#' SHA-256 hash
#' Calculate the SHA-256 hash of each element of a character vector.
#' @param x Character vector. If not a character vector, then
#' [as.character()] is used to try to coerce it into one. `NA` entries
#' will have an `NA` hash.
#' @return `hash_sha256()` returns a character vector of hexadecimal
#' SHA-256 hashes.
#' @family hash functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hash_sha256(c("foo", NA, "bar", ""))
hash_sha256 <- function(x) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
na <- is.na(x)
x[na] <- NA_character_
x[!na] <- .Call(clic_sha256, x[!na])
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_sha256
#' @details `hash_raw_sha256()` calculates the SHA-256 hash of the bytes
#' of a raw vector.
#' @return `hash_raw_sha256()` returns a character scalar.
hash_raw_sha256 <- function(x) {
.Call(clic_sha256_raw, x)
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_sha256
#' @param serialize_version Workspace format version to use, see
#' [base::serialize()].
#' @details `hash_obj_sha256()` calculates the SHA-256 hash of an R
#' object. The object is serialized into a binary vector first.
#' @return `hash_obj_sha256()` returns a character scalar.
hash_obj_sha256 <- function(x, serialize_version = 2) {
sr <- serialize(x, NULL, version = serialize_version)[-(1:14)]
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_sha256
#' @param paths Character vector of file names.
#' @details `hash_file_sha256()` calculates the SHA-256 hash of one or
#' more files.
#' @return `hash_file_sha256()` returns a character vector of SHA-256
#' hashes.
hash_file_sha256 <- function(paths) {
if (!is.character(paths)) paths <- as.character(paths)
paths <- normalizePath(paths, mustWork = FALSE)
if (is_windows()) {
paths <- enc2utf8(paths)
} else {
paths <- enc2native(paths)
.Call(clic_sha256_file, paths)
#' SHA-1 hash
#' Calculate the SHA-1 hash of each element of a character vector.
#' @param x Character vector. If not a character vector, then
#' [as.character()] is used to try to coerce it into one. `NA` entries
#' will have an `NA` hash.
#' @return `hash_sha1()` returns a character vector of hexadecimal
#' SHA-1 hashes.
#' @family hash functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hash_sha1(c("foo", NA, "bar", ""))
hash_sha1 <- function(x) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
na <- is.na(x)
x[na] <- NA_character_
x[!na] <- .Call(clic_sha1, x[!na])
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_sha1
#' @details `hash_raw_sha1()` calculates the SHA-1 hash of the bytes
#' of a raw vector.
#' @return `hash_raw_sha1()` returns a character scalar.
hash_raw_sha1 <- function(x) {
.Call(clic_sha1_raw, x)
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_sha1
#' @param serialize_version Workspace format version to use, see
#' [base::serialize()].
#' @details `hash_obj_sha1()` calculates the SHA-1 hash of an R
#' object. The object is serialized into a binary vector first.
#' @return `hash_obj_sha1()` returns a character scalar.
hash_obj_sha1 <- function(x, serialize_version = 2) {
sr <- serialize(x, NULL, version = serialize_version)[-(1:14)]
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_sha1
#' @param paths Character vector of file names.
#' @details `hash_file_sha1()` calculates the SHA-1 hash of one or
#' more files.
#' @return `hash_file_sha1()` returns a character vector of SHA-1
#' hashes.
hash_file_sha1 <- function(paths) {
if (!is.character(paths)) paths <- as.character(paths)
paths <- normalizePath(paths, mustWork = FALSE)
if (is_windows()) {
paths <- enc2utf8(paths)
} else {
paths <- enc2native(paths)
.Call(clic_sha1_file, paths)
#' MD5 hash
#' Calculate the MD5 hash of each element of a character vector.
#' @param x Character vector. If not a character vector, then
#' [as.character()] is used to try to coerce it into one. `NA` entries
#' will have an `NA` hash.
#' @return `hash_md5()` returns a character vector of hexadecimal MD5
#' hashes.
