
Defines functions getRainEventData

Documented in getRainEventData

#' Get rain event of a landslide
#' This function calcuates different precipitation characteristics for a specific time-series:
#' total precipitation, number of rainfall events, weighted mean intensitiy of rainfall events (normalized by MAP, RD or RDN),
#' cumulative critical event rainfall (normalized by MAP, RD or RDN), maximum rainfall during critical rainfall event,
#' duration of critical rainfall event, critical rainfall intensitiy (normalized by MAP, RD or RDN), rainfall at day of failure (start date),
#' rainfall intensity at day of failure (start date), maximum rainfall at day of failure (start date).
#' @param x vector containing precipitation
#' @param dates vector containing dates. The length of dates must be similar to the length of x. Default: NULL
#' @param timesteps time period or length of observation. The rev(x) and rev(dates) are subsetted to this length according to date.of.failure if set. I.e. 24 for hourly or 1 for daily data. Default: NULL
#' @param date.of.failure date of failure. If set data is subsetted to this date. Must be of class "POSIXct" or "POSIXt". Default: NULL
#' @param sub.RainEvent examine potential sub-rain-events of critical rainfall event. Default: TRUE
#' @param all.RainEvent if TRUE, all rain events in data are extracted. By setting this option, no critival rain event metrics are computed. Default: FALSE
#' @param cumu.RainFall vector containing time intervals for cumulative rainfall. I.e. c(24, 48, 96) for 1, 2 and 4 days aggregation. Default: NULL
#' @param return.DataFrame only the rain events are returned as a data.frame. Default: FALSE
#' @param S1.rainThresh isolated rainfall measurements below this thresholds are removed in the first step. Default: 0.2
#' @param S3.rainThresh exclusion of irrelevant rainfall sub-events under and equal to this threshold (third step). Default: 1 [mm]
#' @param S1.rainOffLength dry periods between isolated rain events in the first step. Default: c(3, 6) (hours). When dates is NULL, then the smallest values is used for separation.
#' @param S2.rainOffLength dry periods between rainfall sub-events in the second step. Default: c(6, 12) (hours). When dates is NULL, then the smallest values is used for separation.
#' @param S4.rainOffLength dry periods between rainfall sub-events in the second step. Default: c(48, 96) (hours). When dates is NULL, then the smallest values is used for separation.
#' @param RD average number of rainy days in a year, proxy for locate climate conditions. Default: NULL
#' @param MAP mean annual precipitation, the long-term yearly average precipitation, see CRU - climate research units for number. Default: NULL
#' @param RDN a climatic index that provides better description (or proxy) than the MAP for the occurence of extreme storm events (Guzzetti et al. 2006: 247). Default: MAP/RD
#' @param index.month.warm.season month indices of the warm season. First element is start, and second element represents the end (all including). Only relevant when dates are set. Default: c(4, 10) (including April, including Ocotober)
#' @param force.limit Usefull for standard output, if result is type list. Must be integer number of specific size. If result is smaller, than results gets filled with NA, otherwise cut to this size. Default: NULL
#' @return
#' vector containing rainfall metrics (see description). If return.DataFrame is TRUE a data.frame is returned containing similar
#' rain metrics for all rain events.
#' @note
#' \itemize{
#'   \item thresholds are oriented at hourly data
#'   \item timesteps with precipitation equal 0 are included (see Melillo et al. 2015: 314)
#'   \item Guzzetti, F., Peruccacci, S., Rossi, M., & Stark, C. P. (2007). Rainfall thresholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and atmospheric physics, 98(3-4), 239-267.
#'   \item Rossi, M., Luciani, S., Valigi, D., Kirschbaum, D., Brunetti, M. T., Peruccacci, S., & Guzzetti, F. (2017). Statistical approaches for the definition of landslide rainfall thresholds and their uncertainty using rain gauge and satellite data. Geomorphology, 285, 16-27.
#'   \item Melillo, M., Brunetti, M. T., Peruccacci, S., Gariano, S. L., & Guzzetti, F. (2015). An algorithm for the objective reconstruction of rainfall events responsible for landslides. Landslides, 12(2), 311-320.
#' }
#' @keywords rainfall tresholds, rainfall event, landslide, rainfall metrics
#' @export
getRainEventData <- function(x, dates = NULL, timesteps = NULL, date.of.failure = NULL, sub.RainEvent = TRUE, all.RainEvent = FALSE, cumu.RainFall = NULL, return.DataFrame = FALSE,
                             S1.rainThresh = 0.2, S3.rainThresh = 1, S1.rainOffLength = c(3, 6), S2.rainOffLength = c(6, 12), S4.rainOffLength = c(48, 96),
                             RD = NULL, MAP = NULL, RDN = MAP/RD, index.month.warm.season = c(4, 10), force.limit = NULL)

  stop("Function is deprecated! Use RainSlide::CTRL instead! \n")
  # # # # # # # # # CHECK POTENTIAL ERRORS # # # # # # # # #

    if(!is.null(timesteps) || !is.null(date.of.failure) || is.null(cumu.RainFall))
      warnings('The function parameters "timesteps", "date.of.failure", and "cumu.RainFall" are set to NULL')

      timesteps <- NULL
      date.of.failure <- NULL
      cumu.RainFall <- NULL
  } #  end of if all.RainEvent

  if(!is.null(dates) && length(dates) != length(x))
    stop('Length of "x" and "dates" must be identical')

  if(length(index.month.warm.season) != 2 | max(index.month.warm.season) > 12 | min(index.month.warm.season) < 1)
    Stop('Function argument "index.month.warm.season" is wrongly defined')

