
Defines functions .editGrob .get_direction_angle .rectGrob2pathGrob native_to_npc_to_native npc_to_native polylineGrob2sfLines .grob2Poly process_just without_units cont_collapse cont_split nonempty_text number_text_lines crs2leaflet leaflet2crs get_asp col2hex valid_colors prettyCount cont_breaks completeDT2 completeDT get_i get_page get_col get_row get_nby select_sf islistof

islistof = function(x, class) {
	is.list(x) && all(vapply(x, inherits, logical(1), what = class))

select_sf = function(shpTM, dt) {
	shp = shpTM$shp
	stid = shpTM$tmapID
	dtid = dt$tmapID__
	tid = intersect(stid, dtid)

	d = data.table(sord = seq_along(tid), ord = dt$ord__[match(tid, dtid)], tid = tid)
	if ("ord" %in% names(d)) {
		setkeyv(d, cols = c("ord", "sord"))
	} else {
		setkeyv(d, cols = "sord")
	sid = match(d$tid, stid)
	shpSel = shp[sid] #st_cast(shp[match(tid, tmapID)], "MULTIPOLYGON")
	# assign prop_ vectors to data dt (to be used in plotting) e.g. prop_angle is determined in tmapTransCentroid when along.lines = TRUE
	prop_vars = names(shpTM)[substr(names(shpTM), 1, 5) == "prop_"]
	if (length(prop_vars)) {
		for (p in prop_vars) {
			pname = substr(p, 6, nchar(p))
			dt[[pname]] = shpTM[[p]][sid]
	dt = dt[match(d$tid, dtid), ]
	list(shp = shpSel, dt = dt)

get_nby = function(fl) {
	vapply(fl, function(f) {
		if (is.integer(f)) f else length(f)	
	}, integer(1))

get_row = function(i, nrows) {
	as.integer((i - 1) %% nrows + 1)

get_col = function(i, nrows, ncols) {
	as.integer((((i - 1) %/% nrows + 1) - 1) %% ncols + 1)

get_page = function(i, nrows, ncols) {
	as.integer(i - 1) %/% (nrows * ncols) + 1

get_i = function(ir, ic, ip, nby) {
	ir + (ic - 1) * nby[1] + (ip - 1) * prod(nby[1:2])

completeDT = function(DT, cols, defs = NULL){
	mDT = do.call(CJ, c(DT[, ..cols], list(unique=TRUE)))
	res = DT[mDT, on=names(mDT)]
	if (length(defs)) 
		res[, names(defs) := Map(replace, .SD, lapply(.SD, is.na), defs), .SDcols=names(defs)]

completeDT2 = function(DT, cols, defs = NULL){
	mDT = do.call(CJ, cols)
	res = DT[mDT, on=names(mDT)]
	if (length(defs)) 
		res[, names(defs) := Map(replace, .SD, lapply(.SD, is.na), defs), .SDcols=names(defs)]

cont_breaks = function(breaks, n=101) {
	x = round(seq(1, n, length.out=length(breaks)))
	unlist(lapply(1L:(length(breaks)-1L), function(i) {
		y = seq(breaks[i], breaks[i+1], length.out=x[i+1]-x[i]+1)	
		if (i!=1) y[-1] else y
	}), use.names = FALSE)

prettyCount = function(x, n, ...) {
	x = na.omit(x)
	if (!length(x)) return(x)
	if (!is.integer(x)) x = as.integer(x)
	mn = min(x)
	mx = max(x)
	any0 = any(x==0)
	if (mn < 0) {
		n = floor(n / 2)
		pneg = -rev(prettyCount(-x[x<0], n = n, ...)) + 1L
		pneg = pneg[pneg != 0L]
		x = x[x>0]
		any0 = TRUE
	} else {
		pneg = integer()
	if (any0) x = x[x!=0L]
	p = pretty(x - 1L, n = n, ...) + 1L
	p = p[(p %% 1) == 0]
	p = p[p!=0L]
	if (length(x) < 2) {
		if (any0) return(c(0L, p)) else return(p)
	step = p[2] - p[1]
	if (p[length(p)] == mx) p = c(p, mx+step)
	if (any0) {
		c(pneg, 0L, p)
	} else {
		c(pneg, p)

valid_colors = function(x) {
	is.na(x) | (x %in% colors()) |	(vapply(gregexpr("^#(([[:xdigit:]]){6}|([[:xdigit:]]){8})$", x), "[[", integer(1), 1) == 1L)

col2hex = function(x) {
	y = apply(col2rgb(x), MARGIN=2, FUN=function(y)do.call(rgb, c(as.list(y), list(maxColorValue=255))))
	y[is.na(x)] = NA

