
###    Purpose:   Top-level functions to compute economic values
###    started:   2018-10-29 (pvr)
### ############################################################## ###

#' @title Compute Economic Values Based On Price Changes
#' @description
#' In this function, the economic value is computed as the change
#' in expected average price over a population for a given change
#' in the population mean. The computation
#' of the economic value is simplified by the assumption that the
#' costs can be kept constant for the different levels of the population
#' mean. Futhermore, we assume that the change in population mean
#' does not change the amount of product produced. The result is
#' standardized and expressed per unit of the trait.
#' @param pn_mean         empirical population mean
#' @param pn_sd           empirical population standard deviation
#' @param pvec_class_freq vector of empirical trait frequencies
#' @param pvec_threshold  vector of thresholds given by payment system
#' @param pvec_price      vector of prices given by payment system
#' @param pn_delta_mean   small change of population mean
#' @param pn_gen_sd       genetic standard deviation of trait
#' @param pb_verbose      level of output verbosity
#' @return ev_result      list of two economic values, per unit trait and per genetic sd, if pn_gen_sd is given
#' @export compute_economic_value
compute_economic_value <- function(pn_mean,
                                   pvec_class_freq = NULL,
                                   pvec_threshold  = NULL,
                                   pn_gen_sd       = NULL,
                                   pb_verbose      = FALSE ){
  ### # checking input parameters
  if ( length(pn_mean) != 1L )
    stop("Population mean (pn_mean) must be a single number: ", length(pn_mean))
  if ( length(pn_sd) != 1L )
    stop("Population standard deviation (pn_sd) must be a single number: ", length(pn_sd))
  if ( length(pn_delta_mean) != 1L )
    stop("Change in population mean (pn_delta_mean) must be a single number: ", length(pn_delta_mean))

  ### # for a continuous trait pvec_class_freq is NULL
  if ( is.null(pvec_class_freq) ) {
    ### # for continuous distributions, we need a vector of thresholds
    if ( is.null(pvec_threshold) ) {
      stop("For a continuous trait, vector of thresholds for price categories cannot be NULL")
    ### # vector of prices must contain one element more than vector of thresholds
    if ( length(pvec_threshold) != (length(pvec_price)-1) )
      stop("Number of thresholds and number prices not consistent: ", length(pvec_threshold), " ", length(pvec_price))

    ### # use the specified thresholds for computing economic values later
    vec_threshold <- pvec_threshold

    if (pb_verbose) {
      cat("[INFO -- compute_economic_value] Continuous trait: threshold:\n")

    ### # compute economic value based on mean, sd, threshold, prices and delta
    ev_result <- compute_ev_price_cont( pn_mean        = pn_mean,
                                        pn_sd          = pn_sd,
                                        pvec_threshold = vec_threshold,
                                        pvec_price     = pvec_price,
                                        pn_delta_mean  = pn_delta_mean,
                                        pn_gen_sd      = pn_gen_sd,
                                        pb_verbose     = pb_verbose )

  } else {
    ### # case of a discrete trait, check that number of class frequencies and number of prices are the same
    if ( length(pvec_class_freq) != length(pvec_price) )
      stop("Number of classes must be the same as number of prices: ", length(pvec_class_freq), " ", length(pvec_price))

    ### # thresholds assuming normal distribution, if any thresholds are specified, they are ignored
    vec_cum_freq_dist <- cumsum(pvec_class_freq)
    vec_threshold <- qnorm(vec_cum_freq_dist[1:(length(vec_cum_freq_dist)-1)], mean = pn_mean, sd = pn_sd, lower.tail = TRUE)

    if (pb_verbose) {
      cat("[INFO -- compute_economic_value] Class freq:\n")
      cat("[INFO -- compute_economic_value] price:\n")
      cat("[INFO -- compute_economic_value] Discrete trait: threshold:\n")
      cat("[INFO -- compute_economic_value] Cumulative frequencies: \n")

    ### # compute economic value based on discrete distribution given by pvec_class_freq
    ev_result <- compute_ev_price_disc( pn_mean         = pn_mean,
                                        pn_sd           = pn_sd,
                                        pvec_class_freq = pvec_class_freq,
                                        pvec_threshold  = vec_threshold,
                                        pvec_price      = pvec_price,
                                        pn_delta_mean   = pn_delta_mean,
                                        pn_gen_sd       = pn_gen_sd,
                                        pb_verbose      = pb_verbose  )

