# _____ _ ____ _ #
# |_ _| | | / __ \ (_) #
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# | | | '_ \| __/ _ \/ _` | '__| | | | '_ ` _ \| |/ __/ __| #
# | |_| | | | || __| (_| | | | |__| | | | | | | | (__\__ \ #
# |_____|_| |_|\__\___|\__, |_| \____/|_| |_| |_|_|\___|___/ #
# __/ | #
# |___/ #
# @script: global.lib.R
# @author: Edi Prifti
# @author: Lucas Robin
# @author: Yann Chevaleyre
# @author: Jean-Daniel Zucker
# @date: August 2016
# @date: November 2023
# ========= GETTERS, SETTERS ...
# ========= CHECKERS
# ========= CONVERTERS
# ========= ADDERS, REMOVERS
#' Evaluates the confusion Matrix of the predicted class and the class to predict
#' @description This function evaluates the accuracy of a model
#' @param mod: a model object to be evaluated
#' @param X: dataset to classify
#' @param y: variable to predict
#' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' @return a confusion matrix
computeConfusionMatrix <- function(mod, X, y, clf)
yhat <- evaluateYhat(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, clf = clf)
# yhat <- factor(yhat, levels = names(table(clf$data$y)))
if(length(yhat) != length(y))
cm <- table(y, yhat, dnn = c("y", "yhat"))
#' Compute other prediction scores such as precision, recall and f-score
#' @description This function computes prediction scores based on the confusion matrix such as accuracy, precision, recall and f-score
#' @param mod: a model object to be evaluated
#' @param X: dataset to classify
#' @param y: variable to predict
#' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' @param mode: training or testing mode
#' @return a model whose evaluation parameters are updated
evaluateAdditionnalMetrics <- function(mod, X, y, clf, mode = "train")
# if the following attributes are selected, then we need to fix it since they are derivates of a score
if(clf$params$objective == "auc" & (clf$params$evalToFit != "fit_" | clf$params$evalToFit != "unpenalized_fit_"))
clf$params$evalToFit <- "accuracy_"
if(clf$params$evalToFit == "accuracy_") # additional metrics is auc_
# compute the auc
aucg <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = ">")
aucl <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = "<")
mod$auc_ <- max(aucg, aucl)
if(clf$params$evalToFit == "auc_") # additional metrics is auc_
# evalute the accuracy that is not measured
mod <- evaluateAccuracy(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, clf = clf, force.re.evaluation = TRUE, mode = mode)
# visit this website for more information on the measures https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall
mod$confusionMatrix_ <- computeConfusionMatrix(mod, X, y, clf)
# precision = tp/(tp+fp)
# cm = confusion matrix (2,2 is the positive class)
if(all(dim(mod$confusionMatrix) == 2)) # if confusion matrix is OK (2x2)
mod$precision_ <- mod$confusionMatrix[2, 2] / (mod$confusionMatrix[2, 2] + mod$confusionMatrix[2, 1])
#mod$precision_ <- mod$confusionMatrix[1, 1] / (mod$confusionMatrix[1, 1] + mod$confusionMatrix[2, 1])
# recall = tp/(tp+fn), aka sensitivity
#mod$recall_ <- mod$confusionMatrix[1, 1] / (mod$confusionMatrix[1, 1] + mod$confusionMatrix[1, 2])
mod$recall_ <- mod$confusionMatrix[2, 2] / (mod$confusionMatrix[2, 2] + mod$confusionMatrix[1, 2])
mod$f1_ <- 2 * (mod$precision_ * mod$recall_) / (mod$precision_ + mod$recall_)
}else # otherwise we don't compute it
mod$precision_ <- NA
mod$recall_ <- NA
mod$f1_ <- NA
#' Computes the predected classification using a given model
#' @description This function evaluates the predicted classification either using (1) a model object that contains intercept and sign or (2) directly the attributes score, intercept, sign
#' @param mod: a model object to be used in the class prediction
#' @param X: dataset to classify
#' @param y: variable to predict
#' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' @param score: the score passed directly
#' @param intercept: the intercept passed directly
#' @param sign: the sign passed directly
#' @return a vector with the predicted classification of the samples
evaluateYhat <- function(mod = NULL, X, y, clf, score=NULL, intercept=NULL, sign=NULL)
stop("evaluateYhat: please provide a valid model object BTR or SOTA.")
yhat <- predict(object = mod$obj, t(X[mod$indices_,]))
yhat <- predict(object = mod$obj, t(X[mod$indices_,]))
yhat <- predict(object = mod$obj, s = mod$lambda, newx = t(X), type="class")[,1]
if(!isModelSota(mod)) # if BTR
# score_
scorelist <- getModelScore(mod = mod, X = X, clf = clf, force.re.evaluation = FALSE) # compute the score of the model
score <- scorelist$score_
} else
score <- mod$score_
if(!myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod$intercept_) | !myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod$sign_))
mod <- evaluateIntercept(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, clf = clf)
intercept <- mod$intercept_
sign <- mod$sign_
intercept <- mod$intercept_
sign <- mod$sign_
if(!myAssertNotNullNorNa(score, "missing score from evaluateYhat", stop = FALSE)) return(NULL)
if(!myAssertNotNullNorNa(intercept, "missing intercept from evaluateYhat", stop = FALSE)) return(NULL)
if(!myAssertNotNullNorNa(sign, "missing sign from evaluateYhat", stop = FALSE)) return(NULL)
# if the data does not exist in y, we can't compute the class
if(!myAssertNotNullNorNa(clf$data$y, "missing y from evaluateYhat", stop = FALSE))
warning("evaluateYhat: missing y from clf$data, getting it from y instead")
lev <- levels(as.factor(y))
# return(NULL)
lev <- levels(as.factor(clf$data$y))
# NOTE: in the score we may have infite values that come for instance from the ratio language
# This means that whatever the intercept these examples are positive ones. As such we can omit
# them when computing the intercept.
ind.infinite <- is.infinite(mod$score_)
ind.nan <- is.nan(mod$score_)
# For the ratio language
# CASE 1
# a/b > teta
# a > teta * b
# if b is infinite than whatever the teta the inequation is true
# CASE 2
# a/b < teta
# a < teta * b
# if b is infinite than whatever the teta the inequation is false
yhat.bool <- (score - intercept > 0)
yhat.bool[ind.infinite] <- TRUE
yhat.bool[ind.nan] <- FALSE # since 0 is not > than 0
# compute the class
yhat <- factor(lev[as.factor(yhat.bool)], levels=lev)
yhat.bool <- (score - intercept < 0)
yhat.bool[ind.infinite] <- FALSE
yhat.bool[ind.nan] <- FALSE # since 0 is not < than 0
# compute the class
yhat <- factor(lev[as.factor(yhat.bool)], levels=lev)
#' Predicts the outcomes of a population of models in a dataset.
#' @description This function evaluates the class of a population of models for a dataset X
#' @param X: dataset to predit
#' @param y: the real y
#' @param pop: a population of models. This can be an FBM for instance.
#' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' @param plot: logical (default:FALSE), returns a barplot for each sample with
#' the prevalence of each class by the population of models
#' @param col: manual scaling colors (default:`c("deepskyblue4", "firebrick4")`).
#' @param fill: manual scaling colors (default:`c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1")`).
#' @return A dataframe of predicted classes with samples in columns and models
#' in rows, `if(plot = FALSE)`. Otherwise it will return a ggplot object.
#' @export
predictPopulation <- function(X, y, clf,
plot = FALSE,
col = c("deepskyblue4", "firebrick4"),
fill = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1"))
stop("predictPopulation: please provide a valid population object.")
stop("predictPopulation: please provide a valid classifier object.")
# make sure the population is evaluated forced for this X, y and clf
pop <- evaluatePopulation(X = X, y = y, clf = clf,
pop = pop,
eval.all = TRUE,
force.re.evaluation = TRUE,
mode = "test")
list.evaluations <- lapply(pop, function(mod) {
as.character(evaluateYhat(mod = mod,
X = X,
y = y,
clf = clf)
# Assuming tmp is your list of vectors
combined_df <- do.call(rbind, list.evaluations)
# Convert the row names to a column if needed
combined_df <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(combined_df),
g <- combined_df %>%
rownames_to_column("model") %>%
cols = -model,
names_to = "samples",
values_to = "class"
) %>%
group_by(samples, class) %>%
summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = samples, y = count,
color = as.factor(class),
fill = as.factor(class))
) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("deepskyblue4", "firebrick4")) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1")) +
labs(color = "Class", fill = "Class") + # Rename the legend
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
#' Compute other prediction scores such as precision, recall and f-score
#' @description This function computes prediction scores based on the confusion matrix such as accuracy, precision, recall and f-score
#' @param X: dataset to classify
#' @param y: variable to predict
#' @param mod: a predomics object to be updated
#' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' @return a model whose evaluation parameters are updated or a list containing coefficients and intercept if mod is not set.
#' @export
computeCoeffSVMLin <- function(X, y, clf=NULL, mod=NULL)
print("Compute coeffs from a dataset directly not a predomics object")
p = nrow(X)
svm <- ksvm(as.matrix(t(X)), y, type="C-svc", kernel='vanilladot',C=1)
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
stop("computeCoeffSVMLin: is not a valid predomics model.")
if(!isModelSotaSVM(obj = mod))
stop("computeCoeffSVMLin: is a valid predomics model, but not a SotaSVM.")
stop("computeCoeffSVMLin: the clf is also needed.")
# if not linear we don't compute the coeffs, does not mean anything
p = length(mod$indices_)
svm <- mod$obj
# compute the coefficients
M <- diag(p) # create an empty diagonal matrix (sparse Matrix object)
M <- rbind(M,rep(0,p)) # add intercept
D <- predict(svm, M, type='decision') # compute probabilities
intercept = -D[length(D)] # Compute the intercept
D <- D + intercept # add the them of the intercept
w <- D[1:length(D)-1] # compute the wi
#print(c('coefs = ',D))
return(list(coeffs=w, intercept=intercept))
names(w) <- mod$names_
mod$coeffs_ <- w
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a model
#' @export
#' @param obj: an object to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a model
isModel <- function(obj)
# test if the model exists
# test if the model is a list
# test weather it contains two main attributes
res <- !is.null(obj$indices_) & !is.null(obj$names_)
#' Evaluates wether an object is a population of models
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a population of models
#' @param obj: an object to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a population
#' @export
isPopulation <- function(obj)
# test if the object exists
# test if the list exists
# test if the list is not empty
if(length(obj) == 0)
# test weather all the elements of the list are models
if(!all(unlist(lapply(obj, isModel))))
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model collection objecct
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a model collection objecct
#' @param obj: an object to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a model collection objecct
#' @export
isModelCollection <- function(obj)
# test if the object exists
# test if the list exists
# test if the list is not empty
if(length(obj) == 0)
# test weather all the elements of the list are models
if(!all(unlist(lapply(obj, isPopulation))))
#' Evaluates wether an object is a classifier
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a classifier
#' @export
#' @param obj: an object to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a classifier
isClf <- function(obj)
# test if the model exists
# test if the model is a list
# test weather it contains two main attributes
res <- !is.null(obj$params) & !is.null(obj$learner)
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model SOTA SVM
#' @description Evaluates wether a learner is SOTA or not
#' @export
#' @param obj: a model to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a SOTA learner
isLearnerSota <- function(obj)
res <- isClf(obj) & ((length(grep("sota",obj$learner))==1) | (length(grep("logreg",obj$params$language))==1))
#' Evaluates wether an object is an experiment
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is an experiment
#' @export
#' @param obj: an object to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is an experiment
isExperiment <- function(obj)
# test if the model exists
# test if the model is a list
# test weather it contains two main attributes
res <- !is.null(obj$classifier) & isClf(obj$classifier)
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model SOTA
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a model of type sota
#' @export
#' @param obj: a model to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a model sota
isModelSota <- function(obj)
res <- isModelSotaSVM(obj) | isModelSotaRF(obj) | isModelSotaGLMNET(obj)
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model SOTA SVM
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a model of type sota
#' @export
#' @param obj: a model to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a model sota SVM
isModelSotaSVM <- function(obj)
res <- isModel(obj)
res <- (length(grep("sota.svm",obj$learner))==1)
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model SOTA RF
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a model of type sota
#' @export
#' @param mod: a model to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a model sota RF
isModelSotaRF <- function(obj)
res <- isModel(obj)
res <- (length(grep("sota.rf",obj$learner))==1)
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model SOTA GLMNET
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a model of type sota
#' @param mod: a model to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a model sota GLMNET
#' @export
isModelSotaGLMNET <- function(obj)
res <- isModel(obj)
res <- (obj$learner == "terda")
res <- FALSE
res <- res & !("character" %in% class(obj$obj))
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model BTR Terda
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a model of type BTR
#' @param mod: a model to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a model BTR Terda
#' @export
isModelTerda <- function(obj)
res <- isModel(obj)
res <- (obj$learner == "terda")
if(!obj$language %in% c("ter","terinter","bin","bininter","ratio"))
res <- FALSE
#' Evaluates wether an object is a model BTR
#' @description Evaluates wether an object is a model of type BTR
#' @export
#' @param obj: a model to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is a model BTR
isModelBTR <- function(obj)
res <- isModel(obj) & !isModelSotaSVM(obj) & !isModelSotaRF(obj) & !isModelSotaGLMNET(obj)
#' Evaluates the accuracy of a model
#' @description This function evaluates the accuracy of either (1) a model object that contains intercept and sign or (2) directly the attributes score, intercept, sign
#' @param mod: a model object to be used in the class prediction
#' @param X: dataset to classify
#' @param y: variable to predict
#' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' @param force.re.evaluation: evaluate again all the elements needed for accuracy (default:FALSE)
#' @param mode: training or test mode. If training, the funciton maximizes accuracy.
#' @return either (1) a model whose evaluation parameters are updated or (2) the accuracy
#' @export
evaluateAccuracy <- function(mod = NULL, X, y, clf, force.re.evaluation = FALSE, mode = "train")
#If mod is not a valid model
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
stop("evaluateAccuracy: please provide a valid model object BTR or SOTA")
# test if the confusion matrix exists
if(!myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod$confusionMatrix_) | force.re.evaluation)
# NOTE: we consider that evaluateFit is the main function where we would have computed the score and intercept if force.re.evaluation.
# here we need to update the confusionMatrix_
# compute the score if it does not exist
scorelist <- getModelScore(mod = mod, X = X, clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation) # compute the score of the model
mod$score_ <- scorelist$score_
mod$pos_score_ <- scorelist$pos_score_
mod$neg_score_ <- scorelist$neg_score_
# compute the intercept and/or the sign if they do not exist
if((!myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod$intercept_) | !myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod$sign_)) & !isModelSota(mod))
mod <- evaluateIntercept(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, clf = clf)
if(!myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod$intercept_)) return(NULL)
if(!myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod$sign_)) return(NULL)
# compute the confusion matrix
mod$confusionMatrix_ <- computeConfusionMatrix(mod, X, y, clf)
} # end re-evaluation or missing confusion matrix
# EXPERIMENTAL TODO: add other accuraciy (weighted)
# compute a confusionMatrix that is weighted for a better AUC
#props <- prop.table(table(y))
#confusionMatrix_.prop <- apply(mod$confusionMatrix_, 1, fun <- function(x){x*rev(props)})
# accuracy = (tp+tn)/(tp+fp+tn+fn)
#a1 <- sum(diag(confusionMatrix_.prop)) / sum(confusionMatrix_.prop)
if(mode == "train")
a1 <- sum(diag(mod$confusionMatrix_)) / sum(mod$confusionMatrix_)
a2 <- sum(diag(apply(mod$confusionMatrix_, 2, rev))) / sum(mod$confusionMatrix_)
if(a1 < a2 & !isModelSota(mod))
# inverse the sign
if(mod$sign_ == ">")
mod$sign_ <- "<"
mod$sign_ <- ">"
# and recompute everything. This works with a recursive calling but due to R limits recursive calling in some deep cases
# throws errors. This is why we are recoding another solution
# mod <- evaluateAccuracy(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation, mode = mode)
# recompute the confusion matrix
mod$confusionMatrix_ <- computeConfusionMatrix(mod, X, y, clf)
# and accuracy
mod$accuracy_ <- sum(diag(mod$confusionMatrix_)) / sum(mod$confusionMatrix_)
mod$accuracy_ <- a1
mod$accuracy_ <- sum(diag(mod$confusionMatrix_)) / sum(mod$confusionMatrix_)
} # end train/test
#' Computes the ^y score of the model
#' @description Returns the ^y score of the model
#' @importFrom kernlab predict
#' @param mod: a model object where the score will be computed
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param force.re.evaluation: we recompute the score (default:TRUE)
#' @return a vector containing the predicted ^y score for each observation
#' @export
getModelScore <- function(mod, X, clf, force.re.evaluation = TRUE)
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
stop("getModelScore: please provide a valid model object BTR or SOTA!")
printModel(mod); print(mod$indices_)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("getModelScore: indices contain NAs")
if(max(mod$indices_) > nrow(X))
printModel(mod); print(mod$indices_)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning(paste("getModelScore: indices should smaller then", nrow(X)))
# If we already have the score no need to recompute it
if(myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod$score_) & !force.re.evaluation)
res <- list(score_ = as.numeric(mod$score_),
pos_score_ = as.numeric(mod$pos_score_),
neg_score_ = as.numeric(mod$neg_score_)
} # end score exists
# if model is sota we need to recompute score
if(isModelSotaSVM(obj = mod))
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("getModelScore: please provide a valid SVM model in mod$obj!")
# else we compute it again
res <- list(score_ = as.numeric(predict(mod$obj, t(X[mod$indices_,]), type="decision")),
pos_score_ = as.numeric(mod$pos_score_),
neg_score_ = as.numeric(mod$neg_score_)
} # end SVM model
if(isModelSotaRF(obj = mod))
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("getModelScore: please provide a valid random forest model in mod$obj!")
prob <- NA # flag it to check wether it will work
# else we compute it again
try(prob <- predict(mod$obj, t(X[mod$indices_,]), type="prob"), silent = TRUE)
if(length(prob) == 1)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("getModelScore: the RF probability score could not be computed!")
if(mean(prob[,1]) > mean(prob[,2]))
yhat <- prob[,1]
yhat <- prob[,2]
# else we compute it again
res <- list(score_ = as.numeric(yhat),
pos_score_ = as.numeric(mod$pos_score_),
neg_score_ = as.numeric(mod$neg_score_)
} # end RF model
# if model is sota we need to recompute score
if(isModelSotaGLMNET(obj = mod))
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("getModelScore: please provide a valid random forest model in mod$obj!")
prob <- NA # flag it to check wether it will work
# else we compute it again
#try(prob <- predict(mod$obj, data.matrix(t(X[mod$indices_,]), s = mod$lambda), type="prob"), silent = TRUE)
try(prob <- predict(object = mod$obj, s = mod$lambda, newx = data.matrix(t(X)))[,1], silent = TRUE)
if(length(prob) == 1)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("getModelScore: the GLMNET probability score could not be computed!")
# else we compute it again
res <- list(score_ = as.numeric(prob),
pos_score_ = as.numeric(mod$pos_score_),
neg_score_ = as.numeric(mod$neg_score_)
} # end GLMNET model
# for NAs set coefficients randomly
ind <- which(is.na(mod$coeffs_)) # find which coefs are NA
set.seed(clf$params$seed) # fix seed
replacement.coeffs <- sample(c(-1,1),length(ind),replace = TRUE) # sample randomly
mod$coeffs_[ind] <- replacement.coeffs # replace
# and give a warning
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("getModelScore: there are NAs in the model's coefficents. This have been set randomly to -1 or 1.")
# if this is classification problem (TODO test other AIC etc ...)
if(length(mod$indices_) == 1)
if(mod$language == "ratio") # if custom language (ratio, ...)
score <- rep(0, length(ncol(X)))
pos_score <- rep(0, ncol(X))
neg_score <- rep(0, ncol(X))
# if k_sparsity 1 no need to use a complex formula
data <- t(as.matrix(X[mod$indices_,]))
score <- mod$coeffs_ * data # compute score ^y
if(sign(mod$coeffs_) > 0)
pos_score <- score
neg_score <- rep(0, ncol(X))
pos_score <- rep(0, ncol(X))
neg_score <- score
# if size > 1 we spit the positive and negative parts
pos <- which(mod$coeffs_ > 0)
neg <- which(mod$coeffs_ < 0)
pos <- list(indices_ = mod$indices_[pos], coeffs_ = mod$coeffs_[pos])
neg <- list(indices_ = mod$indices_[neg], coeffs_ = mod$coeffs_[neg])
if(length(pos$indices_) == 0)
# send an zero filled vector (another idea to send out a NULL object)
pos_score <- rep(0, ncol(X))
names(pos_score) <- colnames(X)
pos_score <- t(as.matrix(pos_score))
} else if(length(pos$indices_) == 1) # if the positive part is of length one
pos_data <- as.matrix(X[pos$indices_,])
pos_score <- pos_data
} else
pos_data <- X[pos$indices_,]
pos_score <- pos$coeffs_ %*% as.matrix(pos_data) # compute score ^y
if(length(neg$indices_) == 0)
# send an zero filled vector (another idea to send out a NULL object)
neg_score <- rep(0, ncol(X)); names(neg_score) <- colnames(X)
neg_score <- t(as.matrix(neg_score))
} else if(length(neg$indices_) == 1)
# if the positive part is of length one
neg_data <- as.matrix(X[neg$indices_,])
neg_score <- neg_data
} else # If greater than one
neg_data <- X[neg$indices_,]
neg_score <- (-neg$coeffs_) %*% as.matrix(neg_data) # compute score ^y
# compute the score using contextual information from the model not from the clf
if(mod$language=="ratio") # if custom language (ratio, ...)
score <- clf$params$scoreFormula(class_1_score = pos_score, class_2_score = neg_score, epsilon = clf$params$epsilon)
} else # else default language ter + teta
if(nrow(pos_score) < ncol(pos_score))
pos_score <- t(pos_score)
if(nrow(neg_score) < ncol(neg_score))
neg_score <- t(neg_score)
score <- pos_score - neg_score
res <- list(score_ = as.numeric(score),
pos_score_ = as.numeric(pos_score),
neg_score_ = as.numeric(neg_score)
#' Computes the AUC of a model
#' @description Computes the AUC of a model
#' @param score: the ^y score of the model
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param sign: in which direction to make the comparison? "auto" (default): automatically define in which group
#' the median is higher and take the direction accordingly. ">": if the predictor values for the control group
#' are higher than the values of the case group (controls > t >= cases). "<": if the predictor values for the
#' control group are lower or equal than the values of the case group (controls < t <= cases).
#' @return an auc value
#' @importFrom pROC roc
evaluateAUC <- function(score, y, sign = '>')
# NOTE: in the score we may have infite values that come for instance from the ratio language
# This means that whatever the intercept these examples are positive ones. As such we can omit
# them when computing the intercept.
ind.infinite <- is.infinite(score)
ind.nan <- is.nan(score)
ind.filter <- ind.infinite | ind.nan
# if all the observations are not numbers return NA
if(sum(ind.filter) == length(y))
score <- score[!ind.filter]
y <- y[!ind.filter]
# if y does not contain exactly 2 levels, and if these don't have at least
# 1 count then we don't compute the AUC
if(length(table(y)) != 2 | any(table(y)==0))
auc <- NA
}else # otherwise we compute it
rocobj <- suppressMessages(roc(response = y, predictor = score, direction = sign))
auc <- as.numeric(rocobj$auc)
if(sign == "auto")
resg <- evaluateAUC(score = score, y = y, sign = ">")
resl <- evaluateAUC(score = score, y = y, sign = "<")
auc <- max(resg, resl)
#' Evaluates the fitting score of a model object
#' @description Evaluates the fitting score of a model object.
