
Defines functions sbf_save_aws_files sbf_save_db_to_workbook sbf_save_datas_to_db sbf_save_gpkgs save_gpkgs sbf_save_excels sbf_save_strings sbf_save_numbers sbf_save_datas sbf_save_objects sbf_save_db_metatable_descriptions sbf_save_data_to_db sbf_save_workbook sbf_save_gpkg sbf_save_excel sbf_save_png sbf_basename_sans_ext sbf_save_window sbf_save_plot sbf_save_block sbf_save_table sbf_save_string sbf_save_number sbf_save_data sbf_save_object save_workbook split_excel_large process_sf_columns convert_coords find_blob_columns_to_drop find_columns_points find_sfc_columns_to_drop save_gpkg save_xlsx read_metas save_meta save_txt save_csv save_rds file_name

Documented in sbf_basename_sans_ext sbf_save_aws_files sbf_save_block sbf_save_data sbf_save_datas sbf_save_datas_to_db sbf_save_data_to_db sbf_save_db_metatable_descriptions sbf_save_db_to_workbook sbf_save_excel sbf_save_excels sbf_save_gpkg sbf_save_gpkgs sbf_save_number sbf_save_numbers sbf_save_object sbf_save_objects sbf_save_plot sbf_save_png sbf_save_string sbf_save_strings sbf_save_table sbf_save_window sbf_save_workbook

file_name <- function(main, class, sub, x_name, ext) {
  dir <- file_path(main, class, sub)
  file <- file_path(dir, x_name)
  ext <- sub("[.]$", "", ext)
  if (!identical(ext, file_ext(x_name))) {
    file <- paste0(file, ".", ext)


save_rds <- function(x, class, main, sub, x_name) {
  file <- file_name(main, class, sub, x_name, "rds")
  saveRDS(x, file)

save_csv <- function(x, class, sub, main, x_name) {
  x[vapply(x, is.list, TRUE)] <- NULL
  file <- file_name(main, class, sub, x_name, "csv")
  readr::write_csv(x, file)

save_txt <- function(txt, class, sub, main, x_name) {
  file <- file_name(main, class, sub, x_name, "txt")
  writeLines(txt, file)

save_meta <- function(meta, class, sub, main, x_name) {
  file <- file_name(main, class, sub, x_name, "rda")
  meta <- lapply(meta, unname)
  saveRDS(meta, file)

read_metas <- function(x) {
  x <- lapply(x, replace_ext, new_ext = "rda")
  lapply(x, readRDS)

save_xlsx <- function(x, class, main, sub, x_name) {
  file <- file_name(main, class, sub, x_name, "xlsx")
  writexl::write_xlsx(x, file)

save_gpkg <- function(x, class, main, sub, x_name) {
  file <- file_name(main, class, sub, x_name, "gpkg")
  x <- hms_to_text(x)
  utils::capture.output(sf::st_write(x, file, delete_layer = TRUE))

# this finds which columns have a sfc geomertry other then points
# returns the names of the columns
find_sfc_columns_to_drop <- function(table) {
  col_drop <- character()
  for (i in colnames(table)) {
    if (inherits(table[[i]], "sfc")) {
      if (!any(grepl("^sfc_POINT$", class(table[[i]])))) {
        col_drop <- c(col_drop, i)

## this finds which columns have a point sfc column
## returns the names of the columns
find_columns_points <- function(table) {
  col_point <- character()
  for (i in colnames(table)) {
    if (inherits(table[[i]], "sfc_POINT")) {
      col_point <- c(col_point, i)

## this finds which columns have class blob
## returns the names of the columns
find_blob_columns_to_drop <- function(table) {
  col_blob <- character()
  for (i in colnames(table)) {
    if (inherits(table[[i]], "blob")) {
      col_blob <- c(col_blob, i)

# converts the coords to a different projection
convert_coords <- function(table, epgs) {
  points <- find_columns_points(table)
  for (i in points) {
    table <- sf::st_set_geometry(table, i)
    table <- sf::st_transform(table, epgs)

process_sf_columns <- function(table, epgs) {
  # identify names of columns with point geometry
  points <- find_columns_points(table)

