
#' example_annotations data
#' A \code{GRanges} of precomputed annotations for CpG features. Created by doing
#' \code{build_annotations(genome='hg19', annotations = 'hg19_cpgs')}.
#' @format A \code{GRanges} object with the CpG feature annotations for hg19
#' and containing \code{mcols}:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{id}{The internal ID for the annotation}
#'     \item{tx_id}{All NA, since these are not associated with tx_ids}
#'     \item{gene_id}{All NA, since there are not associated Entrez IDs}
#'     \item{symbols}{All NA, since there are not associated gene symbols}
#'     \item{type}{A character indicating the type of annotation. Including:
#' 'hg19_cpg_islands', 'hg19_cpg_shores', 'hg19_cpg_shelves', and 'hg19_cpg_inter'.}
#' }
#' @source The AnnotationHub resource for hg19 CpG features.
rcavalcante/annotatr documentation built on March 25, 2023, 9:51 a.m.