#' @param mod : a model object
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param clf: the classifier parameter object
#' @param force.re.evaluation: re-evaluate all the scores even if they exist (default:FALSE)
#' @param mode: A choice from c("train", "test") indicates wether we wish to learn the threthold
#' of the model (default:"train") or not "test" for the c("terinter","bininter","ratio") languages
#' @return a model object with the fitting score
evaluateFit <- function(mod, X, y, clf, force.re.evaluation = FALSE, mode = "train")
# if the models is not a valid object
if(!is.character(mod) | !is.numeric(mod))
stop("evaluateFit: please provide a valid model object or a feature index vector.")
# if model is of the form of variable names
mod <- names2index(X = X, var.names = mod)
mod <- individual(X, y, clf = clf, ind = mod)
# compute the score in the case it is asked to recompute
scorelist <- getModelScore(mod = mod, X = X, clf = clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation)
mod$score_ <- scorelist$score_
mod$pos_score_ <- scorelist$pos_score_
mod$neg_score_ <- scorelist$neg_score_
# compute the score if it does not exist
scorelist <- getModelScore(mod = mod, X = X, clf = clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation)
# if(!any(is.na(scorelist)))
# {
# mod$score_ <- scorelist$score_
# mod$pos_score_ <- scorelist$pos_score_
# mod$neg_score_ <- scorelist$neg_score_
# }
if(!any(is.na(scorelist)) | isModelSota(mod))
mod$score_ <- scorelist$score_
mod$pos_score_ <- scorelist$pos_score_
mod$neg_score_ <- scorelist$neg_score_
# in the case the score has been computed before but for an other X, we recompute
if(length(mod$score_) != ncol(X))
scorelist <- getModelScore(mod = mod, X = X, clf = clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation)
# if(!any(is.na(scorelist)))
# {
# mod$score_ <- scorelist$score_
# mod$pos_score_ <- scorelist$pos_score_
# mod$neg_score_ <- scorelist$neg_score_
# }
if(!any(is.na(scorelist)) | isModelSota(mod))
mod$score_ <- scorelist$score_
mod$pos_score_ <- scorelist$pos_score_
mod$neg_score_ <- scorelist$neg_score_
# if after all the above steps we still don't have a score than we kill the model.
if(is.null(mod$eval.sparsity)) # if sparsity is not set
mod$eval.sparsity <- length(mod$indices_)
# THE AUC objective
auc = {
# compute the intercept and sign
if(mode == 'train')
if((mod$language != "ter" & mod$language != "bin") & !isModelSota(mod))
mod <- evaluateIntercept(X = X, y = y, clf = clf, mod = mod)
# force intercept to NA for sota
mod$intercept_ <- NA
mod$sign_ <- NA
mod$intercept_ <- 0
# sanity check
if(!clf$params$evalToFit %in% names(mod))
stop("evaluateFit: the evalToFit parameter seems not to be a valid one. Please make sure it is among the available ones")
# if the following attributes are selected, then we need to fix it since they are derivates of a score
if(clf$params$evalToFit != "fit_" | clf$params$evalToFit != "unpenalized_fit_")
clf$params$evalToFit <- "accuracy_"
# in case it is auc
if(clf$params$evalToFit == "auc_") # in this case the auc will be computed in evaluate other metrics
# compute the auc
aucg <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = ">")
aucl <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = "<")
mod$auc_ <- max(aucg, aucl)
mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod$auc_
# in case it is accuracy
if(clf$params$evalToFit == "accuracy_") # in this case the auc will be computed in evaluate other metrics
mod <- evaluateAccuracy(mod, X, y, clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation, mode = mode)
mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod$accuracy_
# otherwise compute the rest
if(clf$params$evalToFit != "auc_" & clf$params$evalToFit != "accuracy_")
mod <- evaluateAdditionnalMetrics(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, clf = clf, mode = mode)
mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod[[clf$params$evalToFit]]
# compte accuracy also
mod <- evaluateAccuracy(mod, X, y, clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation, mode = mode)
# and auc, since these are helpful information
aucg <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = ">")
aucl <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = "<")
mod$auc_ <- max(aucg, aucl)
} # if test mode, we don't recompute the intercept
# sanity check
if(!clf$params$evalToFit %in% names(mod))
stop("evaluateFit: the evalToFit parameter seems not to be a valid one. Please make sure it is among the available ones")
# if the following attributes are selected, then we need to fix it since they are derivates of a score
if(clf$params$evalToFit != "fit_" | clf$params$evalToFit != "unpenalized_fit_")
clf$params$evalToFit <- "accuracy_"
# in case it is auc
if(clf$params$evalToFit == "auc_") # in this case the auc will be computed in evaluate other metrics
# compute the auc
aucg <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = ">")
aucl <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = "<")
mod$auc_ <- max(aucg, aucl)
mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod$auc_
# compute the accuracy as it won't be computed elsewhere
mod <- evaluateAccuracy(mod, X, y, clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation, mode = mode)
# in case it is accuracy
if(clf$params$evalToFit == "accuracy_") # in this case the auc will be computed in evaluate other metrics
mod <- evaluateAccuracy(mod, X, y, clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation, mode = mode)
mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod$accuracy_
# compute also the AUC as otherwise it won't be computed anywhere
aucg <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = ">")
aucl <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = "<")
mod$auc_ <- max(aucg, aucl)
# otherwise compute the rest when evalToFit is not auc_ nor accuracy_
if(clf$params$evalToFit != "auc_" & clf$params$evalToFit != "accuracy_")
mod <- evaluateAdditionnalMetrics(mod = mod, X = X, y = y, clf = clf, mode = mode)
mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod[[clf$params$evalToFit]]
# compute accuracy also
mod <- evaluateAccuracy(mod, X, y, clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation, mode = mode)
# and auc, since these are helpful information
aucg <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = ">")
aucl <- evaluateAUC(score = mod$score, y = y, sign = "<")
mod$auc_ <- max(aucg, aucl)
} # end mode = test
# THE REGRESSION correlation method
cor = {
#added may 8th 2016 fix the mix of population negative & positive
# as of 2018/07/09 the regression process changes, We will search
# for a preason correlation and will maximise the r2. We also
# implemented standard error of the mean (which needs to be minimized)
ina <- is.na(mod$score_) | is.na(y) | is.infinite(mod$score) | is.infinite(y)
mod$cor_ <- abs(cor(mod$score[!ina], y[!ina], method = "pearson"))
# # for optimization reasons the cor will be a pearson implementation,
# y is already ranked for objective being "cor" performed in the fit()
# # We just need to tank the score to obtain the same result as a spearman correlation.
#abs(cor.test(mod$score, y, objective = "spearman")$estimate)
#lmfit <- lm(mod$score_~y)
#mod$ser_ <- summary(lmfit)$coefficients[,2][2]
#mod$rsq_ <- summary(lmfit)$r.squared
# use the r2 instead
score.scaled <- as.vector(scale(mod$score_[!ina], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE))
y.scaled <- as.vector(scale(y[!ina], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE))
mod$rsq_ <- abs(cor(mod$score[!ina], y[!ina], method = "pearson"))^2
mod$ser_ <- sqrt(sum((score.scaled - y.scaled)^2, na.rm = TRUE)/(length(score.scaled) - 2))
# , warning = function(war)
# {
# # warning handler picks up where error was generated
# if(clf$params$debug) print(paste("Warning",err, "Setting result to NA"))
# mod <- NULL
# }, error = function(err)
# {
# # error handler picks up where error was generated
# if(clf$params$debug) print(paste("ERROR",err, "Setting result to NA"))
# mod <- NULL
# }, finally = {
# # NOTE: Finally is evaluated in the context of the inital tryCatch block
# # and 'err' will not exist if a warning or error occurred.
# })
if(is.null(mod)) return(mod)
mod$cor_ <- as.numeric(mod$cor_)
mod$rsq_ <- as.numeric(mod$rsq_)
mod$ser_ <- as.numeric(mod$ser_)
# get the value to maximize in the general optimization variable
#mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod$rsq_
mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod$rsq_
aic={ # THE AIC objective
# TODO test it out
mod$aic_ <- estimateCoefficientsIndividual(X=X, y=y, ind = mod$indices_)$aic
mod$unpenalized_fit_ <- mod$aic_
{ # else
if(clf$params$warnings) warning('This objective method does not exist !')
# apply the penalty based on model size
mod$fit_ <- max(mod$unpenalized_fit_ - clf$params$k_penalty * mod$eval.sparsity, 0)
#mod$fit_ <- mod$fit_ - clf$params$k_penalty * sqrt(mod$eval.sparsity) # Square root when to make it softer
#' Computes the best intercept for the model while minimizing error
#' @description Computes the best intercept for the model
#' @param score: the ^y score of the model
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param verbose: print running information when set to TRUE
#' @param sign: weather the score should be greater or smaller than the intercept (default:"auto")
#' @param return.all: if TRUE, the function will return the intercept as well as the table used to compute it.
#' @param plot: if TRUE, the score will be visialized (default:FALSE)
#' @return the intercept, the sign and the accuracy
#' @export
computeIntercept <- function(score, y, verbose = FALSE, sign = "auto", plot = FALSE) {
# make vectors of 0/1 to identify positive labels and negative labels
y <- as.factor(y)
lev <- levels(y)
if(length(lev) != 2)
stop("computeIntercept: please make sure the y class has only two levels.")
# if(!all(levels(y) %in% c("-1",1)))
# {
# stop("computeIntercept: please make sure the y class levels are -1 and 1.")
# }
if(sign == "auto") {
sup_res = computeIntercept(score, y, verbose, sign = ">")
inf_res = computeIntercept(score, y, verbose, sign = "<")
if(sup_res$accuracy > inf_res$accuracy)
# PosClass <- (y== 1)+0
# NegClass <- (y==-1)+0
# replaced on 21/02/18
PosClass <- (y == lev[1])+0
NegClass <- (y == lev[2])+0
CountNeg <- sum(NegClass)
CountPos <- sum(PosClass)
stopifnot(sign=='>' | sign =='<')
# put all that in a dataframe 'm', sorted by increasing score values
# in case identical scores appear, merge them with "aggregate"
#m.raw2 <- m.raw
if(length(score) != length(PosClass) | length(score) != length(NegClass))
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("ComputeIntercept: score should be the same length as the other variables, returning NULL")
m.raw <- data.frame(score, PosClass, NegClass) # combine them in a frame
m.raw <- m.raw[order(m.raw$score),] # sort the frame by increasing scores, and rearrange
m <- m.raw
# if(length(unique(m.raw$score)) != length(m.raw$score)) # if multiple values to be aggregated
# {
# m <- aggregate(x = m.raw, by = list(m.raw$score), FUN = "sum")
# m <- m[,-1]
# }else #otherwise no need to aggregate this is much faster
# {
# m <- m.raw
# }
#plot(m[,1], m[,2])
# the following line adds a fake score s, below the minimum one, such that "sum(wi.xi) > s" includes all observations
# if(nrow(m)>1)
# {
# #m <- rbind(c(2*m[1,1] - m[2,1],0,0),m) # optional
# # a faster implementatio than rbind
# nextrow = nrow(m)+1
# m[nextrow:(nextrow+1),] = c(2*m[1,1] - m[2,1],0,0)
# # we need to assure unique row names
# row.names(m) = 1:nrow(m)
# }
FN <- cumsum(m["PosClass"])
TN <- cumsum(m["NegClass"])
# add the true negative counts and false negative counts to dataframe 'm' for the sign '>'
if (sign == '>')
ERR <- FN + CountNeg - TN
} else
ERR <- TN + CountPos - FN
colnames(FN) <- "FN"
colnames(TN) <- "TN"
colnames(ERR) <- "ERR"
m <- cbind.data.frame(m, FN, TN, ERR)
min.err.ind <- which.min(m[,"ERR"])
intercept <- m[min.err.ind,]$score
#abline(h=intercept, lty=2, col = "blue")
#abline(v=min.err.ind, lty = 2, col = "blue")
res <- list(intercept = intercept,
sign = sign,
accuracy = (1-(min(m[,"ERR"])/length(y)))
# plot score
plot(m$score, cex = 1, col = 'white', ylab = "model score", xlab = "observations ordered by score")
points(which(m$PosClass==1),m$score[m$PosClass==1], col="firebrick", pch="*", cex = 2)
points(which(m$NegClass==1),m$score[m$NegClass==1], col="darkblue", pch="*", cex = 2)
abline(h = intercept, col = "red", lty = 2)
# plot error
plot(m$ERR, cex = 1, col = 'black', pch = 19, ylab = "cumulative error", xlab = "observations ordered by score")
abline(v = min.err.ind, col = "red", lty = 2)
#' Evaluates the fitting score of a model object
#' @description Evaluates the fitting score of a model object.
#' @param mod : a model object
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param clf: the classifier parameter object
#' @return a model object with the fitting score
evaluateIntercept <- function(mod, X, y, clf)
{ # if model is not an object
{ # if model is of the form of variable names
mod <- index2names(X, mod)
mod <- individual(X, y, clf = clf, ind = mod)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateIntercept: no intercept for sota models. Returning unchanged.")
# compute the fitting scores depending on the method
scorelist <- getModelScore(mod = mod, X = X, clf = clf)
mod$score_ <- scorelist$score_
mod$pos_score_ <- scorelist$pos_score_
mod$neg_score_ <- scorelist$neg_score_
# NOTE: in the score we may have infite values that come for instance from the ratio language
# This means that whatever the intercept these examples are positive ones. As such we can omit
# them when computing the intercept.
ind.infinite <- is.infinite(mod$score_)
ind.nan <- is.nan(mod$score_)
score <- mod$score_
# the ind.infinite scores should be replaced by a big value let say max(X)+1
try(score[ind.infinite] <- clf$data$X.max + 1, silent = TRUE)
# the ind.nan should be replaced by a small value for instance min(X)-1
try(score[ind.nan] <- clf$data$X.min - 1, silent = TRUE)
auc={ # THE AUC objective
interc <- computeIntercept(score = score, y = y, clf)
mod$intercept_ <- interc$intercept
mod$sign_ <- interc$sign
mod$intercept_ <- "NULL"
mod$sign_ <- "NULL"
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateIntercept: This objective does not exist !")
} else
mod$intercept_ <- clf$params$intercept
mod$sign_ <- ">"
#' Evaluates the fitting coefficents of a model object
#' @description Evaluates the fitting coefficients of a model object.
#' @param mod: a model object
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param clf: the classifier parameter object
#' @param eval.all: should the function evaluate all the scores (default:FALSE)
#' @param force.re.evaluation: re-evaluate all the scores even if they exist (default:FALSE)
#' @return a model object with the fitting scores evaluated
#' @export
evaluateModelRegression <- function(mod, X, y, clf, eval.all = FALSE, force.re.evaluation = FALSE)
stop("evaluateModelRegression: the model to be evaluated does not exist.")
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModelRegression: no intercept for sota models. Returning unchanged.")
mod.res <- mod
# If sparsity is not the same
if(mod.res$eval.sparsity > length(unique(mod.res$indices_)))
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModelRegression: An individual has at least one indice replicated")
values2keep <- which(mod.res$indices_ == unique(mod.res$indices_))
mod.res$indices_ <- mod.res$indices_[values2keep]
mod.res$names_ <- mod.res$names_ [values2keep]
mod.res$coeffs_ <- mod.res$coeffs[values2keep]
mod.res$eval.sparsity <- length(unique(mod.res$indices_))
# Compute score
if(is.null(mod.res$score_) | force.re.evaluation)
scorelist <- getModelScore(mod = mod.res, X = X, clf = clf)
mod.res$score_ <- scorelist$score_
mod.res$pos_score_ <- scorelist$pos_score_
mod.res$neg_score_ <- scorelist$neg_score_
mod.res <- evaluateFit(mod = mod.res, X=X, y=y, clf=clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation)
#' Evaluates the fitting score of a model object
#' @description Evaluates the fitting score of a model object.
#' @param mod: a model object
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param clf: the classifier parameter object
#' @param eval.all: should the function evaluate all the scores (default:FALSE)
#' @param force.re.evaluation: re-evaluate all the scores even if they exist (default:FALSE)
#' @param estim.feat.importance: evaluate the importance in the model object (default:FALSE)
#' @param mode: A choice from c("train", "test") indicates wether we wish to learn the threthold
#' of the model (default:"train") or not "test" for the c("terinter","bininter","ratio") languages
#' @return a model object with the fitting scores evaluated
#' @export
evaluateModel <- function(mod, X, y, clf, eval.all = FALSE, force.re.evaluation = FALSE, estim.feat.importance = FALSE, mode = 'train')
if(ncol(X) != length(y))
stop("evaluateModel: the number of columns in X should be the same as the length of y.")
if(mode != "train" & mode != "test")
stop("evaluateModel: mode should be one of c('train','test')")
# if not a model object but a valid index, create a model
mod <- individual(X = X, y = y, clf = clf, ind = mod) # transform into a model
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModel: the model to be evaluated does not exist, returning NULL.")
# at this stage the model should be a valid one. If not return NULL
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModel: the model to be evaluated does not exist and at this stage it should be one, returning NULL.")
if(mod$language == "ratio" | mod$language == "ter" | mod$language == "terinter")
if(length(table(sign(mod$coeffs_))) != 2)
# make a copy of the model object
mod.res <- mod
if(mode == "train")
# reset the attributes that need to be recomputed
# general attributes
mod.res$fit_ <- NA
mod.res$unpenalized_fit_ <- NA
# classification
mod.res$auc_ <- NA
mod.res$accuracy_ <- NA
mod.res$precision_ <- NA
mod.res$recall_ <- NA
mod.res$f1_ <- NA
mod.res$intercept_ <- NA # the intercept
mod.res$sign_ <- NA # the sign of the model
# regression
mod.res$cor_ <- NA
mod.res$rsq_ <- NA # r2
mod.res$ser_ <- NA # standard error of the mean
mod.res$aic_ <- NA
mod.res$score_ <- NA # model score
mod.res$pos_score_ <- NA # the positive model score
mod.res$neg_score_ <- NA # the negative model score
# If this is a regression problem no need to find intercepts etc...
if(clf$params$objective == "cor")
mod.res <- evaluateModelRegression(mod = mod.res, X = X, y = y, clf = clf, eval.all = eval.all, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModel: evaluating a sota model in correlation objective")
# feature importance estimation will be switched off for the sotas, since the internal model structure is very different
estim.feat.importance = FALSE
# if(mod.res$eval.sparsity != length(mod.res$indices_))
# {
# stop("evaluateModel: The sparsity of the model does not march the number of indices. This is not normal... killing the execution")
# }
# If sparsity is not the same
if(mod.res$eval.sparsity != length(unique(mod.res$indices_)))
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModel: An individual has at least one indice replicated")
values2keep <- which(mod.res$indices_ == unique(mod.res$indices_))
mod.res$indices_ <- mod.res$indices_[values2keep]
mod.res$names_ <- mod.res$names_[values2keep]
mod.res$coeffs_ <- mod.res$coeffs[values2keep]
mod.res$eval.sparsity <- length(unique(mod.res$indices_))
# first evaluate the fit
mod.res <- evaluateFit(mod = mod.res, X=X, y=y, clf=clf, force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation, mode = mode)
# compute all other evaluation metrics
# At this stage this should not happen but for debug stop it
if((!myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod.res$intercept_) | !myAssertNotNullNorNa(mod.res$sign_)) & !isModelSota(mod.res))
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModel: model without intercept at this stage is not normal.")
mod.res <- evaluateAdditionnalMetrics(mod = mod.res, X = X, y = y, clf = clf, mode = mode)
# if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModel: returning an empty model.")
# if BTR
mod.res <- estimateFeatureImportance(mod = mod.res, X = X, y = y, clf = clf, plot.importance = FALSE)
# At this stage this should not happen but for debug stop it
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateModel: model does not have a valid unpenalized_fit_ attribute.")
#' Estimates the importance of each feature in the model object
#' @description Estimates the importance of each feature in the model object
#' @param mod: a model object
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param clf: the classifier parameter object
#' @param attribute: which attribute should be used to compute the importance (default:unpenalized_fit_)
#' @param plot.importance: should the function plot the improtance of the features (default:FALSE)
#' @return a model object with the importance of each feature computed. Negative importance of a feature means that the feature is not beneficial.
#' @export
estimateFeatureImportance <- function(mod, X, y, clf, attribute = "unpenalized_fit_", plot.importance = FALSE)
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
stop("estimateFeatureImportance: please provide a valid predomics model")
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("estimateFeatureImportance: estimating feature importance is active only for BTR models")
# recompute the model if the attribute is NA
mod <- evaluateModel(mod = mod.tmp, X = X, y = y, clf = clf,
eval.all = TRUE, force.re.evaluation = TRUE, mode = "train")
importance <- rep(NA, length(mod$indices_))
names(importance) <- mod$names_
if(length(mod$indices_) == 1)
importance[1] <- mod[[attribute]]
for(i in 1:length(mod$indices_))
mod.tmp <- mod
# omit one feature
mod.tmp$indices_ <- mod.tmp$indices_[-i]
mod.tmp$names_ <- mod.tmp$names_[-i]
mod.tmp$coeffs_ <- mod.tmp$coeffs_[-i]
mod.tmp$eval.sparsity <- mod.tmp$eval.sparsity -1
# recompute the model with one feature less
mod.tmp <- evaluateModel(mod = mod.tmp, X = X, y = y, clf = clf, eval.all = TRUE, force.re.evaluation = TRUE, mode = "train")
# compute the importance
available.attributes <- c("fit_", "unpenalized_fit_", "auc_", "accuracy_", "cor_", "aic_",
"intercept_", "eval.sparsity", "precision_", "recall_", "f1_")
if(!attribute %in% available.attributes)
stop("estimateFeatureImportance: attribute does not exist.")
if(!attribute %in% names(mod) | !attribute %in% names(mod.tmp))
stop("estimateFeatureImportance: attribute does not exist in the models.")
importance[i] <- mod[[attribute]] - mod.tmp[[attribute]]
barplot(sort(importance), col="darkgreen", horiz=TRUE, las=2)
mod$importance_ <- importance
#' Creates an object individual
#' @description Creates an object individual
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the class vector
#' @param clf: the object containing the classifier information
#' @param ind: the indexes of the variables forming the individual could be null if we give the function a dense vector (via the coeff parameter) or if we also want to generate the individual
#' @param coeffs: the coefficients of the model, it could be a dense vector (in this case, ind need to be null), or it could be only the non zero values, or if it's null a new individual will be genrated
#' @param obj: an object to be incorporated in the model (default:NULL). We use this usually for SOTA.