  # convert coords to other formats
  if (!is.null(epgs)) {
    table <- convert_coords(table, epgs)

  # convert from sfc object to normal df
  table <- tibble::as_tibble(table)

  # this drops any sfc columns that are not point geometry
  drop_columns <- find_sfc_columns_to_drop(table)
  table <- table[, !names(table) %in% drop_columns, drop = FALSE]

  # this drops columns that are blobs
  drop_blob_columns <- find_blob_columns_to_drop(table)
  table <- table[, !names(table) %in% drop_blob_columns, drop = FALSE]

  # this converts point columns into their X, Y and Z coordinates
  # robust for multiple point columns
  for (column in points) {
    X <- paste0(column, "_X")
    Y <- paste0(column, "_Y")
    Z <- paste0(column, "_Z")
    table <- convert_sfc_to_coords(table, column, X, Y, Z)

split_excel_large <- function(x, x_name, max_sheets) {
  # this function is for splitting large tables into smaller tables
  # as excel has a maximum number of rows allowed per sheet
  # split into enough new dataframes
  x_split <- split(x, (as.numeric(rownames(x)) - 1) %/% 1048575L)
  # error catching for giving more sheets then have been split into
  len_x_split <- length(x_split)
  if (max_sheets > len_x_split) {
    max_sheets <- len_x_split
  x_split <- x_split[seq_len(max_sheets)]
  # don't append numbers if only 1 sheet
  if (max_sheets == 1) {
    x_names <- x_name
  } else {
    x_names <- character(length(x_split))
    for (i in seq_along(x_split)) {
      x_names[i] <- paste0(x_name, "_", i)
  # rename them
  names(x_split) <- x_names
  # return named list of dataframes

save_workbook <- function(x, sub, main, workbook_name, epgs) {
  x <- lapply(x, function(i) {
    process_sf_columns(i, epgs)

  save_rds(x, "excel", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = workbook_name)
  save_xlsx(x, "excel", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = workbook_name)

#' Save Object
#' @param x The object to save.
#' @param x_name A string of the name.
#' @param sub A string specifying the path to the sub folder (by default the
#' current sub folder).
#' @param main A string specifying the path to the main folder (by default the
#' current main folder)
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved object.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_object <- function(x, x_name = substitute(x), sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                            main = sbf_get_main()) {
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)

  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  save_rds(x, "objects", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save Data
#' @param x The data frame to save.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved data.frame
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_data <- function(x, x_name = substitute(x), sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                          main = sbf_get_main()) {
  chk_s3_class(x, "data.frame")
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)

  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  save_rds(x, "data", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save Number
#' @param x The number to save.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved object.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_number <- function(x, x_name = substitute(x), sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                            main = sbf_get_main()) {
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)
  x <- as.double(x)

  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  data <- data.frame(x = x)

  save_csv(data, "numbers", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_rds(x, "numbers", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save String
#' A string in this context is a character vector of length one of inline text.
#' @param x The string to save.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @param report A flag specifying whether to include in a report.
#' @param tag A string of the tag.
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved object.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_string <- function(x, x_name = substitute(x), sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                            main = sbf_get_main(), report = TRUE, tag = "") {
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)


  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  meta <- list(report = report, tag = tag)
  save_meta(meta, "strings", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_txt(x, "strings", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_rds(x, "strings", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save Table
#' @param x The data frame to save.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @param caption A string of the caption.
#' @param report A flag specifying whether to include in a report.
#' @param tag A string of the tag.
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved object.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_table <- function(x, x_name = substitute(x), sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                           main = sbf_get_main(),
                           caption = "", report = TRUE, tag = "") {
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)
  chk_s3_class(x, "data.frame")
  valid <- vapply(x, is_valid_table_column, TRUE)
  if (any(!valid)) {
      "the following columns in `x` are not logical, numeric, character, factor, Date, hms or POSIXct: ",
      cc(names(x)[!valid], " and ")


