
Defines functions mcmc.out

Documented in mcmc.out

#' Summarize, analyze and plot key MCMC output.
#' Makes four panel plot showing trace plots, moving average, autocorrelations,
#' and densities for chosen parameters from MCMC output.
#' @param directory Directory where all results are located, one level above
#' directory for particular run.
#' @param run Directory with files from a particular run.
#' @template file
#' @templateVar file_t posteriors
#' @param namefile The (optional) file name of the dimension and names of
#' posteriors.
#' @param names Read in names file (T) or use generic naming (F).
#' @param headernames Use the names in the header of `file`?
#' @param numparams The number of parameters to analyze.
#' @param closeall By default close all open devices.
#' @param burn Optional burn-in value to apply on top of the option in the
#' starter file and [SSgetMCMC()].
#' @param thin Optional thinning value to apply on top of the option in the
#' starter file, in the `-mcsave` runtime command, and in
#' [SSgetMCMC()].
#' @param scatter Can add a scatter-plot of all params at end, default is none.
#' @param surface Add a surface plot of 2-way correlations.
#' @param surf1 The first parameter for the surface plot.
#' @param surf2 The second parameter for the surface plot.
#' @param stats Print stats if desired.
#' @param plots Show plots or not.
#' @param header Data file with header?
#' @param sep Separator for data file passed to the `read.table` function.
#' @param print Send to screen unless asked to print.
#' @param new Logical whether or not to open a new plot window before plotting
#' @param colNames Specific names of the `file` to extract and work with. `NULL`
#'   keeps all columns
#' @author Ian Stewart, Allan Hicks (modifications)
#' @return `directory`, because this function is used for its plotting side effects
#' @export
#' @seealso [mcmc.nuisance()], [SSgetMCMC()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mcmc.df <- SSgetMCMC(
#'   dir = "mcmcRun", writecsv = T,
#'   keystrings = c("NatM", "R0", "steep", "Q_extraSD"),
#'   nuisancestrings = c("Objective_function", "SSB_", "InitAge", "RecrDev")
#' )
#' mcmc.out("mcmcRun", run = "", numparams = 4, closeall = F)
#' # Or for more control
#' par(mar = c(5, 3.5, 0, 0.5), oma = c(0, 2.5, 0.2, 0))
#' mcmc.out("mcmcRun",
#'   run = "",
#'   numparams = 1,
#'   closeall = F,
#'   new = F,
#'   colNames = c("NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1")
#' )
#' mtext("M (natural mortality)", side = 2, outer = T, line = 1.5, cex = 1.1)
#' }
mcmc.out <- function(directory = "c:/mydirectory/",
                     run = "mymodel/",
                     file = "keyposteriors.csv",
                     namefile = "postplotnames.sso",
                     names = FALSE,
                     headernames = TRUE,
                     numparams = 1,
                     closeall = TRUE,
                     burn = 0,
                     thin = 1,
                     scatter = FALSE,
                     surface = FALSE,
                     surf1 = 1,
                     surf2 = 2,
                     stats = FALSE,
                     plots = TRUE,
                     header = TRUE,
                     sep = ",",
                     print = FALSE,
                     new = T,
                     colNames = NULL)
  # add section to set up for printing or display to screen (default)
  if (print == TRUE) {} # not implemented

  if (closeall == TRUE) { # see if the user asked to retain open graphics devices
    # useful to compare multiple runs
    ### Note: the following line has been commented out because it was identified
    ###       by Brian Ripley as "against CRAN policies".
    # rm(.SavedPlots,pos=1)                                      # remove any plotting history

  filename <- file.path(directory, run, file) # put directory,run and file names together for use
  # warning if file does not exist
  if (!file.exists(filename)) {
    stop("file doesn't exist:\n", filename)

  mcmcdata <- read.table(filename, # make data table of whole file
    header = header, # choice of header or not
    sep = sep, # space delimited
    fill = TRUE
  ) # fill empty cells to make a symmetrical array

  #### Naming section ####
  if (names == TRUE) {
    nameout <- file.path(directory, run, namefile) # put directory,run and file names together for use
    namedata <- read.table(nameout, # make data table of whole file
      header = FALSE, # no headers
      sep = "", # space delimited
      colClasses = "character", # don't convert to factors
      fill = TRUE
    ) # fill empty cells to make a symmetrical array

    numparams <- as.numeric(namedata[1, 1]) # get the dimension of the output

    # add names to the data table, only used in the scatterplot of all parameters
    for (j in 1:numparams) { # loop over the moveparam columns
      names(mcmcdata)[j] <- namedata[(j + 1), 1] # name each column

  if (!is.null(colNames)) {
    if (length(colNames) != numparams) {
      warning("numparams argument overidden by length of colNames argument")
    numparams <- length(colNames)
    mcmcdata <- mcmcdata[, colNames]
    if (length(colNames) == 1) {
      mcmcdata <- data.frame(mcmcdata)
      names(mcmcdata) <- colNames

