
Defines functions TransformCosSinToAmplitudePeakTrough FormatPValue LRTest ExtractFits ExtractFitsSplines ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions_Overall ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions CreateStackSkeleton ValidateStack CopyStack ExpandStack.int ExpandStack ProcessStack FormatResultsStack

Documented in CopyStack CreateStackSkeleton ExpandStack ExpandStack.int ExtractFits ExtractFitsSplines ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions_Overall FormatPValue FormatResultsStack LRTest ProcessStack TransformCosSinToAmplitudePeakTrough ValidateStack

#' TransformCosSinToAmplitudePeakTrough
#' Transforms cos and sin to amplitude peak and trough
#' @param cos_b The results
#' @param sin_b The results
#' @export TransformCosSinToAmplitudePeakTrough
TransformCosSinToAmplitudePeakTrough <- function(cos_b, sin_b) {
  b1 <- sin_b # sin
  b2 <- cos_b # cos

  amplitude <- sqrt(b1^2 + b2^2)
  p <- atan(b1 / b2) * 366 / 2 / pi
  if (p > 0) {
    peak <- p
    trough <- p + 366 / 2
  } else {
    peak <- p + 366 / 2
    trough <- p + 366
  if (b1 < 0) {
    g <- peak
    peak <- trough
    trough <- g
    "amplitude" = amplitude,
    "peak" = peak,
    "trough" = trough

#' FormatPValue
#' This formats the results from the stack
#' @param pval The results
#' @export FormatPValue
FormatPValue <- function(pval) {
  ifelse(pval < 0.001, "<0.001", RAWmisc::Format(pval, digits = 3))

#' LRTest
#' Likelihood ratio test wrapper
#' @param fit0 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1 The variable of interest
#' @importFrom lmtest lrtest
#' @export LRTest
LRTest <- function(fit0, fit1) {
  lmtest::lrtest(fit0, fit1)$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2]

#' ExtractFits
#' Extract fits
#' @param fit0 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1aic with a possibly more friendly family (possion instead of quasipoisson)
#' @param exposureValue exposureValue
#' @param nameBase base level for interaction terms
#' @param nameInteractions interaction variables
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom stats AIC
#' @export ExtractFits
ExtractFits <- function(fit0, fit1, fit1aic, exposureValue = 1, nameBase = NULL, nameInteractions = NULL) {
  p_lrt <- RAWmisc::LRTest(fit0, fit1)
  res <- data.frame(coef(summary(fit1)))
  names(res) <- c("b", "se", "z", "p_wald")
  res$exposure <- row.names(res)
  res$n <- sum(!is.na(fit1$fitted.values))
  res$p_lrt <- p_lrt
  res <- res[, c("exposure", "n", "b", "se", "z", "p_wald", "p_lrt")]

  if (!is.null(nameBase) & !is.null(nameInteractions)) {
    if (!is.na(nameBase) & !is.na(nameInteractions)) {
      temp <- ExtractInteractedEffectEstimates(
        beta = coef(fit1),
        va = vcov(fit1),
        nameBase = nameBase,
        nameInteractions = nameInteractions
      temp <- data.frame(temp)
      temp$exposure <- c(
        sprintf("COMBINATION: %s", nameBase),
        sprintf("COMBINATION: %s + %s", nameBase, nameInteractions)
      temp$n <- NA
      temp$z <- NA
      temp$p_lrt <- NA
      temp <- temp[, c("exposure", "n", "beta", "se", "z", "p", "p_lrt")]
      names(temp) <- c("exposure", "n", "b", "se", "z", "p_wald", "p_lrt")
      res <- rbind(res, temp)

  res$b <- res$b * exposureValue
  res$se <- res$se * exposureValue
  res$aic <- AIC(fit1aic)


