
# this file is meant to replace main tracing function to properly update the imports environemnts
# the appropriate patch already went in R 3.3.0, so this is needed only for previous versions
# nocov start
TraceWithMethods <- function (what, tracer = NULL, exit = NULL, at = numeric(), print = TRUE,
                               signature = NULL, where = .GlobalEnv, edit = FALSE, from = NULL,
                               untrace = FALSE, classMethod = FALSE)
    if (is.function(where)) {
        if (is(where, "genericFunction"))
            where <- parent.env(environment(where))
        else where <- environment(where)
        fromPackage <- getPackageName(where)
    else fromPackage <- ""
    doEdit <- !identical(edit, FALSE)
    whereF <- NULL
    pname <- character()
    def <- NULL
    tracingWhere <- "in package"
    refCase <- isS4(where) && (is(where, "envRefClass") || is(where,
    if (refCase) {
        if (!is.null(signature))
            stop("argument 'signature' is not meaningful for tracing reference methods")
        .where <- where
        if (is(.where, "refGeneratorSlot") && !classMethod)
            .where <- .where$def
        if (is(.where, "refClassRepresentation")) {
            pname <- .where@className
            .where <- .where@refMethods
            tracingWhere <- "for class"
        else {
            tracingWhere <- "for object from class"
            pname <- class(.where)
        def <- eval(substitute(.dollarForEnvRefClass(.where,
        if (!is(def, "refMethodDef")) {
            thisName <- substitute(what)
            stop(gettextf("%s is not a method for reference class %s",
                          sQuote(as.character(if (is.symbol(thisName)) thisName else what)),
                          dQuote(class(where))), domain = NA)
        what <- def@name
        whereF <- .where
    else if (is.function(what)) {
        def <- what
        if (is(def, "genericFunction")) {
            what <- def@generic
            whereF <- .genEnv(what, where)
            pname <- def@package
        else {
            fname <- substitute(what)
            if (is.name(fname)) {
                what <- as.character(fname)
                temp <- .findFunEnvAndName(what, where)
                whereF <- temp$whereF
                pname <- temp$pname
            else if (is.call(fname) && identical(fname[[1L]],
                                                 as.name("::"))) {
                whereF <- as.character(fname[[2L]])
                require(whereF, character.only = TRUE)
                whereF <- as.environment(paste("package", whereF,
                                               sep = ":"))
                pname <- fname[[2L]]
                what <- as.character(fname[[3L]])
            else if (is.call(fname) && identical(fname[[1L]],
                                                 as.name(":::"))) {
                pname <- paste(fname[[2L]], "(not-exported)")
                whereF <- loadNamespace(as.character(fname[[2L]]))
                what <- as.character(fname[[3L]])
            else stop("argument 'what' should be the name of a function")
    else {
        what <- as(what, "character")
        if (length(what) != 1) {
            for (f in what) {
                if (nargs() == 1)
                else Recall(f, tracer, exit, at, print, signature,
                            where, edit, from, untrace)
        temp <- .findFunEnvAndName(what, where, signature)
        whereF <- temp$whereF
        pname <- temp$pname
    if (what %in% .InvalidTracedFunctions)
        stop(gettextf("tracing the internal function %s is not allowed",
    if (.traceTraceState) {
        message(".TraceWithMethods: after computing what, whereF",
                domain = NA)
    if (nargs() == 1)
    if (is.null(whereF)) {
        allWhere <- findFunction(what, where = where)
        if (length(allWhere) == 0)
            stop(gettextf("no function definition for %s found",
                          sQuote(what)), domain = NA)
        whereF <- as.environment(allWhere[[1L]])
    if (is.null(tracer) && is.null(exit) && identical(edit, FALSE))
        tracer <- quote({
    if (is.null(def))
        def <- getFunction(what, where = whereF)
    if (is(def, "traceable") && identical(edit, FALSE) && !untrace)
        def <- .untracedFunction(def)
    if (!is.null(signature)) {
        fdef <- if (is.primitive(def))
            getGeneric(what, TRUE, where)
        else def
        def <- selectMethod(what, signature, fdef = fdef, optional = TRUE)
        if (is.null(def)) {
            warning(gettextf("cannot untrace method for %s; no method defined for this signature: %s",
                             sQuote(what), paste(signature, collapse = ", ")),
                    domain = NA)
        signature <- def@target
    if (untrace) {
        if (.traceTraceState) {
            message(".TraceWithMethods: untrace case", domain = NA)
        if (is.null(signature)) {
            if (is(def, "traceable")) {
                newFun <- .untracedFunction(def)
            else {
        else {
            if (is(def, "traceable"))
                newFun <- .untracedFunction(def)
            else {
                warning(gettextf("the method for %s for this signature was not being traced",
                                 sQuote(what)), domain = NA)
    else {
        if (!is.null(exit)) {
            if (is.function(exit)) {
                tname <- substitute(exit)
                if (is.name(tname))
                    exit <- tname
                exit <- substitute(TRACE(), list(TRACE = exit))
        if (!is.null(tracer)) {
            if (is.function(tracer)) {
                tname <- substitute(tracer)
                if (is.name(tname))
                    tracer <- tname
                tracer <- substitute(TRACE(), list(TRACE = tracer))
        original <- .untracedFunction(def)
        traceClass <- .traceClassName(class(original))
        if (is.null(getClassDef(traceClass)))
            traceClass <- .makeTraceClass(traceClass, class(original))
        if (doEdit && is.environment(edit)) {
            def <- .findNewDefForTrace(what, signature, edit,
            environment(def) <- environment(original)
            if (is.null(c(tracer, exit))) {
                newFun <- new(traceClass, original)
                newFun@.Data <- def
            else {
                newFun <- new(traceClass, def = def, tracer = tracer,
                              exit = exit, at = at, print = print, doEdit = FALSE)
                newFun@original <- original
            newFun@source <- edit
        else newFun <- new(traceClass, def = if (doEdit)
            else original, tracer = tracer, exit = exit, at = at,
            print = print, doEdit = edit)
    global <- identical(whereF, .GlobalEnv)
    if (.traceTraceState) {
        message(".TraceWithMethods: about to assign or setMethod",
                domain = NA)
    if (is.null(signature)) {
        if (bindingIsLocked(what, whereF))
            .assignOverBinding(what, newFun, whereF, global)
        else assign(what, newFun, whereF)
        if (length(pname) != 0) {
            pname <- gsub("namespace:(.*)", "\\1", pname)
            ## update the function also in "imports:" environments of already
            ## loaded packages that import package "pname"
            for(importingPkg in getNamespaceUsers(pname)) {
                testr:::updateInImportsEnv(what, newFun, importingPkg)
        if (length(grep("[^.]+[.][^.]+", what)) > 0) {
            S3MTableName <- ".__S3MethodsTable__."
            tracedFun <- get(what, envir = whereF, inherits = TRUE)
            if (exists(S3MTableName, envir = whereF, inherits = FALSE)) {
                tbl <- get(S3MTableName, envir = whereF, inherits = FALSE)
                if (exists(what, envir = tbl, inherits = FALSE))
                    assign(what, tracedFun, envir = tbl)
    else {
        if (untrace && is(newFun, "MethodDefinition") && !identical(newFun@target,
            newFun <- NULL
        setMethod(fdef, signature, newFun, where = baseenv())
    if (!global) {
        action <- if (untrace)
        else "Tracing"
        nameSpaceCase <- FALSE
        location <- if (.identC(fromPackage, "")) {
            if (length(pname) == 0 && !is.null(whereF))
                pname <- getPackageName(whereF)
            nameSpaceCase <- isNamespace(whereF) && !is.na(match(pname,
                                                                 loadedNamespaces())) && identical(whereF, getNamespace(pname))
            if (length(pname) == 0)
            else {
                if (nameSpaceCase)
                    paste0(" in environment <namespace:", pname,
                else paste0(" ", tracingWhere, " \"", pname,
        else paste0(" as seen from package \"", fromPackage,
        object <- if (refCase)
            "reference method"
        else if (is.null(signature))
        else "specified method for function"
        object <- paste0(" ", object, " \"", what, "\" ")
        .message(action, object, location)
        if (nameSpaceCase && !untrace && exists(what, envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
            untcall <- paste("untrace(\"", what, "\", where = getNamespace(\"",
                             pname, "\"))", sep = "")
            .message("Warning: Tracing only in the namespace; to untrace you will need:\n    ",
                     untcall, "\n")

