#' Metric derivation at different levels of regularization
#' `template_metrics()` computes a series of user-defined descriptive statistics for a LiDAR dataset
#' within each element of a template. Depending on the template it can be for each pixel of a raster
#' (area-based approach), or each polygon, or each segmented tree, or on the whole point cloud. Other
#' functions are convenient and simplified wrappers around `template_metrics()` and are expected to be
#' the actual functions used. See Details and Examples.
#' \describe{
#' \item{`pixel_metrics`}{Area-based approach. Computes metrics in a square tessellation. The output is a
#' raster.}
#' \item{`hexagon_metrics`}{Computes metrics in an hexagon tessellation. The output is a `sf/sfc_POLYGON`}
#' \item{`plot_metrics`}{Computes metrics for each plot of a ground inventory by 1. clipping the plot
#' inventories with \link{clip_roi}, 2. computing the user's metrics for each plot with \link{cloud_metrics}, and
#' 3. combining spatial data and metrics into one data.frame ready for statistical modelling with
#' `cbind`. The output is of the class of the input.}
#' \item{`cloud_metrics`}{Computes a series of user-defined descriptive statistics for an entire point cloud.
#' The output is a `list`}
#' \item{`crown_metrics`}{Once the trees are segmented, i.e. attributes exist in the
#' point cloud that reference each tree, computes a set of user-defined descriptive statistics for
#' each individual tree. The output can be spatial points or spatial polygons (`sf/sfc_POINT` or `sf/sfc_POLYGON`)}
#' \item{`voxel_metrics`}{Is a 3D version of `pixel_metrics`. It creates a 3D matrix of voxels with a given
#' resolution. It creates a voxel from the cloud of points if there is at least one point. The output is
#' a `data.frame`}
#' \item{`point_metrics`}{Is a bit more complex and is documented in \link{point_metrics}}
#' }
#' @template param-las
#' @param func formula or expression. An expression to be applied to each element of the template (see
#' section "Parameter func").
#' @param template can be of many types and corresponds to the different levels of regularization.
#' `RasterLayer/stars/SpatRaster`, `sf/sfc` (polygons), `numeric`, `bbox`, `NULL`. The metrics are
#' computed for each element of the template. See examples.
#' @param filter formula of logical predicates. Enables the function to run only on points of interest
#' in an optimized way. See examples.
#' @param by_echo characters. The metrics are computed multiple times for different echo types. Can
#' be one or more of "all", "first", "intermediate", "lastofmany", "single", and "multiple". See examples.
#' Default is "all" meaning that it computes metrics with all points provided.
#' @param ... propagated to `template_metrics` i.e. `filter` and `by_echo`. `pixel_metrics()` also
#' supports `pkg = "terra|raster|stars"` to get an output in `SpatRaster`, `Raster*`
#' or `stars` format. Default is `getOption("lidR.raster.default")`.
#' @section Parameter \code{func}:
#' The function to be applied to each cell is a classical function (see examples) that
#' returns a labelled list of metrics. For example, the following function \code{f} is correctly formed.
#' \preformatted{
#' f = function(x) {list(mean = mean(x), max = max(x))}
#' }
#' And could be applied either on the \code{Z} coordinates or on the intensities. These two
#' statements are valid:
#' \preformatted{
#' pixel_metrics(las, f(Z), res = 20)
#' voxel_metrics(las, f(Intensity), res = 2)
#' }
#' The following existing functions allow the user to
#' compute some predefined metrics: \link[=stdmetrics]{stdmetrics}
#' \link[=entropy]{entropy}, \link[=VCI]{VCI}, \link[=LAD]{LAD}. But usually users must write their own
#' functions to create metrics. \code{template_metrics} will dispatch the point cloud in the user's
#' function.
#' @return Depends on the function, the template and the number of metrics. Can be a `RasterLayer`,
#' a `RasterBrick`, a `stars`, a `SpatRaster` a `sf/sfc`, a `list`, a `SpatialPolygonDataFrame`, or
#' a `data.table`. Functions are supposed to return an object that is best suited for storing the level
#' of regularization needed.
