
Defines functions getBAMversion getBAMspecieslist getBAMmodellist getBAMspeciestable checkBAMspecies getBAMspecies checkBAMspeciesmodel coefBAMspecies vcovBAMspecies summaryBAMspecies print.summaryBAMspecies selectmodelBAMspecies bestmodelBAMspecies edr_fun sra_fun customBAMcorrections globalBAMcorrections corrections2offset.BAMcorrections corrections.BAMcorrections

## -- BAMcorrections -------------------------------
## (Febr 2013)
#cat("BAM QPAD access functions loaded, version 20130226\n")

## utility functions for accessing BAMcorrections from BAMCOEFS

## get version
getBAMversion <- function() {
    get("version", envir=.BAMCOEFS)

## get species list
getBAMspecieslist <- function() {
    get("spp", envir=.BAMCOEFS)

## get model list
getBAMmodellist <- function() {
    list(sra=get("sra_list", envir=.BAMCOEFS),
        edr=get("edr_list", envir=.BAMCOEFS))

getBAMspeciestable <- function() {
    get("spp_table", envir=.BAMCOEFS)

## check if coefs are available for a species
checkBAMspecies <- function(species) {
    species %in% getBAMspecieslist()

## get coefs for a species
getBAMspecies <- function(species) {
    if (!checkBAMspecies(species))
        stop("Estimates for species ", species, " not found")
#getBAMspecies("ABCD") # gives an error

## check if model combination can be found
checkBAMspeciesmodel <- function(species, model.sra=0, model.edr=0) {
    model.sra <- match.arg(as.character(model.sra), names(get("sra_df", envir=.BAMCOEFS)))
    model.edr <- match.arg(as.character(model.edr), names(get("edr_df", envir=.BAMCOEFS)))
    mp <- as.logical(get("sra_models", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species, model.sra])
    mq <- as.logical(get("edr_models", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species, model.edr])
    if (!mp)
        stop("model.sra", model.sra, "not found for species", species)
    if (!mq)
        stop("model.edr", model.edr, "not found for species", species)
    list(model.sra=model.sra, model.edr=model.edr)

## get coef for p/q model
coefBAMspecies <- function(species, model.sra=0, model.edr=0) {
    tmp <- checkBAMspeciesmodel(species, model.sra, model.edr)
    model.sra <- tmp$model.sra
    model.edr <- tmp$model.edr
    x <- getBAMspecies(species)
    sra <- x$sra[[model.sra]]$coef
    edr <- x$edr[[model.edr]]$coef
    names(sra) <- x$sra[[model.sra]]$names
    names(edr) <- x$edr[[model.edr]]$names
    out <- list(sra=sra, edr=edr)
    attr(out, "species") <- species
    attr(out, "model.sra") <- as.integer(model.sra)
    attr(out, "model.edr") <- as.integer(model.edr)
#coefBAMspecies("OVEN", 8, 1)

vcovBAMspecies <- function(species, model.sra=0, model.edr=0) {
    tmp <- checkBAMspeciesmodel(species, model.sra, model.edr)
    model.sra <- tmp$model.sra
    model.edr <- tmp$model.edr
    x <- getBAMspecies(species)
    sra <- x$sra[[model.sra]]$vcov
    edr <- x$edr[[model.edr]]$vcov
    dimnames(sra) <- list(x$sra[[model.sra]]$names, x$sra[[model.sra]]$names)
    dimnames(edr) <- list(x$edr[[model.edr]]$names, x$edr[[model.edr]]$names)
    out <- list(sra=sra, edr=edr)
    attr(out, "species") <- species
    attr(out, "model.sra") <- as.integer(model.sra)
    attr(out, "model.edr") <- as.integer(model.edr)
#vcovBAMspecies("OVEN", "8", "1")

## get summary for p/q model
summaryBAMspecies <- 
function(species, model.sra, model.edr) {
    if (missing(model.sra))
        model.sra <- bestmodelBAMspecies(species)$sra
    if (missing(model.edr))
        model.edr <- bestmodelBAMspecies(species)$edr
    COEF <- coefBAMspecies(species, model.sra, model.edr)
    VCOV <- vcovBAMspecies(species, model.sra, model.edr)
    sra <- COEF$sra
    edr <- COEF$edr
    coefmat <- cbind(c(sra, edr), 
        c(sqrt(diag(VCOV$sra)), sqrt(diag(VCOV$edr))))
    rownames(coefmat) <- c(paste("sra_", names(sra), sep=""),
        paste("edr_", names(edr), sep=""))
    colnames(coefmat) <- c("Estimate","Std. Error")
    attr(coefmat, "species") <- species
    attr(coefmat, "model.sra") <- as.integer(model.sra)
    attr(coefmat, "model.edr") <- as.integer(model.edr)
    class(coefmat) <- c("summaryBAMspecies", "matrix")