#' ExtractFitsSplines
#' Extract fits
#' @param fit0 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1aic with a possibly more friendly family (possion instead of quasipoisson)
#' @param stack stack
#' @param i i
#' @param form the formula
#' @param data data
#' @param exposureValue exposureValue
#' @param nameInteractions x
#' @param levelInteractions x
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_extract
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix coef vcov AIC
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @import data.table
#' @export ExtractFitsSplines
ExtractFitsSplines <- function(fit0, fit1, fit1aic, stack, i, data, form, exposureValue = 1, nameInteractions = NULL, levelInteractions = NULL) {
  splineExposure <- stringr::str_extract(stack$exposure[[i]], "ns(\\([a-zA-Z0-9_,=]*\\))")
  sp <- NULL
  eval(parse(text = sprintf("sp <- with(data,splines::%s)", splineExposure)))

  exposureSpline <- stringr::str_split(stack$exposure[[i]], ":")[[1]]
  exposureSpline <- exposureSpline[stringr::str_detect(exposureSpline, "^ns\\(")]
  dataNew0 <- data[1, ]
  for (j in exposureSpline) {
    if (DetectSpline(j)) dataNew0[[RAWmisc::ExtractExposureConfounders(j)]] <- 0

  dataNew1 <- data[1, ]
  for (j in exposureSpline) {
    if (DetectSpline(j)) dataNew1[[RAWmisc::ExtractExposureConfounders(j)]] <- 1
  if (!is.null(nameInteractions) & !is.null(levelInteractions)) {
    if (!is.na(nameInteractions) & !is.na(levelInteractions)) {
      dataNew0[[nameInteractions]] <- levelInteractions
      dataNew1[[nameInteractions]] <- levelInteractions

  newFormula <- stringr::str_replace_all(form, " ", "")
  newFormula <- stringr::str_replace_all(newFormula, "ns(\\([a-zA-Z0-9_,=]*\\))", "ns\\1&&")
  newFormula <- stringr::str_replace_all(
    newFormula, "\\)&&",
      sprintf("c(%s)", paste0(attributes(sp)$knots, collapse = ",")),
      sprintf("c(%s)", paste0(attributes(sp)$Boundary.knots, collapse = ","))

  # m0temp <- model.frame(newFormula,data=dataNew0)
  # m1temp <- model.frame(newFormula,data=dataNew1)
  m0temp <- model.matrix(as.formula(newFormula), data = dataNew0)
  m1temp <- model.matrix(as.formula(newFormula), data = dataNew1)
  m0 <- c(1)
  m1 <- c(1)
  # starts from 2 to avoid the Y, which is the first value!!
  for (j in 2:length(m0temp)) {
    if (!is.factor(m0temp[[j]])) {
      m0 <- c(m0, m0temp[[j]])
    } else {
      m0 <- c(m0, as.numeric(levels(m0temp[[j]]) == m0temp[[j]])[-1])
  for (j in 2:length(m1temp)) {
    if (!is.factor(m1temp[[j]])) {
      m1 <- c(m1, m1temp[[j]])
    } else {
      m1 <- c(m1, as.numeric(levels(m1temp[[j]]) == m1temp[[j]])[-1])
  changedVars <- m0 != m1
  m0 <- matrix(m0, nrow = 1)
  m1 <- matrix(m1, nrow = 1)

  estDif <- (m1[, changedVars] - m0[, changedVars]) %*% coef(fit1)[changedVars]

  newVCOV <- vcov(fit1)[changedVars, changedVars]
  newVCOV <- rbind(newVCOV, newVCOV)
  newVCOV <- cbind(newVCOV, newVCOV)
  m <- c(m1[, changedVars], -m0[, changedVars])

  newVar <- 0
  for (j in 1:length(m)) for (k in 1:length(m)) newVar <- newVar + m[j] * m[k] * newVCOV[j, k]

  p_lrt <- RAWmisc::LRTest(fit0, fit1)
  res <- data.frame(
    "b" = estDif,
    "se" = sqrt(newVar),
    "z" = estDif / sqrt(newVar),
    "p_wald" = RAWmisc::CalcPValue(beta = estDif, se = sqrt(newVar))
  res$exposure <- sprintf("0 to %s, %s", exposureValue, stack$exposure[[i]])
  res$n <- sum(!is.na(fit1$fitted.values))
  res$p_lrt <- p_lrt
  res <- res[, c("exposure", "n", "b", "se", "z", "p_wald", "p_lrt")]
  res$aic <- AIC(fit1aic)

#' ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions_Overall
#' Extract fits
#' @param fit0 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1aic with a possibly more friendly family (possion instead of quasipoisson)
#' @param stack stack
#' @param i i
#' @param data data
#' @param form the formula
#' @param exposureValue a
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_extract
#' @importFrom stats model.frame coef vcov AIC
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @import data.table
#' @export ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions_Overall
ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions_Overall <- function(fit0, fit1, fit1aic, stack, i, data, form, exposureValue = 1) {
  exposure <- NULL

  p_lrt <- RAWmisc::LRTest(fit0, fit1)
  res <- data.frame(
    "b" = NA,
    "se" = NA,
    "z" = NA,
    "p_wald" = NA
  res$exposure <- sprintf("0 to %s, %s", exposureValue, stack$exposure[[i]])
  res$n <- sum(!is.na(fit1$fitted.values))
  res$p_lrt <- p_lrt
  res <- res[, c("exposure", "n", "b", "se", "z", "p_wald", "p_lrt")]
  res$aic <- AIC(fit1aic)