#' @examples
#' LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Megaplot.laz", package="lidR")
#' las <- readLAS(LASfile, filter = "-keep_random_fraction 0.5")
#' col <- sf::sf.colors(15)
#' fun1 <- ~list(maxz = max(Z))
#' fun2 <- ~list(q85 = quantile(Z, probs = 0.85))
#' set_lidr_threads(1) ; data.table::setDTthreads(1) # for cran only
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' cloud_metrics(las, .stdmetrics_z)
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' m <- pixel_metrics(las, fun1, 20)
#' #plot(m, col = col)
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' shpfile <- system.file("extdata", "efi_plot.shp", package="lidR")
#' inventory <- sf::st_read(shpfile, quiet = TRUE)
#' inventory # contains an ID and a Value Of Interest (VOI) per plot
#' m <- plot_metrics(las, fun2, inventory, radius = 11.28)
#' #plot(header(las))
#' #plot(m["q85"], pch = 19, cex = 3, add = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' # Works with polygons as well
#' inventory <- sf::st_buffer(inventory, 11.28)
#' #plot(header(las))
#' #plot(sf::st_geometry(inventory), add = TRUE)
#' m <- plot_metrics(las, .stdmetrics_z, inventory)
#' #plot(m["zq85"], pch = 19, cex = 3, add = TRUE)
#' }
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' m <- voxel_metrics(las, length(Z), 8)
#' m <- voxel_metrics(las, mean(Intensity), 8)
#' #plot(m, color = "V1", colorPalette = heat.colors(50), trim = 60)
#' #plot(m, color = "V1", colorPalette = heat.colors(50), trim = 60, voxel = TRUE)
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' # Already tree-segmented point cloud
#' LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "MixedConifer.laz", package="lidR")
#' trees <- readLAS(LASfile, filter = "-drop_z_below 0")
#' metrics <- crown_metrics(trees, .stdtreemetrics)
#' #plot(metrics["Z"], pch = 19)
#' metrics <- crown_metrics(trees, .stdtreemetrics, geom = "convex")
#' #plot(metrics["Z"])
#' metrics <- crown_metrics(trees, .stdtreemetrics, geom = "bbox")
#' #plot(metrics["Z"])
#' \donttest{
#' metrics <- crown_metrics(trees, .stdtreemetrics, geom = "concave")
#' #plot(metrics["Z"])
#' }
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' # Compute using only some points: basic
#' first = filter_poi(las, ReturnNumber == 1)
#' metrics = pixel_metrics(first, mean(Z), 20)
#' # Compute using only some points: optimized
#' # faster and uses less memory. No intermediate object
#' metrics = pixel_metrics(las, mean(Z), 20, filter = ~ReturnNumber == 1)
#' # Compute using only some points: best
#' # ~50% faster and uses ~10x less memory
#' las = readLAS(LASfile, filter = "-keep_first")
#' metrics = pixel_metrics(las, mean(Z), 20)
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' func = ~list(avgI = mean(Intensity))
#' echo = c("all", "first","multiple")
#' # func defines one metric but 3 are computed respectively for: (1) all echo types,
#' # (2) for first returns only and (3) for multiple returns only
#' metrics <- pixel_metrics(las, func, 20, by_echo = echo)
#' #plot(metrics, col = heat.colors(25))
#' cloud_metrics(las, func, by_echo = echo)
#' \dontrun{
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' # a raster as template
#' template <- raster::raster(extent(las), nrow = 15, ncol = 15)
#' raster::crs(template) <- crs(las)
#' m <- template_metrics(las, fun1, template)
#' #plot(m, col = col)
#' # a sfc_POLYGON as template
#' sfc <- sf::st_as_sfc(st_bbox(las))
#' template <- sf::st_make_grid(sfc, cellsize = 20, square = FALSE)
#' m <- template_metrics(las, fun1, template)
#' #plot(m)
#' # a bbox as template
#' template <- st_bbox(las) + c(50,30,-50,-70)
#' plot(sf::st_as_sfc(st_bbox(las)), col = "gray")
#' plot(sf::st_as_sfc(template), col = "darkgreen", add = TRUE)
#' m <- template_metrics(las, fun2, template)
#' print(m)
#' # ================
#' # ================
#' # Define a function that computes custom metrics
#' # in an R&D perspective.
