
Defines functions get_routine use_catch run_cpp_tests expect_cpp_tests_pass

Documented in expect_cpp_tests_pass run_cpp_tests use_catch

#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname run_cpp_tests
#' @export
expect_cpp_tests_pass <- function(package) {
  run_testthat_tests <- get_routine(package, "run_testthat_tests")

  output <- ""
  tests_passed <- TRUE

    output <- capture_output_lines(tests_passed <- .Call(run_testthat_tests, FALSE)),
    error = function(e) {
      warning(sprintf("failed to call test entrypoint '%s'", run_testthat_tests))

  # Drop first line of output (it's jut a '####' delimiter)
  info <- paste(output[-1], collapse = "\n")

  expect(tests_passed, paste("C++ unit tests:", info, sep = "\n"))

#' Do C++ tests past?
#' Test compiled code in the package `package`. A call to this function will
#' automatically be generated for you in `tests/testthat/test-cpp.R` after
#' calling [use_catch()]; you should not need to manually call this expectation
#' yourself.
#' @param package The name of the package to test.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
run_cpp_tests <- function(package) {
  check_installed("xml2", "to run run_cpp_tests()")

  run_testthat_tests <- get_routine(package, "run_testthat_tests")

  output <- ""
  tests_passed <- TRUE

  catch_error <- FALSE
    output <- capture_output_lines(tests_passed <- .Call(run_testthat_tests, TRUE))
    error = function(e) {
      catch_error <- TRUE
      reporter <- get_reporter()

      reporter$start_test(context = "Catch", test = "Catch")
      reporter$add_result(context = "Catch", test = "Catch", result = expectation("failure", e$message))
      reporter$end_test(context = "Catch", test = "Catch")

  if (catch_error) {

  report <- xml2::read_xml(paste(output, collapse = "\n"))

  contexts <- xml2::xml_find_all(report, "//TestCase")

  for (context in contexts) {
    context_name <- sub(" [|][^|]+$", "", xml2::xml_attr(context, "name"))


    tests <- xml2::xml_find_all(context, "./Section")
    for (test in tests) {
      test_name <- xml2::xml_attr(test, "name")

      result <- xml2::xml_find_first(test, "./OverallResults")
      successes <- as.integer(xml2::xml_attr(result, "successes"))

      get_reporter()$start_test(context = context_name, test = test_name)

      for (i in seq_len(successes)) {
        exp <- expectation("success", "")
        exp$test <- test_name
        get_reporter()$add_result(context = context_name, test = test_name, result = exp)

      failures <- xml2::xml_find_all(test, "./Expression")
      for (failure in failures) {
        org <- xml2::xml_find_first(failure, "Original")
        org_text <- xml2::xml_text(org, trim = TRUE)

        filename <- xml2::xml_attr(failure, "filename")
        type <- xml2::xml_attr(failure, "type")

        type_msg <- switch(type,
          "CATCH_CHECK_FALSE" = "isn't false.",
          "CATCH_CHECK_THROWS" = "did not throw an exception.",
          "CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS" = "threw an exception with unexpected type.",
          "isn't true."

        org_text <- paste(org_text, type_msg)

        line <- xml2::xml_attr(failure, "line")
        failure_srcref <- srcref(srcfile(file.path("src", filename)), c(line, line, 1, 1))

        exp <- expectation("failure", org_text, srcref = failure_srcref)
        exp$test <- test_name

        get_reporter()$add_result(context = context_name, test = test_name, result = exp)

      exceptions <- xml2::xml_find_all(test, "./Exception")
      for (exception in exceptions) {
        exception_text <- xml2::xml_text(exception, trim = TRUE)
        filename <- xml2::xml_attr(exception, "filename")
        line <- xml2::xml_attr(exception, "line")

        exception_srcref <- srcref(srcfile(file.path("src", filename)), c(line, line, 1, 1))

        exp <- expectation("error", exception_text, srcref = exception_srcref)
        exp$test <- test_name

        get_reporter()$add_result(context = context_name, test = test_name, result = exp)

      get_reporter()$end_test(context = context_name, test = test_name)

