
Defines functions missing_in_pg interpolate_crossection panel_to_pg vector_to_pg rasterextent_to_pg raster_to_pg update_cells_iteratively get_closest_distance raster_to_tibble

Documented in get_closest_distance interpolate_crossection missing_in_pg panel_to_pg rasterextent_to_pg raster_to_pg raster_to_tibble vector_to_pg

#' raster_to_table
#' Converts a raster to a tibble with x, y, mydate and raster value
#' @param rast a raster object
#' @param add_pg_index boolean, whether to add a pgid column or not.
#' @return A tibble with columns x, y, and value.
#' @export
raster_to_tibble <- function(rast, add_pg_index = FALSE){
  df <- raster::rasterToPoints(rast)
  df <- dplyr::as_tibble(df)

    pg <- priogrid::prio_blank_grid()

    assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(raster::extent(rast), raster::extent(pg)))

    pg_df <- raster::rasterToPoints(pg)
    pg_df <- dplyr::as_tibble(pg_df)

    # merging floating point columns. need to round
    df$x <- round(df$x, 6)
    df$y <- round(df$y, 6)
    pg_df$x <- round(pg_df$x, 6)
    pg_df$y <- round(pg_df$y, 6)

    df <- dplyr::left_join(df, pg_df, by = c("x", "y"))



#' get_closest_distance
#' Finds (element-wise) the closest distance between a set of points and a set of features.
#' @param points point data of class sfg, sfc, or sf
#' @param features object of class sfg, sfc, or sf
#' @param check_dateline boolean, whether or not to account for the possibility that the shortest distance is crossing the dateline. doubles the time it takes.
#' @return A tibble with columns x, y, and value.
#' @export
get_closest_distance <- function(points, features, check_dateline=TRUE){
  nearest_feature <- sf::st_nearest_feature(points, features)
  nearest_point <- sf::st_nearest_points(points, features[nearest_feature,], pairwise = TRUE)

  distances <- sf::st_length(nearest_point)

    pointsT <- st_transform(points,"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +pm=180") %>% st_wrap_dateline()
    featuresT <- st_transform(features,"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +pm=180") %>% st_wrap_dateline()
    nearest_featureT <- sf::st_nearest_feature(pointsT, featuresT)
    nearest_pointT <- sf::st_nearest_points(pointsT, featuresT[nearest_featureT,], pairwise = TRUE)
    distancesT <- sf::st_length(nearest_pointT)
    distances <- apply(cbind(distances, distancesT), 1, min)

update_cells_iteratively <- function(pg_list, varname, changed_areas){
  # Update classification scheme iteratively. pg_list only gives information of the cells that have changed.
  pg <- priogrid::prio_blank_grid()

  rasters <- list()
  i <- 1
  current_raster <- pg
  current_raster[] <- NA
  for(j in 1:length(pg_list)){
    crossection <- pg_list[[j]]
    current_raster[match(crossection$pgid, pg[])] <- crossection[[varname]]
    rasters[[i]] <- current_raster
    i <- i + 1

  pg_raster <- raster::stack(rasters)

  crossection_dates <- sapply(changed_areas, function(x) unique(x$crossection_date))
  crossection_dates <- as.Date(crossection_dates, origin = as.Date("1970-1-1"))

  result <- dplyr::tibble()
  for(j in 1:dim(pg_raster)[3]){
    rast <- raster::subset(pg_raster, j)
    df <- raster_to_tibble(rast)
    names(df)[3] <- varname
    df$year <- lubridate::year(crossection_dates)[j]
    df$month <- lubridate::month(crossection_dates)[j]
    df$day <- lubridate::day(crossection_dates)[j]
    result <- dplyr::bind_rows(result, df)