#' myMetrics = function(z, i) {
#' metrics = list(
#' zwimean = sum(z*i)/sum(i), # Mean elevation weighted by intensities
#' zimean = mean(z*i), # Mean products of z by intensity
#' zsqmean = sqrt(mean(z^2))) # Quadratic mean
#' return(metrics)
#' }
#' # example with a stars template
#' template <- stars::st_as_stars(st_bbox(las), dx = 10, dy = 10)
#' m <- template_metrics(las, myMetrics(Z, Intensity), template)
#' #plot(m, col = col)
#' }
#' @name aggregate
#' @rdname aggregate
#' @md
#' @export
#' @rdname aggregate
template_metrics <- function(las, func, template, filter = NULL, by_echo = "all", ...)
UseMethod("template_metrics", las)
#' @export
template_metrics.LAS <- function(las, func, template, filter = NULL, by_echo = "all", ...)
. <- echo <- NULL
# Defensive programming
if (!inherits(las, "LAS")) stop("template metrics only supports LAS objects", call. = FALSE)
formula <- tryCatch(lazyeval::is_formula(func), error = function(e) FALSE)
if (!formula) func <- lazyeval::f_capture(func)
echo_types <- c("all", "first", "intermediate", "lastofmany", "single", "multiple")
stopifnot(all(by_echo %in% echo_types))
dots <- list(...)
pkg <- if (is.null(dots$pkg)) getOption("lidR.raster.default") else dots$pkg
# Compute on different subsets of echos
all_echos <- any(by_echo == "all")
split_echos <- any(by_echo != "all")
# User-defined call parsing
func <- lazyeval::f_interp(func)
call <- lazyeval::as_call(func)
# The way the user's expression is evaluated makes the scoping rule counterintuitive and
# somewhat buggy. It gives precedence to lidR in all cases. For example, it will call an internal
# function of lidR instead of its globalenv version if they have the same name. The following
# tries to parse the expression and evaluates whether ambiguous definitions exist.
call_names <- all.names(call)
las_names <- names(las)
call_names <- call_names[!call_names %in% las_names]
lapply(call_names, stop_if_ambiguous_definition)
call <- deparse(call)
call <- trimws(call)
call <- paste0(call, collapse = " ")
if (is.null(template)) template <- st_bbox(las)
# Pre-computation of the groups
grp <- get_group(template, las)
# If the template is not numeric it is a spatial object with a bbox
# We check if the template matches the point cloud
if (!is.numeric(template))
bbox_template <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(template))
bbox_template <- sf::st_set_crs(bbox_template, sf::NA_crs_) # Workaround for RasterLayer
bbox_template <- sf::st_set_crs(bbox_template, sf::st_crs(las)) # Workaround for RasterLayer
bbox_las <- sf::st_as_sfc(st_bbox(las))
i <- sf::st_intersects(bbox_template, bbox_las)
if (is(template, "raster_template"))
template <- raster_materialize(template, pkg = pkg)
if (length(i[[1]]) == 0L)
if (is_raster(template))
# For backward compatibility we return the template with NAs
# It means that pixel_metrics and grid_metrics never fails
warning("No points fall in the raster. Bounding boxes are not intersecting.", call. = FALSE)
stop("Bounding boxes of the template and the point-cloud are not intersecting.", call. = FALSE)
# Aggregation of the point cloud
if (all_echos)
M1 <- metrics_classic(las, call, grp, filter)
if (split_echos)
M2 <- metrics_by_echo_type(las, call, grp, filter, by_echo)
# Merge subsets
if (all_echos && split_echos)
M <- rbind(M1, M2)
else if (all_echos)
M <- M1
else if (split_echos)
M <- M2
stop("Internal error") #nocov
data.table::setkey(M, echo)
# Cast the table into appropriate objects
computed_echos <- sort(match(by_echo, echo_types) - 1L)
output <- vector("list", length(computed_echos))
i <- 1
for (k in computed_echos)
echo_type <- echo_types[k+1]
m <- M[.(k)]
cells <- m[[1]]
m[, cells := NULL]
m[, echo := NULL]
if (k > 0) names(m) <- paste0(names(m), "." , echo_type)
output[[i]] <- assign_to_template(template, cells, m, pkg = pkg)
i <- i + 1
output <- merge_list(template, output)
# ==== CORE ====
metrics_classic = function(las, call, cells, filter)
las@data[["cells"]] <- cells
las@data[["echo"]] <- LASALLECHOS
verbose("Computing metrics for all echos...")
