# _____ _ ____ _ #
# |_ _| | | / __ \ (_) #
# | | _ __ | |_ ___ __ _ _ __| | | |_ __ ___ _ ___ ___ #
# | | | '_ \| __/ _ \/ _` | '__| | | | '_ ` _ \| |/ __/ __| #
# | |_| | | | || __| (_| | | | |__| | | | | | | | (__\__ \ #
# |_____|_| |_|\__\___|\__, |_| \____/|_| |_| |_|_|\___|___/ #
# __/ | #
# |___/ #
# @script: global.visu.R
# @author: Edi Prifti
# @author: Lucas Robin
# @author: Yann Chevaleyre
# @author: Jean-Daniel Zucker
# @date: August 2016
# @date: October 2023
# @date: November 2024
#' Plot Comparative Empirical Score for Multiple Methods
#' This function generates a plot comparing the empirical scores (such as AUC or
#' accuracy) across multiple methods for different values of the sparse
#' parameter (k sparse). The plot includes lines representing each method and
#' points indicating the empirical score at each k sparse value. Horizontal
#' lines indicate major thresholds (e.g., AUC = 0.5 or accuracy = majority
#' class).
#' @param digested.results A list containing the empirical results of the
#' models, including performance scores for various methods.
#' @param ylim A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the limits for the
#' y-axis. Default is `c(0.5, 1)`.
#' @param score A string specifying which score to visualize, e.g., "auc_" or
#' "accuracy_". Default is `"auc_"`.
#' @param main A string specifying the title of the plot. Default is an empty
#' string.
#' @details The function plots empirical scores (such as AUC or accuracy) for
#' different methods across various values of k sparse. It handles multiple
#' methods and adds horizontal lines to indicate important thresholds, such as
#' AUC = 0.5 or the majority class in classification tasks.
#' The plot is created using \code{ggplot2}, and different methods can be
#' assigned different colors and point shapes. If no empirical data is provided,
#' a blank plot with axis labels and horizontal lines for thresholds is
#' displayed.
#' @return A ggplot object visualizing the comparative empirical scores across
#' multiple methods.
#' @examples
#' # Assuming digested.results contains the performance scores for methods
#' plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = c(0.5, 1), score = "auc_", main = "Comparison of AUC across Methods")
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @export
plotComparativeEmpiricalScore <- function(digested.results, ylim = c(0.5,1), score = "auc_", main = "")
nbe <- length(table(digested.results$empirical[[score]]$method))# number of elements to compare
colors <- digested.results$colors
colors <- c(brewer.pal(9,"Set1"),brewer.pal(9, "Set3"), brewer.pal(9, "Spectral"),brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))[1:nbe]
pch <- digested.results$pch
pch <- rep(19, nbe)
pd <- position_dodge(0.3) # move them .05 to the left and right
data <- digested.results$empirical[[score]]
# g <- ggplot(na.omit(data), aes(x=variable, y=value, colour=method)) +
# #geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value, ymax=value), width=.1, position=pd) +
# geom_line(aes(group=method), position=pd) +
# geom_point(position=pd, size=2, shape=19) + # 21 is filled circle
# xlab("k sparse") +
# ylab(score) +
# ggtitle(paste("WD","empirical",score, sep="; ")) +
# expand_limits(y=ylim) + # Expand y range
# theme_bw() + scale_colour_manual(values=colors) + scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
# theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.5)) +
# theme(legend.justification=c(1,0), legend.position=c(1,0), legend.direction="vertical") # Position legend in bottom right
maj.class <- NA
# Majoritary class
if(score == "auc_")
maj.class <- 0.5
if(score == "accuracy_")
maj.class <- unique(digested.results$maj.class)
# if no data exists
g <- ggplot(data.frame()) + geom_point() + xlim(0, 10) + ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.5)) +
ylab(score) +
xlab("k sparse") +
ggtitle(paste("WD","empirical",score, main, sep="; ")) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
# if not specified set it as the range
ylim <- range(data$value)
# if specified range is not outside the real values
if(min(data$value, na.rm = TRUE) < min(ylim, na.rm = TRUE))
ylim[1] <- min(data$value, na.rm = TRUE)
if(max(data$value, na.rm = TRUE) > max(ylim, na.rm = TRUE))
ylim[2] <- max(data$value, na.rm = TRUE)
g <- ggplot(na.omit(data), aes(x=variable, y=value, colour=method, shape = method)) +
#geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value, ymax=value), width=.1, position=pd) +
geom_line(aes(group=method), position=pd) +
geom_point(position=pd, size=2) + # 21 is filled circle
xlab("k sparse") +
ggtitle(paste("WD","empirical",score, main, sep="; ")) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
ylab(score) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) +
#scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim) +
scale_colour_manual(values=colors, name = "") +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
scale_shape_manual(values=pch, name = "") +
theme_bw() +
#theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1, vjust=0.5)) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
g <- g + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=maj.class), lty=2, col="black")
#' Plot Comparative Cross-Validation (CV) Performance for Multiple Methods
#' This function generates a plot comparing the cross-validation (CV)
#' performance (such as AUC, accuracy, or other scores) across multiple methods
#' for different values of the sparse parameter (k sparse). The plot includes
#' lines representing each method and points indicating the empirical or
#' generalization performance score at each k sparse value. Optional error bars
#' (confidence intervals) can be included in the plot.
#' @param digested.results A list containing the CV results of the models,
#' including performance scores for various methods.
#' @param ylim A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the limits for the
#' y-axis. Default is `c(0.5, 1)`.
#' @param generalization A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, the
#' plot shows the generalization performance (cross-validation performance
#' across folds). If `FALSE`, it shows empirical performance. Default is
#' `TRUE`.
#' @param score A string specifying which score to visualize, e.g., "auc_",
#' "accuracy_", "recall_", etc. Default is `"auc_"`.
#' @param ci A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, confidence
#' intervals (error bars) are shown in the plot. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param main A string specifying the title of the plot. Default is an empty
#' string.
#' @details The function plots cross-validation (CV) scores (such as AUC,
#' accuracy, etc.) for different methods across various values of k sparse. It
#' handles both generalization (cross-validation) and empirical tasks, and
#' includes optional error bars representing confidence intervals for each
#' score.
#' The plot is created using \code{ggplot2}, and different methods can be
#' assigned different colors and point shapes. Horizontal lines indicate
#' important thresholds, such as AUC = 0.5 or the majority class in
#' classification tasks.
#' @return A ggplot object visualizing the comparative cross-validation (CV)
#' scores across multiple methods.
#' @examples
#' # Assuming digested.results contains the cross-validation performance scores for methods
#' plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = c(0.5, 1), score = "auc_", ci = TRUE, main = "Comparison of AUC across Methods")
#' # You can customize the plot by adjusting the score, error bars (ci), and other parameters.
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
plotComparativeCV <- function(digested.results, ylim = c(0.5,1), generalization = TRUE, score="auc_", ci = TRUE, main = "")
nbe <- length(table(digested.results$empirical[[score]]$method))# number of elements to compare
colors <- digested.results$colors
colors <- c(brewer.pal(9,"Set1"),brewer.pal(9, "Set3"), brewer.pal(9, "Spectral"),brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))[1:nbe]
pch <- digested.results$pch
pch <- rep(19, nbe)
pd <- position_dodge(0.3) # move them .05 to the left and right
# TODO ORDER BY K not alphabetically
{ # Generalization
data <- digested.results$cv.generalization.auc$cv.se
}else if(score=="accuracy_")
data <- digested.results$cv.generalization.acc$cv.se
}else if(score=="recall_")
data <- digested.results$cv.generalization.rec$cv.se
}else if(score=="precision_")
data <- digested.results$cv.generalization.prc$cv.se
}else if(score=="f1_")
data <- digested.results$cv.generalization.f1s$cv.se
}else if(score=="cor_")
data <- digested.results$cv.generalization.cor$cv.se
} else
stop("plotComparativeCV: please enter an existing score!")
type <- "generalization"
{ # empirical
data <- digested.results$cv.empirical.auc$cv.se
}else if(score=="accuracy_")
data <- digested.results$cv.empirical.acc$cv.se
}else if(score=="recall_")
data <- digested.results$cv.empirical.rec$cv.se
}else if(score=="precision_")
data <- digested.results$cv.empirical.prc$cv.se
}else if(score=="f1_")
data <- digested.results$cv.empirical.f1s$cv.se
}else if(score=="cor_")
data <- digested.results$cv.empirical.cor$cv.se
stop("plotComparativeCV: please enter an existing score!")
type <- "empirical"
maj.class <- NA
# Majoritary class
if(score == "auc_")
maj.class <- 0.5
if(score == "accuracy_")
maj.class <- unique(digested.results$maj.class)
# if no data exists
g <- ggplot(data.frame()) + geom_point() + xlim(0, 10) + ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1,vjust=0.5)) +
ylab(score) +
xlab("k sparse") +
ggtitle(paste("WD","empirical",score, main, sep="; ")) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
data$shape = pch[data$method]
g <- ggplot(na.omit(data), aes(x=variable, y=value, colour=method, shape = method)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-ci, ymax=value+ci), width=.1, position=pd) +
geom_line(aes(group=method), position=pd) +
geom_point(position=pd, size=2) +
ggtitle(paste("CV", type, score, main, sep="; ")) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
#geom_hline(aes(yintercept=maj.class), lty=2, col="black") +
ylab(score) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) +
#scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim) +
scale_colour_manual(values=colors, name = "") +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
theme_bw() +
#theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.5)) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)) +
scale_shape_manual(values=pch, name = "")
g <- ggplot(na.omit(data), aes(x=variable, y=value, colour=method, shape = method)) +
#geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-ci, ymax=value+ci), width=.1, position=pd) +
geom_line(aes(group=method),position=pd) +
geom_point(position=pd, size=2) + # 21 is filled circle
ggtitle(paste("CV", type, score, main, sep="; ")) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
#geom_hline(aes(yintercept=maj.class), lty=2, col="black") +
ylab(score) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) +
#scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim) +
scale_colour_manual(values=colors, name = "") +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
theme_bw() +
#theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.5)) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)) +
scale_shape_manual(values=pch, name = "")
g <- g + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=maj.class), lty=2, col="black")
#' Plot Comparative Best Cross-Validation (CV) Performance for Multiple Methods
#' This function generates a plot comparing the best cross-validation (CV)
#' performance (such as AUC, accuracy, or other scores) across multiple methods
#' for different values of the sparse parameter (k sparse). The plot includes
#' lines representing each method and points indicating the best CV performance
#' score at each k sparse value. Optional error bars (confidence intervals) can
#' be included in the plot. The best method for each k sparse is also indicated
#' in the legend.
#' @param digested.results A list containing the best CV results of the models,
#' including performance scores for various methods.
#' @param ylim A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the limits for the
#' y-axis. Default is `c(0.5, 1)`.
#' @param generalization A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, the
#' plot shows the generalization performance (cross-validation performance
#' across folds). If `FALSE`, it shows empirical performance. Default is
#' `TRUE`.
#' @param score A string specifying which score to visualize, e.g., "auc_",
#' "accuracy_", "recall_", etc. Default is `"auc_"`.
#' @param ci A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, confidence
#' intervals (error bars) are shown in the plot. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param main A string specifying the title of the plot. Default is an empty
#' string.
#' @details The function plots the best cross-validation (CV) scores (such as
#' AUC, accuracy, etc.) for different methods across various values of k sparse.
#' It handles both generalization (cross-validation) and empirical tasks, and
#' includes optional error bars representing confidence intervals for each
#' score.
#' The plot is created using \code{ggplot2}, and different methods can be
#' assigned different colors and point shapes. Horizontal lines indicate
#' important thresholds, such as AUC = 0.5 or the majority class in
#' classification tasks.
#' The plot also includes a legend with the best method for each k sparse value.
#' @return A ggplot object visualizing the best cross-validation (CV) scores
#' across multiple methods.
#' @examples
#' # Assuming digested.results contains the best cross-validation performance scores for methods
#' plotComparativeBestCV(digested.results, ylim = c(0.5, 1), score = "auc_", ci = TRUE, main = "Comparison of Best AUC across Methods")
#' # You can customize the plot by adjusting the score, error bars (ci), and other parameters.
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
plotComparativeBestCV <- function(digested.results, ylim = c(0.5,1), generalization = TRUE, score = "auc_", ci = TRUE, main = "")
# global information for the plots
nbe <- length(table(digested.results$empirical[[score]]$method))# number of elements to compare
colors <- digested.results$colors
colors <- c(brewer.pal(9,"Set1"),brewer.pal(9, "Set3"), brewer.pal(9, "Spectral"),brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))[1:nbe]
pch <- digested.results$pch
pch <- rep(19, nbe)
pd <- position_dodge(0.3) # move them .05 to the left and right
{ # Generalization
data <- digested.results$best.auc$summary.gen
best <- digested.results$best.auc$split
}else if(score=="accuracy_")
data <- digested.results$best.acc$summary.gen
best <- digested.results$best.acc$split
}else if(score=="recall_")
data <- digested.results$best.rec$summary.gen
best <- digested.results$best.rec$split
}else if(score=="precision_")
data <- digested.results$best.prc$summary.gen
best <- digested.results$best.prc$split
}else if(score=="f1_")
data <- digested.results$best.f1s$summary.gen
best <- digested.results$best.f1s$split
}else if(score=="cor_")
data <- digested.results$best.cor$summary.gen
best <- digested.results$best.cor$split
} else
stop("plotComparativeBestCV: please enter an existing score!")
type <- "generalization"
{ # empirical
data <- digested.results$best.auc$summary.emp
best <- digested.results$best.auc$split
}else if(score=="accuracy_")
data <- digested.results$best.acc$summary.emp
best <- digested.results$best.acc$split
}else if(score=="recall_")
data <- digested.results$best.rec$summary.emp
best <- digested.results$best.rec$split
}else if(score=="precision_")
data <- digested.results$best.prc$summary.emp
best <- digested.results$best.prc$split
}else if(score=="f1_")
data <- digested.results$best.f1s$summary.emp
best <- digested.results$best.f1s$split
}else if(score=="cor_")
data <- digested.results$best.cor$summary.emp
best <- digested.results$best.cor$split
stop("plotComparativeBestCV: please enter an existing score!")
type <- "empirical"
warning(paste("plotComparativeBestCV: no data for score",score))
data$colors <- colors
# best k_sparsity (for the legend)
k_sparsity <- unlist(lapply(best, function(x){return(unique(as.character(x[,"k_sparse"])))}))
data$Lmethod <- paste(data$Lmethod, " (",k_sparsity[data$Lmethod],")", sep="")
maj.class <- NA
# Majoritary class
if(score == "auc_")
maj.class <- 0.5
if(score == "accuracy_")
maj.class <- unique(digested.results$maj.class)
g <- ggplot(na.omit(data), aes(x=Lmethod, y=value, colour=Lmethod, shape=Lmethod)) +
geom_point(position=pd, size=2) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-ci, ymax=value+ci), width=.1, position=pd) +
ggtitle(paste("CV", type, score, main, sep="; ")) +
ylab(score) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) +
#scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
scale_colour_manual(values = as.character(colors), name = "") +
scale_fill_manual(values = as.character(colors)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)) +
scale_shape_manual(values=as.numeric(pch), name = "")
g <- ggplot(na.omit(data), aes(x=Lmethod, y=value, colour=Lmethod, shape = Lmethod)) +
geom_point(position=pd, size=2) +
#geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-ci, ymax=value+ci), width=.1, position=pd) +
ggtitle(paste("CV", type, score, main, sep="; ")) +
ylab(score) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) +
#scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
#geom_hline(aes(yintercept=maj.class), lty=2, col="black") +
scale_colour_manual(values = as.character(colors), name = "") +
scale_fill_manual(values = as.character(colors)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)) +
scale_shape_manual(values=as.numeric(pch), name = "")
g <- g + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=maj.class), lty=2, col="black")
#' Plot Comparative Results for Multiple Methods and Cross-Validation Scores
#' This function generates plots comparing multiple performance metrics (such as
#' AUC, accuracy, recall, precision, F1-score, etc.) across different methods.