#' raster_to_pg
#' Aggregates or disaggregates a raster to conform with the PRIO-GRID resolution.
#' @param rast a raster object
#' @param aggregation_function see raster::aggregate fun
#' @param resampling_method see raster::disaggregate, default is ''
#' @return A raster with the same resolution, crs, and extent as PRIO-GRID.
#' @export
raster_to_pg <- function(rast, aggregation_function = "mean", resampling_method = ""){
  resolution_factor <- priogrid::prio_resolution() / raster::res(rast) #previous prio_resolution_factor()

  aggregation_needed <- any(resolution_factor > 1)
  disaggregation_needed <- any(resolution_factor < 1)
  nothing_needed <- all(resolution_factor == 1)
  assertthat::assert_that( xor(xor(aggregation_needed, disaggregation_needed), nothing_needed) )

    rast <- raster::aggregate(rast, fact = resolution_factor, fun = aggregation_function)
    rast <- raster::disaggregate(rast, fact = 1 / resolution_factor, method = resampling_method)

  extent_equal <- raster::extent(rast) == priogrid::prio_extent()
  if(extent_equal == FALSE){
    rast <- priogrid::rasterextent_to_pg(rast)

  raster::crs(rast) <- priogrid::prio_crs()

#' rasterextent_to_pg
#' Resamples a raster using the nearest neighbor method to make extent the same as PRIO-GRID.
#' @param rast a raster object
#' @return A raster with same extent and crs as PRIO-GRID.
#' @export
rasterextent_to_pg <- function(rast){
  rast <- raster::resample(rast, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), method = "ngb")

#' vector_to_pg
#' Converts a sf data frame to PRIO-GRID as a crossection.
#' @param sfdf a sf (simple features) data frame
#' @param variable the variable to convert to PRIO-GRID
#' @param fun aggregation function. only used if need_aggregation is TRUE.
#' @param need_aggregation if FALSE, will use velox, which only extracts the last value for each feature. fast when applicable.
#' @param missval only used if need_aggregation is FALSE. velox sets missing data to this value.
#' @return A raster with same extent and crs as PRIO-GRID.
#' @export
vector_to_pg <- function(sfdf, variable, fun, need_aggregation = TRUE, missval = -1){
  pg <- priogrid::prio_blank_grid()

  # if(!need_aggregation){
  #   vx <- velox::velox(pg)
  #   vx$rasterize(spdf = sfdf, field = variable, background = missval, small = TRUE)
  #   rast <- vx$as.RasterLayer(band = 1)
  #   rast[rast == missval] <- NA
  #   names(rast) <- variable
  #   return(rast)
  # }
  # backup solution when rasterization needs to aggregate values over many polygons/points

  # fasterize::fasterize is considerably faster than raster::rasterize, but is currently only functional on polygon and multipolygon sf objects
  if (sf::st_geometry_type(sfdf, by_geometry = FALSE) == "POLYGON" ||
      sf::st_geometry_type(sfdf, by_geometry = FALSE) == "MULTIPOLYGON"){
    rast <- fasterize::fasterize(sfdf, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), field = variable, fun = fun)
    names(rast) <- variable
    raster::crs(rast) <- sf::st_crs(pg)$proj4string
  } else {
    rast <- raster::rasterize(sfdf, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), field = variable, fun = fun)
    names(rast) <- variable
    raster::crs(rast) <- sf::st_crs(pg)$proj4string

#' panel_to_pg
#' Converts a sf data frame with panel data to PRIO-GRID.
#' @param df a sf (simple features) data frame with panel data
#' @param timevar the temporal variable (used to split data into crossections)
#' @param variable the variable to convert to PRIO-GRID
#' @param need_aggregation if FALSE, will use velox, which only extracts the last value for each feature. fast when applicable.
#' @param missval only used if need_aggregation is FALSE. velox sets missing data to this value.
#' @param fun aggregation function. only used if need_aggregation is TRUE.
#' @return A tibble with x, y, pgid, timevar, and variable.
#' @export
panel_to_pg <- function(df, timevar, variable, need_aggregation, missval, fun){
  time_fact <- factor(df[[timevar]])

  sdf <- dplyr::select(df, !!variable)
  sdf_list <- base::split(sdf, time_fact, sep = "_")
  rast_list <- parallel::mclapply(sdf_list, vector_to_pg, variable = variable, need_aggregation = need_aggregation, missval = missval, fun = fun)

  pg_tibble <- parallel::mclapply(rast_list, raster_to_tibble, add_pg_index = TRUE)

  add_timevar <- function(df, time, timevar){
    df[[timevar]] <- time

  pg_tibble <- purrr::map2_dfr(pg_tibble, names(pg_tibble), add_timevar, timevar = timevar)

