Defines functions climDynamics parClim frameWeather tidyWeather simplefmc Ema QSat insol

Documented in climDynamics frameWeather insol parClim simplefmc tidyWeather

#' Finds solar radiation reaching the ground surface
#' @param lat Latitude in degrees
#' @param hr Hour of the day, 0-24, decimal format
#' @param month Name of the month, capitalised (e.g. "January")
#' @param aspect Aspect in degrees
#' @param slope Slope in degrees
#' @param LAI Leaf Area Index
#' @param cloud Proportion cloud cover (0-1)
#' @export

insol <- function(lat = -32, hr = 12, month = "December", aspect = 0, slope = 0, LAI = 3, cloud = 0){
  radians <- function(deg) {(deg * pi) / (180)}
  hAngle <- ifelse(((15*(12-hr))<0), (360+(15*(12-hr))),(15*(12-hr)))
  decl <- dplyr::case_when(month == "March" ~ 0,
                           month == "April" ~ -11.75,
                           month == "May" ~ -20.35,
                           month == "June" ~ -23.50,
                           month == "July" ~ -20.35,
                           month == "August" ~ -11.75,
                           month == "September" ~ 0,
                           month == "October" ~ 11.75,
                           month == "November" ~ 20.35,
                           month == "December" ~ 23.50,
                           month == "January" ~ 20.35,
                           TRUE ~ 11.75)
  terrainE <- (radians(cos(radians(hAngle-aspect))*slope))
  zenith <- acos(sin(radians(abs(lat)))*sin(radians(decl))+cos(radians(abs(lat)))*cos(radians(decl))*cos(radians(hAngle)))-terrainE
  shade <- 1-exp(-(2/(pi*tan(max(0.01,1.570796-zenith))))*LAI)
  out <- max(0,((1-shade)*(1-cloud)*1000*cos(zenith)))

# Finds saturation specific humidity from Stull (1988) Eqn 7.5.2c and d

QSat <- function(tAir = 293.46, pAir = 101180){
  Q <- 0.622 * (611.2 * exp(17.67 * (tAir - 273.15) / (tAir - 29.66))) / pAir

# Finds water vapour flux
# Calculates RH at the litter surface from inversion of Nelson (1984) EMC equation

Ema <- function(m, nelsonA = 5.2, nelsonB = -19, conLitter = 0.0006, tAir = 293.46, vAir = 3.52, pAir = 101180, insolation = 0, rhAir = 58){
  SpecHum <- rhAir/100 *QSat(tAir, pAir) # Specific humidity
  tLeaf <- tAir + (8.15 - 2.25 * exp(-0.6 * vAir) - 0.0312 * tAir + (0.021 + (-0.04 + 0.0006 * tAir - 0.00000125 * tAir ^ 2) * exp(-0.6 * vAir)) * insolation) # temperature of the leaf
  fA <- -((-nelsonA / nelsonB) - 0.001 * (tLeaf - 293.15)) * nelsonB   
  rhLeaf <- exp((-18.0153 / (1.9872 * tLeaf)) * exp(m * nelsonB + fA))
  out <- 1.14 * conLitter * (rhLeaf * QSat(tLeaf, pAir) - SpecHum) # Water vapour flux from litter

#' Finds the moisture content of dead leaf litter at a given time-step
#' Function uses the 'Single differential equation model' of Matthews et al (2010)
#' @param m The starting moisture (proportion ODW)
#' @param nelsonA Constant from Nelson FMC model
#' @param nelsonB Constant from Nelson FMC model
#' @param tAir Atmospheric temperature (K)
#' @param vAir Wind speed (m/s)
#' @param pAir Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
#' @param rhAir Relative humidity (Percent)
#' @param sigma Surface area: volume ratio of litter particles (m2/m3)
#' @param rhoLitter Density of leaves (kg/m3)
#' @param conLitter Litter conductance (m/s). Using value from Matthews spreadsheet rather than paper
#' @param dt Seconds per time step
#' @param EPS Sensitivity of iteration
#' @param insolation Solar energy at the soil surface (kW/m2)
#' @export

