  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
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BINDER (BayesIan gene regulatory Networks inferreD via gene coExpression and compaRative genomics) is a hybrid approach, integrating coexpression and comparative genomics to infer prokaryotic regulons.

BINDER infers gene regulatory networks by constructing two strata: a primary stratum and an auxiliary stratum. The primary stratum is composed of coexpression data from a primary organism of interest and is supplemented by auxiliary data in the form of motif predictions and known orthologous regulator-target interactions from a proxy organism. BINDER implements a Bayesian hierarchical model that appositely models the type and structure of both this primary and auxiliary data to infer the probability of a regulatory interaction between a regulator-target pair. The auxiliary data inform the prior distributions and the posterior distributions are updated by accounting for the primary coexpression data in a novel, apposite bivariate likelihood function.

For more information, see corresponding publication.

BINDER R package

Install BINDER

Perhaps the easiest way to install the BINDER R package from GitHub is via the install_github function from the devtools (see ?devtools and ?devtools::install_github) R package:

if(!require("devtools")){ install.packages("devtools") } # Install devtools R package.
devtools::install_github("ptrcksn/BINDER") # Install BINDER R package from GitHub.

This will install the most recent version of the BINDER R package.

(NOTE: The most recent iteration of BINDER uses a Gibbs sampling approach (as opposed to the original HMC approach facilitated by Stan) to estimate the posterior distribution of interest; in order to facilitate the Gibbs sampling procedure, the scale parameters in the current iteration assume independent inverse gamma prior distributions (as opposed to independent truncated normal prior distributions as per original approach) and the slope parameters in the auxiliary stratum assume independent normal prior distributions (as opposed to independent truncated normal prior distributions as per original approach). We find little distinction between the implementations in terms of the estimated posterior distribution; however, we find the current iteration is considerably faster to run. If you desire the original HMC approach facilitated by Stan, you can install this version by specifying this in the call to devtools::installgithub:

devtools::install_github("ptrcksn/BINDER", ref="bcfbec3") # Install HMC implementation of BINDER R package from GitHub.

If you are unsure as to which implementation to install, we recommend ignoring this note and installing the most recent implementation as per the initial installation instructions.)

Simulate some data

Let's define our data such that we have N candidate features of interest and M samples/experimental conditions:

N <- 500 # Number of putative target features of interest.
M <- 100 # Number of samples/experimental conditions.

The main function of the BINDER package is the BINDER::binder function; this function runs the BINDER model implementation with the data provided.

The BINDER::binder function comprises several function arguments (see ?BINDER::binder); two of these arguments have no default values and require user-defined values: proxy_regulon and expression.

proxy_regulon requires a data structure of class data.frame with the following columns:

[regulator target_candidate ortholog_module_status ME PE]

Each column of proxy_regulon should be named and ordered as above.

Let's simulate a proxy_regulon structure where Feature1 and Feature2 represent putative regulators and Feature1, Feature2, ..., Feature500 represent target candiates for both putative regulators:

# Simulate proxy regulon data frame:
proxy_regulon <- data.frame(
  regulator=rep(paste0("Feature", 1:2), each=N),
  target_candidate=rep(paste0("Feature", 1:N), 2),
  ortholog_module_status=rbinom((2*N), 1, 0.5),
  ME=rbinom((2*N), 1, 0.5),
  PE=rbinom((2*N), 1, 0.5))
proxy_regulon$PE <- ifelse(proxy_regulon$ortholog_module_status == 0, 0, proxy_regulon$PE)

expression comprises an N*M matrix where each row corresponds to a putative target feature of interest and each column corresponds to a sample/experimental condition; element n,m corresponds to the expression value for the nth feature of interest under the mth sample/experimental condition. Each row should be named by its associated feature.

Let's simulate an expression structure for each of the N features of interest across the M samples/experimental conditions:

# Simulate expression matrix:
expression <- matrix(rgamma((N*M), 1, 1), nrow=N) # Simulate expression data.
rownames(expression) <- paste0("Feature", 1:N) # Names of features of interest.
colnames(expression) <- paste0("Sample", 1:M) # Names of samples/experimental conditions.
expression[1:5, 1:5]


Given these two data structures, the BINDER model implementation can be invoked.

Although only the arguments proxy_regulon and expression require user-specification, the BINDER::binder function also comprises several function arguments in its function header that pertain to hyperparameters, initial values for the MCMC sampler, thresholding values, number of MCMC chains to run, number of draws from each MCMC chain, extent of thinning and burn-in on the resulting MCMC chains, parallelisation options and more. All function arguments except for proxy_regulon and expression exhibit default behaviour in the absence of user-specifcation; for details see ?BINDER::binder.

Let's run the BINDER::binder function on the simulated proxy_regulon and expression data structures:

results <- BINDER::binder(proxy_regulon=proxy_regulon, expression=expression)
results <- BINDER::binder(proxy_regulon=proxy_regulon, expression=expression)

The binder function argument is.coexpression defaults to FALSE; this means that BINDER treats the expression matrix supplied to the function as an N*M matrix where each row corresponds to a feature of interest and each column corresponds to a sample/experimental condition.

(If a coexpression matrix is supplied to the BINDER function, the is.coexpression function argument should be set to TRUE. If desired, a coexpression matrix can be computed from an expression matrix using the BINDER::compute_coexpression function (see ?BINDER::compute_coexpression).)

Access BINDER results

The object returned by the call to BINDER::binder comprises a two-dimensional list; each element of the top-level list corresponds to a regulator, itself comprising a list of MCMC chains (of length equal to n_chains); for a given regulator r and chain c, each chain comprises a two-dimensional structure containing the MCMC draws (rows) for each model parameter (columns) for chain c and regulator r. Various results derived from the BINDER modelling process can be accessed from the structure returned by the call to BINDER::binder.

The first 10 posterior draws for theta for {Feature1, Feature1}, {Feature1, Feature2} and {Feature1, Feature3} on chain 1 can be accessed by:

results[["Feature1"]][[1]][1:10, 1:3]

The 5th, 9th and 11th posterior draws for theta for {Feature2, Feature11}, logit(theta) for {Feature2, Feature9}, zeta and tau_ME on chain 1 can be accessed by:

results$Feature2[[1]][c(5, 9, 11), c("theta[Feature11]", "logit(theta[Feature9])", "zeta", "tau_ME")]

You can also access summaries (mean, standard deviation and 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% quantiles) pertaining to the posterior distribution of theta for each regulator-target candidate pair of interest using the custom summary method with an instance of posteriorDraws (such as that returned by BINDER::binder):


The default behaviour of summary is to provide posterior summaries for all regulator-target candidate pairs; however, if you are interested in a particular set of summaries, you can specify the the regulator-target canididates through the target_candidates function argument:

relevant_target_candidates <- list("Feature1"=c("Feature1", "Feature7"), "Feature2"=c("Feature11", "Feature15"))
summary(results, target_candidates=relevant_target_candidates)

ptrcksn/BINDER documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 1:56 a.m.