  # if(type != "daily" & type != "hourly")
  # {
  #   stop('"type"must be either "daily" or "hourly"')
  # }

  if(S1.rainThresh < 0 | S3.rainThresh < 0)
    stop('"rainThresh" must be a positive value')

  if(length(S1.rainOffLength) > 2)
    stop('"rainOffLength" should contain maximum 2 elements')

  if(length(which(S1.rainOffLength < 0)) > 0 | length(which(S2.rainOffLength < 0)) > 0 | length(which(S4.rainOffLength < 0)) > 0)
    stop('"rainOffLength" thresholds must contain positive numbers')

  if((!is.null(RD) && RD == 0) | (!is.null(MAP) && MAP == 0))
    stop('"RD" or "MAP" are nor allowed to be "0"')

  if(!is.null(date.of.failure) && class(date.of.failure)[1] != "POSIXct" & class(date.of.failure)[1] != "POSIXt")
    stop('Date of failure must be of class POSIXct or POSIXt')

  if(!is.null(timesteps) && (length(timesteps) > 1 | timesteps[1] < 0 | length(x) < timesteps[1]))
    stop('Something wrong in "timesteps". Only a single positive integer number is accepted, which is equal or smaller to "x"')

  if(!is.null(cumu.RainFall) && (length(which(cumu.RainFall <= 0)) > 0 | max(cumu.RainFall) > length(x)))
    stop('The calculation of cumulative rainfall should have at least have 1 time step intervall indicating by positive integer numbers.
         In addition, the cumulative rainfall should not exceeded the length of the precipitation vector')

  if(!is.null(force.limit) && class(force.limit) != "numeric")
    stop('function parameter "force.limit" must be of class "numeric"')

  # # # # # # # # # START ALGORITHM # # # # # # # # #

  # reverse x, meaning that precipitation before event is at first position
  x <- rev(x)
  x.input <- x

  # reverse dates
  dates <- rev(dates)

  ## subset data to date of failure
      # get subset indices
      DoF.sub <- which(dates <= date.of.failure)

      # subset dates
      dates <- dates[DoF.sub]

      # subset precipitation
      x <- x[DoF.sub]
    } else{
      warning('date of failure is set, but no dates avaiable. Therefore, subsetting is skipped')

  ## subset data to timesteps
    if(timesteps > length(x))
      stop("After subsetting data to the date of failure, there are more timesteps than data")

    # subset precipitation
    x <- x[1:timesteps]

    # subset dates
    if(!is.null(dates)){dates <- dates[1:timesteps]}

  if(!is.null(cumu.RainFall) && any(timesteps < cumu.RainFall))
    stop('The time intervall for cumulative rain fall exceeded timesteps')

  ## extract months of dates and extent dates
  ## align thresholds
    # get months of date
    dates <- list(dates, as.numeric(format(dates, "%m")))
  } else {
    S1.rainOffLength <- min(S1.rainOffLength) # threshold of first step
    S2.rainOffLength <- min(S2.rainOffLength) # threshold of second step
    S4.rainOffLength <- min(S4.rainOffLength) # threshold of fourth step

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  ## Step 1: Detection and exclusion of isolated rainfall measurements --------------------------
  # ... find isolated rainfall (rainThresh must be fix to 0)
  S1.isolRF <- findRainFallPosition(x = x, dates = dates, rainThresh = c(0, 0), rainOffLength = S1.rainOffLength,
                                    op.rainThresh = ">", op.rainOffLength = "<=",
                                    index.month.warm.season = index.month.warm.season)

  # ... set irrelevant rainfall depening on threshold to 0
  x[S1.isolRF[which(x[S1.isolRF] <= S1.rainThresh)]] <- 0 # THRESHOLD MUST BE DEFINED!!!!!!

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  ## Step 2: Identification of rainfall sub-events ----------------------------------------------
  S2.DryPeriods <- findRainFallPosition(x = x, dates = dates, rainThresh = c(0,0), rainOffLength = S2.rainOffLength,
                                        op.rainThresh = "==", op.rainOffLength = ">=",
                                        index.month.warm.season = index.month.warm.season)
  S2.RainEvents <- findRainEvent(x = x, x.pos.dryPeriods = S2.DryPeriods)

  # ... sum of precipitation of sub-rain-events
  S2.RE.sum <- sapply(X = S2.RainEvents, FUN = function(X, precip) {
    sum(precip[X], na.rm = TRUE)
  }, precip = x)

  # ... duration of sub-rain-events
  # S2.RE.dur <- sapply(X = S2.RainEvents, FUN = length) # DO WE NEED THIS?

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  ## Step 3: Exclusion if irrelevant rainfall sub-events ----------------------------------------
  S3.RainEvents <- S2.RainEvents[which(S2.RE.sum > S3.rainThresh)]
  S3.RE.exclusion <- unlist(S2.RainEvents[which(S2.RE.sum <= S3.rainThresh)])

  # ... set rainfall to 0
  x[S3.RE.exclusion] <- 0

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  ## Step 4/5: Identification of rainfall events --------------------------------------------------
  S4.DryPeriods <- findRainFallPosition(x = x, dates = dates, rainThresh = c(0,0), rainOffLength = S4.rainOffLength,
                                        op.rainThresh = "==", op.rainOffLength = ">=",
                                        index.month.warm.season = index.month.warm.season)
  S4.RainEvents <- findRainEvent(x = x, x.pos.dryPeriods = S4.DryPeriods)

