
Defines functions ggplot_which_won_where

Documented in ggplot_which_won_where

#' Return a "which won where" ggplot based on PCA object
#' @description
#' \code{ggplot_which_won_where} returns a "which won where" ggplot based on PCA object
#' @param res.pca output from \code{\link{biplot_data.check_model_GxE}}
#' @details
#' The plot to assess which germplasm win in which location.
#' A polygon is drawn connecting germplasm which are located furthest away from the biplot origin such that all other entries are contained within the polygon;
#' Perpendicular lines are drawn to each side of the polygon and start from biplot origin.
#' A sector is the triangle area formed by two perpendicular lines.
#' The germplasms which have the largest value in a sector "win" in the location present in that sector.
#' The information is summarized in the legend of the plot.
#' @return 
#' A ggplot object.
#' @author Pierre Riviere
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{plot.PPBstats}}
#' \code{\link{plot.biplot_GxE}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
ggplot_which_won_where = function(res.pca){
  chull = Dim.1 = Dim.2 = sector = x = y  = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
  p = get_biplot(res.pca)

  xlim = range(p$data$x)*1.1
  ylim = range(p$data$y)*1.1
  chull_obj = as.data.frame(res.pca$ind$coord)
  chull_obj = chull_obj[chull(x = chull_obj$Dim.1, y = chull_obj$Dim.2),]
  chull_obj$x2 = c(chull_obj$Dim.1[nrow(chull_obj)], chull_obj$Dim.1[1:(nrow(chull_obj)-1)])
  chull_obj$y2 = c(chull_obj$Dim.2[nrow(chull_obj)], chull_obj$Dim.2[1:(nrow(chull_obj)-1)])
  p = p +  geom_segment(aes(x = Dim.1, y = Dim.2, xend = x2, yend = y2), data = chull_obj, inherit.aes = FALSE)
  per_line = data.frame()
  for(i in 1:nrow(chull_obj)) {
    x1 = chull_obj$Dim.1[i]
    x2 = chull_obj$x2[i]
    y1 = chull_obj$Dim.2[i]
    y2 = chull_obj$y2[i]
    x3 = y3 = 0
    obj = get_perpendicular_segment(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, TRUE)

    per_line = rbind.data.frame(per_line, obj)
  colnames(per_line) = c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")

  p = p + geom_segment(aes(x = x1, y = y1, xend = x2, yend = y2), color = "red", data = per_line, inherit.aes = FALSE)
  p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim, ylim) # come back to the right scale
  # Get ind and var for each sector that has the largest values (the winner) among all entries
  get_sector = function(ind, per_line){
    ind = as.data.frame(ind)
    ind$sector = NA
    per_line$x3 = c(per_line$x2[nrow(per_line)], per_line$x2[1:(nrow(per_line)-1)])
    per_line$y3 = c(per_line$y2[nrow(per_line)], per_line$y2[1:(nrow(per_line)-1)])
    for(j in 1:nrow(ind)){
      x = ind[j, "Dim.1"]
      y = ind[j, "Dim.2"]
      for(i in 1:nrow(per_line)){
        x1 = per_line$x1[i]
        y1 = per_line$y1[i]
        x2 = per_line$x2[i]
        y2 = per_line$y2[i]
        x3 = per_line$x3[i]
        y3 = per_line$y3[i]
        if( is.inside.sector(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) ) { ind[j, "sector"] = i }
  var = get_sector(res.pca$var$coord, per_line)
  var$location = rownames(var)
  ind = get_sector(res.pca$ind$coord, per_line); ind$germplasm = rownames(ind)
  # get info only where there are variables
  ind = droplevels(dplyr::filter(ind, sector %in% unique(var$sector)))

  # entry with the highest value in each sector, i.e. biggest segment from 0, i.e. biggest hypothenus
  ind$id = c(1:nrow(ind))
  ind$hypo = sqrt(abs(ind$Dim.1)^2 + abs(ind$Dim.2)^2)
  winner = data.frame()
  vec_s = sort(unique(as.character(ind$sector)))
  if( length(vec_s) > 0 ){
    for(s in vec_s){
      sec_ind = droplevels(dplyr::filter(ind, sector == s))
      sec_var = droplevels(dplyr::filter(var, sector == s))
      id_win = sec_ind[which(sec_ind$hypo == max(sec_ind$hypo)), "id"]
      xwin = as.numeric(as.character(ind[id_win, "Dim.1"]))
      ywin = as.numeric(as.character(ind[id_win, "Dim.2"]))
      g = ind[id_win, "germplasm"]
      l = paste(sec_var[, "location"], collapse = ", ")
      w_tmp = data.frame(xwin, ywin, factor(s), factor(g), factor(l))
      winner = rbind.data.frame(winner, w_tmp)
    colnames(winner) = c("x", "y", "sector", "germplasm", "location")
    winner$sector = c(1:nrow(winner))
    winner$sector = as.factor(paste(winner$sector, ": ", winner$location, " -> ", winner$germplasm, sep = ""))
    p = p + geom_point(data = winner, aes(x = x, y = y, color = sector), size = 3, inherit.aes = FALSE)
  } else { warning("There are no sectors") }
  p = p + ggtitle("which won where")
priviere/PPBstats documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:20 a.m.