#' interpolate_crossection
#' Increasingly coarse bilinear interpolation of missing data
#' @param crossection a dataframe crossection lon, lat, variable
#' @param variable the variable to interpolate missing from
#' @param lon a string denoting the name of the longitude variable
#' @param lat a string denoting the name of the latitude variable
#' @param add_pg_index boolean, whether to add a pgid column or not. Default is TRUE.
#' @return the interpolated crossection
#' @export
interpolate_crossection <- function(crossection, variable, lon, lat, input_folder, date_var = NULL, add_pg_index = TRUE){
    crossection_date <- unique(crossection[[date_var]])

  rast <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(dplyr::select(crossection, all_of(c(lon, lat, variable))))
  rast <- priogrid::raster_to_pg(rast)
  rast <- priogrid::rasterextent_to_pg(rast)

  rast2 <- raster::resample(rast, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(ncol = 360, nrow = 180), method = "bilinear")
  rast3 <- raster::resample(rast, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(ncol = 180, nrow = 90), method = "bilinear")
  rast4 <- raster::resample(rast, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(ncol = 90, nrow = 45), method = "bilinear")
  rast5 <- raster::resample(rast, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(ncol = 45, nrow = 23), method = "bilinear")
  rast6 <- raster::resample(rast, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(ncol = 23, nrow = 11), method = "bilinear")
  rast7 <- raster::resample(rast, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(ncol = 11, nrow = 6), method = "bilinear")

  rast2 <- raster::resample(rast2, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), method = "ngb")
  rast3 <- raster::resample(rast3, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), method = "ngb")
  rast4 <- raster::resample(rast4, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), method = "ngb")
  rast5 <- raster::resample(rast5, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), method = "ngb")
  rast6 <- raster::resample(rast6, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), method = "ngb")
  rast7 <- raster::resample(rast7, priogrid::prio_blank_grid(), method = "ngb")

  missing_vals <- which(is.na(rast[]))
  rast[missing_vals] <- rast2[missing_vals]
  missing_vals <- which(is.na(rast[]))
  rast[missing_vals] <- rast3[missing_vals]
  missing_vals <- which(is.na(rast[]))
  rast[missing_vals] <- rast4[missing_vals]
  missing_vals <- which(is.na(rast[]))
  rast[missing_vals] <- rast5[missing_vals]
  missing_vals <- which(is.na(rast[]))
  rast[missing_vals] <- rast6[missing_vals]
  missing_vals <- which(is.na(rast[]))
  rast[missing_vals] <- rast7[missing_vals]

  pgland <- file.path(input_folder, "cshapes", "cache", "pgland.parquet")
  pgland <- arrow::read_parquet(pgland)

  pg <- priogrid::prio_blank_grid()
  rast[which(!(pg[] %in% pgland$pgid))] <- NA

  sdf <- priogrid::raster_to_tibble(rast, add_pg_index = add_pg_index)
    sdf[[date_var]] <-crossection_date


#' missing_in_pg
#' Finds whether a crossection has missing data for any of the 64818 PRIO-GRID land cells,
#' and plots them.
#' @param df a dataframe crossection x, y, variable
#' @param variable the variable to convert to plot
#' @param input_folder
#' @param ... function accepts other parameters passed to raster::plot()
#' @return A dataframe with the cells that are missing and a plot.
#' @export
missing_in_pg <- function(df, variable, input_folder, plot_missing = TRUE, ...){
  pgland <- file.path(input_folder, "cshapes", "cache", "pgland.parquet")
  pgland <- arrow::read_parquet(pgland)

  pg <- prio_blank_grid()
  pgdf <- raster_to_tibble(pg)

  df <- dplyr::select(df, all_of(c("x", "y", variable))) %>% dplyr::filter(complete.cases(.))