simplefmc <- function(m, tAir = 293.46, vAir = 3.52, pAir = 101180, rhAir = 58, dt = 3600, insolation = 150, rhoLitter = 550,
                      nelsonA = 5.2, nelsonB = -19, conLitter = 0.0006, sigma = 3000, EPS = 0.01)
  SpecHum <- rhAir/100 *QSat(tAir, pAir) # Specific humidity
  xStart <- m
  xEnd <- m
  Ftest <- 0 - sigma * Ema(m, nelsonA, nelsonB, conLitter, tAir, vAir, pAir, insolation, rhAir)
  while(abs(Ftest) > 0.0001){
    Ftest <- rhoLitter * (xStart - xEnd) / dt
    Ftest <- Ftest - sigma * Ema(m, nelsonA, nelsonB, conLitter, tAir, vAir, pAir, insolation, rhAir)
    if(abs(Ftest) > 0.0001){
      temp <- xEnd
      h <- EPS * abs(temp)
      if(h == 0) {h <- EPS}
      xEnd <- temp + h
      m <- xEnd
      h <- xEnd - temp
      F2 <- rhoLitter * (xStart - xEnd) / dt - sigma * Ema(m, nelsonA, nelsonB, conLitter, tAir, vAir, pAir, insolation, SpecHum)
      xEnd <- temp
      m <- xEnd
      Ftest <- -Ftest * h / (F2 - Ftest)
      xEnd <- xEnd + Ftest
      m <- xEnd
  fmc <- m

