#' Add vector data to leaflet map directly from the file system
#' @param map a mapview or leaflet object.
#' @param file file path to the file to be added to \code{map}. NOTE: will be
#' reprojected on-the-fly if not in "longlat".
#' @param layerId the layer id.
#' @param group the group name for the file to be added to \code{map}.
#' @param popup either a logical of whether to show the feature properties
#' (fields) in popups or the name of the field to show in popups.
#' @param label name of the field to be shown as a tooltip.
#' @param radius the size of the circle markers.
#' @param stroke whether to draw stroke along the path
#' (e.g. the borders of polygons or circles).
#' @param color stroke color.
#' @param weight stroke width in pixels.
#' @param opacity stroke opacity.
#' @param fill whether to fill the path with color
#' (e.g. filling on polygons or circles).
#' @param fillColor fill color.
#' @param fillOpacity fill opacity.
#' @param dashArray a string that defines the stroke dash pattern.
#' @param options a list of extra options for tile layers, popups, paths
#' (circles, rectangles, polygons, ...), or other map elements.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(leafem)
#' library(leaflet)
#' library(sf)
#' destfile = tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")
#' st_write(st_as_sf(gadmCHE), dsn = destfile)
#' leaflet() %>%
#' addTiles() %>%
#' addLocalFile(destfile, popup = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export addLocalFile
#' @name addLocalFile
#' @rdname addLocalFile
#' @aliases addLocalFile
addLocalFile = function(map,
layerId = NULL,
group = NULL,
popup = NULL,
label = NULL,
radius = 10,
stroke = TRUE,
color = "#03F",
weight = 5,
opacity = 0.5,
fill = TRUE,
fillColor = color,
fillOpacity = 0.2,
dashArray = NULL,
options = NULL) {
if (inherits(map, "mapview")) map = mapview2leaflet(map)
layers = sf::st_layers(file)
# geom_type = gdalUtils::ogrinfo(file)
geom_type = layers$geomtype[[1]]
if (any(grepl("Line String", geom_type))) fill = FALSE
# prj = gdalUtils::gdalsrsinfo(file, o = "proj4")
# prj = prj[grep("+proj=", prj)]
# # prjln = srs_info[grep("PROJ[^A-Z]", srs_info)]
# #
# # prj = regmatches(prjln, regexpr("'([^]]+)'", prjln))
# prj = gsub(" '", "", prj)
# prj = gsub("'", "", prj)
prj = layers$crs[[1]]
style_list = list(radius = radius,
stroke = stroke,
color = color,
weight = weight,
opacity = opacity,
fill = fill,
fillColor = fillColor,
fillOpacity = fillOpacity)
options = utils::modifyList(as.list(options), style_list)
if (is.null(group))
group = basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file))
if (is.null(layerId)) layerId = group
path_header = tempfile()
path_header = paste0(path_header, "/", layerId, "_header.json")
path_layer = tempfile()
path_layer = paste0(path_layer, "/", layerId, "_layer.json")
dir_out = tempfile()
path_outfile = file.path(dir_out, paste0(layerId, ".js"))
pre <- paste0('var data = data || {}; data["', layerId, '"] = ')
writeLines(pre, path_header)
if (tools::file_ext(file) != "geojson") {
if (sf::st_is_longlat(sf::st_crs(prj))) {
# gdalUtils::ogr2ogr(
# src_datasource_name = file,
# dst_datasource_name = path_layer,
# f = "GeoJSON"
# )
util = "vectortranslate"
, source = file
, destination = path_layer
, options = c(
"-f", "GeoJSON"
if (!sf::st_is_longlat(sf::st_crs(prj))) {
# gdalUtils::ogr2ogr(
# src_datasource_name = file,
# dst_datasource_name = path_layer,
# t_srs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs",
# f = "GeoJSON"
# )
util = "vectortranslate"
, source = file
, destination = path_layer
, options = c(
"-t_srs", "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs",
"-f", "GeoJSON"
} else {
file.copy(file, path_layer, overwrite = TRUE)
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
cmd = paste("cat", path_header, path_layer, ">", path_outfile)
} else {
cmd = paste("type", path_header, path_layer, ">", path_outfile)
map$dependencies <- c(
fn = path_outfile,
layerId = layerId
#' Add raster tiles from a local folder
#' @description
#' Add tiled raster data pyramids from a local folder that was created with
#' gdal2tiles.py (see \url{https://gdal.org/en/latest/programs/gdal2tiles.html} for details).
