# This file is the interface between gmailr and the
# auth functionality in gargle.
# Initialization happens in .onLoad
.auth <- NULL
# The roxygen comments for these functions are mostly generated from data
# in this list and template text maintained in gargle.
gargle_lookup_table <- list(
PACKAGE = "gmailr",
YOUR_STUFF = "your Gmail projects",
PRODUCT = "Google Gmail",
API = "Gmail API",
PREFIX = "gm"
#' Authorize gmailr
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_auth_description(gargle_lookup_table)
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_auth_details(gargle_lookup_table)
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_auth_params()
#' @param scopes One or more API scopes. Each scope can be specified in full or,
#' for Gmail API-specific scopes, in an abbreviated form that is recognized by
#' [gm_scopes()]:
#' * "full" = "https://mail.google.com/" (the default)
#' * "gmail.compose" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.compose"
#' * "gmail.readonly" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly"
#' * "gmail.labels" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.labels"
#' * "gmail.send" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.send"
#' * "gmail.insert" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.insert"
#' * "gmail.modify" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify"
#' * "gmail.metadata" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.metadata"
#' * "gmail.settings_basic" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.settings.basic"
#' * "gmail.settings_sharing" = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.settings.sharing"
#' See <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/auth/scopes> for details on the
#' permissions for each scope.
#' @family auth functions
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_interactive()
#' # load/refresh existing credentials, if available
#' # otherwise, go to browser for authentication and authorization
#' gm_auth()
#' # indicate the specific identity you want to auth as
#' gm_auth(email = "jenny@example.com")
#' # force a new browser dance, i.e. don't even try to use existing user
#' # credentials
#' gm_auth(email = NA)
#' # specify the identity, use a 'read only' scope, so it's impossible to
#' # send or delete email, and specify a cache folder
#' gm_auth(
#' "target.user@example.com",
#' scopes = "gmail.readonly",
#' cache = "some/nice/directory/"
#' )
gm_auth <- function(email = gm_default_email(),
path = NULL, subject = NULL,
scopes = "full",
cache = gargle::gargle_oauth_cache(),
use_oob = gargle::gargle_oob_default(),
token = NULL) {
gargle::check_is_service_account(path, hint = "gm_auth_configure")
scopes <- gm_scopes(scopes)
client <- gm_oauth_client()
cred <- gargle::token_fetch(
scopes = scopes,
client = client,
email = email,
path = path,
subject = subject,
package = "gmailr",
cache = cache,
use_oob = use_oob,
token = token
if (inherits(cred, "Token2.0")) {
no_client <- is.null(client)
if (no_client) {
try(gm_auth_configure(), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(gm_oauth_client(), "gargle_oauth_client")) {
email = email, path = path, subject = subject, scopes = scopes,
cache = cache, use_oob = use_oob, token = token
no_client_msg <- c(
"x" = "No OAuth client has been configured.",
"i" = "To auth with the user flow, you must register an OAuth client with \\
{.fun gm_auth_configure}.",
"i" = "See the article \"Set up an OAuth client\" for how to get a client:",
" " = "{.url https://gmailr.r-lib.org/dev/articles/oauth-client.html}"
non_interactive_msg <- c(
"!" = "{.pkg gmailr} appears to be running in a non-interactive session \\
and it can't auto-discover credentials.",
" " = "You may need to call {.fun gm_auth} directly with all necessary \\
"i" = "See gargle's \"Non-interactive auth\" vignette for more details:",
"i" = "{.url https://gargle.r-lib.org/articles/non-interactive-auth.html}"
"Can't get Google credentials.",
if (no_client) no_client_msg,
if (!is_interactive()) non_interactive_msg,
"i" = "For general auth troubleshooting, set \\
{.code options(gargle_verbosity = \"debug\")} to see more detailed
debugging information."
#' Clear current token
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_deauth_description_no_api_key(gargle_lookup_table)
#' @family auth functions
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_interactive()
#' gm_deauth()
gm_deauth <- function() {
#' Produce configured token
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_token_description(gargle_lookup_table)
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_token_return()
#' @family low-level API functions
#' @export
#' @examplesIf gm_has_token()
#' gm_token()
gm_token <- function() {
if (!gm_has_token()) {
httr::config(token = .auth$cred)
#' Is there a token on hand?