#' @family hash functions
#' @seealso [tools::md5sum()] for a base R MD5 function that works on
#' files.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hash_md5(c("foo", NA, "bar", ""))
hash_md5 <- function(x) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
na <- is.na(x)
x[na] <- NA_character_
x[!na] <- .Call(clic_md5, x[!na])
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_md5
#' @details `hash_raw_md5()` calculates the MD5 hash of the bytes
#' of a raw vector.
#' @return `hash_raw_md5()` returns a character scalar.
hash_raw_md5 <- function(x) {
.Call(clic_md5_raw, x)
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_md5
#' @param serialize_version Workspace format version to use, see
#' [base::serialize()].
#' @details `hash_obj_md5()` calculates the MD5 hash of an R
#' object. The object is serialized into a binary vector first.
#' @return `hash_obj_md5()` returns a character scalar.
hash_obj_md5 <- function(x, serialize_version = 2) {
sr <- serialize(x, NULL, version = serialize_version)[-(1:14)]
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_md5
#' @param paths Character vector of file names.
#' @details `hash_file_md5()` calculates the MD5 hash of one or more
#' files.
hash_file_md5 <- function(paths) {
if (!is.character(paths)) paths <- as.character(paths)
paths <- normalizePath(paths, mustWork = FALSE)
if (is_windows()) {
paths <- enc2utf8(paths)
} else {
paths <- enc2native(paths)
.Call(clic_md5_file, paths)
#' Emoji hash
#' @details
#' It uses the first 13 hexadecimal characters (out of the 32) of the MD5
#' hash of the input, and converts them into an emoji representation.
#' It uses a manually selected subset of all emojis, that tend to be
#' displayed correctly.
#' ## Number of possible hash values
#' ```{r include = FALSE}
#' hf <- function(size) {
#' format(nrow(emojis)**size, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)
#' }
#' ```
#' cli uses `r nrow(emojis)` possible emojis. This is the number of
#' different hashes you can get for different values of `size`:
#' | `size` | size of hash table space |
#' | -----: | -----------------------: |
#' | 1 | `r hf(1)` |
#' | 2 | `r hf(2)` |
#' | 3 | `r hf(3)` |
#' | 4 | `r hf(4)` |
#' @param x Character vector. `NA` entries will have an `NA` hash.
#' @param size Number of emojis to use in a hash. Currently it has to
#' be from 1 through 4.
#' @return `hash_emoji()` returns a data frame with columns
#' * `hash`: the emoji hash, a string of the requested size.
#' * `emojis`: list column with the emoji characters in character
#' vectors. Note that an emoji might have multiple code points.
#' * `text`: text representation of `hash`, comma separated.
#' * `names`: list column with the text representations of `emojis`, in
#' character vectors.
#' @family hash functions
#' @seealso the emoji package for a comprehensive list of emojis
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hash_emoji(c("foo", NA, "bar", ""))$text
#' # if you increase `size`, the shorter hash is a prefix of the longer:
#' hash_emoji("foobar", 1)$text
#' hash_emoji("foobar", 2)$text
#' hash_emoji("foobar", 3)$text
#' hash_emoji("foobar", 4)$text
hash_emoji <- function(x, size = 3) {
# our integer arithmetic does not work if size > 4
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
size >= 1 && size <= 4
hashes <- lapply(x, hash_emoji1, size = size)
emojis <- lapply(hashes, "[[", "emoji")
names <- lapply(hashes, "[[", "names")
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
hash = vapply(emojis, hash_collapse, character(1)),
emojis = I(emojis),
text = vapply(names, hash_collapse, character(1), sep = ", "),
names = I(names)
hash_collapse <- function(x, sep = "") {
if (anyNA(x)) {
} else {
paste(x, collapse = sep)
hash_emoji1 <- function(x, size = 3) {
if (is.na(x)) {
emoji = rep(NA_character_, size),
names = rep(NA_character_, size)
md5 <- hash_md5(x)
hash_emoji1_transform(md5, size)
hash_emoji1_transform <- function(md5, size) {
md513 <- substr(md5, 1, 13)
mdint <- as.integer(as.hexmode(strsplit(md513, "", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]))
hash <- sum(mdint * 16^(0:12))
base <- nrow(emojis)
ehash <- hash %% (base ** size)
digits <- integer()
while (ehash > 0) {
digits <- c(digits, ehash %% base)
ehash <- ehash %/% base
digits <- c(digits, rep(0, 10))[1:size]
nms <- emojis$name[digits + 1]
emo <- emojis$emoji[digits + 1]
emoji = emo,
names = nms
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_emoji
#' @details `hash_raw_emoji()` calculates the emoji hash of the bytes
#' of a raw vector.