#' @param map a mapview or leaflet object.
#' @param folder the (top level) folder where the tiles (folders) reside.
#' @param tms whether the tiles are served as TMS tiles.
#' @param layerId the layer id.
#' @param group the group name for the tile layer to be added to \code{map}.
#' @param attribution the attribution text of the tile layer (HTML).
#' @param options a list of extra options for tile layers.
#' See \code{\link[leaflet]{tileOptions}} for details. When the tiles
#' were created with \code{gdal2tiles.py} argument \code{tms} needs to be
#' set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param data the data object from which the argument values are derived;
#' by default, it is the data object provided to leaflet() initially,
#' but can be overridden.
#' @export addTileFolder
#' @name addTileFolder
#' @rdname addTileFolder
#' @aliases addTileFolder
addTileFolder = function(map,
tms = TRUE,
layerId = NULL,
group = NULL,
attribution = NULL,
options = leaflet::tileOptions(),
data = leaflet::getMapData(map)) {
options = utils::modifyList(options, list(tms = tms), keep.null = TRUE)
if (inherits(map, "mapview")) map = mapview2leaflet(map)
# fldrs = list.dirs(folder, recursive = FALSE)
# bsn = basename(fldrs)
# zooms = as.numeric(bsn)
# mnzm = min(zooms)
# fldr_mnzm = fldrs[basename(fldrs) == as.character(mnzm)]
# fldrs_mnzm = list.dirs(fldr_mnzm, recursive = TRUE)[-1]
# fldrs_mnzm_mn = fldrs_mnzm[which.min(as.numeric(basename(fldrs_mnzm)))]
# fldrs_mnzm_mx = fldrs_mnzm[which.max(as.numeric(basename(fldrs_mnzm)))]
# x_mn = min(as.numeric(basename(fldrs_mnzm_mn)))
# x_mx = max(as.numeric(basename(fldrs_mnzm_mx)))
# tiles_mn = list.files(fldrs_mnzm_mn)
# y_mn = min(as.numeric(tools::file_path_sans_ext(tiles_mn)))
# y_mn = (2^mnzm) - y_mn - 1
# tiles_mx = list.files(fldrs_mnzm_mx)
# y_mx = max(as.numeric(tools::file_path_sans_ext(tiles_mx)))
# y_mx = (2^mnzm) - y_mx - 1
# ll_mn = tilenum_to_lonlat(x_mn, y_mn + 1, mnzm)
# ll_mx = tilenum_to_lonlat(x_mx, y_mx, mnzm)
m = leaflet::addTiles(
map = map,
urlTemplate = paste0(
group = group,
options = options,
data = data
m$dependencies = c(m$dependencies, tiledDataDependency(folder))
#' Add a flatgeobuf file to leaflet map
#' @description
#' flatgeobuf is a performant binary geo-spatial file format suitable for
#' serving large data. For more details see
#' \url{https://github.com/flatgeobuf/flatgeobuf} and the respective
#' documentation for the GDAL/OGR driver at
#' \url{https://gdal.org/en/latest/drivers/vector/flatgeobuf.html}. \cr
#' \cr
#' In contrast to classical ways of serving data from R onto a leaflet map,
#' flatgeobuf can stream the data chunk by chunk so that rendering of the map
#' is more or less instantaneous. The map is responsive while data is still
#' loading so that popup queries, zooming and panning will work even
#' though not all data has been rendered yet. This makes for a rather pleasant
#' user experience as we don't have to wait for all data to be added to the map
#' before interacting with it.
#' @param map a mapview or leaflet object.
#' @param file file path to the .fgb file to be added to \code{map}.
#' If set, \code{url} is ignored.
#' @param url url of the data to be added to \code{map}. Only respected if
#' \code{file = NULL}.
#' @param layerId the layer id.