  ## ... get rainfall metrics
  # general
  precip.tot <- sum(x.input, na.rm = TRUE)
  names(precip.tot) <- "sum_total"

  res <- precip.tot

  ## ... check if there is precipitation in the data
  if(precip.tot == 0)
    flag.zero <- TRUE
  } else {
    flag.zero <- FALSE

  # cumulative rainfall
    precip.cum <- sapply(X = cumu.RainFall, function(X, precip){sum(precip[1:X], na.rm = TRUE)}, precip = x)
    names(precip.cum) <- paste0("sum_cumu_", cumu.RainFall)

    res <- c(res, precip.cum)

    # all rain event data
    cERM <- calcEventRainfallMetrics(x = x, dates = dates, list.RainEvents = S4.RainEvents, modus = "sub", RD = RD, MAP = MAP, RDN = RDN)

    # ... gsub s in names
    names(cERM) <- gsub(pattern = "^(s)", replacement = "", x = names(cERM))

  } else {
    # critical rain event
    cERM <- calcEventRainfallMetrics(x = x, dates = dates, list.RainEvents = S4.RainEvents, modus = "main", RD = RD, MAP = MAP, RDN = RDN)


  # merge
  res <- c(res, cERM)

  # fill infinitve values with NAs
    res[is.infinite(res)] <- NA

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  ## Step 6: Rainfall measurements for events with landslides --------------------------------------------------

  if(sub.RainEvent & !flag.zero)

      # ... find all sub events
      cERM.S6.SubEvents <- lapply(X = 1:length(S4.RainEvents), FUN = function(i, S4RE, S3RE, precip, dates, RD, MAP, RDN)

          # browser()
          # ... get max and min index
          # ... ... find nearest min index
          S3RE.minIndices <- sapply(X = S3RE, FUN = min)
          S4RE.minIndex.pos <- unname(which.min(abs(S3RE.minIndices - min(S4RE[[i]]))))

          S4RE.minIndex <- min(S3RE[[S4RE.minIndex.pos]])
          S4RE.maxIndex <- max(S4RE[[i]])

          # ... check for sub-rainfall events
          S6SRE.check.min <- sapply(X = S3RE, FUN = function(x, minIndex){min(x) >= minIndex}, minIndex = S4RE.minIndex)
          S6SRE.check.max <- sapply(X = S3RE, FUN = function(x, maxIndex){max(x) <= maxIndex}, maxIndex = S4RE.maxIndex)
          S6SE <- S3RE[which(S6SRE.check.min & S6SRE.check.max)]

          # ... calculate rainfall metrics
          cERM.sub <- calcEventRainfallMetrics(x = precip, dates = dates, list.RainEvents = S6SE, modus = "sub", RD = RD, MAP = MAP, RDN = RDN)
          names(cERM.sub) <- paste0(names(cERM.sub), "_", stringr::str_pad(string = i, width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0")) # naming


      }, S3RE = S3.RainEvents, S4RE = S4.RainEvents, precip = x, dates = dates, RD = RD, MAP = MAP, RDN = RDN)

      res <- c(res, unlist(cERM.S6.SubEvents))

      # ... flatten list
      # S6.SubEvents.fl <- unlist(S6.SubEvents, recursive = FALSE)
      # S6.SubEvents.Names <- gsub(pattern = "\\." , replacement = "_" , names(S6.SubEvents.fl))

      # ... calculate sub-event rainfall metrics
      # cERM.sub <- calcEventRainfallMetrics(x = x, dates = dates, list.RainEvents =  S6.SubEvents.fl, modus = "sub", RD = RD, MAP = MAP, RDN = RDN)

      # ... rename items
      # cERM.sub.NumNames <- paste0(paste0(c(1:length(S4.RainEvents)), "_"), unlist(sapply(X = 1:length(S6.SubEvents.LenName), FUN = function(x, n){rep(x, n[x])}, n = S6.SubEvents.LenName)))

    } else {

        ## ... find sub-events of critical rainfall event
        # get largest index of first rain event
        S4.RainEvents.maxIndex <- max(S4.RainEvents[[1]])

        # ... check for sub-rainfall events
        S6.SubEvents.check <- sapply(X = S3.RainEvents, FUN = function(x, maxIndex){max(x) <= maxIndex}, maxIndex = S4.RainEvents.maxIndex)
        S6.SubEvents <- S3.RainEvents[which(S6.SubEvents.check)]

        # if(length(S6.SubEvents) > 1) # > 1, because 1 would be similar to the critical rainfall event
        # {
          cERM.sub <- calcEventRainfallMetrics(x = x, dates = dates, list.RainEvents = S6.SubEvents, modus = "sub", RD = RD, MAP = MAP, RDN = RDN)
          res <- c(res, cERM.sub)
        # }
    } # end of if(all.RainEvent)
  } # end if sub.RainEvent

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  ## Return data --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # browser()

    # if(sub.RainEvent && length(S6.SubEvents) > 1)
    if(sub.RainEvent & !flag.zero)
        # ... remove of first two items: "sum_total", "RE_number", "RE_weightIntensity"
        # remove items
        res <- res[!names(res) %in% c("sum_total", "RE_number", "RE_weightIntensity",
                                      "RE_weightIntensity_MAP", "RE_weightIntensity_RD", "RE_weightIntensity_RDN")]

