
Defines functions tmapGridLegPlot.tm_mouse_coordinates tmapGridCompWidth.tm_mouse_coordinates tmapGridCompHeight.tm_mouse_coordinates tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_mouse_coordinates tmapGridCompWidth_text wrapText tmapGridCompHeight_text correct_nlines tmapGridLegPlot_text tmapGridLegPlot.tm_scalebar tmapGridCompWidth.tm_scalebar tmapGridCompHeight.tm_scalebar tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_scalebar tmapGridLegPlot.tm_compass tmapGridCompWidth.tm_compass tmapGridCompHeight.tm_compass tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_compass tmapGridLegPlot.tm_credits tmapGridCompWidth.tm_credits tmapGridCompHeight.tm_credits tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_credits tmapGridLegPlot.tm_title tmapGridCompWidth.tm_title tmapGridCompHeight.tm_title tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_title tmapGridCompPrepare_text

tmapGridCompPrepare_text = function(comp, o) {
	if (is.null(comp$text)) {
		cmp = within(comp, {
			show = FALSE
	n = length(comp$text)
	lst = lapply(seq_len(n), function(i){
		within(comp, {
			color[is.na(color)] = o$attr.color
			color = do.call("process_color", c(list(col=color), o$pc))
			size = size * o$scale
			fontface[is.na(fontface)] =o$text.fontface
			fontfamily[is.na(fontfamily)] =o$text.fontfamily
			#text = lapply(text, rep, length.out=o$n)
			text = text[i]
			if (is.na(text)) text = ""
			show = nonempty_text(text)
	class(lst) = c("tm_multi_comp", "list")

#' @export
tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_title = function(comp, o) {
	tmapGridCompPrepare_text(comp, o)

#' @export
tmapGridCompHeight.tm_title = function(comp, o) {
	tmapGridCompHeight_text(comp, o)

#' @export
tmapGridCompWidth.tm_title = function(comp, o) {
	tmapGridCompWidth_text(comp, o)

#' @export
tmapGridLegPlot.tm_title = function(comp, o, fH, fW) {
	tmapGridLegPlot_text(comp, o)

#' @export
tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_credits = function(comp, o) {
	tmapGridCompPrepare_text(comp, o)

#' @export
tmapGridCompHeight.tm_credits = function(comp, o) {
	tmapGridCompHeight_text(comp, o)

#' @export
tmapGridCompWidth.tm_credits = function(comp, o) {
	tmapGridCompWidth_text(comp, o)

#' @export
tmapGridLegPlot.tm_credits = function(comp, o, fH, fW) {
	tmapGridLegPlot_text(comp, o, fH, fW)

#' @export
tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_compass = function(comp, o) {
	o$attr.color.light = is_light(o$attr.color)
	within(comp, {
		text.size = text.size * o$scale
		if (is.na(text.color)) text.color = o$attr.color
		text.color = do.call("process_color", c(list(col=text.color), o$pc))
		if (is.na(color.dark)) color.dark = ifelse(o$attr.color.light, o$attr.color, o$attr.color)
		if (is.na(color.light)) color.light = ifelse(o$attr.color.light, "black", "white")
		color.dark = do.call("process_color", c(list(col=color.dark), o$pc))
		color.light = do.call("process_color", c(list(col=color.light), o$pc))
		asp = if (type == "arrow") 0.5 else 1
		show = TRUE
		if (is.na(type)) type = o$type
		if (is.na(size)) size = switch(type, arrow=2, radar=6, rose=6, 4)
		nlines = size + ifelse(show.labels==0, 0, ifelse(show.labels==1, 1, 2))