#' @param group the group name for the file to be added to \code{map}.
#' @param popup either a logical of whether to show the feature properties
#' (fields) in popups or the name of the field to show in popups.
#' @param label name of the field to be shown as a tooltip.
#' @param radius the size of the circle markers.
#' @param stroke whether to draw stroke along the path
#' (e.g. the borders of polygons or circles).
#' @param color stroke color.
#' @param weight stroke width in pixels.
#' @param opacity stroke opacity.
#' @param fill whether to fill the path with \code{fillColor}. If \code{fillColor}
#' is set, this will be set to \code{TRUE}, default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fillColor fill color. If set, \code{fill} will be set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param fillOpacity fill opacity.
#' @param dashArray a string that defines the stroke dash pattern.
#' @param options a list of extra options for tile layers, popups, paths
#' (circles, rectangles, polygons, ...), or other map elements.
#' @param className optional class name for the popup (table). Can be used
#' to define css for the popup.
#' @param scale named list with instructions on how to scale radius, width,
#' opacity, fillOpacity if those are to be mapped to an attribute column.
#' @param minZoom minimum zoom level at which data should be rendered.
#' @param maxZoom maximum zoom level at which data should be rendered.
#' @inheritParams leaflet::addPolylines
#' @param ... currently not used.
#' @details
#' Styling options in `addFgb` offer flexibility by allowing
#' users to either specify styles directly as function arguments or define them
#' as attributes in the data object:
#' - **Direct Styling:** You can pass style arguments (e.g., `color`, `weight`,
#' `opacity`) directly to the function. These will apply uniformly to all features
#' in the layer.
#' - **Attribute-based Styling:** Alternatively, you can include styling properties
#' (e.g., `color`, `fillColor`, `weight`) as columns in your data object before
#' writing it to an FGB file. Set the corresponding arguments in `addFgb` to
#' `NULL`, and the function will use these attributes for styling during map
#' rendering.
#' For example:
#' ```R
#' ## using custom `color`
#' data$color <- colorNumeric(palette = "viridis", domain = data$var)(data$var)
#' sf::st_write(obj = data, dsn = "myfile.fgb", driver = "FlatGeobuf")
#' leafem::addFgb(file = "myfile.fgb", color = NULL)
#' ## using custom `fillColor`
#' data$fillColor <- colorNumeric(palette = "viridis", domain = data$var)(data$var)
#' sf::st_write(obj = data, dsn = "myfile.fgb", driver = "FlatGeobuf")
#' leafem::addFgb(file = "myfile.fgb", fill = TRUE, fillColor = NULL)
#' ```
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(leaflet)
#' library(leafem)
#' # via URL
#' url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flatgeobuf/flatgeobuf/3.0.1/test/data/UScounties.fgb"
#' leaflet() %>%
#' addTiles() %>%
#' leafem:::addFgb(
#' url = url
#' , group = "counties"
#' , label = "NAME"
#' , popup = TRUE
#' , fill = TRUE
#' , fillColor = "blue"
#' , fillOpacity = 0.6
#' , color = "black"
#' , weight = 1
#' ) %>%
#' addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c("counties")) %>%
#' addMouseCoordinates() %>%
#' setView(lng = -105.644, lat = 51.618, zoom = 3)
#' }
#' @export addFgb
#' @name addFgb
#' @rdname addFgb
#' @aliases addFgb
addFgb = function(map,
file = NULL,
url = NULL,
layerId = NULL,
group = NULL,
popup = NULL,
label = NULL,
radius = 10,
stroke = TRUE,
color = "#03F",
weight = 5,
opacity = 0.5,
fill = FALSE,
fillColor = NULL,
fillOpacity = 0.2,
dashArray = NULL,
options = NULL,
className = NULL,
scale = scaleOptions(),
minZoom = NULL,
maxZoom = 52,
highlightOptions = NULL,
labelOptions = NULL,
...) {
scaleFields = NULL