#' It can display results from both empirical and cross-validation (CV)
#' evaluations, with options to show the best results across methods or by
#' k-sparsity values. The function can handle both classification and regression
#' tasks and supports visualizing both the empirical and generalization
#' performance.
#' @param digested.results A list containing the performance results, including
#' both empirical and cross-validation (CV) scores for various methods.
#' @param plot A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, the function will
#' generate and display the plots. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param ylim A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the limits for the
#' y-axis. Default is `c(0.5, 1)`.
#' @param best A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, the function will
#' plot the best results across methods, regardless of the k-sparsity. Default
#' is `FALSE`.
#' @param ci A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, confidence
#' intervals (error bars) will be shown in the plots. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param main A string specifying the title of the plots. Default is an empty
#' string.
#' @param mode A string specifying the type of model being analyzed. Options are
#' `"classification"` or `"regression"`. Default is `"classification"`.
#' @details The function generates multiple plots comparing performance metrics
#' such as AUC, accuracy, recall, precision, F1-score, and correlation, across
#' multiple methods. The plots can show:
#' - Empirical performance for each method.
#' - Cross-validation performance (generalization) for each method.
#' - The best results across methods, either by k-sparsity or regardless of k-sparsity.
#' The plots are generated using \code{ggplot2} and arranged in a grid using
#' the \code{multiplot} function. The user can choose to visualize the results
#' for classification or regression models.
#' @return If `plot = TRUE`, the function displays the plots. If `plot = FALSE`,
#' the function returns a list of ggplot objects for further manipulation.
#' @examples
#' # Assuming digested.results contains the performance scores for methods
#' plotComparativeResults(digested.results, plot = TRUE, ylim = c(0.5, 1),
#' best = TRUE, ci = TRUE, main = "Comparison of Results")
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
plotComparativeResults <- function(digested.results,
plot = TRUE,
ylim = c(0.5, 1),
best = FALSE,
ci = FALSE,
main = "",
mode = "classification")
# estimate mode
mode <- NULL
if(digested.results$list.results.digest[[1]]$best$model$objective == "cor")
mode <- "regression"
mode <- "classification"
cat(paste("... Estimating mode: ", mode,"\n"))
stop("plotComparativeResults: mode not founding stopping ...")
g.auc <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="auc_")
g.accuracy <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="accuracy_")
g.recall <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="recall_")
g.precision <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="precision_")
g.f1 <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="f1_")
g.fit <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="fit_")
g.cor <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="cor_")
# k_sparse declined
# auc
g.cv.empirical.auc <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "auc_", ci = ci, main = main)
g.cv.generalization.auc <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "auc_", ci = ci, main = main)
# accuracy
g.cv.empirical.acc <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "accuracy_", ci = ci, main = main)
g.cv.generalization.acc <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "accuracy_", ci = ci, main = main)
# cor
g.cv.empirical.cor <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "cor_", ci = ci, main = main)
g.cv.generalization.cor <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "cor_", ci = ci, main = main)
# best regardless of k_sparse
# auc
g.best.empirical.auc <- plotComparativeBestCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "auc_", ci = ci, main = main)
g.best.generalization.auc <- plotComparativeBestCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "auc_", ci = ci, main = main)
# accuracy
g.best.empirical.acc <- plotComparativeBestCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "accuracy_", ci = ci, main = main)
g.best.generalization.acc <- plotComparativeBestCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "accuracy_", ci = ci, main = main)
# corelation
g.best.empirical.cor <- plotComparativeBestCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "cor_", ci = ci, main = main)
g.best.generalization.cor <- plotComparativeBestCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "cor_", ci = ci, main = main)
if(mode == "classification") # if this is a classification
if(!best) # if by k_spase
cols = 2
cols = 2
}else # if correlation
if(!best) # if by k_spase
cols = 2
cols = 2
res <- list(# empirical scores
g.auc = g.auc,
g.accuracy = g.accuracy,
g.recall = g.recall,
g.precision = g.precision,
g.f1 = g.f1,
g.fit = g.fit,
g.cor = g.cor,
# cross validation by k_sparse
g.cv.empirical.auc = g.cv.empirical.auc,
g.cv.generalization.auc = g.cv.generalization.auc,
g.cv.empirical.acc = g.cv.empirical.acc,
g.cv.generalization.acc = g.cv.generalization.acc,
g.cv.empirical.cor = g.cv.empirical.cor,
g.cv.generalization.cor = g.cv.generalization.cor,
# cross validation regardless of k_sparse
g.best.empirical.auc = g.best.empirical.auc,
g.best.generalization.auc = g.best.generalization.auc,
g.best.empirical.acc = g.best.empirical.acc,
g.best.generalization.acc = g.best.generalization.acc,
g.best.empirical.cor = g.best.empirical.cor,
g.best.generalization.cor = g.best.generalization.cor
#' Plot Comparative Results for Best Performance Across Multiple Methods
#' This function generates plots comparing the best performance metrics (such as
#' AUC, accuracy, recall, precision, F1-score, etc.) across multiple methods. It
#' visualizes both empirical performance and cross-validation (CV) scores for
#' different methods, with the option to plot results for different scores. The
#' function can handle both classification and regression tasks.
#' @param digested.results A list containing the performance results, including
#' both empirical and cross-validation (CV) scores for various methods.
#' @param plot A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, the function will
#' generate and display the plots. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param ylim A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the limits for the
#' y-axis. Default is `c(0.5, 1)`.
#' @details The function generates multiple plots comparing the best performance
#' metrics such as AUC, accuracy, recall, precision, F1-score, and correlation,
#' across multiple methods. The plots include:
#' - Empirical performance for each method.
#' - Cross-validation performance (generalization) for each method.
#' The function can visualize both classification and regression models, and
#' displays the best performance across different methods. The plots are
#' arranged using the `multiplot` function.
#' @return If `plot = TRUE`, the function displays the plots. If `plot = FALSE`,
#' the function returns a list of ggplot objects for further manipulation.
#' @examples
#' # Assuming digested.results contains the performance scores for methods
#' plotComparativeResultsBest(digested.results, plot = TRUE, ylim = c(0.5, 1))
#' # You can customize the plot by adjusting the score, error bars (ci), and other parameters.
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
plotComparativeResultsBest <- function(digested.results, plot = TRUE, ylim = c(0.5,1))
g.auc <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="auc_")
g.accuracy <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="accuracy_")
g.recall <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="recall_")
g.precision <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="precision_")
g.f1 <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="f1_")
g.fit <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="fit_")
g.cor <- plotComparativeEmpiricalScore(digested.results, ylim = ylim, score="cor_")
# auc
g.cv.empirical.auc <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "auc_")
g.cv.generalization.auc <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "auc_")
# accuracy
g.cv.empirical.acc <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "accuracy_")
g.cv.generalization.acc <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "accuracy_")
# cor
g.cv.empirical.cor <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = FALSE, score = "cor_")
g.cv.generalization.cor <- plotComparativeCV(digested.results, ylim = ylim, generalization = TRUE, score = "cor_")
if(!is.null(digested.results$empirical$auc_)) # if this is a classification
cols = 2
cols = 2
res <- list(g.auc=g.auc,
# load this for the plotCors function
#' Plot MGS Quality for Genes
#' This function visualizes the quality of Multi-Genome Scoring (MGS) for a
#' dataset. It generates multiple plots, including barcode plots and individual
#' signal metric plots for the first 50 genes (or fewer, depending on the
#' dataset size). The function also computes and visualizes various signal
#' metrics, with results displayed in color-coded plots based on the values of
#' the computed metrics.
#' @param dat A data frame or matrix of gene data. Rows represent genes and
#' columns represent individuals.
#' @param main A string for the title of the plots. Default is `"mgs"`.
#' @param return.scores A logical value (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, the
#' function returns the computed signal scores for the genes. Default is
#' `TRUE`.
#' @details The function generates a series of plots to assess the quality of
#' MGS for a dataset. The process includes:
#' - Creating a barcode plot for the first 50 genes.
#' - Generating individual plots for each of the computed signal metrics, with the colors of the points indicating the magnitude of the signal (from black to red).
#' The function calls `plotBarcode` for visualizing the dataset and
#' `computeSignalMetrics` for calculating the signal metrics.
#' If the dataset contains fewer than 50 genes, all available genes are used
#' instead. The signal metrics are calculated and displayed in individual plots,
#' with color gradients indicating the score value.
#' @return If `return.scores = TRUE`, the function returns a data frame
#' containing the computed signal metrics for the dataset.
#' @examples
#' # Assuming `dat` is a data frame of gene data
#' plotMGSQuality(dat)
#' # To get the computed signal metrics
#' scores <- plotMGSQuality(dat, return.scores = TRUE)
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @export
plotMGSQuality <- function (dat, main = "mgs", return.scores = TRUE) {
par(mfcol = c(6, 2), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", mar = c(2, 2, 2, 1))
colpan <- c("black", gplots::colorpanel(n = 20, low = "darkblue", mid = "darkorchid", high = "red"))
size <- 50
if (nrow(dat) < size) {
size <- nrow(dat)
warning("need more than 50 genes")
dat50 <- dat[1:size, ]
plotBarcode(dat50, main = paste(main, nrow(dat50), "genes"))
scores50 <- computeSignalMetrics(dat50)
for (i in 1:ncol(scores50)) {
if (all(scores50[, i] == 0)) {
cols = "black"
else {
cols <- colpan[as.numeric(cut(scores50[, i], breaks = 20))]
plot(scores50[, i], pch = 19, cex = 0.4, main = colnames(scores50)[i],
ylab = "", xlab = "individual index", col = cols)
plotBarcode(dat, main = paste(main, nrow(dat), "genes"))
scores <- computeSignalMetrics(dat)
for (i in 1:ncol(scores)) {
if (all(scores[, i] == 0)) {
cols = "black"
else {
cols <- colpan[as.numeric(cut(scores[, i], breaks = 20))]
plot(scores[, i], pch = 19, cex = 0.4, main = colnames(scores)[i],
ylab = "", xlab = "individual index", col = cols)
if (return.scores)
# Multiple plot function
# http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Multiple_graphs_on_one_page_(ggplot2)/
#' Create Multiple Plots on One Page
#' This function arranges multiple plots on a single page using grid layout. It
#' allows for custom arrangement of the plots and can save the plots to a file
#' if needed. It supports both direct plotting and generating a multi-plot
#' layout from a list of plots.
#' @param ... One or more ggplot objects to be displayed.
#' @param plotlist A list of ggplot objects to be displayed. This is an
#' alternative to passing the plots as `...`.
#' @param file Optional; a character string specifying the file path to save the
#' plot as a file (e.g., PNG, PDF). Default is `NULL`, which means the plot is
#' shown in the R graphics window.
#' @param cols The number of columns to arrange the plots in. Default is `1`.
#' This is used to calculate the layout if `layout` is not provided.
#' @param layout A matrix specifying the layout of the plots on the page. If
#' `NULL`, the layout is automatically calculated based on the number of plots
#' and the `cols` parameter.
#' @details The function arranges multiple ggplot objects in a grid layout, with
#' the number of columns determined by the `cols` argument. The function will
#' automatically adjust the number of rows to fit all the plots. If `layout` is
#' provided, it will override the `cols` argument to control the layout.
#' If `file` is provided, the function will save the multi-plot layout to the
#' specified file. The supported formats depend on the device used (e.g., PNG,
#' PDF).
#' @return No return value. The function displays the plots or saves them to a
#' file if `file` is specified.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, disp)) + geom_point()
#' p2 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, hp)) + geom_point()
#' p3 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, hp)) + geom_point()
#' # Display the plots in a 2x2 grid
#' multiplot(p1, p2, p3, cols=2)
#' # Save the plots to a file
#' multiplot(p1, p2, p3, file="my_plots.pdf", cols=2)
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import grid
#' @export
multiplot <- function(..., plotlist=NULL, file, cols=1, layout=NULL) {
# Make a list from the ... arguments and plotlist
plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
numPlots = length(plots)
# If layout is NULL, then use 'cols' to determine layout
if (is.null(layout))
# Make the panel
# ncol: Number of columns of plots
# nrow: Number of rows needed, calculated from # of cols
layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * ceiling(numPlots/cols)),
ncol = cols,
nrow = ceiling(numPlots/cols))
if (numPlots==1)
} else
# Set up the page
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout),
# Make each plot, in the correct location
for (i in 1:numPlots)
# Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain this subplot
matchidx <- as.data.frame(which(layout == i, arr.ind = TRUE))
print(plots[[i]], vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row,
layout.pos.col = matchidx$col))
#' Plot Feature Prevalence and Enrichment
#' This function visualizes the prevalence of features across different groups
#' in a dataset and computes feature enrichment, providing an optional
#' statistical test for enrichment. The plot displays the prevalence of features
#' in each group, and if enrichment data is available, it adds significance
#' markers.
#' @param features A character vector of feature names to be plotted.
#' @param X A data matrix or data frame where each row is an observation and
#' each column is a feature.
#' @param y A vector of class labels (e.g., 1 and -1 for binary classification)
#' corresponding to the rows in `X`.
#' @param topdown Logical; whether to arrange the features in a top-down order
#' (default is `TRUE`).
#' @param main A string for the title of the plot.
#' @param plot Logical; if `TRUE`, the function will display the plot. If
#' `FALSE`, the function will return the enrichment statistics.
#' @param col.pt Colors for points in the plot (default is `c("deepskyblue4",
#' "firebrick4")`).
#' @param col.bg Colors for bars in the plot (default is `c("deepskyblue1",
#' "firebrick1")`).
#' @param zero.value The value to replace in `y` for missing values (default is
#' `0`).
#' @details The function computes and visualizes the prevalence of the specified
#' features across different groups in the dataset, showing the percentage of
#' occurrences in each class. If statistical enrichment tests are available, the
#' function will display these using asterisks for significant features. The
#' enrichment is computed using chi-square tests.
