
Defines functions compare_file_text compare_file_binary local_snap_dir write_tmp_lines split_path new_name snapshot_file_equal snapshot_review_hint announce_snapshot_file expect_snapshot_file

Documented in announce_snapshot_file compare_file_binary compare_file_text expect_snapshot_file

#' Snapshot testing for whole files
#' @description
#' Whole file snapshot testing is designed for testing objects that don't have
#' a convenient textual representation, with initial support for images
#' (`.png`, `.jpg`, `.svg`), data frames (`.csv`), and text files
#' (`.R`, `.txt`, `.json`, ...).
#' The first time `expect_snapshot_file()` is run, it will create
#' `_snaps/{test}/{name}.{ext}` containing reference output. Future runs will
#' be compared to this reference: if different, the test will fail and the new
#' results will be saved in `_snaps/{test}/{name}.new.{ext}`. To review
#' failures, call [snapshot_review()].
#' We generally expect this function to be used via a wrapper that takes care
#' of ensuring that output is as reproducible as possible, e.g. automatically
#' skipping tests where it's known that images can't be reproduced exactly.
#' @param path Path to file to snapshot. Optional for
#'   `announce_snapshot_file()` if `name` is supplied.
#' @param name Snapshot name, taken from `path` by default.
#' @param binary `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use the
#'   `compare` argument instead.
#' @param compare A function used to compare the snapshot files. It should take
#'   two inputs, the paths to the `old` and `new` snapshot, and return either
#'   `TRUE` or `FALSE`. This defaults to `compare_file_text` if `name` has
#'   extension `.r`, `.R`, `.Rmd`, `.md`, or `.txt`, and otherwise uses
#'   `compare_file_binary`.
#'   `compare_file_binary()` compares byte-by-byte and
#'   `compare_file_text()` compares lines-by-line, ignoring
#'   the difference between Windows and Mac/Linux line endings.
#' @param variant If not-`NULL`, results will be saved in
#'   `_snaps/{variant}/{test}/{name}.{ext}`. This allows you to create
#'   different snapshots for different scenarios, like different operating
#'   systems or different R versions.
#' @inheritParams expect_snapshot
#' @section Announcing snapshots:
#' testthat automatically detects dangling snapshots that have been
#' written to the `_snaps` directory but which no longer have
#' corresponding R code to generate them. These dangling files are
#' automatically deleted so they don't clutter the snapshot
#' directory. However we want to preserve snapshot files when the R
#' code wasn't executed because of an unexpected error or because of a
#' [skip()]. Let testthat know about these files by calling
#' `announce_snapshot_file()` before `expect_snapshot_file()`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # To use expect_snapshot_file() you'll typically need to start by writing
#' # a helper function that creates a file from your code, returning a path
#' save_png <- function(code, width = 400, height = 400) {
#'   path <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
#'   png(path, width = width, height = height)
#'   on.exit(dev.off())
#'   code
#'   path
#' }
#' path <- save_png(plot(1:5))
#' path
#' \dontrun{
#' expect_snapshot_file(save_png(hist(mtcars$mpg)), "plot.png")
#' }
#' # You'd then also provide a helper that skips tests where you can't
#' # be sure of producing exactly the same output
#' expect_snapshot_plot <- function(name, code) {
#'   # Other packages might affect results
#'   skip_if_not_installed("ggplot2", "2.0.0")
#'   # Or maybe the output is different on some operation systems
#'   skip_on_os("windows")
#'   # You'll need to carefully think about and experiment with these skips
#'   name <- paste0(name, ".png")
#'   # Announce the file before touching `code`. This way, if `code`
#'   # unexpectedly fails or skips, testthat will not auto-delete the
#'   # corresponding snapshot file.
#'   announce_snapshot_file(name = name)
#'   path <- save_png(code)
#'   expect_snapshot_file(path, name)
#' }
expect_snapshot_file <- function(path,
                                 name = basename(path),
                                 binary = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                                 cran = FALSE,
                                 compare = NULL,
                                 transform = NULL,
                                 variant = NULL) {
  edition_require(3, "expect_snapshot_file()")
  if (!cran && !interactive() && on_cran()) {
    skip("On CRAN")


  snapshotter <- get_snapshotter()
  if (is.null(snapshotter)) {
    snapshot_not_available(paste0("New path: ", path))