  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  meta <- list(caption = caption, report = report, tag = tag)
  save_meta(meta, "tables", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_csv(x, "tables", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_rds(x, "tables", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save Block
#' A block in this context is a character vector of length one of.
#' @param x A string of the block to save.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_table
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved object.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_block <- function(x, x_name = substitute(x), sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                           main = sbf_get_main(),
                           caption = "", report = TRUE, tag = "") {
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)


  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  meta <- list(caption = caption, report = report, tag = tag)
  save_meta(meta, "blocks", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_txt(x, "blocks", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_rds(x, "blocks", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save Plot
#' Saves a ggplot object.
#' By default it saves the last plot to be modified or created.
#' @param x The ggplot object to save.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_table
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::ggsave
#' @param width A number of the plot width in inches.
#' @param height A number of the plot width in inches.
#' @param units A string of the units. Can be "in" (default) or "mm" or "cm".
#' @param dpi A number of the resolution in dots per inch.
#' @param csv A count specifying the maximum number of rows to save as a csv
#' file.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_plot <- function(x = ggplot2::last_plot(), x_name = substitute(x),
                          sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                          main = sbf_get_main(),
                          caption = "", report = TRUE,
                          tag = "",
                          units = "in",
                          width = NA, height = width, dpi = 300,
                          limitsize = TRUE,
                          csv = 1000L) {
  chk_s3_class(x, "ggplot")
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)
  if (identical(x_name, "ggplot2::last_plot()")) {
    x_name <- "plot"

  chk_subset(units, c("in", "mm", "cm"))

  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)


  csv <- as.integer(csv)

  filename <- file_name(main, "plots", sub, x_name, "png")

  dim <- plot_size(c(width, height), units = units)

    plot = x, width = dim[1], height = dim[2],
    dpi = dpi, limitsize = limitsize

  meta <- list(
    caption = caption, report = report, tag = tag,
    width = dim[1], height = dim[2],
    dpi = dpi
  save_meta(meta, "plots", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

  data <- x$data
  if (is.data.frame(data) && nrow(data) <= csv) {
    data <- tidyplus::drop_uninformative_columns(data)
    save_csv(data, "plots", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

  save_rds(x, "plots", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save Window
#' Saves the current graphics device to a png file.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_table
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_plot
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_window <- function(x_name = "window",
                            sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                            main = sbf_get_main(),
                            caption = "", report = TRUE, tag = "",
                            width = NA, height = width, units = "in",
                            dpi = 300) {

  chk_subset(units, c("in", "mm", "cm"))

  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  device <- grDevices::dev.cur()
  if (identical(device, c("null device" = 1L))) {
    err("no such device")

  filename <- file_name(main, "windows", sub, x_name, "png")

  dim <- plot_size(c(width, height), units = units)

    device = grDevices::png, filename = filename,
    width = dim[1], height = dim[2],
    units = "in", res = dpi

  meta <- list(
    caption = caption, report = report, tag = tag,
    width = dim[1], height = dim[2], dpi = dpi
  save_meta(meta, "windows", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Extension-less Base File Names
#' Just a wrapper on [basename()] and
#' [tools::file_path_sans_ext()].
#' @param x A character vector of file paths.
#' @return A character vector of extension-less base file names.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sbf_basename_sans_ext("path/file.ext")
sbf_basename_sans_ext <- function(x) {
  x <- basename(x)
  x <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(x)

#' Save png File
#' Saves a png file to the windows.
#' @param x A string of the path to the png file to save.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_table
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_plot
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_png <- function(x, x_name = sbf_basename_sans_ext(x),
                         sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                         main = sbf_get_main(),
                         caption = "", report = TRUE,
                         tag = "",
                         width = NA, units = "in") {
  chk_ext(x, "png")


  chk_subset(units, c("in", "mm", "cm"))