#' ExtractFitsSplines
#' Extract fits
#' @param fit0 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1 The variable of interest
#' @param fit1aic with a possibly more friendly family (possion instead of quasipoisson)
#' @param stack stack
#' @param i i
#' @param form the formula
#' @param data data
#' @param exposureValue exposureValue
#' @param runCombinations runCombinations
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_extract
#' @importFrom stats model.frame coef vcov AIC
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @import data.table
#' @export ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions
ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions <- function(fit0, fit1, fit1aic, stack, i, data, form, exposureValue = 1, runCombinations = TRUE) {
  exposure <- NULL

  res <- list()
  res[[1]] <- ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions_Overall(
    fit0 = fit0,
    fit1 = fit1,
    fit1aic = fit1aic,
    stack = stack,
    i = i,
    data = data,
    form = form,
    exposureValue = exposureValue
  if (runCombinations) {
    if (!is.null(stack$nameInteractions[[i]])) {
      if (!is.na(stack$nameInteractions[[i]])) {
        values <- na.omit(unique(data[[stack$nameInteractions[[i]]]]))
        for (j in 1:length(values)) {
          res[[j + 1]] <- ExtractFitsSplines(
            fit0 = fit0,
            fit1 = fit1,
            fit1aic = fit1aic,
            stack = stack,
            i = i,
            data = data,
            form = form,
            exposureValue = exposureValue,
            nameInteractions = stack$nameInteractions[[i]],
            levelInteractions = values[j]
          res[[j + 1]][, exposure := sprintf("COMBINATION AT %s=%s: %s", stack$nameInteractions[[i]], values[j], exposure)]
  res <- rbindlist(res)


#' CreateStackSkeleton
#' This creates the skeleton analysis stack
#' @param n The variable of interest
#' @export CreateStackSkeleton
CreateStackSkeleton <- function(n = 1) {
  s <- data.frame(analysisID = UUID(n), stringsAsFactors = F)
  s$regressionType <- rep(NA, n)
  s$outcome <- NA
  s$exposure <- NA
  s$confounders <- NA
  s$nameBase <- NA
  s$nameInteractions <- NA
  s$data <- NA
  s$graphExposureScaleMultiply <- 1
  s$graphExposureScaleAdd <- 1
  s$graphReference <- 0
  s$graphExposureLocations <- NA
  s$graphExposureLocationsLabels <- NA
  s$graphFileName <- NA
  s$graphTitleMain <- NA
  s$graphTitleX <- NA


#' ValidateStack
#' This validates the skeleton analysis stack
#' @param stack stack
#' @param i The variable of interest
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect fixed
#' @export ValidateStack
ValidateStack <- function(stack, i = 1) {
  graphExists <- FALSE
  for (j in CONFIG_STACK$GRAPH_VARS) if (!is.na(stack$graphFileName[[i]])) graphExists <- TRUE

  if (graphExists) {
    for (j in CONFIG_STACK$GRAPH_VARS) if (is.null(stack[[j]][[i]])) return(FALSE)
    for (j in CONFIG_STACK$GRAPH_VARS) if (sum(is.na(stack[[j]][[i]])) > 0) return(FALSE)

  # if spline and interactions, cannot graph
  if (DetectSpline(stack$exposure[[i]]) & DetectInteraction(stack$exposure[[i]]) & graphExists) {
    warning("Cannot have spline*interaction and graphing")

  # if spline and interactions, cannot graph
  if (sum(stringr::str_detect(stack$confounders[[i]], stringr::fixed(stack$exposure[[i]])))) {
    warning("Cannot have exposure existing in confounders")


#' CopyStack
#' This validates the skeleton analysis stack
#' @param stackFrom stackFrom
#' @param stackNew stackNew
#' @param i index stackFrom
#' @param j index stackNew
#' @export CopyStack
CopyStack <- function(stackFrom, stackNew, i = 1, j = 1) {
  for (n in names(stackFrom)) {
    stackNew[[n]][j] <- stackFrom[[n]][i]


