
Defines functions .normalizePath .io_exists_mask .io_check_exists .ppath .otherannotations .xtrasnpdbpkgs .snpdbpkgs .txdbpkgs .orgdbpkgs .bsgenomepkgs .availablePackages .loadAnnotationPackageObject .isPkgLoaded spliceSiteMatricesHuman VariantFilteringParam

Documented in spliceSiteMatricesHuman VariantFilteringParam

VariantFilteringParam <- function(vcfFilename, pedFilename=NA_character_,
                                  weightMatricesLocations=rep(list(variantLocations()), length(weightMatricesFilenames)),
                                  weightMatricesStrictLocations=rep(list(FALSE), length(weightMatricesFilenames)),
                                  radicalAAchangeFilename=file.path(system.file("extdata", package="VariantFiltering"),
                                  codonusageFilename=file.path(system.file("extdata", package="VariantFiltering"),
                                  regionAnnotations=list(CodingVariants(), IntronVariants(),
                                                         FiveSpliceSiteVariants(), ThreeSpliceSiteVariants(),
                                                         PromoterVariants(), FiveUTRVariants(), ThreeUTRVariants()),
                                  yieldSize=NA_integer_) {

  ## store call for reproducing it later
  callobj <- match.call()
  callstr <- gsub(".local", "VariantFilteringParam", deparse(callobj))

  if (length(vcfFilename) > 1) {
    stop("More than one input VCF file is currently not supported. Please either merge the VCF files into a single one with vcftools, do the variant calling simultaneously on all samples, or proceed analyzing each file separately.")
  } else if (length(vcfFilename) < 1)
    stop("Missing VCF filename.")

  ## check if input VCF, PED, splice site and radical AA change files exist
    .io_check_exists(c(vcfFilename, radicalAAchangeFilename, codonusageFilename))
  }, error=function(err) {
       stop(conditionMessage(err), call.=FALSE)

  if (!is.na(pedFilename) && length(pedFilename) == 1)
    }, error=function(err) {
         stop(conditionMessage(err), call.=FALSE)
    pedFilename <- NA_character_

  if (any(!is.na(weightMatricesFilenames)))
    }, error=function(err) {
         stop(conditionMessage(err), call.=FALSE)
    weightMatricesFilenames <- NA_character_

  callstr <- gsub("= vcfFilename", sprintf("= c(%s)", paste(sprintf("\"%s\"", vcfFilename), collapse=", ")), callstr)

  ## R temporary files do not preserve the double extension .vcf.bgz
  ## maskGz <- grepl("vcf.bgz$", vcfFilename)
  maskGz <- grepl(".bgz$", vcfFilename) | grepl(".gz$", vcfFilename)

  ## files that are no bgzipped should get bgzipped for the indexTabix() call below
  if (any(!maskGz)) {
    maskVcf <- grepl("vcf$", vcfFilename[!maskGz])
    if (!all(maskVcf))
      stop(sprintf("file(s) %s have no .vcf extension.", paste(vcfFilename[!maskGz][!maskVcf], collapse=", ")))
    sapply(vcfFilename[!maskGz], function(f) {
                                    message(sprintf("Tabix compressing with bgzip %s", f))
                                    bgzip(f, overwrite=TRUE)
    vcfFilename[!maskGz] <- paste0(vcfFilename[!maskGz], ".bgz")

  maskTbi <- .io_exists_mask(paste0(vcfFilename, ".tbi"))
  ## files with no tabix index should get built their tabix index
  if (any(!maskTbi)) {
    for (f in vcfFilename) {
        message(sprintf("Tabix indexing %s", f))
        indexTabix(f, format="vcf")
      }, error=function(err) {
        stop(conditionMessage(err), call.=TRUE)

  sampleNames <- character()
  seqinfos <- vector(mode="list", length=length(vcfFilename))
  tfl <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(vcfFilename)) {
    hd <- scanVcfHeader(vcfFilename[i])
    seqinfos[[i]] <- seqinfo(hd)
    sampleNames <- c(sampleNames, samples(hd))
    tfl[[i]] <- TabixFile(vcfFilename[i], yieldSize=yieldSize)
  tfl <- do.call(TabixFileList, tfl)