# get aspect ratio of a shape
get_asp_ratio = function (x, width = 700, height = 700, res = 100)  {
	asp = if (inherits(x, "tmap")) {
		tmp = tempfile(fileext = ".png")
		png(tmp, width = width, height = height, res = res)
		mode = options(tmap.mode = "plot")
			do.call(options, mode)
		asp = print(x, return.asp = TRUE)
	} else {
		bbx = sf::st_bbox(x)
		crs = sf::st_crs(x)
		ll = sf::st_is_longlat(crs)
		xlim = bbx[c(1, 3)]
		ylim = bbx[c(2, 4)]
		if (diff(xlim) == 0 || diff(ylim) == 0) {
		} else unname((diff(xlim)/diff(ylim)) * ifelse(identical(ll, TRUE),cos((mean(ylim) * pi)/180), 1))

# get aspect ratios of a list of bounding boxes
get_asp = function(bbxl) {
	vapply(bbxl, function(bbxi) {
		if (is.na(bbxi)) as.numeric(NA) else get_asp_ratio(bbxi)
	}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

leaflet2crs = function(x) {
	epsg = get_epsg(x)
	if (!is.na(epsg)) {
	} else if (!is.null(x$proj4def)) {
	} else {
		stop("Unable to extract crs from leafletCRS object")

leafletSimple  = structure(list(crsClass = "L.CRS.Simple", code = NULL, proj4def = NULL, 
								projectedBounds = NULL, options = structure(list(), .Names = character(0))), class = "leaflet_crs")

crs2leaflet = function(x) {
	epsg = get_epsg(x)
	if (epsg %in% c(3857, 4326, 3395)) {
		structure(list(crsClass = paste0("L.CRS.EPSG", epsg), code = NULL, proj4def = NULL, 
					   projectedBounds = NULL, options = structure(list(), .Names = character(0))), class = "leaflet_crs")
	} else {
		stop("Unable to extract leaflet crs from sf crs object")

get_epsg = function (x) {
	if (is.numeric(x)) {
	} else if (inherits(x, "crs")) {
		# from sf
		if (is.na(x)) 
		else if (grepl("^EPSG:", x[["input"]])) 
			as.integer(gsub("^EPSG:(\\d+)\\b.*$", "\\1", x[["input"]]))
		else crs_parameters(x, with_units = FALSE)[["epsg"]]
	} else if (inherits(x, "leaflet_crs")) {
		if (grepl("EPSG", x$crsClass, fixed = TRUE)) {
			substr(x$crsClass, 11, 14) # one of L.CRS.EPSG3857, L.CRS.EPSG4326, L.CRS.EPSG3395
		} else {

number_text_lines = function(txt) {
	if (is.character(txt)) {
		length(strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]])
	} else 1

nonempty_text = function(txt) {
	if (is.character(txt)) {
	} else rep(TRUE, length(txt))

cont_split = function(x) strsplit(x, split = "_", fixed=TRUE)
cont_collapse = function(x) sapply(x, paste, collapse="_")

without_units = function(x) {
	if (inherits(x, "units")) units::drop_units(x) else x

get_midpoint <- function (coords) {
	dist <- sqrt((diff(coords[, 1])^2 + (diff(coords[, 2]))^2))
	dist_mid <- sum(dist)/2
	dist_cum <- c(0, cumsum(dist))
	end_index <- which(dist_cum > dist_mid)[1]
	start_index <- end_index - 1
	start <- coords[start_index, ]
	end <- coords[end_index, ]
	dist_remaining <- dist_mid - dist_cum[start_index]
	start + (end - start) * (dist_remaining/dist[start_index])