#' @param res_clf: if provided information on mda etc can be found and transmitted to the model object
#' @return an individual (model) object
#' @export
individual <- function(X, y, clf, coeffs = NULL, ind = NULL, eval.all= FALSE, signs = NULL, obj = NULL, res_clf = NULL)
if(clf$params$objective != "cor") # force y as a factor if it is not the case
if(!is.factor(y)) y <- as.factor(y)
# if we don't create a model from a vector of variable indices
if(is.null(coeffs)) # if there's no coeffs we generate them
# if the function is not specified (this is probably because the function is used in a particular learner)
coeffs <- clf$functions$individual_vec(clf, signs = signs)
# use the default version by computing the features
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("individual: the coefficients can not be computed since no function is specified and no indexes either")
# for BTR languages
ind <- which(coeffs != 0)
coeffs <- coeffs[ind]
} else # if indices exist
# sanity check
if(length(ind) == 0)
stop(print("individual: Model does not contain any features"))
stop(print("individual: Model indices contain NAs!"))
ind <- names2index(X, ind)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("individual: This model contains characters and not indexes. Converting ...")
ind <- as.numeric(ind)
# reorder ind for easier comparison betwween models
ind <- sort(ind)
individual <- list()
# overall experiment information
individual$learner <- clf$learner
individual$language <- clf$params$language
individual$objective <- clf$params$objective
individual$evalToFit <- clf$params$evalToFit
# information on the model itself
individual$indices_ <- ind # vector of indices of non-zero coefficients (e.g. [19,22])
individual$names_ <- rownames(X)[ind] # vector of names of features of non-zero coefficient.
individual$obj <- obj
stop("individual: no names for the model... looks like a highjack of the code")
if(is.null(coeffs)) # if no coefficients are set
clf$params$estimate_coefs = FALSE # by default if not specified
if(clf$params$estimate_coefs) # if we need to estimate the coefficients using a linear model
# If a multiple logistic regression model is selected to estimate the coefficents
individual$coeffs_ <- estimateCoefficientsIndividual(X=X, y=y, ind = individual$indices_)$coefs
if (any(is.na(individual$coeffs_)))
# This has happened when two vectors of the data are the same and the coefficient can't be computed.
# In that case we don't take it into account and put it to zero
individual$coeffs_[is.na(individual$coeffs_)] <- 0
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("individual: coeff problem to be checked !") # We should associate an error code to this
# if we don't need to estimate coefficents using a linear model
# no sign needed all are positive for the binary languages
if(clf$params$language=="bin" | clf$params$language=="bininter")
individual$coeffs_ <- rep(1, length(individual$indices_))
}else # for the oather languages get the sign
if(nrow(X) != length(clf$coeffs_))
stop("individual: there is a problem with the coeffs in the clf. Does not match with the number of features in X")
individual$coeffs_ <- clf$coeffs_[ind] # get coeffs if comuted at the begining
individual$coeffs_ <- getSign(X = X[ind,], y = y, clf = clf) # +1, -1 for the ternary learning
} else # else if coefficients are set add them to the individual
individual$coeffs_ <- coeffs
# Setting empty values
individual$fit_ <- NA
individual$unpenalized_fit_ <- NA
individual$auc_ <- NA
individual$accuracy_ <- NA
individual$cor_ <- NA
individual$aic_ <- NA
# if intercept is not set in the global parameters
if(clf$params$intercept == "NULL")
individual$intercept_ <- NA
} else
individual$intercept_ <- clf$params$intercept
individual$sign_ <- ">" # for a given intercept set the sign by default
individual$eval.sparsity <- length(ind)
individual <- evaluateModel(mod = individual,
X = X,
y = y,
clf = clf,
eval.all = TRUE,
force.re.evaluation = TRUE)
# add more information to the model (mda etc.)
# check existance of fip data
feature.importance.cv <- rowMeans(res_clf$crossVal$fip$mda, na.rm = TRUE)
feature.prevalence.cv <- res_clf$crossVal$fip$fpf / ncol(res_clf$crossVal$fip$mda) # normalize %
feature.importance <- res_clf$classifier$fip$mda
feature.importance <- rep(NA, length(clf$data$features))
names(feature.importance) <- names(clf$data$features)
# MDA generalization
individual$mda.cv_ <- rep(0, length(individual$names_))
names(individual$mda.cv_) <- individual$names_
ind.features <- intersect(individual$names_, names(feature.importance.cv))
individual$mda.cv_[ind.features] <- feature.importance.cv[ind.features]
# prevalence in top models in the folds
individual$prev.cv_ <- rep(0, length(individual$names_))
names(individual$prev.cv_) <- individual$names_
ind.features <- intersect(individual$names_, names(feature.prevalence.cv))
individual$prev.cv_[ind.features] <- feature.prevalence.cv[ind.features]
# MDA empirical
individual$mda_ <- rep(0, length(individual$names_))
names(individual$mda_) <- individual$names_
ind.features <- intersect(individual$names_, names(feature.importance))
individual$mda_[ind.features] <- feature.importance[ind.features]
} # end fip existance testing
} # end res_clf existance testing
#' @description Evaluates an entire population of models, that be predomics objects or individuals
#' @import foreach
#' @title evaluatePopulation
#' @name evaluatePopulation
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the class vector
#' @param clf: the object containing the classifier information
#' @param pop: the population of models to be evaluated
#' @param eval.all: should the function evaluate all the scores for each of the models (default:FALSE)
#' @param force.re.evaluation: re-evaluate all the scores even if they exist for each of the models (default:FALSE)
#' @param estim.feat.importance: evaluate the importance in the model object for each of the models (default:FALSE)
#' @param mode: A choice from c("train", "test") indicates wether we wish to learn the threthold
#' of each of the models (default:"train") or not "test" for the c("terinter","bininter","ratio") languages
#' @param delete.null.models: should null indivuals be deleted (default:TRUE)
#' @param lfolds: compute evaluation in crossval (default:NULL)
#' @return an individual object
#' @export
evaluatePopulation <- function(X, y, clf, pop, eval.all = FALSE,
force.re.evaluation = FALSE,
estim.feat.importance = FALSE,
mode = "train",
delete.null.models = TRUE,
lfolds = NULL)
# test the classifier object
stop("fit: please provide a valid classifier object!")
check.X_y_w(X, y, w=NULL)
# clean the null models
pop <- pop[!sapply(pop, is.null)]
# if crossval call this in recursive
pop.lfolds <- list()
for(f in 1:length(lfolds))
if(mode == "train")
pop.lfolds[[f]] <- evaluatePopulation(X[,-lfolds[[f]]],
eval.all = eval.all,
force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation,
estim.feat.importance = estim.feat.importance,
mode = mode,
delete.null.models = delete.null.models,
lfolds = NULL)
}else # test
pop.lfolds[[f]] <- evaluatePopulation(X[,lfolds[[f]]],
eval.all = eval.all,
force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation,
estim.feat.importance = estim.feat.importance,
mode = mode,
delete.null.models = delete.null.models,
lfolds = NULL)
names(pop.lfolds) <- names(lfolds)
# otherwise we continue to evaluate normally the population
# # Parallel computing
# res <- list()
# if(clf$params$parallel.local)
# {
# res <- foreach(i = 1:length(pop)) %dorng%
# {
# mod <- pop[[i]]
# if(!is.null(mod))
# {
# evaluateModel(mod = mod,
# X = X,
# y = y,
# clf = clf,
# eval.all = eval.all,
# force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation,
# estim.feat.importance = estim.feat.importance,
# mode = mode)
# } # end else existance pop
# } # end foreach loop
# } else
# {
# res <- list()
# for (i in 1:length(pop)) # for all the individuals in the population
# {
# mod <- pop[[i]]
# if(!is.null(mod))
# {
# res[[i]] <- evaluateModel(mod = mod,
# X = X,
# y = y,
# clf = clf,
# eval.all = eval.all,
# force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation,
# estim.feat.importance = estim.feat.importance,
# mode = mode)
# } # end else existance pop
# } # end for loop
# } # end else //
res <- list()
for (i in 1:length(pop)) # for all the individuals in the population
mod <- pop[[i]]
res[[i]] <- evaluateModel(mod = mod,
X = X,
y = y,
clf = clf,
eval.all = eval.all,
force.re.evaluation = force.re.evaluation,
estim.feat.importance = estim.feat.importance,
mode = mode)
} # end else existance pop
} # end for loop
# clean population after evaluation as well
res <- cleanPopulation(pop = res, clf = clf)
#' sortPopulation
#' @description Sort a population according to a given attribute (evalToOrder)
#' @param pop: a population (list) of evaluated predomics objects
#' @param evalToOrder: the attribute to be used in the sorting (default:fit_)
#' @param decreasing: whether the sorting should be be decreasing or not (default:decreasing)
#' @return a sorted population of predomics objects
#' @export
sortPopulation <- function(pop, evalToOrder = "fit_", decreasing = TRUE)
warning("sortPopulation: the population object is not a a valid one, returning NULL")
# # for correlation use the standard error of the mean and reverse
# if(pop[[1]]$objective == "cor")
# {
# #
# evalToOrder <- "ser_"
# decreasing <- TRUE
# }
evaluation <- populationGet_X(element2get = evalToOrder, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)(pop)
if(length(evaluation) > 0)
ord <- order(evaluation, decreasing = decreasing)
#' Computes the ^y score of the model as a ratio
#' @description Computes the ^y score of the model as a ratio
#' @param class_1_score: the sum score for the features of class 1
#' @param class_2_score: the sum score for the features of class 2
#' @param epsilon: is a very small value that will would avoid Inf values in the ratio. This can be either specified in the when setting the classifier and if not specified will be set as the minimum number of the machine (e.g. 2.23e-308). Caution this should be adapted when working with other types of data.
#' @return a vector containing the predicted ^y score for each observation
#' @export
scoreRatio <- function(class_1_score, class_2_score, epsilon = NULL)
class_1_score <- as.numeric(class_1_score)
class_2_score <- as.numeric(class_2_score)
if(epsilon=="NULL" | is.null(epsilon))
warning("Please provide epsilon. Inf values can be produced if not provided. Setting to default 2.23e-308")
epsilon <- .Machine$double.xmin
} else
# add the epsilon to the denominator
class_2_score <- class_2_score + epsilon
# add the epsilon to the nominator for equal treatment
class_1_score <- class_1_score + epsilon
# initialize everything as NA. It is easier to spot issues when debugging
res <- rep(NA, length(class_1_score))
for(i in 1:length(res))
res[i] <- class_1_score[i] / class_2_score[i]
#' Get the fitting score of an individual object
#' @description Get the fitting score of an individual object.
#' @param individual : an individual object
#' @return a fitting score
getFitIndividual <- function(individual)
#return(ifelse(!is.na(individual), individual$fit_, {print("TEST"); NA}))
#' Get the index of the features in a given individual
#' @description Get the indices of the features used in the individuals
#' @param individual : an individual object
#' @return the indices of the features
getIndicesIndividual <- function(individual)
#' Get the indices of the features used in a population of individuals
#' @description Get the indices of the features used in a population of individuals
#' @param pop : a list of individuals
#' @return a matrix of indices (rows), and individuals (cols)
getIndicesPopulation <- function(pop)
return(sapply(pop, getIndicesIndividual))
getAccuracyIndividual <- function(mod){ return(mod$accuracy_) }
getAccuracyPopulation <- function(pop)
return(sapply(pop, getAccuracyIndividual))
#' Get the models from a classifier result for each k-sparsity
#' @description Get the N best models from a classifier result for each k-sparsity.
#' @param obj: the classifier result output from the function fit. This can also be a ModelCollection or Population object
#' @param significance: if TRUE, (default:FALSE) a statistical test will be applied to find the lowest threshold that will delimit the window
#' of the best models. If FALSE, the models will be selected according to the rest of the criteria.
#' @param by.k.sparsity: if TRUE (default:TRUE), the filtering will be performed for each sparsity level
#' @param k.penalty: (default:0), it will penalize the models with large sparsity if different, when by.k.sparsity is set to TRUE
#' @param n.best: the number of best models to be returned for each sparsity if by.k.sparsity is set to TRUE or for the whole population
#' otherwise (default:5).
#' @param nbest: the number of best models we wish to get from the population, per each sparsity or not. If there are less best models then this
#' number, less will be returned
#' @param single.best: if TRUE, this will return the best model of all (default:FALSE) and the n.best will be set to 1.
#' @param single.best.cv: if single.best is TRUE, we could chose the best model based on data from cross validation (default:TRUE) and in this
#' case obj should be an experiment or from empirical results not in CV.
#' @param single.best.k: if single.best is TRUE, we could chose the best model of a given sparsity that is specified by a number here.
#' If this value is specified (default:NULL), then this will de-actvate single.best.cv.
#' @param max.min.prevalence: if TRUE (default:FALSE), the best models will be selected based on their performance but also on the prevalence of
#' the features that compose it.
#' @param X: the dataset to be learned (default:NULL). This is neeeded when max.min.prevalence is set to TRUE.
#' @param verbose: provide more information about execution (default = FALSE)
#' @param evalToOrder: which attribute of the model object should we use to order the models and select them (default:fit_)
#' @param return.population: if set to TRUE (default:FALSE), the result will be send as a population of models
#' @param unique.control: if set to TRUE (default:TRUZ), we correct the population so that no dupplication of models takes place
#' @return a list of model objects or a model when it is a single one or a model collection
#' @export
getNBestModels <- function(obj,
significance = FALSE,
by.k.sparsity = TRUE,
k.penalty = 0,
n.best = 5,
single.best = FALSE,
single.best.cv = TRUE,
single.best.k = NULL,
max.min.prevalence = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
evalToOrder = "fit_",
return.population = FALSE,
unique.control = TRUE
# sanity check
if(!isExperiment(obj) & !isModelCollection(obj) & !isPopulation(obj))
warning("getNBestModels: please provide a valid experiment, modelCollection or population object ... returning NULL")
# if an experiment
if(isExperiment(obj = obj))
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: the object is an experiment"))
mc <- obj$classifier$models
# convert to a model collection if it is not
if(isPopulation(obj = obj)) # if a population
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: the object is an population of models"))
mc <- listOfModels2ModelCollection(pop = obj)
# if a modelCollection
if(isModelCollection(obj = obj))
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: the object is a model collection"))
mc <- obj
warning("getNBestModels: the object is not a valid model collection. Returning empty handed.")
n.best <- 1
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: single best"))
# set up switch variables that are no needed to parameterize but that we could in the future
penalty_by_kfold <- FALSE
if(by.k.sparsity | single.best)
# # if by.k.sparsity
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: by k sparsity"))
res <- list()
pop.valids <- c()
# for each k_sparsity
for(i in 1:length(mc))
pop <- unique(mc[[i]])
pop <- mc[[i]]
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: the population of sparsity ", i," contains ", length(pop), " models"))
# restrict the population to the confidence interval
pop <- selectBestPopulation(pop = pop, score = evalToOrder, p = 0.05, k_penalty = k.penalty)
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: after significance selection with k.penalty ", k.penalty," it contains ", length(pop), " models"))
# if we wish to select best models with max min prevalence
eval <- populationGet_X(element2get = evalToOrder, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop)
best.eval <- max(eval, na.rm = T)
# epsilon is used to be able to select a window of best models
epsilon <- sqrt(best.eval * (1 - best.eval) / ncol(X))
pop <- pop[eval >= (best.eval - epsilon) & !is.na(eval)]
pop <- getMaxMinPrevalenceModel(pop = pop, X = X, selected = 0)
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: after max.min.prevalence it contains ", length(pop), " models"))
pop <- sortPopulation(pop = pop, evalToOrder = evalToOrder)
pop <- pop[1:min(n.best, length(pop))]
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: the final population contains ", length(pop), " models"))
res[[i]] <- pop
# mark valididity
pop.valids <- c(pop.valids, isPopulation(pop))
} # end for loop
names(pop.valids) <- names(mc)
names(res) <- names(mc)[pop.valids]
mc <- mc[pop.valids]
warning("digestModelCollection: after treating the mc object no result is available. Returning NULL")
single.best.cv <- FALSE
# set best model type switch
if(isExperiment(obj) & !myAssertNotNullNorNa(single.best.k))
single.best.cv <- TRUE
k_catalogue <- paste0("k_",obj$classifier$params$sparsity)
spar <- populationGet_X("eval.sparsity", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(modelCollectionToPopulation(res))
# Here we are left with two options
# get the best model from crossval information
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: single.best.cv mode ... returning the best model"))
if(obj$classifier$params$objective == "auc" & !(evalToOrder == "accuracy_" | evalToOrder == "auc_"))
evalToOrder <- "accuracy_"
if(obj$classifier$params$objective == "cor" & !(evalToOrder == "cor_"))
evalToOrder <- "cor_"
# Abreviations for the results
key <- data.frame(real=c("auc_","accuracy_","cor_"), abbrv=c("auc","acc","cor")); rownames(key) <- key$real
emp.name <- paste("empirical", as.character(key[evalToOrder,]$abbrv), sep=".")
gen.name <- paste("generalization", as.character(key[evalToOrder,]$abbrv), sep=".")
# for each classifier
emp.data <- obj$crossVal$scores[[emp.name]][k_catalogue, ]
gen.data <- obj$crossVal$scores[[gen.name]][k_catalogue, ]
# plot for debug
# par(mfrow=c(2,1)); image(as.matrix(t(emp.data))); image(as.matrix(t(gen.data)))
if(!is.null(emp.data) & !is.null(gen.data))
# compute the penalty data
emp.data.penalty <- emp.data
k <- as.numeric(gsub("k_","",k_catalogue))
# if we want to compute the penalty by k_fold
for(j in 1:nrow(emp.data))
emp.data.penalty[j,] <- emp.data[j,] - penalty[i] * k[j]
# select the k_sparse for each k_fold
ind <- apply(emp.data.penalty, 2, which.max)
k_sparse <- rownames(emp.data.penalty)[ind]
best_empirical <- diag(as.matrix(emp.data[ind,]))
best_generalization <- diag(as.matrix(gen.data[ind,]))
}else # otherwise we compute a meaned penalty
mean_score <- rowMeans(emp.data.penalty, na.rm = TRUE)
mean_score_penalty <- mean_score - k.penalty * k
#plot(mean_score, mean_score_penalty, ylim=c(0,1),xlim=c(0.5,1))
# make sure to be in the space of available sparsity models in the emperical models
ind <- which.max(mean_score_penalty[names(mc)])
k_sparse <- rep(rownames(emp.data.penalty[names(mc),])[ind], ncol(emp.data))
best_empirical <- as.numeric(emp.data[names(mc),][ind,])
best_generalization <- as.numeric(gen.data[names(mc),][ind,])
# if no values are found in empirical
if(length(ind) == 0)
best_empirical <- logical(0)
best_generalization <- logical(0)
# => TEST if(all(is.na(best_empirical))) best_empirical <- logical(0)
# => TEST if(all(is.na(best_generalization))) best_generalization <- logical(0)
# plot(best_empirical, best_generalization, ylim=c(0.5,1),xlim=c(0.5,1))
# boxplot(list(best_empirical,best_generalization), ylim=ylim)
res.k.cv <- data.frame(best_empirical, best_generalization, k_sparse)
res.k.cv <- data.frame(best_empirical = NA, best_generalization = NA)[-1,]
best.k <- as.numeric(gsub("k_","",as.character(unique(res.k.cv$k_sparse))))
# get the best model from empirical information
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: single.best mode ... returning the best model"))
eval <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(res))
eval.i <- populationGet_X(evalToOrder)(res[[i]])
if(length(eval.i) > 0)
eval <- c(eval, eval.i)
eval <- c(eval, NA)
# eval <- unlist(lapply(res, function(x){populationGet_X(evalToOrder)(x)[[1]]}))
# apply the k_penalty
eval <- eval - (k.penalty * spar)
best.k <- as.numeric(gsub("k_","",names(eval[which.max(eval)])))
# select the best model for a given k
# set from above if it does not exist
single.best.k <- best.k
if(single.best.k == 0)
# this is a special case, and means that there will not be a selection but the maximum number of variables will be taken into account
#k <- as.numeric(gsub("k_","",k_catalogue))
single.best.k <- max(spar)
k_spar <- paste0("k_", single.best.k)
# otherwise when single.best.k is specified this will be the first choice
if(length(single.best.k) == 1 & is.numeric(single.best.k))
if(k_spar %in% names(mc)) # check if we have it in the model collection
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: single.best.k mode with k_spar ", k_spar, " returning the best model"))
pop <- mc[[k_spar]]
eval <- populationGet_X(element2get = evalToOrder, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop)
mod <- pop[[which.max(eval)]]
}else # not found
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: single.best.k mode with k_spar ", k_spar, " not found in the results"))
print(paste0("getNBestModels: single.best.k mode but ",k_spar, " is not found in the model collection. Executing the default settings."))
} # end of single.best.k
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: returning a population of models"))
# Transform the model collection onto a population
return(modelCollectionToPopulation(mod.collection = res))
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: returning a model collection"))
# a model collection
# # else not by.k.sparsity
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: regardless of k sparsity"))
# first convert the pop
pop <- unique(modelCollectionToPopulation(mc))
pop <- modelCollectionToPopulation(mc)
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: the population with all sparsities contains ", length(pop), " models"))
# restrict the population to the confidence interval
pop <- selectBestPopulation(pop = pop, score = evalToOrder, p = 0.05, k_penalty = k.penalty)
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: after significance selection with k.penalty ", k.penalty," it contains ", length(pop), " models"))
# if we wish to select best models with max min prevalence
eval <- populationGet_X(element2get = evalToOrder, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop)
k <- populationGet_X(element2get = "eval.sparsity", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)(pop)
eval.penalty<- eval - (k*k.penalty)
best.eval <- max(eval.penalty)
epsilon <- sqrt(best.eval * (1 - best.eval) / ncol(X))
pop <- pop[eval.penalty >= (best.eval - epsilon)]
pop <- getMaxMinPrevalenceModel(pop = pop, X = X, selected = 0)
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: after max.min.prevalence it contains ", length(pop), " models"))
} # end max.min.prevalence
} # end by.k.sparsity ifelse
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: returning a population of models"))
if(verbose) print(paste0("getNBestModels: returning a model collection"))
getTheBestIndividual <- function(pop, evalToFit = "fit_")
if(length(pop) > 0)
pop <- sortPopulation(pop,evalToOrder = evalToFit)
} else
#' Get the best model from a classifier result
#' @description Gets a given attribute from a population of predomics objects
#' @param element2get: the name of the attribute to get
#' @param toVec: should the results be unlisted (default:TRUE)
#' @param na.rm: delete the elements that are NA (default) when returning tovec
#' @return a vector of attributes
#' @export
populationGet_X <- function(element2get, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
# custom function
func <- function(pop)
# sanity check
if(length(pop) > 0)
res <- lapply(pop, function(indiv)
} else
res <- NA
if(toVec) # return vector
ind.na <- which(!is.na(res))
} else # return list
ind.na <- which(!is.na(res))
#' Set models with a given liist of objects
#' @description Sets a given attribute to the objects of the a given population
#' @param element2set: the name of the attribute to set
#' @param listwithelements: the list containing the elements to add
#' @return an updated population
#' @export
populationSet_X <- function(pop, element2set = NULL, listwithelements = NULL)
# sanity check
stop(paste("populationSet_X: please provide a non empty population"))
stop(paste("populationSet_X: please provide a list object as a population"))
# check the type of elements to set
existing <- populationGet_X(element2get = element2set, toVec = FALSE, na.rm=TRUE)(pop)
existing <- populationGet_X(element2get = element2set, toVec = TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)(pop)
if(length(existing) > 0)
print(paste("This attribute exists and",length(existing),"are found"))
if(length(existing) > 0)
if(class(existing) != class(listwithelements))
stop(paste("populationSet_X: please make sure you provide the same type as existing for",element2set))
if(length(listwithelements) != length(pop))
stop(paste("populationSet_X: please make sure the elements to add are the same number as elements in the population"))
# for each element of the population
for(i in 1:length(pop))
pop[[i]][element2set] <- listwithelements
warning(paste("populationSet_X: element",i,"of the list is null ... skiping"))
pop[[i]][[element2set]] <- listwithelements[[i]]
pop[[i]][[element2set]] <- listwithelements[i]
} # end for loop pop
#' Get the fitting score of a list a models
#' @description Get the fitting score of a list a models.
