# Reading of SPE files, produced by Princeton Instruments spectrometers
# File format version 2.5 (Sept. 2002)
# C. Beleites
# R. Kiselev
# July 2015
#' @name DEPRECATED-read.spe
#' @concept moved to hySpc.read.spe
#' @title (DEPRECATED)
#' Import WinSpec SPE file
#' @description
#' These data input functions are **deprecated** and they will be removed in
#' the next release of \pkg{hyperspec} package.
#' Now functions in package \pkg{hySpc.read.spe}
#' ([link](https://r-hyperspec.github.io/hySpc.read.spe/reference/index.html))
#' should be used as the alternatives.
#' **Old description:**
#' Import function for WinSpec SPE files (file version up to 3.0). The calibration
#' data (polynome and calibration data pairs) for x-axis are automatically
#' read and applied to the spectra. Note that the y-calibration data structure
#' is not extracted from the file since it is not saved there by WinSpec and is
#' always empty.
#' @param filename Name of the SPE file to read data from
#' @param xaxis Units of x-axis, e.g., *"file"*, *"px"*, *"nm"*, *"energy"*,
#' *"raman"*, *...*
#' `read.spe` function automatically checks if the x-calibration data are
#' available and uses them (if possible) to reconstruct the xaxis
#' in the selected units.
#' @param acc2avg whether to divide the actual data set by the number of
#' accumulations, thus transforming *accumulated* spectra to
#' *averaged* spectra. WinSpec does not do this automatically, so the
#' spectral intensity is always proportional to the number of accumulations.
#' The flag `@@data$averaged` is automatically set to `TRUE`.
#' @param cts_sec whether to divide the actual data set by the exposure time,
#' thus going to count per second unit.
#' @param keys.hdr2data Which metadata from the file header should be saved to
#' the `Data` slot of a newly created hyperSpec object
#' @return hyperSpec object
#' @author R. Kiselev, C. Beleites
#' @export
read.spe <- function(filename, xaxis = "file", acc2avg = F, cts_sec = F,
keys.hdr2data = c(
)) {
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
hdr <- .read.spe.header(filename)
# This is the size of one data point in bytes. WinSpec uses 2 bytes or 4 bytes only
data_size <- ifelse(hdr$datatype > 2, 2L, 4L)
data_chunk_size <- hdr$xdim * hdr$ydim * hdr$numFrames * data_size
# Read the part of file that contains actual experimental data
raw.data <- readBin(filename, "raw", data_chunk_size + 4100, 1)[-(1:4100)]
# Convert raw spectral data according to the datatype defined in the header
spc <- switch(hdr$datatype + 1,
readBin(raw.data, "double", length(raw.data) / 4, 4), # float
readBin(raw.data, "integer", length(raw.data) / 4, 4, signed = TRUE), # long
readBin(raw.data, "integer", length(raw.data) / 2, 2, signed = TRUE), # int
readBin(raw.data, "integer", length(raw.data) / 2, 2, signed = FALSE) # uint
# Create a structured data.frame that accomodates spectral data
dim(spc) <- c(hdr$xdim, hdr$ydim * hdr$numFrames)
extra_data <- data.frame(
px.y = rep(seq_len(hdr$ydim), hdr$numFrames),
frame = rep(seq_len(hdr$numFrames), each = hdr$ydim)
# Extract selected items from the header. They will go to a new hyperSpec object
hdr2data <- hdr[keys.hdr2data]
if (length(hdr2data > 0)) {
extra_data <- cbind(extra_data, hdr2data)
# Create hyperSpec object
spc <- new("hyperSpec",
spc = t(spc), data = extra_data,
labels = list(spc = "counts", .wavelength = "pixel number")
# For SPE 3.0 and above we need to read the XML header
if (hdr$fileFormatVer >= 3.0) {
spc@data$xml <- .read.spe.xml(filename)
# Check if we should use display units specified in the SPE file
if (xaxis == "file") {
xaxis <- .wl_fix_unit_name(hdr$xCalDisplayUnit)
# Create a new x-axis, if required
xaxis <- .wl_fix_unit_name(xaxis)
if (xaxis == "px") {
return(.spc_io_postprocess_optional(spc, filename))
if (!hdr$xCalValid) {
warning("The calibration is NOT valid")
# Recreate calibration function
polyorder <- hdr$xCalPolyOrder
coeffs <- hdr$xCalPolCoeffs[seq(polyorder + 1)]
vM <- vanderMonde(spc@wavelength, polyorder)
# Check if we have laser wavelength
if (hdr$LaserWavelen < 10) {
hdr$LaserWavelen <- NULL
# Perform convertion
spc@wavelength <- wl_convert_units(
from = .wl_fix_unit_name(hdr$xCalPolyUnit),
to = xaxis,
x = as.numeric(vM %*% coeffs),
ref_wl = hdr$LaserWavelen
spc@label$.wavelength <- switch(xaxis,
nm = expression("Wavelength, nm"),
invcm = expression(tilde(nu) / cm^-1),
ev = expression("Energy / eV"),
freq = expression(nu / THz),
raman = expression(Raman ~ shift / cm^-1)
if (acc2avg) {
spc <- spc / hdr$accumulCount
spc@data$averaged <- T
if (cts_sec) {
spc <- spc / hdr$exposure_sec
spc@label$spc <- expression("counts / s")
## consistent file import behaviour across import functions
.spc_io_postprocess_optional(spc, filename)
#' @name DEPRECATED-read.spe.xml
#' @concept moved to hySpc.read.spe
#' @title (DEPRECATED)
#' Read XML footer from SPE file format version 3.0
#' @description
#' These data input functions are **deprecated** and they will be removed in
#' the next release of \pkg{hyperspec} package.
