
Defines functions ul li build_tab_item build_tabset tabset_panel bootstrap_page fluid_page tab_panel column addin_report addHighlight renderSourceTable add_link sort_file_stats compute_file_stats to_report_data file_report report

Documented in file_report report

#' Display covr results using a standalone report
#' @param x a coverage dataset, defaults to running `package_coverage()`.
#' @param file The report filename.
#' @param browse whether to open a browser to view the report.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- package_coverage()
#' report(x)
#' }
#' @export
# This function was originally a shiny application, but has now been converted into
# a normal static document and no longer depends on shiny.
report <- function(x = package_coverage(),
  file = file.path(tempdir(), paste0(get_package_name(x), "-report.html")),
  browse = interactive()) {

  # Create any directories as needed
  dir.create(dirname(file), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

  # Paths need to be absolute for save_html to work properly
  file <- file.path(normalizePath(dirname(file), mustWork = TRUE), basename(file))

  if (!(requireNamespace("htmltools", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("DT", quietly = TRUE))) {
    stop("The `DT` and `htmltools` packages must be installed to use `covr::report()`", call. = FALSE)

  data <- to_report_data(x)

  # Color the td cells by coverage amount, like codecov.io does
  color_coverage_callback <- DT::JS(
'function(td, cellData, rowData, row, col) {
  var percent = cellData.replace("%", "");
  if (percent > 90) {
    var grad = "linear-gradient(90deg, #edfde7 " + cellData + ", white " + cellData + ")";
  } else if (percent > 75) {
    var grad = "linear-gradient(90deg, #f9ffe5 " + cellData + ", white " + cellData + ")";
  } else {
    var grad = "linear-gradient(90deg, #fcece9 " + cellData + ", white " + cellData + ")";
  $(td).css("background", grad);

  # Open a new file in the source tab and switch to it
  file_choice_callback <- DT::JS(
"table.on('click.dt', 'a', function() {
  files = $('div#files div');
  id = $(this).text();
  files.filter('div[id=\\'' + id + '\\']').removeClass('hidden');
  $('ul.nav a[data-value=Source]').text(id).tab('show');

  package_name <- attr(x, "package")$package
  percentage <- sprintf("%02.2f%%", data$overall)

  table <- DT::datatable(
    escape = FALSE,
    fillContainer = FALSE,
    options = list(
      searching = FALSE,
      dom = "t",
      paging = FALSE,
      columnDefs = list(
        list(targets = 6, createdCell = color_coverage_callback))),
    rownames = FALSE,
    class = "row-border",
    callback = file_choice_callback
  table$sizingPolicy$defaultWidth <- "100%"
  table$sizingPolicy$defaultHeight <- NULL

  ui <- fluid_page(
    htmltools::includeCSS(system.file("www/report.css", package = "covr")),
    column(8, offset = 2, size = "md",
      htmltools::HTML(paste0("<h2>", package_name, " coverage - ", percentage, "</h2>")),
        tab_panel("Source", addHighlight(renderSourceTable(data$full)))

  htmltools::save_html(ui, file)
  viewer <- getOption("viewer", utils::browseURL)
  if (browse) {

#' A coverage report for a specific file
#' @inheritParams report
#' @param file The file to report on, if `NULL`, use the first file in the
#'   coverage output.
#' @param out_file The output file
#' @export
file_report <- function(x = package_coverage(), file = NULL, out_file = file.path(tempdir(), paste0(get_package_name(x), "-file-report.html")), browse = interactive()) {

  files <- display_name(x)

  if (is.null(file)) {
    file <- files[[1]]
  stopifnot(length(file) == 1)

  x <- x[files %in% file]

  data <- to_report_data(x)

  percentage <- data$file_stats$Coverage

  ui <- fluid_page(
    htmltools::includeCSS(system.file("www/report.css", package = "covr")),
    column(8, offset = 2, size = "md",
      htmltools::HTML(paste0("<h2>", file, " - ", percentage, "</h2>")),
        renderSourceTable(data$full, "")

  htmltools::save_html(ui, out_file)
  viewer <- getOption("viewer", utils::browseURL)
  if (browse) {


to_report_data <- function(x) {
  coverages <- per_line(x)

  res <- list()
  res$overall <- percent_coverage(x)
  res$full <- lapply(coverages,
    function(coverage) {
      lines <- coverage$file$file_lines
      values <- coverage$coverage
      values[is.na(values)] <- ""
        line = seq_along(lines),
        source = lines,
        coverage = values,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  nms <- names(coverages)