  ## check that the genome information is identical for all VCFs with genome information
  wh <- which(sapply(seqinfos, length) > 0)
  for (i in wh)
    if (!identical(seqinfos[[i]], seqinfos[[wh[1]]]))
      stop("Genome version for VCF file %s is different from VCF file %s\n",
           basename(vcfFilename[i]), basename(vcfFilename[wh[1]]))

  ## those VCFs without genome information take the genome information from
  ## VCFs with genome information (if any)
  wh0 <- which(sapply(seqinfos, length) == 0)
  if (length(wh0) > 0 && length(wh) > 0) {
    seqinfos[wh0] <- seqinfos[wh[1]]
    warning(sprintf("Genome information missing in VCF file(s) %s is taken from VCF file %s.",
                    paste(sapply(vcfFilename[wh0], basename), collapse=", "),

  ## read weight matrices
  weightMatrices <- list()
  if (any(!is.na(weightMatricesFilenames))) {
    if (class(weightMatricesFilenames) != "character")
      stop("'weightMatricesFilenames' should be a character vector.")
    if (any(!is.na(weightMatricesLocations)) && class(unlist(weightMatricesLocations, use.names=FALSE)) != "character")
      stop("elements of 'weightMatricesLocations' should be a character vector.")
    if (any(!is.na(weightMatricesLocations)) && length(weightMatricesFilenames) > 1 && class(weightMatricesLocations) != "list")
      stop("'weightMatricesLocations' should be a list of character vectors when more than one weight matrix filename is given to 'weightMatricesFilenames'")
    if (any(!is.na(weightMatricesLocations)) && length(weightMatricesFilenames) == 1 && class(weightMatricesLocations) != "list")
      weightMatricesLocations <- list(weightMatricesLocations)
    if (any(!is.na(weightMatricesStrictLocations)) && length(weightMatricesFilenames) > 1 && class(weightMatricesStrictLocations) != "list")
      stop("'weightMatricesStrictLocations' should be a list of logical vectors when more than one weight matrix filename is given to 'weightMatricesFilenames'")
    if (any(!is.na(weightMatricesStrictLocations)) && length(weightMatricesFilenames) == 1 && class(weightMatricesStrictLocations) != "list")
      weightMatricesStrictLocations <- list(weightMatricesStrictLocations)

    weightMatrices <- mapply(function(fname, loc, sloc) readWm(fname, loc, sloc),
                             as.list(weightMatricesFilenames), weightMatricesLocations, weightMatricesStrictLocations)

  ## read radical amino acid change matrix
  radicalAAchangeMatrix <- readAAradicalChangeMatrix(radicalAAchangeFilename)

  ## read codon usage table, in particular, codon relative
  ## frequencies within amino acids with the aim of quantifying
  ## the impact of a coding synonymous mutation
  codonusageTable <- read.table(file=codonusageFilename, sep=";")
  codonusageTable <- do.call("names<-", list(codonusageTable[[3]], codonusageTable[[1]]))
  ## check that the given annotation packages are installed, can be loaded, and load them

  .loadAnnotationPackageObject(bsgenome, "bsgenome", "BSgenome")

  .loadAnnotationPackageObject(orgdb, "orgdb", "OrgDb")

  .loadAnnotationPackageObject(txdb, "txdb", "TxDb")

  ## when no VCF has genome information, this information is taken from the TxDb package
  wh0 <- which(sapply(seqinfos, length) == 0)
  if (length(wh0) > 0) {
    seqinfos[wh0] <- seqinfo(get(txdb))
    warning(sprintf("No genome information available from any VCF file. This information will be taken from the transcript-centric package %s, thus assuming a genome version %s with %s chromosome nomenclature\n",
            txdb, unique(genome(get(txdb))), seqlevelsStyle(get(txdb))))

  ## assume the first bit of the name of the package contains the class name
  for (pkg in snpdb)
    .loadAnnotationPackageObject(pkg, "snpdb", strsplit(pkg, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1])

  if (!is.logical(allTranscripts))
    stop("argument 'allTranscripts' should be logical.")

  if (!is.character(otherAnnotations))
    stop("argument 'otherAnnotations' should contain names of objects or installed packages that can be used by VariantFiltering to annotate genetic variants.")