#' @export
tmapGridCompHeight.tm_compass = function(comp, o) {

	textS = comp$text.size #* o$scale
	#textP = comp$padding[c(3,1)] * textS * o$lin
	marH = comp$margins[c(3,1)] * textS * o$lin
	hs = c(marH[1], comp$nlines * textS * o$lin, marH[2])
	sides = switch(comp$position$align.v, top = "second", bottom = "first", "both")
	hsu = set_unit_with_stretch(hs, sides = sides)
	Hin = sum(hs)
	comp$flexRow = NA
	comp$Hin = Hin #  sum(textP[1], textH, textP[2])
	comp$hsu = hsu

#' @export
tmapGridCompWidth.tm_compass = function(comp, o) {
	textS = comp$text.size #* o$scale
	#textP = comp$padding[c(3,1)] * textS * o$lin
	marW = comp$margins[c(2,4)] * textS * o$lin
	ws = c(marW[1], comp$nlines * textS * o$lin * comp$asp, marW[2])

	sides = switch(comp$position$align.h, left = "second", right = "first", "both")
	wsu = set_unit_with_stretch(ws, sides = sides)

	comp$flexCol = NA
	comp$Win = sum(ws)
	comp$wsu = wsu

#' @export
tmapGridLegPlot.tm_compass = function(comp, o, fH, fW) {

	u = 1/(comp$nlines)
	#vpComp = viewport(x=u, y=u, height=1-2*u, width=1-2*u, just=c("left", "bottom"))
	light = do.call("process_color", c(list(comp$color.light, alpha=1), o$pc))
	dark = do.call("process_color", c(list(comp$color.dark, alpha=1), o$pc))
	wsu = comp$wsu
	hsu = comp$hsu
	vp = grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(ncol = length(wsu),
												   nrow = length(hsu), 
												   widths = wsu,
												   heights = hsu))
	if (comp$type=="4star") {
		s = c(.5, .5, .57, .5, .5, .43, 0, .5, .43, 1, .5, .57)
		x = list(rep.int(s, 2))
		y = list(s[c(10:12, 10:12, 1:3, 1:3, 7:9, 7:9, 4:6, 4:6)])
		id = rep(1:8, each=3)
		fill = c(dark, light, dark, light, light, dark, light, dark)
	} else if (comp$type=="8star") {
		s = c(.5, .5, .56, .5, .5, .44, 0, .5, .38, 1, .5, .62)
		s2 = c(.5, .62, .7, .5, .56, .7, .5, .38, .3, .5, .44, .3)
		x = list(c(rep.int(s, 2), rep.int(s2, 2)))
		y = list(c(s[c(10:12, 10:12, 1:3, 1:3, 7:9, 7:9, 4:6, 4:6)], s2[c(4:6, 1:3, 10:12, 7:9, 10:12, 7:9, 4:6, 1:3)]))
		id = rep(1:16, each=3)
		fill = c(dark, light, dark, light, light, dark, light, dark)
	} else if (comp$type=="arrow") {
		x = list(c(.5, .9, .5, .5, .1, .5))
		y = list(c(1, 0, .2, 1, 0, .2))
		id = rep(1:2, each=3)
		fill = c(dark, light)
	} else if (comp$type=="radar") {
		cr = c(.45, .42, .2, .17, .1)
		LWD = round(convertWidth(unit(.01, "npc"), "points", valueOnly=TRUE)) * comp$lwd
		cd = seq(1/8, 15/8, by=.25) * pi
		cd2 = seq(1/4, 7/4, by=.5) * pi
		cd3 = seq(0, 1.75, by=.25) * pi
		x = list(.5,
				  unlist(lapply(.5 + sin(cd) * cr[1], c, .5), use.names = FALSE),
				  .5 + c(0, cr[1]-.005, 0, -cr[1]+.005, 0, 0, 0, 0),
				  unlist(lapply(.5 + sin(cd2) * cr[1], c, .5), use.names = FALSE),
				  .5 + unlist(mapply(c, sin(cd3) * cr[4], sin(cd3) * cr[5], SIMPLIFY=FALSE), use.names = FALSE))
		y = list(.5,
				  unlist(lapply(.5 + cos(cd) * cr[1], c, .5), use.names = FALSE),
				  .5 + c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, cr[1]-.005, 0, -cr[1]+.005),
				  unlist(lapply(.5 + cos(cd2) * cr[1], c, .5), use.names = FALSE),
				  .5 + unlist(mapply(c, cos(cd3) * cr[4], cos(cd3) * cr[5], SIMPLIFY=FALSE), use.names = FALSE))
	} else if (comp$type=="rose") {
		cr = c(.45, .42, .2, .17, .1)
		LWD = (o$lineH * 24) * comp$lwd
		cd = seq(1/8, 15/8, by=.25) * pi
		cd2 = seq(1/4, 7/4, by=.5) * pi
		cd3 = seq(0, 1.75, by=.25) * pi
		b = cr[4]
		a = 0.4142136 * b # 1/16th circleL
		s = c(.5, .5, .5+a, .5, .5, .5-a, 0, .5, .5-b, 1, .5, .5+b)
		s2 = c(.5, .5+b, .78, .5, .5+a, .78, .5, .5-b, .22, .5, .5-a, .22)
		id = rep(1:16, each=3)
		fill = c(dark, light, dark, light, light, dark, light, dark)
		x = list(.5,
				  unlist(lapply(.5 + sin(cd) * cr[1], c, .5), use.names = FALSE),
				  .5 + unlist(mapply(c, sin(cd3) * cr[4], sin(cd3) * cr[5], SIMPLIFY=FALSE), use.names = FALSE),
				  c(rep.int(s, 2), rep.int(s2, 2)))
		y = list(.5,
				  unlist(lapply(.5 + cos(cd) * cr[1], c, .5), use.names = FALSE),
				  .5 + unlist(mapply(c, cos(cd3) * cr[4], cos(cd3) * cr[5], SIMPLIFY=FALSE), use.names = FALSE),
				  c(s[c(10:12, 10:12, 1:3, 1:3, 7:9, 7:9, 4:6, 4:6)], s2[c(4:6, 1:3, 10:12, 7:9, 10:12, 7:9, 4:6, 1:3)]))