#' @param pop : a list of models
#' @return a vector of fitting scores
getFitModels <- function(pop)
res <- rep(NA,length(pop))
for(i in 1: length(res))
res[i] <- getFitModel(pop[[i]])
#' Get the fitting score of a model object
#' @description Get the fitting score of a model object.
#' @param mod : a model object
#' @return a fitting score
getFitModel <- function(mod)
#' Get the fitting score of a list of individuals
#' @description Get the fitting score of a list of individuals.
#' @param pop : a list of individuals
#' @return a vector of fitting scores
getFitPopulation <- function(pop)
return(sapply(pop, getFitIndividual))
check.X_y_w <- function(X, y, w=NULL) {
if (dim(X)[2] != length(y))
stop("check.X_y_w: dimension of X and y is not coherent")
if (!is.null(w))
if (dim(X)[1] != length(w))
stop("check.X_y_w: dimension of X and w is not coherent")
check.tX_y_w <- function(X,y,w=NULL)
if (dim(X)[1] != length(y))
stop("check.txyw: dimension of X and y is not coherent")
if (!is.null(w))
if (dim(X)[2] != length(w))
stop("check.txyw: dimension of X and w is not coherent")
# natts is the number of attributes,
#' Transform the model object onto dense format (long) one
#' @description Builds a model object based on model that is in the dense (long) format.
#' @param natts: the number of attributes
#' @param mod: a predomics model object
#' @return a dense (long) format model
#' @export
modelToDenseVec <- function(natts, mod)
# test model validity
if(!isModel(obj = mod))
stop("modelToDenseVec: the model object is not valid.")
# test the number of attributes
if(class(natts)!="integer" | length(natts)!=1)
stop("modelToDenseVec: please make sure the natts attribute is an integer number of features.")
# initialize the v
v <- rep(0, natts)
mod$coeffs_ <- rep("*", length(mod$indices_))
names(mod$coeffs_) <- names(mod$indices_)
for(i in 1:length(mod$indices_))
v[[ mod$indices_[[i]] ]] <- mod$coeffs_[[i]]
#' denseVecToModel
#' @description Builds a model object based on model that is in the dense (long) format.
#' @param X: dataset
#' @param y: labels
#' @param v: A vector of coeffs (example v=c(0.0,1.0,0.0,-1.0))
#' @param clf: classifier information
#' @param eval.all: If TRUE the fitting of the function and intercept will be computed
#' @param obj: an object model to add to the model (default:NULL)
#' @return an model object
denseVecToModel <- function(X, y, v, clf, eval.all=FALSE, obj = NULL)
res <- individual(X, y, clf, coeffs = v[which(v != 0)], ind = which(v != 0), eval.all = eval.all, obj = obj)
#' sparseVecToModel
#' @description Builds a model object based on model that is in the sparse (short) format.
#' @param X: dataset
#' @param y: labels
#' @param v: A vector of indexes (example v=c(1,11))
#' @param clf: classifier information
#' @param eval.all: Should the model be evaluated (default:FALSE)
#' @param obj: an object model to add to the model (default:NULL)
#' @return an model object
sparseVecToModel <- function(X, y, v, clf, eval.all=FALSE, obj = NULL)
res <- individual(X, y, clf, ind = v, eval.all = eval.all, obj = obj)
#' Builds a model object from a list of vector coefficients
#' @description Builds a model object from a list of vector coefficients.
#' @import snow
#' @param X: dataset
#' @param y: labels
#' @param clf: classifier
#' @param v: list of vectors of coeffs. For example, v=list( c(0.0,1.0,0.0,-1.0) , c(1.0,1.0,0.0,0.0) , c(0.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0) )
#' @param lobj: a list of objects to add as elements in the model objects if not null (default:NULL)
#' @return an model object
#' @export
listOfDenseVecToListOfModels <- function(X, y, clf, v, lobj = NULL)
stop("listOfDenseVecToListOfModels: lobj should be a list of objects.")
if(length(lobj) != length(v))
stop("listOfDenseVecToListOfModels: lobj should be a list the same length as v")
pop <- list()
for(i in 1:length(v))
model <- v[[i]]
check.X_y_w(X, y, model)
pop[[i]] <- denseVecToModel(X, y, model, clf, eval.all=TRUE, obj = lobj[[i]])
#' listOfSparseVecToListOfModels
#' @description Converts an list of "SparseVec" objects onto a list of predomics objects
#' @import snow
#' @param X: dataset
#' @param y: labels
#' @param clf: classifier
#' @param v: list of vectors of coeffs. For example, v=list( c(0.0,1.0,0.0,-1.0) , c(1.0,1.0,0.0,0.0) , c(0.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0) )
#' @param lobj: a list of objects to add as elements in the model objects if not null (default:NULL)
#' @param eval.all: evaluate population (default:FALSE)
#' @return an model object
#' @export
listOfSparseVecToListOfModels <- function(X, y, clf, v, lobj = NULL, eval.all = FALSE)
stop("listOfDenseVecToListOfModels: lobj should be a list of objects.")
if(length(lobj) != length(v))
stop("listOfDenseVecToListOfModels: lobj should be a list the same length as v")
if(length(v) == 0)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("listOfSparseVecToListOfModels: empty list returning NULL")
pop <- list()
for(i in 1:length(v))
model <- v[[i]]
pop[[i]] <- sparseVecToModel(X, y, model, clf, eval.all = eval.all, obj = lobj[[i]])
#' Builds a list of dense vector coefficients from a list of models
#' @param clf: classifier
#' @param X: dataset
#' @param y: labels
#' @param list.models: list of models
#' @return a list of dense vectors of coefficient
#' @export
listOfModelsToListOfDenseVec <- function(clf, X, y, list.models)
if(!isPopulation(obj = list.models))
stop("listOfModelsToListOfDenseVec: Please specify a population of model objects")
res <- list()
for(i in 1:length(list.models))
res[[i]] <- modelToDenseVec(nrow(X), list.models[[i]])
#' Builds a list of sparse vector coefficients from a list of models
#' @param list.models: list of models
#' @return a list of dense vectors of coefficient
#' @export
listOfModelsToListOfSparseVec <- function(list.models)
if(!isPopulation(obj = list.models))
stop("listOfModelsToListOfSparseVec: Please specify a population of model objects")
res <- populationGet_X(element2get = "indices_", toVec = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)(list.models)
#' Builds a list of dense vector coefficients from a list of models
#' @param clf: classifier
#' @param X: dataset
#' @param y: labels
#' @param v: list of dense vectors
#' @return a model collection
listOfDenseVecToModelCollection <- function(clf, X, y, v)
# convert the list of dense vectors to a population of models
pop <- listOfDenseVecToListOfModels(X = X, y = y, clf = clf, v = v)
# convert it to a model collection
mc <- listOfModels2ModelCollection(pop = pop)
#' names2index
#' @description Transforms feature names feature indexes
#' @param X: the dataset
#' @param var.names: the feature names vector
#' @return the index of the features
names2index <- function(X, var.names)
if(class(var.ind)!="character" & class(var.ind)!="factor")
stop("index2names: feature names should be character")
index <- match(var.names, rownames(X))
if (any(is.na(index)))
stop("index2names: Features not found!")
#' index2names
#' @description Transforms feature indexes into feature names
#' @param X: the dataset
#' @param var.ind: the feature index vector
#' @return the names of the features
index2names <- function(X, var.ind)
if(class(var.ind) != "numeric")
stop("index2names: indexes should be numeric")
if(max(var.ind) > nrow(X))
stop("index2names: index is out of the bounds")
#' updateModelIndex
#' @description Update the index of a model objectn.
#' @param obj: the object is a model
#' @param features: the list of features which overrides the clf$data$features if this exists.
#' @return the same object type as input, but updated
updateModelIndex <- function(obj, features = NULL)
stop("updateIndexes: please provide a valid model object")
stop("updateIndexes: the features object is missing, which is necessary for this function.")
obj$indices_ <- match(obj$names_, features)
warning("Some indices are not found.")
#' updateObjectIndex
#' @description Update the index of a model, population, or modelCollection.
#' @param obj: the object can be a model, population, or modelCollection
#' @param features: the list of features which overrides the clf$data$features if this exists.
#' @return the same object type as input, but updated
#' @export
updateObjectIndex <- function(obj, features = NULL)
if(!(isModelCollection(obj) | isModel(obj) | isPopulation(obj)))
warning("updateIndexes: please provide a model collection or a population or a single model object")
stop("updateIndexes: the features object is missing, which is necessary for this function.")
# Model
res <- updateModelIndex(obj = obj, features = features)
# Population
res <- list()
for(i in 1:length(obj))
res[[i]] <- updateModelIndex(obj = obj[[i]], features = features)
# Model collection
pop <- modelCollectionToPopulation(obj)
pop.new <- list()
for(i in 1:length(pop))
pop.new[[i]] <- updateModelIndex(obj = pop[[i]], features = features)
res <- listOfModels2ModelCollection(pop.new)
#' listOfModels2ModelCollection
#' @description Structures a list of predomics objects into a structured collection by k_sparsity.
#' @param pop: is population (a list) of predomics objects
#' @param nBest: number of elements to return for each sparsity (default:NA)
#' @return an model collection object
#' @export
listOfModels2ModelCollection <- function(pop, nBest = NA)
# this is the old select_nBest_BySparsity while the first listOfModels2ModelCollection is deactivated
spar <- populationGet_X(element2get = "eval.sparsity", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)(pop)
# get for every sparsity, the indices of the individuals that have this sparsity
real.sparsity <- as.numeric(names(table(spar)))
real.sparsity <- real.sparsity[real.sparsity != 0] # delete sparsity 0 if any
# get the index of samples with that sparsity
indivBySparsity <- lapply(real.sparsity,
function(x, spar)
which(spar == x)
}, spar)
res <- lapply(seq_along(indivBySparsity),
function(x, indivBySparsity)
names(res) <- lapply(real.sparsity, function(x) paste("k", x, sep = "_"))
# selection
res <- lapply(res, function(x) # for each k_sparsity
x <- sortPopulation(pop = x, evalToOrder = "fit_", decreasing = TRUE)
# filter by number of elements we would like to keep
if(length(x) > nBest)
x <- x[1:nBest]
#' Transform a model collection to a population (or list of model objects)
#' @param mod.collection: a modelCollection object organized by k_sparsity
#' @export
modelCollectionToPopulation <- function(mod.collection)
warning("modelCollectionToPopulation: unvalid model collection ... returning NULL")
k_sparsity <- names(mod.collection)
res <- list()
pop.names <- c()
for(i in 1:length(mod.collection))
pop <- mod.collection[[i]]
# if pop exists
# check it out
if(!isPopulation(obj = pop))
stop("modelCollectionToPopulation: unvalid population")
pop.names <- c(pop.names, rep(k_sparsity[i],length(pop)))
res[(length(res)+1):(length(res) + length(pop))] <- pop
names(res) <- pop.names
#' listOfModelsToDenseCoefMatrix
#' @description For each model in the list of models it will convert to dense format and convert to a data.frame
#' @param clf: the classifier object
#' @param X: the dataset
#' @param y: the class vector
#' @param list.model: a list of model objects
#' @param rm.empty: remove null models in the list if any (default:TRUE)
#' @param order.row: order rows by occurence (default:TRUE)
#' @return an data frame with model coefficients in rows
#' @export
listOfModelsToDenseCoefMatrix <- function(clf, X, y, list.models, rm.empty = TRUE, order.row = TRUE)
stop("listOfModelsToDenseCoefMatrix: please provide a valid population of models")
check.X_y_w(X = X, y = y)
# Transform the model objects into dense vectors
pop.dense <- listOfModelsToListOfDenseVec(clf = clf, X=X, y=y, list.models = list.models)
# concatenate them into a matrix
pop.dense <- as.matrix(do.call(cbind.data.frame, pop.dense))
rownames(pop.dense) <- rownames(X); colnames(pop.dense) <- paste(clf$learner, c(1:ncol(pop.dense)), sep="_")
mod.names <- colnames(pop.dense)
print("listOfModelsToDenseCoefMatrix: some features are NA in pop.noz ... omitting them")
pop.dense <- pop.dense[!is.na(rownames(pop.dense)),]
# if order the rows by participation occurance
pop.dense.noz <- pop.dense[order(rowSums(pop.dense !=0 , na.rm = TRUE), decreasing = TRUE),]
if(any(class(pop.dense.noz) == "numeric")) # if a single model
pop.dense.noz <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(pop.dense.noz))
} else
pop.dense.noz <- pop.dense
print("listOfModelsToDenseCoefMatrix: some features are NA in pop.noz ... omitting them")
pop.dense.noz <- pop.dense.noz[!is.na(rownames(pop.dense.noz)),]
# filter rows that are zero for all the models
features.ord <- rownames(pop.dense.noz)
ind.tokeep <- rowSums(pop.dense.noz != 0, na.rm = TRUE) != 0
pop.dense.noz <- pop.dense.noz[ind.tokeep,]
if(any(class(pop.dense.noz) == "numeric")) # if a single model
pop.dense.noz <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(pop.dense.noz))
rownames(pop.dense.noz) <- features.ord[ind.tokeep]
colnames(pop.dense.noz) <- mod.names
# Create a function that transforms a population of model objects onto a dataframe to be plotted
#' populationToDataFrame
#' @description For each model in the list of models it will extract each attribute and create a dataframe needed for further exploration
#' @param pop: a list of model objects, (i.e a population of models)
#' @param attributes: the list of attributes that we wish to have in the data.frame (default:"learner","language","fit_", "unpenalized_fit_", "auc_", "accuracy_", "cor_", "aic_", "intercept_", "eval.sparsity", "sign_","precision_", "recall_","f1_")
#' @return an data frame with attributes for each model
#' @export
populationToDataFrame <- function(
attributes = c("learner","language","fit_", "unpenalized_fit_",
"auc_", "accuracy_", "cor_", "aic_", "intercept_",
"eval.sparsity", "sign_","precision_", "recall_","f1_")
stop("populationToDataFrame: Please provide a valid population object")
mod <- pop[[1]]
# attributes <- names(mod)
# ind.toomit <- match(c("indices_", "names_", "coeffs_", "score_", "confusionMatrix_",
# "mate", "selected", "toBeMutated"),attributes)
# attributes <- attributes[-ind.toomit]
ind.match <- match(attributes, names(mod))
stop(paste("populationToDataFrame: unknown attributes",attributes[is.na(ind.match)]))
df <- paste("mod",1:length(pop),sep="_")
ind.null <- c()
# for each attribute get the values
for(i in 1:length(attributes))
x <- populationGet_X(element2get = attributes[i], toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop)
#df <- data.frame(df,x)
ind.null <- c(ind.null,i)
x <- factor(as.character(x),levels = as.character(unique(x)))
df <- data.frame(df,x)
df <- df[,-1] # get out the first one that was used to start the df
colnames(df) <- attributes[-ind.null]
colnames(df) <- attributes
rownames(df) <- paste("mod",1:length(pop),sep="_")
# Function used to add a model to a model collection
addModelToModelCollection <- function(mod.collection, model)
spar <- length(model$indices_)
name <- paste("k", spar, sep = "_")
if(length(mod.collection) > 0)
mod.collection[[name]][[length(mod.collection[[name]]) + 1]] <- model
} else
mod.collection[[name]] <- list(model)
# Function used to add a list of model to a model collection
addListOfModelsToModelCollection <- function(mod.collection, model.list)
for(i in 1:length(model.list))
mod.collection <- addModelToModelCollection(mod.collection, model.list[[i]])
#' Evaluate the prevalence of a given model
#' @description Evaluate the prevalence of a given model
#' @param mod: a model object
#' @param X: dataset where to compute the prevalence
#' @return A vector containing the prevalence of each feature
#' @export
evaluatePrevalence <- function(mod, X)
# sanity checks todo
data <- X[mod$indices_,]
data <- (data > 0)+0.0
if(length(mod$indices_) > 1)
prev1 <- apply(data, 1, sum)
prev1 <- sum(data)
#' Evaluates the prevalence of a list of features in the whole dataset and per each class
#' @description Evaluate the prevalence of a given model
#' @param features: a list of features or features indexes for which we wish to compute prevalence
#' @param X: dataset where to compute the prevalence
#' @param y: if provided it will also compute hte prevalence per each class (default:NULL)
#' @param prop: weather to compute the prevalence in number or as a proportion (default:TRUE)
#' @param zero.value: the value that specifies what is zero. This can be a different than 0 in log transformed data for instance (default = 0)
#' @return A list containing the prevalence in the whole dataset as well as classes (if provided)
#' @export
getFeaturePrevalence <- function(features, X, y = NULL, prop = TRUE, zero.value = 0)
# check weather they exist in the dataset's rownames
ind <- match(features,rownames(X))
stop(paste("getFeaturePrevalence: ",sum(is.na(ind)),"features are not found as rownames of X"))
# if features are indices than check weather they are in the range
if(max(features > nrow(X)))
stop("getFeaturePrevalence: feature indexes are out of range. Please check again.")
ind <- features
# get the corresponding data
if(ncol(X) == 1)
data <- as.matrix(X[ind,])
data <- X[ind,]
if(length(features) == 1)
# when only 1 feature
data <- t(as.matrix(data))
rownames(data) <- features
res.all <- list()
# compute the prevalence for the whole vector
res <- rowSums(data!= zero.value, na.rm = TRUE) # they can be negative if logged
if(prop) res <- res / ncol(data)
names(res) <- features
res.all[[1]] <- res
# also for each class
lev <- names(table(y))
for(i in 1:length(lev))
if(length(features) == 1)
res <- sum(data[,y==lev[i]] != zero.value, na.rm = TRUE) # they can be negative if logged
if(ncol(X) == 1)
if(table(y)[lev[i]] == 0)
res <- rep(0, nrow(data))
names(res) <- features
res <- (data[,y==lev[i]] != zero.value)+0.0 # they can be negative if logged
res <- rowSums(data[,y==lev[i]] != zero.value, na.rm = TRUE) # they can be negative if logged
names(res) <- features
if(table(y)[lev[i]] != 0)
res <- res / table(y)[lev[i]]
res.all[[i+1]] <- res
names(res.all) <- c("all",lev)
names(res.all) <- c("all")
#' Get the model that has the highest minimal prevalence in its features
#' @description Get the model that has the highest minimal prevalence in its features
#' @param pop: a population of model objects
#' @param X: dataset where to compute the prevalence
#' @param evalToOrder: which score should we use to order the models and select them (default:fit_)
#' @param selected: the number of selected models (default:0). If 0, everything is returned.
#' @return a model or a list of model objects
#' @export
getMaxMinPrevalenceModel <- function(pop, X = NULL, evalToOrder = "fit_", selected = 0)
stop("getMaxMinPrevalenceModel: please provide a valid population")
stop("getMaxMinPrevalenceModel: please provide a valid X object")
# sort the population
pop <- sortPopulation(pop, evalToOrder = evalToOrder)
# compute the prevalence for each feature of each model
prev <- lapply(pop, evaluatePrevalence, X)
# minimum of the prevalence of each feature
prev.min <- unlist(lapply(prev, min))
names(prev.min) <- c(1:length(prev.min))
prev.sort <- sort(prev.min, decreasing = TRUE)
# we return everything
if(selected == 0)
res <- pop
# if we need to select one or some
if(selected == 1)
res <- pop[[which.max(prev.min)]] #max of minimum
res <- lapply(as.numeric(names(prev.sort[1:min(selected, length(prev.min))])),function(x) pop[[x]])
# this function gets the abundance of a dataset and produces an object to be used for plots
# for the whole dataset and by class
getAbundance <- function(data, y=NULL, prop=TRUE){
res.all <- list()
# for the whole vector
res.all[[1]] <- t(data)
# also for each class
lev <- names(table(y))
for(i in 1:length(lev)){
res <- t(data[,y==lev[i]])
res.all[[i+1]] <- res
names(res.all) <- c("all",lev)
names(res.all) <- c("all")
#' computeCardEnrichment
#' @description Computes statistic for enrichment of the cardinality of a score for a two class vector
#' @param v.card.mat: a dataframe with the cardinality of each feature (columns) and each group in the y vector (rows)
#' @param y: the vector containing the class specification for each sample
#' @return a data.frame with the statistics computed
#' @export
computeCardEnrichment <- function(v.card.mat, y)
# build the res object
res <- list()
res$v.card.mat <- v.card.mat
res$y <- y
card.all <- table(y)
if(length(card.all)!=2) stop("The number of classes should be 2!")
dat <- v.card.mat[names(card.all),]
if(ncol(v.card.mat) == 1)
dat <- as.matrix(dat)
colnames(dat) <- colnames(v.card.mat)
# commpute the negative
dat.negative <- dat
for(i in 1:length(card.all))
dat.negative[i,] <- card.all[i] - dat.negative[i,]
# compute the chisq.test() p-values
chisq.p <- c()
chisq.mat.list <- list()
for(i in 1:ncol(v.card.mat))
chisq.mat.list[[i]] <- chisq.mat <- rbind(dat[,i],dat.negative[,i]); rownames(chisq.mat) <- c("present","missing")
chisq.p <- c(chisq.p, signif(chisq.test(chisq.mat)$p.value,3))
#barplot(chisq.mat,col=c("orangered", "darkolivegreen2"))
names(chisq.mat.list) <- names(chisq.p) <- colnames(v.card.mat)
chisq.p[is.nan(chisq.p)] <- 1 # put maximal p-val when warning
chisq.q <- p.adjust(chisq.p, method = "bonferroni")
# add statistics to object
res$card.all <- card.all
res$chisq.p <- chisq.p
res$chisq.q <- chisq.q
# this function takes a list of vectors with proportions and transforms it in a melted version
# class -1 prevalence is multiplied by -1 for the plot
meltScoreList <- function(v=v.prop, prepare.for.graph=TRUE, topdown=TRUE)
if(!is.list(v)) stop("v should be a list of vectors of the same size.")
v.prop.melt <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(v), ncol=0))
for(i in 1:length(v))
v.prop.melt <- data.frame(v.prop.melt,
rep(names(v)[i], length(v[[i]]))
v.prop.melt <- data.frame(t(v.prop.melt));
colnames(v.prop.melt) <- c("name","score","group")
# transform score into a number
v.prop.melt$score <- as.numeric(as.character(v.prop.melt$score))
# fix factor level order
v.prop.melt$name <- factor(v.prop.melt$name, levels = rev(names(v$all)))
v.prop.melt$name <- factor(v.prop.melt$name, levels = names(v$all))
# put prevalence score 1 in negative for the plot
if(prepare.for.graph) v.prop.melt[v.prop.melt$group=="-1",]$score <- v.prop.melt[v.prop.melt$group=="-1",]$score *-1
#' Plot performance scores for multiple learners.
#' @description summarySE gives count, mean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean, and confidence interval (default 95\%).
