
Defines functions plot.drift alphapars get_a0 misfit_g drift.spot drift_helper drift

Documented in drift plot.drift

#' @title drift correction
#' @description fits a generalised linear model to time resolved SIMS
#'     data
#' @param x an object of class \code{simplex}
#' @param i (optional) vector of mass spectrometer cycles to be used
#'     for the drift correction. If \code{NULL}, uses the entire
#'     signal.
#' @return an object of class \code{drift}
#' @examples
#' data('SHRIMP_UPb',package='simplex')
#' dc <- drift(x=SHRIMP_UPb)
#' plot(dc,i=1)
#' @export
drift <- function(x,i=NULL){
# gui=TRUE in app.R
drift_helper <- function(x,i=NULL,gui=FALSE){
    out <- x
    snames <- names(x$samples)
    ns <- length(snames)
    if (is.null(i)) ii <- 1:ns
    else ii <- i
    for (j in ii){
        sname <- snames[j]
        if (gui){
            shinylight::sendInfoText(paste0(" (processing ",sname,")"))
        } else {
        sp <- spot(dat=x,sname=sname)
        out$samples[[sname]]$dc <- drift.spot(spot=sp)
    class(out) <- unique(append('drift',class(out)))

drift.spot <- function(spot){
    ions <- spot$method$ions
    nions <- length(ions)
    el <- element(ions)
    EL <- unique(el)
    nEL <- length(EL)
    out <- matrix(0,2,nions)
    colnames(out) <- ions
    rownames(out) <- c('a0','g')
    for (i in 1:nEL){ # loop through the elements
        j <- which(el %in% EL[i])
        fit <- stats::optim(par=0,fn=misfit_g,method='L-BFGS-B',
        out['g',ions[j]] <- fit$par
        out['a0',ions[j]] <- get_a0(g=fit$par,spot=spot,ions=ions[j])

misfit_g <- function(par,spot,ions){
    g <- par
    out <- 0
    a0 <- get_a0(g=g,spot=spot,ions=ions)
    i <- 1:nrow(spot$signal)
    if (!is.null(spot$outliers)) i <- i[-spot$outliers]
    for (ion in ions){
        p <- alphapars(spot=spot,ion=ion)
        a <- exp(a0[ion]+g*p$t[i])
        if (spot$dtype[ion]=='Fc'){
            obs <- p$sig[i] - p$bkg
            pred <- a
            out <- out + sum((obs-pred)^2)
        } else {
            obs <- p$counts[i]
            pred <- a*p$edt[i] # + p$bkgcounts # approximate
            out <- out - sum(stats::dpois(x=obs,lambda=pred,log=TRUE))

get_a0 <- function(g,spot,ions){
    far_misfit <- function(par,g,ap){
        expected <- ap$bkg + exp(par+g*ap$t)
        sum((expected - ap$sig)^2)
    sem_misfit <- function(par,g,ap){
        expected <- ap$bkgcounts + exp(par+g*ap$t)*ap$edt
        LL <- stats::dpois(x=ap$counts,lambda=expected,log=TRUE)
    init_far <- function(ap){
        dap <- ap$sig-ap$bkg
        if (any(dap>0)){
            map <- mean(dap)
            if (map>0) init <- log(map)
            else init <- log(min(dap[dap>0]))
        } else {
            flap <- -max(dap)
            if (flap>0) init <- log(flap)
            else init <- -5
    out <- rep(0,length(ions))
    names(out) <- ions
    for (ion in ions){
        ap <- alphapars(spot,ion)
        if (spot$dtype[ion]=='Fc'){
            init <- init_far(ap)
            out[ion] <- stats::optimise(far_misfit,interval=init+c(-5,2),
        } else {
            sc <- sum(ap$counts)
            den <- sum(exp(g*ap$t)*ap$edt)
            if (sc>0){
                init <- log(sc) - log(den)
                out[ion] <- stats::optimise(sem_misfit,interval=init+c(-5,2),
            } else {
                out[ion] <- log(0.5) - log(den)

alphapars <- function(spot,ion){
    out <- list()
    out$bkg <- background(spot,ion)
    out$t <- hours(spot$time[,ion])
    if (faraday(spot,ion)){
        out$sig <- spot$signal[,ion]
    } else {
        if (spot$method$instrument=='Cameca'){
            detector <- spot$detector[ion]
            deadtime <- spot$deadtime[detector]
            dwelltime <- spot$dwelltime[ion]
            counts <- spot$signal[,ion]*dwelltime
            out$edt <- dwelltime-deadtime*counts*1e-9
            out$sig <- counts/out$edt
            out$counts <- round(counts)
        } else {
            dwelltime <- spot$dwelltime[ion]
            out$counts <- spot$signal[,ion]
            out$edt <- dwelltime-spot$deadtime*out$counts*1e-9
            out$sig <- out$counts/out$edt
        out$bkgcounts <- round(out$bkg*dwelltime)

#' @title plot drift corrected data
#' @description shows the time resolved mass spectrometer signals
#'     fitted by a generalised linear model
#' @param x an object of class \code{drift}
#' @param sname the name of the sample to be shown
#' @param i the number of the sample to be shown
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed on to the generic
#'     \code{plot} function.
#' @examples
#' data('Cameca_UPb',package='simplex')
#' dc <- drift(x=Cameca_UPb)
#' plot(dc,i=1)
#' @method plot drift
#' @export
plot.drift <- function(x,sname=NULL,i=1,...){
    spot <- spot(x,sname=sname,i=i)
    ions <- spot$method$ions
    tlim <- range(spot$time)
    tm <- apply(spot$time,1,min)
    tM <- apply(spot$time,1,max)
    np <- length(ions) # number of plot panels
    nr <- ceiling(sqrt(np)) # number of rows
    nc <- ceiling(np/nr)    # number of columns
    oldpar <- graphics::par(mfrow=c(nr,nc),mar=c(3.5,3.5,0.5,0.5))
    mono <- !multicollector(x)
    for (ion in ions){
        ap <- alphapars(spot,ion)
        sb <- ap$sig - ap$bkg
        tt <- seconds(ap$t)
        ylab <- paste0(ion,'- b')
        a0 <- spot$dc['a0',ion]
        g <- spot$dc['g',ion]
        predsig <- exp(a0+g*hours(tlim))
        sbm <- sb*exp(g*hours(tm-tt))
        sbM <- sb*exp(g*hours(tM-tt))
        ylim <- range(sbm,sbM)
        bg <- rep('black',length(tt))
        if (!is.null(spot$outliers)) bg[spot$outliers] <- 'white'
        if (mono) graphics::lines(tlim,predsig,lty=3)
        graphics::mtext(side=1,text='t (s)',line=2)
pvermees/simplex documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 12:40 p.m.