#' Helper function for frameWeather
#' @param clim 
tidyWeather <- function(clim) {
  # Fill empty directions
  if (clim$dPM[1] == 0 || is.null(clim$dPM[1])) {
    fill <- "N"
  } else {
    fill <- clim$dPM[1]}
  if (clim$dAM[1] == 0 || is.null(clim$dAM[1])) {
    clim$dAM[1] <- fill
  if (clim$dPM[1] == 0 || is.null(clim$dPM[1])) {
    clim$dPM[1] <- clim$dAM[1]
  for (r in 2:nrow(clim)) {
    if (clim$dPM[r] == 0 || is.null(clim$dPM[r])) {
      fill <- "N"
    } else {
      fill <- clim$dPM[r]}
    if (clim$dAM[r] == 0 || is.null(clim$dAM[r])) {
      clim$dAM[r] <- fill
    if (clim$dPM[r] == 0 || is.null(clim$dPM[r])) {
      clim$dPM[r] <- clim$dAM[r]
  # Set initial values
  clim <- clim %>%
    mutate(tAM = tAM + 273.15,
           tPM = tPM + 273.15,
           tMin = tMin + 273.15,
           tMax = tMax + 273.15,
           wAM = wAM/3.6,
           wPM = wPM/3.6,
           cAM = cAM/8,
           cPM = cPM/8,
           MSLP = MSLP*100,
           # Set directions to degrees
           dAM = case_when(dAM == "N" ~ 0,
                           dAM == "NNE" ~ 22,
                           dAM == "NE" ~ 45,
                           dAM == "ENE" ~ 68,
                           dAM == "E" ~ 90,
                           dAM == "ESE" ~ 112,
                           dAM == "SE" ~ 135,
                           dAM == "SSE" ~ 158,
                           dAM == "S" ~ 180,
                           dAM == "SSW" ~ 202,
                           dAM == "SW" ~ 225,
                           dAM == "WSW" ~ 248,
                           dAM == "W" ~ 270,
                           dAM == "WNW" ~ 292,
                           dAM == "NW" ~ 315,
                           dAM == "NNW" ~ 338),
           dPM = case_when(dPM == "N" ~ 0,
                           dPM == "NNE" ~ 22,
                           dPM == "NE" ~ 45,
                           dPM == "ENE" ~ 68,
                           dPM == "E" ~ 90,
                           dPM == "ESE" ~ 112,
                           dPM == "SE" ~ 135,
                           dPM == "SSE" ~ 158,
                           dPM == "S" ~ 180,
                           dPM == "SSW" ~ 202,
                           dPM == "SW" ~ 225,
                           dPM == "WSW" ~ 248,
                           dPM == "W" ~ 270,
                           dPM == "WNW" ~ 292,
                           dPM == "NW" ~ 315,
                           dPM == "NNW" ~ 338),
           specHumAM = (rhAM/100)*frame:::QSat(tAM, MSLP),
           specHumPM = (rhPM/100)*frame:::QSat(tPM, MSLP))
  # Create sequence
  Temp  <- clim[,c('tAM','tPM','tMin','tMax','Day')] %>% pivot_longer(c(tMin, tAM, tMax, tPM), names_to = "Time", values_to = "Temp")  %>%
    mutate(Time = case_when(Time == "tMin" ~ 3,
                            Time == "tAM" ~ 9,
                            Time == "tMax" ~ 12,
                            Time == "tPM" ~ 15))
  Temp$Hour <- (Temp$Day * 24 - 24) + Temp$Time
  RH  <- clim[,c('rhAM','rhPM','Day')] %>% pivot_longer(c(rhAM, rhPM), names_to = "Time", values_to = "RH") %>%
    mutate(Time = case_when(Time == "rhAM" ~ 9,
                            Time == "rhPM" ~ 15))
  specHum  <- clim[,c('specHumAM','specHumPM','Day')] %>% pivot_longer(c(specHumAM, specHumPM), names_to = "Time", values_to = "specHum") %>%
    mutate(Time = case_when(Time == "specHumAM" ~ 9,
                            Time == "specHumPM" ~ 15))
  Wind  <- clim[,c('wAM','wPM','Day')] %>% pivot_longer(c(wAM, wPM), names_to = "Time", values_to = "Wind") %>%
    mutate(Time = case_when(Time == "wAM" ~ 9,
                            Time == "wPM" ~ 15))
  cloud  <- clim[,c('cAM','cPM','Day')] %>% pivot_longer(c(cAM, cPM), names_to = "Time", values_to = "Cloud") %>%
    mutate(Time = case_when(Time == "cAM" ~ 9,
                            Time == "cPM" ~ 15))
  Direction  <- clim[,c('dAM','dPM','Day')] %>% pivot_longer(c(dAM, dPM), names_to = "Time", values_to = "Direction") %>%
    mutate(Time = case_when(Time == "dAM" ~ 9,
                            Time == "dPM" ~ 15))
  Rain  <- clim[,c('Rain', 'MSLP', 'Day')] %>% 
    mutate(Time = 9)
  out <- left_join(Temp, cloud, by = c("Day", "Time"))
  out <- left_join(out, RH, by = c("Day", "Time"))
  out <- left_join(out, specHum, by = c("Day", "Time"))
  out <- left_join(out, Wind, by = c("Day", "Time"))
  out <- left_join(out, Rain, by = c("Day", "Time"))
  out <- left_join(out, Direction, by = c("Day", "Time"))
  out <- out %>%
    select(Day, Hour, Rain, MSLP, Cloud, Temp, RH, specHum, Wind, Direction)
  out <- out[order(out$Hour),]