  if (!is_missing(binary)) {
      "expect_snapshot_file(binary = )",
      "expect_snapshot_file(compare = )"
    compare <- if (binary) compare_file_binary else compare_file_text
  if (is.null(compare)) {
    ext <- tools::file_ext(name)
    is_text <- ext %in% c("r", "R", "txt", "md", "Rmd")
    compare <- if (is_text) compare_file_text else compare_file_binary

  if (!is.null(transform)) {
    lines <- brio::read_lines(path)
    lines <- transform(lines)
    brio::write_lines(lines, path)

  lab <- quo_label(enquo(path))
  equal <- snapshotter$take_file_snapshot(name, path,
    file_equal = compare,
    variant = variant,
    trace_env = caller_env()
  hint <- snapshot_review_hint(snapshotter$file, name)

      "Snapshot of %s to '%s' has changed\n%s",
      lab, paste0(snapshotter$file, "/", name),

#' @rdname expect_snapshot_file
#' @export
announce_snapshot_file <- function(path, name = basename(path)) {
  edition_require(3, "announce_snapshot_file()")

  snapshotter <- get_snapshotter()
  if (!is.null(snapshotter)) {

snapshot_review_hint <- function(test,
                                 ci = on_ci(),
                                 check = in_rcmd_check(),
                                 reset_output = TRUE) {
  if (reset_output) {

  path <- paste0("tests/testthat/_snaps/", test, "/", new_name(name))

    if (check && ci) "* Download and unzip run artifact\n",
    if (check && !ci) "* Locate check directory\n",
    if (check) paste0("* Copy '", path, "' to local test directory\n"),
    if (check) "* ",
    cli::format_inline("Run {.run testthat::snapshot_review('{test}/')} to review changes")

snapshot_file_equal <- function(snap_test_dir, snap_name, snap_variant, path, file_equal = compare_file_binary, fail_on_new = FALSE, trace_env = NULL) {
  if (!file.exists(path)) {
    abort(paste0("`", path, "` not found"))

  cur_path <- file.path(snap_test_dir, snap_name)
  new_path <- new_name(cur_path)

  if (file.exists(cur_path)) {
    eq <- file_equal(cur_path, path)
    if (!eq) {
      file.copy(path, new_path, overwrite = TRUE)
    } else {
      # in case it exists from a previous run
  } else {
    dir.create(snap_test_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    file.copy(path, cur_path)

    message <- paste0(
      "Adding new file snapshot: 'tests/testthat/_snaps/",
      snap_variant, if (!is.null(snap_variant)) "/",
      snap_name, "'"
    if (fail_on_new) {
      fail(message, trace_env = trace_env)
    } else {


# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

new_name <- function(x) {
  pieces <- split_path(x)
    pieces$dir, ifelse(pieces$dir == "", "", "/"),
    pieces$name, ".new.", pieces$ext

split_path <- function(path) {
  dir <- dirname(path)
  dir[dir == "."] <- ""
  name <- basename(path)

  ext_loc <- regexpr(".", name, fixed = TRUE)
  no_ext <- ext_loc == -1L

  name_sans_ext <- ifelse(no_ext, name, substr(name, 1, ext_loc - 1))
  ext <- ifelse(no_ext, "", substr(name, ext_loc + 1, nchar(name)))

    dir = dir,
    name = name_sans_ext,
    ext = ext

write_tmp_lines <- function(lines, ext = ".txt", eol = "\n", envir = caller_env()) {
  path <- withr::local_tempfile(fileext = ext, .local_envir = envir)
  brio::write_lines(lines, path, eol = eol)

local_snap_dir <- function(paths, .env = parent.frame()) {
  dir <- withr::local_tempfile(.local_envir = .env)
  withr::defer(unlink(paths), envir = .env)

  dirs <- file.path(dir, unique(dirname(paths)))
  for (d in dirs) {
    dir.create(d, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  file.create(file.path(dir, paths))


#' @rdname expect_snapshot_file
#' @param old,new Paths to old and new snapshot files.
#' @export
compare_file_binary <- function(old, new) {
  old <- brio::read_file_raw(old)
  new <- brio::read_file_raw(new)
  identical(old, new)
#' @rdname expect_snapshot_file
#' @export
compare_file_text <- function(old, new) {
  old <- brio::read_lines(old)
  new <- brio::read_lines(new)
  identical(old, new)
r-lib/testthat documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 2:44 a.m.