# copied from tmap3, may need updating
process_just <- function(just, interactive) {
	show.messages <- get("tmapOptions", envir = .TMAP)$show.messages
	show.warnings <- get("tmapOptions", envir = .TMAP)$show.warnings
	n <- length(just)
	isnum <- is_num_string(just)
	if (!all(isnum | (just %in% c("left", "right", "top", "bottom", "center", "centre"))) && show.warnings) {
		warning("wrong specification of argument just", call. = FALSE)
	just[just == "centre"] <- "center"
	if (interactive) {
		just <- just[1]
		if (n > 1 && show.messages) message("In interactive mode, the just argument should be one element")	
		if (isnum[1]) {
			justnum <- as.numeric(just)
			just <- ifelse(justnum < .25, "left",
						   ifelse(justnum > .75, "right", "center"))
			if (show.messages) message("In interactive mode, just cannot be a numeric value. Therefore, ", justnum, " has been cenverted to \"", just, "\".")
	} else {
		if (n > 2 && show.warnings) warning("The just argument should be a single value or a vector of 2 values.", call. = FALSE)
		if (n == 1) {
			if (just %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
				just <- c("center", just)
				isnum <- c(FALSE, isnum)
			} else {
				just <- c(just, "center")
				isnum <- c(isnum, FALSE)
		x <- ifelse(isnum[1], as.numeric(just[1]),
					ifelse(just[1] == "left", 0,
						   ifelse(just[1] == "right", 1,
						   	   ifelse(just[1] == "center", .5, NA))))
		if (is.na(x)) {
			if (show.warnings) warning("wrong specification of argument just", call. = FALSE)
			x <- .5
		y <- ifelse(isnum[2], as.numeric(just[2]),
					ifelse(just[2] == "bottom", 0,
						   ifelse(just[2] == "top", 1,
						   	   ifelse(just[2] == "center", .5, NA))))
		if (is.na(y)) {
			if (show.warnings) warning("wrong specification of argument just", call. = FALSE)
			y <- .5
		just <- c(x, y)

################!!!!! Functions below needed for Advanced text options !!!!####################

.grob2Poly <- function(g) {
	x <- convertX(g$x, unitTo = "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
	y <- convertY(g$y, unitTo = "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
	if (inherits(g, "rect")) {
		w <- convertWidth(g$width, unitTo = "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
		h <- convertHeight(g$height, unitTo = "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
		x1 <- x - .5*w
		x2 <- x + .5*w
		y1 <- y - .5*h
		y2 <- y + .5*h
		polys <- mapply(function(X1, X2, Y1, Y2) {
			st_polygon(list(cbind(c(X1, X2, X2, X1, X1),
								  c(Y2, Y2, Y1, Y1, Y2))))
		}, x1, x2, y1, y2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	} else if (inherits(g, "polygon")) {
		xs <- split(x, g$id)
		ys <- split(y, g$id)
		polys <- mapply(function(xi, yi) {
			co <- cbind(xi, yi)
			st_polygon(list(rbind(co, co[1,])))
		}, xs, ys, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
	} # else return(NULL)

polylineGrob2sfLines <- function(gL) {
	if (is.null(gL$id)) {
		ids = unlist(mapply(rep, 1L:length(gL$id.lengths), gL$id.lengths, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
	} else {
		ids = gL$id
	coords <- mapply(cbind, split(as.numeric(gL$x), ids), split(as.numeric(gL$y), ids), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
	st_sf(geometry = st_sfc(st_multilinestring(coords)))

npc_to_native <- function(x, scale) {
	x * (scale[2] - scale[1])# + scale[1]

native_to_npc_to_native <- function(x, scale) {
	#(x - scale[1]) / (scale[2] - scale[1])
	(x) / (scale[2] - scale[1])

.rectGrob2pathGrob <- function(rg, angles, bbx) {
	x = as.numeric(rg$x)
	y = as.numeric(rg$y)
	w = as.numeric(rg$width)
	h = as.numeric(rg$height)