        # ... get and remove number of sub-events
        extr.sRENum.pos <- grep(pattern = "sRE_number_.", x = names(res)) # ... get positions
        extr.sRENum <- res[extr.sRENum.pos] # ... get number of sub events
        res <- res[-extr.sRENum.pos] # remove this variable from results

        extr.sREWeight.pos <- grep(pattern = "sRE_weightIntensity_.", x = names(res)) # ... get positions
        extr.sREWeight <- res[extr.sREWeight.pos] # ... get number of sub events
        res <- res[-extr.sREWeight.pos] # remove this variable from results

        # ... ... create data.frame for weighted Intensity
        sREWeight.ColName <- unique(gsub(pattern = "_[[:digit:]].*", replacement = "", x = names(extr.sREWeight)))
        sREWeight.df <- data.frame(matrix(extr.sREWeight, ncol = length(sREWeight.ColName)))
        colnames(sREWeight.df) <- sREWeight.ColName

        # ... get start indices of sub-events
        startSub <- grep(pattern = "sRE_sum_01.", x = names(res))[1]

        # ... create main data frame
        # ... ... names
        res.df.main.ColName <- names(res)[1:(startSub-1)] # get names
        res.df.main.ColName <- unique(gsub(pattern = "_[[:digit:]].*", replacement = "", x = res.df.main.ColName)) # adapt colnames

        # ... ... data.frame
        res.df.main <- data.frame(matrix(res[1:(startSub-1)], ncol = ((startSub-1)/length(S4.RainEvents))))
        colnames(res.df.main) <- res.df.main.ColName # re-name columns
        res.df.main$sRE_number <- extr.sRENum # add number of sub-events
        res.df.main <- cbind(res.df.main, sREWeight.df) # weightesIntensitiy data.frame
        res.df.main$ID <- c(1:nrow(res.df.main))*100 # id for ordering later

        # ... create sub data frame
        # ... ... names
        res.df.sub.ColName.all <- names(res)[startSub:length(res)] # get names
        res.df.sub.ColName <- unique(gsub(pattern = "^s|_[[:digit:]].*", replacement = "", x = res.df.sub.ColName.all)) # adapt colnames

        res.df.sub.ColName.order <- lapply(X = res.df.sub.ColName, FUN = function(x, all.n, startSub){
                                return(grep(pattern = x, x = all.n) + startSub -1)
                            }, all.n = res.df.sub.ColName.all, startSub = startSub) %>% unlist(.)

        # ... ... data.frame
        res.df.sub <- data.frame(matrix(res[res.df.sub.ColName.order], ncol = ((startSub-1)/length(S4.RainEvents)))) # startSub:length(res)
        colnames(res.df.sub) <- res.df.sub.ColName # re-name columns
        res.df.sub$ID <- unlist(sapply(X = 1:length(extr.sRENum), FUN = function(i, x){i*100 + seq(1:extr.sRENum[i])}, x = extr.sRENum)) # get ID variables

        # ... row-bind data frames
        res.df <- dplyr::bind_rows(res.df.main, res.df.sub)

        # re-order data.frame based on ID
        res.df <- res.df[with(res.df, order(ID)), ]
        row.names(res.df)[which(!is.na(res.df$sRE_number))] <- paste0("RE_", res.df[which(!is.na(res.df$sRE_number)), ]$ID)
        row.names(res.df)[which(is.na(res.df$sRE_number))] <- paste0("sRE_", res.df[which(is.na(res.df$sRE_number)), ]$ID)

        # ... finally remove ID
        res.df$ID <- NULL

      } else {

          # get main event items
          items <- c("sRE_number", "sRE_weightIntensity", "sRE_weightIntensity_MAP", "sRE_weightIntensity_RD", "sRE_weightIntensity_RDN",
                     "sum_total", names(res)[grep(pattern = "sum_cumu", names(res))], "RE_total",
                     "RE_number", "RE_weightIntensity", "RE_weightIntensity_MAP", "RE_weightIntensity_RD", "RE_weightIntensity_RDN")

          # remove items
          res.df <- res[!names(res) %in% items]

          # rename
          names(res.df) <- substring(names(res.df), 2)

          ## create data frame
          startSub <- which(names(res.df) == "RE_sum_01") # RE_sum_1 * changed 20-02-12

          res.colNames <- names(res.df)[1: (startSub-1)]

          # ... create first main then sub data.frame
          res.df.main <- data.frame(matrix(res.df[1:(startSub-1)], ncol = length(c(1:(startSub-1)))))
          res.df.sub <- data.frame(matrix(res.df[startSub:length(res.df)], ncol = length(c(1:(startSub-1)))))

          # ... combine both data.frames
          if(length(S6.SubEvents) > 1) # if there is only 1 sub-event, the event is not returned!!!!
            res.df <- rbind(res.df.main, res.df.sub)
          } else {
            res.df <- res.df.main

          # ... set names
          colnames(res.df) <-  res.colNames

          # ... set items to data frame
          items.res <- res[which(names(res) %in% items)]
          items.res <- items.res[items[which(items %in% names(res))]] # just re-ordering

          # ... create empty data.frame and add values
          items.df <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(res.df), ncol = length(items.res)))
          items.df[1, ] <- items.res
          colnames(items.df) <- names(items.res)