#' @import dplyr
#' @param data: a data frame
#' @param groupvars: a vector containing names of columns that contain grouping variables
#' @param na.rm: a boolean that indicates whether to ignore NA's
#' @param conf.interval: the percent range of the confidence interval (default is 95\%)
#' @return A transformed data frame with information on the different errors and confidence.
summarySE <- function(data, measurevar, groupvars, na.rm = FALSE, conf.interval = .95) {
# Ensure that measurevar and groupvars are non-null and valid
if (is.null(data) || is.null(measurevar) || is.null(groupvars)) {
stop("Data, measurevar, and groupvars must be provided.")
data %>%
dplyr::group_by(across(all_of(groupvars))) %>%
N = sum(!is.na(.data[[measurevar]]), na.rm = na.rm),
sd = sd(.data[[measurevar]], na.rm = na.rm),
value = mean(.data[[measurevar]], na.rm = na.rm),
.groups = 'drop' # This will drop the grouping after summarise
) %>%
se = sd / sqrt(N),
ci = if_else(N > 1,
se * qt(conf.interval/2 + 0.5, N - 1),
NA_real_ # Or your chosen default value for CI when N <= 1
# summarySE <- function(data, measurevar, groupvars, na.rm = FALSE, conf.interval = .95) {
# if (is.null(data) || is.null(measurevar) || is.null(groupvars)) {
# stop("Data, measurevar, and groupvars must be provided.")
# }
# data %>%
# dplyr::group_by(!!!syms(groupvars)) %>%
# dplyr::summarise(
# N = sum(!is.na(.data[[measurevar]]), na.rm = na.rm),
# sd = sd(.data[[measurevar]], na.rm = na.rm),
# value = mean(.data[[measurevar]], na.rm = na.rm),
# .groups = 'drop'
# ) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(
# se = sd / sqrt(N),
# ci = if_else(N > 1,
# se * qt(conf.interval/2 + 0.5, N - 1),
# NA_real_
# )
# )
# }
# ## @import plyr
# summarySE <- function(data=NULL, measurevar, groupvars=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, conf.interval=.95, .drop=TRUE)
# {
# require(plyr)
# # This was taken from 'http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Plotting_means_and_error_bars_(ggplot2)/
# # New version of length which can handle NA's: if na.rm==T, don't count them
# length2 <- function (x, na.rm=FALSE)
# {
# if (na.rm) sum(!is.na(x))
# else length(x)
# }
# # This does the summary. For each group's data frame, return a vector with
# # N, mean, and sd
# datac <- plyr::ddply(data, groupvars, .drop=.drop, .fun = function(xx, col)
# {
# c(N = length2(xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm),
# mean = mean (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm),
# sd = sd (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm)
# )
# },
# measurevar
# )
# # Rename the "mean" column
# # datac <- rename(datac, c("mean" = measurevar))
# datac$se <- datac$sd / sqrt(datac$N) # Calculate standard error of the mean
# # Confidence interval multiplier for standard error
# # Calculate t-statistic for confidence interval:
# # e.g., if conf.interval is .95, use .975 (above/below), and use df=N-1
# ciMult <- qt(conf.interval/2 + .5, datac$N-1)
# datac$ci <- datac$se * ciMult
# return(datac)
# }
#' Computes different metrics for a given distributions
#' @description This function computes to compute a certain number of metrics on a dataset for each variable
#' (rows, such as prevalence, quartile distribution, etc.)
#' @param data: a data frame containing the data to be treated.
#' @return a data frame containing different metrics: variance_to_mean, signal_to_noise, variation_coefficient, efficiency and quartile_dispertion
#' @export
computeFeatureMetrics <- function (data)
# la prevalence
prev <- rowSums(data>0)/ncol(data)
# l'information mutuelle
quart_disp <- apply(data, 1, quartileDispersion)
moy <- apply(data, 1, mean)
std <- apply(data, 2, sd)
var <- apply(data, 2, var)
q1 <- apply(data, 2, quantile, 0.25)
q2 <- apply(data, 2, quantile, 0.5)
q3 <- apply(data, 2, quantile, 0.75)
variance_to_mean <- (var/moy)
variance_to_mean[is.nan(variance_to_mean)] <- 0
signal_to_noise <- (moy/std)
signal_to_noise[is.nan(signal_to_noise)] <- 0
variation_coefficient <- (std/moy)
variation_coefficient[is.nan(variation_coefficient)] <- 0
efficiency <- (std^2/moy^2)
efficiency[is.nan(efficiency)] <- 0
quartile_dispertion <- (q3 - q1)/q2
quartile_dispertion[is.nan(quartile_dispertion) | is.infinite(quartile_dispertion)] <- 0
res <- data.frame(variance_to_mean,
#' evaluates the feature importance in a population of models
#' @description This function perturbes the dataset by shuffling one at a time a subset of features that appear in a population of models
#' and recomputes the evaluation of those models. The mean deltas of the score to consider will give a measure of importance. Two methods
#' are implemented: the first (extensive), will shuffle feature by feature multiple times and will compute the evaluation for the whole
#' population of models, which can be very time consuming. The second (optimized) and the default approach consists on using a different
#' seed when shuffling a given feature and computing the population. In this setting it is not needed to run multiple seeds on the whole
#' dataset. This procedure is designed to be applied in cross validation.
#' @param pop: a population of models to be considered. This population will be filtered if filter.ci = TRUE (default) using the interval
#' confidence computed around the best model using a binomial distribution.
#' @param X: dataset used to classify
#' @param y: variable to predict
#' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
#' @param score: the attribute of the model to be considered in the evaluation (default:fit_)
#' @param filter.ci: filter the population based on the best model confidence interval (default:TRUE)
#' @param method: Two methods are implemented: the first (extensive), will shuffle feature by feature multiple times and will compute the
#' evaluation for the whole population of models, which can be very time consuming. The second (optimized) and the default approach consists
#' on using a different seed when shuffling a given feature and computing the population.
#' @param seed: one or more seeds to be used in the extensive method shuffling (default:c(1:10). For the optimized method only the first seed will be used
#' and the rest of the seeds that are needed for each model will be incremented from there.
#' @param aggregation: the method to be used to aggregate the evaluation for a the whole population (default: mean), but can be either mean or median.
#' @param verbose: wether to print out information during the execution process.
#' @return a data.frame with features in rows and the population mean/median score for each model*seed of the population
#' @export
evaluateFeatureImportanceInPopulation <- function(pop, X, y, clf, score = "fit_", filter.ci = TRUE, method = "optimized",
seed = c(1:10), aggregation = "mean", verbose = TRUE)
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateFeatureImportanceInPopulation: please masure to provide a valid population.")
# Sanity checks
check.X_y_w(X = X, y = y)
if(!method %in% c("optimized","extensive"))
stop("evaluateFeatureImportanceInPopulation: please provide a valid method either optimized or extensive.")
if(method == "optimized")
optimized <- TRUE
optimized <- FALSE
if(!aggregation %in% c("mean","median"))
stop("evaluateFeatureImportanceInPopulation: please provide a valid aggregation method either mean or median.")
if(aggregation == "mean")
aggr.mean <- TRUE
aggr.mean <- FALSE
if(verbose) print(paste("There are",length(pop), "models in this population"))
# select the best models in the population after penalizing for sparsity
pop <- selectBestPopulation(pop, p = 0.05, k_penalty = 0.75/100)
if(verbose) print(paste("There are",length(pop), "models in this population after filtering"))
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("evaluateFeatureImportanceInPopulation: no models are left after best model selection.")
# Reevaluate the population in X (which is the x_test) in generalization
pop <- evaluatePopulation(X = X, y = y, clf = clf, pop = pop, eval.all = TRUE, force.re.evaluation = TRUE, mode = "test")
# compute the presence of features in the models
fa <- makeFeatureAnnot(pop = pop, X = X, y = y, clf = clf)
feat.prev <- rowSums(fa$pop.noz != 0, na.rm = TRUE)
# order by prevalence in the population of models
feat.prev <- feat.prev[order(feat.prev, decreasing = TRUE)]
# create a matrix presence mask
feat.prez.mask <- fa$pop.noz != 0 & !is.na(fa$pop.noz)
# the pool of features
feat.pool <- names(feat.prev)
if(verbose) print(paste("Feature prevalence is computed. There are ", length(feat.pool), "features to consider."))
eval.orig <- populationGet_X(element2get = score, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop)
# for each feature perturb the data to test for its importance
res.all <- list()
for(i in 1:length(feat.pool))
if(verbose) cat(paste(feat.pool[i], "\t"))
# the eval shuffle mask
eval.shuf.mask <- rep(NA, length(pop))
names(eval.shuf.mask) <- names(pop)
# the feature mask
feat.prez.ind <- feat.prez.mask[feat.pool[i],]
# put data in the new population
pop.new <- list()
# For each model in the population
for(j in 1:length(pop[feat.prez.ind]))
# store a copy to change and reset
X.shuf <- X
if(seed[1] == 0)
# for testing purposes if seed is 0 than no shuffling occurs and the DA should be 0
ind <- c(1:ncol(X))
# shuffle the feature j
set.seed(seed[1] + j)
ind <- sample(x = c(1:ncol(X)), size = ncol(X), replace = FALSE)
X.shuf[feat.pool[i],] <- X.shuf[feat.pool[i],ind]
pop.new[[j]] <- evaluateModel(mod = pop[[i]], X = X.shuf, y = y, clf = clf, eval.all = TRUE, force.re.evaluation = TRUE, mode = "test")
if(verbose) cat("*")
} # end loop models
# get the evaluation after perturbation
eval.shuf <- populationGet_X(element2get = score, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop.new)
# compute the delta of the evaluation before and after perturbation and store it. We call this DA (decreased accuracy)
eval.shuf.mask[feat.prez.ind] <- c(eval.orig[feat.prez.ind] - eval.shuf)
res.all[[i]] <- eval.shuf.mask
if(verbose) cat(paste("\n"))
} # end loop each feature
names(res.all) <- feat.pool
}else # extensive
# for each feature perturb the data to test for its importance
res.all <- list()
for(i in 1:length(feat.pool))
if(verbose) cat(paste(feat.pool[i], "\t"))
# the eval shuffle mask
eval.shuf.mask <- rep(NA, length(pop))
names(eval.shuf.mask) <- names(pop)
# the feature mask
feat.prez.ind <- feat.prez.mask[feat.pool[i],]
# we can do this multiple times
res.f <- c()
for(j in 1:length(seed))
# store a copy to change and reset
X.shuf <- X
if(seed[j] == 0)
# for testing purposes if seed is 0 than no shuffling occurs and the DA should be 0
ind <- c(1:ncol(X))
# shuffle the feature j
ind <- sample(x = c(1:ncol(X)), size = ncol(X), replace = FALSE)
X.shuf[feat.pool[i],] <- X.shuf[feat.pool[i],ind]
pop.eval <- evaluatePopulation(X = X.shuf, y = y, clf = clf, pop = pop[feat.prez.ind],
eval.all = TRUE, force.re.evaluation = TRUE, mode = "test")
# get the evaluation after perturbation
eval.shuf <- populationGet_X(element2get = score, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop.eval)
# compute the delta of the evaluation before and after perturbation and store it. We call this DA (decreased accuracy)
eval.shuf.mask[feat.prez.ind] <- c(eval.orig[feat.prez.ind] - eval.shuf)
# concatenate if multiple perturbations
res.f <- c(res.f, eval.shuf.mask)
if(verbose) cat("*")
} # end loop seeds
if(verbose) cat(paste("\n"))
res.all[[i]] <- res.f
} # end loop each feature
names(res.all) <- feat.pool
# put all the DAs in a data frame
res.all.df <- t(data.frame(res.all))
# standard deviation
SDA <- apply(res.all.df, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
# Prevalence of DA
PDA <- rowSums(!is.na(res.all.df))
# transform the data
# compute the MDA (mean decreased accuracy)
eval.aggr <- apply(res.all.df, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# compute the MDA (median decreased accuracy)
eval.aggr <- apply(res.all.df, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)
names(eval.aggr) <- feat.pool
res <- list(feat.catalogue = feat.pool,
feat.catalogue.annot = fa$feature.df[feat.pool,],
feat.pop.prev = feat.prev,
feat.pop.da.list = res.all,
feat.pop.da.df = res.all.df,
mda = eval.aggr,
sda = SDA,
pda = PDA/ncol(res.all.df) # as a percentage
# Coefficient of Quartile Deviation
# note this does not work well for sparse data, thus adding an option for non zero
#' @export
quartileDispersion <- function(v, nonzero=TRUE){
if(nonzero) v <- v[v!=0]
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartile_coefficient_of_dispersion
# http://www.emathzone.com/tutorials/basic-statistics/quartile-deviation-and-its-coefficient.html
q1 <- quantile(v, 0.25)
q3 <- quantile(v, 0.75)
return((q3 - q1)/(q3 + q1))
# #' Get the fitting score of a model object
# #'
# #' @description Get the fitting score of a model object.
# #' @param mod : a model object
# #' @return a fitting score
# getFitModel <- function(mod){return(mod$fit_)}
# #' Get the fitting score of a list a models
# #'
# #' @description Get the fitting score of a list a models.
# #' @param pop : a list of models
# #' @return a vector of fitting scores
# getFitModels <- function(pop){
# res <- rep(NA,length(pop))
# for(i in 1: length(res)){
# res[i] <- getFitModel(pop[[i]])
# }
# return(res)
# }
#' Evaluates the sign for a given feature this is the old getMgsVsTraitSignDiscr function
#' @description Evaluates the sign for a given feature this is the old getMgsVsTraitSignDiscr function.
#' @import foreach
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param clf: the classifier parameter object
#' @param parallel.local: weather or not to run in //
#' @return a vector of +1 & -1 for each variable
#' @export
getSign <- function(X, y, clf = NULL, parallel.local = FALSE)
if(!is.matrix(X)) X <- as.matrix(X)
# check dimensions
if(ncol(X) != length(y))
if(nrow(X) == length(y))
# this happens when only one element is in X it will transpose
X <- t(X)
stop("getSign: wrong dimensions, this should not happen ... stopping.")
if(is.numeric(y)) # if regression (correlation)
# for optimization, in pearson, convert first in rank
y <- rank(y)
# if dimension 1
if(is.null(dim(X)) & length(X)==length(y))
X <- rank(X)
# res <- as.numeric(sign(cor.test(X,y, method="spearman")$estimate))
# for optimization reasons the cor will be a pearson implementation, y is already ranked for objective being "cor" performed in the fit()
# We just need to take the score to obtain the same result as a spearman correlation.
res <- sign(cor(na.omit(data.frame(X[i,], y)), method = "pearson")[1,2])
} else
# if more than one
# transform X to rank for spearman correlation (using pearson faster one). This is a change that is active only for this function
X.rank <- X
for(i in 1: nrow(X)){ X.rank[i,] <- rank(X[i,]) }
X <- X.rank # so that we don't change the code hereafter
if(parallel.local) # test if //
res <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(X)) %dopar%
#as.numeric(sign(cor.test(X[i,],y, method="spearman")$estimate))
# for optimization reasons the cor will be a pearson implementation, y is already ranked for objective being "cor" performed in the fit()
# We just need to tank the score to obtain the same result as a spearman correlation.
sign(cor(na.omit(data.frame(X[i,], y)), method = "pearson")[1,2])
res <- unlist(res); names(res) <- rownames(X)
} else
res <- rep(NA, nrow(X))
names(res) <- rownames(X)
for (i in 1:nrow(X))
#res[i] <- as.numeric(sign(cor.test(X[i,],y, method="spearman")$estimate))
# for optimization reasons the cor will be a pearson implementation, y is already ranked for objective being "cor" performed in the fit()
# We just need to tank the score to obtain the same result as a spearman correlation.
res[i] <- sign(cor(na.omit(data.frame(X[i,], y)), method = "pearson")[1,2])
}else # testing classes (classification)
# if dimension 1
if(is.null(dim(X)) & length(X)==length(y))
elements <- table(as.vector(y))
cat1 <- names(elements)[1]
cat1.cl <- -1
cat2 <- names(elements)[2]
cat2.cl <- 1
m1 <- mean(X[y == cat1], na.rm = TRUE)
m2 <- mean(X[y == cat2], na.rm = TRUE)
res <- NA
res <- cat2.cl
if (m1 < m2)
res <- cat2.cl
} else
res <- cat1.cl
res <- cat1.cl
if (m1 < m2)
res <- cat2.cl
} else
res <- cat1.cl
} else
{ # if more than one
elements <- table(as.vector(y))
if(length(elements) != 2)
stop("individual: classification setting, only two classes should be provided.")
cat1 <- names(elements)[1]
cat1.cl <- -1
cat2 <- names(elements)[2]
cat2.cl <- 1
# create a mask for the results
res <- rep(NA, nrow(X))
names(res) <- rownames(X)
if(parallel.local) # test if //
res <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(X)) %dopar%
# These two oparations are quite slow
m1 <- mean(X[i,y == cat1], na.rm = TRUE)
m2 <- mean(X[i,y == cat2], na.rm = TRUE)
if (m1 < m2)
} else
if (m1 < m2)
} else
res <- unlist(res); names(res) <- rownames(X)
} else
for (i in 1:nrow(X))
# These two oparations are quite slow
m1 <- mean(X[i,y == cat1], na.rm = TRUE)
m2 <- mean(X[i,y == cat2], na.rm = TRUE)
res[i] <- NA
res[i] <- cat2.cl
if (m1 < m2)
res[i] <- cat2.cl
} else
res[i] <- cat1.cl
res[i] <- cat1.cl
if (m1 < m2)
res[i] <- cat2.cl
} else
res[i] <- cat1.cl
} # end for
} # end else //
} # end else dimension
} # end else numerical
cat("... getSign: some signs were not found (NAs)... setting them to default 1\n")
res[is.na(res)] <- 1
if(any(res == 0))
cat("... getSign: some signs were not found (NAs)... setting them to default 1\n")
res[res == 0] <- 1
# This function is of the R package "caret" . Not mine.
# https://github.com/topepo/caret/blob/master/pkg/caret/R/createFolds.R
# Splits the data into k groups to be used with k cross-validation
# update: from Edi (2017 nov 13)
#' @export
create.folds <- function (y, k = 10, list = TRUE, returnTrain = FALSE, seed = NULL)
if (k < 0) {
AssertTwoLevels <- function(fold, y) {
if (length(fold) != 1) {
while (length(table(y[fold])) == 1 | length(table(y[-fold])) ==
1) {
fold <- sample(c(1:length(y)), length(fold))
out <- lapply(1:length(y), function(x) AssertTwoLevels(sample(c(1:length(y)),
-k), y))
names(out) <- paste("Fold", gsub(" ", "0", format(seq(along = out))),
sep = "")
if (is.numeric(y)) {
cuts <- floor(length(y)/k)
if (cuts < 2)
cuts <- 2
if (cuts > 5)
cuts <- 5
y <- cut(y, unique(quantile(y, probs = seq(0, 1, length = cuts))),
include.lowest = TRUE)
if (k < length(y)) {
y <- factor(as.character(y))
numInClass <- table(y)
foldVector <- vector(mode = "integer", length(y))
for (i in 1:length(numInClass)) {
seqVector <- rep(1:k, numInClass[i]%/%k)
if (is.null(seed)) {
if (numInClass[i]%%k > 0)
seqVector <- c(seqVector, sample(1:k, numInClass[i]%%k))
else {
if (numInClass[i]%%k > 0)
seqVector <- c(seqVector, sample(1:k, numInClass[i]%%k))
if (is.null(seed)) {
foldVector[which(y == dimnames(numInClass)$y[i])] <- sample(seqVector)
else {
foldVector[which(y == dimnames(numInClass)$y[i])] <- sample(seqVector)
else foldVector <- seq(along = y)
if (list) {
out <- split(seq(along = y), foldVector)
names(out) <- paste("Fold", gsub(" ", "0", format(seq(along = out))),
sep = "")
if (returnTrain)
out <- lapply(out, function(data, y) y[-data], y = seq(along = y))
else out <- foldVector
#' Selects a the top k features that are significantly associated with the class to predict
#' @description Runs statistics on the data and selects a subset of k features that are the most significant.
#' Besides filtering this function can be used in a more larger statistical context.
#' @param data: the dataset X
#' @param trait: is the equivalent of y (class, or numerical)
#' @param k: the number of features (default:10)
#' @param type: the statistics to be run (default:wilcoxon)
#' @param restrict: Run the statistics in a subset of the dataset (default: a vector of all TRUE)
#' @param multiple.adjust: the multiple testing adjustment method (default:BH)
#' @param paired: wether paired statistics should be run (default:FALSE)
#' @param sort: return variables sorted by p-value significance (default:TRUE)
#' @param verbose: print out information indicating progress (default:FALSE)
#' @param verbose.step: Showing a 1 percent progress.
#' @param return.data: if (default:FALSE) this returns the statistics of X, otherwise the restricted data subset
#' @export
filterfeaturesK <- function(data,
k = 10,
type = "wilcoxon",
restrict = rep(TRUE, ncol(data)),
multiple.adjust = "BH",
paired = FALSE,
sort = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
verbose.step = NULL,
return.data = FALSE
if(!type %in% c("spearman","pearson","wilcoxon","t.test"))
stop("filterfeaturesK: unknown type! Please provide one of the following: spearman, pearson, wilcoxon, t.test")
# sanity checks
if(length(trait) != ncol(data))
stop("filterfeaturesK: incompatible dimensions between data and trait")
# if trait is not a vector get it
cl <- class(trait[1,1])
trait <- as.numeric(trait)
trait <- as.character(trait)
stop("filterfeaturesK: trait should be a vector")
# fix to correlation if not specified
if(any(class(trait) == "numeric"))
if(!(type == "spearman" | type == "pearson"))
if(length(table(trait)) == 2)
trait <- as.factor(trait)
trait.val <- names(table(trait))
if(verbose) cat("... ... trait seems to be a class with two levels, changing type to Spearman\n")
type <- "spearman"
trait <- rank(trait)
trait.val <- NA
# if this is a classification problem
trait.val <- names(table(trait))
# convert data to matrix
data <- as.matrix(data)
# create reults mask
res <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = 5))
rownames(res) <- rownames(data)
colnames(res) <- c("rho", "rho2", "p", "q", "status")
# Handle switches
mean.test <- TRUE
cor.spearman <- FALSE
mean.test.t <- TRUE
# correlation
if(type == "spearman" | type == "pearson")
mean.test <- FALSE
if(type == "spearman")
cor.spearman <- TRUE
trait <- rank(trait) # for speedup
# classification problem
if(type == "wilcoxon")
mean.test.t <- FALSE
if (length(table(trait)) != 2)
stop("filterfeaturesK: You can't use this test. The trait should contain only two categories!")
