
utils::globalVariables(c("WELL", "."))

#' Read .las files
#' This function read well logs data from a .las file and return a data frame with
#'    depth and all log values.
#'    If the \code{filename} you provide does not existe, the function stops and
#'    return an error message.
#' @note \code{read_las} has been tested to LAS 2.0 standard, check:
#'     <http://www.cwls.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Las2_Update_Feb2017.pdf>
#' @param filename A character string giving the name or path of the file to be read.
#' @param lasnull A character string indicating which value is sued as \code{NULL}
#' @return This function returns a dataframe with the logs data read from a .las file.
#'    It include a first column with the wellname.
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select %>%
#' @importFrom stringr word str_trim
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read_las("filename.las")
#' read_las("pathname/filename.las", "-999")
#' }
#' @export
read_las <- function(filename,
                     lasnull="-999.250000") {

  if(!file.exists(filename)) stop("File '", filename, "' does not exist!")

  lasfile <- file(filename, open="r")

  ### 1. read header of the las file (LAS files have all the headers within first 100 lines)
  headerlines <- readLines(con = lasfile, n = 100L, ok = TRUE, skipNul = TRUE)

  # 1.a get the well name
  #pattern <- paste("WELL *\\.", "WELL\\.", sep = "|")
  oneline <- headerlines[grep("WELL *\\.", headerlines)]
  #wellname <- stringr::word(gsub("\\s+"," ", stringr::str_trim(oneline)),2)[1]
  wellname <- extract_wellname(oneline)

  # 1.b get the names of the logs
  pattern_c <- paste("~C" ,"~Curve", "~CURVE", sep = "|")
  aa <- grep(pattern_c, headerlines)
  bb <- grep("~", headerlines)[which(grep("~", headerlines) %in% aa) + 1] # look for the next line with ~ after ~C

  # count number of log curves, discounting comment lines starting with "#"
  ncurves <- bb - aa - 1 - length(grep("#", headerlines[aa:bb]))
  logname <- seq(0, 0, ncurves)
  curveslines <- subset(headerlines[(aa):(bb-1)], !grepl("#", headerlines[(aa):(bb-1)])) # remove comment lines
  for (i in 1:ncurves) {
    oneline <- curveslines[1 + i]
    logname[i] <- stringr::word(gsub("\\s+", " ", stringr::str_trim(oneline)), 1)[1]

  # 1.c get the first line with data
  pattern_a <- paste("~A" ,"~Ascii", "~ASCII", sep = "|")
  dataline <- as.numeric(grep(pattern_a, headerlines) + 1)

  ### 2. read the log data from the line after ~Ascii
  temp <- utils::read.table(lasfile,
                     header = FALSE,
                     na.strings = lasnull,
                     skip = dataline-1,
                     col.names = logname)


  temp <- temp %>%
    dplyr::mutate(WELL = wellname) %>%
    dplyr::select(WELL, 1:ncurves)


#' Read grid properties exported in ascii format
#' This function read 3D grid properties exported in ascii format and returns a
#' data frame with the resepctive properties value, and optionallythe I, J and K
#' indexes.
#' If the \code{filename} you provide does not existe, the function stops and
#' returns an error message.
#' @note Basically what this function do is to convert the ascci format into a
#'   easier to operate gslib-like format.
#' @param filename A character string giving the name or path of the file to be read.
#' @param dims An array of length = 3,telling the IJK dimension of the cube.
#'   Has no default.
#' @param index A logic flag telling if IJK index should be returned or not.
#'   If set to \code{FALSE} following parameters are ignored.
#'   Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param order A character string defining in which order Petrel exported the grid.
#'   Petrel Export Options:
#'   Cell Origin at (I=0, J=0, K)
#'   Cell Origin at (I=0, J=max(J), K)
#'   Cell Origin at (I=max(I), J=max(J), K)
#'   Cell Origin at (I=max(I), J=0, K)
#'   Should be one of: "IJK","IJmaxK","ImaxJmaxK" or "ImaxJK".
#'   Default \code{"IJK"}.
#' @param along A character string defining in which order traverse the indexes.
#'   Traverse first along I, then along J
#'   Traverse first along J, then along I
#'   Should be either: "I" or "J"
#'   Default \code{"I"}.
#' @return This function returns a dataframe with the grid properties and for
#'   each cell, and if \code{index = TRUE} the I, J and K indexes of the cells.
#' @note At the moment the function only read 1 porperty per file.
#'   Upgrade to read several properties in the same file is under development.
#' @importFrom stringr word
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   read_asciigrid("filename.las", dims = c(12, 12, 25))
#'   read_asciigrid("filename.las", index = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
read_asciigrid <- function(filename,
                           index = TRUE,
                           order = "IJK",
                           along = "I") {