#' Use Catch for C++ Unit Testing
#' Add the necessary infrastructure to enable C++ unit testing
#' in \R packages with [Catch](https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2) and
#' `testthat`.
#' Calling `use_catch()` will:
#' 1. Create a file `src/test-runner.cpp`, which ensures that the
#'    `testthat` package will understand how to run your package's
#'    unit tests,
#' 2. Create an example test file `src/test-example.cpp`, which
#'    showcases how you might use Catch to write a unit test,
#' 3. Add a test file `tests/testthat/test-cpp.R`, which ensures that
#'    `testthat` will run your compiled tests during invocations of
#'    `devtools::test()` or `R CMD check`, and
#' 4. Create a file `R/catch-routine-registration.R`, which ensures that
#'    \R will automatically register this routine when
#'    `tools::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton()` is invoked.
#' You will also need to:
#' * Add xml2 to Suggests, with e.g. `usethis::use_package("xml2", "Suggests")`
#' * Add testthat to LinkingTo, with e.g.
#'   `usethis::use_package("testthat", "LinkingTo")`
#' C++ unit tests can be added to C++ source files within the
#' `src` directory of your package, with a format similar
#' to \R code tested with `testthat`. Here's a simple example
#' of a unit test written with `testthat` + Catch:
#' \preformatted{
#' context("C++ Unit Test") {
#'   test_that("two plus two is four") {
#'     int result = 2 + 2;
#'     expect_true(result == 4);
#'   }
#' }
#' }
#' When your package is compiled, unit tests alongside a harness
#' for running these tests will be compiled into your \R package,
#' with the C entry point `run_testthat_tests()`. `testthat`
#' will use that entry point to run your unit tests when detected.
#' @section Functions:
#' All of the functions provided by Catch are
#' available with the `CATCH_` prefix -- see
#' [here](https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/blob/master/docs/assertions.md)
#' for a full list. `testthat` provides the
#' following wrappers, to conform with `testthat`'s
#' \R interface:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \strong{Function} \tab \strong{Catch} \tab \strong{Description} \cr
#' `context` \tab `CATCH_TEST_CASE` \tab The context of a set of tests. \cr
#' `test_that` \tab `CATCH_SECTION` \tab A test section. \cr
#' `expect_true` \tab `CATCH_CHECK` \tab Test that an expression evaluates to `true`. \cr
#' `expect_false` \tab `CATCH_CHECK_FALSE` \tab Test that an expression evalutes to `false`. \cr
#' `expect_error` \tab `CATCH_CHECK_THROWS` \tab Test that evaluation of an expression throws an exception. \cr
#' `expect_error_as` \tab `CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS` \tab Test that evaluation of an expression throws an exception of a specific class. \cr
#' }
#' In general, you should prefer using the `testthat`
#' wrappers, as `testthat` also does some work to
#' ensure that any unit tests within will not be compiled or
#' run when using the Solaris Studio compilers (as these are
#' currently unsupported by Catch). This should make it
#' easier to submit packages to CRAN that use Catch.
#' @section Symbol Registration:
#' If you've opted to disable dynamic symbol lookup in your
#' package, then you'll need to explicitly export a symbol
#' in your package that `testthat` can use to run your unit
#' tests. `testthat` will look for a routine with one of the names:
#' \preformatted{
#'     C_run_testthat_tests
#'     c_run_testthat_tests
#'     run_testthat_tests
#' }
#' See [Controlling Visibility](https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Controlling-visibility)
#' and [Registering Symbols](https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Registering-symbols)
#' in the **Writing R Extensions** manual for more information.
#' @section Advanced Usage:
#' If you'd like to write your own Catch test runner, you can
#' instead use the `testthat::catchSession()` object in a file
#' with the form:
#' \preformatted{
#' #include <testthat.h>
#' void run()
#' {
#'     Catch::Session& session = testthat::catchSession();
#'     // interact with the session object as desired
#' }
#' }
#' This can be useful if you'd like to run your unit tests
#' with custom arguments passed to the Catch session.
#' @param dir The directory containing an \R package.
#' @section Standalone Usage:
#' If you'd like to use the C++ unit testing facilities provided
#' by Catch, but would prefer not to use the regular `testthat`
#' \R testing infrastructure, you can manually run the unit tests
#' by inserting a call to:
#' \preformatted{
#' .Call("run_testthat_tests", PACKAGE = <pkgName>)
#' }
#' as necessary within your unit test suite.
#' @export
#' @seealso [Catch](https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/blob/master/docs/assertions.md),
#'   the library used to enable C++ unit testing.
use_catch <- function(dir = getwd()) {
  desc_path <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
  if (!file.exists(desc_path)) {
    stop("no DESCRIPTION file at path '", desc_path, "'", call. = FALSE)