          # ... add new columns to result
          res.df <- cbind(res.df, items.df)

          if(length(S6.SubEvents) > 1) # if there is only 1 sub-event, the event is not returned!!!!
            rownames(res.df) <- c("cRE", paste0("sRE", c(1:length(S6.SubEvents))))
          } else {
            rownames(res.df) <- "cRE"
      } # end of if all.RainEvent
    } else {

        # ... remove of first two items: "sum_total", "RE_number"
        # remove items
        res <- res[!names(res) %in% c("sum_total", "RE_number", "RE_weightIntensity",
                                      "RE_weightIntensity_MAP", "RE_weightIntensity_RD", "RE_weightIntensity_RDN")]

        # get colnames
        res.df.ColName <- unique(gsub(pattern = "_[[:digit:]].*", replacement = "", x = names(res))) # adapt colnames

        # ... ... data.frame
        res.df <- data.frame(matrix(res, ncol = length(res.df.ColName)))
        colnames(res.df) <- res.df.ColName # re-name columns
        rownames(res.df) <- paste0("RE", seq(100, 100*nrow(res.df), 100))

      } else {

        # re-order vector
        items.fst <- which(names(res) == "cRE_sum")
        res <- res[c(items.fst:length(res), 1:(items.fst-1))]

        res.df <- data.frame(matrix(data = res, ncol = length(res)))
        names(res.df) <- gsub(pattern = "^(c)", replacement = "", x = names(res))
      } # end of if a..RainEvent

    } # end of if-else: sub.RainEvent & length(S6.SubEvents) > 1

    # modified data.frame output
  } else {

    # ... standard vector output -------------------
      force.limit <- round(force.limit)
      res.names <- names(res)

      if(length(res) < force.limit)
        res <- c(res, rep(NA, (force.limit - length(res)))) # fill result
        res.names <- c(res.names, rep("NULL DATA", (force.limit - length(res))))

        names(res) <- res.names

      } else{
        res <- res[1:force.limit] # clip result
        names(res) <- res.names[1:force.limit]
    } # end of force.limit


} # end of function getRainEventData()

#' calcEventRainfallMetrics
#' This function calcuates different precipitation metrics.
#' @param x vector containing precipitation
#' @param list.RainEvents list containing indices of rain events
#' @param modus modus of calculation of rain metrics. "sub" of sub-rainfall events or "main" for critical rainfall event
#' @param ... for RD, MAP or RDN
#' @return
#' vector containing rainfall metrics
#' @export
calcEventRainfallMetrics <- function(x, dates, list.RainEvents, modus, RD = RD, MAP = MAP, RDN = RDN)

  ## cumulative rainfall
  # total sum of precipitation of each rain event
  RE.sum <- sapply(X = list.RainEvents, FUN = function(X, precip) {
    sum(precip[X], na.rm = TRUE)
  }, precip = x)

  # maximum of precipitation of each rain event
  RE.max <- sapply(X = list.RainEvents, FUN = function(X, precip) {
    max(precip[X], na.rm = TRUE)
  }, precip = x)

  ## duration of rain events
  RE.dur <- sapply(X = list.RainEvents, FUN = length)

  ## number of rain events
  rainEvent.nb <- length(list.RainEvents)

  ### ... MAIN rainfall metrics
  if(modus == "main")

    ## naming of variables
    names(rainEvent.nb) <- "RE_number"

    ## overall sum of rain events
    RE.tot <- sum(RE.sum)
    names(RE.tot) <- "RE_total"

    # normalizations
    if(!is.null(MAP)){RE.sum.MAP <- RE.sum/MAP}
    if(!is.null(RD)){RE.sum.RD <- RE.sum/RD}
    if(!is.null(MAP) & !is.null(RD)){RE.sum.RDN <- RE.sum/RDN}

    ## weighted mean intensity of rain events
    RE.wID <- weighted.mean(x = RE.sum/RE.dur, w = RE.dur, na.rm = TRUE)
    names(RE.wID) <- "RE_weightIntensity"

    # normalizations
    if(!is.null(MAP)){RE.wID.MAP <- RE.wID/MAP; names(RE.wID.MAP) <- "RE_weightIntensity_MAP"}
    if(!is.null(RD)){RE.wID.RD <- RE.wID/RD; names(RE.wID.RD) <- "RE_weightIntensity_RD"}
    if(!is.null(MAP) & !is.null(RD)){RE.wID.RDN <- RE.wID/RDN; names(RE.wID.RDN) <- "RE_weightIntensity_RDN"}

    ## critical rainfall event
    # critical event rainfall
    cRE.sum <- RE.sum[[1]]
    names(cRE.sum) <- "cRE_sum"

    # normalizations
    if(!is.null(MAP)){cRE.sum.MAP <- RE.sum.MAP[[1]]; names(cRE.sum.MAP) <- "cRE_sum_MAP"}
    if(!is.null(RD)){cRE.sum.RD <- RE.sum.RD[[1]]; names(cRE.sum.RD) <- "cRE_sum_RD"}
    if(!is.null(MAP) & !is.null(RD)){cRE.sum.RDN <- RE.sum.RDN[[1]]; names(cRE.sum.RDN) <- "cRE_sum_RDN"}