  if(!file.exists(filename)) stop("File '", filename, "' does not exist!")
  # open file connection
  asciifile <- file(filename, open = "r")

  ### 1. read header
  headerlines <- readLines(con = asciifile, n = 25L, ok = TRUE, skipNul = TRUE)

  # 1.a get the prop name
  oneline <- headerlines[grep("-- Property name in Petrel :", headerlines)]
  propname <- stringr::word(gsub("\\s+", " ", stringr::str_trim(oneline)), 7)[1]

  # 1.b get the first line with data
  dataline <- as.numeric(grep("-- Property name in Petrel :", headerlines)+1)

  ### 2. read properties
  input <- readLines(con = asciifile, ok = TRUE, skipNul = TRUE)
  input <- input[dataline:length(input)]
  # close file connection

  # split lines for each value or pair of values
  raw_values <- stringr::str_split(input, " ", simplify = TRUE)

  # check dimensions
  n <- dim(raw_values)

  # initializize empty array
  prop <- c(NULL)
  # for each value or pair of values
  for (i in 1:n[1]) {
    for (j in 1:n[2]) {
      # if is not empty value (the number of values or pairs may be different in each raw.
      # The str_split function automatically try to reorganize data in in a table, with
      # n_col = max number of values of pairs per row. It fills empty spots with "")
      if (raw_values[i,j]!="") {
        # if is / stop
        if (raw_values[i,j]=="/") break
        # if is a pair (n*v)
        else if (grepl("\\*", raw_values[i,j])) {
          # split the pair
          temp <- as.numeric(stringr::str_split(raw_values[i, j], "\\*", simplify = TRUE))
          # redefine an array repeating n times the value v
          x <- rep(temp[2], temp[1])
          # cocantenate with previous values
          prop <- as.numeric(c(prop,x))
        # if is not a pair (single value), concatenate with previous values
        else {prop <- as.numeric(c(prop,raw_values[i,j]))}

  ### 3. Add I, J and K to the data frame
  if (is.null(dims) & index == TRUE) {
    warning("IJK dimensions must be specified to calcualte the property index. Property output without index.")
  else if (length(prop) != prod(dims)) {
    warning("The provided dimensions does not match the property values. Property output without index.")
  else if (!(order %in% c("IJK", "IJmaxK", "ImaxJmaxK", "ImaxJK"))) {
    warning("The order must be one of: 'IJK','IJmaxK','ImaxJmaxK','ImaxJK'. Property output without index.")
  else if (!(along %in% c("I","J"))) {
    warning("The along parameter must be one of: 'I' or 'J'. Property output without index.")
  else if (along == "I") {
      if (order == "IJK") {
               jj <- NULL
               kk <- NULL
               ii <- rep(1:dims[1],dims[2])
               for (j in 1:dims[2]) jj <- c(jj, rep(j, dims[1]))
               for (k in 1:dims[3]) kk <- c(kk, rep(k, dims[1]*dims[2]))

               prop <- as.data.frame(cbind(ii,jj,kk,prop))
               colnames(prop) <- c("I", "J", "K", propname)
      else if (order == "IJmaxK") {
        jj <- NULL
        kk <- NULL
        ii <- rep(1:dims[1],dims[2])
        for (j in dims[2]:1) jj <- c(jj, rep(j, dims[1]))
        for (k in 1:dims[3]) kk <- c(kk, rep(k, dims[1]*dims[2]))