  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  dim <- plot_size(c(width, height = NA), units = units)
  png_dim <- png_dim(x)
  dim[2] <- dim[1] * png_dim[2] / png_dim[1]
  dpi <- png_dim[1] / dim[1]

  filename <- file_name(main, "windows", sub, x_name, "png")
  file.copy(x, filename, overwrite = TRUE)

  meta <- list(
    caption = caption, report = report, tag = tag,
    width = dim[1], height = dim[2], dpi = dpi
  save_meta(meta, "windows", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save Dataframe to Excel Workbook
#' @details This takes a data frame and saves it to their own excel workbook.
#' This function will split up large dataframes into smaller tables for writing
#' to excel because excel only allows a maximum number of 1,048,576. For the
#' `max_sheets` argument you can pass a number higher then the required
#' and it will only return as many sheets as there is data.
#' @param x The data frame to save.
#' @param max_sheets An integer specifying the maximum number of sheets to split
#' your table into for writing to excel. The default is 1.
#' @param epgs The projection to convert to
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @family save functions
#' @family excel
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved data.frame
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sbf_save_excel()
#' }
#' @export
sbf_save_excel <- function(x,
                           x_name = substitute(x),
                           max_sheets = 1L,
                           sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                           main = sbf_get_main(),
                           epgs = NULL) {
  chk::chk_s3_class(x, "data.frame")
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)
  chk::chk_null_or(epgs, vld = chk::vld_number)

  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  x <- process_sf_columns(x, epgs)
  x <- split_excel_large(x, x_name, max_sheets)

  save_rds(x, "excel", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_xlsx(x, "excel", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save sf data frame to Geopackage
#' @details This takes an sf data frame and saves as geopackage.
#' @param x The sf data frame to save.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @family save functions
#' @family gpkg
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved geopackage
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sbf_save_gpkg()
#' }
#' @export
sbf_save_gpkg <- function(x,
                          x_name = substitute(x),
                          sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                          main = sbf_get_main()) {
  chk::chk_s3_class(x, "data.frame")
  chk::chk_s3_class(x, "sf")
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)


  if (x_name == "gpkg") {
    chk::abort_chk("'gpkg' is a reserved geopackage prefix")

  sub <- sanitize_path(sub)
  main <- sanitize_path(main, rm_leading = FALSE)

  save_rds(x, "gpkg", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)
  save_gpkg(x, "gpkg", sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name)

#' Save Dataframes to Excel Workbook
#' This takes the data frames from the environment and saves them to a
#' single excel workbook where each table is its own spreadsheet.
#' @param epgs The projection to convert to
#' @param workbook_name The name of the excel workbook you are creating. Default
#'  is the base name of the current working directory.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_objects
#' @family excel
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved data.frame
#' @family save functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sbf_save_workbook()
#' }
#' @export
sbf_save_workbook <- function(workbook_name = basename(getwd()),
                              sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                              main = sbf_get_main(),
                              env = parent.frame(),
                              epgs = NULL) {
  chk::chk_null_or(epgs, vld = chk::vld_number)
  chk::chk_s3_class(env, "environment")

  names <- objects(envir = env)
  is <- vector("logical", length(names))

  datas <- list()
  # create named list of all dataframes in the environment
  for (i in seq_along(names)) {
    x_name <- names[i]
    x <- get(x = x_name, envir = env)
    is[i] <- is.data.frame(x)
    if (is[i]) {
      datas[[x_name]] <- x

  save_workbook(datas, sub, main, workbook_name, epgs)

  names <- names[is]
  if (!length(names)) {
    warning("no datas to save")

  names <- file_path(main, "excel", sub, workbook_name)
  names <- p0(names, ".xlsx")

