
Defines functions spatial_curation_intersect_areas

Documented in spatial_curation_intersect_areas

#' @name spatial_curation_intersect_areas
#' @aliases spatial_curation_intersect_areas
#' @title Perform spatial intersection with a geospatial layer
#' @description This function performs the spatial intersection between a georeferenced dataset (\code{input layer}) and a georeferenced code list stored in Sardara database (\code{intersection layer}). It provides the features of the \code{intersection layer} that intersect the features of the \code{input layer}, along with the proportion of the area of the \code{input layer} feature being intersected by the \code{intersection layer} feature. 
#' @export
#' @usage 
#' spatial_curation_intersect_areas(
#' con,
#' df_input,
#' df_spatial_code_list_name,
#' intersection_spatial_code_list_name)
#' @param con a wrapper of rpostgresql connection (connection to a database)
#' @param df_input data.frame of fact. The dataframe must have at least a column 'geographic_identifier'. The code list used for the column 'geographic_identifier' must be one of the table of the schema 'area' of the database.
#' @param df_spatial_code_list_name string . Dataset name of the code list used for the column 'geographic_identifier' of \code{df_input} (type polygon)
#' @param intersection_spatial_code_list_name string .  Name of the intersection layer to use (type polygon). Corresponds to the name of the table in the database.
#' @return a list with 2 objects: 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"df": }{\code{df_input} with additional columns:
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item{"geographic_identifier_intersection_layer": }{ Code of the feature from the intersection layer (\code{intersection_spatial_code_list_name}) that intersects the geographical identifier of \code{df_input}}
#'  \item{"proportion_source_area_intersection": }{ Proportion of the area of the \code{df_input} feature being intersected by the \code{intersection layer} feature. }
#'  }}
#'  \item{"df_input_areas_intersect_intersection_layer": }{a data.frame summarizing the results of the spatial intersection. The columns are: }
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item{"geographic_identifier_source_layer": }{ Code of the feature (geographic identifier) from \code{df_input}}
#'  \item{"geographic_identifier_intersection_layer": }{ Code of the feature from (\code{intersection_spatial_code_list_name}) that intersects the feature of \code{df_input}}
#'  \item{"codelist_source_layer": }{ Name of the code list used for the column 'geographic_identifier' of \code{df_input}}
#'  \item{"codelist_intersection_layer": }{ Name of the intersection layer code list (\code{intersection_spatial_code_list_name}) }
#'  \item{"proportion_source_area_intersection": }{ Proportion of the area of the \code{input layer} feature being intersected by the \code{intersection layer} feature. }
#'  }
#' }
#' @details 
#' User has to be aware that the intersection might return several rows for 1 given row of \code{df_input}. This happens when one spatial feature of the \code{input layer} intersects several features of the \code{intersection layer}. Hence, the values of the ouput dataset might not be summed directly.
#' Example:
#' 1 row of \code{df_input}:
#' \tabular{rrrrrrr}{
#' flag	\tab time_start	\tab time_end	  \tab  geographic_identifier 	\tab  gear	 \tab  species	 \tab  value  \cr
#' AUS	\tab 1992-02-01	\tab 1992-03-01	\tab 235140	\tab LL	\tab YFT	\tab 0.05 \cr
#' }
#' When executing the function \code{function spatial_curation_intersect_areas} taking as intersection layer "fao_fishing_areas", the output dataset will return 2 rows:
#' \tabular{rrrrrrrrr}{
#' flag	 \tab  time_start 	\tab  time_end	  \tab  geographic_identifier	 \tab  gear	 \tab  species	\tab  value  \tab  geographic_identifier_intersection_layer  \tab  proportion_intersection  \cr 
#' AUS	\tab 1992-02-01	\tab 1992-03-01	\tab 235140	\tab LL	\tab YFT	\tab 3.2 \tab F51 \tab 0.5 \cr 
#' AUS	\tab 1992-02-01	\tab 1992-03-01	\tab 235140	\tab LL	\tab YFT	\tab 3.2 \tab F57 \tab 0.5 \cr 
#' }
#' This table means that the geograpical identifier "235140" intersects two areas of the intersection layer: "F51" with 50\% (proportion_intersection=0.5) of the area of 235140 being intersected by F51, and "F57" with 50\% (proportion_intersection=0.5) of the area of 235140 being intersected by F57. However, the value of catch is 3.2 in both cases - i.e. it has not been multiplied by the proportion of area intersected.
#' @family process data
#' @examples
#' # Connect to Tuna atlas database
#' con<-db_connection_tunaatlas_world()
#' # Extract a dataset
#' dataset_metadata<-list_metadata_datasets(con,identifier="west_pacific_ocean_catch_1970_01_01_2016_01_01_5deg_1m_ps_tunaatlasWCPFC_2017_level0")
#' df<-extract_dataset(con,dataset_metadata)
#' # Retrieve the spatial coding system used in the dataset
#' df_spatial_codingsystem <- get_codelist_of_dimension(con,dataset_metadata,"area")
#' # Get the list of geospatial layers available in the database
#' spatial_code_lists_available<-list_metadata_codelists(con,dimension="area")
#' # Intersect df with continents (to check which data are located on land areas)
#' df_intersect_continents<-spatial_curation_intersect_areas(con,df_input=df,df_spatial_code_list_name=df_spatial_codingsystem$dataset_name,intersection_spatial_code_list_name="gshhs_world_coastlines")
#' head(df_intersect_continents$df)
#' head(df_intersect_continents$df_input_areas_intersect_intersection_layer)
#' # Intersect df with EEZ (to know what percentage of df is located on EEZs)
#' df_intersect_eez<-spatial_curation_intersect_areas(con,df_input=df,df_spatial_code_list_name=df_spatial_codingsystem$dataset_name,intersection_spatial_code_list_name="vliz_world_eez_v8_2014")
#' head(df_intersect_eez$df)
#' head(df_intersect_eez$df_input_areas_intersect_intersection_layer)
#' @author Paul Taconet, \email{paul.taconet@@ird.fr}