  ### # return result


#' @title Compute economic value based on price change for discrete trait
#' @description
#' Economic value is computed based on price change between base distribution
#' and a shifted distribution for a discrete trait.
#' @param pn_mean         empirical population mean
#' @param pn_sd           empirical population standard deviation
#' @param pvec_class_freq vector of empirical trait frequencies
#' @param pvec_threshold  vector of thresholds given by payment system
#' @param pvec_price      vector of prices given by payment system
#' @param pn_delta_mean   small change of population mean
#' @param pn_gen_sd       genetic standard deviation of trait
#' @param pb_verbose      level of output verbosity
#' @return ev_result      list of two economic values, per unit trait and per genetic sd, if pn_gen_sd is given
compute_ev_price_disc <- function( pn_mean,
                                   pb_verbose       = FALSE ){
  ### # compute the expected price in the base situation
  n_ex_price_base <- crossprod(pvec_class_freq, pvec_price)
  if (pb_verbose) cat("[INFO -- compute_ev_price_disc] Base price: ", n_ex_price_base, "\n")
  ### # shift the distribution
  n_mean_shifted <- pn_mean + pn_delta_mean
  if (pb_verbose) cat("[INFO -- compute_ev_price_disc] Shifted mean: ", n_mean_shifted, "\n")
  ### # get cumulative frequencies under shifted distribution
  vec_freq_shifted_cum <- pnorm(pvec_threshold, mean = n_mean_shifted, sd = pn_sd)
  vec_freq_shifted <- diff(c(0, vec_freq_shifted_cum))
  if (pb_verbose) {
    cat("[INFO -- compute_ev_price_disc] Shifted freq cum\n")
    cat("[INFO -- compute_ev_price_disc] Shifted freq diff\n")
  ### # extract the sum of the shifted frequencies as last element of cumulative frequencies
  n_sum_freq_shifted <- vec_freq_shifted_cum[length(vec_freq_shifted_cum)]
  ### # add last entry for frequency
  if (n_sum_freq_shifted > 1){
    stop(" *** Error: compute_ev_price_disc: sum of shifted frequencies > 1: ", n_sum_freq_shifted)
  } else {
    vec_freq_shifted <- c(vec_freq_shifted, 1-n_sum_freq_shifted)
  if (pb_verbose) {
    cat("[INFO -- compute_ev_price_disc] Shifted freq diff\n")
  ### # compute price under shifted distribution
  n_ex_price_shifted <- crossprod(vec_freq_shifted, pvec_price)
  if (pb_verbose) cat("[INFO -- compute_ev_price_disc] Shifted price: ", n_ex_price_shifted, "\n")

  ### # difference corresponds to ev per trait unit, when rescaled with pn_delta_mean
  ev_result_per_trait_unit <- (n_ex_price_shifted - n_ex_price_base) / pn_delta_mean
  ### # if genetic standard deviation is specified, compute the ev on the basis of one genetic sd
  ev_result_per_gen_sd <- NULL
  if (!is.null(pn_gen_sd))
    ev_result_per_gen_sd <- ev_result_per_trait_unit * pn_gen_sd
  ### # return the results as a list
  ev_result <- list(ev_per_trait_unit = ev_result_per_trait_unit,
                    ev_per_gen_sd     = ev_result_per_gen_sd)


#' @title Compute numeric value of economic value based on revenue
#' @description
#' This function computes the economic value based on changes in revenue for
#' a small change in the population mean.
#' @param pn_mean         empirical population mean
#' @param pn_sd           empirical population standard deviation
#' @param pvec_threshold  vector of thresholds given by payment system
#' @param pvec_price      vector of prices given by payment system
#' @param pn_delta_mean   small change of population mean
#' @param pn_gen_sd       genetic standard deviation of trait
#' @param pb_verbose      level of output verbosity
#' @return ev_result      list of two economic values, per unit trait and per genetic sd, if pn_gen_sd is given
compute_ev_price_cont <- function( pn_mean,
                                   pb_verbose       = FALSE ) {
  ### # getting area under normal distribution for base situation
  vec_freq_base_cum <- pnorm(pvec_threshold, mean = pn_mean, sd = pn_sd)
  vec_freq_base <- diff(c(0,vec_freq_base_cum))
  ### # take last element of vec_freq_base_cum as the cumsum of vec_freq_base
  n_sum_freq_base <- vec_freq_base_cum[length(vec_freq_base_cum)]
  if (n_sum_freq_base > 1){
    stop(" *** Error: compute_ev_price_cont: sum of base frequencies > 1: ", n_sum_freq_base)
  } else {
    vec_freq_base <- c(vec_freq_base, 1-n_sum_freq_base)