#' Save Data Frame to Existing Database
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @param x_name A string of the table name.
#' @param db_name A string of the database name.
#' @inheritParams sbf_open_db
#' @inheritParams readwritesqlite::rws_write
#' @return An invisible character vector of the paths to the saved objects.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_data_to_db <- function(x, x_name = substitute(x),
                                db_name = sbf_get_db_name(),
                                sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                                main = sbf_get_main(),
                                commit = TRUE, strict = TRUE,
                                silent = getOption("rws.silent", FALSE)) {
  chk_s3_class(x, "data.frame")
  x_name <- chk_deparse(x_name)

  conn <- sbf_open_db(db_name, sub = sub, main = main, exists = TRUE)

    x_name = x_name, exists = TRUE,
    commit = commit, strict = strict, conn = conn,
    silent = silent
  invisible(file_name(main, "dbs", sub, db_name, ext = "sqlite"))

#' Saves Meta Table Descriptions to Database
#' Saves meta table descriptions to a database.
#' Its important to note that if overwrite = TRUE and x includes
#' blank descriptions then existing non-blank descriptions will be overwritten.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_data_to_db
#' @param x A data.frame with Table, Column and Description columns.
#' @param strict A flag specifying whether to error if x has extraneous
#' descriptions.
#' @param overwrite A flag specifying whether to overwrite existing
#' descriptions.
#' @return A invisible data.frame of the altered descriptions.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_db_metatable_descriptions <- function(x,
                                               db_name = sbf_get_db_name(),
                                               sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                                               main = sbf_get_main(),
                                               overwrite = FALSE,
                                               strict = TRUE) {
  check_data(x, values = list(Table = "", Column = "", Description = c("", NA)))

  conn <- sbf_open_db(db_name, sub = sub, main = main, exists = TRUE)

  x <- x[c("Table", "Column", "Description")]
  if (!nrow(x)) {

  meta <- sbf_load_db_metatable(db_name, sub = sub, main = main)
  x$TableColumn <- paste(x$Table, x$Column)
  meta$TableColumn <- paste(meta$Table, meta$Column)
  if (strict && !vld_subset(x$TableColumn, meta$TableColumn)) {
    stop("All Table and Column names must be in db.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!overwrite) {
    meta <- meta[is.na(meta$Description), , drop = FALSE]
  x <- x[x$TableColumn %in% meta$TableColumn, , drop = FALSE]
  x$TableColumn <- NULL
  if (nrow(x)) {
    rws_describe_meta(x, conn = conn)

#' Save Objects
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @param env An environment.
#' @return An invisible character vector of the paths to the saved objects.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_objects <- function(sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                             main = sbf_get_main(), env = parent.frame()) {
  chk_s3_class(env, "environment")

  names <- objects(envir = env)
  if (!length(names)) {
    warning("no objects to save")
  for (x_name in names) {
    x <- get(x = x_name, envir = env)
    sbf_save_object(x, x_name, sub, main)
  names <- file_path(main, "objects", sub, names)
  names <- p0(names, ".rds")

#' Save Data Frames
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_objects
#' @return An invisible character vector of the paths to the saved objects.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_datas <- function(sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                           main = sbf_get_main(), env = parent.frame()) {
  chk_s3_class(env, "environment")

  names <- objects(envir = env)
  is <- vector("logical", length(names))
  for (i in seq_along(names)) {
    x_name <- names[i]
    x <- get(x = x_name, envir = env)
    is[i] <- is.data.frame(x)
    if (is[i]) sbf_save_data(x, x_name, sub, main)
  names <- names[is]
  if (!length(names)) {
    warning("no datas to save")
  names <- file_path(main, "data", sub, names)
  names <- p0(names, ".rds")

#' Save Numbers
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_objects
#' @return An invisible character vector of the paths to the saved objects.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_numbers <- function(sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                             main = sbf_get_main(), env = parent.frame()) {
  chk_s3_class(env, "environment")

  names <- objects(envir = env)
  is <- vector("logical", length(names))
  for (i in seq_along(names)) {
    x_name <- names[i]
    x <- get(x = x_name, envir = env)
    is[i] <- is_number(x)
    if (is[i]) sbf_save_number(x, x_name, sub, main)
  names <- names[is]
  if (!length(names)) {
    warning("no numbers to save")
  names <- file_path(main, "numbers", sub, names)
  names <- p0(names, ".rds")