    ## critical maximal event rainfall
    cRE.max <- RE.max[[1]]
    names(cRE.max) <- "cRE_max"

    ## critical event rainfall duration
    cRE.dur <- RE.dur[[1]]
    names(cRE.dur) <- "cRE_duration"

    ## critical event rainfall intensity
    cRE.ID <- cRE.sum/cRE.dur
    names(cRE.ID) <- "cRE_Intensity"

    # normalizations
    if(!is.null(MAP)){cRE.ID.MAP <- cRE.sum.MAP/cRE.dur; names(cRE.ID.MAP) <- "cRE_Intensity_MAP"}
    if(!is.null(RD)){cRE.ID.RD <- cRE.sum.RD/cRE.dur; names(cRE.ID.RD) <- "cRE_Intensity_RD"}
    if(!is.null(MAP) & !is.null(RD)){cRE.ID.RDN <- cRE.sum.RDN/cRE.dur; names(cRE.ID.RDN) <- "cRE_Intensity_RDN"}

    ## get range of rain event
    # cRE.range <- paste0(range(list.RainEvents[[1]],  na.rm = TRUE), collapse = ":")
    cRE.range <- range(list.RainEvents[[1]],  na.rm = TRUE)
    cRE.range.end <- min(cRE.range)
    cRE.range.start <- max(cRE.range)

    names(cRE.range.start) <- "cRE_range_start"
    names(cRE.range.end) <- "cRE_range_end"

    ## get dates out of range of rain event
      cRE.date.start <- as.numeric(gsub("-|[[:space:]]", "", format(dates[[1]][cRE.range.start], "%Y-%m-%d-%H")))
      names(cRE.date.start) <- "cRE_date_start"

      # browser()
      cRE.date.end <- as.numeric(gsub("-|[[:space:]]", "", format(dates[[1]][cRE.range.end], "%Y-%m-%d-%H")))
      names(cRE.date.end) <- "cRE_date_end"
  } # end of main rainfall metrics

  ### ... SUB rainfall metrics
  if(modus == "sub")
    ## naming of variables
    names(rainEvent.nb) <- "sRE_number"
    names(RE.sum) <-  paste0("sRE_sum_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))
    names(RE.max) <-  paste0("sRE_max_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))
    names(RE.dur) <-  paste0("sRE_dur_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

    ## rainfall intensity
    RE.ID <- RE.sum/RE.dur
    names(RE.ID) <- paste0("sRE_Intensity_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

    # normalizations c(rainEvent.nb, RE.sum, RE.max, RE.dur, RE.ID)
      RE.sum.MAP <- RE.sum/MAP
      names(RE.sum.MAP) <- paste0("sRE_sum_MAP_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

      RE.ID.MAP <- RE.sum.MAP/RE.dur
      names(RE.ID.MAP) <- paste0("sRE_Intensity_MAP_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

      RE.sum.RD <- RE.sum/RD
      names(RE.sum.RD) <- paste0("sRE_sum_RN_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

      RE.ID.RD <- RE.sum.RD/RE.dur
      names(RE.ID.RD) <- paste0("sRE_Intensity_RD_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

    if(!is.null(MAP) & !is.null(RD))
      RE.sum.RDN <- RE.sum/RDN
      names(RE.sum.RDN) <- paste0("sRE_sum_RND_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0")) # c(1:rainEvent.nb))

      RE.ID.RDN <- RE.sum.RDN/RE.dur
      names(RE.ID.RDN) <- paste0("sRE_Intensity_RDN_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

    ## weighted mean intensity of sub rain events
    RE.wID <- weighted.mean(x = RE.sum/RE.dur, w = RE.dur, na.rm = TRUE)
    names(RE.wID) <- "sRE_weightIntensity"

    # normalizations
    if(!is.null(MAP)){RE.wID.MAP <- RE.wID/MAP; names(RE.wID.MAP) <- "sRE_weightIntensity_MAP"}
    if(!is.null(RD)){RE.wID.RD <- RE.wID/RD; names(RE.wID.RD) <- "sRE_weightIntensity_RD"}
    if(!is.null(MAP) & !is.null(RD)){RE.wID.RDN <- RE.wID/RDN; names(RE.wID.RDN) <- "sRE_weightIntensity_RDN"}

    ## get range of rain events
    # RE.range <- sapply(X = list.RainEvents, FUN = function(X) { paste0(range(x,  na.rm = TRUE), collapse = ":")})
    RE.range.start <- sapply(X = list.RainEvents, FUN = max, na.rm = TRUE)
    names(RE.range.start ) <- paste0("sRE_range_start_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

    RE.range.end <- sapply(X = list.RainEvents, FUN = min, na.rm = TRUE)
    names(RE.range.end) <- paste0("sRE_range_end_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

    ## get dates out of range of rain event
      RE.date.start <- as.numeric(gsub("-|[[:space:]]", "", format(dates[[1]][RE.range.start], "%Y-%m-%d-%H")))
      # RE.date.start <- as.numeric(gsub("-|[[:space:]]", "", substring(dates[[1]][RE.range.start], 1, 13)))
      names(RE.date.start) <- paste0("sRE_date_start_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

      RE.date.end <- as.numeric(gsub("-|[[:space:]]", "", format(dates[[1]][RE.range.end], "%Y-%m-%d-%H")))
      # RE.date.end <- as.numeric(gsub("-|[[:space:]]", "", substring(dates[[1]][RE.range.end], 1, 13)))
      names(RE.date.end) <- paste0("sRE_date_end_", stringr::str_pad(string = c(1:rainEvent.nb), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0"))