  ##### change to mcmc object for coda #####
  mcmcfirst <- mcmc(mcmcdata) # make the mcmc object from the data table
  mcmctemp <- window(mcmcfirst, thin = thin, start = (1 + burn)) # thin the chain  and remove burn in
  mcthinned <- as.matrix(mcmctemp) # get rid of iteration labels
  mcmcobject <- mcmc(mcthinned) # send back to mcmc object

  draws <- length(mcmcobject[, 1]) # define the post thinning and burn in length of the chain

  ##### plotting section #####
  if (plots == TRUE) { # have plots been activated by user
    if (new) dev.new(record = TRUE) # keep the window open for each parameter
    if (numparams == 5 || numparams == 9 || numparams == 13 || numparams == 17) { # plots a blank plot if 5,9,13, or 17 plots created
      # this avoids the loss of plot n-1 in history (is this an R bug??)
      plot(0, 0,
        xlab = "",
        ylab = "",
        frame.plot = FALSE,
        yaxt = "n", # turn off this axis
        xaxt = "n",
        type = "n"
      ) # plot nothing

    for (i in 1:numparams) { # loop over the number of parameters
        new = FALSE, # make sure to use a new graphical window
        mfrow = c(2, 2), # set up "cells" to graph into
        ann = TRUE
      ) # annotate plots

      ##### Trace plot section #####
      traceplot(mcmcobject[, i], # trace plot of parameters
        smooth = TRUE
      ) # add a smoothing line
      mtext("Value", # label for y-axis
        side = 2, # place it on left of the graph
        line = 3, # set the distance above the graph
        font = 1, # make the font regular
        cex = 0.8
      ) # scale the text size

      if (names | headernames) {
        mtext(names(mcmcdata)[i], # label for whole plotting page
          side = 3, # place it on left of the graph
          adj = 0, # left adjust the text
          line = 2, # set the distance above the graph
          font = 2, # make the font regular
          cex = 1
        ) # scale the text size
      } else {
        mtext(paste("param", i), # label for whole plotting page
          side = 3, # place it on left of the graph
          adj = 0, # left adjust the text
          line = 2, # set the distance above the graph
          font = 2, # make the font regular
          cex = 1
        ) # scale the text size

      #### Cumulative plot section ####
      lowest <- min(mcmcobject[, i]) # minimum value in chain
      highest <- max(mcmcobject[, i]) # maximum value in chain, for graphing
      plot(c(seq(1, draws, by = 1)), # the x values
        c(lowest, rep(c(highest), (draws - 1))), # the y values
        xlab = "Iterations",
        ylab = "",
        yaxt = "n", # turn off this axis
        type = "n"
      ) # plot nothing

      if (!requireNamespace("gtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
        warning("Package \"gtools\" needed for the running average plot. Please install it.",
          call. = FALSE
      } else {
        lines(gtools::running(mcmcobject[, i],
          fun = median, # plot the mean
          allow.fewer = TRUE, # begin calculating from the first point
          width = draws
        )) # Averages the last - observations (all in this case)

        fun <- function(x, prob) quantile(x, probs = prob, names = FALSE) # the quantile to use in next 2 lines

          gtools::running(mcmcobject[, i],
            fun = fun, # function to use
            prob = 0.05,
            allow.fewer = TRUE, # begin calculating from the first point
            width = draws
          col = "GREY"
          gtools::running(mcmcobject[, i],
            fun = fun, # function to use
            prob = 0.95,
            allow.fewer = TRUE, # begin calculating from the first point
            width = draws
          col = "GREY"
      } # end temporary turning off
      #### Autocorrelation plot section ####
      par(ann = FALSE) # turn off default annotation
      autocorr.plot(mcmcobject[, i],
        auto.layout = FALSE, # do not make a new graph sheet
        lag.max = 20, # set the maximum lag
        ask = FALSE
      ) # do not require prompt to move through plots
      mtext("Autocorrelation", # label for y-axis
        side = 2, # place it on left of the graph
        line = 3, # set the distance above the graph
        font = 1, # make the font regular
        cex = 0.8
      ) # scale the text size
      mtext("Lag", # label for y-axis
        side = 1, # place it on left of the graph
        line = 3, # set the distance above the graph
        font = 1, # make the font regular
        cex = 0.8
      ) # scale the text size
      lines(seq(1, 20, by = 1), rep(0.1, 20), col = "GREY") # plot the 0.1 line
      lines(seq(1, 20, by = 1), rep(-0.1, 20), col = "GREY") # plot the -0.1 line