	# rescale
	resc = function(a) (a-.5)*(comp$size/comp$nlines) + .5
	x = lapply(x, resc)
	y = lapply(y, resc)
	if (comp$type %in% c("radar", "rose")) cr = cr * (comp$size/comp$nlines)
	if (comp$north!=0) {
		drotate = comp$north/180*pi - .5*pi
		xy = mapply(function(a,b){
			d = atan2(b-.5, a-.5)
			r = sqrt((a-.5)^2 + (b-.5)^2)
			list(x=r * sin(d+drotate) + .5,
				 y=r * cos(d+drotate) + .5)
		}, x, y, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		x = lapply(xy, "[[", 1)
		y = lapply(xy, "[[", 2)
	} else drotate = -.5*pi
	# shift compass to south direction
	if (comp$show.labels==1) {
		x = lapply(x, function(a) a - (u/2) * sin(drotate + .5*pi))
		y = lapply(y, function(b) b - (u/2) * cos(drotate + .5*pi))
	grobBG = if (getOption("tmap.design.mode")) rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill="orange")) else NULL
	grobLabels = if (comp$show.labels==0) {
	} else {
		selection = if (comp$show.labels==1) {
			c(TRUE, rep.int(FALSE, 7))
		} else if (comp$show.labels==2) {
			rep.int(c(TRUE, FALSE), 4)
		} else rep.int(TRUE, 8)
		labels = comp$cardinal.directions[c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1)]
		labels[c(2,4,6,8)] = paste(labels[c(2,4,6,8)], comp$cardinal.directions[c(2, 2, 4, 4)], sep="")
		labels = labels[selection]
		lr = (1-u)/2
		ld = (seq(0, 1.75, by=.25) * pi)[selection]
		lx = lr * sin(ld+drotate + .5*pi) + .5
		ly = lr * cos(ld+drotate + .5*pi) + .5
		textGrob(labels, x=lx, y=ly, just=c("center", "center"), rot=0, gp=gpar(col=comp$text.color, cex=comp$text.size, fontface=o$text.fontface, fontfamily=o$text.fontfamily)) # -drotate/pi*180 - 90
	grobComp = if (comp$type %in% c("arrow", "4star", "8star")) {
		polygonGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], id=id, gp=gpar(fill=fill, lwd=comp$lwd, col=dark))
	} else if (comp$type=="radar") {
		gTree(children = gList(
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[1], gp=gpar(lwd=2*LWD, col=dark, fill=light)),
			polylineGrob(x=x[[2]], y=y[[2]], id=rep(1:8, each=2), gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=dark)),
			polylineGrob(x=x[[3]], y=y[[3]], id=rep(1:4, each=2), gp=gpar(lwd=2*LWD, col=dark)),
			polylineGrob(x=x[[4]], y=y[[4]], id=rep(1:4, each=2), gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=dark)),
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[2], gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=dark, fill=NA)),
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[3], gp=gpar(lwd=2*LWD, col=dark, fill=light)),
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[4], gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=NA, fill=dark)),
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[5], gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=NA, fill=light)),
			polylineGrob(x=x[[5]], y=y[[5]], id=rep(1:8, each=2), gp=gpar(lwd=2*LWD, col=light))))
	} else if (comp$type=="rose") {
		gTree(children = gList(
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[1], gp=gpar(lwd=2*LWD, col=dark, fill=light)),
			polygonGrob(x=x[[4]], y=y[[4]], id=id, gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, fill=fill)),
			polylineGrob(x=x[[2]], y=y[[2]], id=rep(1:8, each=2), gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=dark)),
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[2], gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=dark, fill=NA)),
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[3], gp=gpar(lwd=2*LWD, col=dark, fill=light)),
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[4], gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=NA, fill=dark)),
			circleGrob(x=x[[1]], y=y[[1]], r = cr[5], gp=gpar(lwd=1*LWD, col=NA, fill=light)),
			polylineGrob(x=x[[3]], y=y[[3]], id=rep(1:8, each=2), gp=gpar(lwd=2*LWD, col=light))))
	# other grid cells are aligns (1 and 5) and margins (2 and 4)
	compass = gridCell(3,3, {
						 if (!is.na(comp$bg.color)) {
						 	bg.col = do.call("process_color", c(list(comp$bg.color, alpha=comp$bg.alpha), o$pc))
						 	rectGrob(gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=bg.col))
						 } else {
	grid::grobTree(compass, vp = vp)

