
Defines functions override_qsub_config instantiate_qsub_config get_default_qsub_config set_default_qsub_config config_file_location test_qsub_config is_qsub_config create_qsub_config

Documented in create_qsub_config get_default_qsub_config instantiate_qsub_config is_qsub_config override_qsub_config set_default_qsub_config test_qsub_config

#' Create a qsub configuration object.
#' @param remote Remote machine specification for ssh, in format such as \code{user@@server:port}
#'   that does not require interactive password entry.
#' @param local_tmp_path A directory on the local machine in which to store temporary files. Should not contain a tilde ('~').
#' @param remote_tmp_path A directory on the remote machine in which to store temporary files. Should not contain a tilde ('~').
#' @param name The name of the execution. This will show up, for instance, in \code{qstat}.
#' @param num_cores The number of cores to allocate per element in \code{X} in a \code{\link{qsub_lapply}} (default: \code{1}).
#' @param memory The memory to allocate per core (default: \code{"4G"}).
#'   If this is set too high without it being required, you might not be able to make optimal use of the remote cluster.
#' @param max_running_tasks limit concurrent array job task execution (default: \code{NULL}, infinite).
#'   If you have long jobs and there are many other users on the cluster,
#'   it is recommended you set this value to a reasonable number, such as 1/4th the total number of nodes * number of cores per node.
#' @param max_wall_time The maximum time each task is allowed to run (default: \code{"01:00:00"}, 1 hour).
#'   If set to \code{NULL}, the job will be allowed to run indefinitely.
#'   Mind you, this might annoy other users of the cluster.
#' @param batch_tasks How many values in \code{X} should be processed per task. Useful for when the `length(X)` is very large (> 10000).
#' @param compress Compression method to use: \code{"none"}, \code{"gz"} (default), \code{"bz2"}, or \code{"xz"}.
#' @param modules Which modules to load (default: \code{"R"}). If set to \code{NULL}, it will be assumed Rscript will be available in the path through other means.
#' @param execute_before Commands to execute in the bash shell before running R.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to print out any ssh commands.
#' @param wait If \code{TRUE}, will wait until the execution has finished by periodically checking the job status.
#' @param remove_tmp_folder If \code{TRUE}, will remove everything that was created related to this execution at the end.
#' @param stop_on_error If \code{TRUE}, will stop when an error occurs, else returns a NA for errored instances.
#' @importFrom random randomStrings
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
#' @return A qsub configuration object.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{qsub_lapply}}, \code{\link{set_default_qsub_config}}
#' @rdname create_qsub_config
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' qsub_config <- create_qsub_config(
#'   remote = "myuser@myserver.mylocation.com:22",
#'   local_tmp_path = "/home/myuser/workspace/.r2gridengine",
#'   remote_tmp_path = "/scratch/myuser/.r2gridengine"
#' )
#' qsub_lapply(1:10, function(x) x + 1, qsub_config = qsub_config)
#' set_default_qsub_config(qsub_config, permanent = TRUE)
#' qsub_lapply(1:10, function(x) x + 1)
#' qsub_lapply(
#'   X = 1:10,
#'   FUN = function(x) x + 1,
#'   qsub_config = override_qsub_config(verbose = TRUE)
#' )
#' }
create_qsub_config <- function(
  # server settings

  # execution parameters
  name = "r2qsub",
  num_cores = 1,
  memory = "4G",
  max_running_tasks = NULL,
  max_wall_time = "01:00:00",
  batch_tasks = 1,
  compress = c("gz", "bz2", "xz", "none"),

  # pre-execution parameters
  modules = "R",
  execute_before = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,

  # post-execution parameters
  wait = TRUE,
  remove_tmp_folder = TRUE,
  stop_on_error = TRUE
) {
  qsub_conf <- as.list(environment())
  qsub_conf <- qsub_conf[intersect(names(qsub_conf), methods::formalArgs(create_qsub_config))]
  if (length(qsub_conf$compress) > 1) {
    qsub_conf$compress <- qsub_conf$compress[[1]]
  class(qsub_conf) <- c(class(qsub_conf), "qsub::qsub_config")

#' Returns whether the passed object is a qsub_config object.
#' @param object The object to be tested
#' @export
is_qsub_config <- function(object) {
  "qsub::qsub_config" %in% class(object)

#' Tests whether the passed object is a qsub_config object.
#' @param object The object to be tested
#' @export
test_qsub_config <- function(object) {
  if (!is_qsub_config(object)) {
    stop(sQuote("qsub_config"), " needs to be a valid qsub_config object. See ", sQuote("create_qsub_config"), " for more details.")

config_file_location <- function() {
  if (getRversion() < "4.0.0") {
    # copy paste the relevant code of tools::R_user_dir for backwards compatibility
    package <- "qsub"

    home <- normalizePath("~")
    path <-
      if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_CONFIG_DIR"))) p
      else if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))) p
      else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "R", "config")
      else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") file.path(home, "Library", "Preferences", "org.R-project.R")
      else file.path(home, ".config")

    file.path(path, "R", package)
  } else {
    file.path(tools::R_user_dir("qsub", "config"), "qsub_config.rds")