#' @return If `plot = TRUE`, the function returns a ggplot object displaying the
#' feature prevalence and enrichment. If `plot = FALSE`, the function returns
#' the enrichment results.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage
#' features <- c("feature1", "feature2", "feature3")
#' X <- data.frame(feature1 = rnorm(100), feature2 = rnorm(100), feature3 = rnorm(100))
#' y <- sample(c(1, -1), 100, replace = TRUE)
#' # Plot feature prevalence
#' plotPrevalence(features, X, y, main = "Feature Prevalence Plot")
#' # Get enrichment statistics without plotting
#' plotPrevalence(features, X, y, plot = FALSE)
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
plotPrevalence <- function(features, X, y, topdown = TRUE, main = "", plot = TRUE,
col.pt = c("deepskyblue4", "firebrick4"),
col.bg = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1"),
zero.value = 0)
# build object
v.prop <- getFeaturePrevalence(features = features, X = X, y = y, prop = TRUE, zero.value = zero.value)
v.card <- getFeaturePrevalence(features = features, X = X, y = y, prop = FALSE, zero.value = zero.value)
v.prop.mat <- do.call(rbind, v.prop)
v.card.mat <- do.call(rbind, v.card)
# build melted version
v.prop.melt <- meltScoreList(v = v.prop, prepare.for.graph = FALSE, topdown = topdown)
colnames(v.prop.melt) <- c("feature","prevalence", "group")
# convert to percentage
v.prop.melt$prevalence <- v.prop.melt$prevalence *100
# get enrichment information
prev.enrichment <- computeCardEnrichment(v.card.mat = v.card.mat, y = y)
qvals <- rep("",length(prev.enrichment$chisq.q))
qvals[prev.enrichment$chisq.q<0.05] <- "*"
# plot object
p <- ggplot(v.prop.melt, aes(x=feature, y=prevalence, fill=group)) +
geom_bar(data=subset(v.prop.melt, group %in% c("all")), stat="identity", position="identity") +
coord_flip() +
geom_point(data = subset(v.prop.melt, group %in% c("-1", "1")), aes(x=feature, y=prevalence, color=group, shape=group)) +
scale_color_manual("Dataset", values = c("all"="gray90", "-1"=col.pt[1], "1"=col.pt[2])) +
scale_fill_manual("Dataset", values = c("all"="gray90", "-1"=col.bg[1], "1"=col.bg[2])) +
scale_shape_manual(values=c(25,24)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position="none", axis.text=element_text(size=9)) +
p <- p + annotate("text", y = rep(101,length(qvals)), x = seq(1,length(qvals),1)-0.3, label = rev(qvals), color="gray", size=7)
p <- p + annotate("text", y = rep(101,length(qvals)), x = seq(1,length(qvals),1)-0.3, label = qvals, color="gray", size=7)
# plot object
p <- ggplot(v.prop.melt, aes(x=feature, y=prevalence, fill=group)) +
geom_bar(data=subset(v.prop.melt, group %in% c("all")), stat="identity", position="identity") +
coord_flip() +
scale_color_manual("Dataset", values = c("all"="gray90")) +
scale_fill_manual("Dataset", values = c("all"="gray90")) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position="none", axis.text=element_text(size=9)) +
#' Plot Feature Abundance by Class
#' This function visualizes the abundance of features across different classes
#' in a dataset. It creates boxplots to show the distribution of feature
#' abundances in each class, along with statistical tests for the significance
#' of differences between the classes. The function supports both classification
#' and regression tasks.
#' @param features A character vector of feature names to be plotted.
#' @param X A data matrix or data frame where each row represents an observation
#' and each column represents a feature.
#' @param y A vector of class labels (e.g., 1 and -1 for binary classification,
#' or continuous for regression) corresponding to the rows in `X`.
#' @param topdown Logical; whether to arrange the features in a top-down order
#' (default is `TRUE`).
#' @param main A string for the title of the plot.
#' @param plot Logical; if `TRUE`, the function will display the plot. If
#' `FALSE`, the function will return the statistical results of the test.
#' @param col.pt Colors for points in the plot (default is `c("deepskyblue4",
#' "firebrick4")`).
#' @param col.bg Colors for boxplots in the plot (default is `c("deepskyblue1",
#' "firebrick1")`).
#' @details This function computes and visualizes the abundance of features in
#' each class (group) of the dataset. It creates a boxplot for each feature and
#' computes a non-parametric test for differences in abundance between classes.
#' The function supports both classification (e.g., binary or multi-class) and
#' regression tasks (using continuous values in `y`).
#' In classification mode, the plot compares the two classes (e.g., 1 vs -1 for
#' binary classification) and adds significance markers (e.g., asterisks) for
#' features with significant differences in abundance between classes. In
#' regression mode, it compares feature abundance across all observations and
#' computes correlations with the response variable.
#' @return If `plot = TRUE`, the function returns a ggplot object displaying the
#' feature abundance by class. If `plot = FALSE`, it returns the statistical
#' results of the test (p-values and q-values).
#' @examples
#' # Example usage for classification task
#' features <- c("feature1", "feature2", "feature3")
#' X <- data.frame(feature1 = rnorm(100), feature2 = rnorm(100), feature3 = rnorm(100))
#' y <- sample(c(1, -1), 100, replace = TRUE)
#' # Plot feature abundance
#' plotAbundanceByClass(features, X, y, main = "Feature Abundance Plot")
#' # Get statistical results without plotting
#' plotAbundanceByClass(features, X, y, plot = FALSE)
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
plotAbundanceByClass <- function(features, X, y, topdown = TRUE,
main = "", plot = TRUE,
col.pt = c("deepskyblue4", "firebrick4"),
col.bg = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1"))
if(any(is.na(match(features, rownames(X)))))
stop(paste("plotAbundanceByClass: These features are not found in the dataset",
features[is.na(match(features, rownames(X)))]))
X <- as.matrix(X)
mode <- "classification"
if(class(y) == "numeric" & length(table(y)) > 2)
#cat("... plotAbundanceByClass will not work for a continous y - probably in regression mode. Adapting as a uniclass\n")
mode <- "regression"
if(mode == "classification")
# get levels
lev <- names(table(y))
# compute p-value of the non parametric abundance test
if(length(features) == 1)
dat <- t(as.matrix(X[features, ]))
rownames(dat) <- features
datl1 <- t(as.matrix(X[features, y == lev[1]]))
rownames(datl1) <- features
datl2 <- t(as.matrix(X[features, y == lev[2]]))
rownames(datl2) <- features
dat <- X[features, ]
datl1 <- X[features, y == lev[1]]
datl2 <- X[features, y == lev[2]]
if(ncol(X) == 1)
dat <- as.matrix(dat)
datl1 <- as.matrix(datl1)
datl2 <- as.matrix(datl2)
dat.test <- filterfeaturesK(dat, y, k = nrow(dat), sort = FALSE)
pvals <- dat.test$p
qvals <- rep("",nrow(dat.test))
qvals[dat.test$q<0.05] <- "*"
datl1.reshape <- melt(datl1)
colnames(datl1.reshape) <- c("feature","observation","abundance")
datl1.reshape$class <- rep(lev[1], nrow(datl1.reshape))
datl2.reshape <- melt(datl2)
colnames(datl2.reshape) <- c("feature","observation","abundance")
datl2.reshape$class <- rep(lev[2], nrow(datl2.reshape))
dat.reshape <- as.data.frame(t(data.frame(t(datl1.reshape), t(datl2.reshape))))
dat.reshape$abundance <- as.numeric(as.character(dat.reshape$abundance))
# fix factor level order
# use the same factor levels as features
dat.reshape$feature <- factor(dat.reshape$feature, levels=rev(features))
# use the same factor levels as features
dat.reshape$feature <- factor(dat.reshape$feature, levels=features)
# plot object
p <- ggplot(dat.reshape, aes(x=feature, y = abundance, fill=class, color=class)) +
geom_boxplot() +
#scale_x_continuous(limits = range(dat.reshape$abundance)) +
coord_flip() +
#facet_grid(. ~ class) +
theme_bw() +
scale_color_manual(values = col.pt) +
scale_fill_manual(values = col.bg) +
theme(legend.position="none") +
pad <- max(dat.reshape$abundance) + max(dat.reshape$abundance)*0.1
p <- p + annotate("text", y = rep(pad,length(qvals)), x = seq(1,length(qvals),1) - 0.3, label = rev(qvals), color="gray", size=7)
p <- p + annotate("text", y = rep(pad,length(qvals)), x = seq(1,length(qvals),1) - 0.3, label = qvals, color="gray", size=7)
}else # mode regression
# get levels
# compute p-value of the non parametric abundance test
if(length(features) == 1)
dat <- t(as.matrix(X[features, ]))
rownames(dat) <- features
dat <- X[features, ]
if(ncol(X) == 1)
dat <- as.matrix(dat)
# we can still correlate and compute p-values
dat.test <- filterfeaturesK(dat, y, k = nrow(dat), sort = FALSE)
pvals <- dat.test$p
qvals <- rep("",nrow(dat.test))
qvals[dat.test$q<0.05] <- "*"
dat.reshape <- melt(dat)
colnames(dat.reshape) <- c("feature","observation","abundance")
dat.reshape$class <- rep("all", nrow(dat.reshape))
# fix factor level order
# use the same factor levels as features
dat.reshape$feature <- factor(dat.reshape$feature, levels=rev(features))
# use the same factor levels as features
dat.reshape$feature <- factor(dat.reshape$feature, levels=features)
# plot object
p <- ggplot(dat.reshape, aes(x=feature, y = abundance, fill=class, color=class)) +
geom_boxplot() +
#scale_x_continuous(limits = range(dat.reshape$abundance)) +
coord_flip() +
#facet_grid(. ~ class) +
theme_bw() +
scale_color_manual(values = "gray40") +
scale_fill_manual(values = "gray80") +
theme(legend.position="none") +
pad <- max(dat.reshape$abundance) + max(dat.reshape$abundance)*0.1
p <- p + annotate("text", y = rep(pad,length(qvals)), x = seq(1,length(qvals),1) - 0.3, label = rev(qvals), color="gray", size=7)
p <- p + annotate("text", y = rep(pad,length(qvals)), x = seq(1,length(qvals),1) - 0.3, label = qvals, color="gray", size=7)
#' Plot Feature Model Coefficients
#' This function visualizes the coefficients of features across different models
#' in a heatmap-style plot. It allows for customized ordering of the features
#' and models, and it supports vertical or horizontal axis labels.
#' @param feat.model.coeffs A matrix or data frame where rows represent
#' features, and columns represent models. The values in the matrix correspond
#' to the coefficients of the features in each model.
#' @param topdown Logical; if `TRUE`, the features will be arranged from top to
#' bottom in the plot. If `FALSE`, the original order is preserved.
#' @param main A string for the title of the plot.
#' @param col A vector of colors for the heatmap. Default is `c("deepskyblue1",
#' "white", "firebrick1")`.
#' @param vertical.label Logical; if `TRUE`, the feature labels on the y-axis
#' will be rotated vertically.
#' @details The function generates a heatmap-style plot of feature coefficients
#' across multiple models. The color intensity represents the coefficient
#' values, with positive values shown in one color, negative values in another,
#' and zeros in a neutral color. The function supports customization of the plot
#' layout and label orientation.
#' The `topdown` argument controls the ordering of the features in the plot.
#' When set to `TRUE`, the features are arranged in reverse order, and if set to
#' `FALSE`, the original order is maintained. The function also allows the user
#' to rotate the feature labels vertically if needed.
#' @return A `ggplot` object displaying the heatmap of feature coefficients
#' across models.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage
#' features <- c("feature1", "feature2", "feature3")
#' models <- c("model1", "model2", "model3")
#' coeffs <- matrix(runif(9), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
#' rownames(coeffs) <- features
#' colnames(coeffs) <- models
#' # Plot feature model coefficients
#' plotFeatureModelCoeffs(coeffs, main = "Feature Coefficients Heatmap")
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
plotFeatureModelCoeffs <- function(feat.model.coeffs, topdown = TRUE, main="", col = c("deepskyblue1","white","firebrick1"), vertical.label = TRUE)
# get the corresponding data
data <- feat.model.coeffs
# prepare the data for the
data <- t(data[nrow(data):1, ])
data <- t(data)
#rownames(data) <- c(1:nrow(data))
prev <- signif(colSums(data!=0)/nrow(data),1)
# melt the data
data.m <- melt(data)
colnames(data.m) <- c("models","feature","value")
col.n <- c("-1","0","1")
tab.v <- table(data.m$value)
col <- col[col.n %in% names(tab.v)]
p <- ggplot(data.m, aes(models, feature)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value), colour = "darkgray") +
theme_bw() +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = col) +
p <- p + theme(legend.position="none", axis.text=element_text(size=9), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
p <- p + theme(legend.position="none", axis.text=element_text(size=9))
# # usees gridExtra
# plotUsedFeatures <- function(feature.data=NULL, y = y, feature.presence=NULL, topdown = TRUE){
# p1 <- plotCoeffsPop(data = feature.presence, main = "Model appearence", topdown = topdown)
# p2 <- plotPrevalence(features = feature.data, y = y, main="X/y prevalence", topdown = topdown)
# return(grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2, widths=c(3,1)))
# }
#' Plot Population of Models
#' This function visualizes a population of models by plotting their feature
#' importance or coefficients. It supports sorting of features by discriminance
#' or importance, and allows for customization of colors and the number of
#' columns in the layout.
#' @param pop A population of models (either a list of models or a single
#' model).
#' @param X A data matrix or data frame where rows represent observations and
#' columns represent features.
#' @param y A vector of class labels (e.g., 1 and -1 for binary classification)
#' corresponding to the rows in `X`.
#' @param sort.features Logical; if `TRUE`, the features will be sorted by their
#' discriminance with respect to `y`. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param sort.ind A vector of indices for sorting the features. If `NULL`, the
#' function will determine the order based on discriminance. Default is
#' `NULL`.
#' @param col.sign A vector of two colors (default is `c("deepskyblue1",
#' "firebrick1")`) used to represent positive and negative coefficients,
#' respectively.
#' @param ncol The number of columns to arrange the plots in (default is `10`).
#' @param slim Logical; if `TRUE`, the plots will be simplified. Default is
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param importance Logical; if `TRUE`, the feature importance will be plotted.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @details This function generates a series of plots for a population of
#' models, displaying the feature coefficients or importances. If the population
#' consists of multiple models, each model's coefficients or importances are
#' plotted in a separate subplot. The function supports feature sorting based on
#' their discriminance or importance, and customizes the layout of the plots.
#' @return If the population consists of a single model, a plot of the model's
#' feature coefficients or importance is returned. If the population consists of
#' multiple models, a grid of plots is displayed using `grid.arrange`.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage for a population of models
#' pop <- list(model1, model2, model3) # Assume these are pre-defined models
#' X <- data.frame(feature1 = rnorm(100), feature2 = rnorm(100))
#' y <- sample(c(1, -1), 100, replace = TRUE)
#' # Plot the population
#' plotPopulation(pop, X, y, sort.features = TRUE, ncol = 3)
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import gridExtra
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plotPopulation <- function(pop, X, y,
sort.features = FALSE, sort.ind = NULL,
col.sign = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1"), ncol = 10,
slim = FALSE, importance = FALSE)
# test population validity
if(!isPopulation(obj = pop) & !isModel(obj = pop))
stop("plotPopulation: a population of models shouls be provided.")
if(length(col.sign) != 2)
print("plotPopulation: please provide 2 colors for the ternary coefficients excluding zero")
# if this is a model plot the model
if(isModel(obj = pop))
g <- plotModel(pop, X, y, sort.features=sort.features, sort.ind = sort.ind, col.sign = col.sign, slim = slim, importance = importance)
# else prepare the data to print a population
# get the order of the features in terms of discriminance compared to the class.
ind <- order(filterfeaturesK(X, y, k=nrow(X), sort = FALSE)$p, decreasing = FALSE)
ind <- sort.ind
}else # no order (use the default X ordering)
ind <- c(1:nrow(X))
# put all the graphs here
list.graphs <- list()
for(i in 1:length(pop))
list.graphs[[i]] <- plotModel(mod = pop[[i]], X, y,
sort.features = sort.features, sort.ind = ind,
col.sign = col.sign,
slim = slim, importance = importance)
do.call("grid.arrange", c(list.graphs, ncol=ncol))
#' Plot Model Coefficients and Importance
#' This function visualizes the coefficients of a model, with the option to plot
#' feature importance. It supports various model types, including SOTA models
#' and Random Forests, and can display the results in a variety of layouts,
#' including plots of feature coefficients, feature importance, or decision
#' trees.