#' Formats hourly weather data for frame, with DFMC
#' Function uses the 'Single differential equation model' of Matthews et al (2010)
#' @param clim A dataset with the fields:
#' tAM (9am temp, degC)
#' tPM (3pm temp, degC)
#' tMin (Minimum daily temp, degC)
#' tMax (Maximum daily temp, degC)
#' rhAM (9am Relative humidity, %)
#' rhPM (3pm Relative humidity, %)
#' wAM (9am wind, km/h)
#' wPM (3pm wind, km/h)
#' cAM (Morning cloud, oktas)
#' cPM (Afternoon cloud, oktas)
#' MSLP (Mean Sea Level Pressure, hPa)
#' Rain (Daily rainfall, mm)
#' @param m The starting moisture (proportion ODW)
#' @param nelsonA Constant from Nelson FMC model
#' @param nelsonB Constant from Nelson FMC model
#' @param sigma Surface area: volume ratio of litter particles (m2/m3)
#' @param conLitter Litter conductance (m/s). Using value from Matthews spreadsheet rather than paper
#' @param dt Seconds per time step
#' @param LAI Leaf area index of the vegetation
#' @param WRF Wind reduction factor
#' @param rholitter Density of litter particles (kg/m3)
#' @param litterW Weight of litter (t/ha)
#' @param lat Latitude (degrees)
#' @param altitude (m)
#' @param slope (degrees)
#' @param rangeDir Cardinal direction of the ridgelines - either Nth/Sth (0) or west/east (270)
#' @param EPS Sensitivity of iteration
#' @param hCan Height of the tree canopy (m)
#' @param cardinal Simplify compass directions to cardinal (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @param slopeSD Standard deviation of the slope
#' @export