#' Save Strings
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_objects
#' @return An invisible character vector of the paths to the saved objects.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_strings <- function(sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                             main = sbf_get_main(), env = parent.frame()) {
  chk_s3_class(env, "environment")

  names <- objects(envir = env)
  is <- vector("logical", length(names))
  for (i in seq_along(names)) {
    x_name <- names[i]
    x <- get(x = x_name, envir = env)
    is[i] <- is_string(x)
    if (is[i]) sbf_save_string(x, x_name, sub, main)
  names <- names[is]
  if (!length(names)) {
    warning("no strings to save")
  names <- file_path(main, "strings", sub, names)
  names <- p0(names, ".rds")

#' Save Excels
#' Saves data frames from the environment to their own excel workbook. Each table
#'   will be its own excel workbook.
#' @param epgs The projection to convert to
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_datas
#' @family excel
#' @return An invisible string of the path to the saved data.frame
#' @family save functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sbf_save_excels()
#' }
#' @export
sbf_save_excels <- function(sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                            main = sbf_get_main(),
                            env = parent.frame(),
                            epgs = NULL) {
  chk::chk_s3_class(env, "environment")

  names <- objects(envir = env)
  is <- vector("logical", length(names))
  for (i in seq_along(names)) {
    x_name <- names[i]
    x <- get(x = x_name, envir = env)
    is[i] <- is.data.frame(x)
    if (is[i]) sbf_save_excel(x, x_name, 1L, sub, main, epgs = epgs)
  names <- names[is]
  if (!length(names)) {
    warning("no datas to save")
  names <- file_path(main, "excel", sub, names)
  names <- p0(names, ".xlsx")

save_gpkgs <- function(x, x_name, sub, main, all_sfcs) {
  files <- character()
  active_sfc_column_name <- active_sfc_column_name(x)
  if (is.sf(x)) {
    files <- c(sbf_save_gpkg(x, x_name = x_name, main = main, sub = sub), files)
    if (!all_sfcs) {
  sfc_column_names <- sfc_column_names(x)
  sfc_column_names <- setdiff(sfc_column_names, active_sfc_column_name)
  for (sfc_column_name in sfc_column_names) {
    x <- sf::st_set_geometry(x, sfc_column_name)
    x_name_column_name <- snakecase::to_snake_case(paste(x_name, sfc_column_name, "_"))
    files <- c(sbf_save_gpkg(x, x_name = x_name_column_name, main = main, sub = sub), files)

#' Save sf data frames to Geopackages
#' An sf object of file name file_name is saved as file_name.gpkg.
#' By default (`all_sfcs = TRUE`) non-active sfc columns are saved
#' as file_name_geometry_column_name.gpkg this includes data frames with
#' no active sfc column.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_objects
#' @param all_sfcs A flag specifying whether to save non-active sfc columns as geopackages.
#' @return An invisible character vector of the paths to the saved objects.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_gpkgs <- function(sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                           main = sbf_get_main(), env = parent.frame(),
                           all_sfcs = TRUE) {
  chk_s3_class(env, "environment")

  files <- character(0)
  names <- objects(envir = env)
  is <- vector("logical", length(names))
  for (i in seq_along(names)) {
    x_name <- names[i]
    x <- get(x = x_name, envir = env)
    if (any_sfc(x)) {
      files <- c(files, save_gpkgs(x, sub = sub, main = main, x_name = x_name, all_sfcs = all_sfcs))
  if (!length(files)) {
    warning("no sfs to save")
  files <- basename(files)
  names <- file_path(main, "gpkg", sub, files)

#' Save Data Frames to Existing Database
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_objects
#' @inheritParams sbf_open_db
#' @param db_name A string of the database name.
#' @inheritParams readwritesqlite::rws_write
#' @return An invisible character vector of the paths to the saved objects.
#' @family save functions
#' @export
sbf_save_datas_to_db <- function(db_name = sbf_get_db_name(),
                                 sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                                 main = sbf_get_main(),
                                 commit = TRUE,
                                 strict = TRUE,
                                 env = parent.frame(),
                                 silent = getOption("rws.silent", FALSE)) {
  chk_s3_class(env, "environment")

  conn <- sbf_open_db(db_name, sub = sub, main = main, exists = TRUE)

    exists = TRUE,
    commit = commit, strict = strict, conn = conn,
    silent = silent

