
Defines functions find_player_name_remapping remap_player_info remap_player_names check_player_names remap_team_names

Documented in check_player_names find_player_name_remapping remap_player_info remap_player_names remap_team_names

#' Change team names
#' A team name can sometimes be spelled incorrectly, particularly if there are character encoding issues. This can be a particular problem when combining data from multiple files. If a team name matches the \code{from} entry and/or its ID matches the \code{team_id} entry in a row in \code{remap}, the team will be renamed to the corresponding \code{to} value and/or its ID changed to the corresponding \code{to_team_id} value.
#' @param x datavolley: a datavolley object as returned by \code{dv_read}, or list of such objects
#' @param remap data.frame: data.frame of strings with one or both columns \code{from} and \code{team_id}, and one or both columns \code{to} and \code{to_team_id}
#' @param fixed logical: treat the \code{from} and \code{team_id} entries as fixed strings? If \code{fixed} is \code{FALSE} they will be treated as regular expressions
#' @return datavolley object or list with corresponding team names changed
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv_read}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   x <- dv_read(dv_example_file(), insert_technical_timeouts = FALSE)
#'   summary(x)
#'   ## rename a team based just on team name
#'   summary(remap_team_names(x, data.frame(from="Nova KBM Branik", to="NKBM Branik")))
#'   ## rename a team based on team name and ID
#'   summary(remap_team_names(x, data.frame(from="Nova KBM Branik", to="NKBM Branik", team_id="MB4")))
#' }
#' @export
remap_team_names <- function(x, remap, fixed = TRUE) {
    if (!(inherits(x, "datavolley") || (is.list(x) && all(sapply(x, function(z) inherits(z, "datavolley"))))))
        stop("x must be a datavolley object or list of such objects")
    assert_that((has_name(remap, "from") || has_name(remap, "team_id")), (has_name(remap, "to") || has_name(remap, "to_team_id")))
    ##use_team_id <- "team_id" %in% names(remap)
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(remap))) remap[[i]] <- as.character(remap[[i]])
    from_by <- paste0(sort(intersect(c("from", "team_id"), tolower(names(remap)))), collapse = "&")
    if (from_by == "from&team_id") { ##use_team_id) {
        temp <- paste0(remap$from, "@@", remap$team_id)
        if (any(duplicated(temp))) stop("elements in 'team_id' and 'from' columns of remap must form unique pairs (no duplicates)")
    } else {
        if (length(remap[[from_by]]) != length(unique(remap[[from_by]]))) stop("elements in ", from_by, " must be unique (no duplicates)")
    was_list <- TRUE
    if (inherits(x,"datavolley")) {
        x <- list(x)
        was_list <- FALSE
    for (k in 1:length(x)) {
        for (t in 1:2) {
            this_team <- x[[k]]$meta$teams$team[t]
            this_team_id <- x[[k]]$meta$teams$team_id[t]
            if (fixed) {
                idx <- if (from_by == "from") {
                           remap$from %eq% this_team
                       } else if (from_by == "team_id") {
                           remap$team_id %eq% this_team_id
                       } else {
                           (remap$from %eq% this_team) & (remap$team_id %eq% this_team_id)
            } else {
                idx <- if (from_by == "from") {
                           !is.na(str_locate(this_team, remap$from)[, 1])
                       } else if (from_by == "team_id") {
                           !is.na(str_locate(this_team_id, remap$team_id)[, 1])
                       } else {
                           !is.na(str_locate(this_team, remap$from)[, 1]) & !is.na(str_locate(this_team_id, remap$team_id)[, 1])
            if (sum(idx) == 1) {
                if ("to" %in% names(remap)) {
                    team_should_be <- remap$to[which(idx)]
                    if (!is.na(team_should_be)) {
                        x[[k]]$meta$teams$team[t] <- team_should_be
                        x[[k]]$plays$team <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$team, fixed(this_team), team_should_be)
                        x[[k]]$plays$point_won_by <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$point_won_by, fixed(this_team), team_should_be)
                        x[[k]]$plays$home_team <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$home_team, fixed(this_team), team_should_be)
                        x[[k]]$plays$visiting_team <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$visiting_team, fixed(this_team), team_should_be)
                        x[[k]]$plays$serving_team <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$serving_team, fixed(this_team), team_should_be)
                        if ("receiving_team" %in% names(x[[k]]$plays)) x[[k]]$plays$receiving_team <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$receiving_team, fixed(this_team), team_should_be)
                        if ("set_won_by" %in% names(x[[k]]$plays)) x[[k]]$plays$set_won_by <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$set_won_by, fixed(this_team), team_should_be)
                        if ("match_won_by" %in% names(x[[k]]$plays)) x[[k]]$plays$match_won_by <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$match_won_by, fixed(this_team), team_should_be)
                if ("to_team_id" %in% names(remap)) {
                    team_id_should_be <- remap$to_team_id[which(idx)]
                    if (!is.na(team_id_should_be)) {
                        x[[k]]$meta$teams$team_id[t] <- team_id_should_be
                        x[[k]]$plays$team_id <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$team_id, fixed(this_team_id), team_id_should_be)
                        x[[k]]$plays$home_team_id <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$home_team_id, fixed(this_team_id), team_id_should_be)
                        x[[k]]$plays$visiting_team_id <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$visiting_team_id, fixed(this_team_id), team_id_should_be)
                        if ("receiving_team_id" %in% names(x[[k]]$plays)) x[[k]]$plays$receiving_team_id <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$receiving_team_id, fixed(this_team_id), team_id_should_be)
                        if ("set_won_by_id" %in% names(x[[k]]$plays)) x[[k]]$plays$set_won_by_id <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$set_won_by_id, fixed(this_team_id), team_id_should_be)
                        if ("match_won_by_id" %in% names(x[[k]]$plays)) x[[k]]$plays$match_won_by_id <- str_replace_all(x[[k]]$plays$match_won_by_id, fixed(this_team_id), team_id_should_be)
            } else if (sum(idx) > 1) {
                ## should have been caught above, but anyway
                if (from_by == "from") {
                    stop("ambiguous team name remapping: ", this_team, " matches more than one 'from' entry in remap")
                } else if (from_by == "team_id") {
                    stop("ambiguous team name remapping: ", this_team_id, " matches more than one 'team_id' entry in remap")
                } else {
                    stop("ambiguous team name remapping: ", this_team, " (team_id ", this_team_id, ") matches more than one 'from' and 'team_id' entry in remap")
    if (!was_list) {
    } else {