#' @export
tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_scalebar = function(comp, o) {
	show.messages = o$show.messages
	show.warnings = o$show.warnings
	within(comp, {
		if (is.function(call)) call = ""
		if (all(c("breaks", "width") %in% call) && show.warnings) {
			warning("For 'tm_scalebar()', 'breaks' and 'width' cannot be used together. The width is being ignored.", call. = FALSE)	
		if ("breaks" %in% call) {
			if (breaks[1] != 0) {
				if (show.warnings) warning("First scalebar breaks value should be 0.", call. = FALSE)
				breaks = c(0, breaks)
		# if (is.na(width))
		# 	width = .25
		# else if (width > 1) {
		# 	if (show.messages) message("Scale bar width set to 0.25 of the map width")
		# 	width = .25
		# }
		if (is.na(text.color)) text.color = o$attr.color
		text.size = text.size * o$scale
		lwd = lwd * o$scale
		show = TRUE

#' @export
tmapGridCompHeight.tm_scalebar = function(comp, o) {
	h = 2.75 * o$lin * comp$text.size
	textS = comp$text.size #* o$scale
	#textP = comp$padding[c(3,1)] * textS * o$lin
	marH = comp$margins[c(3,1)] * textS * o$lin
	hs = c(marH[1], h, marH[2])
	sides = switch(comp$position$align.v, top = "second", bottom = "first", "both")
	hsu = set_unit_with_stretch(hs, sides = sides)
	Hin = sum(hs)
	comp$flexRow = NA
	comp$Hin = Hin #  sum(textP[1], textH, textP[2])
	comp$hsu = hsu