# printing out logs in verbose mode
if(verbose) cat("... ... filterfeaturesK: Executing T test\n")
if(verbose) cat("... ... filterfeaturesK: Executing Wilcoxon test\n")
if (verbose) cat("... ... filterfeaturesK: Spearman correlation mode between two classes\n")
if (verbose) cat("... ... filterfeaturesK: Spearman correlation\n")
if (verbose) cat("... ... filterfeaturesK: Pearson correlation mode between two classes\n")
if (verbose) cat("... ... filterfeaturesK: Pearson correlation\n")
validity <- rep(FALSE, nrow(data))
if(verbose) # start progress bar
comp <- ""
if(is.null(verbose.step)) verbose.step <- round(nrow(data)/100)
if(verbose.step == 0) verbose.step <- 1
# for each variable
for (i in 1:nrow(data))
# slim completion progress indicator 100 points (%)
if (verbose & i %% verbose.step == 0)
cat(paste(comp, "*", sep = ""))
# or more detail
#if (verbose & i %% verbose.step == 0) print(paste("... ... ... ",round(i/nrow(data)*100)," % - (",i," features)", sep=""))
vt <- trait[restrict] # trait restricted
vd <- data[i, restrict] # data restricted
valid <- FALSE # default is not valid
# MEAN Tests
# check validity
val.tab <- table(vt, vd)
if(all(rowSums(val.tab) > 2) &
nrow(val.tab) == 2 &
ncol(val.tab) > 1 # when there are only zeros for instance
valid <- TRUE
validity[i] <- TRUE
# apply test
try(tmp <- stats::t.test(vd ~ vt, paired = paired), silent = TRUE)
try(res[i, "p"] <- tmp$p.value, silent = TRUE) # store results
# determine the status
if (mean(vd[trait == trait.val[1]], na.rm = TRUE) > mean(vd[trait == trait.val[2]], na.rm = TRUE))
res[i, "status"] <- trait.val[1]
else {
res[i, "status"] <- trait.val[2]
else { # WILCOXON
# we will use here an optimization that greatly speeds things several times from the BioQC package
# https://accio.github.io/BioQC/bioqc-efficiency.html
# we will compute this outside the for loop
# if (!accelerate)
# {
# apply test
try(tmp <- stats::wilcox.test(vd ~ vt, paired = paired), silent = TRUE)
try(res[i, "p"] <- tmp$p.value, silent = TRUE)
# }
# determine the status
if (mean(vd[trait == trait.val[1]], na.rm = TRUE) > mean(vd[trait == trait.val[2]], na.rm = TRUE))
res[i, "status"] <- trait.val[1]
res[i, "status"] <- trait.val[2]
} # end else
} # end validity
if (paired)
# validity check
if (length(table(trait)) != 2 | (table(trait)[1] != table(trait)[2]))
stop("filterfeaturesK: trait does not seem to be a 2-level categorical variable or with the same prevalence")
cl1 <- names(table(vt)[1])
cl1.ind <- (vt == cl1)
cl2 <- names(table(vt)[2])
cl2.ind <- (vt == cl2)
# run test and store results
try(tmp <- stats::cor.test(rank(vd[cl1.ind]), rank(vd[cl2.ind]), method = "pearson"), silent = TRUE)
try(res[i, 1] <- tmp$estimate, silent = TRUE)
if (!is.na(res[i, 1]))
if (res[i, 1] > 0)
res[i, 5] <- "POS"
else {
res[i, 5] <- "NEG"
} # end if
res[i, 2] <- res[i, 1]^2
res[i, 3] <- tmp$p.value
if(!is.na(res[i, 2]))
valid <- TRUE
}else # PEARSON
# run test and store results
try(tmp <- stats::cor.test(vd[cl1.ind], vd[cl2.ind], method = "pearson"), silent = TRUE)
try(res[i, 1] <- tmp$estimate, silent = TRUE)
if (!is.na(res[i, 1]))
if (res[i, 1] > 0)
res[i, 5] <- "POS"
else {
res[i, 5] <- "NEG"
} # end if
res[i, 2] <- res[i, 1]^2
res[i, 3] <- tmp$p.value
if(!is.na(res[i, 2]))
valid <- TRUE
} # end spearman/pearson
}else # UNPAIRED
try(tmp <- stats::cor.test(rank(vd), vt, method = "pearson"), silent = TRUE)
try(res[i, 1] <- tmp$estimate, silent = TRUE)
if (!is.na(res[i, 1]))
if (res[i, 1] > 0)
res[i, 5] <- "POS"
else {
res[i, 5] <- "NEG"
} # end if
res[i, 2] <- res[i, 1]^2
res[i, 3] <- tmp$p.value
if(!is.na(res[i, 2]))
valid <- TRUE
}else # PEARSON
try(tmp <- stats::cor.test(vd, vt, method = "pearson"), silent = TRUE)
try(res[i, 1] <- tmp$estimate, silent = TRUE)
if (!is.na(res[i, 1]))
if (res[i, 1] > 0)
res[i, 5] <- "POS"
else {
res[i, 5] <- "NEG"
} # end if
res[i, 2] <- res[i, 1]^2
res[i, 3] <- tmp$p.value
if(!is.na(res[i, 2]))
valid <- TRUE
} # end spearman/pearson
} # end paired/unpaired
res[i, "p"] <- NA
res[i, "status"] <- NA
} # end validity
} # end mean test / correlation
} # end for
if(verbose) cat("|\n") # end progress bar
# if(accelerate)
# {
# # OPTIMIZATION particular case of the optimized wilcoxon
# if(mean.test & type == "wilcoxon")
# {
# res[, 3] <- wmwTest(x = t(data), indexList = (trait==names(table(trait))[1]), valType="p.two.sided", simplify = TRUE)
# res[!validity, 3] <- NA # to make sure we don't keep non valid data that we won't select as feature selection
# }
# }
# multiple adjustment
res[, 4] <- stats::p.adjust(res[, "p"], method = multiple.adjust)
# if the result is sorted
# reorder features
res <- res[order(res$p),]
features <- rownames(res)
res <- as.data.frame(data)[features,]
# send a subset of k rows if k is smaller than the number of features
if(k < nrow(res))
res <- res[1:k,]
# library(microbenchmark)
# microbenchmark(filterfeaturesK(data = X[1:100,], trait = y, type = "wilcoxon"),
# filterfeaturesK(data = X[1:100,], trait = y, type = "t.test"),
# filterfeaturesK(data = X[1:100,], trait = c(1:ncol(X)), type = "spearman"),
# filterfeaturesK(data = X[1:100,], trait = c(1:ncol(X)), type = "pearson"),
# times = 10)
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# filterfeaturesK(data = X[1:100, ], trait = y, type = "wilcoxon") 75.77135 77.41353 333.64460 77.76377 78.61290 2632.23538 10 a
# filterfeaturesK(data = X[1:100, ], trait = y, type = "t.test") 430.92199 437.45751 455.39362 446.81926 462.45985 531.81801 10 a
# filterfeaturesK(data = X[1:100, ], trait = c(1:ncol(X)), type = "spearman") 45.30576 47.42271 49.26134 47.53064 50.66467 57.84277 10 a
# filterfeaturesK(data = X[1:100, ], trait = c(1:ncol(X)), type = "pearson") 37.95488 40.29546 298.54324 42.15932 50.14797 2579.22371 10 a
#' Selects the most prevalent features in the dataset baset on the provided thresholds.
#' @description Filters out all features that display a prevalence below a given threshold provided as a number of
#' observations or percentage. This for the total dataset or by class.
#' @param X: the dataset X
#' @param y: the class vector (default:NULL)
#' @param nb.prevalence: the minimum number of non zero observations (default: 10)
#' @param perc.prevalence: the percentage of non zero observations (default: NULL)
#' @param by.class: wether the filter should be applied by class (default: TRUE)
#' @return the filtered dataset, without the features that do not pass the filter.
#' @export
filterFeaturesByPrevalence <- function(X, y = NULL, nb.prevalence = NULL, perc.prevalence = NULL, by.class = TRUE)
# this is a case when we consider y to be only one class
y <- as.factor(rep("all",ncol(X)))
if(any(class(y) == "numeric"))
y <- as.factor(as.character(y))
if(any(class(y) == "character"))
y <- as.factor(y)
# sanity check
check.X_y_w(X, y)
# Get the prevalence for all the features
prev <- getFeaturePrevalence(features = rownames(X), X = X, y = y, prop = FALSE)
prev <- prev[!duplicated(prev)]
card <- length(y)
cards <- table(y)
cards.min <- cards;
cards.min[1:length(cards.min)] <- rep(NA,length(cards.min))
card.min <- NA
stop("filterFeaturesByPrevalence: please provide a value for nb.prevalence or perc.prevalence!")
if(perc.prevalence < 0 | perc.prevalence > 100)
stop("filterFeaturesByPrevalence: please provide a perc.prevalence value between 0 and 100!")
if(length(cards.min) > 1)
# if we have more than one class
for(i in 1:length(cards))
cards.min[i] <- round(perc.prevalence * cards[i] /100)
cards.min <- round(perc.prevalence * card /100)
card.min <- round(perc.prevalence * card /100)
}else # if nb prevalence is given
stop("filterFeaturesByPrevalence: please chose either nb.prevalence or perc.prevalence!")
if(length(cards.min) > 1)
# if we have more than one class
for(i in 1:length(cards))
cards.min[i] <- min(nb.prevalence, cards[i]) # to set up an upper limit
cards.min <- nb.prevalence
card.min <- nb.prevalence
# create a mask
ind <- rep(TRUE,nrow(X))
for(i in 1:length(cards))
# adjust the mask by taking into account all the filters for each level
ind <- ind & prev[[names(cards)[i]]] >= cards.min[i]
tokeep <- names(which(ind))
tokeep <- names(which(prev$all >= card.min))
res <- X[tokeep,]
#' filterNoSignal: Omits the variables with no information
#' @description This function will clean a dataset from the variables that have no or little information.
#' @param X: the dataset to clean
#' @param side: side=1 means that variables are in the rows. Other than 1 it will transpose the dataset
#' @param threshold: auto, will compute the first derivate of the median(sd)/x and will find an automatic threshold. When threshold is a numerical it will be used as a threshold and when is something else, will automatically be 0.
#' @param verbose: print out information when TRUE (default:FALSE)
#' @export
filterNoSignal <- function(X, side = 1, threshold = "auto", verbose = FALSE)
# Side = 1 this is for the rows, if something else we will transpose
if(side == 1)
res <- X
res <- t(X)
# compute the standard deviation
s <- apply(res, 1, stats::sd, na.rm = TRUE)
s.median <- stats::median(s, na.rm = TRUE)
print(paste("The standard deviation distribution is:"))
if(threshold == "auto")
# Compute distribution of median(s)/x
th <- seq(1:1000)
x <- c()
for(i in 1:1000)
x <- rbind(x, table(s < s.median / th[i]))
# ind <- (c(x[,2],0)-c(0,x[,2]))[1001] *-1 # first derivate
ind <- (c(x[,2],0,0) + c(0,0,x[,2]) - 2*c(0,x[,2],0)) # second derivate
d2 <- max(ind[-c(1,2)])
thresh <- stats::median(s) / d2
if(verbose) print(paste("The best automatic threshold is", thresh))
}else if(is.numeric(threshold))
thresh <- threshold
# only the empty variables
thresh <- 0
res <- res[which(s > thresh),]
if(side!=1) # retranspose
res <- data.frame(t(res))
#' cleanPopulation
#' @description Looks for invalid predomics objects in a population and removes them.
#' @param pop: is population (a list) of predomics objects
#' @param clf: the classifier object
#' @return a population of predomics objects
#' @export
cleanPopulation <- function(pop, clf)
stop("cleanPopulation: please provide a valid clf object")
if(is.null(pop)) # if not null
if(clf$params$warnings) warning("cleanPopulation: empty population.")
# Test which models are real and which are not and delete them otherwise
tokeep <- unlist(lapply(pop, isModel))
pop <- pop[tokeep]
# don't continue if nothing left
# Destroy any model if it contains
# indices == 0
indices.tags <- unlist(lapply(populationGet_X(element2get = "indices_", toVec = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop), length))
pop <- pop[-which(indices.tags==0)]
# coefficients == 0
coeffs.tags <- unlist(lapply(populationGet_X(element2get = "coeffs_", toVec = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop), length))
pop <- pop[-which(coeffs.tags==0)]
# coefficients == 0
names.tags <- unlist(lapply(populationGet_X(element2get = "names_", toVec = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop), length))
pop <- pop[-which(names.tags==0)]
# recompute everything to make sure we have the same numbers
indices.tags <- unlist(lapply(populationGet_X(element2get = "indices_", toVec = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop), length))
names.tags <- unlist(lapply(populationGet_X(element2get = "names_", toVec = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop), length))
coeffs.tags <- unlist(lapply(populationGet_X(element2get = "coeffs_", toVec = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop), length))
sparsity.tags <- populationGet_X(element2get = "eval.sparsity", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop)
# if there is a difference in number of elements among indices, names, coeffs and sparsity
checkEmntNb <- function(v){
# make a data frame to test all
df <- data.frame(indices.tags,
df.test <- apply(df,1,checkEmntNb)
pop <- pop[-which(!df.test)]
#' Summarize the results from an experiment object
#' @description Sumarizes the results of an experiment object of the type
#' `obj$classifier` and `obj$crossval`. This is different from the digestMC(),
#' which sumarizes a model collection obj$models
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param obj: The experiment object resulting from the learning process `fit()`
#' @param penalty: A coefficient between 0 and 1, which is applied to penalize
#' the performance of models as a consequence of model-size. We use this to select
#' the best model of the population of models (default:NULL)
#' @param best.cv: Should we chose the best model based on information learnerd
#' cross validation (default:TRUE). This will work if the crossvalidation data is
#' available. If not the best model will be selected with empirical results.
#' @param best.k: If we do not wish to let the algorithm select the model size,
#' we can fix this by setting the best.k with an integer indicating the number of
#' variables in the model (default:NULL).
#' @param plot: Should the digested results be plotted ? (default:FALSE)
#' @param omit.na: Omit data with empty results (default:TRUE)
#' @return an object with digested information such as the best models for each
#' model-size, their respective scores, the best model.
#' @export
digest <- function(obj,
penalty = NULL,
best.cv = TRUE,
best.k = NULL,
plot = FALSE,
omit.na = TRUE)
stop("digest: The object did not pass the sanity check for an Experiment object!")
# so that it works with below
penalty <- 0
if(length(penalty) > 1)
stop("digest: Please provide a single value for penalty!")
res <- list()
res$learner <- obj$classifier$learner
# Empirical
res$best <- list()
res$best$models <- getNBestModels(obj = obj,
significance = TRUE,
by.k.sparsity = TRUE,
k.penalty = penalty,
n.best = 1,
single.best = FALSE,
single.best.cv = best.cv,
single.best.k = best.k,
max.min.prevalence = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
evalToOrder = "fit_",
return.population = TRUE, # population
unique.control = TRUE
# sanity check
warning("digest: no models are found. Returning empty handed.")
res$best$model <- getNBestModels(obj = obj,
significance = TRUE,
by.k.sparsity = TRUE,
k.penalty = penalty,
n.best = 5,
single.best = TRUE, # give best
single.best.cv = best.cv, # based on CV
single.best.k = best.k,
max.min.prevalence = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
evalToOrder = "fit_",
return.population = FALSE # population
res$best$scores <- list()
res$best$scores$fit_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "fit_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
res$best$scores$auc_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "auc_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
res$best$scores$accuracy_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "accuracy_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
res$best$scores$precision_<- populationGet_X(element2get = "precision_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
res$best$scores$recall_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "recall_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
res$best$scores$f1_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "f1_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
res$best$scores$cor_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "cor_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
res$best$scores$ser_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "ser_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
res$best$scores$rsq_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "rsq_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best$models)
# Cross Validation (if activated)
res$cv <- list()
res$cv <- obj$crossVal
crossval <- TRUE
warning(paste("crossval information unavailable for", obj$learner))
crossval <- FALSE
maj.class <- NA # default value for maj.class
# Majoritary class for all folds
if(obj$classifier$params$objective == "auc")
if(obj$classifier$params$evalToFit == "accuracy_")
maj.class <- rep(NA, length(obj$classifier$lfolds))
# if accuracy
for(i in 1:length(maj.class))
maj.class[i] <- max(table(obj$classifier$data$y[-obj$classifier$lfolds[[i]]])/length(obj$classifier$data$y[-obj$classifier$lfolds[[i]]]))
# if AUC
maj.class <- 0.5
} # if correlation it is NA
# Plotting the results
# set the limits
ylim <- c(0,1)
# make an empty plot in case it does not work
g.empty <- ggplot(data.frame()) + geom_point() + xlim(0, 10) + ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.5)) +
ylab("") +
xlab("Model parismony sparse") +
ggtitle("") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray")
# if correlation
# overall training accuracy learner results
dat <- res$cv$scores$empirical.cor
dat <- dat[rowSums(!is.na(dat))!=0,]
df <- data.frame(parsimony = rownames(dat),dat)
df.melt <- melt(df, id.vars = "parsimony")
df.melt$parsimony <- as.factor(df.melt$parsimony)
df.melt$parsimony <- factor(df.melt$parsimony,
levels = levels(df.melt$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df.melt$parsimony))))]
g.cor.emp.cv <- ggplot(data = df.melt, aes(y = value, x = parsimony)) +
geom_point(aes(color = variable), position=position_jitterdodge(dodge.width=0.9), size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_boxplot(notch = FALSE, outlier.colour = NA, position = position_dodge(width=0.9), alpha = 0.3) +
ylab("cor_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Training performance (CV)") +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
#geom_hline(yintercept = unique(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# overall testing accuracy learner results
dat <- res$cv$scores$generalization.cor
dat <- dat[rowSums(!is.na(dat))!=0,]
df <- data.frame(parsimony = rownames(dat),dat)
df.melt <- melt(df, id.vars = "parsimony")
df.melt$parsimony <- as.factor(df.melt$parsimony)
df.melt$parsimony <- factor(df.melt$parsimony,
levels = levels(df.melt$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df.melt$parsimony))))]
g.cor.gen.cv <- ggplot(data = df.melt, aes(y = value, x = parsimony)) +
geom_point(aes(color = variable), position=position_jitterdodge(dodge.width=0.9), size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_boxplot(notch = FALSE, outlier.colour = NA, position = position_dodge(width=0.9), alpha = 0.3) +
ylab("cor_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Testing performance (CV)") +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
#geom_hline(yintercept = unique(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
g.cor.emp.cv <- g.empty
g.cor.gen.cv <- g.empty
# RHO Empirical
v <- res$best$scores$cor_
df <- data.frame(value = v, parsimony = names(v))
df$parsimony <- factor(df$parsimony,
levels = levels(df$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df$parsimony))))]
g.cor.emp <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = parsimony, y = value, group = 1)) +
geom_line(aes(color = "gray")) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "gray") +
ylab("cor_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Emprical performance") +
labs(subtitle = paste("L:",obj$classifier$learner,"|F:",signif(res$best$model$cor_,4),"|k:",length(res$best$model$indices_), sep="")) +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# RSQ Empirical (R squared)
v <- res$best$scores$rsq_
df <- data.frame(value = v, parsimony = names(v))
df$parsimony <- factor(df$parsimony,
levels = levels(df$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df$parsimony))))]
g.rsq.emp <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = parsimony, y = value, group = 1)) +
geom_line(aes(color = "gray")) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "gray") +
ylab("rsq_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Emprical performance") +
labs(subtitle = paste("L:",obj$classifier$learner,"|F:",signif(res$best$model$rsq_,4),"|k:",length(res$best$model$indices_), sep="")) +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# SER Empirical (Standar error of the regression)
v <- res$best$scores$ser_
df <- data.frame(value = v, parsimony = names(v))
df$parsimony <- factor(df$parsimony,
levels = levels(df$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df$parsimony))))]
g.ser.emp <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = parsimony, y = value, group = 1)) +
geom_line(aes(color = "gray")) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "gray") +
ylab("ser_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Emprical performance") +
labs(subtitle = paste("L:",obj$classifier$learner,"|F:",signif(res$best$model$ser_,4),"|k:",length(res$best$model$indices_), sep="")) +
#ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
grid.arrange(g.cor.emp.cv, g.cor.gen.cv,
# empricial
g.cor.emp, g.rsq.emp,
ncol = 2)
}else # if classification
# make an empty plot in case it does not work
g.empty <- ggplot(data.frame()) + geom_point() + xlim(0, 10) + ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.5)) +
ylab("") +
xlab("Model parismony sparse") +
ggtitle("") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), lty=2, col="lightgray") +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.5), lty=2, col="lightgray")
# overall training accuracy learner results
dat <- res$cv$scores$empirical.acc
dat <- dat[rowSums(!is.na(dat))!=0,]
df <- data.frame(parsimony = rownames(dat),dat)
df.melt <- melt(df, id.vars = "parsimony")
df.melt$parsimony <- as.factor(df.melt$parsimony)
df.melt$parsimony <- factor(df.melt$parsimony,
levels = levels(df.melt$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df.melt$parsimony))))]
g.accuracy.emp.cv <- ggplot(data = df.melt, aes(y = value, x = parsimony)) +
geom_point(aes(color = variable), position=position_jitterdodge(dodge.width=0.9), size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_boxplot(notch = FALSE, outlier.colour = NA, position = position_dodge(width=0.9), alpha = 0.3) +
ylab("accuracy_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Training performance (CV)") +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = unique(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# overall testing accuracy learner results
dat <- res$cv$scores$generalization.acc
dat <- dat[rowSums(!is.na(dat))!=0,]
df <- data.frame(parsimony = rownames(dat),dat)
df.melt <- melt(df, id.vars = "parsimony")
df.melt$parsimony <- as.factor(df.melt$parsimony)
df.melt$parsimony <- factor(df.melt$parsimony,
levels = levels(df.melt$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df.melt$parsimony))))]
g.accuracy.gen.cv <- ggplot(data = df.melt, aes(y = value, x = parsimony)) +
geom_point(aes(color = variable), position=position_jitterdodge(dodge.width=0.9), size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_boxplot(notch = FALSE, outlier.colour = NA, position = position_dodge(width=0.9), alpha = 0.3) +
ylab("accuracy_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Testing performance (CV)") +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = unique(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# overall training accuracy learner results
dat <- res$cv$scores$empirical.auc
dat <- dat[rowSums(!is.na(dat))!=0,]
df <- data.frame(parsimony = rownames(dat),dat)
df.melt <- melt(df, id.vars = "parsimony")
df.melt$parsimony <- as.factor(df.melt$parsimony)
df.melt$parsimony <- factor(df.melt$parsimony,
levels = levels(df.melt$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df.melt$parsimony))))]
g.auc.emp.cv <- ggplot(data = df.melt, aes(y = value, x = parsimony)) +
geom_point(aes(color = variable), position=position_jitterdodge(dodge.width=0.9), size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_boxplot(notch = FALSE, outlier.colour = NA, position = position_dodge(width=0.9), alpha = 0.3) +
ylab("auc_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Training performance (CV)") +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# overall testing accuracy learner results
dat <- res$cv$scores$generalization.auc
dat <- dat[rowSums(!is.na(dat))!=0,]
df <- data.frame(parsimony = rownames(dat),dat)
df.melt <- melt(df, id.vars = "parsimony")
df.melt$parsimony <- as.factor(df.melt$parsimony)
df.melt$parsimony <- factor(df.melt$parsimony,
levels = levels(df.melt$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df.melt$parsimony))))]
g.auc.gen.cv <- ggplot(data = df.melt, aes(y = value, x = parsimony)) +
geom_point(aes(color = variable), position=position_jitterdodge(dodge.width=0.9), size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_boxplot(notch = FALSE, outlier.colour = NA, position = position_dodge(width=0.9), alpha = 0.3) +
ylab("auc_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Testing performance (CV)") +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
g.accuracy.emp.cv <- g.empty
g.accuracy.gen.cv <- g.empty
g.auc.emp.cv <- g.empty
g.auc.gen.cv <- g.empty
g.accuracy.emp <- g.empty
g.auc.emp <- g.empty
g.recall.emp <- g.empty
g.precision.emp <- g.empty
# ACCURACY Empirical
v <- res$best$scores$accuracy_
df <- data.frame(value = v, parsimony = names(v))
df$parsimony <- as.factor(df$parsimony)
df$parsimony <- factor(df$parsimony,
levels = levels(df$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df$parsimony))))]
g.accuracy.emp <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = parsimony, y = value, group = 1)) +
geom_line(aes(color = "gray")) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "gray") +
ylab("accuracy_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Emprical performance") +
labs(subtitle = paste("L:",obj$classifier$learner,"|F:",signif(res$best$model$accuracy_,4),"|k:",length(res$best$model$indices_), sep="")) +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# AUC Empirical
v <- res$best$scores$auc_
df <- data.frame(value = v, parsimony = names(v))
df$parsimony <- as.factor(df$parsimony)
df$parsimony <- factor(df$parsimony,
levels = levels(df$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df$parsimony))))]
g.auc.emp <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = parsimony, y = value, group = 1)) +
geom_line(aes(color = "gray")) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "gray") +
ylab("auc_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Emprical performance") +
labs(subtitle = paste("L:",obj$classifier$learner,"|F:",signif(res$best$model$auc_,4),"|k:",length(res$best$model$indices_), sep="")) +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(maj.class), col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# RECALL Empirical
v <- res$best$scores$recall_
df <- data.frame(value = v, parsimony = names(v))
df$parsimony <- as.factor(df$parsimony)
df$parsimony <- factor(df$parsimony,
levels = levels(df$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df$parsimony))))]
g.recall.emp <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = parsimony, y = value, group = 1)) +
geom_line(aes(color = "gray")) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "gray") +
ylab("recall_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Emprical performance") +
labs(subtitle = paste("L:",obj$classifier$learner,"|F:",signif(res$best$model$recall_,4),"|k:",length(res$best$model$indices_), sep="")) +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
# PRECISION Empirical
v <- res$best$scores$precision_
df <- data.frame(value = v, parsimony = names(v))
df$parsimony <- as.factor(df$parsimony)
df$parsimony <- factor(df$parsimony,
levels = levels(df$parsimony)[order(as.numeric(gsub("k_","",levels(df$parsimony))))]
g.precision.emp <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = parsimony, y = value, group = 1)) +
geom_line(aes(color = "gray")) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = "gray") +
ylab("precision_") +
xlab("Model parsimony") +
ggtitle("Emprical performance") +
labs(subtitle = paste("L:",obj$classifier$learner,"|F:",signif(res$best$model$precision_,4),"|k:",length(res$best$model$indices_), sep="")) +
ylim(ylim) +
theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, col = "gray", linetype = "dashed") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(colour = "none")
} # end existing scores
grid.arrange(g.accuracy.emp.cv, g.accuracy.gen.cv,
g.auc.emp.cv, g.auc.gen.cv,
# empricial
g.accuracy.emp, g.auc.emp,
g.recall.emp, g.precision.emp,
ncol = 2)
} # end classification
# return digested results
#' Summarize the results from a given modelCollection object
#' @title digestModelCollection
#' @description Sumarizes the results of a model collection object of the type clf_res$models. This is different from the digest() which sumarizes an experiment clf_res$classifier$models
#' @param obj: a modelCollection object
#' @param X: the dataset (default = NULL)
#' @param clf: the classifier object
#' @param k.penalty: the penalty to apply for sparsity (default:0).