  anti_df <- dplyr::anti_join(pgdf, df, by = c("x", "y"))
  anti_df <- dplyr::filter(anti_df, pgid %in% pgland$pgid)

  if(nrow(anti_df) == 0){
    message("No missing data.")

    pgdf[[variable]] <- dplyr::if_else(pgdf$pgid %in% anti_df$pgid, 1, 0)
    pgdf$pgid <- NULL
    rast <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(pgdf)
    raster::plot(rast, ...)

#' map_pg_crossection
#' Plots a PRIO-GRID crossection on a map.
#' @param pgdf a prio-grid dataframe with x, y, year, month, variable
#' @param variable the variable to convert to plot
#' @param myyear the year of the crossection to plot
#' @param mymonth the month of the crossection to plot
#' @param ... function accepts other parameters passed to raster::plot()
#' @return A plot based on raster::plot()
#' @export
map_pg_crossection <- function(pgdf, variable, myyear = NULL, mymonth = NULL, ...){
  variable <- dplyr::enquo(variable)
    cs <- dplyr::filter(pgdf, year == myyear, month == mymonth) %>% dplyr::select(x, y, !!variable)
  } else if(!is.null(myyear)){
    cs <- dplyr::filter(pgdf, year == myyear) %>% dplyr::select(x, y, !!variable)
  } else {
    cs <- dplyr::select(pgdf, x, y, !!variable)

  rast <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(cs)
  rast <- priogrid::rasterextent_to_pg(rast)
  rast <- priogrid::raster_to_pg(rast)

  raster::plot(rast, ...)

# previous get_array
get_ncarray <- function(ncfile, variable, fillvalue, lon=NULL, lat=NULL, ...){
  nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(ncfile)

  if(missing(lon) & missing(lat)){
    lon <- NA
    lat <- NA
    res <- NA
  } else{
    lon <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, lon, verbose = F)
    lat <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, lat, verbose = F)
    res <- (lon[2]-lon[1])/2

  } # If I want to add spatial indexing to the function, this information is necessary.

  fillvalue <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc, varid=variable, attname=fillvalue)

  nc_array <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, variable, ...)
  nc_array[nc_array == fillvalue$value] <- NA

  return(list("data" = nc_array, "lon" = lon, "lat" = lat, "res" = res))

make_raster <- function(nclist, flip_poles=FALSE, transpose=FALSE, crs=NULL){
    nclist$data <- t(nclist$data)

  rast <- raster(nclist$data,
                 xmn =  min(nclist$lon)-nclist$res,
                 xmx = max(nclist$lon)+nclist$res,
                 ymn = min(nclist$lat)-nclist$res,
                 ymx = max(nclist$lat)+nclist$res,

    rast <- flip(rast, direction="y")


#' interpolate_pg_timeseries
#' Interpolation of time-series data where only some cross-sections are available.
#' @param pgdf output from PRIO-GRID gen_*() function.
#' @param variable the variable to interpolate missing values from.
#' @param date_var string denoting the name of the date variable. Defaults to "year".
#' @param interval string denoting the interval between interpolated values, i.e. the temporal resolution. Defaults to "1 year".
#' @param startdate starting date. Defaults to the earliest observation in the original data.
#' @param enddate end date. Defaults to the latest observation in the original data.
#' @param add_pg_index boolean, whether to add a pgid column or not. Default is TRUE.
#' @details `interval` can be specified as `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"`, `"quarter"` or `"year"`. See `seq.Date` for details.
#' @return Interpolated time-series data frame.
#' @export
interpolate_pg_timeseries <- function(pgdf, variable, date_var = "year", interval = "1 year", startdate = NULL, enddate = NULL,
                                      add_pg_index = TRUE){