#' @export
tmapGridCompWidth.tm_scalebar = function(comp, o) {
	#w = comp$width * o$lin * comp$text.size

	textS = comp$text.size #* o$scale
	#textP = comp$padding[c(3,1)] * textS * o$lin
	marW = comp$margins[c(2,4)] * textS * o$lin
	W = comp$width * textS * o$lin

	ws = c(marW[1], W, marW[2])
	sides = switch(comp$position$align.h, left = "second", right = "first", "both")
	wsu = set_unit_with_stretch(ws, sides = sides)
	comp$Win = sum(ws)
	comp$wsu = wsu

	# in case breaks are used: adjust the legend width later (in tmapGridLegend)
	comp$WnativeID = 3
	if (!is.null(comp$breaks)) {
		comp$WnativeRange = tail(comp$breaks, 1) - comp$breaks[1]# + (comp$breaks[2] - comp$breaks[1]) * 2

#' @export
tmapGridLegPlot.tm_scalebar = function(comp, o, fH, fW) {
	light = do.call("process_color", c(list(comp$color.light, alpha=1), o$pc))
	dark = do.call("process_color", c(list(comp$color.dark, alpha=1), o$pc))

	wsu = comp$wsu
	hsu = comp$hsu
	wsu[1] = unit(0, "inch")
	wsu[5] = unit(0, "inch")
	vp = grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(ncol = length(wsu),
												   nrow = length(hsu), 
												   widths = wsu,
												   heights = hsu))
	# g = grid::grobTree(grid::rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill = "pink")), vp = vp)
	# g = gridCell(3,3, {
	# 	gTree(children=gList(
	# 		g
	# 	), name="scalebar")
	# })
	# g = grid::grobTree(g, vp = vp)
	# return(g)
	unit = comp$units$unit
	unit.size = 1/comp$units$to
	#xrange = (comp$bbox[3] - comp$bbox[1]) * fW_fact
	xrange = fW * comp$cpi

	# xrange is the range of the viewport in terms of coordinates
	# xrange2 is the same but with units (e.g. km instead of m)
	# W is the targeted space for the scalebar

	W = as.numeric(wsu[3])
	crop_factor = W / fW 
	just = 0
	if (is.na(unit.size)) {
		if (o$show.warnings) warning("Unable to determine shape coordinate units. Please check if the \"+units\" part of the projection is present. Otherwise, specify coords.unit or unit.size")
	} else if (!comp$units$projected && ((comp$bbox[4]-comp$bbox[2]) > 30)) {
		if (o$show.messages) message("Scale bar set for latitude ", gsub("long@lat(.+)$", "\\1", unit), " and will be different at the top and bottom of the map.")
	xrange2 = xrange/unit.size
	if (is.null(comp$breaks)) {
		# determine resolution only (unselect steps that do not fit later (with 'sel'))
		for (i in 10:1) {
			tcks = pretty(c(0, xrange2*crop_factor), i)
			tcks3 = (tcks / xrange2) * fW
			tcksL = format(tcks, trim=TRUE)
			labW = text_width_inch(tcksL) * comp$text.size
			tickW = tcks3[-1] - head(tcks3, -1)
			if (all(tickW > labW[-1])) {
				sbW = W - labW
		ticks2 = tcks
	} else {
		ticks2 = comp$breaks
		tcksL = format(ticks2, trim=TRUE)
		labW = text_width_inch(tcksL) * comp$text.size
		sbW = W - labW