	### borrowed from pointLabel2

	asp = tmaptools::get_asp_ratio(bbx)# * 1.25
	#xyAspect <- diff(boundary[c(1,2)]) / diff(boundary[c(3,4)])
	toUnityCoords <- function(xy) {
		if (asp > 1) {
			list(x = (xy$x - bbx[1])/(bbx[3] - bbx[1]) * asp, 
				 y = (xy$y - bbx[2])/(bbx[4] - bbx[2]))	
		} else {
			list(x = (xy$x - bbx[1])/(bbx[3] - bbx[1]), 
				 y = (xy$y - bbx[2])/(bbx[4] - bbx[2])/asp)	
	toUserCoords <- function(xy) {
		if (asp > 1) {
			list(x = bbx[1] + xy$x/asp * (bbx[3] - bbx[1]),
				 y = bbx[2] + xy$y * (bbx[4] - bbx[2]))
		} else {
			list(x = bbx[1] + xy$x * (bbx[3] - bbx[1]),
				 y = bbx[2] + xy$y * asp * (bbx[4] - bbx[2]))
	xy <- grDevices::xy.coords(x, y, recycle = TRUE)
	z <- toUnityCoords(xy)
	x2 <- z$x
	y2 <- z$y
	# CHANGED: width and height are specified by user
	if (asp > 1) {
		w2 <- ((w) / (bbx[3] - bbx[1])) * asp
		h2 <- ((h) / (bbx[4] - bbx[2]))
	} else {
		w2 <- ((w) / (bbx[3] - bbx[1]))
		h2 <- ((h) / (bbx[4] - bbx[2])) / asp

	xs = c(x2 - w2/2, x2 + w2 / 2, x2 + w2 / 2, x2 - w2 / 2, x2 - w2/2)
	ys = c(y2 - h2/2, y2 - h2 / 2, y2 + h2 / 2, y2 + h2 / 2, y2 - h2/2)
	a <- atan2(h2, w2)
	#as <- as.vector(vapply(a, function(a)c(a,pi-a, pi+a,-a), numeric(4)))
	as <- as.vector(vapply(a, function(a)c(a,pi-a, pi+a,-a), numeric(4)))
	as2 <- as + rep(angles * pi / 180, each=4)
	dst <- rep(sqrt((w2/2)^2+(h2/2)^2), each=4)
	xs2 <- rep(x2, each=4) + cos(as2) * dst
	ys2 <- rep(y2, each=4) + sin(as2) * dst
	id <- rep(1:length(x), each=4)
	#w2 <- w + (h-w) * abs(cos(angles*pi/180))
	#h2 <- h + (w-h) * abs(sin(angles*pi/180))
	z2 <- grDevices::xy.coords(xs2, ys2, recycle = TRUE)
	xy2 <- toUserCoords(z2)
	list(poly=polygonGrob(unit(xy2$x, "native"), grid::unit(xy2$y, "native"), id=id, gp=rg$gp))
	#list(poly=rectGrob(unit(x, "native"), unit(y, "native"), width = unit(w, "native"), height=unit(h, "native"), gp = rg$gp))

.get_direction_angle <- function(co) {
	p1 <- co[1,]
	p2 <- co[nrow(co),]
	a <- atan2(p2[2] - p1[2], p2[1] - p1[1]) * 180 / pi
	if (a < 0) a <- a + 360

.editGrob <- function(tg, sel, shiftX, shiftY, angles) {
	nt <- length(sel)
	angles <- rep(angles, length.out=nt)
	if (any(angles != 0)) {
		if (inherits(tg, "rect")) {
			tg <- .rectGrob2pathGrob(tg, angles)$poly
	tgx <- convertX(tg$x, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
	tgy <- convertY(tg$y, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
	if (inherits(tg, "polygon")) {
		sel4 <- rep(sel, each=4)
		tg$x <- unit(tgx + rep(shiftX, each=4), "native")[sel4]
		tg$y <- unit(tgy + rep(shiftY, each=4), "native")[sel4]
		tg$id <- rep(1:sum(sel), each=4)
	} else {
		tg$x <- unit(tgx + shiftX, "native")[sel]
		tg$y <- unit(tgy + shiftY, "native")[sel]
		if (inherits(tg, "rect")) {
			tg$height <- tg$height[sel]
			tg$width <- tg$width[sel]
		} else if (inherits(tg, "text")) {
			tg$label <- tg$label[sel]
			tg$rot <- angles[sel]
	tg$gp <- do.call("gpar", lapply(unclass(tg$gp)[names(tg$gp)!="font"], function(g) {
		if (length(g)==nt) g[sel] else g
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.