spatial_curation_intersect_areas<-function(con, df_input, df_spatial_code_list_name, intersection_spatial_code_list_name){ 
  cat(paste0("Please ignore here-under warning messages 'unrecognized PostgreSQL field type unknown'"))
  inputAreas_forQuery<-paste(unique(df_input$geographic_identifier), collapse = '\',\'')
  db_table_name_inputAreas<-dbGetQuery(con,paste0("SELECT identifier from metadata.metadata where identifier='",df_spatial_code_list_name,"'"))$table_name
  db_table_name_intersectionArea<-dbGetQuery(con,paste0("SELECT identifier from metadata.metadata where identifier='",intersection_spatial_code_list_name,"'"))$table_name
  #names_codes_labels_table_inputAreas<- dbGetQuery(con,paste0("SELECT code_column,english_label_column FROM metadata.codelists_codes_labels_column_names WHERE table_name='",db_table_name_inputAreas,"'"))
  #names_codes_labels_table_intersectionArea<- dbGetQuery(con,paste0("SELECT code_column,english_label_column FROM metadata.codelists_codes_labels_column_names WHERE table_name='",db_table_name_intersectionArea,"'"))
  #name_geom_table_inputAreas<- dbGetQuery(con,paste0("SELECT f_geometry_column FROM geometry_columns WHERE 'area.'||f_table_name='",db_table_name_inputAreas,"'"))
  #name_geom_table_intersectionArea<- dbGetQuery(con,paste0("SELECT f_geometry_column FROM geometry_columns WHERE 'area.'||f_table_name='",db_table_name_intersectionArea,"'"))
  #                         source_layer AS (
  #                         SELECT ",names_codes_labels_table_inputAreas$code," as code, ",names_codes_labels_table_inputAreas$english_label_column," AS label, ",name_geom_table_inputAreas$f_geometry_column," as geom FROM area.",df_spatial_code_list_name," WHERE ",names_codes_labels_table_inputAreas$code," IN ('",inputAreas_forQuery,"')
  #                         ),intersection_layer
  #                         AS (
  #                         SELECT ",names_codes_labels_table_intersectionArea$code," as code, ",names_codes_labels_table_intersectionArea$english_label_column," AS label, ",name_geom_table_intersectionArea$f_geometry_column," as geom FROM area.",intersection_spatial_code_list_name,"
  #                         )
  #                         SELECT 
  #                         source_layer.code as geographic_identifier_source_layer,
  #                         intersection_layer.code as geographic_identifier_intersection_layer,
  #                         '",df_spatial_code_list_name,"' as codelist_source_layer,
  #                         '",intersection_spatial_code_list_name,"' as codelist_intersection_layer,
  #                         ST_Area(ST_Intersection(source_layer.geom, intersection_layer.geom))/ST_Area(source_layer.geom) as proportion_source_area_intersection
  #                         FROM 
  #                         source_layer,intersection_layer
  #                         WHERE
  #                         ST_Intersects(source_layer.geom, intersection_layer.geom)"
  #                         ,sep="")
                           source_layer AS (
                           SELECT code, label, geom FROM area.",df_spatial_code_list_name," WHERE code IN ('",inputAreas_forQuery,"')
                           AS (
                           SELECT code, label, geom FROM area.",intersection_spatial_code_list_name,"
                           source_layer.code as geographic_identifier_source_layer,
                           intersection_layer.code as geographic_identifier_intersection_layer,
                           '",df_spatial_code_list_name,"' as codelist_source_layer,
                           '",intersection_spatial_code_list_name,"' as codelist_intersection_layer,
                           ST_Area(ST_Intersection(source_layer.geom, intersection_layer.geom))/ST_Area(source_layer.geom) as proportion_source_area_intersection
                           ST_Intersects(source_layer.geom, intersection_layer.geom)"
    areas_intersected$geographic_identifier_source_layer<-gsub(" ", "", areas_intersected$geographic_identifier_source_layer, fixed = TRUE) #remove withespaces
    df_input<-left_join(df_input,areas_intersected,by= c("geographic_identifier" = "geographic_identifier_source_layer"))
    #sum of the input df that intersect the intersection layer
    #stats<-semi_join(df_input,areas_intersected,by= c("geographic_identifier" = "geographic_identifier_source_layer")) %>%
    #  group_by(unit) %>%
    #  summarize(sum_df_intersect_intersection_layer<-sum(value))
    if(!identical(areas_not_intersected, character(0))){
    } else { areas_not_intersected=NULL }
ptaconet/rtunaatlas documentation built on Sept. 21, 2021, 10:43 p.m.