## print method for BAMcoef
print.summaryBAMspecies <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("BAMcorrection object for species", 
        attr(x, "species"), "\n")
    cat("model.sra =", attr(x, "model.sra"),
        "\nmodel.edr =", attr(x, "model.edr"), "\n")
        digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
        signif.stars = FALSE, na.print = "NA", ...)
#summaryBAMspecies("OVEN", "8", "1")

## AIC/BIC based model selection
selectmodelBAMspecies <-
function(species, model.sra, model.edr) {
    l1 <- get("sra_loglik", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species,]
    l2 <- get("edr_loglik", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species,]
    sra <- data.frame(model=names(l1),
        df=get("sra_df", envir=.BAMCOEFS),
        nobs=get("sra_n", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species],
        AIC=get("sra_aic", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species,],
        BIC=get("sra_bic", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species,])
    edr <- data.frame(model=names(l2),
        df=get("edr_df", envir=.BAMCOEFS),
        nobs=get("edr_n", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species],
        AIC=get("edr_aic", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species,],
        BIC=get("edr_bic", envir=.BAMCOEFS)[species,])
    if (missing(model.sra))
        model.sra <- rownames(sra)
    if (missing(model.edr))
        model.edr <- rownames(edr)
    out <- list(sra=sra[as.character(model.sra),],
    out$sra$dAIC <- out$sra$AIC-min(out$sra$AIC)
    out$edr$dAIC <- out$edr$AIC-min(out$edr$AIC)
    out$sra$dBIC <- out$sra$BIC-min(out$sra$BIC)
    out$edr$dBIC <- out$edr$BIC-min(out$edr$BIC)
    wfun <- function(dAIC) {
        w <- exp(-dAIC/2)
    out$sra$wAIC <- wfun(out$sra$dAIC)
    out$sra$wBIC <- wfun(out$sra$dBIC)
    out$edr$wAIC <- wfun(out$edr$dAIC)
    out$edr$wBIC <- wfun(out$edr$dBIC)

## model ID for best supported model
## multi: best model randomly chosen based on model weights
bestmodelBAMspecies <- 
function(species, model.sra, model.edr, type=c("AIC", "BIC", "AICmulti", "BICmulti")) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    x <- selectmodelBAMspecies(species, model.sra, model.edr)
    if (type=="AIC") {
        out <- list(sra=as.character(x$sra$model[which.min(x$sra$AIC)]),
    if (type=="BIC") {
            out <- list(sra=as.character(x$sra$model[which.min(x$sra$BIC)]),
    if (type=="AICmulti") {
        out <- list(sra=as.character(sample(x$sra$model, 1, 
            edr=as.character(sample(x$edr$model, 1, 
    if (type=="BICmulti") {
        out <- list(sra=as.character(sample(x$sra$model, 1, 
            edr=as.character(sample(x$edr$model, 1, 

edr_fun <- function(r, tau) {
sra_fun <- function(t, phi) {

## shorthand for custom phi/tau
customBAMcorrections <-
function(r, t, phi, tau)
    out <- globalBAMcorrections("OVEN", r, t, boot=FALSE,
        phi=phi, tau=tau)
    class(out) <- c("customBAMcorrections", "BAMcorrections", "data.frame")
    attr(out, "species") <- NA