  ev_result <- compute_ev_price_disc( pn_mean         = pn_mean,
                                      pn_sd           = pn_sd,
                                      pvec_class_freq = vec_freq_base,
                                      pvec_threshold  = pvec_threshold,
                                      pvec_price      = pvec_price,
                                      pn_delta_mean   = pn_delta_mean,
                                      pn_gen_sd       = pn_gen_sd,
                                      pb_verbose      = pb_verbose)


## --- Conversion and Weighting Functions ------------------------------------------------
#' @title Relative Economic Factors From Economic Values
#' @description
#' Given a tibble with economic values per genetic standard deviation in
#' parameter ptbl_economic_value, the relative weight of each economic
#' value with respect to the total sum of all economic values is computed.
#' @param ptbl_economic_value tibble with economic values
#' @param pb_first_col_trait_name   flag indicating wether first column are trait names
#' @return tbl_rel_fact tibble with relative factors
#' @export get_relative_economic_factors
get_relative_economic_factors <- function(ptbl_economic_value,
                                          pb_first_col_trait_name = FALSE){

  ### # if pb_first_col_trait_name then remove the first column from ptbl_economic_value
  if (pb_first_col_trait_name){
    mat_economic_value <- as.matrix(ptbl_economic_value[,2:ncol(ptbl_economic_value)])
  } else {
    mat_economic_value <- as.matrix(ptbl_economic_value)

  ### # compute vector of column sums of absolute values of mat_economic_value
  vec_sum_abs_ev <- apply(abs(mat_economic_value), 2, sum)
  ### # extend vector of absolute sums to a matrix
  mat_abs_sum_ev <- matrix(vec_sum_abs_ev, nrow = nrow(mat_economic_value), ncol = ncol(mat_economic_value), byrow = TRUE)
  ### # compute matrix of relative factors
  mat_rel_fact <- mat_economic_value / mat_abs_sum_ev

  ### # check
  # all.equal(sum(apply(abs(mat_factors_ev), 2, sum)),ncol(mat_factors_ev))
  if (! all.equal(sum(apply(abs(mat_rel_fact), 2, sum)), ncol(mat_rel_fact)))
    stop("[ERROR -- get_relative_economic_factors] Sum of relative factors is not 1")

  ### # conversion to tibble
  tbl_rel_fact <- tibble::as_tibble(mat_rel_fact)
  ### # adding first row, if needed
  if (pb_first_col_trait_name){
    tbl_rel_fact <- bind_cols(ptbl_economic_value[,1], tbl_rel_fact)

  ### # return

#' @title Multiply Economic Values With A Weight Matrix
#' @description
#' Compute the weighted factors based on an input tibble with unweighted
#' economic values and a tibble with weighting factors. The two input
#' tibbles must have the same dimensions. If the first column contains
#' some names this is indicated with the parameter pb_first_col_trait_name
#' and the first column is ignored for the computation x  of the weighted
#' factors. In the result the first column is added back in.
#' @param ptbl_economic_value      tibble with economic values
#' @param ptbl_weight              tibble containing weights
#' @param pb_first_col_trait_name  flag indicating wether first column are trait names
#' @return tbl_weighted_result     weighted economic factors
#' @export weight_economic_value
weight_economic_value <- function(ptbl_economic_value,
                                  pb_first_col_trait_name = FALSE){

  ### # ptbl_economic_value and ptble_weight must have same dimensions
  if (nrow(ptbl_economic_value) != nrow(ptbl_weight) | ncol(ptbl_economic_value) != ncol(ptbl_weight))
    stop("[ERROR -- weight_economic_value] Different dimensions between ptbl_economic_value and ptbl_weight")

