
#' @title Check if function is S3 generic
#' @description Determine if function has a call to UseMethod. In that case there is no need to capture it.
#' @param fname function name
#' @param env environment to check aganist. Default \code{.GlobalEnv}
#' @seealso Decorate
is_s3_generic <- function(fname, env=.GlobalEnv) {
    f <- get(fname, mode = "function", envir = env)
    if (is.null(body(f))) return(FALSE)
    uses <- codetools::findGlobals(f, merge = FALSE)$functions
    any(uses == "UseMethod")

#' @title Clean temporary directory
#' @description Make sure temp dir is empty by deleting unnecessary files
clean_temp <- function() {
    for (file in list.files(cache$temp_dir, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.RData|\\.[rR]$")) {

#' @title Parse and evaluate
#' @description Function that wraps parse(eval(...)) call with tryCatch
#' @param what text to be parse and evaluate
parse_eval <- function(what) {
        error=function(e) {

#' @title Quote language from evaluation
#' @description In certain cases, language arguments (like calls), need to be quoated
#' @param arg list of arguments
quoter <- function(arg) {
    if (is.list(arg)) {
        org.attrs <- attributes(arg)
        res <- lapply(arg, function(x) if(is.language(x)) enquote(x) else quoter(x))
        attributes(res) <- org.attrs
    else arg

#' @title Removes prefixes and quote from line
#' @description Used for processing capture file information. Deletes prefixes to get essential information
#' @param l input line
#' @seealso ProcessClosure
substr_line <- function(l){
    if (grepl("^quote\\(", l)){
        ret.line <- strsplit(l, "\\(")[[1]][2];
        if (substr(ret.line, nchar(ret.line), nchar(ret.line)) == ")")
            ret.line <- substr(ret.line, 0, nchar(ret.line) - 1)
    } else {
        ret.line <- substr(l, 7, nchar(l))

#' @title Check line's starting prefix
#' @description Check if line starts with prefix
#' @param prefix prefix
#' @param x text to be checked
#' @seealso GenerateTC
starts_with <- function(prefix, x) {
    grepl(paste("^", prefix, sep=""), x)

#' @title Find test directory for package
#' @description Find a known test location for the package
#' @param path package path
#' @seealso CapturePackage
find_tests <- function(path) {
    testthat <- file.path(path, "tests", "testthat")
    if (file.exists(testthat) && file.info(testthat)$isdir) {
    inst <- file.path(path, "inst", "tests")
    if (file.exists(inst) && file.info(inst)$isdir) {
    warning("No testthat directories found in ", path, call. = FALSE)

#' @title Reassing object in the namespace
#' @description Record that particual line was executed.
#' Used in statement coverage, needed for namespace replacement
#' @param name name of an object to be replaced
#' @param obj object that will be put in the environment
#' @param env environment to be replaced in
reassing_in_env <- function(name, obj, env) {
    if (exists(name, env)) {
        if (bindingIsLocked(name, env)) {
            unlockBinding(name, env)
            assign(name, obj, envir = env)
            lockBinding(name, env)
        } else {
            assign(name, obj, envir = env)

#' @title Get function name without special characters
#' @description This function is respinsible for extractng function name from test file name and removing special characters
#' @param filename filename to be processed
#' @param modify.characters if special characters should be removed
extract_func_name <- function(filename, modify.characters = TRUE){
    fname <- filename
    if (grepl(".[rR]$", filename)) {
        fname <- gsub("(.*)tc_(.*)_(.*).R", "\\2", filename)
    if (fname %in% operators) {
        fname <- "operators"
    if (modify.characters){
        fname <- gsub("\\.", "", fname)
        fname <- gsub("<-", "assign_", fname)
        fname <- gsub("\\[", "extract_parentasis_", fname)
        fname <- gsub("\\$", "extract_dollar_", fname)
        fname <- gsub("\\+", "plus_", fname)
        fname <- gsub("\\-", "minus_", fname)
        fname <- gsub("&", "and_", fname)
        fname <- gsub("\\*", "times_", fname)

#' @title Parse function names from objects
#' @description  Parses given function names to a list of name, package characters.
#' If package is not specified, NA is returned instead of its name.
#' @param ... Functions either as character vectors, or package:::function expressions.
#' @return List of parsed package and function names as characters.
parseFunctionNames <- function(...) {
    recover <- function(e) {
        a <- args[[i]]
        if (is.name(a)) {
            result[[i]] <<- c(name = as.character(a), package = NA)
        } else if (is.language(a) && length(a) == 3 && as.character(a[[1]]) %in% c(":::", "::")) {
            result[[i]] <<- c(name = as.character(a[[3]]), package = as.character(a[[2]]))
        } else {
            stop(paste("Invalid argument index", i));
    args <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
    i <- 1
    result <- list()
    result[length(args)] <- NULL
    while (i <= length(args)) {
            x <- eval(as.name(paste("..",i,sep="")))
            if (is.character(x)) {
                # it is a character vector, use its value
                x <- strsplit(x, ":::")[[1]]
                if (length(x) == 1) {
                    x <- strsplit(x, "::")[[1]]
                    if (length(x) == 1)
                        x <- list(NA, x)
                if (x[[2]] == "")
                    x[[2]] <- ":::"
                result[[i]] <- c(name = x[[2]], package = x[[1]])
            } else {
                stop("Use substitured value")
        }, error = recover)
        i <- i + 1

#' @title Returns names of functions defined in given file(s)
#' @description Analyses given file, or files if directory
#' is supplied for all functions defined in global scope and returns their names as character vector.
#' @param src.root A source file to be analyzed, or a directory containing source files (*.R or *.r) to be analyzed.
#' @param recursive TRUE if subdirectories should be scanned too.
#' @return Character vector of function names defined in the file.
list_functions <- function(src.root, recursive = TRUE) {
    functions = character()
    if (file.info(src.root)$isdir)
        src.root <- list.files(src.root, pattern = "[rR]$", recursive = recursive, full.names = T)
    for (src.file in src.root) {
        exp <- parse(src.file)
        for (e in exp) {
            if (typeof(e) == "language" && e[[1]] == as.name("<-") && is.name(e[[2]])) {
                name <- e[[2]]
                what <- e[[3]]
                if (typeof(what) == "language" && what[[1]] == as.name("function")) {
                    functions = c(functions, as.character(name))

split_path <- function(path) {
    setdiff(strsplit(path,"/|\\\\")[[1]], "")

extract_example <- function(ex) {
    sapply(ex, function(x) x[[1]])

example_code <- function(fromFile) {
    code <- tools::parse_Rd(fromFile)
    code <- code[sapply(code, function(x) attr(x, "Rd_tag") == "\\examples")]
    result = ""
    for (cc in code)
        result = c(result, extract_example(cc))
reactorlabs/r-tests-old-version documentation built on May 17, 2019, 1:58 p.m.