#' Now functions in package \pkg{hySpc.read.spe}
#' ([link](https://r-hyperspec.github.io/hySpc.read.spe/reference/index.html))
#' should be used as the alternatives.
#' **Old description:**
#' The new SPE file format, introduced in 2012, was designed to be backwards compatible with the
#' previous format 2.5. The most prominent change is the new plain text XML footer holding vast
#' experimental metadata that gets attached at the end of the file. Thus, the file contains 3
#' blocks: a 4100-bytes long binary header, a chunk with spectral data, and the XML footer.
#' This function retrieves the XML footer converted to R list, and throws error if it is not available.
#' The file format specification is available at Princeton Instruments FTP server under name
#' 'SPE 3.0 File Format Specification'.
#' This function relies on R package xml2 to work correctly
#' @param filename - SPE filename
#' @return xml data from the file converted to R list
#' @importFrom xml2 as_list read_xml
.read.spe.xml <- function(filename) {
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' .read.spe.xml_string
#' Read XML footer from SPE file format version 3.0 and return it as a long string
#' for subsequent parsing. Basically the purpose of this function is to check
#' that the file format version is 3.0 or above, and to find and read the
#' correct part of this file.
#' @param filename - SPE filename
#' @return string containing XML footer
#' @noRd
.read.spe.xml_string <- function(filename) {
hdr <- .read.spe.header(filename)
if (hdr$fileFormatVer < 3.0) {
"This SPE file contains no XML data: file format version",
round(hdr$fileFormatVer, digits = 3), "< 3.0"
data_size <- ifelse(hdr$datatype > 2, 2L, 4L)
data_chunk_size <- hdr$xdim * hdr$ydim * hdr$numFrames * data_size
# Read the part of file that contains actual experimental data
raw_bytes <- readBin(filename, "raw", file.info(filename)$size, 1)[-(1:(4100 + data_chunk_size))]
readChar(raw_bytes, length(raw_bytes))
#' @describeIn DEPRECATED-read.spe Read only header of a WinSpec SPE file (version 2.5)
#' @return hdr list with `key=value` pairs
#' @noRd
.read.spe.header <- function(filename) {
# Read the 4100-byte long binary header from the SPE file and parse it
# Load the header
raw.data <- readBin(filename, "raw", 4100, 1)
# Extract some items from the 4100 bytes-long file header
hdr <- list(
hwVersion = readBin(raw.data[1:2], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # uint16
xDimDet = readBin(raw.data[7:8], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE), # uint16
mode = readBin(raw.data[9:10], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # uint16
exposure_sec = readBin(raw.data[11:14], "double", 1, 4), # float32
vChipXDim = readBin(raw.data[15:16], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int8
vChipYDim = readBin(raw.data[17:18], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int8
yDimDet = readBin(raw.data[19:20], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE), # uint16
date = readBin(raw.data[21:30], "character", 1, 10), # char
detTemperature = readBin(raw.data[37:40], "double", 1, 4), # float32
xdim = readBin(raw.data[43:44], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE), # uint16
shutterMode = readBin(raw.data[51:52], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE), # uint16
specCenterWlNm = readBin(raw.data[73:76], "double", 1, 4), # float32
datatype = readBin(raw.data[109:110], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int8
darkSubtracted = readBin(raw.data[151:152], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE), # int8
timeLocal = readBin(raw.data[173:179], "character", 1, 7), # char
timeUTC = readBin(raw.data[180:186], "character", 1, 7), # char
gain = readBin(raw.data[199:200], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE), # uint16
comments = readBin(raw.data[201:600], "character", 1, 400), # char
ydim = readBin(raw.data[657:658], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE), # uint16
accumulCount = readBin(raw.data[669:672], "integer", 1, 4), # uint32
readoutTime = readBin(raw.data[673:676], "double", 1, 4), # float32
