
Defines functions skip_during_parallel test_transformers_drop cache_more_specs_default local_test_setup n_times_faster_bench n_times_faster_with_cache copy_to_tempdir testthat_file style_op style_empty transform_and_check construct_tree construct_out test_collection

Documented in construct_out construct_tree copy_to_tempdir local_test_setup n_times_faster_with_cache style_empty style_op test_collection testthat_file test_transformers_drop transform_and_check

#' Run a collection of tests
#' Run transformations on all *-in.R files in a test directory and compare them
#'   with their *-out.R counterpart.
#' @inheritParams transform_and_check
#' @param test The test to run. It corresponds to a folder name in
#'   tests/testthat.
#' @param sub_test A regex pattern to further reduce the amount of test files
#'   to be tested in the test. `sub_test` must match the beginning of file
#'   names in tests/testthat. `NULL` matches all files.
#' @details
#' Each file name that matches `test` and `sub_test` and ends with
#' "-in.R" is considered as an input to test. Its counterpart,
#' the reference to compare it against is the *-out.R file. It is constructed
#' by taking the substring of the *-in.R file before the
#' last dash and adding -out.R. In contrast to older versions of this
#' function, every *-out.R file has just one in file.
#' @inheritParams transform_and_check
#' @keywords internal
test_collection <- function(test, sub_test = NULL,
                            dry = "off",
                            write_tree = FALSE,
                            ...) {
  path <- rprojroot::find_testthat_root_file(test)

  pattern <- paste0(
    if (!is.null(sub_test)) paste0("^", sub_test, ".*"),

  in_names <- list.files(
    pattern = pattern,
    full.names = FALSE

  if (length(in_names) < 1L) abort("no items to check")

  out_names <- construct_out(in_names)

  if (getOption("styler.test_dir_writable", TRUE)) {
    out_items <- file.path(path, out_names)
    in_items <- file.path(path, in_names)
    out_trees <- construct_tree(in_items)
  } else {
    in_items <- file.path(path, in_names)
    out_items <- file.path(tempdir(), out_names)
    ref_items <- file.path(path, out_names)
    file.copy(ref_items, out_items, overwrite = TRUE, copy.mode = FALSE)
    out_trees <- file.path(tempdir(), construct_tree(in_names))

  pwalk(list(in_items, out_items, in_names, out_names, out_trees),
    transformer = transformer,
    dry = dry,
    write_tree = write_tree,

#' Construct *-out.R from a *-in.R
#' Multiple *-in.R files can have the same *-out.R file since to create the
#'   *-out.R file, everything after the first dash is replaced by *-out.R.
#' @param in_paths A character vector that denotes paths to *-in.R files.
#' @examples
#' styler:::construct_out(c(
#'   "path/to/file/first-in.R",
#'   "path/to/file/first-extended-in.R"
#' ))
#' @keywords internal
construct_out <- function(in_paths) {
  gsub("\\-in([.]R(?:|md|nw))$", "\\-out\\1", in_paths)

#' Construct paths of a tree object given the paths of *-in.R files
#' @param in_paths Character vector of *-in.R files.
#' @param suffix Suffix for the tree object.
#' @keywords internal
construct_tree <- function(in_paths, suffix = "_tree") {
  gsub("\\.R$", suffix, in_paths)

#' Transform a file an check the result
#' Transform an file and check whether it is identical to a reference.
#' @param in_item An path to an file to transform.
#' @param out_item The path to a file that contains the expected result.
#' @param in_name The label of the in_item, defaults to `in_item`.
#' @param out_name The label of the out_item, defaults to `out_item`.
#' @param transformer A function to apply to the content of `in_item`.
#' @param write_tree Whether or not the tree structure of the test should be
#'   computed and written to a files.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to transformer function.
#' @param out_tree Name of tree file if written out.
#' @inheritParams transform_utf8
#' @keywords internal
transform_and_check <- function(in_item, out_item,
                                in_name = in_item, out_name = out_item,
                                transformer, dry,
                                write_tree = FALSE,
                                out_tree = "_tree", ...) {
  if (write_tree) check_installed("data.tree")
  read_in <- read_utf8_bare(in_item)
  if (write_tree) {
    create_tree(read_in) %>%
        col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE,
        fileEncoding = "UTF-8"
  transformed_text <- read_in %>%
    transformer(...) %>%
  if (!file.exists(out_item)) {
      "File", out_item, "does not exist. Creating it from transformation."
  transformed <- transform_utf8(
    function(x) transformed_text,
    dry = dry

  if (transformed) {
    warn(paste(in_name, "was different from", out_name))
  } else {
    message(in_name, " was identical to ", out_name)

##  ............................................................................
##  transformer functions                                                   ####

#' Transforming test input with a transformer function
#' These functions can be used as inputs for [test_collection()] and
#'  [transform_and_check()].
#' @name test_transformer
#' @param text A character vector to transform.
#' @details
#'   As inputs for [test_collection()], we can also use top-level functions such
#'   as [style_text()].
#' @rdname test_transformer
#' @keywords internal