if (is.null(filter))
verbose("Argument filter is NULL...")
cmd <- paste0('las@data[, if (!anyNA(.BY)) ', call, ', by = .(cells, echo)]')
filter <- lasfilter_(las, list(filter))
verbose(glue::glue("Argument filter retained {sum(filter)} points..."))
cmd <- paste0('las@data[filter, if (!anyNA(.BY)) ', call, ', by = .(cells, echo)]')
metrics <- eval(parse(text = cmd))
# This may append because new versions of data.table are more flexible than before
if (any(duplicated(metrics[[1]])))
stop("Duplicated elements found. At least one of the metrics was not a number. Each metric should be a single number.", call. = FALSE)
metrics_by_echo_type = function(las, call, cells, filter, by_echo)
.BY <- echo <- . <- NULL
header <- as.list(header(las))
# Somewhat aggressive defensive programming
#nocov start
if (is.null(las$ReturnNumber) || is.null(las$NumberOfReturns))
stop("ReturnNumber and NumberOfReturns must be loaded to perform computation by echo type", call. = FALSE)
if (!rlas::is_valid_NumberOfReturns(las@data, header))
stop("NumberOfReturns is not valid. See las_check(). Operation aborted.", call. = FALSE)
if (!rlas::is_compliant_NumberOfReturns(las@data))
stop("NumberOfReturns is not compliant with ASPRS specification. See las_check(). Operation aborted.", call. = FALSE)
if (!rlas::is_valid_ReturnNumber(las@data, header))
stop("ReturnNumber is not valid. See las_check(). Operation aborted.", call. = FALSE)
if (!rlas::is_compliant_ReturnNumber(las@data))
stop("ReturnNumber is not compliant with ASPRS specification. See las_check(). Operation aborted.", call. = FALSE)
stop("ReturnNumber and NumberOfReturns are not compatible. See las_check(). Operation aborted.", call. = FALSE)
#nocov end
echo_types = character(5)
echo_types[LASFIRST] <- "first"
echo_types[LASSINGLE] <- "single"
echo_types[LASMULTIPLE] <- "multiple"
echo_types[LASLASTOFMANY] <- "lastofmany"
echo_types[LASINTERMEDIATE] <- "intermediate"
echo_types2 <- echo_types[c(LASSINGLE, LASMULTIPLE)]
echo_class <- get_echo_type(las$ReturnNumber, las$NumberOfReturns)
echo_class1 <- echo_class[[1]]
echo_class2 <- echo_class[[2]]
compute_type1 <- any(by_echo %in% echo_types1)
compute_type2 <- any(by_echo %in% echo_types2)
las@data[["cells"]] <- cells
verbose("Computing metrics for selected echos...")
if (is.null(filter))
verbose("Argument filter is NULL...")
metrics1 <- NULL
metrics2 <- NULL
if (compute_type1)
verbose("Computing metrics for first intermediate and last...")
las@data[["echo"]] <- echo_class1
cmd <- paste0('las@data[, if (!anyNA(.BY)) ', call, ', by = .(cells, echo)]')
metrics1 <- eval(parse(text = cmd))
if (compute_type2)
verbose("Computing metrics for single and multiple...")
las@data[["echo"]] <- echo_class2
cmd <- paste0('las@data[, if (!anyNA(.BY)) ', call, ', by = .(cells, echo)]')
metrics2 <-eval(parse(text = cmd))
metrics12 <- rbind(metrics1, metrics2)
data.table::setkey(metrics12, echo)
filter <- lasfilter_(las, list(filter))
cells <- cells[filter]
echo_class1 <- echo_class1[filter]
echo_class2 <- echo_class2[filter]
verbose(glue::glue("Argument filter retained {sum(filter)} points..."))