swVersion = readBin(raw.data[688:704], "character", 1, 16), # char
kinTrigMode = readBin(raw.data[725:726], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
expRepeatCount = readBin(raw.data[1419:1422], "integer", 1, 4, signed = TRUE), # int32
expAccumCount = readBin(raw.data[1423:1426], "integer", 1, 4, signed = TRUE), # int32
hwAccumFlag = readBin(raw.data[1433:1434], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
cosmicApplied = readBin(raw.data[1439:1440], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
cosmicType = readBin(raw.data[1441:1442], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
numFrames = readBin(raw.data[1447:1450], "integer", 1, 4), # int32
shutterType = readBin(raw.data[1475:1476], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
readoutMode = readBin(raw.data[1481:1482], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
kinWindowSize = readBin(raw.data[1483:1484], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
clkSpeed = readBin(raw.data[1485:1486], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
computerIface = readBin(raw.data[1487:1488], "integer", 1, 2, signed = TRUE), # int16
fileFormatVer = readBin(raw.data[1993:1996], "double", 1, 4, signed = TRUE), # float32
# X Calibration Structure
xCalOffset = readBin(raw.data[3001:3008], "double", 1, 8, signed = TRUE), # float64
xCalFactor = readBin(raw.data[3009:3016], "double", 1, 8, signed = TRUE), # float64
xCalDisplayUnit = readBin(raw.data[3017], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE), # uint8
xCalValid = readBin(raw.data[3099], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE), # uint8
xCalInputUnit = readBin(raw.data[3100], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE), # uint8
xCalPolyUnit = readBin(raw.data[3101], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE), # uint8
xCalPolyOrder = readBin(raw.data[3102], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE), # uint8
xCalPointCount = readBin(raw.data[3103], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE), # uint8
xCalPxPos = readBin(raw.data[3104:3183], "double", 10, 8, signed = TRUE), # float64
xCalValues = readBin(raw.data[3184:3263], "double", 10, 8, signed = TRUE), # float64
xCalPolCoeffs = readBin(raw.data[3264:3311], "double", 6, 8, signed = TRUE), # float64
LaserWavelen = readBin(raw.data[3312:3319], "double", 1, 8, signed = TRUE) # float64
# Convert magic numbers into human-readable unit strings
spe_units <- c("pixel", "pixel", "data", "user units", "nm", "cm-1", "Raman shift")
hdr$xCalDisplayUnit <- spe_units[hdr$xCalDisplayUnit + 1]
hdr$xCalInputUnit <- spe_units[hdr$xCalInputUnit + 1]
hdr$xCalPolyUnit <- spe_units[hdr$xCalPolyUnit + 1]
#' @describeIn DEPRECATED-read.spe Plot the WinSpec SPE file (version 2.5) and show the
#' calibration points stored inside of it (x-axis calibration)
#' @export
spe.showcalpoints <- function(filename, xaxis = "file", acc2avg = F, cts_sec = F) {
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
hdr <- .read.spe.header(filename)
xaxis <- .wl_fix_unit_name(xaxis)
# Check if we should use display units specified in the SPE file
if (xaxis == "file") {
xaxis <- .wl_fix_unit_name(hdr$xCalDisplayUnit)
if (xaxis == "px") {
xaxis <- hdr$xCalPolyUnit
warning("Cannot show calibration data in pixels")
# Open file, make plot and mark position of all peaks stored inside the file
# in the x-calibration structure
spc <- read.spe(filename, xaxis, acc2avg, cts_sec)
rng <- max(spc) - min(spc)
ylims <- c(min(spc), max(spc) + 0.3 * rng)
if (dim(spc@data$spc)[1] > 1) {
plot(spc, plot.args = list(ylim = (ylims)), "spcprctl5")
} else {
plot(spc, plot.args = list(ylim = (ylims)))
if (hdr$xCalPointCount == 0) {
warning("No calibration data! Nothing to show")
mark_peak(spc, wl_convert_units(
from = hdr$xCalInputUnit,
to = .wl_fix_unit_name(xaxis),
x = hdr$xCalValues,
ref_wl = hdr$LaserWavelen
############# UNIT TESTS ################
hySpc.testthat::test(read.spe) <- function() {
test_that("deprecated", {
expect_error(read.spe(filename = ""), "can only read"),
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