#' Save Database to Excel Workbook
#' Converts a database to an single excel workbook where each table is its own
#' spreadsheet.
#' @param exclude_tables A regular expression listing tables to be excluded.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_workbook
#' @inheritParams sbf_open_db
#' @family excel
#' @family save functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sbf_save_db_to_workbook()
#' # exclude the sites table
#' sbf_save_db_to_workbook(exclude_tables = "sites")
#' # exclude the sites and species table
#' sbf_save_db_to_workbook(exclude_tables = "sites|species")
#' }
#' @export

sbf_save_db_to_workbook <- function(workbook_name = sbf_get_workbook_name(),
                                    db_name = sbf_get_db_name(),
                                    exclude_tables = "^$",
                                    sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                                    main = sbf_get_main(),
                                    epgs = NULL) {

  conn <- sbf_open_db(db_name, sub = sub, main = main)
  datas <- rws_read(conn)
  # exclude listed tables
  datas <- datas[datas = !grepl(exclude_tables, names(datas))]
  save_workbook(datas, sub, main, workbook_name, epgs)

  names <- file_path(main, "excel", sub, workbook_name)
  names <- p0(names, ".xlsx")

#' Download files from AWS S3
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' `sbf_save_aws_files()` was moved to `subfoldr2ext::sbfx_save_aws_files()`.
#' Download files from an AWS S3 bucket into the analysis.
#' @param bucket_name A string of the AWS S3 bucket name.
#' @param data_type A string (by default `NULL`) for which data type to return.
#' Check the folder names within the shiny-upload in AWS for options common
#'   examples include punch-data, tracks, logger, image and pdf.
#' @param year A whole number (by default `NULL`) indicating which year to
#'   return. Format YYYY.
#' @param month A whole number (by default `NULL`) indicating which month to
#'   return. Format MM.
#' @param day A whole number (by default `NULL`) indicating which day to return.
#'   Format DD.
#' @param file_name A string (by default `NULL`) containing the name of the file
#'   to return. Do not include extension type.
#' @param file_extension A string (by default `NULL`) with the file extension to
#'   return. Do not include period.
#' @param max_request_size A whole number (by default `1000`) indicating the
#'   maximum number of files to be returned.
#' @param ask A flag specifying whether to ask before overwriting files.
#' @param silent A flag (by default `FALSE`) to silence messages about number of
#'   files returned. Set to `TRUE` to silence messages.
#' @param aws_access_key_id A string of your AWS user access key ID. The default
#'   is the environment variable named `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`.
#' @param aws_secret_access_key A string of your AWS user secret access key. The
#'   default is the environment variable named `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`.
#' @param region A string of the AWS region. The default is the environment
#'   variable named `AWS_REGION`.
#' @inheritParams sbf_save_object
#' @family save functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sbf_save_aws_files(
#'   bucket_name = "exploit-upload-poissonconsulting",
#'   data_type = "upload-recapture",
#'   year = 2021,
#'   file_name = "processed_data",
#'   file_extension = "csv"
#' )
#' }
#' @export
sbf_save_aws_files <- function(bucket_name,
                               sub = sbf_get_sub(),
                               main = sbf_get_main(),
                               data_type = NULL,
                               year = NULL,
                               month = NULL,
                               day = NULL,
                               file_name = NULL,
                               file_extension = NULL,
                               max_request_size = 1000,
                               ask = getOption("sbf.ask", TRUE),
                               silent = TRUE,
                               aws_access_key_id = Sys.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"),
                               aws_secret_access_key = Sys.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"),
                               region = Sys.getenv("AWS_REGION", "ca-central-1")) {
poissonconsulting/subfoldr2 documentation built on Jan. 31, 2025, 11:05 p.m.