#' @param mod A model object (e.g., a fitted machine learning model such as SVM,
#' logistic regression, or random forest).
#' @param X A data matrix or data frame where each row is an observation and
#' each column is a feature.
#' @param y A vector of class labels (e.g., 1 and -1 for binary classification,
#' or continuous for regression) corresponding to the rows in `X`.
#' @param sort.features Logical; if `TRUE`, the features will be sorted by their
#' discriminance with respect to `y`. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param sort.ind A vector of indices for sorting the features. If `NULL`, the
#' function will determine the order based on discriminance. Default is
#' `NULL`.
#' @param feature.name Logical; if `TRUE`, the feature names will be displayed
#' on the plot.
#' @param col.sign A vector of two colors for positive and negative coefficients
#' (default is `c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1")`).
#' @param main A string for the title of the plot.
#' @param slim Logical; if `TRUE`, the plot will be simplified (e.g., removing
#' axis labels and ticks). Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param importance Logical; if `TRUE`, the feature importance will be plotted.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param res_clf Optional; a result object containing cross-validation or
#' feature importance data. This is used when `importance` is `TRUE` for
#' models that have a cross-validation feature.
#' @details This function generates a plot of model coefficients or feature
#' importance, depending on the model type and the `importance` parameter. The
#' function supports SOTA models (like SVM or logistic regression), where
#' coefficients are visualized, and Random Forest models, where decision trees
#' can be plotted. The plot can also include feature importance, if available.
#' If the model is a `Random Forest`, the function will plot a decision tree.
#' For other models, it will plot the feature coefficients with color-coded bars
#' for positive and negative coefficients.
#' @return If the model is a `Random Forest`, the function returns a decision
#' tree plot. For other models, it returns a `ggplot` object showing the feature
#' coefficients or importance.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage for a classification model
#' model <- train(logistic_regression_model) # Assume this is a pre-trained model
#' X <- data.frame(feature1 = rnorm(100), feature2 = rnorm(100))
#' y <- sample(c(1, -1), 100, replace = TRUE)
#' # Plot the model's coefficients
#' plotModel(model, X, y, main = "Model Coefficients Plot")
#' # Plot the model's importance (if available)
#' plotModel(model, X, y, importance = TRUE)
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
plotModel <- function(mod, X, y,
sort.features = FALSE,
sort.ind = NULL,
feature.name = FALSE,
col.sign = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1"),
main = "",
slim = FALSE,
importance = FALSE,
res_clf = NULL)
# test model validity
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
print("plotModel: The model object is not valid!")
if(length(col.sign) != 2)
print("plotModel: please provide 2 colors for the ternary coefficients excluding zero")
# disable importance for SOTA
if(isModelSota(mod) & importance)
importance <- FALSE
print("plotModel: importance graphic is disabled for SOTA models")
# Fix display names
mod$learner <- "sota"
# reset model attributes for glmnet for proper viewing
if(mod$learner == "terda" & mod$language == "logreg")
mod$learner <- "sota"
mod$language <- "glmnet"
# get the order of the features in terms of discriminance compared to the class.
ind <- order(filterfeaturesK(data = X, trait = y, k=nrow(X), sort = FALSE)$p, decreasing = FALSE)
ind <- sort.ind
}else # no order (use the default X ordering)
ind <- c(1:nrow(X))
# get the normalized coefficients
coeffsl <- normModelCoeffs(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, sort.features = sort.features, sort.ind = ind)
# and the sparsity
k_sparsity <- mod$eval.sparsity
#k_sparsity <- k_sparsity[!unlist(lapply(coeffsl,is.null))]
#tmp <- unlist(lapply(coeffsl,length))
coeffs.name <- c()
coeffs.nr <- c()
coeffs.name <- rep(mod$learner,length(coeffsl))
coeffs.nr <- c(1:length(coeffsl))
coeffs.data <- data.frame(coeffsl, coeffs.name, coeffs.nr)
colnames(coeffs.data) <- c("coeff","classifier","feature")
coeffs.data$coeff <- as.numeric(coeffs.data$coeff)
coeffs.data$sign <- sign(coeffs.data$coeff)
coeffs.data$sign[coeffs.data$sign == 0] <- NA
coeffs.data$col <- col.sign[factor(coeffs.data$sign, levels = c(-1,1))]
# add information on importance
rownames(coeffs.data) <- rownames(X)[ind]
coeffs.data$importance <- 0
coeffs.data$importance.col <- NA
coeffs.data[mod$names_,]$importance <- mod$mda.cv_
coeffs.data[mod$names_,]$importance.col <- "black"
# get the features
features <- rownames(coeffs.data)[which(!is.na(coeffs.data$sign))]
names(col.sign) <- c("-1","1")
col.sign <- as.character(col.sign[names(table(sign(coeffs.data$coeff[coeffs.data$coeff != 0])))])
# make the main plot
g1 <- ggplot(coeffs.data, aes(feature, coeff, fill=col)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") + ylim(-1, 1) +
xlab("") +
theme(legend.position="none", axis.text=element_text(size=9)) +
scale_fill_manual("Sign", values = col.sign) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col="gray") +
theme_bw() + guides(fill = "none") +
coord_flip() +
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = "white", fill = "white", size = 0.3),
strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "darkred", size = 10))
g1 <- g1 + scale_x_continuous(breaks=which(!is.na(coeffs.data$sign)), labels = features) + theme(aspect.ratio = 2)
g1 <- g1 + scale_x_continuous(breaks=which(!is.na(coeffs.data$sign)))
if(main == "")
main <- paste("alg:", mod$learner, " | lang:",mod$language," | k:",mod$eval.sparsity, sep="")
g1 <- g1 +
if(main == "")
main <- paste(mod$learner, "|",mod$language,"|",mod$eval.sparsity, sep="")
g1 <- g1 +
ggtitle(main) +
# make the plot on importance
if(!is.null(mod$mda.cv_) & importance)
importance.se <- FALSE
importance.se <- TRUE
mdacv <- mergeMeltImportanceCV(list.results = list(exp = res_clf),
filter.cv.prev = 0,
min.kfold.nb = FALSE,
learner.grep.pattern = "*",
nb.top.features = NULL,
feature.selection = features,
scaled.importance = FALSE,
make.plot = TRUE,
main = TRUE,
cv.prevalence = FALSE)
g2 <- mdacv$g + theme(aspect.ratio = 2) + ggtitle("mda|cv")
g2 <- ggplot(coeffs.data, aes(feature, importance, fill=importance.col)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") +
theme(legend.position="none", axis.text=element_text(size=9)) +
scale_fill_manual("Sign", values = "black") +
xlab("") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col="gray") +
theme_bw() + guides(fill = "none") +
coord_flip() +
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = "white", fill = "white", size = 0.3),
strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "darkred", size = 10)
if(feature.name )
g2 <- g2 + scale_x_continuous(breaks=which(!is.na(coeffs.data$sign)), labels = features) + theme(aspect.ratio = 2) +
g2 <- g2 + scale_x_continuous(breaks=which(!is.na(coeffs.data$sign)))
g2 <- g2 +
ggtitle("mda|cv") +
ylim(0, 1) +
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = "white", fill = "white", size = 0.3),
strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "darkred", size = 10),
g2 <- g2 +
} # end zoom in features
} # end CV mda plot type
#return(grid.arrange(g, g2, ncol=2, widths = c(2,1)))
}else # end else plot importance
warning("plotModel: importance is not available in this model, returning model plot")
mod$learner <- "sota"
if(main == "")
main <- paste(mod$learner, "|",mod$language,"|",mod$eval.sparsity, sep="")
g <- tree_func(final_model = mod$obj, tree_num = 1, main = main, node.text.color = "black")
# return an empty graph
df <- data.frame(
x = rep(1, 1),
y = rep(1, 1),
z = rep(1, 1)
g <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y, fill = "black")) +
geom_tile() +
ggtitle(main) +
#theme(legend.position="none", axis.text=element_text(size=9)) +
scale_fill_manual("Sign", values = "lightgray") +
theme_bw() + guides(fill = "none") +
theme(axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
) +
#' Plot Model Performance Scores
#' This function visualizes the performance of a model by plotting the predicted
#' scores (`yhat`) against the true class labels (`y`). It supports both
#' classification (AUC, accuracy) and regression (R2, correlation) tasks. For
#' classification tasks, it displays a boxplot with jittered points, while for
#' regression tasks, it shows a scatter plot with a linear regression line.
#' @param mod A model object containing the attribute `score_` (predicted
#' scores) and other model evaluation metrics such as accuracy, AUC, R2, etc.
#' @param y A vector of true class labels or continuous values, corresponding to
#' the predicted scores in `mod$score_`.
#' @param col.sign A vector of two colors for positive and negative class labels
#' (default is `c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1")`).
#' @param main A string for the title of the plot (default is an empty string).
#' @details This function checks the validity of the model and the input data,
#' then creates a plot based on the model's prediction performance. For
#' classification tasks, it uses a boxplot to show the distribution of predicted
#' scores, while for regression tasks, it uses a scatter plot with a linear
#' regression line.
#' The function also displays performance metrics in the plot title, such as
#' accuracy and AUC for classification tasks, or correlation coefficient (Rho),
#' R-squared (R2), and standard error of regression (SER) for regression tasks.
#' If the model is of type `SOTA` or lacks the required attributes (`score_`,
#' `y`), the function will return `NULL` and display a corresponding error
#' message.
#' @return A `ggplot` object displaying the model's performance plot, either a
#' boxplot for classification tasks or a scatter plot with a regression line for
#' regression tasks.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage for a classification model
#' model <- train(logistic_regression_model) # Assume this is a pre-trained model
#' X <- data.frame(feature1 = rnorm(100), feature2 = rnorm(100))
#' y <- sample(c(1, -1), 100, replace = TRUE)
#' # Plot the model's performance score
#' plotModelScore(model, y, main = "Classification Model Performance")
#' # Example usage for a regression model
#' model <- train(regression_model) # Assume this is a pre-trained model
#' y <- rnorm(100) # Continuous response variable
#' # Plot the model's performance score
#' plotModelScore(model, y, main = "Regression Model Performance")
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plotModelScore <- function(mod = NULL,
y = NULL, # the class to predict
col.sign = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1"),
main = ""
# test model validity
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
print("plotModelScore: The model object is not valid!")
if(length(col.sign) != 2)
print("plotModelScore: please provide 2 colors for the ternary coefficients excluding zero")
# disable this plot for SOTA
print("plotScore: This method is not available for SOTA models")
# check the existence of the models score
print("plotModelScore: The score_ attribute is missing. Returning empty handed, please provide it to the model.")
# check the existence of the models score
print("plotModelScore: The parameter y is missing. Returning empty handed, please provide it.")
# check the existence of the models score
if(length(mod$score_) != length(y))
print("plotModelScore: The score_ attribute does not match y in length. Returning empty handed, please verify the input data.")
# reset model attributes for glmnet for proper viewing
if(mod$learner == "terda" & mod$language == "logreg")
mod$learner <- "sota"
mod$language <- "glmnet"
if(mod$objective == "auc")
y <- as.factor(y)
df <- data.frame(yhat = mod$score_,
y = y)
main <- paste("Acc =", signif(mod$accuracy_,2),
" | AUC =", signif(mod$auc_,2),
" | Size =", signif(mod$eval.sparsity,2),
" | Lang =", mod$language)
g1 <- ggplot(data = na.omit(df), aes(x = y, y = yhat, color = y)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(alpha = 0.1, color = y, fill = y)) +
geom_jitter(width = 0.2) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mod$intercept_, linetype = "dashed", col = "darkgray") +
scale_color_manual(values = col.sign) +
scale_fill_manual(values = col.sign) +
ggtitle(main) +
ylab("y^") +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
df <- data.frame(yhat = mod$score_,
y = y)
main <- paste("Rho =", signif(mod$cor_,2),
" | R2 =", signif(mod$rsq_,2),
" | SER =", signif(mod$ser_,2))
g1 <- ggplot(data = na.omit(df), aes(x = y, y = yhat, alpha = 0.9)) +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm') +
geom_point(aes(color = "darkred", size = 4)) +
ggtitle(main) +
ylab("y^") +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
#' Normalize Model Coefficients
#' This function normalizes the model coefficients to a common scale. It is
#' designed to handle different types of models and normalizes their
#' coefficients for comparison purposes. The function also offers the ability to
#' sort the features based on their importance or discriminatory power relative
#' to the target variable.
#' @param mod A model object that includes the attribute `coeffs_` (the model
#' coefficients). The model should also include an associated `language`
#' attribute specifying the type of model (e.g., `bin`, `glmnet`, `svm`).
#' @param X A matrix or data frame of feature values used in the model.
#' @param y A vector of true labels or target values corresponding to `X`.
#' @param sort.features A logical value indicating whether to sort the features
#' based on their importance in relation to the target variable (default is
#' `FALSE`).
#' @param sort.ind A vector of indices for sorting the features. If `NULL`, the
#' function will determine the sorting based on feature discriminance (default
#' is `NULL`).
#' @details The function normalizes the coefficients of a model based on the
#' type of model. It handles models such as logistic regression (`logreg`), SVM
#' (`svm`), GLM (`glmnet`), and others. If `sort.features` is set to `TRUE`, the
#' features will be sorted based on their discriminatory power, as calculated by
#' a feature selection method (e.g., filtering based on statistical
#' significance).
#' The normalized coefficients are scaled to lie between -1 and 1, which allows
#' for a fair comparison of feature importance across different models.