frameWeather <- function(clim, m = 0.15, LAI = 3, WRF = 3, hCan = 20, rholitter = 550, litterW = 10,
                         lat = -31.89, altitude = 8, slope = 6.7, slopeSD = 4.9, rangeDir = 270,  dt = 3600, 
                         cardinal = FALSE, nelsonA = 5.2, nelsonB = -19, conLitter = 0.0006, sigma = 3000, EPS = 0.01) {
  climDay <- tidyWeather(clim)
  Rain <- climDay[,c('Hour', 'Rain')]
  Direction <- climDay[,c('Hour', 'Direction')] 
  if (slope != 0) {
    cat("Slope set to zero until issues resolved")
  # Interpolate
  Hour <- seq(from = 1, to = max(climDay$Hour), by = 1)
  TempI <- splines::interpSpline( climDay$Hour, climDay$Temp )
  MSLPI <- splines::interpSpline( climDay$Hour, climDay$MSLP, na.action = na.omit )
  CloudI <- splines::interpSpline( climDay$Hour, climDay$Cloud, na.action = na.omit )
  sRHI <- splines::interpSpline( climDay$Hour, climDay$specHum, na.action = na.omit )
  WindI <- splines::interpSpline( climDay$Hour, climDay$Wind, na.action = na.omit )
  Temp <- predict( TempI, Hour )$y
  MSLP <- predict( MSLPI, Hour )$y
  Cloud <- predict( CloudI, Hour )$y
  sRH <- predict( sRHI, Hour )$y
  Wind <- predict( WindI, Hour )$y
  # Combine data
  hemisphere <- if (lat<0) {
  } else {1}
  out <- as.data.frame(Hour)
  out$TempA <- Temp
  # Adjust temp for canopy height. Model taken from Fig. 2 of 
  # Jucker, T., Hardwick, S.R., Both, S., Elias, D.M.O., Ewers, R.M., Milodowski, D.T., et al. (2018). 
  # Canopy structure and topography jointly constrain the microclimate of human-modified tropical landscapes. Glob. Chang. Biol., 24, 5243–5258.
  out$Temp = (-(0.0009*exp(0.1195*(out$TempA-273.15)))*log(hCan)+1)*(out$TempA-273.15)+273.15
  out$sRH <- sRH
  out$MSLP <- MSLP
  out$RHA <- (sRH / frame:::QSat(out$TempA, out$MSLP))*100
  out$RH <- (sRH / frame:::QSat(out$Temp, out$MSLP))*100
  out$Wind <- Wind / WRF
  out$Cloud <- Cloud
  # Add rain
  out <- out %>%
    left_join(Rain, by = "Hour") 
  out$Rain[is.na(out$Rain)] <- 0
  # Add direction
  # Optional set to cardinal directions
  if (cardinal == TRUE) {
    Direction <- Direction %>%
      mutate(Direction = case_when(Direction == 22 ~ 0,
                                   Direction == 45 ~ 0,
                                   Direction == 68 ~ 90,
                                   Direction == 112 ~ 90,
                                   Direction == 135 ~ 90,
                                   Direction == 158 ~ 180,
                                   Direction == 202 ~ 180,
                                   Direction == 225 ~ 180,
                                   Direction == 248 ~ 270,
                                   Direction == 292 ~ 270,
                                   Direction == 315 ~ 270,
                                   Direction == 338 ~ 0,
                                   TRUE ~ Direction))
  # First value
  r <- 1
  nr <- NA
  while (is.na(nr)) {
    nr <- Direction$Direction[r]
    r <- r+1
  out <- left_join(out, Direction, by = "Hour")
  out$Direction[1] <- nr
  for (r in 2:nrow(out)) {
    if (is.na(out$Direction[r])) {
      out$Direction[r] <- out$Direction[r-1]
  # Calculate inputs & moisture
  out <- out %>%
    mutate(RH = pmax(0, pmin(100, RH)),
           Wind = pmax(0, Wind),
           Cloud = pmax(0, pmin(1, Cloud)),
           LAI = LAI,
           WRF = WRF,
           Declination = hemisphere*23.45*cos((360*((Hour/24)-172)/365)*pi/180),
           hourAngle = abs(12-((Hour/24)-floor(Hour/24))*24)*15,
           solarAltitude = asin(cos(lat*pi/180)*cos(Declination*pi/180)*cos(hourAngle*pi/180)+sin(lat*pi/180)*sin(Declination*pi/180)),
           #TerrainA = (cos((hourAngle-(rangeDir+90))*pi/180)*slope)*pi/180,
           #TerrainB = (cos((hourAngle-(rangeDir-90))*pi/180)*slope)*pi/180,
           #TerrainC = (cos((hourAngle-(rangeDir-90))*pi/180)*(slope+slopeSD))*pi/180,
           #TerrainD = (cos((hourAngle-(rangeDir-90))*pi/180)*(slope+2*slopeSD))*pi/180,
           # Set all terrain effects to 0 (flat) because model is drawing slopeSD from somewhere unknown
           TerrainA = 0,
           TerrainB = 0,
           TerrainC = 0,
           TerrainD = 0,
           ZenithA = acos(sin(lat*pi/180)*sin(Declination*pi/180)+cos(lat*pi/180)*cos(Declination*pi/180)*cos(hourAngle*pi/180))-TerrainA,
           ZenithB = acos(sin(lat*pi/180)*sin(Declination*pi/180)+cos(lat*pi/180)*cos(Declination*pi/180)*cos(hourAngle*pi/180))-TerrainB,
           ZenithC = acos(sin(lat*pi/180)*sin(Declination*pi/180)+cos(lat*pi/180)*cos(Declination*pi/180)*cos(hourAngle*pi/180))-TerrainC,
           ZenithD = acos(sin(lat*pi/180)*sin(Declination*pi/180)+cos(lat*pi/180)*cos(Declination*pi/180)*cos(hourAngle*pi/180))-TerrainD,
           ShadeA = 1-exp(-(2/(pi*tan(pmax(0.01,1.570796-ZenithA))))*LAI),
           ShadeB = 1-exp(-(2/(pi*tan(pmax(0.01,1.570796-ZenithB))))*LAI),
           ShadeC = 1-exp(-(2/(pi*tan(pmax(0.01,1.570796-ZenithC))))*LAI),
           ShadeD = 1-exp(-(2/(pi*tan(pmax(0.01,1.570796-ZenithD))))*LAI),
           InsolationA = pmax(0,((1-ShadeA-Cloud)*1000*cos(ZenithA))),
           InsolationB = pmax(0,((1-ShadeB-Cloud)*1000*cos(ZenithB))),
           InsolationC = pmax(0,((1-ShadeC-Cloud)*1000*cos(ZenithC))),
           InsolationD = pmax(0,((1-ShadeD-Cloud)*1000*cos(ZenithD))),
           RainAdj = pmax(0,Rain-(0.001*(Rain/2)+0.08*LAI)),
           Wetting =((10*pmin(RainAdj,(0.01*RainAdj+0.36*(litterW/5))))/litterW),
           # Leaf temperatures at the soil, uses function HeatingModel in Matthews spreadsheet, Eq. 3 in Matthews et al (2010)