      ##### Density plot section #####
      densplot(mcmcobject[, i],
        show.obs = TRUE
      ) # show the x axis
      mtext("Density", # label for y-axis
        side = 2, # place it on left of the graph
        line = 3, # set the distance above the graph
        font = 1, # make the font regular
        cex = 0.8
      ) # scale the text size
      mtext("Value", # label for y-axis
        side = 1, # place it on left of the graph
        line = 3, # set the distance above the graph
        font = 1, # make the font regular
        cex = 0.8
      ) # scale the text size
    } # end parameter loop
  } # end plotting loop

  #### Statistics section #####
  if (stats == TRUE) {
    dev.new() # opens a new graphics device
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 3, 0)) # makes the margins large
    plot(0, # plot a graph of a single point
      ylab = "", # label the y-axis for whole screen
      xlab = "", # label the x-axis for whole screen
      type = "n", # plot nothing in the graph
      xlim = c(0, 25),
      ylim = c(0, 25),
      main = "Summary statistics for key parameters", # label the output
      axes = FALSE
    ) # do not plot the axis

    # set up the titles
    text(0.001, # the x-axis location
      25, # the y-axis location
      "Parameter", # what to write
      font = 2, # bold font
      cex = 0.9, # font size
      adj = 0
    text(4, # the x-axis location
      25, # the y-axis location
      "Median (0.05-0.95)", # what to write
      font = 2, # bold font
      cex = 0.9, # font size
      adj = 0
    text(13, # the x-axis location
      25, # the y-axis location
      "AC Lag 1", # what to write
      font = 2, # bold font
      cex = 0.9, # font size
      adj = 0
    text(16.5, # the x-axis location
      25, # the y-axis location
      "Eff. N", # what to write
      font = 2, # bold font
      cex = 0.9, # font size
      adj = 0
    text(19, # the x-axis location
      25, # the y-axis location
      "Geweke-Z", # what to write
      font = 2, # bold font
      cex = 0.9, # font size
      adj = 0
    text(22.5, # the x-axis location
      25, # the y-axis location
      "Heidel-W", # what to write
      font = 2, # bold font
      cex = 0.9, # font size
      adj = 0

    # loop over parameters and fill in the values
    for (i in 1:numparams)
      text(0, # the x-axis location
        (25 - i), # the y-axis location
        paste("param", i), # what to write
        font = 1, # normal font
        cex = 0.9, # font size
        adj = 0
      ) # make the text left-aligned

      med <- quantile(mcmcobject[, i], probs = 0.5, names = FALSE)
      range <- quantile(mcmcobject[, i], probs = c(0.05, 0.95), names = FALSE)
      text(3.2, 25 - i,
          signif(round(med, 6), 6),
            signif(round(range[1], 6), 6),
            signif(round(range[2], 6), 6)
        font = 1, cex = 0.9, adj = 0

      l1.ac <- acf(mcmcobject[, i], lag.max = 1, type = "correlation", plot = F)
      acoruse <- round(l1.ac[["acf"]][2], 6)
      text(13, 25 - i, acoruse, font = 1, cex = 0.9, adj = 0)

      effsize <- effectiveSize(mcmcobject[, i])
      text(16.5, 25 - i, round(min(effsize, draws), 0), font = 1, cex = 0.9, adj = 0)

      if (acoruse > 0.4) {
        gewuse <- "None"
      if (acoruse <= 0.4) {
        geweke <- geweke.diag(mcmcobject[, i], frac1 = 0.1, frac2 = 0.5)
        gewuse <- round(geweke[["z"]], 3)
      text(19, 25 - i, gewuse, font = 1, cex = 0.9, adj = 0)

      if (acoruse > 0.4) {
        send <- "None"
      if (acoruse <= 0.4) {
        hw <- as.list(heidel.diag(mcmcobject[, i], pvalue = 0.05))
        if (hw[1] == 0) {
          send <- "Failed"
        if (hw[1] == 1) {
          send <- "Passed"
      text(22.5, 25 - i, send, font = 1, cex = 0.9, adj = 0)
    } # close the parameter loop
  } # end stats statement

  ##### Scatter plot section #####
  if (scatter == TRUE) {
    par(xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n") # suppress the axis labels
    pairs(mcmcdata[1:numparams], # make the scatterplot
      cex = 0.1,
      gap = 0
  } # end the scatter loop

  ##### Surface plot section #####
  # note: depends on gplots which is no longer installed by default
  if (surface == TRUE) {
    par(new = FALSE) # use a new window
    gplots::hist2d(mcmcobject[, surf1], # x data as a vector
      mcmcobject[, surf2], # y data as a vector
      nbins = 100,
      na.rm = TRUE,
      xlab = paste("parameter", surf1),
      ylab = paste("parameter", surf2),
      show = TRUE, # make figure or not
      col = c("GREY", topo.colors(20))
  } # close surface plot loop'
} # end function
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.