# if (!is.null(fillColor)) fill = TRUE
if (inherits(map, "mapview")) map = mapview2leaflet(map)
if (is.null(file) & is.null(url))
stop("need either file or url!\n", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(group))
group = basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file))
if (is.null(layerId)) layerId = group
layerId = gsub("[[:punct:] ]", "_", layerId)
if (missing(labelOptions)) labelOptions <- leaflet::labelOptions()
if (!is.null(file)) {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
"file %s does not seem to exist"
, file
, call. = FALSE
path_layer = tempfile()
path_layer = paste0(path_layer, "/", group, "_layer.fgb")
file.copy(file, path_layer, overwrite = TRUE)
style_list = list(radius = radius,
stroke = stroke,
color = color,
weight = weight,
opacity = opacity,
fill = fill,
fillColor = fillColor,
fillOpacity = fillOpacity)
scale = utils::modifyList(scaleOptions(), scale)
options = options[!(names(options) %in% names(style_list))]
map$dependencies = c(
, fgbDependencies()
, chromaJsDependencies()
, fileAttachment(path_layer, group)
if (!is.null(minZoom)) {
if (is.null(maxZoom)) {
maxZoom = 19
, leaflet::getMapData(map)
, "addFlatGeoBufFiltered"
, layerId
, group
, url
, popup
, label
, style_list
, options
, className
, scale
, scaleFields
, minZoom
, maxZoom
, highlightOptions
, labelOptions
} else {
, leaflet::getMapData(map)
, "addFlatGeoBuf"
, layerId
, group
, url
, popup
, label
, style_list
, options
, className
, scale
, scaleFields
, highlightOptions
, labelOptions
} else {
style_list = list(radius = radius,
stroke = stroke,
color = color,
weight = weight,
opacity = opacity,
fill = fill,
fillColor = fillColor,
fillOpacity = fillOpacity)
options = utils::modifyList(as.list(options), style_list)
map$dependencies = c(
, fgbDependencies()
, chromaJsDependencies()
if (!is.null(minZoom)) {
if (is.null(maxZoom)) {
maxZoom = 19
, leaflet::getMapData(map)
, "addFlatGeoBufFiltered"
, layerId
, group
, url
, popup
, label
, style_list
, options
, className
, scale
, scaleFields
, minZoom
, maxZoom
, highlightOptions
, labelOptions
} else {
, leaflet::getMapData(map)
, "addFlatGeoBuf"
, layerId
, group
, url
, popup
, label
, style_list
, options
, className
, scale
, scaleFields
, highlightOptions
, labelOptions
scaleOptions = function(radius = list(to = c(3, 15), from = c(3, 15)),
weight = list(to = c(1, 10), from = c(1, 10)),
opacity = list(to = c(0, 1), from = c(0, 1)),
fillOpacity = list(to = c(0, 1), from = c(0, 1))) {
radius = radius
, weight = weight
, opacity = opacity
, fillOpacity = fillOpacity
fgbDependencies = function() {
, '3.31.1'
, system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/FlatGeoBuf", package = "leafem")
, script = c(
, 'flatgeobuf-geojson.min.js'
chromaJsDependencies = function() {
, '2.1.0'
, system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/chroma", package = "leafem")
, script = c(
tiledDataDependency <- function(tiles_dir) {
name = basename(tiles_dir),
version = "0.0.1",
src = c(file = tiles_dir)
degrees <- function(angle_rad) (angle_rad * 180) / pi
# copyright Miles McBain
tilenum_to_lonlat <- function(x, y, zoom){
n_tiles <- 2^zoom
lon_rad <- (((x / n_tiles) * 2) - 1) * pi
merc_lat <- (1 - ((y / n_tiles) * 2)) * pi
lat_rad <- atan(sinh(merc_lat))
list(lon = degrees(lon_rad),
lat = degrees(lat_rad))
leafletFileDependencies <- function() {
system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/File", package = "leafem"),
script = c("file.js")
fileDependency <- function(fn, layerId) {
data_dir <- dirname(fn)
data_file <- basename(fn)
name = layerId,
version = '0.0.1',
src = c(file = data_dir),
script = data_file))
fileAttachment = function(fn, layerId) {
data_dir <- dirname(fn)
data_file <- basename(fn)
name = layerId,
version = '0.0.1',
src = c(file = data_dir),
attachment = data_file))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.