  # set a temp name if it doesn't exist
  nms[nms == ""] <- "<text>"

  names(res$full) <- nms

  res$file_stats <- compute_file_stats(res$full)

  res$file_stats$File <- add_link(names(res$full))

  res$file_stats <- sort_file_stats(res$file_stats)

  res$file_stats$Coverage <- res$file_stats$Coverage


compute_file_stats <- function(files) {
      function(file) {
          Coverage = sprintf("%.2f%%", sum(file$coverage > 0) / sum(file$coverage != "") * 100),
          Lines = NROW(file),
          Relevant = sum(file$coverage != ""),
          Covered = sum(file$coverage > 0),
          Missed = sum(file$coverage == 0),
          `Hits / Line` = sprintf("%.0f", sum(as.numeric(file$coverage), na.rm = TRUE) / sum(file$coverage != "")),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
          check.names = FALSE)

sort_file_stats <- function(stats) {
  stats[order(as.numeric(sub("%", "", stats$Coverage)), -stats$Relevant),
        c("File", "Lines", "Relevant", "Covered", "Missed", "Hits / Line", "Coverage")]

add_link <- function(files) {
  vcapply(files, function(file) { as.character(htmltools::a(href = "#", file)) })

renderSourceTable <- function(data, class = "hidden") {

  htmltools::div(id = "files",
    Map(function(lines, file) {
      htmltools::div(id = file, class=class,
        htmltools::tags$table(class = "table-condensed",
              function(row_num) {
                coverage <- lines[row_num, "coverage"]

                cov_type <- NULL
                if (coverage == 0) {
                  cov_value <- "!"
                  cov_type <- "missed"
                } else if (coverage > 0) {
                  cov_value <- htmltools::HTML(paste0(lines[row_num, "coverage"], "<em>x</em>", collapse = ""))
                  cov_type <- "covered"
                } else {
                  cov_type <- "never"
                  cov_value <- ""
                htmltools::tags$tr(class = cov_type,
                  htmltools::tags$td(class = "num", lines[row_num, "line"]),
                  htmltools::tags$td(class = "coverage", cov_value),
                  htmltools::tags$td(class = "col-sm-12", htmltools::pre(class = "language-r", lines[row_num, "source"]))
    }, lines = data, file = names(data)),
    "$('div#files pre').each(function(i, block) {

addHighlight <- function(x = list()) {
  highlight <- htmltools::htmlDependency("highlight.js", "6.2",
                                         system.file(package = "covr",
                                         script = "highlight.pack.js",
                                         stylesheet = "rstudio.css")

  htmltools::attachDependencies(x, c(htmltools::htmlDependencies(x), list(highlight)))

addin_report <- function() {

  project <- rstudioapi::getActiveProject()

  covr::report(covr::package_coverage(project %||% getwd()))

# These are all adapted from functions in shiny

column <- function(width, ..., offset = 0, size = c("xs", "sm", "md", "lg")) {
  size <- match.arg(size)

  col_class <- paste0("col-", size, "-", width)
  if (offset > 0) {
    col_class <- paste0(col_class, " ", "col-", size, "-offset-", offset)
  htmltools::div(class = col_class, ...)

tab_panel <- function(title, ..., value = title) {
  htmltools::div(class = "tab-pane", title = title, `data-value` = value, ...)

fluid_page <- function(...) {
    htmltools::div(class = "container-fluid", ...)

bootstrap_page <- function(...) {
  htmltools::attachDependencies(htmltools::tagList(list(...)), html_dependency_bootstrap())

# from htmldeps::html_dependency_bootstrap (not yet on CRAN)
html_dependency_bootstrap <- function () {
  htmltools::htmlDependency(name = "bootstrap", version = "3.3.5",
    src = system.file(file = "www/shared/bootstrap", package = "covr"),
    meta = list(viewport = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"),
    script = c("js/bootstrap.min.js", "shim/html5shiv.min.js", "shim/respond.min.js"),
    stylesheet = c("css/bootstrap.min.css", "css/bootstrap-theme.min.css")

tabset_panel <- function(...) {
  tabset <- build_tabset(list(...))
  htmltools::div(class = "tabbable",

build_tabset <- function(tabs) {
  tabset_id <- "covr"
  tabs <- lapply(seq_len(length(tabs)), build_tab_item, tabs = tabs, tabset_id = tabset_id)
  list(nav_list = ul(class = "nav nav-tabs", `data-tabsetid` = tabset_id, lapply(tabs, "[[", 1)),
       content = htmltools::div(class = "tab-content", `data-tabsetid` = tabset_id, lapply(tabs, "[[", 2))

build_tab_item <- function(i, tabs, tabset_id) {

  div_tag <- tabs[[i]]
  tab_id <- paste("tab", tabset_id, i, sep = "-")
  li_tag <- li(
    htmltools::a(href = paste0("#", tab_id),
      `data-toggle` = "tab",
      `data-value` = div_tag$attribs$`data-value`,
  if (i == 1) {
    li_tag$attribs$class <- "active"
    div_tag$attribs$class <- paste(div_tag$attribs$class, "active")
  div_tag$attribs$id <- tab_id

  list(li_tag = li_tag, div_tag = div_tag)

li <- function(...) htmltools::tag("li", list(...))
ul <- function(...) htmltools::tag("ul", list(...))
r-lib/covr documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 6:21 p.m.