#' @return A numeric vector containing the normalized coefficients of the model,
#' or `NULL` if the model does not have valid coefficients.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage for a logistic regression model
#' model <- train(logistic_regression_model) # Assume this is a pre-trained model
#' X <- data.frame(feature1 = rnorm(100), feature2 = rnorm(100))
#' y <- sample(c(1, -1), 100, replace = TRUE)
#' # Normalize the model coefficients
#' normalized_coeffs <- normModelCoeffs(model, X, y)
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
normModelCoeffs <- function(mod, X, y, sort.features = FALSE, sort.ind = NULL)
# test model validity
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
stop("normModelCoeffs: Please make sure the model object is valid.")
warning("normModelCoeffs: This model does not have any coefficients and can not be plotted")
warning("normModelCoeffs: This model does not have any coefficients and can not be plotted")
# transform the model onto the dense format
bm.sparse <- modelToDenseVec(natts = nrow(X), mod = mod)
# get the order of the features in terms of discriminance compared to the class.
ind <- order(filterfeaturesK(X, y, k=nrow(X), sort = FALSE)$p, decreasing = FALSE)
ind <- sort.ind
}else # no order (use the default X ordering)
ind <- c(1:nrow(X))
# order features
bm.sparse.ind <- bm.sparse[ind]
# normalize
bm.sparse.ind <- bm.sparse.ind/max(c(abs(bm.sparse.ind),1)) # for glmnet or SVM or other
res <- NULL
# use the different languages plot
# case 'bininter' here...
res <- abs(bm.sparse.ind)
ter = ,
terinter = ,
svm = ,
logreg = ,
glmnet = {
# case 'terinter' here...
res <- bm.sparse.ind
ratio = {
# case 'ratio' here...
if(is.na(mod$intercept_)) # for the case when it is NA as for the regression
bm.sparse.ind.ratio <- bm.sparse.ind
bm.sparse.ind.ratio[bm.sparse.ind.ratio>0] <- bm.sparse.ind.ratio[bm.sparse.ind.ratio>0] / 1
bm.sparse.ind.ratio <- bm.sparse.ind
bm.sparse.ind.ratio[bm.sparse.ind.ratio>0] <- bm.sparse.ind.ratio[bm.sparse.ind.ratio>0]/mod$intercept_
bm.sparse.ind.ratio <- bm.sparse.ind.ratio/max(c(abs(bm.sparse.ind.ratio),1)) # normalize
res <- bm.sparse.ind.ratio
warning("normModelCoeffs: this language is not implemented")
# TODO convert in ggplot
#' Dissects the model by separating positive and negative coefficients
#' This function dissects a model by separating its positive and negative
#' coefficients, calculates the corresponding scores for each group (positive
#' and negative coefficients), and normalizes them. It also provides a plot
#' showing the composition of the score.
#' @param mod A valid model object.
#' @param X The matrix of features (design matrix).
#' @param y The class labels (response variable).
#' @param clf The classifier used (not currently utilized in the function).
#' @param plot Logical, if `TRUE`, a plot will be generated showing the score
#' composition and a classification of samples based on the score.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{mod}{The provided model.}
#' \item{y}{The response variable.}
#' \item{scores}{A matrix containing positive, negative, and raw scores.}
#' \item{scores.norm}{Normalized scores.}
#' }
#' @details The function works by first identifying the positive and negative
#' coefficients from the model. It then calculates the corresponding scores
#' for both the positive and negative coefficients. The scores are normalized
#' by dividing each score by the total sum of the scores. Finally, the
#' function provides an optional plot that visualizes the score composition.
#' The plot shows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A barcode plot of the score composition.
#' \item A classification of the samples according to the model's score with the intercept line.
#' }
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming `mod`, `X`, and `y` are already defined
#' dissectResult <- disectModel(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, plot = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
disectModel <- function(mod, X, y, clf, plot = TRUE)
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
stop("disectModel: please provide a valid model!")
if(isModelSota(obj = mod))
stop("disectModel: please provide a valid ternary model! This method is not adapted to SOTA models.")
# discet result
dres <- list()
dres$mod <- mod
dres$y <- y
# Compute the positive and negative score
pos <- which(mod$coeffs_ > 0)
neg <- which(mod$coeffs_ < 0)
pos <- list(indices_ = mod$indices_[pos], coeffs_ = mod$coeffs_[pos])
neg <- list(indices_ = mod$indices_[neg], coeffs_ = mod$coeffs_[neg])
if(length(pos$indices_) == 0) # send an zero filled vector (another idea to send out a NULL object)
pos_score <- rep(0, ncol(X)); names(pos_score) <- colnames(X)
pos_score <- t(as.matrix(pos_score))
} else if(length(pos$indices_) == 1) # if the positive part is of length one
pos_data <- as.matrix(X[pos$indices_,])
pos_score <- pos_data
} else
pos_data <- X[pos$indices_,]
pos_score <- pos$coeffs_ %*% as.matrix(pos_data) # compute score ^y
if(length(neg$indices_) == 0) # send an zero filled vector (another idea to send out a NULL object)
neg_score <- rep(0, ncol(X)); names(neg_score) <- colnames(X)
neg_score <- t(as.matrix(neg_score))
} else if(length(neg$indices_) == 1) # if the positive part is of length one
neg_data <- as.matrix(X[neg$indices_,])
neg_score <- neg_data
} else # If greater than one
neg_data <- X[neg$indices_,]
neg_score <- (-neg$coeffs_) %*% as.matrix(neg_data) # compute score ^y
dres$scores <- t(data.frame(t(pos_score), t(neg_score)*-1, mod$score_))
rownames(dres$scores) <- c("pos","neg","score")
# normalization function from momr. No need to importa all the package for this
normFreqTC <- function (dat)
if (!is.matrix(dat))
dat <- as.matrix(dat)
res <- dat
for (i in 1:ncol(res)) {
res[, i] <- res[, i]/sum(res[, i])
# normalize by score
dres$scores.norm <- t(normFreqTC(dres$scores))
pmar <- par()$mar
par(mar = c(5,5,4.1,0))
plotScoreBarcode(dscore = dres$scores, y = y, nb.col.levels = 30, main="score composition")
# classification of samples as follwing the score
par(mar = c(5,5,0,0))
ord.score <- order(dres$mod$score_)
plot(dres$mod$score_[ord.score], pch='', xlab="observatons", ylab="score_")
points((1:length(y))[y[ord.score]=="-1"],dres$mod$score_[ord.score][y[ord.score]=="-1"], pch='+', col="orange")
points((1:length(y))[y[ord.score]=="1"],dres$mod$score_[ord.score][y[ord.score]=="1"], pch='+', col="darkgreen")
abline(h=mod$intercept_, col="darkgray", lty=2)
abline(v=max(which(dres$mod$score_[ord.score]<mod$intercept_)), col="darkgray", lty=2)
legend("topleft",legend = c(paste("accuracy:",signif(mod$accuracy_,3)),
paste("intercept:", signif(mod$intercept_,3))),
border = "white", bty="n")
par(mar = pmar)
#' Plot a barcode representation of model scores
#' This function creates a barcode-style heatmap to visualize the scores of a
#' model, ordered by class labels. It uses color gradients to represent the
#' score values and displays the relationship between the scores and the actual
#' classes.
#' @param dscore A matrix of model scores with rows representing different
#' features (or samples) and columns representing the model's prediction
#' scores for each sample.
#' @param y A vector of class labels corresponding to the samples.
#' @param nb.col.levels An integer specifying the number of color levels to
#' represent the scores. Default is 30.
#' @param main A title for the plot. Default is an empty string.
#' @return This function generates a barcode-style heatmap plot.
#' @details The function visualizes the model scores by reordering them
#' according to the class labels (`-1` and `1`). It uses a color gradient to
#' represent the range of scores and adds a grid for better visual distinction.
#' The plot also includes axes to indicate the feature names and the class
#' labels.
#' The color palette is generated using `viridis` for better visibility of
#' scores across different value ranges. The breaks are set to cover the entire
#' range of the scores.
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming `dscore` is a matrix of scores and `y` is a vector of class labels
#' plotScoreBarcode(dscore, y, nb.col.levels = 30, main = "Model Score Barcode")
#' }
#' @export
plotScoreBarcode <- function(dscore, y, nb.col.levels = 30, main="")
ord.y <- order(y)
cat.y <- table(y)
# reorder by class
dscore <- dscore[,ord.y]
# build the color space and breaks
cols <- list()
cols$val <- c(seq(min(dscore),max(dscore), length.out = nb.col.levels+1))
cols$col <- viridis_pal()(nb.col.levels)
# build the image
x.coord <- (1:nrow(dscore))
y.coord <- (1:ncol(dscore))
image(y.coord, x.coord, t(dscore[rev(x.coord),]), breaks = cols$val, col = cols$col, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main=main)
# add axis
axis(2, at = 1:nrow(dscore), labels=rownames(dscore)[rev(x.coord)], las = 1, tick=FALSE)
class.x <- c(cat.y[1]/2, cat.y[1]+cat.y[2]/2)
axis(1, at = class.x, labels=c("-1","1"), tick=FALSE)
# add grid
grid(ny = 3, nx=1, col="white", lwd=1, lty=1)
abline(v=cat.y[1], lwd=1, lty=1, col="white")
box(col = "black", cex = 0.5, which = "plot")
#' Plot AUC and ROC Curve with Confidence Intervals
#' This function generates a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and
#' computes the Area Under the Curve (AUC) along with the corresponding
#' confidence intervals. It also highlights the best threshold using Youden's
#' index.
#' @param score A numeric vector containing the predicted scores from the model.
#' @param y A numeric or factor vector containing the true class labels. The
#' labels should be binary, with two levels (e.g., 1 and -1, or 0 and 1).
#' @param main A string representing the title of the plot. Default is an empty
#' string.
#' @param ci A logical value indicating whether to compute and display the
#' confidence intervals for the AUC. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param percent A logical value indicating whether to express the ROC curve in
#' percentage scale. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @return A `roc` object from the `pROC` package, containing the ROC curve and
#' AUC information.
#' @details The function uses the `pROC` package to compute and plot the ROC
#' curve and AUC. The best threshold is determined using Youden’s index, and it
#' is displayed on the plot with vertical and horizontal lines. The plot
#' includes the AUC value and its confidence intervals, as well as the best
#' threshold on the curve.
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming `score` is a vector of predicted scores and `y` is the true labels
#' plotAUC(score, y, main = "ROC Curve with AUC", ci = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
plotAUC <- function(score, y, main="", ci = TRUE, percent = TRUE)
rocobj <- pROC::roc(response = y, predictor = score, percent = percent, ci = ci, of = "se", sp = seq(0, 100, 5))
plot(rocobj, ci.type="shape", ci.col="grey80", main=main)
# compute information on the threshold
rocobj2 <- pROC::roc(response = y, predictor = score, percent = percent, ci = TRUE, of = "auc")
resa = coords(rocobj2, x = "best", input = "threshold", best.method = "youden")
abline(v=resa[2], col="red", lty=2); abline(h=resa[3], col="red", lty=2)
legend("bottomright",legend = c(paste("auc:",signif(rocobj$auc,3)),
#' Plot AUC with ROC Curve and Confidence Intervals
#' This function generates a ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve for a
#' given model or score, along with the corresponding AUC (Area Under the Curve)
#' value and its confidence intervals. Optionally, it can also display the
#' intercept point on the curve.
#' @param mod An optional model object. If provided, the function will use
#' `mod$score_` as the predicted scores. If not provided, the `score` argument
#' must be supplied.
#' @param score A numeric vector containing the predicted scores (either
#' provided directly or obtained from `mod`).
#' @param y A numeric or factor vector containing the true class labels. The
#' labels should be binary (e.g., 1 and -1).
#' @param main A string representing the title of the plot. Default is an empty
#' string.
#' @param ci A logical value indicating whether to compute and display the
#' confidence intervals for the AUC. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param show.intercept A logical value indicating whether to display the
#' intercept point on the ROC curve. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @return A `ggplot` object representing the ROC curve with AUC and its
#' confidence intervals.
#' @details The function computes the ROC curve and the AUC using the `pROC`
#' package. If the `mod` object is provided, the function will use `mod$score_`
#' as the predicted score. The plot includes the ROC curve, AUC, confidence
#' intervals, and optionally the intercept point. The intercept is represented
#' as a red `+` symbol on the plot.
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming `mod` is a trained model and `y` is the true labels
#' plotAUCg(mod, y, main = "ROC Curve with AUC", ci = TRUE)
#' }
#' @import pROC
#' @export
plotAUCg <- function(mod = NULL, score, y, main = "", ci = TRUE, show.intercept = TRUE)
print("plotAUCg: using the model object to get the score")
score <- mod$score_
if(length(y) != length(score))
warning("plotAUCg: the score should be the same length as y. Returning empty-handed !")
# for the ratio models we may have infinite values which will make the CI estimation to fail
# here is a workaround
ind <- is.infinite(score) | is.na(score) | is.nan(score)
# compute the roc object
rocobj <- roc(y[!ind] ~ score[!ind], plot=FALSE, ci = ci)
tpr <- mod$confusionMatrix_[1,1]/ sum(mod$confusionMatrix_[,1])
fpr <- mod$confusionMatrix_[1,2]/ sum(mod$confusionMatrix_[,2])
res.ci <- ci(rocobj)
legend <- paste0("AUC = ",signif(res.ci[2],2),
"\nCI = [", signif(res.ci[1],2),";", signif(res.ci[3],2),"]")
g <- ggroc(rocobj, colour = "black", linetype = 1, size = 1, legacy.axes = TRUE) +
theme_bw() +
x = 0.75,
y = 0.1,
label = legend, hjust = 0) +
guides(fill = "none") +
ggtitle(main) +
aspect.ratio = 1,
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = "white", fill = "white", size = 0.3),
strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "darkred", size = 10))
resa = coords(rocobj, x = "best", input = "threshold", best.method = "youden")
# add intercept
if(sum(ind)==0) # everything fine
g <- g + annotate("point",
x = fpr,
y = tpr,
colour = "red",
size = 10,
pch = "+")
}else # potential no numbers
g <- g + annotate("point",
x = 1-resa["specificity"],
y = resa["sensitivity"],
colour = "red",
size = 10,
pch = "+")
# # With a roc object:
# library(pROC)
# rocobj <- roc(response = y, predictor = score)
# rocobj.ci <- ci(rocobj, of="thresholds", thresholds="all", boot.n=100)
# plot(x = 1-rocobj$specificities, y = rocobj$sensitivities, type="l")
# points(x = 1-rocobj.ci$specificity[,"2.5%"], y = rocobj.ci$sensitivity[,"2.5%"], type="l", col="red")
# points(x = 1-rocobj.ci$specificity[,"97.5%"], y = rocobj.ci$sensitivity[,"97.5%"], type="l", col="red")
# points(x = 1-rocobj.ci$specificity[,"50%"], y = rocobj.ci$sensitivity[,"50%"], type="l", col="red")
# ggroc <- function(roc, showAUC = TRUE, interval = 0.2, breaks = seq(0, 1, interval)){
# require(pROC)
# if(class(rocobj) != "roc")
# simpleError("Please provide roc object from pROC package")
# plotx <- rev(rocobj$specificities)
# ploty <- rev(rocobj$sensitivities)
# ggplot(NULL, aes(x = plotx, y = ploty)) +
# geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 1, xend = 1,yend = 0), alpha = 0.5) +
# geom_step() +
# scale_x_reverse(name = "Specificity",limits = c(1,0), breaks = breaks, expand = c(0.001,0.001)) +
# scale_y_continuous(name = "Sensitivity", limits = c(0,1), breaks = breaks, expand = c(0.001, 0.001)) +
# theme_bw() +
# theme(axis.ticks = element_line(color = "grey80")) +
# coord_equal() +
# annotate("text", x = interval/2, y = interval/2, vjust = 0, label = paste("AUC =",sprintf("%.3f",rocobj$auc)))
# }
# # plot a horizontal barplot
# #' @export
# plotBarplot <- function(v, rev=TRUE, xlim=range(v), main=""){
# if(rev) v <- rev(v)
# barplot(v, las=2, horiz=TRUE, col="black", main=main, xlim=xlim)
# }
#' Print Model Information
#' This function prints information about a given model, either in a short,
#' long, or structured format. The function provides a summary of the model,
#' including the model coefficients, intercept, evaluation score, learner, and
#' language, depending on the selected format.
