
Defines functions tmapTransCartogram tmapTransLines tmapTransPolygons tmapTransRaster tmapTransCentroid get_midpoint_angle delta_per_lineheight do_trans

do_trans = function(tdt, FUN, shpDT, plot.order, args, scale) {
	shpDT = copy(shpDT)
	# copy by columns from tdt that do not yet exist in shpDT
	t_by = names(tdt)[substr(names(tdt), 1, 2) == "by"]
	s_by = names(shpDT)[substr(names(shpDT), 1, 2) == "by"]
	n_by = setdiff(t_by, s_by)
	if (length(n_by)) {
		shpDT[, (n_by) := tdt[1, n_by, with = FALSE]]
	aesvars = setdiff(names(tdt), c("tmapID__", paste0("by", 1:3, "__")))
	apply_trans = function(shpTM) {
		# todo: stars
		ids = intersect(shpTM$tmapID, tdt$tmapID__)
		shp = shpTM$shp[match(ids, shpTM$tmapID)]
		shpX = list(shp = shp, tmapID = ids)
		x = as.list(tdt[match(tmapID__, ids), aesvars, with = FALSE])
		res = do.call(FUN, c(list(shpTM = shpX), x, list(plot.order = plot.order, args = args, scale = scale)))
	shpDT$shpTM = lapply(shpDT$shpTM, apply_trans)

delta_per_lineheight = function(x, n = 20, scale = 1) {
	b = unname(sf::st_bbox(x))
	(b[4] - b[2]) / n * scale

get_midpoint_angle = function(shp) {
	lShp = sf::st_cast(shp, "MULTILINESTRING")
	coor <- st_coordinates(lShp)
	coors <- split.data.frame(coor[,1:2], f = coor[,ncol(coor)], drop=FALSE)
	co <- do.call(rbind, lapply(coors, get_midpoint))
	pShp = sf::st_as_sf(as.data.frame(co), coords = c("X", "Y"), crs = sf::st_crs(shp))
	bbx = sf::st_bbox(shp)
	deltax <- bbx[3] - bbx[1]
	deltay <- bbx[4] - bbx[2]
	delta <- max(deltax, deltay)
	pbShp <- st_cast(st_geometry(st_buffer(pShp, dist = delta / 100)), "MULTILINESTRING")
	iShps <- mapply(function(x,y,z) {
		res = st_intersection(x,y)
		if (!st_is_empty(res)) {
			st_cast(res, "MULTIPOINT")
		} else {
	}, lShp, pbShp,pShp)
	angles = vapply(iShps, function(x) {
		if (length(x) == 0) 0 else .get_direction_angle(st_coordinates(x)[,1:2, drop = FALSE])
	}, numeric(1))
	angles[angles>90 & angles < 270] = angles[angles>90 & angles < 270] - 180
	list(shp = sf::st_geometry(pShp), angles = angles)

#' @param shpTM shpTM
#' @param xmod,ymod xmod and ymod
#' @param ord__ ord
#' @param plot.order plot.order
#' @param args args
#' @param scale scale
#' @export
#' @name tmapTransCentroid
#' @rdname tmap_internal
#' @keywords internal
tmapTransCentroid = function(shpTM, xmod = NULL, ymod = NULL, ord__, plot.order, args, scale) {
	within(shpTM, {
		is_stars = inherits(shp, "dimensions")
		if (is_stars && args$points.only == "no") {
			### stars
			s = structure(list(values = matrix(TRUE, nrow = nrow(shp))), dimensions = shp, class = "stars")
			strs = st_as_stars(list(values = m), dimensions = shp)
			shp = sf::st_as_sfc(s, as_points = TRUE)
		} else if (is_stars) {
			shp = st_sfc()
			tmapID = integer(0)
		} else {
			geom_types = sf::st_geometry_type(shp)
			ids_poly = which(geom_types %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))
			ids_line = which(geom_types %in% c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING"))
			ids_point = which(geom_types %in% c("POINT", "MULTIPOINT"))
			if (args$points.only == "yes" || (args$points.only == "ifany" && length(ids_point))) {
				shp = shp[ids_point]
				tmapID = tmapID[ids_point]
			} else {
				if (length(ids_line)) {
					if (args$along.lines) {
						res = get_midpoint_angle(shp[ids_line])
						shp[ids_line] = res$shp
						prop_angle = rep(0, length(shp))
						prop_angle[ids_line] = res$angles
					} else {
						shp[ids_line] = suppressWarnings({
				if (length(ids_poly)) {
					shp[ids_poly] = suppressWarnings({
			if (!is.null(xmod) || !is.null(ymod)) {
				shp = local({
					d = delta_per_lineheight(shp, scale = scale)
					if (is.null(xmod)) xmod = rep(0, length(shp))
					if (is.null(ymod)) ymod = rep(0, length(shp))
					mod = mapply(c, xmod * d, ymod * d, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
					shp + mod
# args:
# - points.only: "yes", "no", "ifany"
# prop_ vectors, e.g. prop_angle can be added to shpTM. These are later put into dt (and used in step 4 (plotting))