#' @return `hash_raw_emoji()` and `hash_obj_emoji()` return a list with
#' entries:
#' * `hash`: the emoji hash, a string of requested size,
#' * `emojis`: the individual emoji characters in a character vector,
#' * `text`: text representation of `hash`, comma separated,
#' * `names`: names of the emojis, in a character vector.
hash_raw_emoji <- function(x, size = 3) {
md5 <- hash_raw_md5(x)
emo <- hash_emoji1_transform(md5, size)
hash = hash_collapse(emo$emoji),
emojis = emo$emoji,
text = hash_collapse(emo$emoji, sep = ", "),
names = emo$names
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_emoji
#' @param serialize_version Workspace format version to use, see
#' [base::serialize()].
#' @details `hash_obj_emoji()` calculates the emoji hash of an R
#' object. The object is serialized into a binary vector first.
hash_obj_emoji <- function(x, size = 3, serialize_version = 2) {
sr <- serialize(x, NULL, version = serialize_version)[-(1:14)]
hash_raw_emoji(sr, size = size)
#' Adjective-animal hash
#' @details
#' It uses the first 13 hexadecimal characters (out of the 32) of the MD5
#' hash of the input, and converts them into an adjective-animal form to
#' create a human readable hash.
#' ## Number of possible hash values
#' ```{r include = FALSE}
#' hf <- function(n_adj) {
#' format(
#' length(gfycat_adjectives) ** n_adj * length(gfycat_animals),
#' big.mark = ",",
#' scientific = FALSE
#' )
#' }
#' ```
#' `hash_animal()` uses `r length(gfycat_animals)` animal names and
#' `r length(gfycat_adjectives)` different adjectives. The number of
#' different hashes you can get for different values of `n_adj`:
#' | `n_adj` | size of the hash table space |
#' | ------: | ---------------------------: |
#' | 0 | `r hf(0)` |
#' | 1 | `r hf(1)` |
#' | 2 | `r hf(2)` |
#' | 3 | `r hf(3)` |
#' ## Source
#' The list of adjectives and animals comes from the ids package,
#' and in turn from
#' <https://github.com/a-type/adjective-adjective-animal>, and
#' from `https://gfycat.com` (now gone).
#' @param x Character vector. `NA` entries will have an `NA` hash.
#' @param n_adj Number of adjectives to use. It must be from 0 through 3.
#' @return A data frame with columns
#' * `hash`: the hash value, a string.
#' * `words`: list column with the adjectives and the animal name in a
#' character vector.
#' @family hash functions
#' @seealso the ids package for generating random adjective-animal ids
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hash_animal(c("foo", "bar"))
#' # if you increase `n_adj`, the shorter hash is a suffix of the longer:
#' hash_animal("cli package", 0)$hash
#' hash_animal("cli package", 1)$hash
#' hash_animal("cli package", 2)$hash
#' hash_animal("cli package", 3)$hash
hash_animal <- function(x, n_adj = 2) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
n_adj >= 0 && n_adj <= 3
hashes <- lapply(x, hash_animal1, n_adj = n_adj)
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
hash = vapply(hashes, hash_collapse, character(1), sep = " "),
words = I(hashes)
hash_animal1 <- function(x, n_adj = 2) {
if (is.na(x)) {
return(rep(NA_character_, n_adj + 1))
md5 <- hash_md5(x)
hash_animal1_transform(md5, n_adj)
hash_animal1_transform <- function(md5, n_adj) {
md513 <- substr(md5, 1, 13)
mdint <- as.integer(as.hexmode(strsplit(md513, "", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]))
hash <- sum(mdint * 16^(0:12))
len_ani <- length(gfycat_animals)
len_adj <- length(gfycat_adjectives)
ehash <- hash %% (len_adj ** n_adj * len_ani)
digits <- ehash %% len_ani
ehash <- ehash %/% len_ani
while (ehash > 0) {
digits <- c(digits, ehash %% len_adj)
ehash <- ehash %/% len_adj
digits <- c(digits, rep(0, 10))[1:(n_adj + 1)]
digits <- rev(digits)
gfycat_adjectives[digits[-length(digits)] + 1],
gfycat_animals[digits[length(digits)] + 1]
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_animal
#' @details `hash_raw_animal()` calculates the adjective-animal hash of
#' the bytes of a raw vector.
