
#' @title scanonevar.perm
#' @name scanonevar.perm
#' @author Robert W. Corty \email{rcorty@@gmail.com}
#' @description \code{scanonevar.perm} conducts many permuted forms of
#' the \code{scanonevar} inputted, to assess the statistical significance of the results
#' in the inputted scanonevar in a FWER-controlling manner.
#' @param sov the scanonevar whose significance should be assessed empirically in an FWER-controlling method
#' @param n.perms the number of permutations to do
#' @param random.seed value to start the random number generator at, for reproducibility
#' @param n.cores number of cores to use for the permutations
#' @param silent Should all messaging be suppressed?
#' @return 27599
#' @export
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @examples
#' set.seed(27599)
#' test.cross <- qtl::sim.cross(map = qtl::sim.map(len = rep(20, 5), n.mar = 5), n.ind = 50)
#' scanonevar(cross = test.cross)
scanonevar.perm <- function(sov,
                            random.seed = 27599,
                            n.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 2,
                            silent = TRUE) {


  # no way to split perms over cores...so never use more cores than there are perms
  n.cores <- min(n.cores, n.perms)

  # execute the scan
  result <- scanonevar.perm_(sov = sov[['result']],
                             meta = sov[['meta']],
                             n.perms = n.perms,
                             seed = random.seed,
                             n.cores = n.cores,
                             silent = silent)

  sov <- list(meta = sov[['meta']],
              result = result[['sov']],
              perms = result[['perms']])

  class(sov) <- c('scanonevar', class(sov))

scanonevar.perm_ <- function(sov,
                             silent) {

  this.context.permutation.max.finder <- function(alt.fitter, null.fitter) {
    permutation.max.finder(alt.fitter = alt.fitter,
                           null.fitter = null.fitter,
                           modeling.df = meta$modeling.df,
                           loc.info.df = meta$loc.info.df,
                           genoprob.df = meta$genoprob.df,
                           scan.formulae = meta$scan.formulae,
                           glm_family = meta$glm_family,
                           model = meta$model,
                           cross_type = meta$cross_type,
                           n.perms = n.perms,
                           seed = seed,
                           n.cores = n.cores)

  this.context.model.fitter <- function(...) {
    fit_model(formulae = meta$scan.formulae,
              glm_family = meta$glm_family,
              model = meta$model,

  if (n.cores != 1) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(spec = n.cores)
    doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = cl)

  perms <- list()

  if ('mQTL' %in% meta$scan.types) {
    if (!silent) { message('Starting mean permutations...') }

    mean.lod.maxes <- this.context.permutation.max.finder(
      alt.fitter = function(data, the.perm) {
        this.context.model.fitter(data = data,
                                  the.perm = the.perm,
                                  mean = 'alt',
                                  var = 'alt',
                                  permute_what = 'mean')
      null.fitter = function(data) {
        this.context.model.fitter(data = data,
                                  mean = 'null',
                                  var = 'alt')

    if (!silent) { message('Finished mean permutations...') }
    perms[['mQTL']] <- dplyr::bind_cols(list(test = rep('mQTL', nrow(mean.lod.maxes))),

  if ('vQTL' %in% meta$scan.types) {
    if (!silent) {  message('Starting variance permutations...') }

    var.lod.maxes <- this.context.permutation.max.finder(
      alt.fitter = function(data, the.perm) {
        this.context.model.fitter(data = data,
                                  the.perm = the.perm,
                                  mean = 'alt',
                                  var = 'alt',
                                  permute_what = 'var')
      null.fitter = function(data) {
        this.context.model.fitter(data = data,
                                  mean = 'alt',
                                  var = 'null')

    if (!silent) { message('Finished variance permutations...') }
    perms[['vQTL']] <- dplyr::bind_cols(list(test = rep('vQTL', nrow(var.lod.maxes))),

  if ('mvQTL' %in% meta$scan.types) {
    if (!silent) { message('Starting joint mean-variance permutations...') }
    joint.lod.maxes <- this.context.permutation.max.finder(
      alt.fitter = function(data, the.perm) {
        this.context.model.fitter(data = data,
                                  the.perm = the.perm,
                                  mean = 'alt',
                                  var = 'alt',
                                  permute_what = 'both')
      null.fitter = function(data) {
        this.context.model.fitter(data = data,
                                  mean = 'null',
                                  var = 'null')

    if (!silent) {  message('Finished joint mean-variance permutations...') }
    perms[['mvQTL']] <- dplyr::bind_cols(list(test = rep('mvQTL', nrow(joint.lod.maxes))),

  if (n.cores != 1) {

  perms <- dplyr::bind_rows(perms)
  sov <- calc.empir.ps(sov, perms)

  return(list(sov = sov,
              perms = perms))

permutation.max.finder <- function(alt.fitter,
                                   n.cores) {

  loc.name <- null.ll <- alt.ll <- chr.type <- LOD.score <- 'fake_global_for_CRAN'

  result <- initialize.scanonevar.result_(loc.info.df = loc.info.df,
                                          scan.types = NA,
                                          scan.formulae = scan.formulae)
  result[['null.ll']] <- result[['alt.ll']] <- NA