        prop <- as.data.frame(cbind(ii,jj,kk,prop))
        colnames(prop) <- c("I", "J", "K", propname)
      else if (order == "ImaxJmaxK") {
        jj <- NULL
        kk <- NULL
        ii <- rep(dims[1]:1,dims[2])
        for (j in dims[2]:1) jj <- c(jj, rep(j, dims[1]))
        for (k in 1:dims[3]) kk <- c(kk, rep(k, dims[1]*dims[2]))

        prop <- as.data.frame(cbind(ii,jj,kk,prop))
        colnames(prop) <- c("I", "J", "K", propname)
      else if (order == "ImaxJK") {
        jj <- NULL
        kk <- NULL
        ii <- rep(dims[1]:1,dims[2])
        for (j in 1:dims[2]) jj <- c(jj, rep(j, dims[1]))
        for (k in 1:dims[3]) kk <- c(kk, rep(k, dims[1]*dims[2]))

        prop <- as.data.frame(cbind(ii,jj,kk,prop))
        colnames(prop) <- c("I", "J", "K", propname)
  else if (along == "J") {
    if (order == "IJK") {
      ii <- NULL
      kk <- NULL
      for (i in 1:dims[1]) ii <- c(ii, rep(i, dims[2]))
      jj <- rep(1:dims[2],dims[1])
      for (k in 1:dims[3]) kk <- c(kk, rep(k, dims[1]*dims[2]))

      prop <- as.data.frame(cbind(ii,jj,kk,prop))
      colnames(prop) <- c("I", "J", "K", propname)
    else if (order == "IJmaxK") {
      ii <- NULL
      kk <- NULL
      for (i in 1:dims[1]) ii <- c(ii, rep(i, dims[2]))
      jj <- rep(dims[2]:1, dims[1])
      for (k in 1:dims[3]) kk <- c(kk, rep(k, dims[1] * dims[2]))

      prop <- as.data.frame(cbind(ii, jj, kk, prop))
      colnames(prop) <- c("I", "J", "K", propname)
    else if (order == "ImaxJmaxK") {
      ii <- NULL
      kk <- NULL
      for (i in dims[1]:1) ii <- c(ii, rep(i, dims[2]))
      jj <- rep(dims[2]:1,dims[1])
      for (k in 1:dims[3]) kk <- c(kk, rep(k, dims[1]*dims[2]))

      prop <- as.data.frame(cbind(ii,jj,kk,prop))
      colnames(prop) <- c("I", "J", "K", propname)
    else if (order == "ImaxJK") {
      ii <- NULL
      kk <- NULL
      for (i in dims[1]:1) ii <- c(ii, rep(i, dims[2]))
      jj <- rep(1:dims[2],dims[1])
      for (k in 1:dims[3]) kk <- c(kk, rep(k, dims[1]*dims[2]))

      prop <- as.data.frame(cbind(ii, jj, kk, prop))
      colnames(prop) <- c("I", "J", "K", propname)


#' Read .gslib grid format
#' This function read 3D grid properties in .gslib format and returns a data
#' frame.
#' If the \code{filename} you provide does not existe, the function stops and
#' return an error message.
#' @param filename A character string giving the name or path of the file to be read.
#' @param complete A logic flag telling if complete cases only should be returned.
#'   Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param propnull A character string specifying the null property value.
#'   Default \code{"-99.00"}.
#' @return This function returns a dataframe with lthe logs data read from a .las file.
#' @importFrom stringr word
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom dplyr filter %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   read_gslib("filename.gslib")
#' }
#' @export
read_gslib <- function(filename, complete = TRUE, propnull="-99.00") {

  if(!file.exists(filename)) stop("File '", filename, "' does not exist!")

  asciifile <- file(filename, open = "r")