	ticks3 = ticks2 / xrange2 * fW
	sel = which(ticks3 <= sbW)
	if (!is.null(comp$breaks) && length(sel) != length(ticks3)) {
		warning("Not all scale bar breaks could be plotted. Try increasing the scale bar width or descreasing the font size", call. = FALSE)
	ticks3 = ticks3[sel]
	ticks2 = ticks2[sel]
	ticks2Labels = format(ticks2, trim=TRUE)
	ticksWidths = text_width_inch(ticks2Labels)
	labels = c(ticks2Labels, unit)
	n = length(ticks2)
	widths = ticks3[2:n] - ticks3[1:(n-1)]
	size = min(comp$text.size, widths/max(ticksWidths))
	x = ticks3[1:(n-1)]  + ticksWidths[1]*size #+ .5*widths[1]
	lineHeight = convertHeight(unit(1, "lines"), "inch", valueOnly=TRUE) * size
	unitWidth = text_width_inch(unit) * size
	#width = sum(widths[-n]) + .5*ticksWidths[1]*size + .5*ticksWidths[n]*size+ unitWidth   #widths * n 
	xtext = x[1] + c(ticks3, ticks3[n] + .5*ticksWidths[n]*size + .5*unitWidth)# + widths*.5 + unitWidth*.5) #+ position[1]
	#x = just-just*width+x
	#xtext = just-just*width+xtext
	grobBG = if (getOption("tmap.design.mode")) rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill="orange")) else NULL
	# other grid cells are aligns (1 and 5) and margins (2 and 4)
	scalebar = gridCell(3,3, {
			# if (!is.na(comp$bg.color)) {
			# 	bg.col = do.call("process_color", c(list(comp$bg.color, alpha=comp$bg.alpha), o$pc))
			# 	rectGrob(x=unit(x[1]-unitWidth, "inch"), width=unit(xtext[n]-xtext[1]+2.5*unitWidth, "inch"), just=c("left", "center"), gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=bg.col))
			# } else {
			# 	NULL
			# }, 
			#rectGrob(gp=gpar(col = "green", fill= NA))
			rectGrob(x=unit(x, "inch"), y=unit(1.5*lineHeight, "inch"), width = unit(widths, "inch"), height=unit(lineHeight*.5, "inch"), just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(col=dark, fill=c(light, dark), lwd=comp$lwd)),
			textGrob(label=labels, x = unit(xtext, "inch"), y = unit(lineHeight, "inch"), just=c("center", "center"), gp=gpar(col=comp$text.color, cex=size, fontface=o$fontface, fontfamily=o$fontfamily))
			), name="scalebar")
	grid::grobTree(scalebar, vp = vp)

tmapGridLegPlot_text = function(comp, o, fH, fW) {

	textS = if (comp$text == "") 0 else comp$size * comp$scale #* o$scale
	padding = grid::unit(comp$padding[c(3,4,1,2)] * textS * o$lin, units = "inch")
	if (comp$position$align.h == "left") {
		#x = grid::unit(0, "npc") 
		x = grid::unit(comp$padding[2] * textS * o$lin, units = "inch")
		halign = 0
		hjust = 1
		just = "left"
	} else if (comp$position$align.h == "right") {
		#x = grid::unit(1, "npc") 
		x = grid::unit(1, "npc") - grid::unit(comp$padding[4] * textS * o$lin, units = "inch")
		halign = 1
		hjust = 0
		just = "right"
	} else {
		x = grid::unit(0.5, "npc")
		halign = 0.5
		hjust = 0.5
		just = "center"
	# grtext = gridtext::richtext_grob(comp$text, 
	# 								  x = x,
	# 								  box_gp = gpar(col = frame.col, fill = bg.color, alpha = bg.alpha, lwd = frame.lwd),
	# 								  r = grid::unit(frame.r, "pt"),
	# 								  halign = halign,
	# 								  hjust = hjust, 
	# 								  gp = grid::gpar(cex = textS))
	grtext = grid::textGrob(comp$text, 
							 x = x,
							 just = just,
							 gp = grid::gpar(col = comp$color, cex = textS))
	if (getOption("tmap.design.mode")) {
		grDesign = grid::rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill=NA,col="red", lwd=2))
	} else {
		grDesign = NULL
	#grtext = rectGrob(gp=gpar(col = "green", fill= NA))