           SoilA = Temp + (8.15 - 2.25 * exp(-0.6 * Wind) - 0.0312 * Temp + 
                             (0.021 + (-0.04 + 0.0006 * Temp - 0.00000125 * Temp ^ 2) * exp(-0.6 * Wind)) * InsolationA) - 273.15, #Equation from spreadsheet
           SoilB = Temp + (8.15 - 2.25 * exp(-0.6 * Wind) - 0.0312 * Temp + 
                             (0.021 + (-0.04 + 0.0006 * Temp - 0.00000125 * Temp ^ 2) * exp(-0.6 * Wind)) * InsolationB) - 273.15,
           SoilC = Temp + (8.15 - 2.25 * exp(-0.6 * Wind) - 0.0312 * Temp + 
                             (0.021 + (-0.04 + 0.0006 * Temp - 0.00000125 * Temp ^ 2) * exp(-0.6 * Wind)) * InsolationC) - 273.15,
           SoilD = Temp + (8.15 - 2.25 * exp(-0.6 * Wind) - 0.0312 * Temp + 
                             (0.021 + (-0.04 + 0.0006 * Temp - 0.00000125 * Temp ^ 2) * exp(-0.6 * Wind)) * InsolationD) - 273.15)
  for (t in out$Hour) {
    if (t == 1) {
      mA <- m
      mB <- m
      mC <- m
      mD <- m
    } else {
      mA <- out$moistureA[t-1]
      mB <- out$moistureB[t-1]
      mC <- out$moistureC[t-1]
      mD <- out$moistureD[t-1]
    out$moistureA[t] <- pmax(0.01,(frame::simplefmc(m = mA,
                                                            tAir = out$Temp[t],
                                                            vAir = out$Wind[t],
                                                            pAir = out$MSLP[t],
                                                            rhAir = out$RH[t],
                                                            insolation = out$InsolationA[t],
                                                            rhoLitter = rholitter,
                                                            dt = dt,
                                                            nelsonA = nelsonA,
                                                            nelsonB = nelsonB,
                                                            conLitter = conLitter,
                                                            sigma = sigma,
                                                            EPS = EPS))) - max(0,0.5*(mA-1)) + out$Wetting[t]
    out$moistureB[t] <- pmax(0.01,(frame::simplefmc(m = mB,
                                                            tAir = out$Temp[t],
                                                            vAir = out$Wind[t],
                                                            pAir = out$MSLP[t],
                                                            rhAir = out$RH[t],
                                                            insolation = out$InsolationB[t],
                                                            rhoLitter = rholitter,
                                                            dt = dt,
                                                            nelsonA = nelsonA,
                                                            nelsonB = nelsonB,
                                                            conLitter = conLitter,
                                                            sigma = sigma,
                                                            EPS = EPS))) - max(0,0.5*(mB-1)) + out$Wetting[t]
    out$moistureC[t] <- pmax(0.01,(frame::simplefmc(m = mC,
                                                            tAir = out$Temp[t],
                                                            vAir = out$Wind[t],
                                                            pAir = out$MSLP[t],
                                                            rhAir = out$RH[t],
                                                            insolation = out$InsolationC[t],
                                                            rhoLitter = rholitter,
                                                            dt = dt,
                                                            nelsonA = nelsonA,
                                                            nelsonB = nelsonB,
                                                            conLitter = conLitter,
                                                            sigma = sigma,
                                                            EPS = EPS))) - max(0,0.5*(mC-1)) + out$Wetting[t]
    out$moistureD[t] <- pmax(0.01,(frame::simplefmc(m = mD,
                                                            tAir = out$Temp[t],
                                                            vAir = out$Wind[t],
                                                            pAir = out$MSLP[t],
                                                            rhAir = out$RH[t],
                                                            insolation = out$InsolationD[t],
                                                            rhoLitter = rholitter,
                                                            dt = dt,
                                                            nelsonA = nelsonA,
                                                            nelsonB = nelsonB,
                                                            conLitter = conLitter,
                                                            sigma = sigma,
                                                            EPS = EPS))) - max(0,0.5*(mD-1)) + out$Wetting[t]
  out <- out %>%
    mutate(Temp = Temp - 273.15,
           TempA = TempA - 273.15,
           Wind = Wind * 3.6,
           MSLP = MSLP/100,
           wetBulb = TempA*atan(0.151977*(RHA+8.313659)^0.5)+atan(TempA+RHA)-atan(RHA-1.676331)+0.00391838*RHA^(3/2)*atan(0.023101*RHA)-4.686035,
           cgStrikes = 2.708*10^-46*exp(3.863*wetBulb))