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_has_token_description(gargle_lookup_table)
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_has_token_return()
#' @family low-level API functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gm_has_token()
gm_has_token <- function() {
inherits(.auth$cred, "Token2.0")
# gm_auth_configure() started out with a signature that is quite different from
# other packages, because gmailr adopted gargle later in its life. Therefore I
# had to document the arguments "by hand". That situation will improve with
# time, i.e. once I can truly remove deprecated arguments.
#' Edit auth configuration
#' @description
#' See the article [Set up an OAuth
#' client](https://gmailr.r-lib.org/dev/articles/oauth-client.html) for
#' instructions on how to get an OAuth client. Then you can use
#' `gm_auth_configure()` to register your client for use with gmailr.
#' `gm_oauth_client()` retrieves the currently configured OAuth client.
#' @param client A Google OAuth client, presumably constructed via
#' [gargle::gargle_oauth_client_from_json()]. Note, however, that it is
#' preferred to specify the client with JSON, using the `path` argument.
#' @inheritParams gargle::gargle_oauth_client_from_json
#' @param key,secret,appname,app `r lifecycle::badge('deprecated')` Use the
#' `path` (strongly recommended) or `client` argument instead.
#' @eval gargle:::PREFIX_auth_configure_return(gargle_lookup_table, .has_api_key
#' = FALSE)
#' @seealso [gm_default_oauth_client()] to learn how you can make your OAuth
#' client easy for gmailr to discover.
#' @family auth functions
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_interactive()
#' # if your OAuth client can be auto-discovered (see ?gm_default_oauth_client),
#' # you don't need to provide anything!
#' gm_auth_configure()
#' @examples
#' # see and store the current user-configured OAuth client
#' (original_client <- gm_oauth_client())
#' # the preferred way to configure your own client is via a JSON file
#' # downloaded from Google Developers Console
#' # this example JSON is indicative, but fake
#' path_to_json <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "client_secret_installed.googleusercontent.com.json",
#' package = "gargle"
#' )
#' gm_auth_configure(path = path_to_json)
#' # confirm that a (fake) OAuth client is now configured
#' gm_oauth_client()
#' # restore original auth config
#' gm_auth_configure(client = original_client)
gm_auth_configure <- function(client = NULL,
path = gm_default_oauth_client(),
key = deprecated(),
secret = deprecated(),
appname = deprecated(),
app = deprecated()) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(app) ||
lifecycle::is_present(key) ||
lifecycle::is_present(secret) ||
lifecycle::is_present(appname)) {
what <- glue("
The use of `key`, `secret`, `appname`, and `app` with `gm_auth_configure()`")
with <- glue("
the `path` (strongly recommended) or `client` argument")
when = "2.0.0",
what = I(what),
with = I(with)
if (!missing(client) && !missing(path)) {
"Must supply exactly one of {.arg client} and {.arg path}, not both."
if (missing(client)) {
if (is.null(path)) {
"Must supply either {.arg client} or {.arg path}."
client <- gargle::gargle_oauth_client_from_json(path)
stopifnot(is.null(client) || inherits(client, "gargle_oauth_client"))
#' @export
#' @rdname gm_auth_configure
gm_oauth_client <- function() {
# Gmail profile ----
#' Get info on current gmail profile
#' Reveals information about the profile associated with the current token.
#' @seealso Wraps the `getProfile` endpoint:
#' * <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users/getProfile>
#' @param verbose Logical, indicating whether to print informative messages
#' (default `TRUE`).