getImportsEnv <- function(pkg) {
    iname = paste("imports:", pkg, sep="")
    empty = emptyenv()
    env = asNamespace(pkg)
    while(!identical(env, empty)) {
        if (identical(attr(env, "name"), iname))
        env = parent.env(env)

updateInImportsEnv <- function(what, newFun, importingPkg) {
    where = getImportsEnv(importingPkg)
    if (!is.null(where) && (what %in% names(where))) {
        methods:::.assignOverBinding(what, newFun, where, FALSE)

replace_trace <- function() {
    assign(".TraceWithMethods", as.environment("package:methods"))
    unlockBinding(".TraceWithMethods", getNamespace("methods"))
    environment(TraceWithMethods) <- getNamespace("methods")
    assign(".TraceWithMethods", TraceWithMethods, getNamespace("methods"))
    lockBinding(".TraceWithMethods", getNamespace("methods"))
    cache$trace_replaced <- TRUE

#' @title Refresh decoration
#' @description In cases when a function that is being traced is used through imports namespace
#' by a package that is being loaded, the package won't get the correct copy, which results in
#' the information loss. This function is hooked up to the library, to be run upon exist and
#' check what functions might need redecoration, to propagate correct version to imports namespace.
#' @param pkg package
refresh_decoration <- function(pkg) {
    ienv <- getImportsEnv(pkg)
    need_redecoration <- intersect(ls(ienv), names(.decorated))
    sapply(need_redecoration, undecorate)
    sapply(need_redecoration, decorate)
# nocov end
reactorlabs/genthat documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:07 a.m.