#' Check for similar player names
#' Player names can sometimes be spelled incorrectly, particularly if there are character encoding issues. This can be a particular problem when combining data from multiple files. This function checks for similar names that might possibly be multiple variants on the same name.
#' @param x datavolley: a datavolley object as returned by \code{dv_read}, or list of such objects
#' @param distance_threshold numeric: if two names differ by an amount less than this threshold, they will be returned as possible matches
#' @return data.frame
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv_read}}, \code{\link{adist}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   x <- dv_read(dv_example_file(), insert_technical_timeouts = FALSE)
#'   check_player_names(x)
#' }
#' @export
check_player_names <- function(x, distance_threshold = 4) {
    if (!(inherits(x, "datavolley") || (is.list(x) && all(sapply(x, function(z) inherits(z, "datavolley")))))) stop("x must be a datavolley object or list of such objects")
    if (inherits(x, "datavolley")) x <- list(x)
    names_ok <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(z) {
        rbind(if (nrow(z$meta$players_h) > 0) data.frame(team = home_team(z), team_id = home_team_id(z), player_name = z$meta$players_h$name, player_id = z$meta$players_h$player_id, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) else NULL,
              if (nrow(z$meta$players_v) > 0) data.frame(team = visiting_team(z), team_id = visiting_team_id(z), player_name = z$meta$players_v$name, player_id = z$meta$players_v$player_id, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) else NULL)
    blah <- names_ok %>% dplyr::count(.data$team, .data$team_id, .data$player_name, .data$player_id, name = "count")
    ## similarity of adjacent names
    ndist <- adist(tolower(blah$player_name))
    mask <- lower.tri(ndist)
    mask[!mask] <- NA
    ndist <- ndist * mask
    susidx <- which(!is.na(ndist) & ndist < distance_threshold, arr.ind = TRUE)
    if (nrow(susidx) > 0) {
        data.frame(team1 = blah$team[susidx[, 1]], team_id1 = blah$team_id[susidx[, 1]], player1 = blah$player_name[susidx[, 1]], player_id1 = blah$player_id[susidx[, 1]], count1 = blah$count[susidx[, 1]], team2 = blah$team[susidx[, 2]], team_id2 = blah$team_id[susidx[, 2]], player2 = blah$player_name[susidx[, 2]], player_id2 = blah$player_id[susidx[, 2]], count2 = blah$count[susidx[, 2]],stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {
        data.frame(team1 = character(), team_id1 = character(), player1 = character(), player_id1 = character(), count1 = integer(), team2 = character(), team_id2 = character(), player2 = character(), player_id2 = character(), count2 = integer(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Change player names
#' A player name can sometimes be spelled incorrectly, particularly if there are character encoding issues. This can be a particular problem when combining data from multiple files. A player matching the \code{team} and \code{from} name entries in a row in \code{remap} is renamed to the corresponding \code{to} value. Alternatively, \code{remap} can be provided with the columns \code{player_id} and \code{player_name}: all player name entries associated with a given \code{player_id} will be changed to the associated \code{player_name}.
#' @param x datavolley: a datavolley object as returned by \code{dv_read}, or list of such objects
#' @param remap data.frame: data.frame of strings with columns team, from, and to
#' @return A datavolley object or list with corresponding player names changed
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv_read}}, \code{\link{check_player_names}}, \code{\link{find_player_name_remapping}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   x <- dv_read(dv_example_file(), insert_technical_timeouts = FALSE)
#'   x <- remap_player_names(x, data.frame(team = c("Nova KBM Branik", "BraslovĨe"),
#'                                         from = c("ELA PINTAR", "KATJA MIHALINEC"),
#'                                         to = c("Ela PINTAR", "Katja MIHALINEC"),
#'                                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#'   x <- remap_player_names(x, data.frame(player_id = c("id1", "id2"),
#'                                         player_name = c("name to use 1", "name to use 2"),
#'                                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' }
#' @export
remap_player_names <- function(x,remap) {
    if (!(inherits(x,"datavolley") | (is.list(x) && all(sapply(x,function(z)inherits(z,"datavolley")))))) {
        stop("x must be a datavolley object or list of such objects")
    if (!(setequal(names(remap), c("from", "team", "to")) || setequal(names(remap), c("player_id", "player_name")))) {
        stop("remap data.frame must either have column names \"team\", \"from\", \"to\" OR \"player_id\", \"player_name\"")
    for (k in seq_len(ncol(remap))) remap[[k]] <- as.character(remap[[k]]) ## enforce all cols to be character
    was_list <- TRUE
    if (inherits(x,"datavolley")) {
        x <- list(x)
        was_list <- FALSE

