CTD", col = "Date", end = end_date, start = start_date,
                           connection = conn)
  start_date <- dates["start_date"][[1]]
  end_date <- dates["end_date"][[1]]

  if(start_date > end_date){
    err("start date is later than end date")

  parameters <-c("FileID", "SiteID", "Date", "Time", parameters)

  Date <- NULL
  SiteID <- NULL

  paramsSql <- cc(parameters, ellipsis = 1000, brac = "`")
  sitesSql <- cc(sites, ellipsis = 1000)
  start_dateSql <- paste0("'", start_date, "'")
  end_dateSql <- paste0("'", end_date, "'")

  query <- paste0("SELECT ", paramsSql, " FROM CTD WHERE ((`Date` >= ", start_dateSql, ") AND (`Date` <= ",
                  end_dateSql, ") AND (`SiteID` IN (", sitesSql,")))")

  readwritesqlite::rws_query(query = query, conn = conn, meta = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Date = dttr2::dtt_date(Date))
poissonconsulting/nrp documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 4:14 p.m.