#' @return `hash_raw_animal()` and `hash_obj_animal()` return a list
#' with entries:
#' * `hash`: the hash value, a string,
#' * `words: the adjectives and the animal name in a character vector.
hash_raw_animal <- function(x, n_adj = 2) {
md5 <- hash_raw_md5(x)
hash <- hash_animal1_transform(md5, n_adj)
hash = hash_collapse(hash, sep = ", "),
words = hash
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_animal
#' @param serialize_version Workspace format version to use, see
#' [base::serialize()].
#' @details `hash_obj_animal()` calculates the adjective-animal hash of
#' an R object. The object is serialized into a binary vector first.
hash_obj_animal <- function(x, n_adj = 2, serialize_version = 2) {
sr <- serialize(x, NULL, version = serialize_version)[-(1:14)]
hash_raw_animal(sr, n_adj = n_adj)
#' xxHash
#' Extremely fast hash algorithm.
#' @param x Character vector. If not a character vector, then
#' [as.character()] is used to try to coerce it into one. `NA` entries
#' will have an `NA` hash.
#' @return `hash_xxhash()` returns a character vector of hexadecimal
#' xxHash hashes.
#' @family hash functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hash_xxhash(c("foo", NA, "bar", ""))
hash_xxhash <- function(x) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
na <- is.na(x)
x[na] <- NA_character_
x[!na] <- .Call(clic_xxhash, x[!na])
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_xxhash
#' @details `hash_raw_xxhash()` calculates the xxHash hash of the bytes
#' of a raw vector.
#' @return `hash_raw_xxhash()` returns a character scalar.
hash_raw_xxhash <- function(x) {
.Call(clic_xxhash_raw, x)
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_xxhash
#' @param serialize_version Workspace format version to use, see
#' [base::serialize()].
#' @details `hash_obj_xxhash()` calculates the xxHash hash of an R
#' object. The object is serialized into a binary vector first.
#' @return `hash_obj_xxhash()` returns a character scalar.
hash_obj_xxhash <- function(x, serialize_version = 2) {
sr <- serialize(x, NULL, version = serialize_version)[-(1:14)]
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_xxhash
#' @param paths Character vector of file names.
#' @details `hash_file_xxhash()` calculates the xxHash hash of one or
#' more files.
#' @return `hash_file_xxhash()` returns a character vector of xxHash
#' hashes.
hash_file_xxhash <- function(paths) {
if (!is.character(paths)) paths <- as.character(paths)
paths <- normalizePath(paths, mustWork = FALSE)
if (is_windows()) {
paths <- enc2utf8(paths)
} else {
paths <- enc2native(paths)
.Call(clic_xxhash_file, paths)
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_xxhash
#' @details The `64` functions caculate the 64 bit variant
#' of xxHash. Otherwise they work the same.
hash_xxhash64 <- function(x) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
na <- is.na(x)
x[na] <- NA_character_
x[!na] <- .Call(clic_xxhash64, x[!na])
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_xxhash
hash_raw_xxhash64 <- function(x) {
.Call(clic_xxhash64_raw, x)
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_xxhash
hash_obj_xxhash64 <- function(x, serialize_version = 2) {
sr <- serialize(x, NULL, version = serialize_version)[-(1:14)]
#' @export
#' @rdname hash_xxhash
hash_file_xxhash64 <- function(paths) {
if (!is.character(paths)) paths <- as.character(paths)
paths <- normalizePath(paths, mustWork = FALSE)
if (is_windows()) {
paths <- enc2utf8(paths)
} else {
paths <- enc2native(paths)
.Call(clic_xxhash64_file, paths)
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