    ## split player_name/to into first and last name
    if ("team" %in% names(remap)) {
        colnames(remap)[colnames(remap) == "from"] <- "name"
        full_name <- str_split(remap$to, "\\s", n = 2)
        remap$firstname <- sapply(full_name, function(name) name[1])
        remap$lastname <- sapply(full_name, function(name) name[2])
    } else {
        colnames(remap)[colnames(remap) == "player_name"] <- "name"
        full_name <- str_split(remap$name, "\\s", n = 2)
        remap$firstname <- sapply(full_name, function(name) name[1])
        remap$lastname <- sapply(full_name, function(name) name[2])

    for (k in seq_along(x)) {
        ## apply to team lists
        ## home team
        if ("team" %in% names(remap)) {
            this_team <- home_team(x[[k]])
            this_to_change <- remap[remap$team==this_team,]
            x[[k]]$meta$players_h <- rows_update(x[[k]]$meta$players_h, this_to_change[, c("name",  "firstname", "lastname")],
                                                 by = "name", unmatched = "ignore")
            x[[k]]$meta$players_h$name <- str_trim(paste(x[[k]]$meta$players_h$firstname, x[[k]]$meta$players_h$lastname, sep = " "))
        } else {
            ## name by id
            x[[k]]$meta$players_h <- rows_update(x[[k]]$meta$players_h, remap, by = "player_id", unmatched = "ignore")
        ## visiting team
        if ("team" %in% names(remap)) {
            this_team <- visiting_team(x[[k]])
            this_to_change <- remap[remap$team==this_team,]
            x[[k]]$meta$players_v <- rows_update(x[[k]]$meta$players_v, this_to_change[, c("name",  "firstname", "lastname")],
                                                 by = "name", unmatched = "ignore")
            x[[k]]$meta$players_v$name <- str_trim(paste(x[[k]]$meta$players_v$firstname, x[[k]]$meta$players_v$lastname, sep = " "))
        } else {
            x[[k]]$meta$players_v <- rows_update(x[[k]]$meta$players_v, remap, by = "player_id", unmatched = "ignore")