  ## check that object determining region annotations belong to the 'VariantType' class
  if (intergenic==TRUE)
    regionAnnotations=list(CodingVariants(), IntronVariants(),
                                                         FiveSpliceSiteVariants(), ThreeSpliceSiteVariants(),
                                                         PromoterVariants(), FiveUTRVariants(), ThreeUTRVariants(),
  if (!is.list(regionAnnotations))
    regionAnnotations <- list(regionAnnotations)

  mask <- sapply(regionAnnotations, function(x) !is(x, "VariantType"))
  if (any(mask))
    stop("The argument 'regionAnnotations' should contain a list of one or more 'VariantType' objects. See the help page of CodingVariants() from the 'VariantAnnotation' package.")
  names(regionAnnotations) <- sapply(regionAnnotations, class)
  regionAnnotations <- SimpleList(regionAnnotations)

  ## fetch other annotation packages
  otherAnnotationsClass <- rep(NA_character_, length(otherAnnotations))
  names(otherAnnotationsClass) <- otherAnnotations
  for (name in otherAnnotations)  {
    if (!exists(name)) {
      if (!name %in% installed.packages(noCache=TRUE)[, "Package"])
        stop(sprintf("please install the Bioconductor package %s.", name))
      if (!.isPkgLoaded(name)) {
        message("Loading annotation package ", name)
        if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(name, character.only=TRUE)))
          stop(sprintf("package %s could not be loaded.", name))
    } else
      message("Fetching annotation object ", name)
      otherAnnotationsClass[name] <- class(get(name))
    }, error=function(err) {
      stop(sprintf("The annotation object %s could not be fetched from the namespace.", name))

  ## set the empty sequence ontology graph (sequence variant) and its matrix of descendants
  gSO <- sequence_variant.gSOXP
  gSOdmat <- .buildDescendantsMatrix(gSO)
  gSOamat <- .buildAncestorsMatrix(gSO)

  ## build quality filters contained in the input VCF
  ## somehow sometimes filters described in the VCF header
  ## do not show up in the softFilterMatrix of the VRanges object
  ## to deal with this we check whether the column exists and if not
  ## just return a mask of truth logical values
  qualityFilterMetadata <- fixed(scanVcfHeader(tfl[[1]]))$FILTER
  qualityFilterNames <- make.names(rownames(qualityFilterMetadata), unique=TRUE)
  rownames(qualityFilterMetadata) <- qualityFilterNames
  qualityFilterMetadata$AnnoGroup <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(qualityFilterMetadata))
  qfilters <- sapply(qualityFilterNames,
                     function(qfname) {
                       f <- sprintf("function(x) { sfm <- VariantAnnotation::softFilterMatrix(VariantFiltering::allVariants(x, groupBy=\"nothing\")) ; mask <- rep(TRUE, nrow(sfm)) ; if (!is.na(match(\"%s\", colnames(sfm)))) mask <- sfm[, \"%s\"] ; mask }", qfname, qfname)
  qfilters <- lapply(qfilters, function(f) { environment(f) <- baseenv() ; f})
  qualityFR <- FilterRules(qfilters)

  new("VariantFilteringParam", callObj=callobj, callStr=callstr, vcfFiles=tfl, seqInfos=seqinfos,
      sampleNames=sampleNames, pedFilename=pedFilename, bsgenome=bsgenome, orgdb=orgdb, txdb=txdb,
      snpdb=snpdb, gSO=gSO, gSOdmat=gSOdmat, gSOamat=gSOamat, weightMatrices=weightMatrices,
      radicalAAchangeFilename=radicalAAchangeFilename, radicalAAchangeMatrix=radicalAAchangeMatrix,
      codonusageFilename=codonusageFilename, codonusageTable=codonusageTable, geneticCode=geneticCode,
      regionAnnotations=regionAnnotations, otherAnnotations=otherAnnotations,
      otherAnnotationsClass=otherAnnotationsClass, allTranscripts=allTranscripts,
      filters=qualityFR, filtersMetadata=qualityFilterMetadata, qualityFilterNames=qualityFilterNames,
      geneKeytype=geneKeytype, yieldSize=as.integer(yieldSize))