#' @describeIn test_transformer Nest and unnest `text` without applying any
#'   transformations but remove EOL spaces and indention due to the way the
#'   serialization is set up.
#' @keywords internal
style_empty <- function(text, base_indention = 0L) {
  transformers <- list(
    # transformer functions
    initialize = default_style_guide_attributes,
    line_break = NULL,
    space = NULL,
    token = NULL,
    # transformer options
    use_raw_indention = FALSE,
    reindention = specify_reindention(),
    indent_character = " ",
  transformed_text <- parse_transform_serialize_r(text,
    transformers = transformers,
    base_indention = base_indention

#' @describeIn test_transformer Transformations for indention based on operators
#' @keywords internal
style_op <- function(text, base_indention = 0L) {
  transformers <- list(
    # transformer functions
    initialize        = default_style_guide_attributes,
    line_break        = NULL,
    space             = partial(indent_op, indent_by = 2L),
    token             = NULL,
    # transformer options
    use_raw_indention = FALSE,
    reindention       = specify_reindention(),
    indent_character  = " ",

  transformed_text <- parse_transform_serialize_r(text,
    transformers = transformers,
    base_indention = base_indention

#' Create the path to a test that file
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [file.path()] to construct the path after
#'   ".../tests/testthat/"
#' @keywords internal
testthat_file <- function(...) {
  file.path(rprojroot::find_testthat_root_file(), ...)

#' Copy a file to a temporary directory
#' Takes the path to a file as input and returns the path where the temporary
#' file is stored. Don't forget to unlink once you are done.
#' @param path_perm The path of the file to copy.
#' @keywords internal
copy_to_tempdir <- function(path_perm = testthat_file()) {
  dir <- tempfile("styler")
  file.copy(path_perm, dir)
  base <- basename(path_perm)
  file.path(dir, base)

#' Times two function calls with temporarily enabled cache
#' This can be helpful for benchmarking.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `fun`.
#' @param fun The function that should be timed.
#' @param n The number of times the experiment should be repeated.
#' @return
#' A scalar indicating the relative difference of the second compared to the
#'   first run.
#' @keywords internal
n_times_faster_with_cache <- function(x1, x2 = x1, ...,
                                      fun = styler::style_text,
                                      n = 3L,
                                      clear = "always") {
  rlang::arg_match0(clear, c("always", "final", "never", "all but last"))

  out <- purrr::map(1L:n, n_times_faster_bench,
    x1 = x1, x2 = x2, fun = fun,
    ..., n = n, clear = clear
  out <- out %>%
      ~ unname(.x$first["elapsed"] / .x$second["elapsed"])
    ) %>%


n_times_faster_bench <- function(i, x1, x2, fun, ..., n, clear) {
  local_test_setup(cache = TRUE)
  first <- system.time(fun(x1, ...))

  if (is.null(x2)) {
    second <- c(elapsed = 1L)
  } else {
    second <- system.time(fun(x2, ...))
    first = first,
    second = second,
    cache = cache_info(format = "tabular")

#' @include ui-caching.R
clear_testthat_cache <- purrr::partial(cache_clear, "testthat", ask = FALSE)
activate_testthat_cache <- purrr::partial(cache_activate, "testthat")

#' Establish testing setup for current environment
#' @param cache Whether or not to create and activate a cache in a temporary
#'   directory.
#' @param .local_envir The environment to use for scoping.
#' @details
#' * make styler quiet.
#' @keywords internal
local_test_setup <- function(cache = FALSE,
                             .local_envir = parent.frame()) {
  current_cache <- cache_info(format = "tabular")
    list(styler.quiet = TRUE, R.cache.rootPath = tempfile()),
    .local_envir = .local_envir
  if (cache) {
        if (!current_cache$activated) {
      envir = .local_envir

cache_more_specs_default <- function() {
  cache_more_specs(include_roxygen_examples = TRUE, base_indention = 0L)

#' Test `transformers_drop` for consistency
#' Check if the argument `transformers_drop` in [create_style_guide()] is
#' consistent with the transformers specified in that function.
#' @param transformers The output of [create_style_guide()] we want to test.
#' @keywords internal
test_transformers_drop <- function(transformers) {
  scopes <- intersect(

  purrr::walk2(transformers$transformers_drop, transformers[scopes], function(x, y) {
    # all x must be in y. select the x that are not in y
    diff <- setdiff(names(x), names(y))
    if (length(diff) > 0L) {
        "transformers_drop specifies exclusion rules for transformers that ",
        "are not in the style guilde. Please add the rule to the style guide ",
        "or remove the dropping rules:", toString(diff)

skip_during_parallel <- function() {
    toupper() %>%
    as.logical() %>%
    testthat::skip_if("Running in parallel")
r-lib/styler documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 1:11 p.m.