        ## and to plays dataframe
        if ("team" %in% names(remap)) {
            for (ti in 1:nrow(remap)) {
                x[[k]]$plays$player_name[x[[k]]$plays$team == remap$team[ti] & x[[k]]$plays$player_name == remap$name[ti]] <- remap$to[ti]
        } else {
            idx <- x[[k]]$plays$player_id %in% remap$player_id
            x[[k]]$plays$player_name[idx] <- mapvalues(x[[k]]$plays$player_id[idx], from = remap$player_id, to = remap$name, warn_missing = FALSE)
    if (!was_list) x[[1]] else x

#' Change player information
#' An experimental function to replace \code{remap_player_names} as a more comprehensive remapping of player attributes.
#' @param x datavolley: a datavolley object as returned by \code{dv_read}, or list of such objects
#' @param remap data.frame: data.frame of strings with columns team, name_from, and any of player_id, firstname, and lastname
#' @return A datavolley object or list with corresponding player names changed
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   x <- dv_read(dv_example_file(), insert_technical_timeouts = FALSE)
#'   x <- remap_player_info(x, data.frame(team = c("Nova KBM Branik", "BraslovĨe"),
#'                                        name_from = c("ELA PINTAR", "KATJA MIHALINEC"),
#'                                        firstname = c("Ela", "Katja"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' }
#' @export
remap_player_info = function(x, remap) {
    mandatory_columns <- c("team", "name_from")
    if (!(inherits(x,"datavolley") | (is.list(x) && all(sapply(x,function(z)inherits(z,"datavolley")))))) {
        stop("x must be a datavolley object or list of such objects")
    if (!(all(mandatory_columns %in% names(remap)) &&
          all(setdiff(names(remap), mandatory_columns) %in%  c("player_id", "firstname", "lastname")) && ncol(remap) > 2 )) {
        stop("remap data.frame must have column names \"team\" and \"name_from\", AND at least one of \"player_id\", \"firstname\", and \"lastname\"")
    for (k in seq_len(ncol(remap))) remap[[k]] <- as.character(remap[[k]]) ## enforce all cols to be character

    was_list <- TRUE
    if (inherits(x,"datavolley")) {
        x <- list(x)
        was_list <- FALSE

    colnames(remap)[colnames(remap) == "name_from"] <- "name"
    for (k in seq_along(x)) {
        ## apply to team lists
        ## modify players_h and players_v
        ## home Team
        x[[k]]$meta$players_h$team <- home_team(x[[k]])
        x[[k]]$meta$players_h <- rows_update(x[[k]]$meta$players_h, remap, by = c("team", "name"), unmatched = "ignore")
        x[[k]]$meta$players_h$name <- str_trim(paste(x[[k]]$meta$players_h$firstname, x[[k]]$meta$players_h$lastname, sep = " "))

        ## visiting team
        x[[k]]$meta$players_v$team <- visiting_team(x[[k]])
        x[[k]]$meta$players_v <- rows_update(x[[k]]$meta$players_v, remap, by = c("team", "name"), unmatched = "ignore")
        x[[k]]$meta$players_v$name <- str_trim(paste(x[[k]]$meta$players_v$firstname, x[[k]]$meta$players_v$lastname, sep = " "))

        ## modify plays dataframe
        dummy_df <- data.frame(team = c(x[[k]]$meta$players_h$team, x[[k]]$meta$players_v$team),
                               player_number = c(x[[k]]$meta$players_h$number, x[[k]]$meta$players_v$number),
                               player_name = c(x[[k]]$meta$players_h$name, x[[k]]$meta$players_v$name),
                               player_id = c(x[[k]]$meta$players_h$player_id, x[[k]]$meta$players_v$player_id))

        x[[k]]$plays <- rows_update(x[[k]]$plays, dummy_df, by = c("team", "player_number"), unmatched = "ignore")