  ### 1. read header of the ascii file
  headerlines <- readLines(con = asciifile, n = 100L, ok = TRUE, skipNul = TRUE)

  # 1.a get the number of properties
  oneline <- headerlines[2]
  nprop <- as.numeric(oneline)

  # 1.b get the names of the porperties
  propname <- seq(0,0,nprop)
  for (i in 1:nprop) {
    oneline <- headerlines[2+i]
    propname[i] <- stringr::word(gsub("\\s+", " ", stringr::str_trim(oneline)), 1)[1]

  ### 2. read the log data from the line after ~Ascii
  temp <- utils::read.table(asciifile, header = F, na.strings = propnull,
                     skip = nprop + 2, col.names = propname)


  if (complete) {
    temp <- temp %>%


#' Extract Well Name from .las line
#' @note internal function used in \code{read_las}
#' @param oneline string character containing the well name extracted form .las file
#' @return string with the ecxtacte well name
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
extract_wellname <- function(oneline) {

  temp <- stringr::str_trim(oneline) # remove initial and final spaces
  temp <- gsub("\\s+", " ", temp) # replace multiple spaces with 1 space
  temp <- sub("WELL *\\.", "", temp) # remove initial "WELL ." with any number of spaces between WELL and .
  temp <- sub("\\: *\\w* *\\w* *\\w*", "", temp) # remove final ": WELL" with any number of spaces between : and WELL
  temp <- stringr::str_trim(temp) #remove initial and final spaces


#' Write well log dataframe to las file format
#' @param data a dataframe. The curves names are taken from the column names of the dataframe.
#' @param name variable to be used as .las file name. Usually in the form \code{name = unique(.$id)},
#'     where \code{id} was used as grouping variable. The extension .las is added automatically.
#' @param verbose logical, define whether the function should print out the names of the writen .csv files.
#'     Dafault = TRUE.
#' @param do logical, define if the output is a data frame. Dafault = FALSE.
#'     This is required if used with function \code{dplyr::do}, which requires to return a dataframe.
#'     The obtained dataframe can be dumped with \code{rm(dataframe_name)}.
#' @return write .las file.
#'     Additionally returns a dataframe if \code{do = TRUE} .
#'     As side effect, if \code{verbose = TRUE} prints out the names of the writen .las files
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' write_las(df , name = paste(unique(.$id), "_version01"))
#' dump_df <- df %>%
#'	 dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
#'	 do(write_las(. , name = unique(.$id), do = TRUE))
#' rm(dump_df)
#' }
#' @export
write_las <- function(data, name, verbose = TRUE, do = FALSE) {
  wellname <- unique(data$WELL)
  data <- data[ , 2:ncol(data)]
  filename <- ifelse(grepl(".las", name), name,  paste0(name, ".las"))

  if ("DEPTH" %in% colnames(data)) data %<>% dplyr::rename_("DEPT" = "DEPTH")

  # header
  cat(paste("# LAS format log file from R (petroreadr) \n",
      "~Version Information \n",
      "VERS. 2.0  :CWLS Log ASCII Standard - Version 2.00 \n",
      "# ---------------------------------- \n",
      "~Well \n"), file = filename)
  cat(paste("STRT  .F \t", min(data$DEPT), "\t :START DEPTH \n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)
  cat(paste("STOP  .F \t", max(data$DEPT), "\t :STOP DEPTH \n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)
  cat(paste("STEP  .F \t", data$DEPT[2] - data$DEPT[1], "\t :STEP \n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)
  cat(paste("NULL  . \t", NA, "\t :NULL VALUE \n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)
  cat(paste("WELL. \t", wellname, "\t \t : WELL \n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)
  cat(paste("DATE. \t", Sys.time(), "\t \t : Log Export Date {yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} \n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)
  cat(paste("# ---------------------------------- \n",
            "~Curve Information \n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)
  for (i in 1:length(data)) {
    cat(paste(colnames(data)[i], "\t ._ \t \t \t: ", colnames(data)[i], "\n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)
  cat(paste("# ----------------------------------",
            "~Ascii \n", sep = "\n"), file = filename, append = TRUE)

  # log data
  utils::write.table(data, filename, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
  if (verbose) print(filename)
  if (do) return(data)
ravenroadresources/petroreadr documentation built on May 23, 2019, 3:03 p.m.