#' ExpandStack.int
#' This validates the skeleton analysis stack
#' @param stack stack
#' @param i The variable of interest
#' @param newAnalysisID If you want new analysis IDs generated (i.e. link broken between expanded stack and old stack)
#' @export ExpandStack.int
ExpandStack.int <- function(stack, i = 1, newAnalysisID = FALSE) {
  stackNew <- RAWmisc::CreateStackSkeleton(n = length(stack$confounders[[i]]) + 1)

  for (j in 1:nrow(stackNew)) {
    stackNew <- CopyStack(stackFrom = stack, stackNew = stackNew, i = i, j = j)
    allVars <- c(stack$exposure[[i]], stack$confounders[[i]])
    stackNew$exposure[[j]] <- allVars[j]
    stackNew$confounders[[j]] <- allVars[-j]

    for (k in CONFIG_STACK$GRAPH_VARS) stackNew[[k]][[j]] <- NA

  if (newAnalysisID) stackNew$analysisID <- UUID()


#' ExpandStack
#' This validates the skeleton analysis stack
#' @param stack stack
#' @param newAnalysisID If you want new analysis IDs generated (i.e. link broken between expanded stack and old stack)
#' @export ExpandStack
ExpandStack <- function(stack, newAnalysisID = FALSE) {
  stackFinal <- RAWmisc::CreateStackSkeleton(n = length(unlist(stack$confounders)) + length(unlist(stack$exposure)))
  index <- 1
  for (j in 1:nrow(stack)) {
    stackExpanded <- ExpandStack.int(stack, j)
    for (k in 1:nrow(stackExpanded)) {
      stackFinal <- CopyStack(stackFrom = stackExpanded, stackNew = stackFinal, i = k, j = index)
      index <- index + 1


#' ProcessStack
#' This processes one value from the stack
#' @param stack The stack
#' @param i The i'th stack value
#' @param formatResults do you want the results formatted?
#' @importFrom stats glm binomial gaussian poisson coef as.formula
#' @importFrom MASS glm.nb
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_replace str_detect fixed
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import data.table
#' @export ProcessStack
ProcessStack <- function(stack, i, formatResults = FALSE) {
  if (!stack$regressionType[[i]] %in% c("logistic", "linear", "poisson", "negbin")) {
    stop("Non-supported regression type")
  if (!ValidateStack(stack, i)) stop("Stack not validated")

  regressionType <- NULL
  outcome <- NULL
  a_est <- NULL
  a_b <- NULL
  a_se <- NULL
  c_est <- NULL
  c_b <- NULL
  c_se <- NULL
  exposure <- NULL
  b <- NULL
  se <- NULL
  z <- NULL
  p_wald <- NULL
  p_lrt <- NULL
  aic <- NULL
  analysisID <- NULL
  exposureValue <- NULL
  exposureValueScaled <- NULL
  est <- NULL
  l95 <- NULL
  u95 <- NULL

  if (stack$regressionType[[i]] == "logistic") {
    aicFamily <- analysisFamily <- binomial()
    expResults <- TRUE
    graphTitleY <- "Odds ratio"
  } else if (stack$regressionType[[i]] == "linear") {
    aicFamily <- analysisFamily <- gaussian()
    expResults <- FALSE
    graphTitleY <- "Effect estimate"
  } else if (stack$regressionType[[i]] == "poisson") {
    aicFamily <- analysisFamily <- poisson()
    expResults <- TRUE
    graphTitleY <- "Incidence rate ratio"
  } else if (stack$regressionType[[i]] == "negbin") {
    aicFamily <- analysisFamily <- NULL
    expResults <- TRUE
    graphTitleY <- "Incidence rate ratio"

  form_crude0 <- sprintf(
  form_crude1 <- sprintf(
    paste0(stack$exposure[[i]], collapse = "+")

  adjustedModelExists <- TRUE
  if (length(stack$confounders[[i]]) == 1) {
    if (is.na(stack$confounders[[i]])) {
      adjustedModelExists <- FALSE

  if (!adjustedModelExists) {
    form_adj0 <- form_crude0
    form_adj1 <- form_crude1
  } else {
    form_adj0 <- sprintf(
      paste0(stack$confounders[[i]], collapse = "+")
    form_adj1 <- sprintf(
      paste0(stack$exposure[[i]], collapse = "+"),
      paste0(stack$confounders[[i]], collapse = "+")