#' @export
#' @name tmapTransRaster
#' @rdname tmap_internal
#' @keywords internal
tmapTransRaster = function(shpTM, ord__, plot.order, args) {
	if (!inherits(shpTM$shp, "dimensions")) stop("Stars object (of class dimensions) expected for tm_raster", call. = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @name tmapTransPolygons
#' @rdname tmap_internal
#' @keywords internal
tmapTransPolygons = function(shpTM, ord__, plot.order, args, scale) {
	within(shpTM, {
		is_stars = inherits(shp, "dimensions")
		if (is_stars && args$polygons.only == "no") {
			### stars
			s = structure(list(values = matrix(TRUE, nrow = nrow(shp))), dimensions = shp, class = "stars")
			shp = sf::st_as_sfc(s, as_points = FALSE)
		} else if (is_stars) {
			shp = st_sfc()
			tmapID = integer(0)
		} else {
			### sf
			geom_types = sf::st_geometry_type(shp)
			#crs = sf::st_crs(shp)
			ids_poly = which(geom_types %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))
			ids_line = which(geom_types %in% c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING"))
			ids_point = which(geom_types %in% c("POINT", "MULTIPOINT"))

			if (args$polygons.only == "yes" || (args$polygons.only == "ifany" && length(ids_poly))) {
				shp = shp[ids_poly]
				tmapID = tmapID[ids_poly]
			} else {
				if (length(ids_line)) {
						shp[ids_line] = sf::st_cast(sf::st_cast(shp[ids_line], "MULTILINESTRING"), "MULTIPOLYGON")	
					}, error = function(e) {
						stop("Unable to cast lines to polygon. Error from st_cast: \"", e$message, "\"", call. = FALSE)	
				if (length(ids_point)) {
					dist = if (sf::st_is_longlat(shp)) 0.01 else 100
					shp[ids_point] = sf::st_buffer(shp[ids_point], dist = dist)
		if (plot.order$aes == "AREA" && !is_stars) {
			o = order(without_units(st_area(shp)), decreasing = !plot.order$reverse)
			shp = shp[o]
			tmapID = tmapID[o]
# args:
# - polygons.only: "yes", "no", "ifany"

#' @export
#' @name tmapTransLines
#' @rdname tmap_internal
#' @keywords internal
tmapTransLines = function(shpTM, ord__, plot.order, args, scale) {
	within(shpTM, {
		is_stars = inherits(shp, "dimensions")
		if (is_stars) {
			shp = st_sfc()
			tmapID = integer(0)
		} else {
			### sf
			geom_types = sf::st_geometry_type(shp)
			#crs = sf::st_crs(shp)
			ids_poly = which(geom_types %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))
			ids_line = which(geom_types %in% c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING"))
			ids_point = which(geom_types %in% c("POINT", "MULTIPOINT"))
			if (args$lines.only == "yes" || (args$lines.only == "ifany" && length(ids_line))) {
				shp = shp[ids_line]
				tmapID = tmapID[ids_line]
			} else {
				if (length(ids_poly)) {
						shp[ids_poly] = sf::st_cast(sf::st_cast(shp[ids_poly], "MULTIPOLYGON"), "MULTILINESTRING")
					}, error = function(e) {
						stop("Unable to cast to polygon. Error from st_cast: \"", e$message, "\"", call. = FALSE)	
				if (length(ids_point)) {
					ids_not_point = which(!(geom_types %in% c("POINT", "MULTIPOINT")))
					shp = shp[ids_not_point]
					tmapID = tmapID[ids_not_point]
		if (plot.order$aes == "LENGTH") {
			o = order(without_units(st_length(shp)), decreasing = !plot.order$reverse)
			shp = shp[o]
			tmapID = tmapID[o]
# args:
# - lines.only: "yes", "no", "ifany"

#' @export
#' @name tmapTransCartogram
#' @rdname tmap_internal
#' @keywords internal
tmapTransCartogram = function(shpTM, size, ord__, plot.order, args, scale) {
	s = shpTM$shp
	if (sf::st_is_longlat(s)) {
		stop("tm_cartogram requires projected coordinates, not longlat degrees. A projected CRS can be specified in tm_shape (argument crs)", call. = FALSE)

	message("Cartogram in progress...")
	x = sf::st_sf(geometry = s, weight = size, tmapID__ = shpTM$tmapID)
	x = x[x$weight > 0,]

	if (args$type == "cont") {
		shp = suppressMessages(suppressWarnings({cartogram::cartogram_cont(x, weight = "weight", itermax = args$itermax)}))
	} else if (args$type == "ncont") {
		shp = suppressMessages(suppressWarnings({cartogram::cartogram_ncont(x, weight = "weight", k = args$expansion, inplace = args$inplace)}))
	} else if (args$type == "dorling") {
		shp = suppressMessages(suppressWarnings({cartogram::cartogram_dorling(x, weight = "weight", k = args$share, itermax = args$itermax)}))
	} else {
		stop("unknown cartogram type", call. = FALSE)
	shp2 = sf::st_cast(sf::st_geometry(shp), "MULTIPOLYGON")
	ord2 = ord__[match(shpTM$tmapID, shp$tmapID__)]
	o = order(ord2, decreasing = FALSE)
	list(shp = shp2[o], tmapID = shp$tmapID__[o])
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.