
Defines functions twostg twocon simon bin1samp

### desmon
# unexported:
# bin1samp, simon, twocon, twostg

bin1samp <- function(p0, pa, alpha = 0.1, beta = 0.1, n.min = 20L) {
  ## desmon::bin1samp
  # p0	   Null hypothesis response probability
  # pa	   Alternative hypothesis response probability
  # alpha	 Type I error rate
  # beta	 Type II error rate
  # n.min	 Minimum sample size considered
  if (p0 == pa)
    stop('p0 should not be equal to pa')
  b <- 1
  x <- round(p0 * n.min)
  n <- n.min - 1L
  if (pa > p0) {
    while (b > beta) {
      n <- n + 1L
      l <- x:n
      s <- 1 - pbinom(l, n, p0)
      sub <- s <= alpha
      x <- l[sub][1L]
      size <- s[sub][1L]
      b <- pbinom(x, n, pa)
  } else
    if (pa < p0) {
      while (b > beta) {
        n <- n + 1L
        l <- x:0
        s <- pbinom(l, n, p0)
        sub <- s <= alpha
        x <- l[sub][1L]
        size <- s[sub][1L]
        b <- 1 - pbinom(x, n, pa)
        x <- x + 1L
    c(n = n, r = x, p0 = p0, pa = pa, size = size, type2 = b),
    class = 'bin1samp'

simon <- function(p0, pa, n1max = 0, ntmax = 1e5, alpha = 0.1, beta = 0.1,
                  del = 1, minimax = FALSE) {
  ## desmon::simon
  ## prob calculations for 2-stage phase II design
  ## optimal simon designs (minimize E(n|H0))
  # p0	    Null hypothesis response probability
  # pa	    Alternative hypothesis response probability
  # n1max	  The maximum number of subjects entered during the first stage.
  #         Ignored if <= 0.
  # ntmax	  The maximum total number of subjects.
  # alpha	  Type I error rate
  # beta	  Type II error rate
  # del	    Searches for designs where the expected number of subjects under
  #         the null is within del of the minimum possible value
  # minimax	If TRUE, only searches for designs with the total sample size equal
  #         to the minimum possible value
  if (alpha > 0.5 | alpha <= 0 | 1 - beta <= alpha |
      beta <= 0 | p0 <= 0 | p0 >= pa |
      pa >= 1 | n1max > ntmax)
    stop('invalid arguments')
  ## determine min sample size first stage
  n1min <- max(ceiling(log(beta) / log(1 - pa)), 2)
  if (n1min > ntmax)
    stop('no valid designs')
  ## optimal one-sample design
  u1 <- bin1samp(p0, pa, alpha, beta)
  ## include even if n > n1max
  z <- matrix(c(u1[1:2], 0, u1[2L], 1, u1[5:6], u1[1L]), nrow = 1L)
  if (n1min < u1[1L]) {
    if (n1max > 0)
      n1max <- min(n1max, u1[1L] - 1)
    else n1max <- u1[1L] - 1
  } else
    if (n1min == u1[1L]) {
      if (n1max > 0)
        n1max <- min(n1max, u1[1L])
      else n1max <- u1[1L]
    } else stop('no valid designs')
  n1max <- min(n1max, ntmax)
  n1max <- min(n1max, ntmax)
  ## determine min total sample size
  ## (use randomized decision rule on boundary for single sample)
  b <- 0
  n <- u1[1L]
  while (b <= beta) {
    n <- n - 1
    u <- c(1, 1 - pbinom(0:(u1[2L] + 1), n, p0))
    index <- min((1:(u1[2L] + 3))[u <= alpha])
    pi <- (alpha - u[index]) / (u[index - 1L] - u[index])
    u <- if (index > 2L)
      1 - pbinom((index - 3L):(index - 2L), n, pa)
    else c(1, 1 - pbinom(0, n, pa))
    b <- 1 - u[2L] - pi * (u[1L] - u[2L])
  if (n > ntmax)
    stop('no valid designs')
  e0 <- u1[1L]
  ## cases 1st stage
  for (i in n1min:n1max) {
    # stage I
    # feasible stopping rules
    x1 <- 0:i
    w1 <- dbinom(x1, i, p0)
    w2 <- dbinom(x1, i, pa)
    sub <- cumsum(w2) <= beta
    ## feasible 1st stage stopping rules
    y1 <- x1[sub]
    for (r1 in y1) {
      ## additional cases at 2nd stage
      j <- n - i
      if (j > 0) {
        q <- 0L
        pi0 <- 1 - sum(w1[1:(r1 + 1L)])
        while (q == 0L) {
          x2 <- 0:j
          w3 <- dbinom(x2, j, p0)
          w4 <- dbinom(x2, j, pa)
          ## b0, ba = marginal dist of # responses H0, Ha
          u3 <- c(outer(x1[-(1:(r1 + 1L))], x2, '+'))
          u4 <- c(outer(w1[-(1:(r1 + 1L))], w3))
          b0 <- cumsum(c(w1[1:(r1 + 1L)], tapply(u4, u3, sum)))
          sub <- b0 < 1 - alpha
          r2 <- sum(sub)
          u4 <- c(outer(w2[-(1:(r1 + 1L))], w4))
          ba <- cumsum(c(w2[1:(r1 + 1L)], tapply(u4, u3, sum)))
          e1 <- i + pi0 * j
          if (ba[r2 + 1L] <= beta) {
            q <- 1L
            if (minimax) {
              if (i + j < ntmax) {
                ntmax <- i + j
                ## need to reset to min E.H0 at min # cases
                e0 <- e1
              } else
                if (i + j == ntmax)
                  e0 <- min(e0, e1)
            } else {
              e0 <- min(e0, e1)
            z <- rbind(z, c(i, r1, j, r2, b0[r1 + 1L],
                            1 - b0[r2 + 1], ba[r2 + 1L], e1))
          } else {
            j <- j + 1L
            if (minimax) {
              if (i + j > ntmax)
                q <- 1L
            } else {
              if (e1 > e0 + del | i + j > ntmax)
                q <- 1L
  dimnames(z) <- list(
    c('n1', 'r1', 'n2', 'r2', 'Pstop1.H0', 'size', 'type2', 'E.tot.n.H0')
  z <- z[z[, 1L] + z[, 3L] <= ntmax, , drop = FALSE]
  z <- z[z[, 8L] <= e0 + del, , drop = FALSE]
    designs = z[order(z[, 8L]), , drop = FALSE],
    call = match.call(),
    description = c(
      'n1, n2 = cases 1st stage and additional # in 2nd',
      'r1, r2 = max # responses 1st stage and total to declare trt inactive')