#' @param mod A model object. It can be any predomics model object.
#' @param method A string specifying the format in which the model summary will
#' be printed. Possible values are "short" (default), "long", and "str".
#' "short" gives a compact summary, "long" provides a detailed summary, and
#' "str" prints the structure of the model.
#' @param score A string specifying the score attribute to be displayed. Default
#' is "fit_".
#' @return A string representing the model summary in the chosen format.
#' @details
#' - The "short" method provides a brief overview of the model with information such as the coefficients,
#' intercept, decision boundary, and evaluation score (if available).
#' - The "long" method gives a more detailed version of the model summary, including the coefficients for
#' both positive and negative terms, along with other model attributes such as
#' learner type, language, and sparsity.
#' - The "str" method prints the structure of the model using the `str()` function.
#' If a SOTA (state-of-the-art) model is provided, the function adjusts the
#' output accordingly, displaying the model's coefficients and attributes in a
#' simplified format.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming 'mod' is a trained model
#' printModel(mod, method = "short", score = "fit_")
#' }
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @export
printModel <- function(mod, method = "short", score = "fit_")
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
print("printModel: please provide a valid predomics model object.")
if(!score %in% names(mod))
print("printModel: please provide a valid score that is found as an attribute in the model object.")
# if(isModelSota(mod))
# {
# method <- "sota"
# }
# Bin(inter) or Ter(inter)
ind.pos <- sign(mod$coeffs_) == 1
ind.neg <- sign(mod$coeffs_) == -1
if(mod$language == "ratio")
signs <- rep("+",length(mod$coeffs_))
term.pos <- "0"
term.pos <- paste("(",paste(signs[ind.pos], mod$indices_[ind.pos], sep = "", collapse = ""),")",sep="")
term.neg <- "0"
term.neg <- paste("(",paste(signs[ind.neg], mod$indices_[ind.neg], sep = "", collapse = ""),")",sep="")
res <- paste(term.pos, "/", term.neg)
mod.inter <- paste(mod$sign_, signif(mod$intercept_,2))
decision <- paste(" then class =", colnames(mod$confusionMatrix_)[2])
mod.fit <- mod[[score]]
if(!is.na(mod.fit)) res <- paste("|",res," ", mod.inter, decision, "| (F=",signif(mod.fit,4),sep="")
res <- paste(res,"|K=",mod$eval.sparsity,"|Le=", mod$learner,"|La=", mod$language,")",sep="")
# Bin(inter) or Ter(inter)
signs <- rep("+",length(mod$coeffs_))
term.pos <- "0"
term.pos <- paste("(",paste(signs[ind.pos], mod$indices_[ind.pos], sep = "", collapse = ""),")",sep="")
term.neg <- "0"
term.neg <- paste("(",paste(signs[ind.neg], mod$indices_[ind.neg], sep = "", collapse = ""),")",sep="")
res <- paste(term.pos, " - ", term.neg)
mod.inter <- paste(mod$sign_, signif(mod$intercept_,2))
decision <- paste(" then class =",colnames(mod$confusionMatrix_)[2])
mod.fit <- mod[[score]]
if(!is.na(mod.fit)) res <- paste("|",res," ", mod.inter, decision, "| (F=",signif(mod.fit,4),sep="")
res <- paste(res,"|K=",mod$eval.sparsity,"|Le=", mod$learner,"|La=", mod$language,")",sep="")
} # end exist coeffs
coeffs <- signif(as.numeric(mod$coeffs_),2)
coeffs <- ""
res <- mod$indices_
res <- paste(coeffs, res, sep = " * ")
res <- paste(res, collapse = " ")
res <- paste(res, mod$learner, sep="|")
mod.fit <- mod[[score]]
if(!is.na(mod.fit)) res <- paste("|",res," ","| (F=",signif(mod.fit,4),sep="")
res <- paste(res,"|K=",mod$eval.sparsity,"|Le=", mod$learner,"|La=", mod$language,")",sep="")
# Bin(inter) or Ter(inter)
ind.pos <- sign(mod$coeffs_) == 1
ind.neg <- sign(mod$coeffs_) == -1
if(mod$language == "ratio")
signs <- rep("+ ",length(mod$coeffs_))
term.pos <- "0"
term.pos <- paste("(",paste(signs[ind.pos], mod$names_[ind.pos], sep = "", collapse = ""),")",sep="")
term.neg <- "0"
term.neg <- paste("(",paste(signs[ind.neg], mod$names_[ind.neg], sep = "", collapse = ""),")",sep="")
res <- paste(term.pos, "/", term.neg)
mod.inter <- paste(mod$sign_, signif(mod$intercept_,2))
decision <- paste(" then class =", colnames(mod$confusionMatrix_)[2])
mod.fit <- mod[[score]]
if(!is.na(mod.fit)) res <- paste("|",res," ", mod.inter, decision, "| (F=",signif(mod.fit,4),sep="")
res <- paste(res,"|K=",mod$eval.sparsity,"|Le=", mod$learner,"|La=", mod$language,")",sep="")
# Bin(inter) or Ter(inter)
signs <- rep("+ ",length(mod$coeffs_))
term.pos <- "0"
term.pos <- paste("(",paste(signs[ind.pos], mod$names_[ind.pos], sep = "", collapse = ""),")",sep="")
term.neg <- "0"
term.neg <- paste("(",paste(signs[ind.neg], mod$names_[ind.neg], sep = "", collapse = ""),")",sep="")
res <- paste(term.pos, " - ", term.neg)
mod.inter <- paste(mod$sign_, signif(mod$intercept_,2))
decision <- paste(" then class =",colnames(mod$confusionMatrix_)[2])
mod.fit <- mod[[score]]
if(!is.na(mod.fit)) res <- paste("|",res," ", mod.inter, decision, "| (F=",signif(mod.fit,4),sep="")
res <- paste(res,"|K=",mod$eval.sparsity,"|L=", mod$learner,"|La=", mod$language,")",sep="")
} # end exist coeffs
coeffs <- signif(as.numeric(mod$coeffs_),2)
coeffs <- ""
res <- mod$names_
res <- paste(coeffs, res, sep = " * ")
res <- paste(res, collapse = " ")
res <- paste(res, mod$learner, sep="|")
mod.fit <- mod[[score]]
res <- paste("|",res," ","| (F=",signif(mod.fit,4),sep="")
res <- paste(res,"|K=",mod$eval.sparsity,"|L=", mod$learner,"|La=", mod$language,")",sep="")
res <- str(mod)
warning('This method does not exist! Try one of these: short, long or str')
#' Print Information about a Population of Models
#' This function prints detailed information about a population of models. It
#' supports multiple methods for displaying the model summaries, such as
#' providing a "digested" view, a "short" version, or a more detailed "long"
#' view. It can also print the structure of each model within the population.
#' @param obj A population of models. This should be a valid object returned by
#' a model training procedure.
#' @param method A string specifying the format in which the population summary
#' will be printed. Possible values are "digested", "short", "long", and
#' "str". "digested" provides a summarized view of the population's
#' properties, "short" gives a brief summary of each model, "long" provides a
#' more detailed view, and "str" prints the structure of each model in the
#' population.
#' @param score A string specifying the score attribute to be used when printing
#' models. Default is "fit_".
#' @param indent A string used for indentation when printing information,
#' helpful when displaying hierarchical data.
#' @return None. The function prints the information directly.
#' @details
#' - The "digested" method provides an overview of the population, summarizing key attributes such as the
#' sparsity and learner type.
#' - The "short" method gives a brief summary of each model, including its learner, language, and evaluation
#' score.
#' - The "long" method offers a detailed description of each model, including all relevant information about
#' coefficients and evaluation metrics.
#' - The "str" method prints the structure of each model using `str()`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming 'population' is a valid population of models
#' printPopulation(population, method = "short")
#' }
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @export
printPopulation <- function(obj, method = "short", score = "fit_", indent="")
# sanity check
warning("printPopulation: the object to print is not a valid Population of models")
spar <- populationGet_X("eval.sparsity")(obj)
pop.name <- unique(spar)
attribute.name <- paste0("k_",pop.name)
attribute.name <- "k_mixed"
ptdf <- populationToDataFrame(obj) # convert model population to a dataframe for easy access
#attribute.name <- ""
attribute.value <- paste(length(obj), "models ...",
paste(paste(ptdf$learner, ptdf$language, signif(ptdf$fit_,2), ptdf$eval.sparsity, sep="_")[1:min(5,length(obj))],collapse = "; "))
cat(paste(indent,attribute.name,": ",attribute.value, "\n",sep=""))
short =,
str =,
long ={
for(i in 1:length(obj))
mod <- obj[[i]]
print(paste(i, printModel(mod = mod, method = method, score = score), sep=":"))
print('printPopulation: please provide a valid method (digested/short/long/str)')
#' Print Information about a Classifier Object
#' This function prints detailed information about a classifier object,
#' including information about the experiment, the learner settings, and the
#' models within the classifier. It provides a structured view of the
#' classifier's parameters and any relevant attributes to facilitate
#' understanding and debugging.
#' @param obj A classifier object, typically returned by a classifier training
#' function. The object should contain details about the experiment, model
#' parameters, and possibly a collection of models.
#' @param indent A string for indentation used when printing information. It
#' allows for hierarchical display, making the output easier to read and
#' understand. Default is " --- ".
#' @return None. The function prints the information directly to the console.
#' @details
#' - If the classifier object contains an experiment attribute, the function prints details of the experiment.
#' - If the classifier has parameters (`params`), it prints the learner type, its parameters, and, if applicable,
#' any models used in the classifier.
#' - If the classifier includes a model collection, details of the models are printed as well.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming 'classifier' is a valid classifier object
#' printClassifier(classifier)
#' }
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @export
printClassifier <- function(obj, indent="\t--- ")
# sanity check
warning("printClassifier: the object to print is not a valid Classifier")
# Global experiment information
cat("========== Experiment ==========\n")
for(i in 1:length(obj$experiment)){
attribute.name <- names(obj$experiment)[i]
attribute.value <- obj$experiment[[i]]
cat(paste(indent,attribute.name,": ",attribute.value, "\n",sep=""))
# Detailed learner options
cat("========== Learner ==========\n")
cat(paste(indent,"learner: ", obj$learner, "\n",sep=""))
for(i in 1:length(obj$params))
attribute.name <- names(obj$params)[i]
attribute.value <- obj$params[[i]]
if(length(attribute.value)>1) # for sparsity for instance
cat(paste(indent, attribute.name,": ",paste(attribute.value, collapse = ","), "\n",sep=""))
if(is.function(attribute.value)) # In case of functions
cat(paste(indent, attribute.name,": function","\n",sep=""))
cat(paste(indent, attribute.name,": ",attribute.value, "\n",sep=""))
nclf <- length(obj$params$list.clfs)-1
for(i in 1:nclf)
cat(paste(indent, obj$params$list.clfs[[i]]$experiment$id,"\n",sep = ""))
# Detailed learner options
cat("========== Model Collection ==========\n")
#' Print Information about an Experiment Object
#' This function prints detailed information about an experiment object,
#' including details about the experiment, cross-validation, and the classifier
#' used. It helps in understanding and inspecting the components of an
#' experiment.
#' @param obj An experiment object that contains information about the
#' classifier, cross-validation, and the models used in the experiment.
#' @param indent A string for indentation, used to structure the printed output
#' in a hierarchical manner. Default is " --- ".
#' @return None. The function prints the information directly to the console.
#' @details
#' - Prints details about the experiment, including information about the classifier and the experiment settings.
#' - If cross-validation data exists, prints the number of folds, times, and seeds used in the cross-validation.
#' - Prints detailed learner options such as learner type, parameters, and the models involved in the experiment.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming 'experiment' is a valid experiment object
#' printExperiment(experiment)
#' }
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @export
printExperiment <- function(obj, indent = "\t--- ")
warning("printExperiment: the object to print is not a valid experiment.")
cat("========== Experiment ==========\n")
for(i in 1:length(obj$classifier$experiment))
attribute.name <- names(obj$classifier$experiment)[i]
attribute.value <- obj$classifier$experiment[[i]]
cat(paste(indent,attribute.name,": ",attribute.value, "\n",sep=""))
cat("========== Cross validation ==========\n")
cat(paste(indent, "total folds",": ",ncol(obj$crossVal$scores$empirical.auc), "\n",sep=""))
cat(paste(indent, "folds",": ",ncol(obj$crossVal$scores$empirical.auc)/length(obj$classifier$params$seed), "\n",sep=""))
cat(paste(indent, "times",": ",length(obj$classifier$params$seed), "\n",sep=""))
cat(paste(indent, "seeds",": ",paste(obj$classifier$params$seed, collapse = ", "), "\n",sep=""))
cat("========== Cross validation ==========\n")
cat(paste(indent, "total folds",": ",0, "\n",sep=""))
cat(paste(indent, "folds",": ",0, "\n",sep=""))
cat(paste(indent, "times",": ",length(obj$classifier$params$seed), "\n",sep=""))
cat(paste(indent, "seeds",": ",paste(obj$classifier$params$seed, collapse = ", "), "\n",sep=""))
# Detailed learner options
cat("========== Learner ==========\n")
cat(paste(indent,"learner: ", obj$classifier$learner, "\n",sep=""))
for(i in 1:length(obj$classifier$params))
attribute.name <- names(obj$classifier$params)[i]
attribute.value <- obj$classifier$params[[i]]
if(length(attribute.value) > 1) # for sparsity for instance
cat(paste(indent, attribute.name,": ",paste(attribute.value, collapse = ","), "\n",sep=""))
if(is.function(attribute.value)) # In case of functions
cat(paste(indent, attribute.name,": function","\n",sep=""))
cat(paste(indent, attribute.name,": ",attribute.value, "\n",sep=""))
if(obj$classifier$learner == "metal")
nclf <- length(obj$classifier$params$list.clfs)-1
for(i in 1:nclf)
cat(paste(indent, obj$classifier$params$list.clfs[[i]]$experiment$id,"\n",sep = ""))
# Detailed learner options
cat("========== Model Collection ==========\n")
#' Print Information about a Model Collection
#' This function prints detailed information about a collection of models. It
#' allows for summarizing the model collection in either a short or long format,
#' providing insights into the models' sparsity, performance, and other relevant
#' details.
#' @param obj A model collection object containing multiple models.
#' @param indent A string for indentation, used to structure the printed output
#' in a hierarchical manner. Default is " --- ".
#' @param method A string specifying the format for printing. Valid options are
#' "short" and "long". Default is "long".
#' @return None. The function prints the information directly to the console.
#' @details
#' - In "short" mode, it prints the names of the models in the collection along with the number of models in each category.
#' - In "long" mode, it prints detailed information about each model, including the k-sparsity and a summary of the models' characteristics.
#' - The "long" mode will call the `printPopulation` function for each model in the collection to show its details.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming 'model_collection' is a valid model collection object
#' printModelCollection(model_collection, method = "short")
#' }
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @export
printModelCollection <- function(obj, indent = "\t--- ", method = "long")
warning("printModelCollection: the object to print is not a valid experiment.")
paste(names(obj), unlist(lapply(obj,length)), sep=": ")
# for each k-sparsity show the number of models and some information on the first ones.
for(i in 1:length(obj))
printPopulation(obj = obj[[i]], method = "digested", indent = indent)
print('printModelCollection: please provide a valid method (short/long)')
#' Print Summary of Predomics Object
#' This function prints a summary of a given object, identifying its type
#' (model, population, classifier, experiment, or model collection) and calling
#' the appropriate print function to display relevant information about the
#' object.