#' @inheritParams gm_message
#' @return A list of class `gmail_profile`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gm_profile()
#' ## more info is returned than is printed
#' prof <- gm_profile()
#' prof[["historyId"]]
#' }
gm_profile <- function(user_id = "me", verbose = TRUE) {
if (!gm_has_token()) {
if (verbose) {
cli::cli_inform("Not logged in as any specific Google user.")
gmailr_GET("profile", user_id, class = "gmail_profile")
#' @export
print.gmail_profile <- function(x, ...) {
"Logged in as:\n",
" * email: %s\n",
" * num_messages: %i\n",
" * num_threads: %i"
), x[["emailAddress"]], x[["messagesTotal"]], x[["threadsTotal"]]),
sep = "\n"
#' Produce scopes specific to the Gmail API
#' When called with no arguments, `gm_scopes()` returns a named character vector
#' of scopes associated with the Gmail API. If `gm_scopes(scopes =)` is given,
#' an abbreviated entry such as `"gmail.readonly"` is expanded to a full scope
#' (`"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly"` in this case).
#' Unrecognized scopes are passed through unchanged.
#' @inheritParams gm_auth
#' @seealso <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/auth/scopes> for details on
#' the permissions for each scope.
#' @returns A character vector of scopes.
#' @family auth functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gm_scopes("full")
#' gm_scopes("gmail.readonly")
#' gm_scopes()
gm_scopes <- function(scopes = NULL) {
if (is.null(scopes)) {
# In hindsight, I think it is better for the short form to be slightly less
# short. Once you start to think about the full set of APIs and supporting
# this in gargle, it seems that "gmail.compose" is better than "compose".
# gmailr will continue to accept the original, very short forms for backwards
# compatibility, but we catch, warn, and modify them here.
scopes <- fixup_gmail_scopes(scopes)
resolve_scopes(user_scopes = scopes, package_scopes = gmail_scopes)
gmail_scopes <- c(
full = "https://mail.google.com/",
gmail.compose = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.compose",
gmail.readonly = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly",
gmail.labels = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.labels",
gmail.send = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.send",
gmail.insert = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.insert",
gmail.modify = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify",
gmail.metadata = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.metadata",
gmail.settings_basic = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.settings.basic",
gmail.settings_sharing = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.settings.sharing"
resolve_scopes <- function(user_scopes, package_scopes) {
m <- match(user_scopes, names(package_scopes))
ifelse(is.na(m), user_scopes, package_scopes[m])
# 'readonly' --> 'gmail.readonly'
# 'whatever' --> 'whatever'
fixup_gmail_scopes <- function(scopes) {
haystack <- grep(
value = TRUE
haystack <- basename(haystack)
haystack <- set_names(haystack, function(x) sub("^gmail[.]", "", x))
m <- match(scopes, names(haystack))
if (any(!is.na(m))) {
needs_work <- haystack[m]
needs_work <- needs_work[!is.na(needs_work)]
what <- glue('
The use of extremely short scopes \\
({glue::glue_collapse(glue::double_quote(names(needs_work)), sep = ", ")})')
with <- glue('
the slightly longer form \\
({glue::glue_collapse(glue::double_quote(needs_work), sep = ", ")})')
when = "2.0.0",
what = I(what),
with = I(with)
ifelse(is.na(m), scopes, haystack[m])
# gm_token_write / gm_token_read() ----
#' Write/read a gmailr user token
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' This pair of functions writes an OAuth2 user token to file and reads it back
#' in. This is rarely necessary when working in your primary, interactive
#' computing environment. In that setting, it is recommended to lean into the
#' automatic token caching built-in to gmailr / gargle. However, when preparing
#' a user token for use elsewhere, such as in CI or in a deployed data product,
#' it can be useful to take the full control granted by `gm_token_write()` and
#' `gm_token_read()`.
#' Below is an outline of the intended workflow, but you will need to fill in
#' particulars, such as filepaths and environment variables:
#' * Do auth in your primary, interactive environment as the target user, with
#' the desired OAuth client and scopes.