#' Internal function for climDynamics
#' @param a 
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

parClim <- function(a) {
  FloraA <- filter(Flora, record == a)
  StructureA <- filter(Structure, record == a)
  base.params <- suppressWarnings(frame::buildParams(StructureA, FloraA, default.species.params, a,
                                                     fLine = 1, slope = 0, temp = 30, dfmc = 0.05, wind = 10))
  hCan <- max(as.numeric(FloraA$top), na.rm = TRUE)
  LAI <- LAIcomm(base.params, yu = hCan, yl = 0) * as.numeric(lAngleAccounting) * ((as.numeric(!is.na(StructureA$NS))+as.numeric(!is.na(StructureA$E))+as.numeric(!is.na(StructureA$M))+as.numeric(!is.na(StructureA$C)))/4)
  WRF <- windReduction(base.params, test = 1.2)
  litterW <- as.numeric(max(FloraA$weight, na.rm = TRUE))
  out <- frame::frameWeather(clim = clim, m, LAI, WRF, hCan, rholitter, litterW,
                             lat, slope, slopeSD, rangeDir, cardinal) %>%
    mutate(Record = a,
           site = StructureA$site[1])

#' Models input weather parameters from a climate dataset,
#' each age is modelled on a separate core
#' @param fireDat 
#' @param clim 
#' @param m 
#' @param rholitter 
#' @param lat Latitude (degrees)
#' @param slope (degrees)
#' @param slopeSD  Standard deviation of the slope
#' @param rangeDir Cardinal direction of the ridgelines - either Nth/Sth (0) or west/east (270)
#' @param cardinal 
#' @param freeCores Number of cores to leave unused by the model
#' @param lAngleAccounting Set to TRUE to automatically modify leaf angle by number of strata
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

climDynamics <- function(fireDat, clim, m = 0.15, slope = 0, slopeSD = 0, rholitter = 550,
                         lat = -34.95, lAngleAccounting = TRUE, rangeDir = 270, cardinal = TRUE, freeCores = 1){
  # 1. Compile inputs
  Flora <- fireDat[[1]]
  Structure <- fireDat[[2]]
  default.species.params <- fireDat[[3]]
  r <- unique(Flora$record)
  Out <- data.frame()
  # 2. Create a cluster of cores with replicated R on each
  nCores <- max(parallel::detectCores() - freeCores,1)
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores)
  # 3. Load the packages
                         { library(dplyr)
  # 4. Load the inputs
  parallel::clusterExport(cl,varlist=c('Flora', 'Structure', 'default.species.params', 'clim', 'm',
                                       'slope', 'slopeSD', 'rholitter', 'lat', 'lAngleAccounting', 'rangeDir', 'cardinal'), environment())
  # 5. Send each rep to a different core to be processed
  system.time(out <- parallel::parLapply(cl, r, parClim))
  for (n in 1:length(r)) {
    Na <- as.data.frame(out[[n]])
    Out <- rbind(Out, Na)
pzylstra/frame_r documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 1:55 a.m.