  fit <- list()
  dataCrude <- copy(get(stack$data[[i]]))
  for (j in RAWmisc::ExtractExposureConfounders(stack$exposure[[i]])) {
    dataCrude <- dataCrude[!is.na(dataCrude[[j]])]
  dataAdj <- copy(dataCrude)
  for (j in RAWmisc::ExtractExposureConfounders(stack$confounders[[i]])) {
    if (is.na(j)) next
    dataAdj <- dataAdj[!is.na(dataAdj[[j]])]

  for (j in c("crude0", "crude1", "aic_crude1", "adj0", "adj1", "aic_adj1")) {
    if (j %in% c("crude0", "crude1", "aic_crude1")) {
      dataUse <- dataCrude
    } else {
      dataUse <- dataAdj
    if (j %in% c("aic_crude1", "aic_adj1")) {
      familyUse <- aicFamily
    } else {
      familyUse <- analysisFamily
    formula_form <- stringr::str_replace(j, "aic_", "")

    if (stack$regressionType[[i]] == "negbin") {
      fit[[j]] <- MASS::glm.nb(
        as.formula(get(sprintf("form_%s", formula_form))),
        data = dataUse
    } else {
      fit[[j]] <- glm(
        as.formula(get(sprintf("form_%s", formula_form))),
        data = dataUse,
        family = familyUse

  if (DetectInteraction(stack$exposure[[i]]) & DetectSpline(stack$exposure[[i]])) {
    res_crude <- ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions(
      fit0 = fit[["crude0"]],
      fit1 = fit[["crude1"]],
      fit1aic = fit[["aic_crude1"]],
      stack = stack,
      i = i,
      data = dataCrude,
      form = form_crude1,
      runCombinations = F
    res_adj <- ExtractFitsSplinesInteractions(
      fit0 = fit[["adj0"]],
      fit1 = fit[["adj1"]],
      fit1aic = fit[["aic_adj1"]],
      stack = stack,
      i = i,
      data = dataAdj,
      form = form_adj1
  } else if (RAWmisc::DetectSpline(stack$exposure[[i]])) {
    res_crude <- ExtractFitsSplines(
      fit0 = fit[["crude0"]],
      fit1 = fit[["crude1"]],
      fit1aic = fit[["aic_crude1"]],
      stack = stack,
      i = i,
      data = dataCrude,
      form = form_crude1
    res_adj <- ExtractFitsSplines(
      fit0 = fit[["adj0"]],
      fit1 = fit[["adj1"]],
      fit1aic = fit[["aic_adj1"]],
      stack = stack,
      i = i,
      data = dataAdj,
      form = form_adj1
  } else {
    res_crude <- ExtractFits(
      fit0 = fit[["crude0"]],
      fit1 = fit[["crude1"]],
      fit1aic = fit[["aic_crude1"]]
    res_adj <- ExtractFits(
      fit0 = fit[["adj0"]],
      fit1 = fit[["adj1"]],
      fit1aic = fit[["aic_adj1"]],
      nameBase = stack$nameBase[[i]],
      nameInteractions = stack$nameInteractions[[i]]

  # wipe out res_crude if it is for interaction terms
  res_crude[IsInteraction(exposure), b := NA]
  res_crude[IsInteraction(exposure), se := NA]
  res_crude[IsInteraction(exposure), z := NA]
  res_crude[IsInteraction(exposure), p_wald := NA]
  res_crude[IsInteraction(exposure), p_lrt := NA]
  res_crude[IsInteraction(exposure), aic := NA]
  setnames(res_crude, c("exposure", "c_n", "c_b", "c_se", "c_z", "c_p_wald", "c_p_lrt", "c_aic"))
  setnames(res_adj, c("exposure", "a_n", "a_b", "a_se", "a_z", "a_p_wald", "a_p_lrt", "a_aic"))

  res <- merge(res_crude, res_adj, by = "exposure")
  if (sum(stringr::str_detect(res_adj$exposure, "COMBINATION"))) {
    res2 <- merge(res_crude, res_adj[stringr::str_detect(exposure, "COMBINATION")], by = "exposure", all.y = T)
    res <- rbind(res, res2)

  res[, analysisID := stack$analysisID[[i]]]
  res[, regressionType := stack$regressionType[[i]]]
  res[, outcome := stack$outcome[[i]]]