  # fit the null model across the genome
  for (loc.idx in 1:nrow(result)) {

    # fill modeling.df with the genoprobs at the focal loc
    this.loc.name <- result[['loc.name']][loc.idx]
    loc.genoprobs <- dplyr::filter(.data = genoprob.df,
                                   loc.name == this.loc.name)

    this.loc.modeling.df <- make.loc.specific.modeling.df(general.modeling.df = modeling.df,
                                                          loc.genoprobs = loc.genoprobs,
                                                          model.formulae = scan.formulae,
                                                          cross_type = cross_type)

    null.fit <- null.fitter(data = this.loc.modeling.df)

    result[['null.ll']][loc.idx] <- tryNA(log_lik(null.fit))

  # n.perms times, fit the alternative model with the focal locus permuted
  # subtract null ll to compute LOD score at each locus
  # take the max of the LOD scores

  # single core version
  if (n.cores == 1) {

    max.lods <- list()
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.perms, style = 3)

    for (perm.idx in 1:n.perms) {

      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = perm.idx)
      set.seed(seed = seed + perm.idx)
      the.perm <- sample(x = nrow(this.loc.modeling.df))

      for (loc.idx in 1:nrow(result)) {

        # fill modeling.df with the genoprobs at the focal loc
        this.loc.name <- result[['loc.name']][loc.idx]
        loc.genoprobs <- dplyr::filter(.data = genoprob.df,
                                       loc.name == this.loc.name)

        this.loc.modeling.df <- make.loc.specific.modeling.df(general.modeling.df = modeling.df,
                                                              loc.genoprobs = loc.genoprobs,
                                                              model.formulae = scan.formulae,
                                                              cross_type = cross_type)

        alt.fit <- alt.fitter(data = this.loc.modeling.df, the.perm = the.perm)

        result[['alt.ll']][loc.idx] <- tryNA(log_lik(alt.fit))

      maxes <- result %>%
        dplyr::mutate(LOD.score = LOD_from_LLs(null_ll = null.ll, alt_ll = alt.ll)) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(chr.type) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(max.lod = max(LOD.score, na.rm = TRUE))

      max.lods[[perm.idx]] <- maxes

  # multi-core version
  if (n.cores > 1) {

    max.lods <- foreach::foreach(perm.idx = 1:n.perms,
                                 # .combine = 'c',
                                 .packages = c('qtl', 'vqtl')) %dopar% {

      set.seed(seed = seed + perm.idx)
      the.perm <- sample(x = nrow(this.loc.modeling.df))

      for (loc.idx in 1:nrow(result)) {

        # fill modeling.df with the genoprobs at the focal loc
        this.loc.name <- result[['loc.name']][loc.idx]
        loc.genoprobs <- dplyr::filter(.data = genoprob.df,
                                       loc.name == this.loc.name)

        this.loc.modeling.df <- make.loc.specific.modeling.df(general.modeling.df = modeling.df,
                                                              loc.genoprobs = loc.genoprobs,
                                                              model.formulae = scan.formulae,
                                                              cross_type = cross_type)

        alt.fit <- alt.fitter(data = this.loc.modeling.df,
                              the.perm = the.perm)

        result[['alt.ll']][loc.idx] <- tryNA(log_lik(alt.fit))

      maxes <- result %>%
        dplyr::mutate(LOD.score = LOD_from_LLs(null_ll = null.ll, alt_ll = alt.ll)) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(chr.type) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(max.lod = max(LOD.score, na.rm = TRUE))



calc.empir.ps <- function(sov, perms) {

  test <- chr.type <- fitted <- max.lod <- 'fake_global_for_CRAN'

  tests <- unique(perms[['test']])
  chr.types <- unique(perms[['chr.type']])

  for (this.test in tests) {

    for (this.chr.type in chr.types) {
      the.evd <- perms %>% dplyr::filter(test == this.test, chr.type == this.chr.type) %>% dplyr::pull(max.lod) %>% stats::na.exclude() %>% evd::fgev(std.err = FALSE)
      idxs <- sov[['chr.type']] == this.chr.type

      sov[[paste0(this.test, '.empir.p')]][idxs] <- evd::pgev(q = sov[[paste0(this.test, '.lod')]][idxs],
                                                              loc = fitted(the.evd)[1],
                                                              scale = fitted(the.evd)[2],
                                                              shape = fitted(the.evd)[3],
                                                              lower.tail = FALSE)

rcorty/vqtl documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:04 a.m.