  ### # assign arguments to working copies of tibbles
  tbl_economic_value <- ptbl_economic_value
  tbl_weight <- ptbl_weight
  ### # if pb_first_col_trait_name remove first row from both
  ### #  ptbl_economic_value and ptbl_weight
  if (pb_first_col_trait_name){
    tbl_economic_value <- tbl_economic_value[, 2:ncol(tbl_economic_value)]
    tbl_weight <- tbl_weight[, 2:ncol(tbl_weight)]
  } else {
    if (!all(rownames(ptbl_economic_value) == rownames(ptbl_weight)))
      stop("[ERROR -- weight_economic_value] Row names between ptbl_economic_value and ptbl_weight different")

  ### # check that column names are the same between ptbl_economic_value and
  ### #  ptbl_weight
  if (!all(colnames(tbl_economic_value) == colnames(tbl_weight)))
    stop("[ERROR -- weight_economic_value] Column names between ptbl_economic_value and ptbl_weight different")

  ### # compute weight by the multiplication of the two tibbles
  tbl_weighted_result <- tbl_economic_value * tbl_weight

  ### # add first column back in if it was removed
  if (pb_first_col_trait_name) {
    tbl_weighted_result <- bind_cols(ptbl_economic_value[,1], tbl_weighted_result)
    colnames(tbl_weighted_result) <- colnames(ptbl_economic_value)

  ### #  return result

## --- Output functions --------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Write Economic Values To File
#' @description
#' Write a given tibble of economic values in a tidy format
#' to a csv output file.
#' @param ptbl_economic_value      tibble with economic values
#' @param ps_out_path              file name to write results to
#' @param pb_first_col_trait_name   does first column contain trait names
#' @export write_ev_to_file
write_ev_to_file <- function(ptbl_economic_value,
                             pb_first_col_trait_name = FALSE){

  vec_trait <- NULL
  ### # remove column names if needed
  tbl_economic_value <- ptbl_economic_value
  if (pb_first_col_trait_name){
    vec_trait <- tbl_economic_value[,1][[1]]
    tbl_economic_value <- tbl_economic_value[, 2:ncol(tbl_economic_value)]
  } else {
    vec_trait <- rownames(tbl_economic_value)
  ### # check that traits exist
  if (is.null(vec_trait))
    stop("[ERROR -- write_ev_to_file] Cannot find trait names in ptbl_economic_value")

  ### # determine breeds
  vec_breed <- colnames(tbl_economic_value)
  ### # determine number of traits
  n_nr_trait <- length(vec_trait)

  ### # accumulate results
  tbl_ev_result <- NULL
  ### # loob over breeds
  for (b in vec_breed){
    ### # first round, just take first column
    if (is.null(tbl_ev_result)){
      tbl_ev_result <- tibble::data_frame(Trait = vec_trait,
                                          Breed = rep(b, n_nr_trait),
                                          Ev    = tbl_economic_value[[b]])
    } else {
      tbl_ev_current <- tibble::data_frame(Trait = vec_trait,
                                           Breed = rep(b, n_nr_trait),
                                           Ev    = tbl_economic_value[[b]])
      tbl_ev_result <- bind_rows(tbl_ev_result, tbl_ev_current)

  ### # write output to file
  readr::write_csv(tbl_ev_result, path = ps_out_path)


## --- Evaluation of Results
#' @title Compute correlation between index value and single trait
#' @description
#' Given a tibble of index values and a tibble of breeding values,
#' a trait name and a breed name, we select all breeding values for
#' the given trait and the given breed and compute the correlation
#' to the indices of the same animals
#' @param ptbl_bv   tibble with breeding values
#' @param ptbl_index   tibble with index
#' @param ps_breed     breed
#' @param ps_trait     trait
#' @return correlation between index and breeding values of single trait
#' @export compute_correlation
compute_correlation <- function(ptbl_bv,
  ### # select breeding values for given trait and
  ### #  given breed and join those back to index values
  ### #  for the selected set of animals
  tbl_bv_result <- ptbl_bv %>%
    filter(trait == ps_trait & breed == ps_breed) %>%
    select(idaTvd, estimate) %>%
    inner_join(ptbl_index, by = c("idaTvd" = "idaTvd"))

  ### # return correlation between index and breeding values
  return(cor(tbl_bv_result$IndexSum, tbl_bv_result$estimate))

pvrqualitasag/MeatValueIndex documentation built on May 13, 2019, 4:44 p.m.