  desc <- read.dcf(desc_path, all = TRUE)
  pkg <- desc$Package
  if (!nzchar(pkg)) {
    stop("no 'Package' field in DESCRIPTION file '", desc_path, "'", call. = FALSE)

  src_dir <- file.path(dir, "src")
  if (!file.exists(src_dir) && !dir.create(src_dir)) {
    stop("failed to create 'src/' directory '", src_dir, "'", call. = FALSE)

  test_runner_path <- file.path(src_dir, "test-runner.cpp")

  # Copy the test runner.
  success <- file.copy(
    system.file(package = "testthat", "resources", "test-runner.cpp"),
    overwrite = TRUE

  if (!success) {
    stop("failed to copy 'test-runner.cpp' to '", src_dir, "'", call. = FALSE)

  # Copy the test example.
  success <- file.copy(
    system.file(package = "testthat", "resources", "test-example.cpp"),
    file.path(src_dir, "test-example.cpp"),
    overwrite = TRUE

  if (!success) {
    stop("failed to copy 'test-example.cpp' to '", src_dir, "'", call. = FALSE)

  # Copy the 'test-cpp.R' file.
  test_dir <- file.path(dir, "tests", "testthat")
  if (!file.exists(test_dir) && !dir.create(test_dir, recursive = TRUE)) {
    stop("failed to create 'tests/testthat/' directory '", test_dir, "'", call. = FALSE)

  template_file <- system.file(package = "testthat", "resources", "test-cpp.R")
  contents <- readChar(template_file, file.info(template_file)$size, TRUE)
  transformed <- sprintf(contents, pkg)
  output_path <- file.path(test_dir, "test-cpp.R")
  cat(transformed, file = output_path)

  # Copy the 'test-runner.R file.
  template_file <- system.file(package = "testthat", "resources", "catch-routine-registration.R")
  contents <- readChar(template_file, file.info(template_file)$size, TRUE)
  transformed <- sprintf(contents, pkg)
  output_path <- file.path(dir, "R", "catch-routine-registration.R")
  cat(transformed, file = output_path)

  message("> Added C++ unit testing infrastructure.")
  message("> Please ensure you have 'LinkingTo: testthat' in your DESCRIPTION.")
  message("> Please ensure you have 'Suggests: xml2' in your DESCRIPTION.")
  message("> Please ensure you have 'useDynLib(", pkg, ", .registration = TRUE)' in your NAMESPACE.")

get_routine <- function(package, routine) {

  # check to see if the package has explicitly exported
  # the associated routine (check common prefixes as we
  # don't necessarily have access to the NAMESPACE and
  # know what the prefix is)
  namespace <- asNamespace(package)
  prefixes <- c("C_", "c_", "C", "c", "_", "")
  for (prefix in prefixes) {
    name <- paste(prefix, routine, sep = "")
    if (exists(name, envir = namespace)) {
      symbol <- get(name, envir = namespace)
      if (inherits(symbol, "NativeSymbolInfo")) {

  # otherwise, try to resolve the symbol dynamically
  for (prefix in prefixes) {
    name <- paste(prefix, routine, sep = "")
    resolved <- tryCatch(
      getNativeSymbolInfo(routine, PACKAGE = package),
      error = function(e) NULL
    if (inherits(resolved, "NativeSymbolInfo")) {

  # if we got here, we failed to find the symbol -- throw an error
  fmt <- "failed to locate routine '%s' in package '%s'"
  stop(sprintf(fmt, routine, package), call. = FALSE)

(function() {
  .Call(run_testthat_tests, TRUE)
r-lib/testthat documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 2:44 a.m.