#' @param mmprev: activate the max.min.prevalence selector (default:FALSE)
#' @return an object with sumarized results such as the best models for each k_sparse, their respective scores, the best model, etc
#' @export
digestModelCollection <- function(obj, X = NULL, clf, k.penalty = 0, mmprev = FALSE)
# STOP for debug
stop("digestModelCollection: The object is not a modelCollection")
res <- list()
res$learner <- clf$learner
# extract the best models
# TODO include getTheBestModel & getBestIndividual in getBestModels
if(mmprev & !is.null(X))
res$best_models <- getNBestModels(obj = obj,
significance = TRUE,
by.k.sparsity = TRUE,
k.penalty = k.penalty,
n.best = 1,
single.best = FALSE,
single.best.cv = FALSE,
single.best.k = NULL,
max.min.prevalence = TRUE, # max min prevalence
verbose = FALSE,
evalToOrder = "fit_",
return.population = TRUE, # population
unique.control = TRUE
res$best_model <- getNBestModels(obj = obj,
significance = TRUE,
by.k.sparsity = TRUE,
k.penalty = k.penalty,
n.best = 1,
single.best = TRUE, # !!! give best
single.best.cv = FALSE, # based on CV
single.best.k = NULL,
max.min.prevalence = TRUE, # max min prevalence
verbose = FALSE,
evalToOrder = "fit_",
return.population = FALSE # this will be a model
res$best_models <- getNBestModels(obj = obj,
significance = TRUE,
by.k.sparsity = TRUE,
k.penalty = k.penalty,
n.best = 1,
single.best = FALSE,
single.best.cv = FALSE,
single.best.k = NULL,
max.min.prevalence = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
evalToOrder = "fit_",
return.population = TRUE, # population
unique.control = TRUE
res$best_model <- getNBestModels(obj = obj,
significance = TRUE,
by.k.sparsity = TRUE,
k.penalty = k.penalty,
n.best = 1,
single.best = TRUE, # !!! give best
single.best.cv = FALSE, # based on CV
single.best.k = NULL,
max.min.prevalence = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
evalToOrder = "fit_",
return.population = FALSE # this will be a model
res$best_models.fit <- populationGet_X(element2get = "fit_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best_models)
res$best_models.accuracy <- populationGet_X(element2get = "accuracy_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best_models)
res$best_models.precision <- populationGet_X(element2get = "precision_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best_models)
res$best_models.recall <- populationGet_X(element2get = "recall_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best_models)
res$best_models.f1_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "f1_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best_models)
res$best_models.cor_ <- populationGet_X(element2get = "cor_", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop = res$best_models)
#' Merge a list of empirical scores form digest results
#' @title mergeMeltScoreEmpirical
#' @description mergeMeltScoreEmpirical returns a data frames that contain the performance of each digest in the list with their sparsity.
#' @param list.results.digest: a list of digest objects one for each learner used. For example, list(res.terda.digest, res.terga.digest, res.terbeam.digest)
#' @param k_catalogue: the k_catalogue that will serve to build the result matrix
#' @param score: which score is to be used for value (default: fit_)
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export
mergeMeltScoreEmpirical <- function(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score = "fit_")
stop("mergeMeltScoreEmpirical: list results is empty!")
warning(paste("mergeMeltScoreEmpirical: results from this score are not found!",score))
tmp.value <- c(); tmp.method <- c()
for(i in 1:length(list.results.digest))
values <- list.results.digest[[i]]$best$scores[[score]][k_catalogue];
method <- rep(names(list.results.digest)[i], length(k_catalogue))
names(values) <- k_catalogue
tmp.value <- c(tmp.value, values)
tmp.method <- c(tmp.method, method)
res <- data.frame(tmp.method, names(tmp.value), tmp.value)
colnames(res) <- c("method","variable","value"); rm(tmp.method, tmp.value, values)
res$variable <- factor(res$variable, levels = k_catalogue)
res$method <- factor(res$method, levels = names(list.results.digest))
#' Merge a list of cross validation scores form digest results
#' @import reshape2
#' @title mergeMeltScoreCV
#' @description mergeMeltScoreCV returns a list of data frames that contain the performance of each digest in the list with their sparsity.
#' @param list.results.digest: a list of digest objects one for each learner used. For example, list(res.terda.digest, res.terga.digest, res.terbeam.digest)
#' @param k_catalogue: the k_catalogue that will serve to build the result matrix
#' @param generalization: get results from CV generalization (if TRUE) or empirical otherwise (default: TRUE)
#' @param score: the name of the score that needs to be used for the whole dataset visualization.
#' @return a list of two data.frames
#' @export
mergeMeltScoreCV <- function(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = TRUE, score = "auc_")
fuseCvResults <- function(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind, mask)
tmp <- mask # empty matrix
indr <- intersect(rownames(mask), rownames(list.results.digest[[1]]$cv$scores[[ind]]))
indc <- paste("fold", length(inds.folds[[1]]), sep="_")
tmp[indr, ] <- list.results.digest[[1]]$cv$scores[[ind]][indr, inds.folds[[1]]] # initialize
cv.res <- tmp
if (length(list.results.digest)>=2)
for(i in 2:length(list.results.digest))
tmp <- mask # empty matrix
indr <- intersect(rownames(mask), rownames(list.results.digest[[i]]$cv$scores[[ind]]))
indc <- paste("fold", length(inds.folds[[1]]), sep="_")
tmp[indr, ] <- list.results.digest[[i]]$cv$scores[[ind]][indr, inds.folds[[i]]] # initialize
cv.res <- data.frame(cv.res, tmp)
cv.res <- t(cv.res)
e.nb <- length(list.results.digest) # number of classifiers
e.name <- names(list.results.digest)
# get the number of k-folds for each experiment, which can be differnt from one to another.
nbfolds <- rep(NA, e.nb)
names(nbfolds) <- e.name
for(i in 1:e.nb)
nbfolds[i] <- ncol(list.results.digest[[i]]$cv$scores$empirical.auc)
nbfolds[i] <- NA
# get the same indices for the folds (minimal number)
inds.folds <- NULL
if(min(nbfolds, na.rm = TRUE) != max(nbfolds, na.rm = TRUE))
inds.folds <- list()
for(i in 1:e.nb)
inds.folds[[i]] <- sample(x = seq_len(nbfolds[i]), size = min(nbfolds), replace = FALSE)
inds.folds[[i]] <- NULL
{ # else just get the increasing index
inds.folds <- list()
for(i in 1:e.nb)
inds.folds[[i]] <- seq_len(nbfolds[i])
inds.folds[[i]] <- NULL
# Whole datasest empirical
tmp.value <- c()
tmp.method <- c()
all.folds <- c()
for(i in 1:e.nb) # for all the classifiers
values <- list.results.digest[[i]]$best$scores[[score]][k_catalogue];
method <- rep(e.name[i], length(k_catalogue))
names(values) <- k_catalogue
tmp.value <- c(tmp.value, values)
tmp.method <- c(tmp.method, method)
# focus on the inds.folds index
all.folds <- c(all.folds, colnames(list.results.digest[[i]]$cv$scores$empirical.auc[,inds.folds[[i]]]))
# put results
res <- data.frame(tmp.method, names(tmp.value), tmp.value)
colnames(res) <- c("method","variable","value"); rm(tmp.method, tmp.value, values)
res$variable <- factor(res$variable, levels = k_catalogue)
res$method <- factor(res$method, levels = e.name)
mask <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(k_catalogue), ncol = min(nbfolds, na.rm = TRUE)))
rownames(mask) <- k_catalogue
colnames(mask) <- paste("fold",seq_len(ncol(mask)),sep="_")
# auc
if(generalization) # generalization results
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="generalization.auc", mask)
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="empirical.auc", mask)
}else if(score=="accuracy_")
# accuracy
if(generalization) # generalization results
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="generalization.acc", mask)
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="empirical.acc", mask)
}else if(score=="recall_")
# recall
if(generalization) # generalization results
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="generalization.rec", mask)
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="empirical.rec", mask)
}else if(score=="precision_")
# precision
if(generalization) # generalization results
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="generalization.prc", mask)
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="empirical.prc", mask)
}else if(score=="f1_")
# f1-score
if(generalization) # generalization results
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="generalization.f1s", mask)
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind="empirical.f1s", mask)
}else if(score=="cor_")
# regression
if(generalization) # generalization results
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind=6, mask)
cv.res <- fuseCvResults(list.results.digest, inds.folds, ind=5, mask)
warning(paste("mergeMeltScoreCV: The score:", score, "is not a valid one."))
warning(paste("mergeMeltScoreCV: The score:", score, "does not contain any data."))
# add a column method
method <- c()
for(i in 1:e.nb) # for all the classifiers
method <- c(method, rep(e.name[i], min(nbfolds, na.rm = TRUE)))
# melt things together
if(score=="auc_" | score=="accuracy_" | score=="recall_" | score=="precision_" | score=="f1_" | score=="cor_")
# auc
cv.res <- data.frame(cv.res, method)
cv.res$method <- factor(cv.res$method, levels = e.name) # reorder the factor
cv.res.long <- melt(cv.res, id = c('method')) #from package reshape2
cv.res.long$method <- factor(cv.res.long$method, levels = e.name) # reorder the factor
# compute for each method and variable the standard error
cv.res.long.summary <- summarySE(data = cv.res.long, measurevar="value", groupvars=c("method", "variable"), na.rm = TRUE)
cv.res.long.summary$method <- factor(cv.res.long.summary$method, levels = e.name) # reorder the factor
warning(paste("mergeMeltScoreCV: The score:",score,"is not a valid one."))
res <- list()
res$cv <- cv.res.long
res$cv.se <- cv.res.long.summary
#' Merge a list of cross validation scores form digest results
#' @import reshape2
#' @title mergeMeltBestScoreCV
#' @description mergeMeltBestScoreCV returns a list of data frames that contain the best performance of the different learners without any focus on sparsity.
#' @param list.results.digest: a list of digest objects one for each learner used. For example, list(res.terda.digest, res.terga.digest, res.terbeam.digest)
#' @param k_catalogue: the k_catalogue that will serve to build the result matrix (default:NULL)
#' @param score: the name of the score that needs to be used for the whole dataset visualization.
#' @param min.kfold.nb: wether we should restrict all experiments in the smallest number of k-folds of a comparative analyses (default = FALSE)
#' @return a list of two data.frames
#' @export
mergeMeltBestScoreCV <- function(list.results.digest, k_catalogue = NULL, score="auc_", penalty = 0, min.kfold.nb = FALSE)
# if the best.k is set
if(length(penalty) != length(list.results.digest) & length(penalty) != 1)
stop("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: Please provide a vector of penalty of the same length as there are experiments.
When the penalty is to be disabled for a given experiment, please provide 0 for that one!")
stop("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: Please provide a list penalty that are numeric!")
penalty <- rep(0, length(list.results.digest))
names(penalty) <- names(list.results.digest)
if(score=="auc_" | score=="accuracy_" | score=="recall_" | score=="precision_" | score=="f1_" | score=="cor_")
e.nb <- length(list.results.digest) # number of classifiers
e.name <- names(list.results.digest) # names of the classifiers
# get the number of k-folds for each experiment, which can be differnt from one to another.
nbfolds <- rep(NA, e.nb)
names(nbfolds) <- e.name
for(i in 1:e.nb)
nbfolds[i] <- ncol(list.results.digest[[i]]$cv$scores$empirical.auc)
nbfolds[i] <- NA
inds.folds <- NULL
if(min(nbfolds, na.rm = TRUE) != max(nbfolds, na.rm = TRUE) & min.kfold.nb)
inds.folds <- list()
for(i in 1:e.nb)
inds.folds[[i]] <- sample(x = seq_len(nbfolds[i]), size = min(nbfolds), replace = FALSE)
inds.folds[[i]] <- NULL
{ # else just get the increasing index
inds.folds <- list()
for(i in 1:e.nb)
inds.folds[[i]] <- seq_len(nbfolds[i])
inds.folds[[i]] <- NULL
# Sanity check
if(length(penalty) == 1)
penalty <- rep(penalty, e.nb)
# Abreviations for the results
key <- data.frame(real = c("auc_","accuracy_","recall_","precision_","f1_","cor_"),
abbrv = c("auc","acc","rec","prc","f1s","cor"))
rownames(key) <- key$real
# build a list with results on each classifier.
res.split <- list()
k_catalogue <- rownames(list.results.digest[[1]]$cv$k$acc)
for(i in 1:e.nb) # for each classifier
emp.name <- paste("empirical", as.character(key[score,]$abbrv), sep=".")
gen.name <- paste("generalization", as.character(key[score,]$abbrv), sep=".")
# for each classifier
emp.data <- list.results.digest[[i]]$cv$scores[[emp.name]][k_catalogue, inds.folds[[i]]]
gen.data <- list.results.digest[[i]]$cv$scores[[gen.name]][k_catalogue, inds.folds[[i]]]
# plot for debug
# par(mfrow=c(2,1)); image(as.matrix(t(emp.data))); image(as.matrix(t(gen.data)))
if(!is.null(emp.data) & !is.null(gen.data))
# compute the penalty data
spar <- as.numeric(gsub("k_","",k_catalogue))
mean_score <- rowMeans(emp.data, na.rm = TRUE)
mean_score_penalty <- mean_score - penalty[i] * spar
if(isModel(obj = list.results.digest[[i]]$best$model))
k_sparse <- paste0("k_",list.results.digest[[i]]$best$model$eval.sparsity)
#plot(mean_score, mean_score_penalty, ylim=c(0,1),xlim=c(0.5,1))
ind <- match(k_sparse, k_catalogue)
best_empirical <- rep(NA,ncol(emp.data))
best_generalization <- rep(NA,ncol(gen.data))
best_empirical <- as.numeric(emp.data[ind,])
best_generalization <- as.numeric(gen.data[ind,])
warning(paste("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: No best model was identified for this learner based on the constrains decided."))
# plot(mean_score, mean_score_penalty, ylim=c(0,1),xlim=c(0.5,1))
# ind <- match(k_sparse, k_catalogue)
best_empirical <- rep(NA,ncol(emp.data))
best_generalization <- rep(NA,ncol(gen.data))
# best_empirical <- as.numeric(emp.data[ind,])
# best_generalization <- as.numeric(gen.data[ind,])
# for GLMNET models
ind.fold <- apply(!is.na(emp.data),2, function(x) {return(max(spar[x]))})
ind.fold <- match(ind.fold, spar)
for(k in 1:ncol(emp.data))
best_empirical[k] <- as.numeric(emp.data[ind.fold[k],k])
best_generalization[k] <- as.numeric(gen.data[ind.fold[k],k])
# This is the number of features selected in the best model whole dataset.
# It will be different form the generalization due to the fact that experiments are selected in a subset of sparsity
k_sparse <- paste0("k_",list.results.digest[[i]]$best$model$eval.sparsity)
# for TERDA models
# ind.fold <- apply(!is.na(emp.data),2, function(x) {return(max(spar[x]))})
# ind.fold <- match(ind.fold, spar)
# for(k in 1:ncol(emp.data))
# {
# best_empirical[k] <- as.numeric(emp.data[ind.fold[k],k])
# best_generalization[k] <- as.numeric(gen.data[ind.fold[k],k])
# }
# This is the number of features selected in the best model whole dataset.
# It will be different form the generalization due to the fact that experiments are selected in a subset of sparsity
# k_sparse <- paste0("k_",list.results.digest[[i]]$best$model$eval.sparsity)
# find the closest in sparsity
df <- as.data.frame(cbind(sparproxy = abs(spar - list.results.digest[[i]]$best$model$eval.sparsity),
nbnona = rowSums(!is.na(emp.data))))
k_sparse <- k_catalogue[which.min(df$sparproxy)]
#k_sparse <- k_catalogue[which.min(abs(spar - list.results.digest[[i]]$best$model$eval.sparsity))]
ind <- match(k_sparse, k_catalogue)
res.split[[i]] <- data.frame(best_empirical, best_generalization, k_sparse)
res.split[[i]] <- data.frame(best_empirical = NA, best_generalization = NA)[-1,]
names(res.split) <- e.name
if(all(unlist(lapply(res.split, nrow))==0))
warning(paste("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: The score:",score,"does not contain any data."))
# melt the list together
#melt(res.split, level="method")
cv.res.melt <- melt(res.split, level="method", measure.vars = c("best_empirical","best_generalization"))
cv.res.melt$Lmethod <- factor(cv.res.melt$Lmethod, levels = e.name) # reorder the factor
# empirical
cv.res.emp <- cv.res.melt[cv.res.melt$variable=="best_empirical",]
cv.res.emp.summary <- summarySE(data=cv.res.emp, measurevar="value", groupvars=c("Lmethod"), na.rm = TRUE)
# reorder the levels
ind.order <- match(names(res.split), cv.res.emp.summary$Lmethod)
cv.res.emp.summary <- cv.res.emp.summary[ind.order,]
# generalization
cv.res.gen <- cv.res.melt[cv.res.melt$variable=="best_generalization",]
cv.res.gen.summary <- summarySE(data=cv.res.gen, measurevar="value", groupvars=c("Lmethod"), na.rm = TRUE)
# reorder the levels
cv.res.gen.summary <- cv.res.gen.summary[ind.order,]
res <- list()
res$split <- res.split
res$melt <- cv.res.melt
res$summary.emp <- cv.res.emp.summary
res$summary.gen <- cv.res.gen.summary
warning(paste("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: The score:", score, "is not a valid one."))
#' Merge a list of Scores form a digest results
#' @title mergeResults
#' @description mergeResults returns a list of data frames that contain the performance of each digest in the list with their sparsity.
#' @param list.results: a list of Experiment objects one for each learner used. For example, list(res.terda, res.terga, res.terbeam)
#' @param sparsity: Sometimes a given method will have results with somehow different sparsity. This param will allow to set the catalogue of sparsity
#' @param best.k: a vector defining wether a given k should be used to set the best model selection (default:NULL).
#' @param colors: a vector defining the colors to be used in the graphics. If not specified they will be set by default. (default:NULL).
#' @param pch: a vector defining the shape of the points to be used in the graphics. If not specified they will be set by default. (default:NULL).
#' @return list of data.frames and lists
#' @export
mergeResults <- function(list.results, sparsity = NULL, penalty = 0.001, best.k = NULL, colors = NULL, pch = NULL)
# sanity checks
if(!all(unlist(lapply(list.results, isExperiment))))
stop("mergeResults: Please provide a list of experiments")
# if no names set them
names(list.results) <- paste("Experiment",1:length(list.results))
e.nb <- length(list.results)
e.name <- names(list.results)
# if the best.k is set
if(length(best.k) != length(list.results))
stop("mergeResults: Please provide a vector best.k of the same length as there are experiments.
When the best.k is to be disabled for a given experiment, please provide NA for that one!")
# if(any(!is.numeric(best.k)))
# {
# stop("mergeResults: Please provide a list best.k that are numeric!")
# }
best.k <- rep(NA, e.nb)
names(best.k) <- e.name
# if the best.k is set
if(length(penalty) != e.nb)
stop("mergeResults: Please provide a vector of penalty of the same length as there are experiments.
When the penalty is to be disabled for a given experiment, please provide 0 for that one!")
stop("mergeResults: Please provide a list penalty that are numeric!")
penalty <- rep(0, e.nb)
names(penalty) <- e.name
# if the best.k is set
if(length(colors) != e.nb)
stop("mergeResults: Please provide a vector of colors of the same length as there are experiments.")
# if not specified
colors <- c(brewer.pal(9,"Set1"),brewer.pal(9, "Set3"), brewer.pal(9, "Spectral"),brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))[seq_len(e.nb)]
names(colors) <- e.name
# if the best.k is set
if(length(pch) != e.nb)
stop("mergeResults: Please provide a vector of pch of the same length as there are experiments.")