metrics1 <- NULL
metrics2 <- NULL
if (compute_type1)
cmd <- paste0('las@data[filter, if (!anyNA(.BY)) ', call, ', by = list(cells = cells, echo = echo_class1)]')
metrics1 <- eval(parse(text = cmd))
if (compute_type2)
cmd <- paste0('las@data[filter, if (!anyNA(.BY)) ', call, ', by = list(cells = cells, echo = echo_class2)]')
metrics1 <- eval(parse(text = cmd))
metrics12 <- rbind(metrics1, metrics2)
data.table::setkey(metrics12, echo)
# This may append because new versions of data.table are more flexible than before
if (any(duplicated(metrics12[LASFIRST][[1]])))
stop("Duplicated elements found. At least one of the metrics was not a number. Each metric should be a single number.", call. = FALSE)
get_echo_type <- function(ReturnNumber, NumberOfReturns)
n <- length(ReturnNumber)
class1 <- rep(LASINTERMEDIATE, n)
class1[ReturnNumber == 1L] <- LASFIRST
class1[ReturnNumber == NumberOfReturns & ReturnNumber > 1L] <- LASLASTOFMANY
class2 <- rep(LASMULTIPLE, n)
class2[NumberOfReturns == 1L] <- LASSINGLE
return(list(type1 = class1, type2 = class2))
# ==== GROUPING ====
get_group <- function(template, las) { UseMethod("get_group", template) }
get_group.stars <- function(template, las)
return(raster_cell_from_xy(template, las$X, las$Y))
get_group.RasterLayer <- function(template, las)
return(raster_cell_from_xy(template, las$X, las$Y))
get_group.SpatRaster <- function(template, las)
return(raster_cell_from_xy(template, las$X, las$Y))
get_group.raster_template <- function(template, las)
return(raster_cell_from_xy(template,las$X, las$Y))
get_group.sfc <- function(template, las)
return(point_in_polygons(las, template))
get_group.bbox <- function(template, las)
group <- integer(length(las$x))
group[] <- NA_integer_
group[las$X >= template$xmin & las$X <= template$xmax &
las$Y >= template$ymin & las$Y <= template$ymax] <- 1L
get_group.numeric <- function(template, las)
if (length(template) != length(las$X))
stop("Length of template is not the size of the point cloud", call. = FALSE)
# ==== ASSIGN ====
assign_to_template <- function(template, cells, metrics, ...) { UseMethod("assign_to_template", template) }
assign_to_template.RasterLayer <- function(template, cells, metrics, ...)
suppressWarnings(template[] <- NA_real_)
nmetrics <- ncol(metrics)
if (nmetrics == 1L)
template[cells] <- metrics[[1]]
raster_names(template) <- names(metrics)
suppressWarnings(output <- raster::brick(template, nl = nmetrics))
ncells <- raster_ncell(template)
for (i in 1:nmetrics)
values <- vector(mode = class(metrics[[i]]), length = ncells)
values[] <- NA_real_
values[cells] <- metrics[[i]]
output <- raster::setValues(output, values, layer = i)
raster_names(output) <- names(metrics)
assign_to_template.stars <- function(template, cells, metrics, ...)
n <- ncol(metrics)
s <- dim(template)
if (n == 1L)
template[[1]][cells] <- metrics[[1]]
raster_names(template) <- names(metrics)
bbox <- sf::st_bbox(template)
output <- stars::st_as_stars(bbox, nx = s[1], ny = s[2], value = NA_real_, nz = n)
raster_names(output) <- names(metrics)
for (i in 1:n) output[[1]][,,i][cells] <- metrics[[i]]
assign_to_template.SpatRaster <- function(template, cells, metrics, ...)
nmetrics <- ncol(metrics)
output <- terra::init(template, NA_real_)
output[cells] <- metrics[[1]]
if (nmetrics == 1L)
raster_names(output) <- names(metrics)
rlist <- vector("list", nmetrics)
rlist[[1]] <- output
for (i in 2:nmetrics)
terra::set.values(template, cells, metrics[[i]])
rlist[[i]] <- terra::deepcopy(template)
output <- terra::rast(rlist)
# Best option but add is not part of terra if library(terra) is not called
#for (i in 2:nmetrics)
# terra::set.values(template, cells, metrics[[i]])
# add(output) <- template
raster_names(output) <- names(metrics)
assign_to_template.raster_template <- function(template, cells, metrics, ...)
dots <- list(...)
pkg <- if (is.null(dots$pkg)) getOption("lidR.raster.default") else dots$pkg
template <- raster_materialize(template, pkg = pkg)
return(assign_to_template(template, cells, metrics, ...))
assign_to_template.sfc <- function(template, cells, metrics, ...)