## functions with default parameters

spliceSiteMatricesHuman <- function() {
  c(file.path(system.file("extdata", package="VariantFiltering"), "hsap.donors.hcmc10_15_1.ibn"),
    file.path(system.file("extdata", package="VariantFiltering"), "hsap.acceptors.hcmc10_15_1.ibn"))

## show method

setMethod("show", signature(object="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function(object) {
            cat("\nVariantFiltering parameter object\n\n")
            cat("  VCF file(s):")
            for (f in path(object$vcfFiles))
              cat(sprintf(" %s", basename(f)))
            sampleNames <- ifelse(length(object$sampleNames) <= 4, paste(object$sampleNames, collapse=", "),
                                  paste(paste(head(object$sampleNames, n=4), collapse=", "), "...", sep=", "))
            cat(sprintf("\n  Genome version(s):"))
            for (i in seq_along(object$seqInfos))
              if (length(object$seqInfos[[i]]) > 0) {
                ## sometimes the 'genome' tag comes flanked by \" :-? let's strip that out for pure aesthetics
                genomestr <- paste(gsub("\\\"", "", unique(genome(object$seqInfos[[i]]))), collapse=",")
                ## we subset to the first element of the value returned by seqlevelsStyle()
                ## to deal with cases in which only a subset of chrosomes is contained in the
                ## input VCF (typically for teaching/example/illustration purposes) which
                ## matches more than one chromosome style
                cat(sprintf(" %s(%s)", genomestr, seqlevelsStyle(object$seqInfos[[i]])[1]))
              } else
                cat(" NA")

            cat(sprintf("\n  Number of individuals: %d (%s)\n", length(object$sampleNames), sampleNames))
            if (!is.na(object$pedFilename) && length(object$pedFilename) > 0)
              cat(sprintf("  PED file: %s\n", basename(object$pedFilename)))

            bsgenomeobj <- .loadAnnotationPackageObject(object$bsgenome,
                                                        "bsgenome", "BSgenome",
            cat(sprintf("  Genome-centric annotation package: %s (%s %s)\n",
                        object$bsgenome, provider(bsgenomeobj),
                        providerVersion(as(bsgenomeobj, "GenomeDescription"))))
            if (length(object$snpdb) > 0) {
              for (pkg in object$snpdb) {
                snpdbobj <- .loadAnnotationPackageObject(pkg, "snpdb",
                                                         strsplit(pkg, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1],
                cat(sprintf("  Variant-centric annotation package: %s (%s)\n",
                            pkg, providerVersion(snpdbobj)), sep="")
            cat(sprintf("  Transcript-centric annotation package: %s\n", object$txdb))
            cat(sprintf("  Gene-centric annotation package: %s\n", object$orgdb))
            if (length(object$weightMatrices) > 0)
              cat(sprintf("  Weight matrices: %s\n", paste(sapply(object$weightMatrices, wmName), collapse=", ")))
            cat(sprintf("  Radical/Conservative AA changes: %s\n", basename(object$radicalAAchangeFilename)))
            cat(sprintf("  Codon usage table: %s\n", basename(object$codonusageFilename)))
            cat(sprintf("  Regions to annotate: %s\n", paste(names(object$regionAnnotations), collapse=", ")))
            if (length(object$otherAnnotations) > 0)
              cat(sprintf("  Other annotation pkg/obj: %s\n",
                                collapse=",\n                            ")))
            cat(sprintf("  All transcripts: %s\n", object$allTranscripts))

setMethod("names", signature(x="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function(x) {
            n <- slotNames(x)
            n[!n %in% c("callObj", "callStr")]

setMethod("$", signature(x="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function(x, name) {
            if (is.na(match(name, slotNames(x))))
              stop("unknown VariantFilteringParam slot. Use names() to find out which are the valid ones.")