#' ``` r
#' gm_auth_configure()
#' gm_auth("jane@example.com", cache = FALSE)
#' ````
#' * Confirm you are logged in as the intended user:
#' ``` r
#' gm_profile()
#' ````
#' * Write the current token to file:
#' ``` r
#' gm_token_write(
#' path = "path/to/gmailr-token.rds",
#' key = "GMAILR_KEY"
#' )
#' ```
#' * In the deployed, non-interactive setting, read the token from file and
#' tell gmailr to use it:
#' ``` r
#' gm_auth(token = gm_token_read(
#' path = "path/to/gmailr-token.rds",
#' key = "GMAILR_KEY"
#' )
#' ```
#' @section Security:
#' `gm_token_write()` and `gm_token_read()` have a more security-oriented
#' implementation than the default token caching strategy. OAuth2 user tokens
#' are somewhat opaque by definition, because they aren't written to file in a
#' particularly transparent format. However, `gm_token_write()` always applies
#' some additional obfuscation to make such credentials even more resilient
#' against scraping by an automated tool. However, a knowledgeable R programmer
#' could decode the credential with some effort. The default behaviour of
#' `gm_token_write()` (called without `key`) is suitable for tokens stored in a
#' relatively secure place, such as on Posit Connect within your organization.
#' To prepare a stored credential for exposure in a more public setting, such as
#' on GitHub or CRAN, you must actually encrypt it, using a `key` known only to
#' you. You must make the encryption `key` available via a secure environment
#' variable in any setting where you wish to decrypt and use the token, such as
#' on GitHub Actions.
#' @inheritParams gm_auth
#' @param path The path to write to (`gm_token_write()`) or to read from
#' (`gm_token_read()`).
#' @param key Encryption key, as implemented by httr2's [secret
#' functions](https://httr2.r-lib.org/reference/secrets.html). If absent, a
#' built-in `key` is used. If supplied, the `key` should usually be the name
#' of an environment variable whose value was generated with
#' `gargle::secret_make_key()` (which is a copy of
#' `httr2::secret_make_key()`). The `key` argument of `gm_token_read()` must
#' match the `key` used in `gm_token_write()`.
#' @export
gm_token_write <- function(token = gm_token(),
path = "gmailr-token.rds",
key = NULL) {
if (inherits(token, "request")) {
token <- token$auth_token
stopifnot(inherits(token, "Token2.0"))
key <- key %||% gmailr_obfuscate_key()
gargle::secret_write_rds(token, path, key)
#' @rdname gm_token_write
#' @export
gm_token_read <- function(path = "gmailr-token.rds", key = NULL) {
key <- key %||% gmailr_obfuscate_key()
gargle::secret_read_rds(path, key)
# unexported helpers that are nice for internal use ----
gm_auth_testing <- function() {
can_decrypt <- gargle::secret_has_key("GMAILR_KEY")
online <- !is.null(curl::nslookup("gmail.googleapis.com", error = FALSE))
if (!can_decrypt || !online) {
"Auth unsuccessful:",
if (!can_decrypt) {
c("x" = "Can't decrypt the token.")
if (!online) {
c("x" = "We don't appear to be online. Or maybe the Gmail API is down?")
class = "gmailr_auth_internal_error",
can_decrypt = can_decrypt, online = online
gm_auth(token = gm_token_read(
system.file("secret", "gmailr-dev-token", package = "gmailr"),
key = "GMAILR_KEY"
# credentials_byo_oauth2() tries to refresh the token and, if that fails, it
# generates a warning like this:
# Unable to refresh token: invalid_grant
# Token has been expired or revoked.
# since I'm using an OAuth client in testing mode, a token might only
# be valid for 1 week, so this serves a dual purpose:
# - test if the token actually works
# - if it does, reveal who I am
# otherwise, throw an error of class "gmailr_auth_internal_error", so that
# downstream work proceeds in "no auth" mode
whoami <- gm_profile(),
error = function(cnd) {
"x" = "Token decrypted but does not appear to be valid:"
class = "gmailr_auth_internal_error",
parent = NA,
error = cnd
# TODO: I don't love this, but it's how I found things and I haven't done
# enough analysis to remove or change it yet.
Sys.setenv(GMAILR_EMAIL = whoami$emailAddress)
# deprecated functions ----
#' Get currently configured OAuth app (deprecated)
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' In light of the new [gargle::gargle_oauth_client()] constructor and class of
#' the same name, `gm_oauth_app()` is being replaced by [gm_oauth_client()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
gm_oauth_app <- function() {
"2.0.0", "gm_oauth_app()", "gm_oauth_client()"
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