
# A simple example
# note that this won't show due to the second example
mx <- matrix(1:6, ncol=3)
rownames(mx) <- LETTERS[1:NROW(mx)]
colnames(mx) <- sprintf("Col %s", LETTERS[1:NCOL(mx)])

# If you just want to output your matrix, this is all you need
# We also force the output to be printed to std_out instead of th
# graphical viewer
htmlTable(mx, useViewer=FALSE)

# Now add more interesting options
          n.rgroup=c(2), rgroup=c("Nice!"),
          n.cgroup=c(2,1), cgroup=c("First", "Second"))

# A slightly more advanced example

label(mtcars$mpg) <- "Gas"
units(mtcars$mpg) <- "Miles/(US) gallon"

label(mtcars$wt) <- "Weight"
units(mtcars$wt) <- "10^3 kg" # not sure the unit is correct

mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am, levels=0:1, labels=c("Automatic", "Manual"))
label(mtcars$am) <- "Transmission"

mtcars$gear <- factor(mtcars$gear)
label(mtcars$gear) <- "Gears"

# Make up some data for making it slightly more interesting
mtcars$col <- factor(sample(c("red", "black", "silver"),
                            size=NROW(mtcars), replace=TRUE))
label(mtcars$col) <- "Car color"

mpg_data_mean <- getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$am,
                                       use_units = TRUE, html=TRUE)
mpg_data_median <- getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$am,
                                         use_units = TRUE, html=TRUE,
wt_data <- getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$wt, mtcars$am,
                                 use_units = TRUE, html=TRUE)

vars <- rbind(mpg_data_mean, mpg_data_median, wt_data)
rownames(vars) <- c("Mean (SD)", "Median (IQR)", "Mean (SD)")
  caption  = "Continuous & binary variables",
  n.rgroup = c(2,1), rgroup=c("Gas", "Weight"),
  n.cgroup = c(2,1),
  cgroup   = c(splitLines4Table("Results",
                                sprintf("n=%d", NROW(mtcars)), html=TRUE),
  headings =c(sprintf("%s (SD)", levels(mtcars$am)), "Units"),
  rowlabel = "Variable",
  ctable   = TRUE)

## again with altcol
  caption  = "Continuous & binary variables",
  n.rgroup = c(2,1), rgroup=c("Gas", "Weight"),
  n.cgroup = c(2,1),
  cgroup   = c(splitLines4Table("Results",
                                sprintf("n=%d", NROW(mtcars)), html=TRUE),
  headings =c(sprintf("%s (SD)", levels(mtcars$am)), "Units"),
  rowlabel = "Variable",
  ctable   = TRUE,
  altcol   = c('#f2f2f2','ivory'))

## another example
describeMedian_minmax <- function(...) describeMedian(..., iqr = FALSE)

## t1 wrapper function 1
getT1stat <- function(varname, digits = 0) {
  getDescriptionStatsBy(data[ , varname],
                        add_total_col = TRUE,
                        show_all_values = TRUE,
                        hrzl_prop = FALSE,
                        statistics = FALSE,
                        html = TRUE,
                        digits = digits,
                        continuous_fn = describeMedian_minmax)

f <- function(...) sample(..., 100, replace = TRUE)
data <- data.frame(age = rpois(100, 50),
                   cat_var = f(LETTERS[1:5]),
                   sex = f(c('Male','Female')),
                   race = f(c('Black','White','Asian')),
                   treat = factor(f(1:3),
                                  # The factor helps arranging the order
                                  labels=c('Treatment A', 'Treatment B', 'Placebo')))

## table 1 stats
table_data <- list()
table_data[['Age']] <- getT1stat('age')
table_data[['Some categorical<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;variable']] <- getT1stat('cat_var')
table_data[['Sex']] <- getT1stat('sex')
table_data[['Race']] <- getT1stat('race')

## combine into matrix
output_data <-, table_data)
rgroup <- names(table_data)
n.rgroup <- unname(sapply(rgroup, function(x) nrow(table_data[[x]])))

# add a column spanner for the status columns
cgroup <- c("", "Type of treatment<sup>&dagger;</sup>")
n.cgroup <- c(1, 3)
colnames(output_data) <-
  c(paste0('Total<br />\n',
           '<span style="weight = normal; font-size: .6em;">',
            'n = ', nrow(data),
    paste0('Treated A<br />\n',
           '<span style="weight = normal; font-size: .6em;">',
            'n = ', sum(data$treat == 'Treatment A'),
    paste0('Treatment B&Dagger;<br />\n',
           '<span style="weight = normal; font-size: .6em;">',
            'n = ', sum(data$treat == 'Treatment B'),
    paste0('Placebo<br />',
           '<span style="weight = normal; font-size: .6em;">',
            'n = ', sum(data$treat == 'Placebo'),

htmlTable(output_data, align = 'rccc',
          rgroup = rgroup, n.rgroup = n.rgroup,
          rgroupCSSseparator = '',
          cgroup = cgroup,
          n.cgroup = n.cgroup,
          tspanner=c("Base", "Other"),
          n.tspanner=c(sum(sapply(table_data, nrow)[1:2]),
                       sum(sapply(table_data, nrow)[3:4])),
          rowlabel = '',
          ctable = TRUE, # latex-style table lines
          caption = "Table 1: Patient demographics",
          altcol = c('white','lightblue1'),
          tfoot = paste0(
            '<span style="font-size: .6em;">',
              ' ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group;',
              ' PS, performance score',
            '</span><br />\n',
            '<span style="font-size: .6em;">',
              ' Note 1. Trial groups for a new wonder drug</span><br />\n',
            '<span style="font-size: .6em;">',
              ' Note 2. Twice the dosage of treatment A',
raredd/Gmisc0 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:02 a.m.