template <- sf::st_as_sf(template)
for(j in names(metrics))
template[[j]] <- NA
template[[j]][cells] <- metrics[[j]]
geom <- sf::st_geometry(template)
template <- sf::st_drop_geometry(template)
template <- sf::st_set_geometry(template, geom)
assign_to_template.bbox <- function(template, cells, metrics, ...)
assign_to_template.numeric <- function(template, cells, metrics, ...)
metrics[, GRPID := cells]
data.table::setcolorder(metrics, c("GRPID"))
data.table::setkey(metrics, GRPID)
# ==== MERGE ====
merge_list <- function(template, list) { UseMethod("merge_list", template) }
merge_list.raster_template <- function(template, list)
template <- raster_materialize(template)
return(merge_list(template, list))
merge_list.RasterLayer <- function(template, list)
list <- Filter(Negate(is.null), list)
if (length(list) > 1)
merge_list.SpatRaster <- function(template, list)
list <- Filter(Negate(is.null), list)
if (length(list) > 1)
merge_list.stars <- function(template, list)
list <- Filter(Negate(is.null), list)
n <- length(list)
if (n == 1) return(list[[1]])
dims <- sapply(list, dim)
multilayer <- nrow(dims) == 3
if (multilayer)
names <- unlist(lapply(list, function(x) stars::st_dimensions(x)$z$value))
nlayers <- sum(dims[3,])
output <- list[[1]]
for (i in 2:n) output <- c(output, list[[i]], along = 3L)
names <- sapply(list, names)
nlayers <- n
bs <- raster_template(template)
output <- stars::st_as_stars(sf::st_bbox(template), dx = bs$xres, dy = bs$yres, nz = nlayers, values = NA_real_)
for (i in 1:n) output[[1]][,,i] <- list[[i]][[1]]
raster_names(output) <- names
merge_list.sfc <- function(template, list)
list <- Filter(Negate(is.null), list)
n <- length(list)
if (n == 1) return(list[[1]])
geom <- sf::st_geometry(list[[1]])
output <- sf::st_drop_geometry(list[[1]])
for (i in 2:length(list)) output <- cbind(output, sf::st_drop_geometry(list[[i]]))
output <- sf::st_set_geometry(output, geom)
merge_list.bbox<- function(template, list)
list <- Filter(Negate(is.null), list)
if (length(list) > 1)
return(do.call(c, list))
merge_list.numeric <- function(template, list)
list <- Filter(Negate(is.null), list)
n <- length(list)
if (n == 1) return(list[[1]])
output <- list[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(list)) output <- merge(output, list[[i]], all = TRUE)
# ==== ERROR ====
stop_if_ambiguous_definition <- function(name)
# Check if this name exists in lidR (internal or not)
u <- tryCatch(utils::getFromNamespace(name, 'lidR'), error = function(e) FALSE)
u <- is.function(u)
# If FALSE, no ambiguity
if (!u) return(invisible(NULL))
# Check in the parent frame if the name has been defined
e <- parent.frame(1)
u <- tryCatch(mget(name, envir = e), error = function(e) FALSE)
u <- !isFALSE(u)
n <- environmentName(e)
if (n == "") n <- "parent.frame(1)"
# If TRUE, there is an ambiguity, two objects have the same name, lidR object will take
# the precedence. We don't want that
if (u) stop(glue::glue("The function '{name}' exists in the package lidR but is also defined in {n}. The scoping rules give precedence to lidR and the result may not be the one expected. Please rename your function."), call. = FALSE)
# We do that while we did not reach R_GlobalEnv
i <- 2
while(!identical(parent.frame(i-1), globalenv()) & isFALSE(u))
e <- parent.frame(i)
u <- tryCatch(mget(name, envir = e), error = function(e) FALSE)
u <- !isFALSE(u)
n <- environmentName(e)
i <- i+1
# u is FALSE, we did not find ambiguous definitions
if (!u) return(invisible(NULL))
if (n == "") n <- glue::glue("parent.frame({i-1})")
# u is TRUE, we found ambiguous definitions
stop(glue::glue("The function '{name}' exists in the package lidR but is also defined in {n}. The scoping rules give precedence to lidR and the result may not be the one expected. Please rename your function."), call. = FALSE)
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