        ## update player_id values
        if ("player_id" %in% names(remap)) {
            team_player_num <- if (x[[k]]$file_type == "indoor") 1:6 else 1:2
            ## gotta get team names
            for (thisp in team_player_num) {
                x[[k]]$plays[, paste0("home_player_id", thisp)] <- get_player_id(rep("*", nrow(x[[k]]$plays)), x[[k]]$plays[, paste0("home_p", thisp)], x[[k]]$meta)
            for (thisp in team_player_num) {
                x[[k]]$plays[, paste0("visiting_player_id", thisp)] <- get_player_id(rep("a", nrow(x[[k]]$plays)), x[[k]]$plays[, paste0("visiting_p", thisp)], x[[k]]$meta)
        ## remove the added columns
        x[[k]]$meta$players_h$team <- NULL
        x[[k]]$meta$players_v$team <- NULL
    if (!was_list) x[[1]] else x

#' Attempt to build a player name remapping table
#' A player name can sometimes be spelled incorrectly, particularly if there are character encoding issues. This can be a particular problem when combining data from multiple files. This function will attempt to find names that have been misspelled and create a remapping table suitable to pass to \code{\link{remap_player_names}}. Player names will only be compared within the same team. Note that this function is unlikely to get perfect results: use its output with care.
#' @param x datavolley: a datavolley object as returned by \code{dv_read}, or list of such objects
#' @param distance_threshold numeric: if two names differ by an amount less than this threshold, they will be treated as the same name
#' @param verbose logical: print progress to console as we go? Note that warnings will also be issued regardless of this setting
#' @return data.frame with columns team, from, to
#' @seealso \code{\link{remap_player_names}}, \code{\link{check_player_names}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   x <- dv_read(dv_example_file(), insert_technical_timeouts = FALSE)
#'   remap <- find_player_name_remapping(x)
#' }
#' @export
find_player_name_remapping <- function(x, distance_threshold = 3, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (!(inherits(x, "datavolley") || (is.list(x) && all(sapply(x, function(z) inherits(z, "datavolley")))))) {
        stop("x must be a datavolley object or list of such objects")
    if (inherits(x, "datavolley")) x <- list(x)

    all_names <- bind_rows(lapply(x, function(z) bind_rows(tibble(team = z$meta$teams$team[z$meta$teams$home_away_team=="*"], player_name = z$meta$players_h$name),
                                                           tibble(team = z$meta$teams$team[z$meta$teams$home_away_team=="a"], player_name = z$meta$players_v$name))))
    all_teams <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, function(z) z$meta$teams$team)))

    names_to_change <- data.frame()
    for (t in all_teams) {
        this_names <- all_names$player_name[all_names$team == t] ##subset(all_names,team==t)$player_name
        this_names_count <- as.data.frame(table(all_names$player_name[all_names$team == t])) ##subset(all_names,team==t)$player_name))
        names(this_names_count) <- c("name", "count")
        ## check for suspect names by transliteration (removing diacriticals) and by text distance
        names_translit <- iconv(this_names, from = "utf-8", to = "ascii//TRANSLIT")
        names_map <- rep(0, length(this_names))
        for (n in seq_along(this_names)) {
            p <- this_names[n]
            this_is_translit <- p == names_translit[n] ## this name does not have diacriticals
            if (this_is_translit) {
                ## does the non-transliterated form exist? allow for fuzzy matches
                nmdist <- adist(names_translit[n], names_translit)
                this_exists_not_translit <- sum(nmdist < distance_threshold) > 1
                if (this_exists_not_translit) {
                    name_should_be <- setdiff(which(nmdist < distance_threshold), n)
                    if (length(name_should_be) < 1) {
                        warning("problem remapping player name ", p, ", skipping")
                    if (length(name_should_be) > 1) {
                        warning("ambiguous name: ", p, " could be ", paste(this_names[name_should_be], collapse = " or "), ". Choosing first")
                        name_should_be <- name_should_be[1]
                    if (names_map[name_should_be] == n) {
                        ## have already mapped the reverse, so don't make circular ...
                        ##cat(sprintf(" (name %s already mapped to %s, so not mapping the reverse)\n",this_names[name_should_be],p))
                    } else {
                        names_map[n] <- name_should_be
                        name_should_be <- this_names[name_should_be]
                        if (verbose) message(paste0("Team ", t, ": mapping player name ", p, " to ", name_should_be))
                        names_to_change <- rbind(names_to_change, data.frame(team = t, from = p, to = name_should_be, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
raymondben/datavolley documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 10:35 p.m.