  # graphing results
  if (!is.na(stack$graphFileName[[i]])) {
    #### TO GRAPH
    toGraph <- vector("list", length = length(stack$graphExposureLocations[[i]]))
    for (j in 1:length(toGraph)) {
      ev <- stack$graphExposureLocations[[i]][j]
      if (RAWmisc::DetectSpline(stack$exposure[[i]])) {
        temp <- ExtractFitsSplines(
          fit0 = fit[["adj0"]],
          fit1 = fit[["adj1"]],
          fit1aic = fit[["aic_adj1"]],
          stack = stack,
          i = i,
          data = dataAdj,
          form = form_adj1,
          exposureValue = ev
      } else {
        temp <- ExtractFits(
          fit0 = fit[["adj0"]],
          fit1 = fit[["adj1"]],
          fit1aic = fit[["aic_adj1"]],
          exposureValue = ev
      temp[, exposureValue := ev]
      toGraph[[j]] <- temp[stringr::str_detect(exposure, stringr::fixed(stack$exposure[[i]]))]
    toGraph <- rbindlist(toGraph)
    ref <- toGraph[1]
    ref$b <- 0
    ref$se <- 0
    ref$exposureValue <- stack$graphReference[[i]]

    toGraph <- rbindlist(list(toGraph, ref))

    toGraphLabels <- NULL
    if (!is.na(stack$graphExposureLocationsLabels[[i]][1])) {
      toGraphLabels <- vector("list", length = length(stack$graphExposureLocationsLabels[[i]]))
      for (j in 1:length(toGraphLabels)) {
        ev <- stack$graphExposureLocationsLabels[[i]][j]
        if (RAWmisc::DetectSpline(stack$exposure[[i]])) {
          temp <- ExtractFitsSplines(
            fit0 = fit[["adj0"]],
            fit1 = fit[["adj1"]],
            fit1aic = fit[["aic_adj1"]],
            stack = stack,
            i = i,
            data = dataAdj,
            form = form_adj1,
            exposureValue = ev
        } else {
          temp <- ExtractFits(
            fit0 = fit[["adj0"]],
            fit1 = fit[["adj1"]],
            fit1aic = fit[["aic_adj1"]],
            exposureValue = ev
        temp[, exposureValue := ev]
        toGraphLabels[[j]] <- temp[stringr::str_detect(exposure, stringr::fixed(stack$exposure[[i]]))]
      toGraphLabels <- rbindlist(toGraphLabels)
      ref <- toGraphLabels[1]
      ref$b <- 0
      ref$se <- 0
      ref$exposureValue <- stack$graphReference[[i]]

      toGraphLabels <- rbindlist(list(toGraphLabels, ref))
      toGraphLabels[, est := RAWmisc::FormatEstCIFromEstSE(beta = b, se = se, exp = expResults)]
      # fixing ref to not have CIs
        exposureValue == stack$graphReference[[i]],
        est := sprintf("%s (reference)", ifelse(expResults, exp(stack$graphReference[[i]]), stack$graphReference[[i]]))
    #### END

    if (expResults) {
      toGraph[, l95 := exp(b - 1.96 * se)]
      toGraph[, u95 := exp(b + 1.96 * se)]
      toGraph[, b := exp(b)]
      if (!is.null(toGraphLabels)) toGraphLabels[, b := exp(b)]
    } else {
      toGraph[, l95 := b - 1.96 * se]
      toGraph[, u95 := b + 1.96 * se]
    toGraph[, exposureValueScaled := exposureValue * stack$graphExposureScaleMultiply[[i]] + stack$graphExposureScaleAdd[[i]]]
    if (!is.null(toGraphLabels)) toGraphLabels[, exposureValueScaled := exposureValue * stack$graphExposureScaleMultiply[[i]] + stack$graphExposureScaleAdd[[i]]]

