
#' @title scanonevar.boot
#' @name scanonevar.boot
#' @author Robert W. Corty \email{rcorty@@gmail.com}
#' @description \code{scanonevar.boot} conducts a nonparametric bootstrap of one chromosome
#' to establish a confidence interval on any peaks
#' @param sov the scanonevar whose significance should be assessed empirically in an FWER-controlling method
#' @param n.resamples the number of resamples
#' @param chr which chromosome to focus on
#' @param random.seed value to start the random number generator at, for reproducibility
#' @param n.cores number of cores to use for the permutations
#' @param silent Should all messaging be suppressed?
#' @param qtl_type which type of QTL did you detect and want a CI for?  mQTL, vQTL, or mvQTL.
#' @return 27599
#' @export
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @examples
#' set.seed(27599)
#' test.cross <- qtl::sim.cross(map = qtl::sim.map(len = rep(20, 5), n.mar = 5), n.ind = 50)
#' sov <- scanonevar(cross = test.cross)
scanonevar.boot <- function(sov,
                            qtl_type = c('mQTL', 'vQTL', 'mvQTL'),
                            # bootstrap_type = c('simple', 'bayesian'),
                            random.seed = 27599,
                            n.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 2,
                            silent = FALSE) {

  stopifnot(n.resamples > 0)
  stopifnot(chr %in% names(sov$meta$cross$geno))
  qtl_type <- match.arg(arg = qtl_type)
  # bootstrap_type <- match.arg(arg = bootstrap_type)

  # no way to split resamples over cores...so never use more cores than there are resamples
  n.cores <- min(n.cores, n.resamples)

  # execute the scan
  result <- scanonevar.boot_(sov = sov[['result']],
                             meta = sov[['meta']],
                             n.resamples = n.resamples,
                             chr = chr,
                             qtl_type = qtl_type,
                             # bootstrap_type = bootstrap_type,
                             seed = random.seed,
                             n.cores = n.cores,
                             silent = silent)

  sov <- list(meta = sov[['meta']],
              bootstrap_maxes = result)

  class(sov) <- c('scanonevar', class(sov))

scanonevar.boot_ <- function(sov,
                             # bootstrap_type,
                             silent) {

  if (n.cores != 1) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(spec = n.cores)
    doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = cl)

  one_chr_cross <- subset(x = meta$cross, chr = chr)

  if (n.cores == 1) {

    set.seed(seed = seed)
    max_positions <- rep(NA, n.resamples)
    for (resample_idx in 1:n.resamples) {

      bs_scan <- scanonevar(cross = subset(x = one_chr_cross,
                                           ind = sample(x = 1:qtl::nind(one_chr_cross), replace = TRUE)),
                            mean.formula = meta$scan.formulae$mean.alt.formula,
                            var.formula = meta$scan.formulae$var.alt.formula,
                            chrs = chr,
                            scan_types = qtl_type)

      max_positions[resample_idx] <- bs_scan$result$pos[which.max(x = bs_scan$resul[[paste0(qtl_type, '.lod')]])]


  if (n.cores > 1) {
    max_positions <- foreach::foreach(resample_idx = 1:n.resamples,
                                      .combine = 'c',
                                      .packages = c('qtl', 'vqtl')) %dopar% {

      set.seed(seed = seed + resample_idx)

      bs_scan <- scanonevar(cross = subset(x = one_chr_cross,
                                           ind = sample(x = 1:qtl::nind(one_chr_cross), replace = TRUE)),
                            mean.formula = meta$scan.formulae$mean.alt.formula,
                            var.formula = meta$scan.formulae$var.alt.formula,
                            chrs = chr,
                            scan_types = qtl_type)

      bs_scan$result$pos[which.max(x = bs_scan$resul[[paste0(qtl_type, '.lod')]])]


  if (n.cores != 1) {

rcorty/vqtl documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:04 a.m.