
# Functions applied directly on the DGE matrix, represented by a data.frame.

#' Remove cells by barcode
#' Removes the provided cells from the sample.
#' @param object A \code{data.frame} representing the DGE.
#' @param cells A character vector of cell barcodes to remove.
#' @return The processed \code{data.frame} is returned.
           function(object, cells) {standardGeneric("removeCells")})
          function(object, cells) {
            return (object[, !(names(object) %in% cells)])

#' Filter out low quality cells
#' Removes cells expressing less than a minimum of genes (default value is 1000).
#' @param object A \code{data.frame} representing DGE.
#' @param n The minimum number of genes required.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} without the low quality cells.
           function(object, min.genes=1000, ...) {standardGeneric("removeLowQualityCells")})
          function(object, min.genes) {
            return (object[, names(object)[colSums(object != 0) >= min.genes]])

#' Keep best cells according to a criterion
#' Subsets the sample by keeping the top n cells, or the cells with a minimum number
#' of UMIs.
#' @param object A \code{data.frame} representing the DGE.
#' @param num.cells The number of cells to keep, ordered by total number of UMIs.
#' @param min.num.trans Keep only cells with at least this number of UMIs.
#' @return The processed object.
           function(object, num.cells, min.num.trans=NULL) {standardGeneric("keepBestCells")})
          function(object, num.cells, min.num.trans) {
            if (!is.null(min.num.trans)) {
              tdf <- object[, colSums(object) >= min.num.trans, drop=F]
              return (tdf[rowSums(tdf) > 0, ])
            else {
              tdf <- object[, head(order(colSums(object), decreasing=T), num.cells), drop=F]
              return (tdf[rowSums(tdf) > 0, ])

#' Filter out low quality genes
#' Removes genes which are expressed in less than a minimum number of cells
#' (default is 3).
#' @param object A \code{data.frame} representing DGE.
#' @param n The minimum number of cells.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} without the low quality genes.
           function(object, min.cells=3) {standardGeneric("removeLowQualityGenes")})
          function(object, min.cells) {
            return (object[rownames(object) %in% rownames(object)[rowSums(object != 0) > min.cells], ])

#' Compute the average expression of each gene across all cells.
#' @param object A \code{data.frame} representing DGE.
#' @return A vector of mean expression values for each gene. Computation in log space.
           function (object) {standardGeneric("geneExpressionMean")})
          function(object) {
            return (log(apply(object, 1, mean), 2))

#' Compute the sum of transcript counts of each gene across all cells.
#' @param object A \code{data.frame} representing DGE.
#' @return A vector of the logarithm of the sum of all UMI values for each gene.
#' A pseudocount is added to avoid infinities.
           function (object) {standardGeneric("geneExpressionSumUMI")})
          function(object) {
            return (log2(rowSums(object)+1))

#' Compute the dispersion of each gene across all cells.
#' @param object A \code{data.frame} representing DGE.
#' @return A vector of variance/mean expression values for each gene. Computation in log space.
           function (object) {standardGeneric("geneExpressionDispersion")})
          function(object) {
            return (log(apply(object, 1, var)/apply(object, 1, mean), 2))

#' Compare single cell sample against bulk data
#' Computes correlation of gene expression measurements between a single cell
#' sample and bulk data.
#' @param single.cells The single cell object (could be a DGE or a
#' \code{SingleSpeciesSample} object).
#' @param bulk.data The bulk data formed as a \code{data.frame} with genes as
#' rownames and RPKM values as the first column.
#' @param method The method to compute the correlation (default is Pearson).
#' @return A list of length 2. First item is the correlation and second is the
#' \code{data.frame}.
           function(single.cells, bulk.data, method="pearson") {
          function(single.cells, bulk.data, method) {
            common.genes <- intersect(rownames(single.cells), rownames(bulk.data))
            single.cells <- single.cells[common.genes, ]
            single.cells <- max(colSums(single.cells)) * sweep(single.cells, MARGIN=2,
                                                               FUN='/', colSums(single.cells))
            single.cells <- log2(rowSums(single.cells) + 1)

            bulk <- bulk.data[common.genes, ]

            df = data.frame("sc"=single.cells, "bulk"=bulk)
            correlation = signif(cor(single.cells, bulk, method=method), 2)

            return (list(correlation, df))

           function(single.cells, bulk.data, measure="umi", method="pearson") {
          function(single.cells, bulk.data, measure, method) {
            vectorOfCorrelations <- c()
            for (cell in names(single.cells)) {
              vectorOfCorrelations <- c(vectorOfCorrelations,
                                        computeCorrelationSingleCellsVersusBulk(single.cells[, cell, drop=F],
            return (vectorOfCorrelations)

#' Compare gene expression between single cell sample and bulk
#' Compares the gene expression measurements from single cell data against bulk data.
#' @param single.cells A \code{data.frame} containing genes as rownames and columns as cells.
#' @param bulk.data A \code{data.frame} containing genes as rownames and a single column
#' with transcript counts.
#' @param log.space If True (default value) then the average of single cells data is
#' performed in log space.
#' @param ylab Label of the single cell sample.
#' @param col The color of the scatterplot points.
#' @return A scatterplot comparing the gene expression levels and with the correlation
#' among the samples computed.
           function(single.cells, bulk.data, method="pearson",
                    ylab="single cell sample", col="steelblue", ...) {
          function(single.cells, bulk.data, method, ylab, col) {
            corr.df <- computeCorrelationSingleCellsVersusBulk(single.cells, bulk.data, method)

            corr = corr.df[[1]]
            df = corr.df[[2]]

            g <- (ggplot(df, aes(x=bulk, y=sc)) + geom_point(col=col, alpha=0.5, size = 3)
                  + theme_minimal() +  plotCommonTheme + xlab("log2(RPKM+1) [mRNA-seq]")
                  + ylab(paste0("log2(ATPM+1) [", ylab, "]"))
                  + ggtitle(paste0("R= ", corr)) + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0.01, 0.02))
                  + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=22),
                          plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1 , 0.5, 0.5), "cm"),
                          panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=1),
                          panel.grid.major = element_blank()) )
            return (g)

           function(single.cells, bulk.data, log.space=T, method="pearson",
                    min.cells=500, max.cells=2000, iteration.steps=50, do.plot=F) {
          function(single.cells, bulk.data, log.space, method,
                   min.cells, max.cells, iteration.steps, do.plot) {
            cor.list = c()
            cell.list = c()

            for (cells in seq(min.cells, max.cells, iteration.steps)) {
              temp.sample <- removeLowQualityGenes(removeLowQualityCells(single.cells, cells))
              temp.cor = computeCorrelationSingleCellsVersusBulk(temp.sample, bulk.data)[[1]]
              cor.list = c(cor.list, temp.cor)
              cell.list = c(cell.list, dim(temp.sample)[2])
              print (c(temp.cor, cells))
            if (do.plot) {
              df <- data.frame("min.genes"=seq(min.cells, max.cells, iteration.steps),
              g1 <- (ggplot(df, aes(x=min.genes, y=correlation)) + geom_point(size=3, col="steelblue")
                     + theme_minimal() + plotCommonGrid + plotCommonTheme)
              g2 <- (ggplot(df, aes(x=min.genes, y=cells)) + geom_point(size=3, col="steelblue")
                     + theme_minimal() + plotCommonGrid + plotCommonTheme)
              return(grid.arrange(g1, g2, ncol=2))
rajewsky-lab/dropseq documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10 p.m.