  } # end of sub rainfall metrics

  ### ... return data
  if(!is.null(MAP) & is.null(RD)){

    if(modus == "main")
      res <- c(RE.tot, rainEvent.nb, RE.wID, RE.wID.MAP, cRE.sum, cRE.sum.MAP, cRE.max, cRE.dur, cRE.ID, cRE.ID.MAP, cRE.range.start, cRE.range.end)
      # names(res) <- c("RE_total", "RE_number", "RE_weightIntensity", "RE_weightIntensity_MAP", "cRE_sum", "cRE_sum_MAP", "cRE_max", "cRE_duration", "cRE_Intensity", "cRE_Intensity_MAP", "cRE_range_start", "cRE_range_end")
      if(!is.null(dates)){res <- c(res, cRE.date.start, cRE.date.end)}

    if(modus == "sub")
      res <- c(rainEvent.nb, RE.sum, RE.sum.MAP, RE.max, RE.dur, RE.ID, RE.ID.MAP, RE.wID, RE.wID.MAP, RE.range.start, RE.range.end)
      # names(res) <- c("sRE_number", paste0("sRE_sum_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_sum_MAP_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_max_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_dur_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_Intensity_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_Intensity_MAP_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_range_start_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_range_end_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)))
      if(!is.null(dates)){res <- c(res, RE.date.start, RE.date.end)}
      #if(length(list.RainEvents) <= 1){names(res) <- gsub(pattern = "_1", replacement = "", names(res))}

  } else if(!is.null(RD) & is.null(MAP)){

    if(modus == "main")
      res <- c(RE.tot, rainEvent.nb, RE.wID, RE.wID.RD, cRE.sum, cRE.sum.RD, cRE.max, cRE.dur, cRE.ID, cRE.ID.RD, cRE.range.start, cRE.range.end)
      # names(res) <- c("RE_total", "RE_number", "RE_weightIntensity", "RE_weightIntensity_RD", "cRE_sum", "cRE_sum_RD", "cRE_max", "cRE_duration", "cRE_Intensity", "cRE_Intensity_RD", "cRE_range_start", "cRE_range_end")
      if(!is.null(dates)){res <- c(res, cRE.date.start, cRE.date.end)}

    if(modus == "sub")
      res <- c(rainEvent.nb, RE.sum, RE.sum.RD, RE.max, RE.dur, RE.ID, RE.ID.RD, RE.wID,  RE.wID.RD, RE.range.start, RE.range.end)
      # names(res) <- c("sRE_number", paste0("sRE_sum_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_sum_RD_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_max_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_dur_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_Intensity_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_Intensity_RD_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_range_start_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_range_end_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)))
      if(!is.null(dates)){res <- c(res, RE.date.start, RE.date.end)}
      #if(length(list.RainEvents) <= 1){names(res) <- gsub(pattern = "_1", replacement = "", names(res))}

  } else if(!is.null(RD) & !is.null(MAP)){

    if(modus == "main")
      res <- c(RE.tot, rainEvent.nb, RE.wID, RE.wID.MAP, RE.wID.RD, RE.wID.RDN, cRE.sum, cRE.sum.MAP, cRE.sum.RD, cRE.sum.RDN, cRE.max, cRE.dur, cRE.ID, cRE.ID.MAP, cRE.ID.RD, cRE.ID.RDN, cRE.range.start, cRE.range.end)
      # names(res) <- c("RE_total", "RE_number", "RE_weightIntensity", "RE_weightIntensity_MAP", "RE_weightIntensity_RD", "RE_weightIntensity_RDN",
      #                 "cRE_sum", "cRE_sum_MAP", "cRE_sum_RD", "cRE_sum_RDN", "cRE_max", "cRE_duration", "cRE_Intensity", "cRE_Intensity_MAP", "cRE_Intensity_RD", "cRE_Intensity_RDN", "cRE_range_start", "cRE_range_end")
      if(!is.null(dates)){res <- c(res, cRE.date.start, cRE.date.end)}

    if(modus == "sub")
      res <- c(rainEvent.nb, RE.sum, RE.sum.MAP, RE.sum.RD, RE.sum.RDN, RE.max, RE.dur, RE.ID, RE.ID.MAP, RE.ID.RD, RE.ID.RDN, RE.wID, RE.wID.MAP,  RE.wID.RD, RE.wID.RDN, RE.range.start, RE.range.end)
      # names(res) <- c("sRE_number", paste0("sRE_sum_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_sum_MAP_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_sum_RD_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_sum_RDN_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_max_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_dur_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_Intensity_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_Intensity_MAP_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_Intensity_RD_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_Intensity_RDN_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_range_start_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_range_end_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)))
      if(!is.null(dates)){res <- c(res, RE.date.start, RE.date.end)}
      #if(length(list.RainEvents) <= 1){names(res) <- gsub(pattern = "_1", replacement = "", names(res))}

  } else {

    if(modus == "main")
      res <- c(RE.tot, rainEvent.nb, RE.wID, cRE.sum, cRE.max, cRE.dur, cRE.ID, cRE.range.start, cRE.range.end)
      # names(res) <- c("RE_total", "RE_number", "RE_weightIntensity", "cRE_sum", "cRE_max", "cRE_duration", "cRE_Intensity", "cRE_range_start", "cRE_range_end")
      if(!is.null(dates)){res <- c(res, cRE.date.start, cRE.date.end)}

    if(modus == "sub")
      res <- c(rainEvent.nb, RE.sum, RE.max, RE.dur, RE.ID, RE.wID, RE.range.start, RE.range.end)
      # names(res) <- c("sRE_number", paste0("sRE_sum_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_max_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_dur_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_Intensity_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)),
      #                 paste0("sRE_range_start_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)), paste0("sRE_range_end_", c(1:rainEvent.nb)))
      if(!is.null(dates)){res <- c(res, RE.date.start, RE.date.end)}
      #if(length(list.RainEvents) <= 1){names(res) <- gsub(pattern = "_1", replacement = "", names(res))}

