
Defines functions parse_covr_ignore remove_line_duplicates remove_file_duplicates normalize_exclusions file_exclusions parse_exclusions exclude

#' Exclusions
#' covr supports a couple of different ways of excluding some or all of a file.
#' @section Line Exclusions:
#' The `line_exclusions` argument to `package_coverage()` can be used
#' to exclude some or all of a file.  This argument takes a list of filenames
#' or named ranges to exclude.
#' @section Function Exclusions:
#' Alternatively `function_exclusions` can be used to exclude R functions
#' based on regular expression(s). For example `print\\\.*` can be used to
#' exclude all the print methods defined in a package from coverage.
#' @section Exclusion Comments:
#' In addition you can exclude lines from the coverage by putting special comments
#' in your source code. This can be done per line or by specifying a range.
#' The patterns used can be specified by the `exclude_pattern`, `exclude_start`,
#' `exclude_end` arguments to `package_coverage()` or by setting the global
#' options `covr.exclude_pattern`, `covr.exclude_start`, `covr.exclude_end`.

#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # exclude whole file of R/test.R
#' package_coverage(exclusions = "R/test.R")
#' # exclude lines 1 to 10 and 15 from R/test.R
#' package_coverage(line_exclusions = list("R/test.R" = c(1:10, 15)))
#' # exclude lines 1 to 10 from R/test.R, all of R/test2.R
#' package_coverage(line_exclusions = list("R/test.R" = 1:10, "R/test2.R"))
#' # exclude all print and format methods from the package.
#' package_coverage(function_exclusions = c("print\\.", "format\\."))
#' # single line exclusions
#' f1 <- function(x) {
#'   x + 1 # nocov
#' }
#' # ranged exclusions
#' f2 <- function(x) { # nocov start
#'   x + 2
#' } # nocov end
#' }
#' @name exclusions

exclude <- function(coverage,
  line_exclusions = NULL,
  function_exclusions = NULL,
  exclude_pattern = getOption("covr.exclude_pattern"),
  exclude_start = getOption("covr.exclude_start"),
  exclude_end = getOption("covr.exclude_end"),
  path = NULL) {

  sources <- traced_files(coverage)

  source_exclusions <- lapply(sources,
    function(x) {
      parse_exclusions(x$file_lines, exclude_pattern, exclude_start, exclude_end)

  excl <- normalize_exclusions(c(source_exclusions, line_exclusions), path)

  df <- as.data.frame(coverage, sort = FALSE)

  to_exclude <- rep(FALSE, length(coverage))

  if (!is.null(function_exclusions)) {
    to_exclude <- Reduce(`|`, init = to_exclude,
      Map(rex::re_matches, function_exclusions, MoreArgs = list(data = df$functions)))
    to_exclude[is.na(to_exclude)] <- FALSE

  df$full_name <- vcapply(coverage,
    function(x) {
      normalize_path(get_source_filename(x$srcref, full.names = TRUE))

  to_exclude <- to_exclude | vlapply(seq_len(NROW(df)),
    function(i) {
      file <- df[i, "full_name"]
      which_exclusion <- match(file, names(excl))

      !is.na(which_exclusion) &&
          identical(excl[[which_exclusion]], Inf) ||
          all(seq(df[i, "first_line"], df[i, "last_line"]) %in% excl[[file]])

  if (any(to_exclude)) {
    coverage <- coverage[!to_exclude]


parse_exclusions <- function(lines,
                             exclude_pattern = getOption("covr.exclude"),
                             exclude_start = getOption("covr.exclude_start"),
                             exclude_end = getOption("covr.exclude_end")) {

  exclusions <- numeric(0)

  starts <- which(rex::re_matches(lines, exclude_start))
  ends <- which(rex::re_matches(lines, exclude_end))

  if (length(starts) > 0) {
    if (length(starts) != length(ends)) {
      starts_msg <- sprintf(ngettext(length(starts), "%d range start", "%d range starts"), length(starts))
      ends_msg <- sprintf(ngettext(length(ends), "%d range end", "%d range ends"), length(ends))
      stop(starts_msg, " but only ", ends_msg, " for exclusion from code coverage!")

    for (i in seq_along(starts)) {
      exclusions <- c(exclusions, seq(starts[i], ends[i]))

  exclusions <- c(exclusions, which(rex::re_matches(lines, exclude_pattern)))


file_exclusions <- function(x, path = NULL) {
  excl <- normalize_exclusions(x, path)

  full_files <- vlapply(excl, function(x1) length(x1) == 1 && x1 == Inf)
  if (any(full_files)) {
  } else {

normalize_exclusions <- function(x, path = NULL) {
  if (is.null(x) || length(x) <= 0) {

  # no named parameters at all
  if (is.null(names(x))) {
    x <- structure(relist(rep(Inf, length(x)), x), names = x)
  } else {
    unnamed <- names(x) == ""
    if (any(unnamed)) {

      # must be character vectors of length 1
      bad <- vlapply(seq_along(x),
        function(i) {
          unnamed[i] & (!is.character(x[[i]]) | length(x[[i]]) != 1)

      if (any(bad)) {
        stop("Full file exclusions must be character vectors of length 1. items: ",
             paste(collapse = ", ", which(bad)),
             " are not!",
             call. = FALSE)
      names(x)[unnamed] <- x[unnamed]
      x[unnamed] <- Inf

  if (!is.null(path)) {
    names(x) <- file.path(path, names(x))
  names(x) <- normalize_path(names(x))


remove_file_duplicates <- function(x) {
  unique_names <- unique(names(x))

  ## check for duplicate files
  if (length(unique_names) < length(names(x))) {
    x <- lapply(unique_names,
                function(name) {
                  vals <- unname(unlist(x[names(x) == name]))
                  if (any(vals == Inf)) {
                  } else {

    names(x) <- unique_names


remove_line_duplicates <- function(x) {
  x[] <- lapply(x, unique)


parse_covr_ignore <- function(file = getOption("covr.covrignore", Sys.getenv("COVR_COVRIGNORE", ".covrignore"))) {
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
  lines <- readLines(file)
  paths <- Sys.glob(lines, dirmark = TRUE)
  files <- unlist(
    lapply(paths, function(x) {
      if (dir.exists(x)) {
        list.files(recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE, path = x, full.names = TRUE)
      } else {
r-lib/covr documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 6:21 p.m.