    xMin <- min(toGraph$exposureValueScaled)
    xMax <- max(toGraph$exposureValueScaled)
    dif <- xMax - xMin
    q <- ggplot(data = toGraph, mapping = aes(x = exposureValueScaled, y = b))
    if (expResults) {
      q <- q + geom_hline(yintercept = 1, col = "black", lty = 2)
    } else {
      q <- q + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "black", lty = 2)
    q <- q + geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.4, mapping = aes(ymin = l95, ymax = u95))
    q <- q + geom_line()
    if (!is.null(toGraphLabels)) {
      q <- q + geom_point(data = toGraphLabels)
      q <- q + geom_text(
        data = toGraphLabels,
        mapping = aes(label = est),
        alpha = 1,
        angle = 90,
        hjust = -0.1,
        size = (5 / 14) * 16
    q <- q + scale_x_continuous(stack$graphTitleX[[i]])
    q <- q + scale_y_continuous(graphTitleY)
    q <- q + expand_limits(x = c(xMin - dif * 0.10, xMax + dif * 0.10))
    q <- q + labs(title = stack$graphTitleMain[[i]])
    q <- q + theme_grey(base_size = 16)
    saveA4(q, stack$graphFileName[[i]])

  if (formatResults) {
    res[, a_est := RAWmisc::FormatEstCIFromEstSE(beta = a_b, se = a_se, exp = expResults)]
    res[, c_est := RAWmisc::FormatEstCIFromEstSE(beta = c_b, se = c_se, exp = expResults)]

    res <- res[res$exposure != "(Intercept)", c(
  } else {
    res <- res[res$exposure != "(Intercept)", c(


#' FormatResultsStack
#' This formats the results from the stack
#' @param results The results
#' @param bonf do we want bonferroni correction?
#' @param useWald do we want significance shown on the wald pvalue?
#' @param useLRT do we want significance shown on the lrt pvalue?
#' @importFrom stats glm binomial coef
#' @import data.table
#' @export FormatResultsStack
FormatResultsStack <- function(results, bonf, useWald, useLRT) {
  if (useWald & useLRT) {
    stop("cant have both useWald and useLRT")
  if (!useWald & !useLRT) {
    stop("need one of useWald and useLRT")
  retval <- copy(results)

  c_pbonf <- NULL
  c_p_wald <- NULL
  a_pbonf <- NULL
  a_p_wald <- NULL
  c_p_lrt <- NULL
  a_p_lrt <- NULL
  c_sig <- NULL
  a_sig <- NULL

  a_est <- NULL
  a_b <- NULL
  a_se <- NULL
  c_est <- NULL
  c_b <- NULL
  c_se <- NULL

  if (bonf & useWald) {
    retval[, c_pbonf := stats::p.adjust(c_p_wald, method = "bonf")]
    retval[, a_pbonf := stats::p.adjust(a_p_wald, method = "bonf")]
  } else if (bonf & useLRT) {
    retval[, c_pbonf := stats::p.adjust(c_p_lrt, method = "bonf")]
    retval[, a_pbonf := stats::p.adjust(a_p_lrt, method = "bonf")]
  } else if (useWald) {
    retval[, c_sig := ifelse(c_p_wald < 0.05, "*", "")]
    retval[, a_sig := ifelse(a_p_wald < 0.05, "*", "")]
  } else if (useLRT) {
    retval[, c_sig := ifelse(c_p_lrt < 0.05, "*", "")]
    retval[, a_sig := ifelse(a_p_lrt < 0.05, "*", "")]

  if (bonf) {
    retval[, c_sig := ifelse(c_pbonf < 0.05, "*", "")]
    retval[, a_sig := ifelse(a_pbonf < 0.05, "*", "")]

    retval[, c_pbonf := RAWmisc::FormatPValue(c_pbonf)]
    retval[, a_pbonf := RAWmisc::FormatPValue(a_pbonf)]

    varOrder <- c(
  } else {
    varOrder <- c(

  retval[, c_p_wald := RAWmisc::FormatPValue(c_p_wald)]
  retval[, a_p_wald := RAWmisc::FormatPValue(a_p_wald)]

  retval[, c_p_lrt := RAWmisc::FormatPValue(c_p_lrt)]
  retval[, a_p_lrt := RAWmisc::FormatPValue(a_p_lrt)]

  retval[, c_est := sprintf("%s%s", c_est, c_sig)]
  retval[, a_est := sprintf("%s%s", a_est, a_sig)]

  retval[, c_sig := NULL]
  retval[, a_sig := NULL]

  setcolorder(retval, varOrder)

  if (bonf & useWald) {
    setnames(retval, c("c_pbonf", "a_pbonf"), c("c_p_wald_bonf", "a_p_wald_bonf"))
  } else if (bonf & useLRT) {
    setnames(retval, c("c_pbonf", "a_pbonf"), c("c_p_lrt_bonf", "a_p_lrt_bonf"))

raubreywhite/RAWmisc documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:04 a.m.