  } # end of if - else if - else statement


} # end of calcEventRainfallMetrics

#' findRainFallPosition
#' This function return indices of a specific selection.
#' @param x vector containing precipitation
#' @param dates vector containing months of dates. The length of dates must be similar to the length of x
#' @param rainThresh list containing indices of rain events
#' @param rainOffLength modus of calculation of rain metrics. "sub" of sub-rainfall events or "main" for critical rainfall event
#' @param op.rainThresh operator for rain-threshold: x OP rainThresh
#' @param op.rainOffLength operator for rainOff-threshold: lengths of event OP rainOffLength-Threshold
#' @return
#' vector containing indices of x corresponding to specific selection.
#' @export
findRainFallPosition <- function(x, dates, rainThresh, rainOffLength, op.rainThresh, op.rainOffLength,
  # browser()

  ## find position of rainfall under/over/equal to threshold | x OP rainThresh
    ## find position of dates correpsonding to season
    pos.warm <- which(dates[[2]] >= index.month.warm.season[1] & dates[[2]] <= index.month.warm.season[2])
    pos.cold <- which(dates[[2]] < index.month.warm.season[1] | dates[[2]] > index.month.warm.season[2])

    ## thresholding x based on season and season threshold
    x.pos.rainThresh.warm <- which(do.call(op.rainThresh, list(x[pos.warm], rainThresh[1])))
    x.pos.rainThresh.cold <- which(do.call(op.rainThresh, list(x[pos.cold], rainThresh[2])))

    # x.pos.rainThresh <- sort(c(pos.warm[x.pos.rainThresh.warm], pos.cold[x.pos.rainThresh.cold]))

  } else {
    x.pos.rainThresh <- which(do.call(op.rainThresh, list(x, rainThresh[1])))

    ## thresholding x based on season and season threshold
    # warm
    if(length(x.pos.rainThresh.warm) > 0)
      x.pos.rainThresh.C.warm <- split(seq_along(along.with = x.pos.rainThresh.warm), cumsum(c(0, diff(x.pos.rainThresh.warm) > 1)))
      x.pos.rainThresh.CLen.warm <- unlist(x.pos.rainThresh.C.warm[which(do.call(op.rainOffLength, list(lengths(x.pos.rainThresh.C.warm), rainOffLength[1])))])

      x.pos.rainThresh.index.warm <- pos.warm[x.pos.rainThresh.warm[x.pos.rainThresh.CLen.warm]]
    } else {
      x.pos.rainThresh.index.warm <- NULL

    # cold
    if(length(x.pos.rainThresh.cold) > 0)
      x.pos.rainThresh.C.cold <- split(seq_along(along.with = x.pos.rainThresh.cold), cumsum(c(0, diff(x.pos.rainThresh.cold) > 1)))
      x.pos.rainThresh.CLen.cold <- unlist(x.pos.rainThresh.C.cold[which(do.call(op.rainOffLength, list(lengths(x.pos.rainThresh.C.cold), rainOffLength[2])))])

      x.pos.rainThresh.index.cold <- pos.cold[x.pos.rainThresh.cold[x.pos.rainThresh.CLen.cold]]
    } else {
      x.pos.rainThresh.index.cold <- NULL

    x.pos.rainThresh.index <- sort(c(x.pos.rainThresh.index.warm, x.pos.rainThresh.index.cold))
  } else {

    ## get consecutive positions under rainTreshold | lengths of event OP rainOffLength-Threshold
    # ## get consecutive positions under rainTreshold | lengths of event OP rainOffLength-Threshold
    x.pos.rainThresh.C <- split(seq_along(along.with = x.pos.rainThresh), cumsum(c(0, diff(x.pos.rainThresh) > 1)))
    x.pos.rainThresh.CLen <- unlist(x.pos.rainThresh.C[which(do.call(op.rainOffLength, list(lengths(x.pos.rainThresh.C), rainOffLength)))])

    x.pos.rainThresh.index <- x.pos.rainThresh[x.pos.rainThresh.CLen]


} # end of function findIsolatedRainEvent

#' findRainEvent
#' This function return a list of rain events.
#' @param x vector containing precipitation
#' @param x.pos.dryPeriods indices of x containing dry periods. Result of findRainFallPosition.
#' @return
#' list containing rain events as specific indices of x.
#' @export
findRainEvent <- function(x = x, x.pos.dryPeriods)
  # browser()

  # get rainy days from dry period
  x.pos.rainEvent <- setdiff(seq_along(along.with = x), x.pos.dryPeriods)

  # create consecutive number of rainy days
  x.pos.rainEvent.Len <- split(seq_along(along.with = x.pos.rainEvent), cumsum(c(0, diff(x.pos.rainEvent) > 1)))

  # get original index for rainy days
  x.pos.rainEvent.index <- lapply(x.pos.rainEvent.Len, function(x, y){y[x]}, y = x.pos.rainEvent) # get original indices

raff-k/Lslide documentation built on March 29, 2022, 6:52 p.m.