#' @param obj An object that can be of type model, population, classifier,
#' experiment, or model collection.
#' @return None. The function prints the summary of the object directly to the
#' console.
#' @details The function checks the type of the provided object using `isModel`,
#' `isPopulation`, `isClf`, `isExperiment`, and `isModelCollection` functions.
#' Based on the object type, it prints a summary:
#' - **Model**: Calls `printModel` with a detailed description of the model.
#' - **Population**: Calls `printPopulation`, showing a summary of the population of models.
#' - **Model Collection**: Calls `printModelCollection` to show a summary of a collection of models.
#' - **Experiment**: Calls `printExperiment` to display experiment details.
#' - **Classifier**: Calls `printClassifier` for classifier details.
#' If the object type is not recognized, an error message is printed.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming 'model', 'population', 'classifier', 'experiment', and 'model_collection' are valid objects
#' printy(model)
#' printy(population)
#' printy(classifier)
#' printy(experiment)
#' printy(model_collection)
#' }
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @export
printy <- function(obj)
type = NA
type <- "model"
type <- "population"
type <- "classifier"
type <- "experiment"
type <- "model.collection"
print(paste("Summary of Model object"))
printModel(mod = obj, method = "long")
print(paste("Summary of a population of models with",length(obj),"models"))
printPopulation(obj = obj[1:min(5,length(obj))], method = "long")
if(length(obj) > 5) print("...")
print(paste("Summary of a ModelCollection object with",length(obj),"populations of models"))
printModelCollection(obj = obj, method = "long")
print(paste("Summary of Experiment object"))
print(paste("Summary of Classifier object"))
print('printy: please provide valid predomics model')
#' Analyze Features in a Population of Models
#' This function analyzes features in a population of models, allowing for the
#' visualization and examination of feature importance, prevalence, and model
#' coefficients. It can generate a variety of plots to understand the
#' distribution and importance of features in the given population.
#' @param pop A population of models, typically obtained from
#' `modelCollectionToPopulation` or similar functions.
#' @param X The data matrix containing features (rows represent features,
#' columns represent samples).
#' @param y The response variable (class labels or continuous values depending
#' on the model).
#' @param res_clf The classifier used for the analysis, typically a result from
#' a classification experiment.
#' @param makeplot Logical. If `TRUE`, the function generates plots and saves
#' them as a PDF. If `FALSE`, it returns the analysis results without
#' plotting.
#' @param name A string representing the name of the analysis or output (used
#' for saving files).
#' @param ord.feat A string indicating the ordering method for features. Options
#' are:
#' - "prevalence": Order by the prevalence of features across models.
#' - "importance": Order by feature importance based on cross-validation.
#' - "hierarchical": Order by hierarchical clustering of the feature-to-model coefficient matrix.
#' @param make.network Logical. If `TRUE`, generates a network of feature
#' co-occurrence across the population of models.
#' @param network.layout A string indicating the layout of the network. Default
#' is "circular". Other options may include "fr" for Fruchterman-Reingold
#' layout.
#' @param network.alpha A numeric value controlling the alpha transparency of
#' the network plot.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `TRUE`, prints additional information during
#' execution.
#' @param pdf.dims A vector of two numbers specifying the width and height of
#' the PDF output (in inches).
#' @param filter.perc A numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the minimum
#' prevalence of a feature to be included in the analysis.
#' @param k_penalty A penalty value for model selection in the population
#' filtering.
#' @param k_max The maximum number of models to include in the final population
#' after filtering.
#' @return If `makeplot = TRUE`, returns a PDF with visualizations of feature
#' importance, prevalence, and model coefficients. If `makeplot = FALSE`,
#' returns a list of the analysis results including the normalized scores and
#' feature importance.
#' @details The function performs a variety of analyses on a population of
#' models:
#' - It filters models based on feature prevalence.
#' - It orders features by various metrics such as prevalence, importance, or hierarchical clustering.
#' - It generates plots of feature prevalence, model coefficients, and other characteristics.
#' - If requested, it also generates a network of feature co-occurrence across the models.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Assuming 'pop' is a valid population of models, 'X' is the feature matrix, and 'y' is the response variable
#' analyzePopulationFeatures(pop = pop, X = X, y = y, res_clf = res_clf, makeplot = TRUE, name = "population_analysis")
#' }
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @export
analyzePopulationFeatures <- function(pop, X, y, res_clf, makeplot = TRUE, name = "", ord.feat = "importance",
make.network = TRUE, network.layout = "circular", network.alpha = 0.0001,
verbose = TRUE, pdf.dims = c(width = 25, height = 20), filter.perc = 0.05,
k_penalty = 0.75/100,
k_max = 0)
pop <- selectBestPopulation(pop, p = 0.05, k_penalty = k_penalty, k_max = k_max)
if(verbose) print(paste("There are",length(pop), "models in this population"))
if(length(pop) == 1)
print("analyzePopulationFeatures: only one model after filtering. Plot can not be built... returing empty handed.")
pop.df <- populationToDataFrame(pop)
pop.noz <- listOfModelsToDenseCoefMatrix(clf = res_clf$classifier, X = X, y = y, list.models = pop)
if(verbose) print(paste("Pop noz object is created with", nrow(pop.noz), "features and", ncol(pop.noz), "models"))
# clean not conform bin/bininter models
tocheck <- pop.df$language == "bin" | pop.df$language == "bininter"
todelete <- apply(pop.noz[,tocheck] < 0, 2, any)
if(verbose) print(paste(sum(todelete)," bin/bininter models contain negative coefficients ... deleting them"))
if(length(todelete) != 0)
# clean population and recompute things
pop <- pop[!todelete]
# make the feature annots
fa <- makeFeatureAnnot(pop = pop, X = X, y = y, clf = res_clf$classifier)
# filter features that are very rare in the models
pop.noz <- filterFeaturesByPrevalence(X = fa$pop.noz, perc.prevalence = filter.perc * 100)
pop.noz <- filterFeaturesByPrevalence(fa$pop.noz, perc.prevalence = 0)
if(verbose) print(paste("After filtering pop noz object is created with", nrow(pop.noz), "features and", ncol(pop.noz), "models"))
if(verbose) print(paste("Ordering features by", ord.feat))
# Here we order based on the prevalence of features in the models
prev <- getFeaturePrevalence(features = rownames(pop.noz), X = X, y = y, prop=TRUE)
ind.feat <- order(prev$all, prev$`1`, prev$`-1`, decreasing = TRUE)
features <- rownames(pop.noz)[ind.feat]
# Here we order based on a the crossval feature importance
lr <- list(res_clf)
names(lr) <- paste(res_clf$classifier$learner, res_clf$classifier$params$language, sep=".")
feat.import <- mergeMeltImportanceCV(list.results = lr,
filter.cv.prev = 0,
min.kfold.nb = FALSE,
learner.grep.pattern = "*",
nb.top.features = NULL,
feature.selection = rownames(pop.noz),
scaled.importance = FALSE,
make.plot = TRUE)
print("analyzeImportanceFeatures: no feature importance data found... returning empty handed.")
# the most important features along with the order
features <- rev(levels(feat.import$summary$feature))
# Here we order based on a hierarchial clustering on the feature to model coefficient matrix
hc.feat <- hclust(d = dist((pop.noz), method = "manhattan"), method = "ward.D")
ind.feat <- hc.feat$order
features <- rownames(pop.noz)[ind.feat]
warning('This method does not exist !')
if(ord.feat == "importance")
g6 <- feat.import$g
g7 <- plotPrevalence(features = features, X, y)
g7 <- g7 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
#plot abundance
g8 <- plotAbundanceByClass(features = features, X, y)
g8 <- g8 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
#tmp <- pop.noz; colnames(tmp) <- gsub("metal_","",colnames(pop.dense.noz))
g9 <- plotFeatureModelCoeffs(feat.model.coeffs = pop.noz[features, ],
vertical.label = FALSE, col = c("deepskyblue1", "white", "firebrick1"))
g9 <- g9 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
if(verbose) print(paste("Making plots in a dedicated pdf"))
pdf(file=paste("population features",name,".pdf", sep=""), w=pdf.dims[1], h=pdf.dims[2])
grid.arrange(g6, g9, g8, g7, ncol=4, widths = c(2,1,1,1))
if(verbose) print(paste("Making the network of co-occurance of features in the population of models"))
#fa <- makeFeatureAnnot(pop = pop, X = X, y = y, clf = clf)
try(makeFeatureModelPrevalenceNetworkCooccur(pop.noz = pop.noz,
feature.annot = fa$feature.df[rownames(pop.noz),],
alpha = network.alpha,
verbose = verbose,
layout = network.layout),
silent = TRUE)
return(grid.arrange(g6, g9, g8, g7, ncol=4, widths = c(2,1,1,1)))
g7 <- plotPrevalence(features = features, X, y)
g7 <- g7 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
#plot abundance
g8 <- plotAbundanceByClass(features = features, X, y)
g8 <- g8 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
#tmp <- pop.noz; colnames(tmp) <- gsub("metal_","",colnames(pop.dense.noz))
g9 <- plotFeatureModelCoeffs(feat.model.coeffs = pop.noz[features, ],
vertical.label = FALSE, col = c("deepskyblue1", "white", "firebrick1"))
if(verbose) print(paste("Making plots in a dedicated pdf"))
pdf(file=paste("population features",name,".pdf", sep=""), width = pdf.dims[1], height = pdf.dims[2])
grid.arrange(g9, g8, g7, ncol=3, widths = c(2,1,1))
if(verbose) print(paste("Making the network of co-occurance of features in the population of models"))
#fa <- makeFeatureAnnot(pop = pop, X = X, y = y, clf = clf)
try(makeFeatureModelPrevalenceNetworkCooccur(pop.noz = pop.noz,
feature.annot = fa$feature.df[rownames(pop.noz),],
alpha = network.alpha,
verbose = verbose,
layout = network.layout),
silent = TRUE)
return(grid.arrange(g9, g8, g7, ncol=3, widths = c(2,1,1)))
#' Analyze Feature Importance for Machine Learning Models
#' This function analyzes the importance of features in a set of machine
#' learning models. It computes various plots related to feature importance,
#' prevalence, and effect sizes. The function can handle both classification and
#' regression tasks. It can process a single experiment or multiple experiments
#' and generate corresponding visualizations in a PDF file.
#' @param clf_res An object of class \code{experiment} or a list of experiments
#' containing machine learning models to analyze.
#' @param X A data frame or matrix containing the feature data used in the
#' model.
#' @param y A vector containing the target variable (binary or continuous values
#' depending on the task).
#' @param makeplot Logical, if `TRUE`, plots will be generated and saved as a
#' PDF. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param name A string to specify the name used in output files (e.g., for
#' saving the PDF).
#' @param verbose Logical, if `TRUE`, the function will print progress messages.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param pdf.dims Numeric vector specifying the dimensions of the output PDF
#' (width and height). Default is `c(width = 25, height = 20)`.
#' @param filter.perc Numeric, percentage threshold used to filter out features
#' that appear in less than `filter.perc` of the models. Default is `0.05`
#' (5\%).
#' @param filter.cv.prev Numeric, cross-validation threshold used to filter the
#' importance of features based on their performance. Default is `0.25`.
#' @param nb.top.features Numeric, the number of top features to select based on
#' importance. Default is `100`.
#' @param scaled.importance Logical, if `TRUE`, scales the feature importance
#' scores. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param k_penalty Numeric, penalty factor for selecting top features in
#' models. Default is `0.75/100`.
#' @param k_max Numeric, the maximum number of features to consider. Default is
#' `0` (no limit).
#' @details This function analyzes feature importance and creates visualizations
#' of features that contribute most to the model predictions. It can handle
#' classification and regression tasks. The function computes several types of
#' graphics:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Feature Importance: Plots the importance of features across models.
#' \item Prevalence of Features: Shows the prevalence of features across different groups (e.g., class 1 and class -1 in classification tasks).
#' \item Abundance of Features: Shows how frequently features appear across the dataset.
#' \item Feature Model Coefficients: Visualizes the coefficients of features in the models.
#' }
#' The results are saved as a PDF document and also plotted directly within R.
#' @return The function returns `NULL` if no models are found or after the plot
#' has been saved. It generates a PDF containing multiple plots: feature
#' importance, prevalence, abundance, and model coefficients.
#' @examples
#' # Assume clf_res is a list of experiment results, and X and y are your data
#' result <- analyzeImportanceFeatures(clf_res, X, y, makeplot = TRUE, name = "Feature_Analysis", verbose = TRUE)
#' # You can access the plots via result if you choose not to save them as PDFs
#' @author Edi Prifti (IRD)
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelCollectionToPopulation}},
#' \code{\link{plotPrevalence}}, \code{\link{plotAbundanceByClass}},
#' \code{\link{plotFeatureModelCoeffs}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import gridExtra
#' @importFrom stats dist hclust
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt dcast
#' @importFrom cowplot ggsave2
#' @export
analyzeImportanceFeatures <- function(clf_res, X, y, makeplot = TRUE, name = "",
verbose = TRUE, pdf.dims = c(width = 25, height = 20),
filter.perc = 0.05, filter.cv.prev = 0.25,
nb.top.features = 100,
scaled.importance = FALSE,
k_penalty = 0.75/100,
k_max = 0)
multiple.experiments <- FALSE
mode <- NULL
if(any(!unlist(lapply(clf_res, isExperiment))))
stop("analyzeLearningFeatures: please provide a valid experiment results!")
multiple.experiments <- TRUE
if(clf_res[[1]]$classifier$params$objective == "cor")
mode <- "regression"
mode <- "classification"
}else # if not multiple experiments
if(clf_res$classifier$params$objective == "cor")
mode <- "regression"
mode <- "classification"
cat(paste("... Estimating mode: ", mode,"\n"))
stop("analyzeImportanceFeatures: mode not founding stopping ...")
# get the final population
pop <- modelCollectionToPopulation(clf_res$classifier$models)
if(verbose) print(paste("There are",length(pop), "models in this population"))
# select the best population
pop <- selectBestPopulation(pop = pop, score = clf_res$classifier$params$evalToFit, p = 0.05, k_penalty = k_penalty, k_max = k_max)
if(verbose) print(paste("There are",length(pop), "models in this population after selection of the best"))
if(length(pop) == 1)
print("analyzeImportanceFeatures: only one model after filtering. Plot can not be built... returing empty handed.")