# if not specified
pch <- rep(19, e.nb)
names(pch) <- e.name
# digest all the elements for the empirical learners
list.results.digest <- list()
sparsity.all <- c()
for(i in 1:length(list.results))
list.results.digest[[i]] <- digest(obj = list.results[[i]], penalty = penalty[i], best.k = best.k[i], plot = FALSE)
sparsity.all <- c(sparsity.all, list.results[[i]]$classifier$params$sparsity)
# to close set the NULL as elements if they are at the end of the list, add and omit one element
list.results.digest[[i+1]] <- NA; list.results.digest[[i+1]] <- NULL
names(list.results.digest) <- e.name # give the names
# omit the empty ones (not valid) and restrict results to the valid ones;
ind.tokeep <- !unlist(lapply(list.results.digest, is.null))
list.results <- list.results[ind.tokeep]
list.results.digest <- list.results.digest[ind.tokeep]
penalty <- penalty[ind.tokeep]
best.k <- best.k[ind.tokeep]
colors <- colors[ind.tokeep]
pch <- pch[ind.tokeep]
e.nb <- sum(ind.tokeep)
e.name <- e.name[ind.tokeep]
# get the sparsities found in the data
sparsity.all <- sort(unique(sparsity.all))
sparsity.full <- seq_len(max(sparsity.all, na.rm = TRUE))
# fix k_catalogue
k <- sparsity
k <- sparsity.full
k_catalogue <- paste("k", k, sep="_") # set a catalogue of k_sparse individuals
list.scores <- list()
list.scores$empirical <- list()
# EMPIRICAL long version of the best_models scores by method and variable (k_sparse)
list.scores$empirical$fit_ <- mergeMeltScoreEmpirical(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score = "fit_")
list.scores$empirical$auc_ <- mergeMeltScoreEmpirical(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score = "auc_")
list.scores$empirical$accuracy_ <- mergeMeltScoreEmpirical(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score = "accuracy_")
list.scores$empirical$recall_ <- mergeMeltScoreEmpirical(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score = "recall_")
list.scores$empirical$precision_ <- mergeMeltScoreEmpirical(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score = "precision_")
list.scores$empirical$f1_ <- mergeMeltScoreEmpirical(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score = "f1_")
list.scores$empirical$cor_ <- mergeMeltScoreEmpirical(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score = "cor_")
# CROSS VALIDATION results per k_sparsity
list.scores$cv.empirical.auc <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = FALSE, score = "auc_")
list.scores$cv.generalization.auc <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = TRUE, score = "auc_")
# accuracy
list.scores$cv.empirical.acc <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = FALSE, score = "accuracy_")
list.scores$cv.generalization.acc <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = TRUE, score = "accuracy_")
# recall
list.scores$cv.empirical.rec <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = FALSE, score = "recall_")
list.scores$cv.generalization.rec <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = TRUE, score = "recall_")
# precision
list.scores$cv.empirical.prc <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = FALSE, score = "precision_")
list.scores$cv.generalization.prc <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = TRUE, score = "precision_")
# f1-score
list.scores$cv.empirical.f1s <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = FALSE, score = "f1_")
list.scores$cv.generalization.f1s <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = TRUE, score = "f1_")
# correlation
list.scores$cv.empirical.cor <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = FALSE, score = "cor_")
list.scores$cv.generalization.cor <- mergeMeltScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, generalization = TRUE, score = "cor_")
# BEST MODEL scores regardless of k_sparse
list.scores$best.auc <- mergeMeltBestScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score="auc_", penalty = penalty)
list.scores$best.acc <- mergeMeltBestScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score="accuracy_", penalty = penalty)
list.scores$best.rec <- mergeMeltBestScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score="recall_", penalty = penalty)
list.scores$best.prc <- mergeMeltBestScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score="precision_", penalty = penalty)
list.scores$best.f1s <- mergeMeltBestScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score="f1_", penalty = penalty)
list.scores$best.cor <- mergeMeltBestScoreCV(list.results.digest, k_catalogue, score="cor_", penalty = penalty)
# Make a final object to return
list.scores$list.results.digest <- list.results.digest
list.scores$k_catalogue <- k_catalogue
# add the majoritary distribution. We compute this for all experiments in the case that we compare different experiments
maj.class <- rep(NA,length(list.results))
for(i in 1:length(list.results))
maj.table <- table(list.results[[i]]$classifier$data$y)
maj.table <- table(list.results[[i]]$classifier$y)
maj.class[i] <- max(maj.table/sum(maj.table))
list.scores$maj.class <- maj.class
list.scores$penalty <- penalty
list.scores$best.k <- best.k
list.scores$colors <- colors
list.scores$pch <- pch
#' Merge a list of cross validation scores form digest results
#' @import reshape2
#' @import ggplot2
#' @title mergeMeltImportanceCV
#' @description mergeMeltImportanceCV returns a list of data frames that contain the feature importance of the different learners without any focus on sparsity.
#' @param list.results.digest: a list of digest objects one for each learner used. For example, list(res.terda.digest, res.terga.digest, res.terbeam.digest)
#' @param filter.cv.prev: filter variable for each learner based on the appearence prevalence in the cross validation.
#' @param min.kfold.nb: wether we should restrict all experiments in the smallest number of k-folds of a comparative analyses (default = FALSE)
#' @param type: the type of importance "mda (mean decreased accuracy)" or "pda (prevalence decreased accuracy)" (default = mda)
#' @param learner.grep.pattern: select a subset of learners using a grep pattern (default:"*")
#' @param nb.top.features: the number of top features to focus on the plot
#' @param feature.selection: the names of the features to be selected (default:NULL)
#' @param fixed.order: if the order of features in the plot should follow the feature selection one (default = FALSE)
#' @param scaled.importance: the scaled importance is the importance multipied by the prevalence in the folds. If (default = TRUE) this will be used, the mean mda
#' will be scaled by the prevalence of the feature in the folds and ordered subsequently
#' @param make.plot: make a plot for all the learners
#' @param main: should add the title to the graph for correct alignment (default:FALSE)
#' @param cv.prevalence: wether or not to plot the distribution of the prevalence of the feature in the top-models for each k-fold in the graph (default:FALSE)
#' @return a list of several data.frames and a ggplot object
#' @export
mergeMeltImportanceCV <- function(list.results, filter.cv.prev = 0.5, min.kfold.nb = FALSE,
type = "mda",
learner.grep.pattern = "*",
nb.top.features = 25, feature.selection = NULL, fixed.order = FALSE,
scaled.importance = TRUE,
make.plot = TRUE, main = FALSE,
cv.prevalence = TRUE)
# sanity checks
valid.efip <- unlist(lapply(list.results, function(x){!is.null(x$crossVal$fip)}))
warning(paste("mergeMeltImportanceCV: Some learners does not have feature importance data!",paste(names(valid.efip)[valid.efip], collapse = ", ")))
if(length(which(!valid.efip)) == length(list.results))
warning("mergeMeltImportanceCV: stopping since thre were no data on feature importance for none of the learners")
if(filter.cv.prev < 0 | filter.cv.prev > 1)
stop("mergeMeltImportanceCV: please provide a valid filter prevalence value percentage [0, 1]")
# restrict to the valid efip learners
list.results <- list.results[valid.efip]
e.nb <- length(list.results) # number of classifiers
e.name <- names(list.results) # names of the classifiers
# get the number of k-folds for each experiment, which can be differnt from one to another.
nbfolds <- rep(NA, e.nb)
names(nbfolds) <- e.name
for(i in 1:e.nb)
nbfolds[i] <- ncol(list.results[[i]]$crossVal$scores$empirical.auc)
inds.folds <- NULL
if(min(nbfolds) != max(nbfolds) & min.kfold.nb)
inds.folds <- list()
for(i in 1:e.nb)
inds.folds[[i]] <- sample(x = seq_len(nbfolds[i]), size = min(nbfolds), replace = FALSE)
{ # else just get the increasing index
inds.folds <- list()
for(i in 1:e.nb)
inds.folds[[i]] <- seq_len(nbfolds[i])
# build a list with results on each classifier.
res.split <- list()
res.split.fprev <- list()
for(i in 1:e.nb) # for each classifier
ind <- match(feature.selection, rownames(list.results[[i]]$crossVal$fip$mda))
print("mergeMeltImportanceCV: the following features are not found in the importance data... skiping")
if(sum(is.na(ind)) == length(feature.selection))
warning(paste("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: no feature found, returning NULL"))
# features <- rownames(list.results[[i]]$crossVal$fip$mda[features, inds.folds[[i]]])
features <- feature.selection[!is.na(ind)]
features <- feature.selection
features <- rownames(list.results[[i]]$crossVal$fip$mda)
# for each classifier
if(type == "mda")
imp.data <- list.results[[i]]$crossVal$fip$mda[features, inds.folds[[i]]]
if(type == "pda")
imp.data <- list.results[[i]]$crossVal$fip$pda[features, inds.folds[[i]]]
if(type != "pda" & type != "mda")
stop("mergeMeltImportanceCV: please provide a valid type: either pda or mda")
# filter by feature prevalence in the crossval final populations
imp.data.prev <- rowSums(!is.na(imp.data)) / ncol(imp.data)
imp.data.prev <- imp.data.prev[order(imp.data.prev, decreasing = TRUE)]
# filter to 50 % of the crossval
if(any(imp.data.prev/ncol(imp.data) > filter.cv.prev))
imp.data.prev <- imp.data.prev[imp.data.prev / ncol(imp.data) >= filter.cv.prev]
print("mergeMeltImportanceCV: filter.cv.prev too strong, canceling the filtering step...")
imp.data <- imp.data[names(imp.data.prev),]
colnames(imp.data) <- paste("fold_", seq_len(ncol(imp.data)), sep="")
# scale the mda by mutiplying each value of by the prevalence in the folds
imp.data.sc <- imp.data * imp.data.prev
# use the scaled importance
imp.data <- imp.data.sc
imp.data.melt <- melt(data.frame(feature = rownames(imp.data), imp.data), measure.vars = colnames(imp.data))
colnames(imp.data.melt) <- c("feature","folds","value")
res.split[[i]] <- data.frame(imp.data.melt)
res.split.fprev[[i]] <- imp.data.prev
names(res.split) <- e.name
names(res.split.fprev) <- e.name
if(all(unlist(lapply(res.split, nrow)) == 0))
warning(paste("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: all the results are empty, returning NULL"))
if(any(unlist(lapply(res.split, nrow)) == 0))
warning(paste("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: some results are empty, omitting them"))
res.split <- res.split[-which(unlist(lapply(res.split, nrow)) == 0)]
# melt the list together
if(length(grep(learner.grep.pattern, names(res.split))) == 0)
warning(paste("mergeMeltBestScoreCV: pattern",learner.grep.pattern,"did not find any results"))
# Similarly melt the data on prevalence on the folds, which will be added to the same plot
# select a subset of learners based on pattern and melt them together
if(length(list.results) == 1)
fprev.melt <- melt(res.split.fprev[grep(learner.grep.pattern, names(res.split.fprev))], level="feature")
fprev.melt <- data.frame(rownames(fprev.melt), fprev.melt)
# rename melted data frame
colnames(fprev.melt) <- c("feature","value","method")
fprev.melt$method <- factor(fprev.melt$method, levels = names(list.results))
# Transform in percentage
fprev.melt$value <- fprev.melt$value * 100
res.split.fprev <- lapply(res.split.fprev, as.data.frame)
for(i in 1:length(res.split.fprev))
res.split.fprev[[i]] <- data.frame(feature = rownames(res.split.fprev[[i]]), res.split.fprev[[i]])
fprev.melt <- melt(res.split.fprev[grep(learner.grep.pattern, names(res.split.fprev))], level="feature")
fprev.melt <- fprev.melt[,-2]
# rename melted data frame
colnames(fprev.melt) <- c("feature","value","method")
fprev.melt$method <- factor(fprev.melt$method, levels = names(list.results))
# Transform in percentage
fprev.melt$value <- fprev.melt$value * 100
# select a subset of learners based on pattern and melt them together
cv.res.melt <- melt(res.split[grep(learner.grep.pattern, names(res.split))], level="feature")
# rename melted data frame
colnames(cv.res.melt) <- c("feature","folds","variable","value","method")
# omit a column that is not needed
cv.res.melt <- cv.res.melt[,-3]
# reset the factor order
cv.res.melt$method <- factor(cv.res.melt$method, levels = names(list.results))
# Transform in percentage
cv.res.melt$value <- cv.res.melt$value * 100
# summarize by feature and method to prepare for the graphic
cv.res.summary <- summarySE(data=cv.res.melt, measurevar="value", groupvars=c("feature","method"), na.rm = TRUE)
# reorder features by value
cv.res.summary.ord <- summarySE(data=cv.res.melt, measurevar="value", groupvars=c("feature"), na.rm = TRUE)
# Set the order of the features in the plot
# get the order by feature.selection
lev.ord <- match(features, cv.res.summary.ord$feature)
names(lev.ord) <- features
# get the order by mean importance
lev.ord <- order(cv.res.summary.ord$value, decreasing = TRUE)
names(lev.ord) <- as.character(cv.res.summary.ord$feature)
# get the names of the top features
nb.top.features <- NA
# if the feature mask is specified than we can not select a subset based on number
if(!is.null(feature.selection) & !is.null(nb.top.features))
nb.top.features <- NA
features.tokeep <- as.character(cv.res.summary.ord$feature[lev.ord])[1:min(nb.top.features, length(lev.ord), na.rm = TRUE)]
# restrict data to these top features
cv.res.summary <- cv.res.summary[as.character(cv.res.summary$feature) %in% features.tokeep, ]
# reorder the factor by the top
cv.res.summary$feature <- factor(cv.res.summary$feature, levels = rev(features.tokeep))
cv.res.summary$sign <- as.character(getSign(X = list.results[[1]]$classifier$data$X[as.character(cv.res.summary$feature),],
y = list.results[[1]]$classifier$data$y))
# same for prevalence
# restrict data to these top features
fprev.melt <- fprev.melt[as.character(fprev.melt$feature) %in% features.tokeep, ]
# reorder the factor by the top
fprev.melt$feature <- factor(fprev.melt$feature, levels = rev(features.tokeep))
res <- list()
res$split <- res.split
res$melt <- cv.res.melt
res$summary <- cv.res.summary
res$fprev <- fprev.melt
pd <- position_dodge(0.3) # move them .05 to the left and right
# fix color space
col <- c("deepskyblue1","firebrick1")
col.n <- c("-1","1")
tab.v <- table(cv.res.summary$sign)
if(length(tab.v) < 2) col <- col[col.n %in% names(tab.v)]
g <- ggplot(cv.res.summary, aes(x=feature, y=value)) +
# the prevalence data on the bottom
geom_bar(data = fprev.melt, stat="identity", position="identity", aes(fill = "1")) +
geom_hline(yintercept = min(0, cv.res.summary$value, na.rm = TRUE), col="gray") +
ylab("Feature importance & prevalence (CV)") +
xlab("") +
theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
theme_bw() +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_manual("Dataset", values = c("gray90","gray90")) +
scale_color_manual("Dataset", values = col) +
# the importance data
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = value - se, ymax = value + se, color = sign), width=.1, position=pd) +
#geom_line(aes(group = feature, color = sign), position=pd) +
geom_point(position = pd, size=2, shape=19, aes(color = sign)) + # 21 is filled circle
guides(colour = "none", fill = "none")
g <- ggplot(cv.res.summary, aes(x=feature, y=value, color = sign)) +
# the prevalence data on the bottom
#geom_bar(data = fprev.melt, stat="identity", position="identity", aes(fill = "1", color = "1")) +
geom_hline(yintercept = min(0, cv.res.summary$value, na.rm = TRUE), col="gray") +
# the importance data
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = value - se, ymax = value + se), width=.1, position=pd) +
#geom_line(aes(group = feature, color = "1"), position=pd) +
geom_point(position = pd, size=2, shape=19) + # 21 is filled circle
ylab("Feature importance") +
xlab("") +
theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
theme_bw() +
coord_flip() +
scale_color_manual("Dataset", values = col) +
guides(colour = "none", fill = "none")
# if only one learner
if(length(list.results) == 1)
# add or not the title
if(type == "mda")
g <- g + ggtitle("mda|cv")
if(type == "pda")
g <- g + ggtitle("pda|cv")
g <- g + facet_grid(. ~ method, scales = "free")
# return the graph
res$g <- g
#' Save a population to a file
#' @description You can use this function to save a population to a file on you're disk (it will be in your working directory)
#' @param pop: The population to be saved
#' @param fileName: The name of the file were you want to save the population
#' @import yaml
#' @export
savePopulation <- function(pop, fileName, compress = TRUE)
if(length(pop) > 0)
if(length(pop[[1]][[1]]) > 1) # If the population is structured by it's sparsity
# we transform it into a non-structured list of models
pop <- modelCollectionToPopulation(pop)
saveResults(pop, paste(fileName, "yml", sep = "."), compress = compress)
#' Load a population from a file
#' @description This function is used to load a population from a file on your disk (it must be in your working directory)
#' @param fileName: The name of the file were the population is stored
#' @return a population object
#' @import yaml
#' @export
loadPopulation <- function(fileName)
return(yaml.load(readChar(file(fileName), file.info(fileName)$size)))
#' Save the results of the fit function
#' @export
saveResults <- function(fitResults, fileName, compress = TRUE)
write(as.yaml(fitResults), gzfile(paste(fileName, "gz", sep = ".")))
} else
write(as.yaml(fitResults), file(fileName))
#' Load the results of a fit
#' @export
loadResults <- function(fileName)
return(yaml.load(readChar(gzfile(fileName), file.info(fileName)$size)))
#' Function used to create the counter for building clf$experiment$id
make.counter <- function()
count <- 0
f <- function()
count <<- count + 1
#' The counter for the experiment id (used in the clf builders)
counter <- make.counter()
# Comparative results (Blaise + Edi)
# Computing the ranks of the models that are equivalent to the best
compare.perf <- function(result, paired = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
res <- apply(result, c(1, 2), mean, na.rm=T, na.last=FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
res.rank <- res; res.rank[rep(TRUE,length(res))] <- NA
res.best <- res; res.best[rep(TRUE,length(res))] <- 0
res.pval <- res.best
# for each dataset
for(i in 1:ncol(res))
# which one is the best learner for this dataset
best.learner <- which.max(res[,i])
if(verbose) print(paste("The best learner is",names(best.learner),"; index:", best.learner))
# copy the orger
# ord <- 1 + length(res[,i]) - rank(res[,i], ties.method="min")
# res.rank[,i] <- ord
res.rank[,i] <- rank(-res[,i])
# for each algorithm
for(j in 1:nrow(res))
if(j == best.learner) # When finding the best rank put best to 1
res.best[j, i] <- 1
res.pval[j, i] <- 0
}else # test it
pval <- NA # init pval to NA
try(pval <- t.test(x = result[j, i, ],
y = result[best.learner, i, ],
paired = paired)$p.value, silent = TRUE)
# add pval to the pval graph
res.pval[j, i] <- pval
if(pval >= 0.05) # if not significant
res.best[j, i] <- 1
} else # if significant
res.best[j, i] <- 0
#if(verbose) print(paste("algorithm",j, ", dataset", i, ", max rank =",which.max(res[,i]), ", pval =",pval))
} # end algorithm
} # end dataset
# Compute the ranks of the models that are equivalent to the best
compare.perf2dim <- function(result, paired = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
res <- apply(result, c(1), mean, na.rm=T, na.last=FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
res.rank <- res; res.rank[rep(TRUE,length(res))] <- NA
res.best <- res; res.best[rep(TRUE,length(res))] <- 0
res.pval <- res.best
# which one is the best learner for this dataset
best.learner <- which.max(res)
if(verbose) print(paste("The best learner is",names(best.learner),"; index:", best.learner))
# copy the orger
# ord <- 1 + length(res[,i]) - rank(res[,i], ties.method="min")
# res.rank[,i] <- ord
res.rank <- rank(-res)
# for each algorithm
for(j in 1:length(res))
if(j == best.learner) # When finding the best rank put best to 1
res.best[j] <- 1
res.pval[j] <- 0
}else # test it
pval <- NA # init pval to NA
try(pval <- t.test(x = result[j, ],
y = result[best.learner, ],
paired = paired)$p.value, silent = TRUE)
# add pval to the pval graph
res.pval[j] <- pval
if(pval >= 0.05) # if not significant
res.best[j] <- 1
} else # if significant
res.best[j] <- 0
#if(verbose) print(paste("algorithm",j, ", dataset", i, ", max rank =",which.max(res[,i]), ", pval =",pval))
} # end algorithm
# Returns the smallest k with an equivalent accuracy to the best model
find.best.k <- function(res)
best.k <- which.max( apply(res, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE) )
for (i in 1:nrow(res))
if(i==best.k) {return (i)}
pval <- NaN
try(pval <- t.test(as.numeric(res[i,]),as.numeric(res[best.k,]),paired=T)$p.value, silent = TRUE)
print(paste("warning : t-test unpaired in i=",i))
try(pval <- t.test(as.numeric(res[i,]),as.numeric(res[best.k,]),paired=F)$p.value, silent = TRUE)
print(paste("warning : pas de t-test en i=",i))
pval <- 1
return (i)
# # r = the error rate ; n = the number of examples on which the error rate is estimated; p the significant threshold
# conf.inter <- function (r, n, p=0.05)
# {
# t = -qnorm(p/2)
# s <- sqrt(r * (1 - r)/n)
# ci <- 0.5/n + t * s
# return(rbind(r - ci, r, r + ci))
# }
confInterBinomial <- function(accuracy, n, p = 0.05)
# compute the statistic
t = -qnorm(p/2)
# compute the variance
s <- sqrt(accuracy * (1 - accuracy)/n)
# compute the confidence interval
ci <- 0.5/n + t * s
res <- c(accuracy - ci, accuracy, accuracy + ci)
names(res) <- c("inf","accuracy","sup")
#' Select the top significant best part of the population
#' @description This function allows to select the best part of a population that is significantly not different from the best model
#' @param pop: a list of model objects
#' @param score: the attribute of the model to be used for the evaluation
#' @param p: the p-value threshold
#' @param k_penalty: the penalty to apply to the score based on the k_sparsity (default:0)
#' @param k_max: select the best population below a given threshold. If (default:0) no selection is performed.
#' @return a sub part of the population
#' @export
selectBestPopulation <- function(pop, score = "fit_", p = 0.05, k_penalty = 0, k_max = 0)
if(!isPopulation(obj = pop))
stop("selectBestPopulation: please provide a valid population.")
pop <- sortPopulation(pop, evalToOrder = score)
eval <- populationGet_X(score, toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop)
spar <- populationGet_X("eval.sparsity", toVec = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)(pop)
# apply the k_penalty
eval <- eval - (k_penalty * spar)
#plot(eval, eval - (k_penalty * spar))
#eval.ci <- as.numeric(prop.test(eval[1], n = length(pop), conf.level=0.95, correct = FALSE)$conf.int)
eval.ci <- confInterBinomial(accuracy = eval[1], n = length(pop), p = p)
# for correlation use the standard error of the mean and reverse
# if(pop[[1]]$objective == "cor")
# {
# eval.th <- eval.ci["sup"] # the highest value
# if(k_max == 0)
# {
# ind <- eval < eval.th
# }else
# {
# ind <- (eval < eval.th) & (spar <= k_max)
# }
# }else
# {
# eval.th <- eval.ci["inf"] # the lowest value
# if(k_max == 0)
# {
# ind <- eval > eval.th
# }else
# {
# ind <- (eval > eval.th) & (spar <= k_max)
# }
# }
eval.th <- eval.ci["inf"] # the lowest value
if(k_max == 0)
ind <- eval > eval.th
ind <- (eval > eval.th) & (spar <= k_max)
# eval.max <- prop.test(eval[1], n = length(pop), conf.level=0.95, correct = FALSE)
# eval.min <- confInterBinomial(accuracy = eval[1], n = length(pop), p = 0.05)["inf"]
ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
warning("selectBestPopulation: no models were found after selection")
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