
Defines functions snp_getSampleInfos snp_save

Documented in snp_getSampleInfos snp_save


#' Save modifications
#' Save a \code{bigSNP} after having made some modifications to it.
#' As \code{bigSNP} is an S3 class, you can add any slot you want
#' to an object of this class, then use \code{snp_save} to
#' save these modifications in the corresponding ".rds" backing file.
#' @inheritParams bigsnpr-package
#' @inheritParams base::saveRDS
#' @return The (saved) \code{bigSNP}.
#' @example examples/example-save.R
#' @export
snp_save <- function(x, version = NULL) {
  saveRDS(x, file = x$genotypes$rds, version = version)


#' Get sample information
#' Get information of individuals by matching from an external file.
#' @inheritParams bigsnpr-package
#' @param df.or.files Either
#' - A `data.frame`,
#' - A character vector of file names where to find at the information you want.
#'   You should have one column for family IDs and one for sample IDs.
#' @param col.family.ID Index of the column containing the family IDs to match
#'   with those of the study. Default is the first one.
#' @param col.sample.ID Index of the column containing the sample IDs to match
#'   with those of the study. Default is the second one.
#' @param col.infos Indices of the column containing the information you want.
#'   Default is all but the first and the second columns.
#' @param pair.sep Separator used for concatenation of family and sample IDs to
#'   make unique IDs for matching between the two datasets. Default is `"-_-"`.
#' @param ... Any additional parameter to pass to [bigreadr::fread2()].
#'   Particularly, option `header = FALSE` is sometimes needed.
#' @return The requested information as a `data.frame`.
#' @examples
#' test <- snp_attachExtdata()
#' table(test$fam$family.ID)
#' # Get populations clusters from external files
#' files <- system.file("extdata", paste0("cluster", 1:3), package = "bigsnpr")
#' bigreadr::fread2(files[1])
#' bigreadr::fread2(files[1], header = FALSE)  # need header option here
#' infos <- snp_getSampleInfos(test, files, header = FALSE)
#' table(infos[[1]])
#' @seealso [list.files]
#' @export
snp_getSampleInfos <- function(x, df.or.files,
                               col.family.ID = 1,
                               col.sample.ID = 2,
                               col.infos = -c(1, 2),
                               pair.sep = "-_-",
                               ...) {

  if (is.data.frame(df.or.files)) {
    data.infos <- df.or.files
  } else if (is.character(df.or.files)) {
    data.infos <- bigreadr::fread2(df.or.files, ..., nThread = 1)
  } else {
    stop2("'df.or.files' must be a data.frame or a vector of file paths.")

  to.match   <- paste(x$fam$family.ID, x$fam$sample.ID, sep = pair.sep)
  from.match <- paste(data.infos[, col.family.ID],
                      data.infos[, col.sample.ID],
                      sep = pair.sep)
  num <- match(to.match, from.match)
  if (no.match <- sum(is.na(num)))
    warning2("There are %d individuals which have not been matched", no.match)

  data.infos[num, col.infos, drop = FALSE]

privefl/mypack documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:44 p.m.