twocon <- function(n1, n2, r1, r, conf = 0.95, dp = 1) {
  ## desmon::twocon
  # n1	  Number of cases entered during the first stage
  # n2	  Number of additional cases to be entered during the second stage
  # r1	  max number of responses that can be observed in the first stage
  #       without continuing
  # r	    total number responses observed
  # conf	two-sided confidence level (proportion) for the confidence interval
  # dp	  Affects the ordering of outcomes within the sample space
  if (n1 < 1 | n2 < 1 | r1 < 0 | r1 > n1 | r < 0 | r > n2 + 
      n1 | conf <= 0 | conf >= 1) 
    stop('invalid arguments')
  alpha <- (1 - conf) / 2
  x1 <- 0:n1
  x2 <- 0:n2
  u1 <- c(outer(x1[-(1:(r1 + 1))], x2, `+`))
  dbin2 <- function(p1, x1, x2, u1, n1, n2, r1) {
    w1 <- dbinom(x1, n1, p1)
    w3 <- dbinom(x2, n2, p1)
    u2 <- c(outer(w1[-(1:(r1 + 1))], w3))
    c(w1[1:(r1 + 1)], tapply(u2, u1, sum))
  n <- n1 + n2
  mle <- if (r > r1) 
    r / n else r / n1
  mm <- c((0:r1)/n1, (r1 + 1):n / n)
  ff <- function(p, x1, x2, u1, n1, n2, r1, mm, dbin2, mle)
    sum(dbin2(p, x1, x2, u1, n1, n2, r1) * mm) - mle
  pm <- if (r <= 0)
  else if (r >= n) 
  else uniroot(ff, c(1e-08, 1 - 1e-08), x1 = x1, x2 = x2, u1 = u1,
               n1 = n1, n2 = n2, r1 = r1, mm = mm, dbin2 = dbin2, mle = mle)$root
  if (r1 >= r) {
    ube <- r / n1
  } else {
    aa <- dhyper((r1 + 1):r, n1, n2, r)
    ube <- sum(((r1 + 1):r) * aa)/(n1 * sum(aa))
  mm <- if (r > r1) 
    c((n / n1) ^ dp * (0:r1), (r1 + 1):n)
  else c(0:r1, (n1 / n) ^ dp * ((r1 + 1):n))
  s1 <- mm >= r
  s2 <- mm <= r
  ff2 <- function(p, x1, x2, u1, n1, n2, r1, s, dbin2, alpha)
    sum(dbin2(p, x1, x2, u1, n1, n2, r1)[s]) - alpha
  pl <- if (r <= 0) 
    uniroot(ff2, c(1e-08, 1 - 1e-08), x1 = x1, x2 = x2, u1 = u1, n1 = n1,
            n2 = n2, r1 = r1, s = s1, dbin2 = dbin2, alpha = alpha)$root
  pu <- if (r >= n) 
    uniroot(ff2, c(1e-08, 1 - 1e-08), x1 = x1, x2 = x2, u1 = u1, n1 = n1,
            n2 = n2, r1 = r1, s = s2, dbin2 = dbin2, alpha = alpha)$root
  c(lower = pl, upper = pu, bcmle = pm, mle = mle, unbiased = ube)

twostg <- function(n1, n2, p1, r1, r2) {
  ## desmon::twostg
  # n1	  Number of cases accrued in the first stage
  # n2	  Number of additional cases accrued in the second stage
  # p1	  Response probability
  # r1	  max number responses in first stage where drug would still be
  #       declared ineffective
  # r2	  max number of total responses for drug to be declared ineffective
  if (n1 < 1 | n2 < 1 | r1 < 0 | r2 < 0 | p1 <= 0 | r1 > n1 |
      r2 > n2 + n1 | p1 >= 1)
    stop('invalid arguments')
  x1 <- 0:n1
  x2 <- 0:n2
  w1 <- dbinom(x1, n1, p1)
  w3 <- dbinom(x2, n2, p1)
  u1 <- c(outer(x1[-(1:(r1 + 1))], x2, `+`))
  u2 <- c(outer(w1[-(1:(r1 + 1))], w3))
  b1 <- c(w1[1:(r1 + 1)], tapply(u2, u1, sum))
    list(inputs = c(n1 = n1, n2 = n2, p1 = p1, r1 = r1, r2 = r2),
         prob.inactive = c(total = sum(b1[1:(r2 + 1)]), sum(b1[1:(r1 + 1)]))),
    class = 'twostg'
raredd/rawr documentation built on April 29, 2024, 10:29 a.m.