# get the population information into a dataframe
pop.df <- populationToDataFrame(pop = pop)
# get the feature to model dataframe
pop.noz <- listOfModelsToDenseCoefMatrix(clf = clf_res$classifier, X = X, y = y, list.models = pop)
if(verbose) print(paste("Pop noz object is created with", nrow(pop.noz), "features and", ncol(pop.noz), "models"))
# clean not conform bin/bininter models
tocheck <- pop.df$language == "bin" | pop.df$language == "bininter"
todelete <- apply(pop.noz[,tocheck] < 0, 2, any)
if(verbose) print(paste(sum(todelete)," bin/bininter models contain negative coefficients ... deleting them"))
if(length(todelete) != 0)
# clean population and recompute things
pop <- pop[!todelete]
# make the feature annots
fa <- makeFeatureAnnot(pop = pop, X = X, y = y, clf = clf_res$classifier)
# filter features that are very rare in the models
pop.noz <- filterFeaturesByPrevalence(X = fa$pop.noz, perc.prevalence = filter.perc *100)
pop.noz <- filterFeaturesByPrevalence(fa$pop.noz, perc.prevalence = 0)
if(verbose) print(paste("After filtering pop noz object is created with", nrow(pop.noz), "features and", ncol(pop.noz), "models"))
# get the feature importance information if it exists
lr <- list(clf_res)
names(lr) <- paste(clf_res$classifier$learner, clf_res$classifier$params$language, sep=".")
feat.import <- mergeMeltImportanceCV(list.results = lr,
filter.cv.prev = filter.cv.prev,
min.kfold.nb = FALSE,
learner.grep.pattern = "*",
nb.top.features = nb.top.features,
feature.selection = NULL,
scaled.importance = scaled.importance,
make.plot = TRUE)
print("analyzeImportanceFeatures: no feature importance data found... returning empty handed.")
# the most important features along with the order
features.import <- rev(levels(feat.import$summary$feature))
# the most importance features found in generalization are not necessarely the same as those found in the best models, and we need to merge them to have a unified view
pop.noz.import <- as.matrix(matrix(data = 0, nrow = length(features.import), ncol = ncol(pop.noz)))
colnames(pop.noz.import) <- colnames(pop.noz)
rownames(pop.noz.import) <- features.import
features.pop.noz <- intersect(features.import, rownames(pop.noz))
pop.noz.import[features.pop.noz, 1:ncol(pop.noz.import)] <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(pop.noz)[features.pop.noz, 1:ncol(pop.noz)])
# ordering of the pop.noz.import
ord.avail <- order(rowSums(abs(pop.noz.import)), decreasing = TRUE)
# order on the prevalence on best models
if(mode != "regression")
prev <- getFeaturePrevalence(features = features.import, X = X, y = y, prop=TRUE)
ord.prev <- order(prev$all, prev$`1`, prev$`-1`, decreasing = TRUE)
hc.mod <- hclust(d = dist(t(pop.noz.import), method = "manhattan"), method = "ward.D")
# get the importance graphic
g6 <- feat.import$g
g6 <- g6 + ggtitle("")
# get the prevalence graphic
if(mode == "regression")
g7 <- plotPrevalence(features = features.import, X, y = NULL)
g7 <- plotPrevalence(features = features.import, X, y)
g7 <- g7 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
# get the abundance graphic
g8 <- plotAbundanceByClass(features = features.import, X, y)
g8 <- g8 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
# get the feature to model graphic
g9 <- plotFeatureModelCoeffs(feat.model.coeffs = pop.noz.import,
vertical.label = FALSE,
col = c("deepskyblue1", "white", "firebrick1"))
if(verbose) print(paste("Making plots in a dedicated pdf"))
pdf(file=paste("population features",name,".pdf", sep=""), w=pdf.dims[1], h=pdf.dims[2])
}else # multiple experiments
lr <- clf_res
feat.import <- mergeMeltImportanceCV(list.results = lr,
filter.cv.prev = filter.cv.prev,
min.kfold.nb = FALSE,
learner.grep.pattern = "*",
nb.top.features = nb.top.features,
make.plot = TRUE)
warning("analyzeImportantFeatures: These learners have no feature importance as implemented in the BTR ones. Sending an empty plot.")
return(ggplot() + theme_void())
# the most important features along with the order
features.import <- rev(levels(feat.import$summary$feature))
# get the importance graphic
g6 <- feat.import$g
#g6 <- g6 + ggtitle("")
# get the prevalence graphic
if(mode == "regression")
g7 <- plotPrevalence(features = features.import, X, y = NULL)
g7 <- plotPrevalence(features = features.import, X, y)
g7 <- g7 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
# get the abundance graphic
g8 <- plotAbundanceByClass(features = features.import, X, y)
g8 <- g8 + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
if(verbose) print(paste("Making plots in a dedicated pdf"))
pdf(file=paste("population features",name,".pdf", sep=""), w=pdf.dims[1], h=pdf.dims[2])
grid.arrange(g6, g8, g7, ncol=3, widths=c(2,1,1))
grid.arrange(g6, g8, g7, ncol=3, widths=c(3,1,1))
} # end multiple experiments
#' Prints as text the detail on a given experiment along with summarized results (if computed)
#' @description This function takes a population of models and creates a table with annotation on the features,
#' such as prevalence in the models and dataset as well as different statistics
#' @param pop: a population of models
#' @param X: the X dataset where to compute the abundance and prevalence
#' @param y: the target class
#' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' @return a list with two data.frames one containing the coefficients per each model and the other a data.frame on the features
#' @export
makeFeatureAnnot <- function(pop, X, y, clf)
warning("makeFeatureAnnot: unvalid population, returning NULL")
check.X_y_w(X = X, y = y)
pop.noz <- listOfModelsToDenseCoefMatrix(clf = clf, X = X, y = y, list.models = pop)
print("makeFeatureAnnot: some features are NA in pop.noz ... omitting them")
pop.noz <- pop.noz[!is.na(rownames(pop.noz)),]
# order on the prevalence on best models
if(clf$params$objective == "cor")
prev <- getFeaturePrevalence(features = rownames(pop.noz), X = X, y = NULL, prop = TRUE)
prev <- getFeaturePrevalence(features = rownames(pop.noz), X = X, y = y, prop = TRUE)
# a) prevalence in each class and in X
feat.preval.X <- as.data.frame(prev); colnames(feat.preval.X) <- paste("prev.prop",names(prev))
# b) enrichment analyses based on prevalence
if(clf$params$objective == "cor")
prev.enrichment <- plotPrevalence(features = rownames(pop.noz), X, y = NULL, plot=FALSE)
prev.enrichment <- plotPrevalence(features = rownames(pop.noz), X, y, plot=FALSE)
feat.preval.chisq <- as.data.frame(prev.enrichment[c("chisq.p", "chisq.q")])
# c) prevalence in models
mod.prev <- rowSums(abs(pop.noz))
# d) mean coefficient in real models
pop.noz.na <- pop.noz # in order not to take into account the zeros we transform them to NA
pop.noz.na[pop.noz == 0] <- NA
coeff.mean <- rowMeans(pop.noz.na, na.rm = TRUE)
# f) differential abundance analyses
suppressWarnings(feat.abund.wilcox <- plotAbundanceByClass(features = rownames(pop.noz), X, y, plot=FALSE)[,c("p","q","status")])
colnames(feat.abund.wilcox) <- c("wilcox.p", "wilcox.q", "wilcox.class")
if(sum(dim(feat.preval.chisq)) == 0)
feat.preval.chisq <- rep(NA, nrow(feat.abund.wilcox))
# put everything together
feature.df <- data.frame(feat.preval.X,
check.names = FALSE)
return(list(pop.noz = pop.noz,
feature.df = feature.df))
#' Prints as text the detail on a given experiment along with summarized results (if computed)
#' @description This function will use the coocur package to compute the co-occurance of features in a population of models
#' @param pop.noz: a data.frame of in features in the rows and models in the columns.
#' This table contains the feature coefficients in the models and is obtained by makeFeatureAnnot()
#' @param feature.annot: a data frame with annotation on features obtained by makeFeatureAnnot()
#' @param alpha: the significane p-value of the co-occurance.
#' @param verbose: print out information during run
#' @param layout: the network layout by default is circular (layout_in_circle) and will be a weighted Fruchterman-Reingold otherwise
#' @return plots a graph
#' @export
makeFeatureModelPrevalenceNetworkCooccur <- function(pop.noz,
alpha = 0.05,
verbose = TRUE,
layout = "circlular")
if(verbose) print("Creating the cooccur object")
print(system.time(cooccur.pop.noz <- cooccur(mat = as.data.frame(pop.noz !=0),
type = "spp_site",
thresh = "TRUE",
spp_names = TRUE
edges <- data.frame(from = cooccur.pop.noz$results$sp1_name,
to = cooccur.pop.noz$results$sp2_name,
edges$from <- as.character(edges$from)
edges$to <- as.character(edges$to)
if(verbose) print(paste(nrow(edges),"edges are found"))
rownames(edges) <- paste(edges$from, edges$to, sep=" => ")
edges$sign <- rep(0, nrow(edges))
edges$sign[edges$p_lt < alpha] <- -1
edges$sign[edges$p_gt < alpha] <- 1
# delete the non significant edges
edges <- edges[edges$sign != 0,]
if(verbose) print(paste(nrow(edges),"edges are kept after filtering by p-value threshold", alpha))
# ANNOTATION of the edges
allnodes <- unique(c(as.character(edges$from), as.character(edges$to)))
edges.annot <- feature.annot[allnodes,]
edges.annot <- data.frame(rownames(edges.annot),edges.annot);
colnames(edges.annot)[match("name",colnames(edges.annot))] <- "name_long";
colnames(edges.annot)[1] <- "name"
# create the igraph object
gD <- graph.data.frame(d = edges, directed = TRUE,
vertices = edges.annot)
if(verbose) print(paste("The network is built"))
# Calculate degree for all nodes
degAll <- igraph::degree(gD, v = V(gD), mode = "all")
gD <- set.vertex.attribute(gD, "degree", index = V(gD)$name, value = degAll)
# Calculate betweenness for all nodes
betAll <- igraph::betweenness(gD, v = V(gD), directed = FALSE) / (((vcount(gD) - 1) * (vcount(gD)-2)) / 2)
betAll.norm <- (betAll - min(betAll))/(max(betAll) - min(betAll)); rm(betAll)
# Add new node/edge attributes based on the calculated node properties/similarities
gD <- set.vertex.attribute(gD, "betweenness", index = V(gD)$name, value = betAll.norm)
# Calculate edge properties and add to the network
E(gD)$color <- c("#DC143C","#A6A6A6")[as.factor(factor(E(gD)$sign, levels=c('-1','1')))]
#Calculate Dice similarities between all pairs of nodes
dsAll <- similarity.dice(gD, vids = V(gD), mode = "all")
# The following function will transform a square matrix to an edge driven one and add values to each edge
F1 <- function(x) {data.frame(dice = dsAll[which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$from)), which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$to))])}
# library(plyr) => took this out to force changing to tidyr
edges.ext <- ddply(edges, .variables=c("from", "to"), function(x) data.frame(F1(x))); dim(edges.ext)
gD <- set.edge.attribute(gD, "similarity", index = E(gD), value = 0)
E(gD)[as.character(edges.ext$from) %--% as.character(edges.ext$to)]$similarity <- as.numeric(edges.ext$dice)
# Check the attributes
#l <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(gD)
if(layout == "circular")
l <- layout_in_circle(gD, order = V(gD))
l <- layout_with_fr(gD, weights=E(gD)$weight)
vertex.label = V(gD)$name_long,
vertex.color = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1")[factor(V(gD)$wilcox.class)],
vertex.size=V(gD)$mod.prev/max(V(gD)$mod.prev)*10 + 1,
#edge.arrow.mode = E(gD)$infOrt,
vertex.label.cex = 0.7,
edge.width = E(gD)$prob_cooccur*10
#' Prints as text the detail on a given experiment along with summarized results (if computed)
#' @description This function will use the miic package to compute the co-occurance of features in a population of models
#' @param pop.noz: a data.frame of in features in the rows and models in the columns.
#' This table contains the feature coefficients in the models and is obtained by makeFeatureAnnot()
#' @param feature.annot: a data frame with annotation on features obtained by makeFeatureAnnot()
#' @param cor.th: a threshold abtained on the partial correlation value
#' @param verbose: print out information during run
#' @param layout: the network layout by default is circular (layout_in_circle) and will be a weighted Fruchterman-Reingold otherwise
#' @return plots a graph
#' @export
makeFeatureModelPrevalenceNetworkMiic <- function(pop.noz,
cor.th = 0.3,
verbose = TRUE,
layout = "circlular")
if(verbose) print("Creating the miic object")
mobj <- miic(inputData = as.data.frame(t(pop.noz)))
#miic.plot(mobj, igraphLayout = igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold)
# load the edge information for spectral3off2 network
edges <- mobj$retained.edges.summary
if(verbose) print(paste(nrow(edges),"edges are found"))
#dim(edges) # 350 edges
colnames(edges)[1:2] <- c("from","to")
rownames(edges) <- paste(edges$from, edges$to, sep=" => ")
# clean those edges that have no link
edges <- edges[abs(edges$partial_correlation) > cor.th,]
if(verbose) print(paste(nrow(edges),"edges are kept after filtering by absolute correlation threshold", cor.th))
# ANNOTATION of the edges
allnodes <- unique(c(edges$from,edges$to))
edges.annot <- feature.annot[allnodes,]
edges.annot <- data.frame(rownames(edges.annot),edges.annot);
colnames(edges.annot)[match("name",colnames(edges.annot))] <- "name_long";
colnames(edges.annot)[1] <- "name"
# create the igraph object
gD <- graph.data.frame(d = edges, directed = TRUE,
vertices = edges.annot)
if(verbose) print(paste("The network is built"))
# Calculate degree for all nodes
degAll <- igraph::degree(gD, v = V(gD), mode = "all")
gD <- set.vertex.attribute(gD, "degree", index = V(gD)$name, value = degAll)
# Calculate betweenness for all nodes
betAll <- igraph::betweenness(gD, v = V(gD), directed = FALSE) / (((vcount(gD) - 1) * (vcount(gD)-2)) / 2)
betAll.norm <- (betAll - min(betAll))/(max(betAll) - min(betAll)); rm(betAll)
# Add new node/edge attributes based on the calculated node properties/similarities
gD <- set.vertex.attribute(gD, "betweenness", index = V(gD)$name, value = betAll.norm)
# Calculate edge properties and add to the network
E(gD)$color <- c("#DC143C","#A6A6A6")[as.factor(factor(sign(E(gD)$infOrt), levels=c('-1','1')))]
E(gD)$infOrt[E(gD)$infOrt== 1] <- 0;
E(gD)$infOrt[E(gD)$infOrt== -2] <- 1
#Calculate Dice similarities between all pairs of nodes
dsAll <- similarity.dice(gD, vids = V(gD), mode = "all")
# The following function will transform a square matrix to an edge driven one and add values to each edge
F1 <- function(x) {data.frame(dice = dsAll[which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$from)), which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$to))])}
# library(plyr) => took this out to force changing to tidyr
edges.ext <- ddply(edges, .variables=c("from", "to"), function(x) data.frame(F1(x))); dim(edges.ext)
gD <- set.edge.attribute(gD, "similarity", index = E(gD), value = 0)
E(gD)[as.character(edges.ext$from) %--% as.character(edges.ext$to)]$similarity <- as.numeric(edges.ext$dice)
# Check the attributes
if(layout == "circular")
l <- layout_in_circle(gD, order = V(gD))
l <- layout_with_fr(gD, weights=E(gD)$weight)
vertex.label = V(gD)$name_long,
vertex.color = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1")[factor(V(gD)$wilcox.class)],
vertex.size=V(gD)$mod.prev/max(V(gD)$mod.prev)*10 + 3,
edge.arrow.mode = E(gD)$infOrt,
vertex.label.cex = 0.7,
edge.width = log(E(gD)$log_confidence)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.