            slot(x, name)

## getters

setMethod("filters", signature(x="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function (x) {

setMethod("filtersMetadata", signature(x="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function (x) {

setMethod("cutoffs", signature(x="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function (x) {

setMethod("sog", signature(x="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function(x) {

setMethod("sodmat", signature(x="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function(x) {

setMethod("soamat", signature(x="VariantFilteringParam"),
          function(x) {

## private functions

.isPkgLoaded <- function(name) {
   (paste("package:", name, sep="") %in% search()) ## || (name %in% loadedNamespaces()) <- problematic with cleanEx()

.loadAnnotationPackageObject <- function(pkgName, argName, pkgType, verbose=TRUE) {

  callobj <- match.call()
  annotObj <- NULL

  if (is.character(pkgName)) {
    if (!pkgName %in% installed.packages(noCache=TRUE)[, "Package"])
      stop(sprintf("please install the Bioconductor package %s.", pkgName))
    if (!.isPkgLoaded(pkgName)) {
      if (verbose)
        message("Loading ", pkgType, " annotation package ", pkgName)
      if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(pkgName, character.only=TRUE)))
        stop(sprintf("package %s could not be loaded.", pkgName))
      annotObj <- get(pkgName)
    }, error=function(err) {
      stop(sprintf("The annotation package %s should automatically load an %s object with the same name as the package.", pkgName, pkgType))
  } else if (class(pkgName) != pkgType)
    stop(sprintf("argument '%s' should either contain the name of an '%s' annotation package or be an '%s' annotation object itself.",
         argName, pkgType, pkgType))
    annotObj <- pkgName

  if (!is(annotObj, pkgType))
    stop(sprintf("The object loaded with name %s is not an '%s' object.",
                 ifelse(is.character(pkgName), pkgName, gettext(callobj)[2])), pkgType)


.availablePackages <- function(pattern) {
  ips <- installed.packages(noCache=TRUE)[, "Package"]
  as.vector(ips[grep(pattern, ips)])

.bsgenomepkgs <- function() {

.orgdbpkgs <- function() {

.txdbpkgs <- function() {

.snpdbpkgs <- function() {

.xtrasnpdbpkgs <- function() {

.otherannotations <- function() {
  otherann <- c(.availablePackages("^MafDb."),

## some utility functions copied from Rsamtools/R/utilities.R

.ppath <- function(tag, filepath) {
  wd <- options('width')[[1]] - nchar(tag) - 6
  if (0L == length(filepath) || nchar(filepath) < wd)
    return(sprintf("%s: %s\n", tag, filepath))
  bname <- basename(filepath)
  wd1 <- wd - nchar(bname)
  dname <- substr(dirname(filepath), 1, wd1)
  sprintf("%s: %s...%s%s\n",
          tag, dname, .Platform$file.sep, bname)

.io_check_exists <- function(file) {
  if (!length(file))
    stop("'file' is length(0)")
  idx <- !grepl("^(ftp)|(http)://", file)
  if (!all(sapply(file[idx], file.exists))) {
    msg <- paste(sprintf("'%s'", file[idx]), collapse="\n  ")
    stop("file(s) do not exist:\n  ", msg)

.io_exists_mask <- function(file) {
  if (!length(file))
    stop("'file' is length(0)")
  idx <- !grepl("^(ftp)|(http)://", file)
  mask <- sapply(file[idx], file.exists)

.normalizePath <- function(path) {
    idx <- !grepl("^(ftp)|(http)://", path)
    ## expand ~/, but don't chase links (i.e., don't normalizePath())
    path[idx] <- path.expand(path[idx])
rcastelo/VariantFiltering documentation built on May 5, 2024, 11:40 a.m.