
Defines functions species strata repFlame summary frameSummaryBeta frameSummary stratum surf

Documented in frameSummary frameSummaryBeta repFlame species strata stratum summary surf

#' Summary table of surface results
#' Summarises FRaME generated surface fire behaviour by RepId
#' @param surface The dataframe $SurfaceResults
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

surf <- function(surface)
  out <- surface %>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    mutate(lengthSurface = flameLength,
           heightSurface = flameHeight,
           angleSurface = flameAngle)%>%
    select(repId, lengthSurface, heightSurface, angleSurface) %>%

#' Summary table of stratum results
#' Summarises FRaME generated fire behaviour by stratum and RepId
#' @param flames The dataframe $FlameSummaries
#' @param sites The dataframe $Sites
#' @param ros The dataframe $ROS
#' @param surface The dataframe $SurfaceResults
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

stratum <- function(flames, sites, ros, surface)
  y <- ros%>%
    select(repId, level, ros)
  z <- flames %>%
    select(repId, level, flameLength, flameAngle, flameHeight)
  a <- suppressMessages(y %>% 
                          full_join(z) %>% 
                          full_join(sites)) %>% 
    # Strata without ros will end up with NA values
    # after doing the join above. Convert these missing values to zero.
    mutate(ros = ifelse(is.na(ros), 0.0, ros),
           flameHeight = ifelse(is.na(flameHeight), 0.0, flameHeight),
           flameLength = ifelse(is.na(flameLength), 0.0, flameLength),
           flameAngle = ifelse(is.na(flameAngle), 0.0, flameAngle),
           #Duplicate DFMC, then create binary for spread/no spread
           extinct = deadFuelMoistureProp,
           extinct = ifelse(extinct == 0.199, 0.0, 1.0)) %>%
    select(repId, level, fuelLoad, flameHeight, flameLength, flameAngle, ros, windSpeed,
           deadFuelMoistureProp, temperature, slope, extinct) %>%
    mutate(litter = fuelLoad * 10,
           slope_degrees = slope * 180 / pi,
           flameA_degrees = flameAngle * 180 / pi,
           ros_kph = extinct * ros * 3.6,
           heightPlant = flameHeight * extinct,
           lengthPlant = flameLength * extinct,
           wind_kph = windSpeed * 3.6,
           spread = ifelse(ros > 0, 1, 0),
           has.flame = spread + (extinct * flameHeight) > 0)
  # Add in surface flame descriptors
  Surf <- surf(surface)
  rep <- max(a$repId)
  st <- as.numeric(count(a))/rep
  i <- 1
  if (rep > 0 && !is.na(rep)) {
    for(loop in 1:rep) {
      a$flameHeight[i] <- Surf$heightSurface[loop]*a$extinct[i]
      a$flameLength[i] <- Surf$lengthSurface[loop]*a$extinct[i]
      a$flameAngle[i] <- Surf$angleSurface[loop]
      i <- i + st
  } else {
    a$flameHeight[i] <- 0
    a$flameLength[i] <- 0
    a$flameAngle[i] <- 0

#' Summary table of fire behaviour
#' Summarises FRaME generated fire behaviour by RepId
#' @param flames The dataframe $FlameSummaries
#' @param sites The dataframe $Sites
#' @param ros The dataframe $ROS
#' @param surface The dataframe $SurfaceResults
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

frameSummary <- function(flames, sites, ros, surface)
  Stratum <- stratum(flames, sites, ros, surface)
  Surf <- surf(surface)
  return(Stratum %>%
           select(repId, slope_degrees, wind_kph, deadFuelMoistureProp, temperature,
                  heightPlant, lengthPlant, flameAngle, ros_kph, extinct) %>%
           group_by(repId) %>%
           summarize_all(max) %>%
           left_join(Surf) %>%
           mutate(fh = pmax(heightSurface, heightPlant) * extinct,
                  fl = pmax(lengthSurface, lengthPlant) * extinct,
                  zeta = 2.5*ros_kph,
                  epsilon = 1-exp(-0.72*zeta)))

#' Summary table of fire behaviour, beta version
#' Summarises FRaME generated fire behaviour by RepId
#' @param flames The dataframe $FlameSummaries
#' @param sites The dataframe $Sites
#' @param ros The dataframe $ROS
#' @param surface The dataframe $SurfaceResults
#' @param IP The dataframe $IgnitionPaths
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

frameSummaryBeta <- function(flames, sites, ros, surface, IP)
  Stratum <- stratum(flames, sites, ros, surface)
  Surf <- surf(surface)
  top <- IP %>%
    mutate(angle = abs(atan((y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0))),
           repHeight = flameLength*sin(angle)+y0)%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarize_all(max) %>%
    select(repId, repHeight)
  repFlame <- suppressMessages(IP %>%
                                 mutate(repAngle = atan((y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0))) %>%
                                 select(repId, repAngle)%>%
                                 group_by(repId) %>%
                                 summarize_all(mean) %>%
                                 left_join(top) %>%
                                 mutate(repLength = repHeight/abs(sin(repAngle))) %>%
                                 select(repId, repHeight, repLength, repAngle))
  out <- suppressMessages(Stratum %>%
                            select(repId, slope_degrees, wind_kph, deadFuelMoistureProp, temperature,
                                   heightPlant, lengthPlant, flameAngle, ros_kph, extinct) %>%
                            group_by(repId) %>%
                            summarize_all(max) %>%
                            left_join(Surf) %>%
                            left_join(repFlame) %>%
                            mutate(heightPlant = pmax(heightPlant, repHeight, na.rm = TRUE),
                                   lengthPlant = pmax(lengthPlant, repLength, na.rm = TRUE),
                                   flameAngle = max(flameAngle, repAngle, na.rm = TRUE),
                                   fh = pmax(heightSurface, heightPlant, na.rm = TRUE) * extinct,
                                   fl = pmax(lengthSurface, lengthPlant, na.rm = TRUE) * extinct,
                                   zeta = 2.5*ros_kph,
                                   epsilon = 1-exp(-0.72*zeta)))