## this makes GLOBAL correction data frame
## species = 4 letter acronym for species
## r = point count radius in 100 m (1 unit is 100 m)
## t = point count duration in min
## labels = vector for rownames of output
## boot = logical, the point estimates are used if FALSE,
##        a parametric bootstrap version is used when TRUE
##        (note: this gives only one iteration per call)
##        TRUE will create one random draw from the Normal distr
globalBAMcorrections <- 
function(species, r, t, labels, boot=FALSE, ...)
    #SPP <- coefBAMspecies(species, 0, 0)
    #VCV <- vcovBAMspecies(species, 0, 0)
    qfun <- edr_fun
    pfun <- sra_fun
#    qfun <- function(rr, sigma) {
#        sigma^2*(1-exp(-rr^2/sigma^2))/rr^2
#    }
#    pfun <- function(tt, phi) {
#        1-exp(-tt*phi)
#    }
    phi0 <- list(...)$phi
    sigma0 <- list(...)$tau
    if (is.null(phi0)) {
        model.sra <- 0
        if (boot) {
            phi <- exp(rnorm(1, 
                coefBAMspecies(species, 0, 0)$sra, 
                sqrt(vcovBAMspecies(species, 0, 0)$sra[1,1])))
        } else {
            phi <- exp(coefBAMspecies(species, 0, 0)$sra)
    } else {
        model.sra <- NA
        phi <- phi0
    names(phi) <- NULL
    if (is.null(sigma0)) {
        model.edr <- 0
        if (boot) {
            sigma <- exp(rnorm(1, 
                coefBAMspecies(species, 0, 0)$edr, 
                sqrt(vcovBAMspecies(species, 0, 0)$edr[1,1])))
        } else {
            sigma <- exp(coefBAMspecies(species, 0, 0)$edr)
    } else {
        model.edr <- NA
        sigma <- sigma0
    names(sigma) <- NULL
    t.nona <- !is.na(t)
    r.nona <- !is.na(r)
    tt <- t[t.nona]
    rr <- r[r.nona]
    unlim <- ifelse(rr==Inf, TRUE, FALSE)
    A <- q <- r
    p <- t
    A[r.nona] <- ifelse(unlim, pi*sigma^2, pi*rr^2)
    p[t.nona] <- pfun(tt, phi)
    q[r.nona] <- ifelse(unlim, 1, qfun(rr, sigma))
    out <- data.frame(A, p, q)
    if (!missing(labels))
        rownames(out) <- labels
    class(out) <- c("globalBAMcorrections", "BAMcorrections", "data.frame")
    attr(out, "species") <- species
    attr(out, "model.sra") <- as.integer(model.sra)
    attr(out, "model.edr") <- as.integer(model.edr)
#t <- c(3,3,3,5,5,5,10,10,10,3,NA)
#r <- c(0.5,1,Inf,0.5,1,Inf,0.5,1,Inf,NA,1)
#x <- globalBAMcorrections("OVEN", r, t, labels=LETTERS[1:11])
#globalBAMcorrections("OVEN", r, t, labels=LETTERS[1:11], phi=1)

## creates offset
corrections2offset <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("corrections2offset")
corrections2offset.BAMcorrections <- function(x, link="log", na.rm=FALSE) {
    link <- match.arg(link, c("log"))
    linkfun <- switch(link,
    if (!inherits(x, "BAMcorrections"))
        stop("not BAMcorrections object")
    out <- rowSums(linkfun(x), na.rm=na.rm)
    attr(out, "species") <- attr(x, "species")
    attr(out, "model.sra") <- attr(x, "model.sra")
    attr(out, "model.edr") <- attr(x, "model.edr")
    attr(out, "link") <- link
#rowSums(log(globalBAMcorrections("OVEN", r, t, labels=LETTERS[1:11])), na.rm=TRUE)
#corrections2offset(globalBAMcorrections("OVEN", r, t, labels=LETTERS[1:11]), na.rm=TRUE)

## correction factor for density
corrections <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("corrections")
corrections.BAMcorrections <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) {
    out <- apply(x, 1, prod, na.rm=na.rm)
    attr(out, "species") <- attr(x, "species")
    attr(out, "model.sra") <- attr(x, "model.sra")
    attr(out, "model.edr") <- attr(x, "model.edr")

## this makes LOCAL correction data frame
## species = 4 letter acronym for species
## r = point count radius in m/100
## t = point count duration in min
## labels = vector for rownames of output
## jday = time since local spring (days/365, numeric)
## tssr = time since local sunrise (hours/24, numeric)
## tree = tree cover (0-1 scale, based on VCF)
## lcc = land cover class (5 levels)
## road = on/off-road (0=off-road, 1=on-road, integer)
## model.sra = model for singing rate
## model.edr = model for EDR
## ver selects different sets of covariates
## boot = logical, the point estimates are used if FALSE,
##        a parametric bootstrap version is used when TRUE
##        (note: this gives only one iteration per call)
##        TRUE will create one random draw from the MVN

