spp_master: Master Species-Level Data

Description Usage Format Details See Also


Master data set of species time series related to colonization, extinction, richness, MSOM results, and environmental values.






reg character region code
spp character species scientific name
year integer sampling year
detect_mu numeric mean of posterior of species-specific detection parameter for the current year-model
detect_sd numeric standard deviation of posterior of species-specific detection parameter
col integer 0 or 1, 1 indicates that the species colonized the region this year (was absent in previou sampling year)
ext integer 0 or 1, 1 indicates that the species will be absent in following sampling year
present integer 0 or 1, 1 indicates that the species is present in the region in current year
now_ext integer 0 or 1, 1 indicates that the species is absent this year, but was present in previous sampling year
cumm_yrs_pres integer number of sampling years that the species has been seen up to (and including) this year
consec_yrs_pres integer number of consecutive sampling years that the species has been observed
yrs_since_1st integer number of sampling events (including current) since species was first observed
ext_dist, ext_dist_sign, ext_dist_samp integer (possibly numeric) see event_distance; _samp is sampling years elapsed, others are actual years elapsed
propStrata numeric proportion of strata that the species was observed to occupy in current sampling year
bt_ann numeric cross-stratum average of bottom temperature in current sampling year; not a species-specific value (is same for all species in that region-year)
has_stretches logical indicates whether or not this spp-year-reg is part of a stretch of presences that is flanked (on at least 1 side) by an absence
stretch_id, hybrid_part integer see event_stretches
stretch_type character "post_col" for post-colonization stretch, "pre_ext" for pre-extinction stretch
event_year integer the year of the closest absence, all years in the same stretch have the same event_year
stretch_length integer number of sampling years included in the current stretch
bt_opt, bt_tol, prob_max numeric optimum bottom temperature and bottom temperature tolerance; presence probability at optimum (see response_metrics)
depth_base_opt numeric median depth of strata that are in the top 95% of strata ranked by estimated probabilities of occurrence for the species; needed so that prob_max can be calculated, as depth needs to be part of the intercept
btemp_ODS numeric ODS is optimal depth strata; average bottom temperature in the strata used in depth_base_opt
nODS integer number of ODS
bt_opt_avg, bt_tol_avg, detect_mu_avg numeric cross-year average of this species' (in this region) bt_opt, bt_tol, detect_mu
ce_categ character colonization/extinction category; neither means present every year, colonizer means colonized only, leaver means went extinct only, both means has both types of events

See Also

comm_master, mapDat

rBatt/trawlDiversity documentation built on Aug. 14, 2021, 1:01 p.m.