#' Set a default qsub_config.
#' If permanent, the qsub_config will be written to the specified path.
#' Otherwise, it will be saved in the current environment.
#' @param qsub_config The qsub_config to use as default.
#' @param permanent Whether or not to make this the default qsub_config.
#' @param config_file The location to which to save the permanent qsub_config.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' qsub_config <- create_qsub_config(
#'   remote = "myserver",
#'   local_tmp_path = "/home/myuser/workspace/.r2gridengine",
#'   remote_tmp_path = "/scratch/myuser/.r2gridengine"
#' )
#' set_default_qsub_config(qsub_config, permanent = T)
#' qsub_lapply(1:10, function(x) x + 1)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{qsub_lapply}}, \code{\link{create_qsub_config}}
set_default_qsub_config <- function(
  permanent = TRUE,
  config_file = config_file_location()
) {
  if (is.null(qsub_config)) {
    options("qsub_config" = NULL)
    if (permanent) {
  } else {
    options("qsub_config" = qsub_config)

    # if save is permanent
    if (permanent) {
      # create parent folder, if necessary
      folder <- gsub("[^\\/]*$", "", config_file)
      if (!file.exists(folder)) {
        dir.create(folder, recursive = TRUE)

      # save file at desired location
      readr::write_rds(qsub_config, config_file)

#' Retrieve a default qsub_config.
#' @description
#' Will prefer the temporary default over the permanent default.
#' You should typically not require this function.
#' @param config_file The file in which a permanent default config is stored.
#' @export
get_default_qsub_config <- function(
  config_file = config_file_location()
) {
  opt <- getOption("qsub_config")
  if (!is.null(opt)) {
  } else if (file.exists(config_file)) {
  } else {
    stop("No default qsub_config could be found. Did you run ", sQuote("set_default_qsub_config"), " yet?")

#' Create an instance of the qsub_config.
#' @description
#' This function generates the paths for the temporary files.
#' @param qsub_config A valid qsub_config object.
#' ## @export # you should typically not require to call this function manually.
instantiate_qsub_config <- function(qsub_config) {

  tmp_foldername <- paste0(
    format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"), "_",
    qsub_config$name, "_",
    random::randomStrings(n = 1, len = 10)[1,])

  src_dir <- paste0(qsub_config$local_tmp_path, "/", tmp_foldername)
  remote_dir <- paste0(qsub_config$remote_tmp_path, "/", tmp_foldername)

  qsub_conf <- c(qsub_config, list(
    src_dir = src_dir,
    src_outdir = paste0(src_dir, "/out"),
    src_logdir = paste0(src_dir, "/log"),
    src_qsub_rds = paste0(src_dir, "/data_qsub.rds"),
    src_prism_rds = paste0(src_dir, "/data_prism.rds"),
    src_rfile = paste0(src_dir, "/script.R"),
    src_shfile = paste0(src_dir, "/script.sh"),
    remote_dir = remote_dir,
    remote_outdir = paste0(remote_dir, "/out"),
    remote_logdir = paste0(remote_dir, "/log"),
    remote_qsub_rds = paste0(remote_dir, "/data_qsub.rds"),
    remote_prism_rds = paste0(remote_dir, "/data_prism.rds"),
    remote_rfile = paste0(remote_dir, "/script.R"),
    remote_shfile = paste0(remote_dir, "/script.sh")


#' @rdname create_qsub_config
#' @param qsub_config A qsub_config to be overridden
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
#' @export
override_qsub_config <- function(
  qsub_config = get_default_qsub_config(),

  # server settings
  remote = qsub_config$remote,
  local_tmp_path = qsub_config$local_tmp_path,
  remote_tmp_path = qsub_config$remote_tmp_path,

  # execution parameters
  name = qsub_config$name,
  num_cores = qsub_config$num_cores,
  memory = qsub_config$memory,
  max_running_tasks = qsub_config$max_running_tasks,
  max_wall_time = qsub_config$max_wall_time,
  batch_tasks = qsub_config$batch_tasks,
  compress = qsub_config$compress,

  # pre-execution parameters
  modules = qsub_config$modules,
  execute_before = qsub_config$execute_before,
  verbose = qsub_config$verbose,

  # post-execution parameters
  wait = qsub_config$wait,
  remove_tmp_folder = qsub_config$remove_tmp_folder,
  stop_on_error = qsub_config$stop_on_error
) {
  old_values <- qsub_config

  qsub_config_param_names <- methods::formalArgs(create_qsub_config)

  new_values <- as.list(environment())
  new_values <- new_values[intersect(names(new_values), qsub_config_param_names)]
  old_values <- old_values[setdiff(intersect(names(old_values), qsub_config_param_names), names(new_values))]

  do.call(create_qsub_config, c(new_values, old_values))
rcannood/PRISM documentation built on Sept. 24, 2021, 11:10 p.m.