## note: road effect is still experimental

localBAMcorrections <- 
function (species, r, t, jday, tssr, tree, lcc, road, model.sra = 0, 
    model.edr = 0, labels, ver = 1, boot = FALSE, ...) 
    if (ver > 1)
        stop("ver must be 1")
    if (boot) 
    model.sra <- as.character(model.sra)
    model.edr <- as.character(model.edr)
    qfun <- edr_fun
    pfun <- sra_fun
    phi0 <- list(...)$phi
    sigma0 <- list(...)$tau
    if (is.null(phi0)) {
        ltssr <- names(getBAMmodellist()$sra)[grep("TSSR", getBAMmodellist()$sra)]
        ljday <- names(getBAMmodellist()$sra)[grep("JDAY", getBAMmodellist()$sra)]
        if (missing(tssr) && model.sra %in% ltssr) 
            stop("tssr must be specified for model.sra", model.sra)
        if (missing(jday) && model.sra %in% ljday) 
            stop("jday must be specified for model.sra", model.sra)
        Xt <- switch(model.sra, 
            `0` = matrix(1, length(t), 1), 
            `1` = model.matrix(~jday), 
            `2` = model.matrix(~tssr), 
            `3` = model.matrix(~jday + I(jday^2)), 
            `4` = model.matrix(~tssr + I(tssr^2)), 
            `5` = model.matrix(~jday + tssr), 
            `6` = model.matrix(~jday + I(jday^2) + tssr), 
            `7` = model.matrix(~jday + tssr + I(tssr^2)), 
            `8` = model.matrix(~jday + I(jday^2) + tssr + I(tssr^2)))
        if (boot) {
            tmp <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, coefBAMspecies(species, model.sra, 
                model.edr)$sra, vcovBAMspecies(species, model.sra, 
            phi <- exp(drop(Xt %*% tmp))
        } else {
            phi <- exp(drop(Xt %*% coefBAMspecies(species, model.sra, 
#        if (missing(jday) && missing(tssr)) 
#            t.nona <- !is.na(t)
#        if (missing(jday) && !missing(tssr)) 
#            t.nona <- !is.na(t) & !is.na(tssr)
#        if (!missing(jday) && missing(tssr)) 
#            t.nona <- !is.na(t) & !is.na(jday)
#        if (!missing(jday) && !missing(tssr)) 
#            t.nona <- !is.na(t) & !is.na(jday) & !is.na(tssr)
    } else {
        model.sra <- NA
        phi <- phi0
#        t.nona <- !is.na(t)
        if (length(phi) == 1) 
            phi <- rep(phi, length(t))
#    t.nona <- rep(TRUE, length(phi))
#    phi <- phi[t.nona]
    names(phi) <- NULL
    if (is.null(sigma0)) {
        ltree <- names(getBAMmodellist()$edr)[grep("TREE", getBAMmodellist()$edr)]
        llcc <- names(getBAMmodellist()$edr)[grep("LCC", getBAMmodellist()$edr)]
        lroad <- names(getBAMmodellist()$edr)[grep("ROAD", getBAMmodellist()$edr)]
        if (missing(tree) && model.edr %in% ltree) 
            stop("tree must be specified for model.edr", model.edr)
        if (missing(lcc) && model.edr %in% llcc) 
            stop("lcc must be specified for model.edr", model.edr)
        Xr <- switch(model.edr, 
            `0` = matrix(1, length(r), 1), 
            `1` = model.matrix(~tree), 
            `2` = model.matrix(~lcc))
        if (boot) {
            tmp <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, coefBAMspecies(species, model.sra, 
                model.edr)$edr, vcovBAMspecies(species, model.sra, 
            sigma <- exp(drop(Xr %*% tmp))
        else {
            sigma <- exp(drop(Xr %*% coefBAMspecies(species, 
                model.sra, model.edr)$edr))
#        if (missing(tree) && missing(road)) 
#            r.nona <- !is.na(r)
#        if (missing(tree) && !missing(road)) 
#            r.nona <- !is.na(r) & !is.na(road)
#        if (!missing(tree) && missing(road)) 
#            r.nona <- !is.na(r) & !is.na(tree)
#        if (!missing(tree) && !missing(road)) 
#            r.nona <- !is.na(r) & !is.na(tree) & !is.na(road)
    } else {
        model.edr <- NA
        sigma <- sigma0
#        r.nona <- !is.na(r)
        if (length(sigma) == 1) 
            sigma <- rep(sigma, length(r))
#    r.nona <- rep(TRUE, length(sigma))
#    sigma <- sigma[r.nona]
    names(sigma) <- NULL
#    tt <- t[t.nona]
#    rr <- r[r.nona]
    tt <- t
    rr <- r
    unlim <- ifelse(rr == Inf, TRUE, FALSE)
    A <- q <- r
    p <- t
#    A[r.nona] <- ifelse(unlim, pi * sigma^2, pi * rr^2)
#    p[t.nona] <- pfun(tt, phi)
#    q[r.nona] <- ifelse(unlim, 1, qfun(rr, sigma))
    A <- ifelse(unlim, pi * sigma^2, pi * rr^2)
    p <- pfun(tt, phi)
    q <- ifelse(unlim, 1, qfun(rr, sigma))
    out <- data.frame(A, p, q)
    if (!missing(labels)) 
        rownames(out) <- labels
    class(out) <- c("localBAMcorrections", "BAMcorrections", 
    attr(out, "species") <- species
    attr(out, "model.sra") <- as.integer(model.sra)
    attr(out, "model.edr") <- as.integer(model.edr)
psolymos/QPAD documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:31 a.m.