#' Discontinued version of summary table of fire behaviour
#' Summarises FRaME generated fire behaviour by RepId
#' @param flames The dataframe $FlameSummaries
#' @param sites The dataframe $Sites
#' @param ros The dataframe $ROS
#' @param surface The dataframe $SurfaceResults
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

summary <- function(flames, sites, ros, surface)
  print("Function 'summary' has been superceded by function 'frameSummary'")
  summary <- frameSummary(flames, sites, ros, surface)

#' Representative flame descriptors
#' Summarises FRaME generated flame segments into a combined,
#' representative plant flame for each repId where plants ignited
#' @param IP The dataframe $IgnitionPaths
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

repFlame <- function(IP)
  # Finds the maximum flame height for all reps in one set of conditions
  top <- IP %>%
    mutate(angle = abs(atan((y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0))),
           repHeight = flameLength*sin(angle)+y0)%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarize_all(max) %>%
    select(repId, repHeight)
  # Finds the mean angle, the back-calculates length from these values
  repFlame <- suppressMessages(IP %>%
    mutate(repAngle = atan((y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0))
    ) %>%
    select(repId, repAngle)%>%
    group_by(repId) %>%
    summarize_all(mean) %>%
    left_join(top) %>%
    mutate(repLength = repHeight/abs(sin(repAngle)),
           angle_degrees = repAngle * 180/pi) %>%
    select(repId, repHeight, repLength, repAngle, angle_degrees)%>%

#' Stratum descriptors from a param file
#' For each stratum, finds mean crown width, plant separation, and number of species
#' @param base.params Input parameter file
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

strata <- function(base.params)
  #Number of strata
  StL <- count(base.params)-13
  StN <- base.params$stratum[max(StL$n)]
  #Count species per stratum
  Sp <- numeric(StN)
  for(sn in 1:StN){
    strat <- filter(base.params, stratum == sn)
    strat <- na.omit(strat)
    Sp[sn] <- (max(as.numeric(strat$species))+1)-min(as.numeric(strat$species))
  width <- base.params[base.params$param == "w", ]
  comp <- base.params[base.params$param == "composition", ]
  sep <- base.params[base.params$param == "plantSeparation", ]
  peak <- base.params[base.params$param == "hp", ]
  top <- base.params[base.params$param == "ht", ]
  edge <- base.params[base.params$param == "he", ]
  base <- base.params[base.params$param == "hc", ]
  level <- base.params[base.params$param == "levelName", ]
  name <- base.params[base.params$param == "levelName", ]
  n <- as.data.frame(list('stratum'=name$stratum, 'name'=name$value, 'speciesN'=Sp))
  s <- as.data.frame(list('stratum'=width$stratum, 'comp'=comp$value, 'width'=width$value, 'Hp'=peak$value,
                          'Ht'=top$value, 'He'=edge$value, 'Hc'=base$value))%>%
    mutate(Co = as.numeric(as.character(comp)),
           Ww = as.numeric(as.character(width))*as.numeric(as.character(comp)),
           Wp = as.numeric(as.character(Hp))*as.numeric(as.character(comp)),
           Wt = as.numeric(as.character(Ht))*as.numeric(as.character(comp)),
           We = as.numeric(as.character(He))*as.numeric(as.character(comp)),
           Wc = as.numeric(as.character(Hc))*as.numeric(as.character(comp)),
           top = pmax(Wp,Wt),
           base = pmin(We,Wc))%>%
    group_by(stratum) %>%
    mutate(width = Ww/Co,
           top = top/Co,
           base = base/Co)%>%
    left_join(sep, by = "stratum")%>%
    mutate(separation = as.numeric(as.character(value)),
           cover = pmin(1,(width^2/separation^2)))%>%
    select(stratum, separation, cover, width, base, top)
  strata <- as.data.frame(s)%>%
    left_join(n, by="stratum")
#' Species descriptors from a param file
#' Finds dimensions and moisture of each species
#' @param base.params Input parameter file
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

species <- function(base.params)
  #Collect traits
  sp <- base.params[base.params$param == "name", ]
  lfmc <- base.params[base.params$param == "liveLeafMoisture", ]
  Peak <- base.params[base.params$param == "hp", ]
  Top <- base.params[base.params$param == "ht", ]
  Edge <- base.params[base.params$param == "he", ]
  Base <- base.params[base.params$param == "hc", ]
  Width <- base.params[base.params$param == "w", ]
  Comp <- base.params[base.params$param == "composition", ]
  species <- as.data.frame(list('name'=sp$value, 'hp'=as.numeric(Peak$value),'ht'=as.numeric(Top$value),
                                'hc'=as.numeric(Base$value), 'he'=as.numeric(Edge$value),
                                'w'=as.numeric(Width$value), 'lfmc'=as.numeric(lfmc$value),
                                'st'=as.numeric(sp$stratum), 'sp'=as.numeric(sp$species),
                                'comp'=as.numeric(Comp$value))) %>%
    mutate(htR = ht/hp,
           hcR = pmin(hc/hp,0.9),
           heR = pmin(he/hp,htR),
           wR = w/hp)
  cov <- species%>%
    group_by(st) %>%
    select(st, comp)%>%
    left_join(species, by = "st")%>%
    select(st, sp, name, comp, lfmc, hp, ht, hc, he, w, htR, hcR, heR, wR)
pzylstra/frame_r documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 1:55 a.m.