  if (is.numeric(interval) == TRUE) {
    stop("Interval must be specified as character string")

  df <- data.frame(pgdf) %>%
    dplyr::rename(t = !!date_var)

  pg <- priogrid::prio_blank_grid()
  # Raster layer for each crossection in data
  my_rasters <- dplyr::tibble()
  crossection_dates <- sort(unique(df$t))
  for(cdate in seq_along(crossection_dates)){
    rast <- raster::subs(pg, df[df$t == crossection_dates[cdate], ], by = "pgid", which = variable)
    new_row <- dplyr::tibble("mydate" = cdate, "raster" = list(rast))
    my_rasters <- dplyr::bind_rows(my_rasters, new_row)

  if (unique(nchar(crossection_dates)) == 4) { # date_var is 4 digit year, default in gen_*() functions
    my_rasters$mydate <- lubridate::ymd(paste0(crossection_dates, "-01-01"))
  } else {
    my_rasters$mydate <- lubridate::ymd(crossection_dates) # date_var not 4 digit year

  if (is.null(startdate)) {
    startdate <- min(my_rasters$mydate)
  } else {
    startdate <- as.Date(startdate, format = "%Y-%m-%d")

  if (is.null(enddate)) {
    enddate <- max(my_rasters$mydate)
  } else {
    enddate <- as.Date(enddate, format = "%Y-%m-%d")

  # Join with empty rasters
  s <- my_rasters$raster[[1]]
  s[!is.na(s)] <- -9998

  empty_rast <- dplyr::tibble("mydate" = seq.Date(startdate, enddate, by = interval), "raster" = list(s)) %>%
    dplyr::anti_join(my_rasters, by = "mydate")

  full_data_frame <- dplyr::bind_rows(my_rasters, empty_rast) %>%

  cross_stack <- raster::stack(full_data_frame$raster)

  # Recode NA (sea cells)
  cross_stack[is.na(cross_stack)] <- -9999
  cross_stack[cross_stack == -9998] <- NA

  # Interpolate NA values
  ipol <- raster::approxNA(cross_stack)
  ipol[ipol < 0] <- NA

  names(ipol) <- full_data_frame$mydate

  # Convert to pg tbl
  ipol_tbl <- priogrid::raster_to_tibble(ipol, add_pg_index = add_pg_index)

  ipol_df <- ipol_tbl %>%
    dplyr::group_by(pgid) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(-x, -y, -pgid),
                        values_to = paste0(variable),
                        names_to = "year") %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(year = stringr::str_remove(year, "X")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::ymd(year))

  if (stringr::str_detect(interval, "year")) {
    ipol_df <- ipol_df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::year(year))

  # Ensuring that function uses all available data to interpolate from,
  # but only returns the user-defined sequence of dates
  if (stringr::str_detect(interval, "years") & interval != "1 year") {
    seq <- dplyr::tibble("year" = seq.Date(startdate, enddate, by = interval)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::year(year))

    ipol_df <- ipol_df %>%
      dplyr::filter(year %in% seq$year)

  if (stringr::str_detect(interval, "month") | stringr::str_detect(interval, "quarter")) {
    seq <- dplyr::tibble("year" = seq.Date(startdate, enddate, by = interval))

    ipol_df <- ipol_df %>%
      dplyr::filter(year %in% seq$year) %>%
      dplyr::rename(month = year)

  if (stringr::str_detect(interval, "week")) {
    seq <- dplyr::tibble("year" = seq.Date(startdate, enddate, by = interval))

    ipol_df <- ipol_df %>%
      dplyr::filter(year %in% seq$year) %>%
      dplyr::rename(week = year)

  if (stringr::str_detect(interval, "day")) {
    seq <- dplyr::tibble("year" = seq.Date(startdate, enddate, by = interval))

    ipol_df <- ipol_df %>%
      dplyr::filter(year %in% seq$year) %>%
      dplyr::rename(day = year)

  return (ipol_df)
prio-data/priogrid documentation built on June 28, 2021, 5:34 a.m.