	g = do.call(grid::grobTree, c(list(grtext), list(grDesign))) #, list(vp = vp)

correct_nlines = function(n) {
	# Linear model applied based on this empirical data:
	# (results may depend on device)
	# y = sapply(1:50, function(i) {
	# 	s = paste(rep("text", i), collapse = "\n")
	# 	convertHeight(stringHeight(s), "inch", valueOnly = TRUE)
	# })
	# df = data.frame(x = 1:50, y = y / 0.2) #0.2 is the lineheight (par "cin")
	# lm(y~x, df)
	-.6035 + n * 1.2

tmapGridCompHeight_text = function(comp, o) {
	textS = if (comp$text == "") 0 else comp$size #* o$scale
	textP = comp$padding[c(3,1)] * textS * o$lin
	textH = textS * o$lin
	nlines = number_text_lines(comp$text)
	nlines2 = correct_nlines(nlines)
	comp$flexRow = NA
	hs = c(textP[1], textH * nlines2, textP[2])
	h = sum(hs)

	sides = switch(comp$position$align.v, top = "second", bottom = "first", "both")
	hsu = set_unit_with_stretch(hs, sides = sides)
	comp$Hin = h
	comp$hsu = hsu

# borrowed from treemap (wraps text to 1-5 lines)
wrapText = function(txt, nlines) {
	if (nlines == 1) {
	} else {
		# create some wrappings, with slightly different widths:
		results <- lapply(1:5, FUN=function(pos, nlines, txt) {
			strwrap(txt, width = pos+(nchar(txt)/nlines))}, nlines, txt)
		lengths = sapply(results, length)

		# find the best match
		diff = nlines - lengths
		diff[diff < 0] = 1000
		id = which.min(diff)[1]
		paste(results[[id]], collapse = "\n")

tmapGridCompWidth_text = function(comp, o) {
	textS = if (comp$text == "") 0 else comp$size #* o$scale
	textP = comp$padding[c(2,4)] * textS * o$lin
	textW = textS * graphics::strwidth(comp$text, units = "inch", family = comp$fontfamily, font = fontface2nr(comp$fontface))

	if (!is.na(comp$width)) {
		textPgs = strsplit(comp$text, "\n")[[1]]
		text2 = do.call(paste, c(lapply(textPgs, function(p) {
			textW = textS * graphics::strwidth(p, units = "inch", family = comp$fontfamily, font = fontface2nr(comp$fontface))
			w = sum(textP[1], textW, textP[2])
			nlines = round(w / (comp$width * textS * o$lin))
			wrapText(p, nlines)
		}), list(sep = "\n")))
		textW2 = textS * graphics::strwidth(text2, units = "inch", family = comp$fontfamily, font = fontface2nr(comp$fontface))
		wsu2 = c(textP[1], textW2, textP[2])
		ws = sum(textP[1], textW2, textP[2])
		comp$text = text2
	} else {
		ws = c(textP[1], textW, textP[2])

	sides = switch(comp$position$align.h, left = "second", right = "first", "both")
	wsu = set_unit_with_stretch(ws, sides = sides)
	comp$Win = sum(ws)
	comp$wsu = wsu
	comp$flexCol = NA

#' @export
tmapGridCompPrepare.tm_mouse_coordinates = function(comp, o) {
	message("tm_mouse_coordinates ignored for 'plot' mode")
	comp$show = FALSE

#' @export
tmapGridCompHeight.tm_mouse_coordinates = function(comp, o) {

#' @export
tmapGridCompWidth.tm_mouse_coordinates = function(comp, o) {

#' @export
tmapGridLegPlot.tm_mouse_coordinates = function(comp, o, fH, fW) {
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.